5 TAXI Boston Grill and' Ambulance Service) Anywhere at Anytime MATT VIDIiCK, Prop. hi IEnYir I'nrtulnir u'i.m nnllo,1 Hnlv ln lieinfUM4 f ii.f.unto received at official quartern, but a government spokesman de- awl rt h. .l n, I. .. ... I .. .... .1 .1 1 .1 1L..1 I TL. . 111.. All. I dry dock during the night under of the Lillian D. and wa placed a.. . ivu w.nnliff frit Mlir) I Lilt? DUIllLKJIlA kitin allUtailtik wa ureiwratory to repair being under- NcUon, who BUiiUlntd broken bn mnklnir ntlflf actort tiroiirCM to- wi ..M...s rrin( minrrL nr i iirutni lh i . it w luvz kiwiovvi irnriaTr. urn i an n ai n art. vi LADYONCOAST tVIIIIX OS WAV TO VICTOK1A Anwuvxiu, roarcn (! viBtuuu ' and Lndy Wtlllngdon arrived here morning' and were given an enthu vcucu bu vicbuna wnera mrv w i accorded the freedom of the city 1 afternoon, The Governor General rf hi. Inriu urlll vl.lf ntn n t1nrlnlnh uix-, iieuveiiuuv governor oi untuu vie Liirv tire aum Aiirn ill nnn umtrB y will SDena iwo nan. Advsrtlaa In the Daily News. , WAVK WEATIIEK KEI'OKT. - v .? M SI U UI.VIU1 t V lllUd Llll. kUIILI VJ1II lll.ni, i id be held responsible for the attack. Premier Baldwin paid . ...aw..,.. ....,, in .u u .- . l i : lliili ui tiniiLiiiiuw: coal bunker of the British aleamer Ddohera, which was towed into thl harbvir late Wedneiutay ulght, wa ex-tlngulafced lat night after It had been fought continuously alnce the vessel arrived. Water wa pumped Into the ahlp un til the deck was almost level with the Fire fighters believe that the flame had eaten their "way from the bunkera hold. Extent of damnge trO the vscl, which otaea 111 vmucuuvrr uh iiu ici wrtu rttarrlnr1. PINE FIR IS TOWED TO PORT I lltklllX IT III I l.ll ll.t, 1 11M1I.I' TO IMCV IMX K if inmLrT iimiui ulb , ' ..tk.al (haa pot and any action they deemed neces- LMVJLl The government U now being con- li v1 1 Olill gratulatcd from China a well aa from here for aendlne defence force to the EVTIMf IIICUC n n,r I( thto not brcn done-11 . A I 1 1 lilUllMlljU U l1, 8h,ulh,l, woultl hve PUced . kt the mercy of the victorious Cnton- -- . e. partlcuUrlj their guerilla aympath- l( J" "I' riMI'lIi INTo'uen. M:i. I'XTIt itiXKN or UtAs- Rtporu received here ur that, when : i tw.iw. el,..- iiiv wiliHuirK niKicu riaitKtuK. uivj W ATKK MM: ere preceded by group of plain clothe flmviun, iwarcn za. me ore, in in gunmen who Immediately Indulged In tirrorlat dcruoiutratlona.uiel. attack on-l the municipal office. One report aald that thene men were reapoiwlble, tor- the attack on the couulatea. I IlillTIM) IV HANKOW A Dally Exprew despatch from Shanghai report that fighting haa broken out In Hankow and eluewhere between modern Chinese NatlonalUta and Red extremlata. Three hundred agitator, including foreigner, are said to have reached Hankow tram Canton and arc reported to be moving toward Shanghai I.K.MITIK IOK 4 im: or twwnv om.v WASIIINOTON, March 33.-Slx separate wave length channels were set aside by the radio commission yesterday for the exclusive use of Canadian broadcasting stations. The commission order makes certain that no Interference with thrm will be tolerated while International negctlat.ona are pending for definite allocation of the ether rpuce between Canada and the United State. GOOD TIME MADE IN LOADING SHIP fl.UKli Tim if Hlirul rimrril Into Vujr Mjru In une I'll) lit l.mul i:lriitnr Oood time was made yesterday In Ihv first day of leading the atenmer Yayo Msru at the local evealtor. Of the total cargo of some 0.000 ton of wheat which the vessel wilt take, 8.000 tons was poured In. It Is expected that the Yaye Maru wilt leave tomorrow night or Sunday morning with a full cargo of grain tor the United Kingdom or continent, Prince Rupert. Part cloudy, culm; temperature, 38. TERRACE. Cloudy, calm, temp. 37. Rom wood, Cloudy, calm, temp. 30. Alyansh. Cloudy .calm, temp. 38. Alice Arm. Cloudy, calml temp. 38. Anyox. Clear, calm, temp. 40. Stewart, Clear, calm, temp. 38. Hazoltou, Cloudy, calm, temp. 30. Telegraph Creeks-Part cloudy, calm, temp. 28. emithcr. Cloudy, calm, temp. 33. Hums Lake. Cloudy, calm, temp. 33. Whltehorse. Clear, south wind, temp. 28. Dawson. Clear, calm, temp. 10. HOCKEY, Pittsburg 4, Boston 3. Canadlens 6, Americans 3. Ottawa 1, Toronto 0. mil ki:i( iiik n ( i.i it ki:(its miliar TO KK.VHl; llIIIN(l j III (il I.XIKIXH Fishing privileges for the halibut fleet throughout the entire year, rather than the existing plan of nine months, will be advocated by the businessmen of Ketchikan. The Commercial Club it Its regular weekly meeting, instruct. d the organlaUon'a secretary to ask, Henry Ollalley. oomml&sloner of VS. fisheries, to consider a 12-month sea. on. In revising the regulation to permit full aeaaon. It wa? suggested that -Joaed areas be ealabllthed at regular ; .ntervals to proteci the industry' -esouToe. Thla jxtou. Commercial Club nember beOMeV ulHTalliW ' -oefiuate opagatlan epHgSctSnO$;wrsatOL une ncrmu itiiirjji. nggtownenL jnploy theff . vlriug flnvertraents ah Krough the 7ear.' . Under the present ,' system. It was pointed out. the Industry's entire In eatment. Including boata. gear, andi ivcrhead which continues regsrdleea of ictlrltle. Ilea dormant three months tut of each season In the secretary's letter to the bureau t was also requested that Uie halibut -ejwrt of 1028 be urwarded when BRITAIN TO CELEBRATE miMiiMi ji hii.ee or cusmi. EUATION TO HE OIlslltVEl) IN OI.H I.AMI I.OMION. Matrli S.1-Mrl1,MN ,,( rrlrlirallng In llrltuln I he IMuiiiimiiI Julillrr itf Cnnudii's ('oiitrUrmllmi nrr ulready lirlng llcu vrd. One prnMMml, lil It h iiirrlliig h 1 1 It miirli faiw. I l liuie m m'lul M-rlrr In Wrtiulnli'r Aliliri Mime. Mli.it along I he llnrx nf t hut lirld In I'limmrnmnilliiii nf the llfllrlh unnlrrsir.v ten jrurs rh. SPRIGGWINS THE NATIONAL 111(1 MONEY CHANCED HANDS ON RACE AT AINTIIEE TODAY IIOV ltd. III. AND IIItHillT HOY RUNNERS fl- AINTREE, March 28. Sprtgg. owned by Mrs. M. Patrldgc. won the four and n half mile Qrand National today. Dov- rll III. was second and Bright Boy, third, Thlrty-ocven herons started but only fifteen finished the hazardous course. A Birmingham better cleaned up 23, ooo on the race and the bookmaker who took tlio bet has a total ot 1150,000 to pay on the race. NOBODY DRUNK FOR FIVE YEARS IN THIS LITTLE ENGLISH TOWN HARLOW. March 28. - This little town of 3,000 souls claims to be the soberest spot In all Britain. Harlow is not "dry," there being ten licensed "pubs," but authorities re Krt that there haa not been a case of drunkenness within the town's limits fur more than five years. Advertise In the Dally News PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PHINCE RUPERT, I5.C, FRIDAY, lARCIl 25, 1027 i..l 1 L Nowhere in Canada is the scenery more diversified than in that sec tion of northern Brit:h Columbia, traversed by the Prince .Rupert-line of the Canadian National Railways, or along the inland seaVhich lies between the mainland and the off-shore islands of British Columbia. There" is something new and beautiful to see the whole of the distance, whether it is between Vancouver and Prince Ruput or Prince Rupert and Jasper. Photograph (1) shows a typical bit of the Scenic Seas Route as seen from the deck of an oil-burning Canadian National Steamship. A look at the face of the fisherman and his catch as shown in No. 2 is sufficient evidence that in Stuart Lake, just north of Vanderhoof, the fishing is gjod. To the right of that is (No. 3) a picture of a grave in the pic-uresque Indian Graveyard at Haielton. The bottom picture (No. 4) shows one of the cabins at Douglas Lodge, on Stuart Lake, one of the most up-to-date summer resorts in British Columbia. Premier Oliver Presents Claims of This Province Circulation 150d on Peace River Question OTTAWA, March 25. Premier Oliver of British Columbia ap peared bcfoi'H the railway committee of the House of Commons this morning to explain what he termed his province's "vital interest In the western outlet from the Peace River valley." The province was interested not only in the volume of grain expected to come out of the valley, but in the trade from coast cities to the adjacent territory he declared. The coast looked forward to the time when its l'uctories would supply Alberta with manufactured goods, lie detailed efforts that had been made to secure an outlet from the valley and aald that British Columbia a had been solely reno1islble tor 3.000.-1 000 which had been expended on con- Ml TrN V CJl UITU atructlon work toward the Peace River 1 ill I l DIVl 1 lljll The province had auffcrea additional lost of S25.OO0.0OO In Interest and carrying charges. HALIBUT ARRIVALS Our Amrilriui Mini Three Cuiiiidlun I lew In Stilil Cutchi-N Totalling III.OWI IMiukN i'rHluy One American, and three halibut boats sold catchva totalling 40,-000 pounds t .the Fish Exchange this best prices for both first- and fecund class fish. The arrivals were as follows: AMERICAN ' . Radio, 41,000 pounds, to Canadian Pish Si Cold Storage Co., 12o and 7c. CANADIAN Verna, 2.000 pounds, to Canadian Pish As Cold Storage Co., 13c and 8c. Nuba, 3.S00 pounds, to Royal Fish Co., 13.4c and 8c. Toodle. 2.500 pounds, to Atlln Fisheries, 13. 6c- and 8c. GIRLS ON STAGE 4 ; ! ! .MEOAN I.I.OVD (iKOIKIE TO MIKE DEIIl'T AND LADY PATRICIA lU'S-MX!, ItETl'KNIMI LONDON, March 25. One prominent British woman Is preparing tor ber stage Canadian debut and another Is considering a re turn to the footlights. Miss Megan Lloyd Oeorge. daughter morning, the Canadian vessels getting j of Right Han. David Tell her ah get better looking every time you see 'her and she wants'you to see her-btten: ' i Lloyd Oeorge, makes her stage dobut shortly In new play to be produced at Leicester. Lady Patricia Rusel daughter of the Marques ot Duftcrln and Ava. has been acked to reappear In England and abroad. ' She lias Jnot, acted since October. 1025. Her stage nni? was Pamela Dartray. LADY AMJl'lTH'! NOVEI. LONDON, March ,25. Lady Asqulth la writing her first novel. It Is oil about Leicestershire and fox hunting., red coats and love on horseback. As a girt Lady Asqulth was ,,k beautiful divshlng figure u the hunting fle'd. ' , IIUl AUE I'ENSIOS.H Sale 423 ACT fASSK-S SENATE ' 1 OTTAWA, March 25. The government's Old Age Pension Act was given Its third reading In the Senate yesterday without amendment. It now await Royal Assent before coming Into effect on the statute books. COL AMERY WILL VISIT DOMINIONS t hrrrrtury f Mate for Duniliilnn to ' Emli-irk on tear's Trip In Autumn -tuv Tlm tour of the Dominions In autumn. The' paper states that he will be away a year and that he wUl visit Canada. Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. WIUELE REPORT. K a.m. DICEY ISLAND. Part cloudy, calm: hnr"m-tcr. 30.10; temperature. 33: aea smooth; 8 pjn. spoke tug Cape Scott,. abeam Mnwtt bar. southbound: 8 pm rpoke tug Orlftco, towing barge Rivers- dale, C.ru.'.y Bay tor Tacorna, 650 miles from Tscoma. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer 29.-70; temperature. 38. BULL HARBOR. Cloudy, strong N.W. wind; barometer 23.89: temperature 4u. sea choppy: 7.15 pjn. spoke tug Im- brecorla at Margaret Bay. NOON DIOBY ISLAND. Showers, fresh S.W. wind: barometer 30.10; temperature 35; sea smooth: 11 ajn. In steamer Cardenu northbound. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer 29.- 76; temperature 48, BULL HARBOR. Part cloudy, fresh southwest wind; barometer 30.10; tem perature 47: moderate swell: 11:30 ajn. rpoke steamer Prince Oeorge. In Johnson channel, southbound; 11:30 ajn. poke steamer Prince Charles In John- ton channel, northbound, KINO'S CHAPEL KAIJ 1(. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY, March 25 Famed King's College Chapel, built nearly 500 years ago by King Henry Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. PrFc? I'ivo Genu Mt f f kj MM VI fl All f r XJM. A J sM.kJ JLf SJL MS J L I n J nrfnr in j Trm ah rnn rrnnrAriri i nn nmirA nni t w Y ni itoit iMjra ur Uaiik urmiriu akl utim ntt allw hursday Occurrence Deplored by Spokesman of Government; . Premier .- , Baldwins - - Statement - MitfiiMfuuui lungraimaiea on senawn ue-him VfcAviiN i r m . WW W V B-JM MMA k V Jh 1 I fill r I I IIflIallUlllf IiU III ff IfiniflllJ al VI III 0 VI j'(. as aa Nationalists and Reds j rUKMLItiUl 1 M LONDON, March 25.-The Rritish capital wan shocked by news oi me Maying ot lorcigncrs at Nanking. The tragic days MEN SOUGHT THE TRUE NORTH Will Bombard Nanking Unless Foreigners Are Given Safe Protection ULTIMATUM SENT TO CANTONESE BY ANGLO-AMERICAN NAVAL COMMANDERS IN REPLY TO INSOLENT, EVASIVE NOTE SHANGHAI, March 25. British and United States warships will bombard salient military points of Nanking, including Cantonese headquarters, unless immediate dispositions are made for the delivery unharmed of foreigners remaining ashore there according to an ultimatum delivered to the Chinese today by Anglo-American naval commanders after the Cantonese leader had returned an eva-8ive and insolent reply to their demands of Thursday. The naval men consider that only drastic action can save foreigners who sur- Vived yesterday's fighting and rioting at Socony Hill. t It was learned this afternoon that fifteen Britishers and ninety Americans, including 44 women and 48 children, still remain j to be evacuated from Nanking. 4 GRAIN LOADING AT VANCOUVER HVE VESSELS TOOK ON OVEU AMUHMt lUMir.LK t oil rilKTH '0?ViKU AT SOlTliEKN fT Till! WEEK VANCOUVER, Mar; lng veuels loaded grail a; !t !v ipttrt during the week: Arizona Maru. for Havrs wttS option" of Antwerp or Dunkirk. l84i "buihetf, PacUlc Commerce, for Mxu'iHaet. 667 bushels. Slmonburn. tor Hull. 303.392 bushels. KnoxvUle City, for Liverpool. I7.GG6 bushels; tor Avonmouth. 62.603 buhel. , 8hunsho Maru. for Yokohama. 140,. LONDON. March 25. According to 049 bushels: for Knt 16.609 bushels, the London Times, Lieut. Col. L. C. Amcry, secretary of state for the Dominions. wUl start on an extensive. ZAYAS ISLAND SHEEP RANCH IS INCORPORATED AT VICTORIA WITH CAPITALIZATION OI' $li.IMMI AND HEAD OFFICE IN R I PERT VICTORIA, March 23.-The Zayas Island Ranch Ltd. has been Incorporated here with capltallatlon ot slO.000 and head ottlce In Prince Rupert. Oeorge Vir. Kerr Is the organizer ot the concern which will engage In sheep ranching on the Island bearing the company's name outside Prince Rupert harbor. Another Incorporation ot the week Is that ot the Toneko Logztng Co. with capital of $10,000 and headquarters at Prince Oeorge. DEATH SHIP VI Is In danger of collapse througn ! ,"ernoon the gradual decay ot foundations, cording to bunding expert. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheat B.C. Stiver , Dunwell Olacler Gladstone Howe Sound Independence Indian , Premier ..... Porter Idaho Silver Crest Bid. Asked 11 1.60 t.T2 1J4 U '.09!4 .004 1.28-4 -30 ri 39.00 .09 .10 .06)4 .07 , 2.14 V 2.16 .1SU .154 .07V4 .07 We wish to assure our foreign ('readers that par Canadian; women are "not, so brt as they are painted. TRANKI'OUT HATHA! TIIIEKRY I N. LOADS HU H DEAD AND Ii ILL AT SAN FRANCISCO 8 AN FRANCISCO. March 25. Wheu the United State transport ship Chateau Thierry, which was stricken with .an epidemic of influenza after having left the Canal aoiie while taund here from New York, arrived rn this pert yesterday sixty-eight patient were lour aeoa were removed for burial. FIRST ATTEMPT TO FLY FAILS WILKINS' I'l.VNE COCI.D .NOT LEAVE (IttOt'ND. YESTERDAY ON AC-COINT Of EXCESSIVE ,0.l. IN'UTICY AOAIN TODAY FAIRBANKS. March 2S.In an attempt to take oft for Point Barrow yea. terday, the Wilkin polar expedition airplane Alaskan failed to leavt th ground on account of an excessive load. Another attempt will be made today.