PAGS FOOT GMTniERS. March 25. Prince Rupert Maple Leafs laat night won by a ncor; ol 14 to 12 the first game from Smtther In the two-game playoff for the ladles championship of British Columbia, the final of which will lake place next month at Prince Rupert between the winner of this aeries and Anyox. Last night's game was marked by heavy checking and Smlther had the lead up till the last two minutes of play when the coast girls, finishing with a desperate rally, scored two bos- kets ere the final whistle blew. Smltrwirs had much the better .of things In the first half which ended 8 to J In their favor. The Prince Rupert girls, not uwd to the small hall and an "exceedingly slippery floor, showed considerable Improvement In the eo end half. They expect to put up a better performance tonight. Miss Marjorie Roberts and Miss Mabel Mclntyre statred for Smlthers. The hall was packed to capacity with an exceedingly enthusiastic crowd. Referees were Oearge Roberts tff Smtthrrs and George Mitchell of Prince Rupert. The Smttbers team consisted of Miss Marjorle Roberts, captain: Ml&s Avis Wall, Miss Mabel Mclntyre. Mist Alice Latimer, Miss Dolly Carpenter. Miss Kathleen Durham and Miss Agnes Erlckson; spares. Miss Vina Eby and' Emma Morris. The Prince Rupert players were Miss Helen Grant, Miss- Lillian Lowe, Miss Margaret Graham, Miss Myra Harvey, and Miss Catherine Harvey: spares. Miss Helen Sims, Miss May Thompson, and Miss Cathie Irvine. McMORDIE LEADING BY NARROW MARGIN Tm Points to Long's V. In llrvt Half of llilllard filial In the first half of the final billiard match for the city championship Col. S. P .McMordle leads W. H. Long by a score of 500 to 478. Long made the high break for the tevenlng with a run of 52 while McMordle was not far behind with 49. The final half of the game will be played tonight for a fur-thelr 500 points. RIFLE RANGE W. Brass Was Mich Man at Slmnt on Miniature llanje W. Brass was high scorer at the miniature range rifle shoot last night with a score of 84. Individual scoring was as follows: W. Brass M R. Wilson S3 M. M. Lamb 82 . A. Wylle 89 A. Rlx.'.....-.'.. 89 SPORT CHAT Advertise in TLs Us Of sw ll The suggestion has been made that a lacrosse game between two local teams would be a good attraction for Dominion Day celebration. It might be possible to arrange a match between a couple of junior teams If a tittle in terest was shown at the present time and some real good practice games held this spring. However, to pick up a couple of teams at the last minute .and expect much Interest to be taken In this Canadian sport would be hardly fair. .Next winter will see professional hockey on the Pacific, coast, Vsatcou ver; Portland, Seattle and Tacom "nave already granted franchises. Frank Patrick is president pro-tern of the new league which expects to receive appll cations from Los Angeles and ptwslbly Ban Francisco and Oakland tor berths. It Is hardly expected that tlie first year will see any surplus of first class players In the league, but rumor says that quite a few young amateurs, who have been playing excellent hockey this year, are anxious to step Into tlie professional arena. Billy Sunday, the evangelist, is conducting a meeting In Tampa, -where the Washington Senators are getting into shape for the baseball season and he umpires on occasion for the big lea guers. Sunday was just finished his career with the Chlcsgo club when Clark anrnth, now president of the Senators, joined tlie club. "No one can knock Billy Sunday to me and get away with It." Griffith says. "He wasn't always a great evangelist. I remember when he was doing mission work and getting very little money, sometimes none at all, and wasut eating regularly But he kept on preaching just the some." - k T B It lias'1 been announced I that there will lie no tenuis' a tlie "Olympic games next year, iiici money in itmiiRi: NEW YORK, March 3t There's big money In teaching bridge. It Is not unusual tor an expert to nuke 11,000 a week. Group demonstrations cost $275 ail hour. One expert refused 41 000 for ui hour's lesson. CHANGES IN FOREST ! SERVICE IN NORTH . M. nihMtn of I nrl tteorge Roeo In' Vk-lorla la 'ew Cap-lty surreeded s Nrlxin Man J. M, Gibson, m-ho for the past four j years has filled the position of district j forester at Prince George has received . notlc of his trans! ir to Victoria, and j will asmtme bis new duties about the i first of next month. At Victoria he! will be assistant forester In charge of operation, a position In which his duties will be confined largely to mat ters connected with forest protection. During his service as district forester In the Prince George district. Mr. Gib son has proven himself a very efficient officer, and one able to enforce the rulings of the forest branch and at the same time hold the good opinion of the men engaged in the milling business. The best wishes of a host of interior friends will follow him in his deserved promotion. He will be succeeded in Prince George as district forester by C D. Orchard, at present assistant district forester at frelson. Mr. Orchard is not a stranger to Prince George, having spent several weeks In the city In 1924 while he was In charge of timber cruising for the forest branch. T. A. Clarke, assistant forester at Prince Rupert, succeeds Mr. Orchard at Nelson. SMITHERS Douglas Lay, resident mining engineer for this district gave an in teresting lecture on Tuesday night In the town hall before a good sized crowd of spectators and others Interested In mining. He declared that the Topley strike of last year was one of the outstanding features of great progress that had been made by the district during the twelvemonth. All available forces at the Dathle mine are being- turned to the task of rushing the construction of the mill at the Duthie mine and development work being consequently held up for. 'tlx weeks. The mill should be In operation by May 15. High prude ore is being taken out by O. Harvey on his group of claims In the Bablne, Operations have been car ried on throughout the winter and there is a good quantity of aacked ore ready for shipment to smelter as soon as weather conditions permit. Lou Wood came In this week from his trap line at the head of Driftwood Creek. He was expected last month and "his safe arrival alleviated anxiety as "to his welfare. Coughed So Hard CouM Not Sleep Mrs. Daniel Thicker, Lya, Out, writes: "Laat Jaanary I lid a very severe .cold sad coughed so esrd I cooli t sleep slfsts. I tried eiery tltiaf, including doctor's mediriae, bpt nothing gave me relief until I tried Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup which was recommended to me by a neighbor. I will never be without it In U.S hewee again." Ton don't experiment when von boy "lr. 'Wood's" as it has Wn "a bsuae-told reaieU for the (ast 3$ year. Price 35e. a bottle; large familv sire 0e; pot up only by The T. Milbura Co, Limited, Toronto, Oat. at the foot of BulkJey Hill with a slashed throat and Nils Westertund is in jan following an alleged drunken brawl on Monday night The police are Investigating. At the home of Stephen H. Hoskins last Saturday afternoon. Rev. J. R. Gibson officiated at the marriage of . rwnklln George Martin and Mrs. flora Jam. both well known Hazeltou resi dents. The wedding was of a quiet nature with W. L. Jordan and Mrs. A. Mcintosh acting as attendants. Harry Smith has protested to the town council against his wart home on Alfred Street being condemned as a lire menace. He threatens to bring suit The Smlthers council has passed an account of 470.70 for the local hospital. Ill Is represents the 70c per capita dally rant for patients in the hospital dur-eg the month of February. O. A. Relgle of Telkwa Is making ar rangements for the shipping ot one or two carloads of gold-silver -copper ore from the Hunter Basin property this season. During the war. this property made a shipment which netted 180 per ton. Water has been delaying work some-that on the Topley mine. The shaft as now been sunk about 100 feet and f about seventy feet from the tunnel, rhe ore maintains Its original strength ih'd value. B. F. Messner has let a contract for the construction of a store building on Frank Huber Is confined to his home Main Street across .from the Interior svav t, - sl m sun fi Hpinn nhcnlnlrtlii cut') ntt x wwsfswf ssiuviMll.l(I Ulll L WML the Subject Quality THE HIGH QUALITY OF Baker's Breakfast Cocoa as Tot an Accident It It die result of a Judidous selection and blending of cocoa besns, of which there are more than thirty grades; of most careful routing, a very delicate operation; and its further preparation by the best mechanical processes (no chemicali) which prtwrvc the delicious natural flavor and aroma and attractive color of the beans. WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. Canadian Mil at Montreal Booklet of Clioict Rtcipcs unt ftu News office. It will be a two-storey structure measuring twenty-six feet by, forty-two. Tlie main floor will be oc- 1 cupied by E. C Dawson as a men's lurulAhing store, the upper floor to be utilized aa Mr. Dawson's living quarters j maintenance' Responsibility for the of the Belknap children is again a Itw, iteue. the town council having received j an account, irom we t-niiarens Aia Society for February charges, also a bill from Mr. Van Horn from Telkwa for the balance of the time he maintained the children. The council takes .be stand that, as the family waa only jannleut, it is not mponsibte for .hem. P. L. Chapman of Spokane, western manager of the UeOmU dc Olbb PoW Oo. of Milwaukee, is on his annual visit of Inspection to this district. M Pinnerty has returned to hlsdutle lie re after having spent several weeks t Vancouver on account of the serious illness of his mother In whooe condition there Is little if any Improvement Mrs. R. W. Champion waa hostess laat Saturday afternoon at a ahower In honor of Mrs. E. C. Dam-son, a young and popular Smlthers bride. I An overheated chimney at the Hotel 3m!thers Cafe gave volunteer firemen . run on Monday evening. No damage was done. Spring "Weather prevwltng In Smlthers district and the snow Is fast disappearing jinder the Influence ot warm sunshin. PRINCEGEORGE The Prince George city council has beclded to make power available for .ocal housekeepers on Tuesday morning jch week between the hours of 8 xtid 11. Otherwise, power Is available snlj in the evenings from the munici pal plant The Salmon Valley Farmers' Institute ors the putting of a 7J0 bounty in coyote during the summer months. The log scale for Prince Oeorge dis trict took a jump during the month of February sufficient to put the scale for the first two months of the year almost one million feet in excess of the to tal fonhe first two months of 1B28. The -ota scale for the month was 6.2U.- 250 feet as compared with a total of ,491.346 feet in the same month last ear. For the first two months of the urrent year the district scale stands at 9 02.078 feet as compared with 8 880.773 feet for the corresponding months of 1828. The past year was a very profitable one for tltose engaged in sawmllling throughout tills district. Oood progress it being made- by the ru-enUy organized band, and orchestral irjfsclzat Ion here. The weekly nructlce fiave reached, an average attendance ol ;wenty-one. . The Bund. It Is expected wilt furnbih tfuslq S( jive-aulyj cele bration In Prince Oeorge this year. Ina Allen has taken the lead In the popularity contest being lield here by fie Cuiuidlan Legion. The standing ol Jie four candidates to date Is as fol-t.iws: Ina Allen. 5876: Alum Orundall. 1514; !tue Wodd, 3477; Muriel Rogers. 7fl. "Deafy" Dayton arrived in the city this week with tlie skin and skull ol the bear which he asserts killed Thomas Meaney a year ago In a fight at the headwaters of the MrGregur River. Tle skin of the grizzly rnea-mts S by 6t feet and Dayton Is endeavoring to dispose of it. He has had one offer of ICQ but it Is such fine specimen that he Is holding out for $75. Tlie victim of some clever private detective work by Sergcsnt Walker of the provincial police. Arthur Bayers, whom it is said tlie police of Edmonton and Calgary are anxious to grt. was arrested at tlie end of last week and charged with the theft of a 837.55 check and cash .amounting to 822 from a 'man at McBrlde. Buyers was duly committed for trial and pleaded guilty to Hi charge in the County Court before Judge Robertson who deferred the pawing of sentence until Monday. Mrs. J. 11, Johnson left this week tor Portland In response to a message which stated that her mother. Mrs, M. Knopp, was seriously 111 and was not exacted to recover. The Crsnbrook mill Is getting out tl. f V anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken fo lets than 50c WANTED SALESMAN WANTED ON COMMISSION MAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVEL AND wha ia covering north coaat point and east on Grand Trunk. First das line of novelties easily carried for sal to general and drug stores. Full particulars first letter. Ikox 80. Dolly New OHlce. 73 WANTED. YOUNO PERSON WITH! prsctieal knowledge ot booxreeptr to take charge of store. Apply Box 39. Daily News Office. WANTED, - SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE or furnished housekeeping rooms Apply hat 28. Dally Newt OfOee. 71 WANTED OIRL FOR OENERAL houMework. Phone SIS. TO FOR SALE rOlt SALE. TWENTT HORSEPOWER Kermath marine engine in first clan running order. Price reasonable Terms cash. Apply to Dr. Large. Port Simpson. SO FOR SALE SIX ROOMED HOUSE arid lot 211 Seventh Avenue West. Apply Frank Dewy. 833 Borden St. Phone Blue S58. 73 OPPORTUNITY! SS00 A MONTH NOW buys your future homesite. Walker Music Store. timbers for the bridge to be built across the Mud River thia spring wttleh is to improve the highwsy between Prince George and Vanderhoof Borne 'of Uwi ticks run from 38 to 40 feet in length and were hewn In the bash. Covering requests that have ben made over a period of several years, the oaty council has decided to sufemrt 13.000 water extension Vytaw to th1 Sectors. It is UMdpaled that tlie by-1 taw wtll have no difficulty in Miss LIU Graham of this etry ha eft for Kamloops where site wtll eater the Royal Island Hospital to Use mtnlag for a mMw. Many friends of -Barney" Keean nave regretted to learn that be is in critical condition in St. Paula )! pltal at Vancouver, where one of h4M legs wss amputated to check an tack of gangrene poisoning. Melnnls and Wilson have com mewed ntcavatlng for the basement whirl) Oeorge Prudente will put under his Europe Hotel premises on Third Ave In The Letter Box mil MUJ.ouv riititi:rn;ii Editor. Daily News. I see an item in your valuable. psper of recent date to the effect that A. It MaDory ot Port ClemcnU v-as tlie first to arrive at the Liberal conven tion In Vancouver. This may be true. but when he styles himself as president; of tlie Mssset Inlet Liberal AmoolaUsnM he is going beyond hi bounds There is no Liberal association in Mssseti Inlet, so how could he b president He also States his association has eighty members. Probably no delegate to tlie convention would be put to so much! mcrlflce to attend. Mr. Mallory. heJ states his home Is at Port Clements in the heart of Qraham Island. He lett in a gas boat and out In the open waters of Hecate Strait he hailed the ss. ranee John. This is not rleht. He left In a gasboat all right but he hailed the as. Prlnoe John less than ten miles from Port Clements at 8hlp Island, thirty miles inside of Hecate Straits. He also states he win leave for the north March 14, taking the regular CJ4.K. stUp to Prince Ruert where lie will have to find a fishing boat bound far the Quoen Charlotte Islands to take him home, When did the as. Prlnoe John stop running to tlie Islands? What good purpose is there In prlnt- ni ucii ouna as appeared in yourl paper7 everybody here knows that It Is bunk and untrue. Hoping you wlU find spare In youri valuable paper. MALCOLM MIIJiOT. Port, Clements. When you see a photograph of a man with a hat on, you know whul has hapjieiied to his hair. AflENTS WANTED anuotnl local nsramiuuiM AUCTIONKKIt SI i UY BU&IKBS0 18 00T1KO. BEXUNO nti rxehMifttic and kMUtif tfir mjr htUllMaU VW iMMJlMaMi 1st kaultiM inf. M Maedonald. Earhaat Block MIAMI STORE We have (HsoMttaued toe o,mi:v i:rn t;i: 8e our line f not 5i: llltEMI.'l for fl.M KwtMac rer dHtr ixu i.tK t ioiti: noMiNMiv iiiiMiritr. i:(iitMir IteMinrdv (xon. mprWrs 144 Third AtesiM rimne Itlsrt, III Furniture of an mrU bouabt. soM m ExelMaeed. UI'HOI.STERlNfi FURNmniK REPAIRING: UPHOL. stertng of ail kinds Chesterfields recovered and msde to order Ail work gttaranteed. Phone Green COS. G. M. HUNT. WOOD .A. litt(n Seal te Mixed Wood- Blocks per 4md 00 fCtndrmg. per td 150 Furnace Wend, per lad 88 00 Delivered. Salt Herring I'lMMie lllark 4!1 RESTAURANTS J4KI r.irn rjir. Mrs. Unger. Proprietress Ttilrd Avenue. Next a. W. V. A. (IimmI Home ('miked Meals. Phone Ulsrk 700 TAXI I'linnc C7 Taxi (Call George. Paul or 0ut) Six and Seven Pnasepper StuJe-linkers at your tlUponnl any time ROSS RROS. POOI, ROOM Meeker lllork. f Across from Empre8 IIoteD PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4 IIJII,tY. .MARTII 23 High '.. ' t,:lB a.m, 18.0 ff t. 18:40 pm. 148"" tow :14 pjn. tO " fttll I1HAV. MAKC1I n High 8:30 a.m. I7S ft. 30:34 pm. 14J " Low 0:00 ajn. 10.1 " 13191 pm. 7.1 " M'MIW. MAItCII 37 High B.Ka.rn. 17 " 31:43 p m. tw 1:30 a.m. 10.1" " 14:84 p m. TURNED DEFEAT BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMann INTO VICTORY ' VJHY THAT .fBsplimi:!Wl 15 A SHIP FROM 15 g-gm 1 OlMTv KleJ NOuJlfvEP -AM EVEKV ONI E OP JlT 1 MORtXROM ttLANO)-THEFe' SEE THAT MOB ; 'EM I'b VJOUNDEO- , THEY "- U 1 WMtKcl WE AR$ lt A REVOLUTION TrtESE.-TMOtf.v Orsl THAT BOAT fil LETS KTMECAP- fj SAW. 1 MAPLE LEAF!. lM SKI TO SLItllV COIM' TOf TjSr3 TMN HET.L TEU. U5J i -J- j ARETME AUrjlTOCR AT PLEttNC I- REMMM TWO 4 s1 SMITIIEKS FLOOR., IIU NARROW AnEttlCA,M WHT IT5 ALL. , f ittMurrnttx victory last Nitairr .Article, Lett ud Foun4(j MAIL SCHEDL1E weekly averag and etpenr. and! ,"'T"U"M1 commission teaxW Eiprrieooe un-1 .!! r neceasarv. Write tar wumIh. 7 ""i"caj u: V-. Tuesdays Fridays SaMfdays BPS liirrh II .. . mlef Tundsys l r tUa rst(t ! (ee CksrMUi- MsKh 10 1 IMI f1HiTN Orssim It A Aw 1st Ave. it 8t. 8- 0tb Are. F'.:' " 8th Ave TS impsca I its ft Sfestor' m llth Ave. c.i.ia K etk Ave tUr t " 6lh At Hy r. Bth Ave C r th Ave M IV 5 Prov. 0i BM pro Oov W' .rf O.T.P. Whari O.TJ. Itl"i) Sod Ave Snd r :3rd Ave ft Ful'' ' 3rd Ave 6" Bt Sunday ruin ' " only STEAMSHIP MOV Imt Vsrner TuMdsy . Cim"-19 Friday ' ft Saturdsy . P: t Marrh II - f Mardi SS V I nun Valieiuver Blind ' Cm0 Wedneadsy I1 rrMsy- Card Saturday r Mareb 7 i.v, t is P' in u. i: tl; and thoe siUmmii tassane. have ho 1?"" WrC,, ' ' R business to be m Hualsie. Bros . f A"rr Arm- me setUfic try sucuon That I. bsa-! ftes. jMbttafactiott sod nwult. O P. Brine. Phone 774. FOFt RKNT FOR RENT, - FURNISHED MODERN Hn. IMjBO. SIS Fnurth Avenue. Bast FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply MBsaMem Oracery. Phone 18. ROOMS TO RENT PHONK 671. FOUND tf FOUND TAKE NOTICE THAT I. L K Dutaon. intend to hoM on mare and colt strayed to the farm, for feed cost. L. K Dutton. Kltwanga. BC. DOAUD BOARD. - THE INLANDER. Second Avenu. Phone 111 HEMSTITCHING 39 HEMSTITCH INO P1COTINO SCAUOr- Wedaesdsrs !mI Ta ft- Slruit-a b-j . . . Bundsrt To tls.ks ralBts Msret) 7 a od 1 queen ( iurMtn March IS ua M -ftrVI0 I Van I be Ut Tuesdays, Thundif isl fclijiii at . !i from ssrvstrr Sundays ft Wednesdays ' J a Friday u CJJt. Marrr 7 II m a a lrm Ayt, ilkt ins. smutal PremleT Tueadays u Frldsy . ft I rum Ft. aimpMs sti v In. tM m 1 ta : t : ' t t . ' ta t. a t t t. V. ...dM' ""... Sunday cam"-. Ivm Pert lmp" ' . Tuesday- . Cam;' M lnr i ..r weaart. Anyo. " C 8tindy- Ciro11' , -,' wednesdsy rr .a l0. I rum Mewar- Any 1' Tuesday- Csmw" Friday m I"1"' lr Queen 4 liarl""" . n rrince Qtcrp on- Man ii . - - , . :, March 38 rr""- March 10-.. rrinr f J March 84, . frW For Alanka u.rt . March 7 - rrlnrew Mjn "arch IS. Wrj-March 38 rrW iTiim Alsoka urf CNJt. TRAINS tor East Mondsys. estunlsya Prom Ea.t-TuMdr. Sundays Ad.ertu. I t" Wed'" if ' " rnll' l'e- leld?1 TO"1 8