PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS I, government BUSINESS OF Ut ,. CU,k Ki(e,,. h.lp -. , njll IIUAIVLLVIT i PAI I All niinrritiinno Lcrnada n&ttf PROVINCE UP .5 C.N. EXAMPLE TOMATO, 'DANK Ol' MONTKKAI. KEPOKT SICKS i KMil.lMI KAILW.WS INlKltr.STKO IX ItKHillint CONDITION'S IN I tKETCHUP j Ml.TIIOIIS Ol' SIK IIEMIY '" ItRlllSII (01.1 Mill A 1 THORNTON 7lade in Canada 95 years This advertisement is not (tulilishcd or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. SACRIFICE Regardless of cost we are clearing out our stock of Woollen Gloves, Raincoats, etc. A few of the Bargains are listed here, but come in and look over our stock Rubber Raincoats, reg. ?9.50 $8.50 Ladies Woollen Gloves, reg. $1.25 90c Gent's Woollen Gloves, reg. ?1.00 73c Gent's Serge Pants, reg. $4.50 $3.23 Children's Woollen Gloves 50c Your inspection is invited. MUSSALLEM'S ' 423-417 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 Phone 84 A GOOD INVESTMENT There Is no safer Investment and none that will pay larger dividends than accurately fitted glases. They'll stop you worrying and start you wondering how you ever got along without them. Our Optical Service is the best by test not the , best because the busiest but the busiest because the best. Lowest Prices. Expert Ser- A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. Opposite G.W.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per double load $G.30 Per single load $3.30 Per sack 50c Firelighters, 18 for 51.00 delivered , , All classes of Coal at dealers' prices. HydeTranskr 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST In British Columbia the volume of wholesale trade Is cpmewhat in advance of last year: retail trade la fair, with1 rales of spring goods- commencing, says ' the Dank of, Montreal monthly report, on "business conditions. Lumber pro-j ductlon Is again reaching normal caps- Jclty with demand only slightly tmprov-i rd; export trade is handicapped by per-valllng high ocean freight rates. The ehlngle industry Is quiet. The larger logging camps are also quiet and lop prices are low. Pulp and paper mills find a steady demand for their capacity j output. The market for canned salmon i . .. .... i- . . . . ... . . i- i . . IV, uuk MIC wing iillUC Week-end Specials No. 1 Terrace Spuds, per 100 lb. sack , $1.'J."5 COO lb. Terrace Turnips, 6 lbs, for : 25c The next good turnips we get will be much higher. 5,000 tins Pacific Milk, per tin 10c Limit, ten tins to each customer. Good only for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. 500 dozen D.C. Fresh Pullet Ej?ks. 3 dozen for 95c Guaranteed strictly fresh. Peamealed Cack Bacon, machine sliced, per lb 45c 500 lbs. Candy Kisses, fresh stock, per lb, 25c Pure Strained Honey, 12 oz. jar.j special 29c Campbell's Pork and Deans, full size tins, special, 3 for 10c Malkin's Best Red Currant Jelly. 4 lb. tin, special C9c Combination Special ' :t for ."Of I Alt 1 1 jar I.ibby's Prepared Mustard 1 jar Sour Mixed Pickles 1 bottle S.B. Sauce. Lot 2 1 jar Chow Pickles 1 bottle Smith's Catsup 1 bottle Worcester Sauce Lot 3 1 jar Orange Marmalade 1 jar Chow Pickles 1 jar Libby's Mustard. Hot Cross Buns, per dozen . The idea that Hot Cross Buns are a one day a year seller is er roneous. Good Hot Cro33 Buns will sell any time. Order a dozen this week ! MEAT I)EPARTMENT Loin Pork Chops, lean, per lb. 35c Choice Pork Steaks, per lb. . . 35c Shoulder Boast Pork, ier lb. 25c Huthenian Sausage, per lb. . . 30c Large English Bologna, per lb. 25c - Fresh and Smoked Fish a Specialty Try our Smoked Cod Fillets, or! Smoked Salmon, per lb 25c Quaker Cake Flour, pltg 30c (A new line worthy of a trial) Spring Clothes Pins, G dozen 25c Brasso Polish, per tin 25c Leslie Shaker Salt, 2 for 25c Canned Catsup, 2 lb. tin .... 15c Sliced Pineapple. 2 lb. tin .... J5c Lombard Plums, 2 lb. tin ... l.c Labrador Salt Herrings, 3 for 25c New Roquefort Cheese, jcr lb. 75c ru c ! .. 1 o - . Glory Brand Salmon, ''s, 4 tins for 25c Peamealed Cottage Rolls, average 1 to G lb. each, special per lb. 25c This is fresh stock, boneless and the biggest value in smoked meats obtainable. iGinger Snaps, per lb I'Jc Wc sell over 100 lbs. per week and our stock is fresh and crisp. Keep a few in the house for any occasion. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Large Ripe Bananas, 2 lbs. for 35c Sunkist Oranges, 3 dozen for $1.00 Winesaps or Yellow Newton Apples, 3 lbs. 25c California Grapefruit, 3 for.. 25c Head Lettuce, each 15c Fresh Spinach, per lb 15c California Celery 25c, 35c and 40c 1 rexh Tomatoes, Green Onions, Asparagus, Rhubarb, New Carrots, Cauliflower, Cukes, etc Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210 and 211 Clark's "Northern" Tomatoes, help to give a distinctive delicious flavor to CLARK'S TOMATO KFICIIUP, it adds greatly to fish, choris, stews, etc. Sold Evtm'hwt W, CI .ARK Limited. Montreal. l-17 CARE URGED IN CONVERSATION .Mil. JlSTIfE MOCKlSON CI IVES TIMELY ADVICE IX VICTORIA VICTORIA, April 8. "Be careful of your conversation," was the advice of Mr. Justice Aulay Morrison, of the British Columbia Court of Appeal, In an address here before a meeting of business men. "Remember and be meticulously careful of the meaning of your conversation; that la one of the necessities of every-day life" he said. "Do not be afraid of being pedaatlc. We should not subordinate ourselves for fear of being thought conceited, but place the true value upon words. Carelessness with the value of words leads men to trouble." There is a certain superficiality In the understanding of the Scriptures, " for Instance, said the jurist. The term empire, he pointed out. was almost Invariably misunderstood In the average mind. The British Empire, he said, was often construed to mean something vague and materialistic, something having iu beginning In Downing Street. But, said the speaker, the British Empire was truth. It was not associated particularly with terli-terlallty, with the state, but with the people In whom was the sovereignty. Advertise In tb Dallv News. IN PROBATE. IX THE SlTKE.ME foritT Of BRITISH t'OLl.MlIIA In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Helnrich Ftrach. Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, P. McB. Youne. the 28th dav of 25c! "tat 'f Helnrich Fersch. Decea-ed, snd an parties naving claims against the aald estate are herety required to furnish same, properly verif'ed. to me on or before the 30th ciav of AdiII. A.D. 1927. and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay tne amount ot their Indebtedness to ire forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 30th day of March, AX). 1927. Cash and Carry Grocery Fulton and Sixth Avenue C.O.D. Orders of $5.00 delivered free. Special Sale Monday, April 1th. California Prunes 80-DO. selected stock, regular 12VsC ler lb. 11 lb. $1.35, for 'J5c Malkin's Beta Baking Powder, C lb. tin value $1.75, for ... $1.35 Orange Marmalade, 4 lb. tin, regular value 75c, for 55c Jelly Powders, value 10c, 12 pkgs. for 70c Sterling Catsup Ten cases of this Catsup have just arrived and regularly sells for 25c per bottle. This week, to clear, 4 bottles for 55c Royal Crown Soap, 15 cases to sell. Regular price for carton of C .barsftoOc Our price this week i 22"2c Malkin's Het Tea and Coffee. Regular price for Tea, per lb. 75c; Coffee, per lb. 70c; take 1 lb. of each for $1.25 Vj, lb. pkg. Tea, regular $1.85, this week for $1.55 JAM! JAM! JAM! Malkin's Best Pure Jam, 4 lb. tin Strawberry, Peach, Cherry or Plum, why pay 80c or 00c per tin? This week, 2 tins for $1.35 LONDON. April 8. -The English rail-! way wcild is considerably interested in! a circular shortly to be sent out by Sir! Jos. Stamp, president of the executive of the London. Midland and Scottish Railway. Jcha Brcnilcy. Mr., and sac-retary of the Locomotive Engineers and Firemen's union, writing In the Locomotive Journal, aays that the object Is to aim at more economical working of the railway by taking the staff into the greatest confidence of the higher officers c.t the company. Bromley refers in h!a enquiries last year into the operation of the Canadian National Rallwnv vVn h found that for this year's pack at good prices, generally were disappointing. Weather ,u prosress WR4 ,ge due the Mineral production Is at a high level, conaiuons in fruit growing districts m,lhod of sir Hrnn Thornton. Dresl Late varieties of apples are underitoood naTe 80 tu favorable. Consider- aeaU ol tftklng the ,utr and tne .,,. to nave brougnt good returns; others "" wumj "r wi:fr,. un0IU nto h$ confidence, thus llruurinn mutual rn-nnrratlan and better working and meeting existing compctl tlon. HAZELTON Hunter Corner spent a few days In town last week renewing old acquaintances. He was accorded a hearty welj come by all his old friends. Miss Annie MelUeJohn was tendered a farewell tea at the home of Mrs. Myros on Tuesday afternoon, previous to. her departure for the south on Thursday. She will be missed as her place will-be difficult: to tflll. Her successor is Mrs. Com p ton. who wUl be nurse to Oracle Smith. Mrs, R. S. Sargent received the sad news of her brother-in-law's sudden death this week, and left for Prince Rupert where she will spend a few days visiting her sister, Mrs. St. Amour. The community oilers its sympathy to the bereaved family. ' Edgar Harris Is spending a few days with his brothers at New Haaclton. i The presence of Government Agent Hosklns of Smlthers indicates that he Is here to clean up some of the court cases left over and resulting from the recent police raid. At the regular meeting of the Ladles' Aid of the United Church, presentations cf a large picture of the suspension bridge over the Bulkley river were made each to S.IU UrUUcJohu and to Mrs. Hunt. On Wednesday the Women's Auxiliary to the Hazel ton Hospital made another presentation of a painted Jardlnere to Mrs. Hunt who haa always been a valued and faithful worker for the hospital. Clyde Hunt left Saturday night for Decker Lake where he and Mrs. Hunt will reside. Al Benson returned Sunday morning from a trip Into the Interior country " . I Wa s a v aw a, vv, a ra ws w n n n a . jaarcu n.u. ivn, i waa appotmea AQ-'.. , mlntetrator (with Will annexed i 'of the ",!K,rtj ,oU of "Mv rn nund yet. Mrs. Benson la visiting st her home In Francois Lake. SKIDEGATF J. L. Barge, government agent at Queen Charlotte City. Mrs. Barge and Mlsa Mona Phalr came down last week to visit friends at Skldegate. They made the trip on Caps. C. Hartln's launch Rambler. Rev. J. OUlett, Indian agent for the Queen Charlotte Islands, came down from Msstett on business on the last trip tf the Prince John. He held service at the DutTerlng Pattul'.o school on Sunday morning and In the evening preached In the United Church at Skldegate Mission. Rev. Peat, the United Church minister at Skldegate, presented an address of welcome to Mr. Olllett. Capt. O. Munro of Vancouver returned to the Inlet on the last trip of the Prince John and has taken up the position of government scaler at the aillcsple logging camp on Lena Island. vurcrc ana, rjuiiu .-r jrk- ; cm iiriinv i nnnipp This is a small salted biscuit r one vu-vk only, commencing; nLIlI I AMrtlVU IN KAMLOOPS AND CAUSES COMMOTION KAMLOOPS. April 8 Blr Henry Thornton tewn .caused much commotion In civic and board ot trade circles here recently. Frantic efforts were made to locate his wheiesbouu, the mystery being deepen ed by a statement that the Canadian National chairman had reached Kam- loops over the rival railroad. Finally, the origin of the report was traced to W. A. Dryden. prominent Shorthorn cattle b'recdei' of Brooklln, Out., who had Just arrived for the bull sale. When appealed to by Mayor A. E. Meighen as to Blr Henry's where about, he answered: "I fuess-ou will find him In Stall US." Mayor Meighen was puzzled, but he and his alvlc committee went to Stall 115. and It then transpired that Sir Henry Thornton was a two-year-old Shorthorn bull, raised tiy R D. Henry at Thornton, Ont. "It's a good name said Mr. Henry. "It combines my own name, the name of the town and the president of the Canadian National Railway. Sorry If It confused you All you need to get slong with a conceited boss is some skill ss an eye rpertalls'. YARROWS TO REPAIR FREIGHTER GRIFFCO Mm hit, Whlrli Touched Xrur 1-ailj-miiIIIi lj M Date and Krrl Ituiiugrd VICTORIA. April 8. Yarrows Limited have been awarded the contract to repair the frleghtcr Oriffco, which was damaged when she ran aground near Ladysmlth about three weeks ago. During the survey made at the company's yards It was found that six plates had been corrugated and dented, and some damage had been done to her keel. The plates will be replaced and her keel1 straightened. Work Is expected to tske from a week to ten days, during which time the steamer Anyox. operating out of Vancouver on the Northern British Columbia route, will replace her. Damage to the ahlp waa not sufficient to csuse a cancellation of her schedule, j Advertise In the Dally Nswa. rumiMi; or MttlTIXI tOLl.MltIA DEPARTMENT OF LANDS lOKEsT IlltAXtll TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to, S pin. Monday, April eleventh for repair and recondition tog Latinch Alpine Fir. Launch may be Inapusltd on pontoon at Prtnc Rupert Dry Dock. Plana and specification may be examined at the office of the District Forester. Court House, Prince Rupert Delivery to be guaranteed on or before 15th June. 1927. Lowest or any tender not necetsarUy accepted. R. E. ALLEN. District Forester. Prince Rupert. 7th April. 1927. 84 TIMBER SALE X745S There will be offered for salt bv Public Auction at office ot DJtrlct For- ester, iTloce Itupert. at 12 o'clock noon on April 9. hot. tne ucenoe a mm cut l,ri.noo fret hoard measure ' , spruce, hemlock, balsam and cedar saw- logs, comprising five areas in River i Bignt, C.K. 4. Provided anyone unable to attend the auction in person may submit a sealeo tender to be opened at the hour of auc tion ana ireaiea at one oia. i One ( 1 1 year will be allowed for removal of this timber. Further particulars ot the Chief Forester. Victoria, or District Forester, i Prince Rupert. D.C. , IN PROBATE IN tut: rt ri!l.Mi; t oi iit or iikiti-ii COM M KM In the Matter ot the "Administration Act"; and In the Matter cf the Estate of William Oeorge Hughes. Deceased, Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order or His Honor F. Men. Young, the 4th day of April, 1927, i was appointed Administrator of the estate of William Oeorc Hughea, deceased, and all uarlles haviuz claims sgalnst the said Estate are hereby ! required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before one month from this date, and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN ALLEN WATT. ! Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. D C i D.ttrd the Cth day of April. A.D. 11)27. 1 NOTICE 1 . IN THE MATTER of an application for the Issue of a Provisional Certifies is w,r Tlll tor Block five (6), subdivision 4 A rumor that - D 8outh ht of thrff had arrived In hundred and seventy-four S74i. Range five (II, coast District. Map 1137. oausiaciory proof oi tne loss of the Certificate of Title covering the above land having been produced to me. It lsj my Intention to Issue, after the explra-tlon of one month .from the first pub-1 llcstlon hereof, a Provisional Certificate of Title to the above land In the name ' pf Sidney Wlllmore, the original Certl- I rflcate of Title Is dated 30th June, 1818,, ana is numoerca iojj i. Ind Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B.C., th April, 1827. H. F. MscLEOD, ! Reflstrsr of Titles. ; NOTICE. ' . ... ,jj . ! IN THE MATTER of an application for the Issue of a Provisional Certificate: of Title for Lota twenty-one (21) and twenty-two (221, Block seventeen 17i Section one 11). City of Prijsce Rupert Map B23, Satisfactory proof of the loss of the Certificate of Title covering the above land having been produced to me. It is my Intention to Issue, after the explra. tlon of one month from the flrat pub-! llcatlon hereof, a PrtAlslonal Certificate of Tine to tne above land In the name or Murland De Orasse Evans, the criglnsi Certificate of Title la dated the ISth October. 1014, and Is num. bered 07301. Land Registry Office, Prince Ruprrt BC , 6th April. 1927. 11 F MacLEOD, nv8!"trr C-f TKV.- Friday, April THE ACME is the UradquarU'ns for Qua lity Clothin ' FOR MEN AND HOYS SHIRT WAISTS A new line U juM in! Tch-m- i- ideal !r two-piece suit in the warmer wrather. And Pi t 'em too. with a tomboy skirt. And don't they Iu V-In various colors. From Sl.'." BOYS" BALLOON PANTS Just the thiiiK for Spring wear. All mire wool m.. In the newest shade and palters. From . .,' '-." BOYS' UNDERWEAR St. Margaret's Combinations. Knee length, wif sleeves, in white and natural. Special, ptr suit . M 11.1 Acme Importers Third Avenue. Phone WESTHOLME THEATRE I HI DAY AM) SATURDAY, 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 3 p.m. The -HP r J 1 emptress Adapted from the famoun story by Vicente Blanco Iba t ' CRETA r.ARBO. ANTONIO MORENO, ROY D'ARCY, .M AIM. MACDKRMOTT, LIONEL RARRYMORE, VIRGINIA BROWN PAIRE, and many others MERMAID COMEDY LICIIT IIOl'SEKEEPIM.." P ATI IE REVIEW IIcanadiakJ PACinc Nsiiws Admission 50c and 25c Canadian National Q7jc Largtfi Railway Syfltm in America Steamship and Train Service isaii.imis ironi i'uim i: at pcitr ir emu IIII KMIAY and hi MIA V. fur ANYOX Ir Mil WAItr SJi. I'lttM'K JOHN fur YANC'Ot't L.ANHM, lorlnltlitlt. I'AMMvNCIKK TIltiNN 1,1: flaili MOMlAY, Ul liVKsllAV and H III OKI. K. CKMONTON, WINMI' His Ira. MX C:.NAIlA IN C'ANAItVft AIJIJM'V ALL OCKAN L'm Canadian Nullonal Lrrs rlew sImi for jour nest shipment. CITY TK'KKT OHICU. &2 Tlllllll' y.tMotuii, iKioitii, m:atii.i: .inv, ui.iii;mhv, IIi.IHI p.m. NATt ItlltV, I0.IHI .MI. i:k ia oti.ts diAiii.oTit: ik- Ati; ruiMK iti'i'i'ur All'lllllY al II -til am. Ii.r MUM f. Ml, all Mlnia Lastrrn Canada, I'nltrd jhiii.ii: yi:ak iMi7.iuiT. HlCtMSIIIP lor Money Ordrrs, lorrlgn C lieguea, AVK.. I'll I NCt; III I'fcltT. Plmnr ( Canadian Pacifk Railway ISS B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To KrUlilkmi, tVraiiKrll. Juneau. Mtagnny April K, JH. 1 May ' V, til, 3U. In amouvrr, tktorla, heallle April 1, li. May SlS, c. iniri.r.BPi lir.ATIIK'C. l or lliitedale. Last llrlla Itella. Ocean t ails. Nainn. Alert IU? Cauinbrll Itlier. and linniii... 1.. .Jl ''..' - I: " nRiHIDHf, Jt Agency for all Btramshlp Lines. ru nfornu,n ,,, . ,Z' Sr RC". Oeneral Agent, Corner of 4th Street and Ird Avenue, Prince Rupert, II &