Page fous RAMSAY'S PAINTS VARNISHES For Sale by SILVERSII.ES HROS. HOSIERY for SPRING in all the new shades Utility $1.00 to $2.50 Chiffon $2.23 "D Phone 27. emers I'.O. ISox .127. MI L K From Rulkley Valley FKESH MILK AND WHIPPING CHEAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phones G5G and 637 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone C3 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnitum Moving. Dr.J.R.Gosse DENTIST HelgerHon Mock X'-Kay Service. Open Phone G8G. ANGER, the TAILOR Suits made to order. In our shop as low as $50 223 Sixth Street I j BRINGING UP FATHER L. I lift. PiCf 1NJ TMATtlT l An augmented choir will present the cantata "Olivet to Calgary" In Knox Dnlted Church on Good Friday evening. Solo parts will be taken by Mrs. The city, has derived a profit of $3.- 350.50 through the sale of 3.000 worth of P.QE. bonds which were bought several years ago for sinking fund. The proceeds from this sale will be applied to the purchase of Prince George city bonds maturing In 1930. George Cowan, an employee of the Cranbrook mill, Is in hospital here suffering from fractures and concussions hlch he sustained, when a team ran away, throwing him from a wagon, at the mill. Russell A. Mitchell, A. Mitchell, Leo. Compton, Pete Lequam. W. M. Ander- Eon and J. M. Ferris, all sustained more or less serious Injuries when a car in which they were driving went over the bank of the Prater River and landed on the Ice. They were fortunate, how ever, that the accident occurred at the spot where It did for if they had been1 thrown into the open waters of the river, the consequences might easily have been more serious. The Ladies- Curling Club held a de lightful dinner on Tuesday night In the Prince George Hotel with 125 ladles present. Various trophies won during the past season were presented to their respective owners and music and dancing kept up till an early hour in the morning. Mrs. A. H. Booth, president of the club, occupied the chair. The capacity of the ballroom of lh Prince George Hotel was taxed to capacity on Wednesday when Douglas Lay, resident mining engineer, addressed the local Board of Trade. Encouraged by statements of yr. ley, several pros pecting groups, ft Is understood, will be formed here to go Into the Topley district this summer. Some, 1500 -was raised as a result of a cabaret entertainment put on at the end of last week by the Prince George Athletic Association, .. The money wilt be used towards Atie. defraying of .the expenses of the local hockey team which won .the intermediate cliamplonshlp jpl tiie -'pawnee during the pasi 'winter?, r Eight tie makers and six log cutters were sent to Burns Lake this week by G. C. Sinclair, local employment agent! These will probably be the last tie makers to take employment in the dts- trlct this season. The transfer of the housing loan of J. :M. Gibson, retiring district forester here, to his succcmor. C. D. Orchard has been approved by the city council Mr. Gibson has left with Mrs. Gibson and family for Victoria where he will take a lrew "post with-1 the department, With the Canadian Legion's beauty contest now nearlng its close, the win ncr to be crowned queen at a ball to be held on April 27. Miss Ina Allen and Miss Alma GrundaU are making a close run for first place. The last count stood as follows: Miss Allen. 0873: Miss Qrundall, 0514; Miss 'Muriel Rogers, 6278; M!g Rose Woods, 2020. Mr. and Mrs. Hayward of Newlands entertained at a party In honor of the birthday of their daughter. Dora. Many residents of the district were in at' tendance. The Male Glee Club sprung a surprise party on Tuesday evening in honor of W. J. Pitman. During the evening, he was presented by W, Bexon, president of the club, with a smoking cabinet as a mark of appreciation for his untiring efforts in connection with the club. Bednestl Lake may come Into its own as a popular summer resort. Pl,arui have liecn drawn up for at least one linpos- jont you l,uwa I xr:;?,xYM .JW. -iC PRINCE GEORGE Tr. mill rut lor Uie year has been , set at 55 by the city councl. This Is' the same as last year but a reduction In taxation will come a a result of the assessment ha Ting been cut 10 per cent The total requirements ol all municipal service for the year, except ' light and water, are set at H17.099.02 , and the estimated revenue Is put at . S54.444, leaving a balance of S3.099,0. ! to be raised by taxation. Prince George , people will also enjoy substantial reductions in electric light cbarges this year. The Prince Oeorge branch of the Canadian Legion is calling for tenders for an Imposing club building to be erected here. Donald Stevenson has received word of the death of his mother, Mrs. Charlotte Sarah Stevenson, in Hull. England. The late Mrs. Stevenson was a direct deccendent of Sar George Rooke. the British officer who captured Gibraltar In 1704. Prince Oeorge voters will go to the polls on Monday to cast their bsiiota ; on the water extension bylaw. There will be a special meeting of the council following, the pairing to give the bylaw Its final passage if It Is approved. Major W. A. Carrut&ers of Wrangell, Alaska, divisional commander of the Salvation Army in Northern B.C. and Alaska, will be here during the Easter season and will conduct special services. The Smltbers District B3ard of Trade has asked the pravlncial government to establish a game sanctuary in the Lake Kathlyn area. It Is also being asked that the season for fishing in the lake be not opened until May 24 Instead of May 1 and that the bag limit be fixed Another request is .that all of 1927 be made a close season for grouse The Canadian National Railway pas senger -department has advised the local board of' trade that another excursion of southern British Columbia people, to the number of about ISO, will be run through Smlthers during the coming summer. The local Board bl Trade will bold a dinner and meeting on Monday night SXSTIX1 T.r i a .. . f D fl MI1.K The Sinlthers Conservative Assorts- Hen has elected officers for the year as fellows: honorary presides. Hon. Hugh Guthrie: honorary vlee-preakle&ts. How iDr. 8. r. Tolmie. MP. and J. C. Brady, MP.; president. J W Turner: first i president. Lieut. -Col. R- L. Gale, M.C.: second vice-pmtdent. 3. O. Stephens: secretary. H M. Matthews: executive Judge Robertson has offered to donate ;or. c. H. Haukinwm. W. J. OTJeBI. a cup or shield for annual competition i chailes Morris. L. 8. MCOU1. Dr. R. "C on the part of members of the curling j nhmford H. D Thasnjison. C. E. Doo-elut) next season. i little. A. Mrln R. Rrtd and W. J. Klrton. The Prince George Board of Trade Is asking that the date for the organl-tatien fleeting of a Central British Columbia Associated Boards of Trade be set forward from April to June. The Boards concerned in the matter are being communicated with. The Smtthera Board of Trede feds etigMed by the fact that, while it sent an Invitation last fall to the Bdmooton Board of Trade to visit here, no return Invitation has been sent to Smltbers in connection wMh the trip that will afeortly be ayade by Prince Rupert delegates to the Alberta capital. Mias Zada Palmbom, RJ1., baa ar rived from Prince Rupert to relieve on the staff of the local hospital during the absence of Mias Peterson who has left to spend a holiday at her home to Naaaimo. This district has been experlenentt cxtfemely bad weather for this time of year. At night there has been much no recall the month of January and the frost Is not thawed until noon. rvrral heavy snowfalls have gone te make conditions even more dtaagreeable. Mrs. K. E. Blrnle ha returned to Smlthers titer having spent several months v tatting in various parts of the province, more recently betag at llaaal- ton. - i TERRACE II. H. - HallowcU arrived from the cast on Monday to look after business Interests here. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Kttmey entertain rd a .uuihbcr -of their rlonds pri Mon- in the Bulkley Valfey Hotel. The affair day eveuug when six tables of , bridge being arranged by J. a. Biepnensj were engage. "Htn score ueuig maar cjwlnnan pt 'jjhe , board cntertammentj by Mrs Ardajsh and O. T. Suudal committee. iwainiy reiresnmrnv - were joyeo 101 lowing the game. Judgment has been given by Judge I Robertson In the case, of the estate of I Considerable snow ha fallen here the late John Aldrich, v. H. U' Len-f during the last few day and Is play- hart of Hard ton. The plaintiff Is.lng havoc with the roads neftln. Road awarded the sum of 1250 which the 'making and repairing., commenced on executors of the estate claimed was a April 1 but has had to be discontinued loan. .owing to unusual weather contUtlons. W. II. Tobey, CJfI.R superintendent. S Cooper, newlv appointed forest has written to the local Board of Trade tmniter in thin district, lias rented the munis ruin better luch onbaked UNSwCtTtNCD twttTthlO Moth in Council by I he mnkeri Nctlli't Baby rood WfAMTEO rX)tl CASH. UODEnN 1IOU6E or Bungalow, fairly 'clom' In. No 1 agents. Apply staling price and loca tion to nnx 34. Dally News ofure. 8S WANTED SECOND HAND OAK DININO table and chairs with brown leather seats. Apply P.O. Box M7, city. ta AGENTS WANTED j MAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVEL AND appoint local representaUvea Ml weekly average and expense, aad eemmlsskiH beakles. Experience unnecessary. Write for parttcuttnt. Winston Oo.. Toronto. FOK SALE ailA NETTERS. TROL1XR3 AND Launch Owners. Yon are invited to vlstt Parker's garage. Third Avenue East, to see in operation the Ford Marine Motor, th lowest priced 0e-pendable 14 h.p. motor on the market. It's wide range of speed. cepUonal flrxlbrnty. economical ofier-atton and low priced replacement part, place It In a eia by ItaeM. S. E. PARKER. LTD. Ford Dealers fX3R SALE. LOTS 1 3. BLOCK 20. Section 6. Finest double corner on Sixth Avenue, located only one block from the Booth School. Ideal arafie for building purposes. May be had on your own terms a I need the money. Small monthly payments would be accepted. Bos . Dally New office. 84 j FOR SALE. SUITE OF SOLID SPAN- t mahogany chairs, upbohrteeed In neat Spanish leather: imported from Eurpoe. Will ell at a fr price. This class of good got up In value, as It Is very rare. A. ,MacKenrie. Furniture. Phone 77S. 84 FOR SALE. LOTS 28 AND 20. BLOCK 1. Secton 2, on Graham Avenue. Taxes paid until June 30. 60 by M feet cleared. Owner wUl sell for 050.00 cash. Phone Blue 128. SI FOR BALE. ENGLISH COTTAOE piano; Vietrola: Axmtiuter carpet; household furniture. Phone Blue 710 OPPORTUNITY I 5 .00 A MONTH NOW buys your future homemte. Walker4! Music Store. - FOR BALE. SOLID OAK DAVENPORT. almost hew. Phone Green 347. 84 AUCTION SALE AUCTION 6AI.E WILL BE HELD ON Saturday, April 0, at 230 pin. at 844 Bummlt Ave. (entrance east ld Of 82) Borden Street) cotutiaUitg of beds, 'spring and mattresses, Oon-goleum rUg. range, klulien (Able nd linoleum. All these articles have been in use only two week. Also lieater, bureau, Morris chair, Yukon bed pictures, etc. Pltilpott, Evltt At Co. Ltd., Auctioneer. 83 home of Mrs. J. Klrkaldy near town and will move his family from Francois Lake to Terrace In the near future, Joe Bpltr.t returned on Tuesday from Carnahy: r The BD. Bridge Club met on Tues dy evening at the honie of Mrs. Harry King with Mis Peter a hostess. Arrangements are now under way for an oriental pageant to be staged Progress Hall on Wednesday. April 20, unaer me auspices of tho Angllean (JliUrVh. Rev. and .Mrs. A. W, Robinson are directing the affair and are lonniug their many beoutlful oriental ooslume for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs,,, Wm, v Vanderjlp. Jr, went to Prince Rujicrt on Ttiesday and returned liome on Wednesday. A on wiuj ,lrn nit Wedneiduv. ADrll 0, .to Mr. and Mrs. J' 11 Auai or -r..,. lmu race. Miss Mnrlnnne Schmuck returned on Tuesdfty from a visit with Mr M( Mr Iw John BpitKl at Cornaby. j IIBaiHTITClUNG By George McMannj 2 SMnSufferers ftyThis 1 Minute Test Are tou tormented with the agony of a burning. Itching skin which sreras to defy relief f Do you surfer iron eczema, pimples, ulcus, aad other forms of skia troubles? At no risk toyou. we invite you to try this one ram ure test: Come to our store and get a bottle of I). D. U. on tnaL Gently waia the itching portion of your skin with DD.IV prescription, the antiseptic besting kxion. Then watch for results. If you do not experience that calm, cool sensation, if that itch is not itcpfmJ io owmrakreiurt bring the bottle back aul your money wui dc : i refunded at ona. EL lotion for Shin Disease oi:mi:h i.imitkk. R. A. Harlow. Mrs. C. C. Reld. J. Quayle and George Milburn. Mrs. A. Hutchin- lln8 tnictHr wliich wUl have son will sing two solos during the m-' modern conveniences and equipment. tcrval. ! announcing that better approaches will i be provided by the company to the UtatlonVat Xke Kathlyn and Evelyn. The provincial department of public! works will carry out an rr tenure pro-1 grant of "ork this year on the WHtarla-, ItbUsteti lroad- it H leansed here There ; is alto i possibility that some work will bedorie on the" road from the Uablne to Telkwa and Smlthera BaskefTiall jamea played In Smtthers during 'tiie' past wtmtar nHd a profH of vh amoHflM at the aanwali mrotlnjf ere-"h 'Maridsy nigbt. ror jaic. For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken fo lot than 50c WANTED lEUfTlTCiriNO PKOTINO SCAIIOP-ine. Dollsr SUrr PI ir HjI :',34 AlXTIONKKH ' Place and iten-rlrr-i n f Brine AucUoim r FOII KENT MCE LAROE ROOM TO lifM W MODteH BVKN ROOM IlorHK "OH Rent at 1M Fifth A-i, i Weat PhNbr Bed TS0 u FOR RENT srVTN ROOMED MODERN houe r.-M.. 73:. M ROOMS TO RKNT PflOKE 7 BOARD. THE INLANDER Second Averm Phone in LOST- ptew MareaUmg Msnirtinii calp Treatment MM". I. Mtttl! 67 Third Avenue Dy AppoinOnrnt piiope m IXIMIVKIV il'KMTIKI. IV(lltN4lE iirtmutty A- liagunii. pmprlrlor 144 Third Avenue I'bpne IHm-Ii 4 : 1 Furniture of all norty !ti:-(.i ild o- ''" Bxchauged UP1I0I.STKHIN; FURNITURE MRPAIR1NO. T7PHOL- sterlnf or' all klmla Chertepflrtd rrccTrd and irmde to tiroer. All worlj guaranteed Phone Oreen am O. M. IfOMT. ! WOOD A mrao' Seal f,i,e. Mlsd Wood lork per load asm Klndlm. per IihmI tr 60 Furnace Wvi, per load t 0 Delivered alt Herring I'tuine lllnrk 411 KESTAUKANTS KATN I'Ali: Mr. Onsr. Proprtetrr-i Tlilrd Avh)U, Next O. W. V. A. liMirt lli.nie (Vjokeit MenN. Plione Blark TflO TAXI Phone f." Tnxl (Call George. Paul or Gut) Six ant! Revon rapnjter Stude-lin kern at your (llsptmal any tlm. ItOSS KlttfS. POOL (()()M Mocker Work. ( Acro.M from Rinnr Hotel. . PKINCE KUPEirr TIDES )4 4- 4 M F. DeKergammcaux ha purchased the TIM KHIIAV, Al'Itlt. 7 lot directly east of the building he U'"8h 4 BS ftJn. now using a a ahoo repairing sliop and! 1U:'I P-tn. Is nt present rlrnrlng It piepnralory to."0 l:8a.m, erecting n combined home and work shop, I II I'll High 23 :86 p tn. 108 ft. 10.7 " 4.0 " 0.8 "' I KIIIAY. Al-llll. 8 .'. no ii m ifl.Q ft, io 44 p.m. ir, rJ 12 45 pm. o.o M MTI ItllAY, Al-llll, 0 7 1 nm. 10.8 ft. 21 09 p.m 15.0 " o :,u ii m jn ii '4 'in p. m (j.9" MUC I n,l .. I ound, MAIL SCHEDULE Ml T-4MIISO i'nr I be I jkI MruuUfa, Wrdi. .i NOTICE OF SALE - LET 08 A! L OO Tu Vm,lrr to that sale ort tin M pa Bunij .... TiMMiays . Tliur ocl.'V . 8ti:ti1.iT. . Ar.l !J 11 . rtm '-liu mall i- (. Vsti. nuvri it Uullil t V private home uiut u,t nl iian -.ra gtuja,, by C N R Oeod location T'j rh A.ue.T. A,4 ,lM Alh Vn; Waal. Pbonr Blnrk III j nuny, ron HrB..-.potiR roomed fuituw?,,-"t" , ... . . i la MMin and Premier with rannr. 15fl0 Ajjwy kii K. B. ,... ,. E.iiidy . Kai'.:.0y T II. MmnMn and Nu Ri T)uirdj . To tl-l lolni A.r ; , It. 29 FIVE ROOMED FLAT FOR trV7 IN ' ft llwern I httMln- Wallace BkH.k: some f.rii '.'in Piruei April . SI Black in SO: iN-fOMCt. ' " lrm the Mt FOR RBirr F'JRNKHED APARTMBHT I TiwMim. Thursdnv t r by the da week or moiiih Phone! i .. . Rd 807 If I rum Vanroatrr ' I Bunds vs ... ruitniE ten wtJTTES ""JITtch rrw htit Apply Mtnuuiiitn Oroeery -BUNCH f retun: 1IOAKI) LOST Phon It. OP KEYS FIND BR to DbUj Np ftce IU.AI TV I'tKUlU Wrdneli.fs . . Thurd.) lUiiirdsy . . Air.l R 16, 29 Inmi Anif auti Alir tf! 'TudT liiuriaf Innn Mrasrt and Prrml Tne-ir HuildSJ . . Frum It. Almp-Mt and N ' Hatuitfaya . . lrHti 4Uka palnl- April i. tt Irani ii (liarlotlr- A:n l 7. tl , iMiv (ouirrio'T lOnirieiN tt Atlin Ave. 1 1st A At 8th St jetb Ate At Fulton St 1 8th ve A- Thorapvin 1 1 It ti it Hhctbrm k A Hit: Ave At Cunrnri 8 ; 9' Ave it Usys ( !0th It Hy Oove fir. S'h Ave ! Ootton K' 5th Ave ve A,- A- MtBrid 81 OovN. Bldf Prv Oo Wharf O TP Wharf ... OTP Ws'ion .... I 2nd Ave. Ac 2nd Bt Srd Ase. U Fulton St jfd, Ave. Ai Cth Bt j Sttoday collect lor 'ai:; day only STEAMSHIP MOVEMB lf t ant oiitrr- ' Bi, duy aa Priii' n ' Tusaday . Os'ula i rturwlay-s. prince i..l,ir.y- a Carder -, rrtners! V A;inl I as Prinn M April 2J A. Prin. o-Tnim Vuiiiouvrr Uutul.iv a. CuMln Wi dm ilny a Pr Cii TtitinKluy-- n. Cardi n Saturday . Priu-e s Prlnoe April 0-s. Princess M April 18 m. Prin, i s fcT April 39-m. I'rlni-rfi M a. . , . u a a.r i-iar. K."i.t.... ..n mail, a. '."MiMd: as. Cartlrn I rum port Mmpwii and N Saturday s. Cartlen;. For Aiiiiiv Dumtaj . uamiu Wedneaduy- sa Trlnce I nmi ,Vn.Mi Tuedy-e. Catala . Thurmlay as. Prince 'oru c I'ur Mewiirt . Sunday- as. Calais 6aturday-s. Prince It inn Hlrnnrt flundtyA. Prince Churl' Tuesday . Cotftla . I'nr (jiieen fliurlntlra-April 0 as. Prince John April 23 a. Prince John I'mm queen Clmrlnlte-Aprll 7 -as. Prince John I'nr Alukn . April na. PrlnceM M' April 18 ei. Princes Muf April 20- -m, Princes Man 'ruin AliiKka April 13 PrlnceK Man i Apdl 82- s, I'Mncea Marr