TRACK EVENTS NEXT IN SPORT JOOTHAI.L ON MIF.I.P AM) IIASKKT HALL IX l.!Mi:i.l()IITTV()U 7- CHICAOO. .Jan. ' 7 With football on the-eheU. and basketball In the centre of the college athletics limelight, the track atars are making ready to teJie en Increasingly largo part in the sports world, -both in numbers of contestants and spectators. Besides the dual meets aDd confer e nee championship in the "Big Ten end Missouri valley, the college stars have J a 'chance to test their speed 'and strength In half a dozen different, relay games in the middle and south west, The two conference meets are closed to outside entries, but In the Drake re Jays at Des Moines, the premier track and field meet of the West, more than 2,500 participants are expected to compete representing nearly one hundred universities and colleges and more than hundred prep and high schools. The future Olympic stars open their season indoors at the Illinois relays at Urbana, February 26. A month later they have their first outdoor opportunity at the Texas relays at Austin, April 2. Ohio State University and University of Kansas hold their relay games on the same dates, April 22-23. In the four years the Kansas meets have been held. they have never had bad weather, and last i year they had more than 400 entries from forty colleges and universities, besides the intersehclastle events. MAXV STATKS AT DIUKK Next on the spring program comes the Drake relays. The meet this year is set for April 23-30 and nearly every state In the west will be represented. The National Collegiate meet at Chicago, June II, for event winners only, ctowns the track season. With the backing of most of the leading schools in the country, the N.CAA winners may lay claim to being American champions, At the meeting of Missouri Valley coaches at Des Moines, the track squad mentors said they saw no foreign star In sight who might enter their spring programs. J. HAMILTON WINS FINAL C.U'TTKEN (SOU) MKKAI. PITT I P BY r.ES mci.f roit city iiiumm HANDICAP TOl'KV.iMCNT Jimmle Hamilton defeated J. Corbett by a score of 300 to 261 last night In the final of the city billiard handicap tournament which has been in progress for some time, thus winning the gold medal that was put up by Ben Self for. the competition. There were thirty-four entrants In the series which has heen in progress for the couple of weeks or longer. W M ! SPORT THAT - - W--X a i Ten players will compose the Victoria Hockey Club which leaves Tor Europe on January 22 on a missionary hockey tour to assist in establishing the game there, at the Invitation and expense' of the dally newspaper, Svenska Dagbladet. The team will be abroad about six weeks. They will play In 8weden, Switzerland, France and Already In the north, more particularly at The Pas, with the mercury twenty degrees below zero, they are making preliminary surveys for the running of the great northland dog derby, some of the trainers have already arrived and Harry Olensky, with hfs team of seven wolfhound huskies,' Is the one most In the public eye Just now. The race does not take place till the last of the month. It is announced that amongst the entries will be one from Leonard Sappclla, the noted Alaskan driver. Leo Ooddard. Emlle St. Ooddard, Earl Bridges, Donat Beland, Red Welsh, Ross Mexley and others have expressed their intention of taking part. Jack Delaney, taking a leaf out of Bob Fttzelmmons' 'book, la going after the "heavies" and It looks as If he would not be obliged to worry very much over being able to give and take In their class, and prove himself fit to take a chance at the heavyweight crown within a few months. He took part recently in a Christmas fund box mg snow in jersey city and met a heavy called Bud Oorman of Wisconsin to whom he had to give away 25 pounds. In the first round he just held his own, and In the beginning nf the second he received some bruises about the nose, but by that time he had felt put his opponent and started tfl . smash him. First a iiard blow to the point of the hln downed Oorman for the count of eight. Next he hit him on the side of the Jaw. and sent him down again for the count of five -and although, Oorman came back grog-glly each time, he was In such a mussed up mental and bloody bodily state that the referee as well as the spectator realized that he was a beaten man and the bout wii stopped, giving Delaney the bout on a technical knockout. Drlaney'a victory la generally considered to have been an impressive one and the accuracy of his aim, and the powerful driving force behind hU blows, -t BRINGING UP FATHER CiET CP ANO OUT I FATHER- DCfT YOU THIN TIME FOR UNCLE JOHN TO gained a large amount of favorable comment, and a prediction that th.? Canadian Dorn boxer will In the not ' far distant future capture the world's ! championship in the heavyweight class, j TERRACE Mrs. Wm. Vanderlip, Jr.. is relieving at the public school here durtng the illness of Miss N. Mallott who, on ac count of Illness, was unable to return from the south with the other teachers. John WUUxuui of Usk was in town an Tuesday. Mrs. H. H. Hallowell returned ca Wednesday from a short trip to Prince Rupert. Lawrence Grelg is now able to be about again with the aid of a crutch j after having been confined to the hospital and his home for several weeks with a sore foot, which he accldently shot with a gun. Mrs. J. Thomasson of Remo was In town on Wednesday. Mr. llagan of Vanarsdol was a busi ness visitor here on Tuesday. Constable and Mrs, S. Service have moved into the house on Park Hill recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Frost. The WA of the Anglican church ill hold Its first meeting of the new year at the hce of Sirs, w. H. Miss Clara Little had the misfortune to fall while gettlflg "off a truck on Wednesday and Injured her knees so li having a few extra holidays. PRINCE GEORGE Candidates In the civic election here next Thursday will be: for mayor. Mayor F. D. Taylor and Aid. A. M. Patterson; for aldermen (six seats) Aid. Moffatt. Aid. Orimth, Aid. Ople. Aid. Fraser. Paul Wieland, C. C. Reed, George Kennedy, Nicholas Mrdaij and W. H. Crocker; for school trustee (three seats) Trustee J. O. Qutnn, Helen MacLeod, 3. B. Lambert. Mrs. A. M. Rogers and F. C. Saunders; for police commission Oeorge Porter. That of the mayor Is the only office that carries salary and It is but nominal. The city of Prince George made a better financial showing In 1926 than LJfho cloesritMc Chocolate Gake Kirs HET A PINE f JOTHER- IN-LAW- I'LL. CIT 1 HIM HIM OOT' OOT' c ' Lucky Number! DX-221 is your lucky ber when it's on a radio tube and in your radio set. Fits any 6 volt standard base and really gets DX. $2.75 mil Association has gone on record as being in favor of the continuance of the present system of the policing of the city by the provincial police. J. B. Lambert Is In Edmonton on business and will be away for a week or more. Frank J. Claxton of this city received an invitation to attend at Calgary, Alberta, the annual roll call and banquet of Alberta Lodge No. 1, I.OO.F, of which he Is the only surviving charter member. J. M. McLean Is moving his law office from Third Avenue to the Second floor of the Watson building on Oeorge Street. Providing a great convenience for the residents of the towns between the two places, the Canadian National Railway has added a passenger coach to the way freight train which leaves Prince In any year since Incorporation. There ! Oeorge westoound Tuesday evenings will be a surplus of 120.000 on the year's operations. At the city council's last meeting of the year reverted lots to the value of Sl.837.70 were sold. The' Prince Oeorge Property Owners Legion. and Bmlthers, eastbound, on Saturday. There was a large attendance a; a masquerade ball that was given on New Year's Eve by the Canadian J7 Highest Awards in liurope and America THE BEST RESULTS ARB OBTAINED BY USINO Baker's Chocolate ( Dluej Wrapper YelW Label) irTmalQng Caes, Pies, Pudding, Frojtmg Ice Cream, Sauces, Ihidgcs, Hot and Cold Drins For more than 145 years this chocolate has been the standard for purity, delicacy of flavor and uniform quality v Tl trde mirk, " La telle Cbocolitiere," on every genuine racWfie WALTER BAKER 8C CO. Limited Lsubliihed 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. Canadian Mills at Montreal Booklet of Choice Keciptt tent ret .at wwv i-ifrft rutty n'fW i f HEY- WHY ARENT eS YOU OP AN WOKN.'Nj'l I AT YOUR fMEW JOS?-' Y PLEASE YOO ARC ANNOf IN ilrteivM O 1927 .... Scwviet, Inc. " 1 f Victor Northern Elect rlo AkK SM1THERS The seed cleaning plant here is now approaching the close of a very active season. It has been running a double shift for some time. On the night of January 22 the Re-bekahs and Oddfellows of Bmltherswill hold a' dance to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of the great Scottish bard, Robert Burns. The provincial police has commenced the enforcement of highway regular tlons which require all horse dno ' velticles to display a light on the left side after sundown, j Alex Chlsholm has received assay re I turns showing the following values at the fifty-foot level on his Big Four nlnlng property at the head of the Telkwa River: gold. .1; silver. 3.7; lead. 47.5. - W. II. North, who will manage opera, tlons at the Richfield mine at Topic y for the Standard Stiver-Lead Oo. of Spokane, arrived here at the end of last week and has already bad a oom-pressor plant Installed at the properly. The Initial crew will consist of from eight to ten men. There was a representation from all over the district in the huge crowd that attended the dance given on New Year's Eve by the Athletic Cru! Tfc-sSzl? fca. both enthusIssUc and Commencing next Sunday. Rev. Oeorge .Turpln will preach a aeries ol sermons In the local United Church on the Life of Jesus of Nazareth. The sum of 1142.85 has been turned cer to the Bmlthers Hospital as a result of a concert recently arranged by the members of Oray's orchestra. The new garage building built by O'Neill and Wall will bt ready for oc cupation in a few days. The front office is being attractively finished wltli plaster board. Accident and sickness has been visiting the staff of the government offices lately. J. E. Ktrby, mining recorder, has been under the weather; A. E. Campbell, accountant, has one hand la sling with neuritis, and S. II. Hosklna, government sgent, is in hosptUI with a broken collar bone. W. H. L. Norrls also of the government agent' staff, is south on holidays. In order to draw tourists to the dis trict between. Endako and Hazel tan, the Bmlthers Automobile Club proposes the publication of an attractive booklet. S. A. Eby, who has conducted a general store here for the past ten years, announces thst, he wUl retirf from business. . Light rilhi , which lasted for several days resulted In all the "now disappearing frpaij'the, roadj aiidJjtreets at the first of' 'this 'week. H. M. Matthews, manager of the Sargent store here, left this week to visit with his wife and Recently born son at Duncan, Vancouver Island. Frank Doble returned at the end of last week from a trip to Eastern Canada. He spent the holidays with relatives, friends and T. A. McMartln ,at St. Eustache, Quebec. After having spent several months visiting here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. dray, Alex Oray left this week for Vancouver where he will resume his old position as pianist In the Regent Theatre. The nursing staff of the Bmlthers hospital entertained about fifty guests at a dancing party on New Year's night. ROYAL CANADIAN NAVAL VOLUNTEER RESERVE HUNCH IllTrllT. . (. Lieut. R. P. Ponder, commanding Orders for January, 1027. Drills.- Mondays, 8-9 p.m, gunnery and ammunition. Thursdays, 8-0 p.mj, seamanship and drills. Recruits will be attested any drill night. Inspection. All ratings must attend lluipccjjon o Thursday, January 20, by WHAT DO YOU MEAN? YO(j OUST COT THE JOO YfcSTERDAT AFTERNOON AN HCRR YOU ARE OSE-R'5LEEPlN"- CETOP-YOOBE LATE FOR WORK'. V anted For Sn!e For Rent Li 1 (why V-J J I DlftN T t WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE HOUR or day. Box 11. Dally New Office. FO It SALB FOR SAIX-M.M0.00 on terms buys good general store- bueineM. build-tag aad groundon C. N. Railway. Oobd location in earning district. Btaafc at oast. To responsible party . wHl caostder teasing. Wm. D. Lukene, ' Palling, BC 8 LOJfO RANOE SUPERHETERODYNE receiver, fully equipped and la perfect order, for eele at tecrlfke. Reason for selling, owner out of town. See it at Parkin-Went Eteetrie. !1 FOR SALE. TO CLOSE OUT AN IS-Ute. we are aatherlM-d to sell several Iota, some oornere. harbor view, aid oa sewer. PrKea low and terms Irora 11000 monthly. Enquire T, McC;sso5, tl OR SALE. THREE ROOM HOUSE with fine harbor view. Built 1923. 1.00000 on terms. This I snap at the price. Theo. Ootlart. Ltd tf FOR SALE. .FOUR IR18H SETTER pups, three months old. (thoroughbred) 12400 each to dear. Phone Green sag. VIEWI LOT AND SMALL BUILDINO: Oraham Aeenur. low price: easy FOR 9ALE.-Apply O menu. O. C. Walker. Second Avenue. PAIR OF BLUE FOXES. II. Udd. Beaview fjOR SALE. CHILD'S COT; EXCEL- lent condition. Phone Bit 719. S HOUSEHOIO FURNITURE FOR '.SALE. Phone Blue 139. 5 FOR KENT FOR RENT. THIRTY ROOM EQUIP-ped hotel. Oolng concern. Writ Bex 342 Dally News Offlre. If LOST IOOT. OENTLEMAN'S WATCH ON Third Avenue last Friday night. Finder please return to Dally News office. 110,00 reward. S AUCTIO.NKKU IT 10 A BUSINESS TRANSACTION TO plea. If I please you. please tell fthtf It I dont. tell me I I buy. aeJI or exchsng anything of value. Phone T7. Q. F. Brine. Auctioneer: ttoou A. lstio Jeal Cine. Mixed Wood I) Socks per load 10 no. Kindling, per load tO&O - Furnace Wood, per load 0.00 Delivered Salt Herring I'limie l(;i the Supervising officer, Western Divls- TELL. YOU- r J'-W I I I Cmi bmM rutin imoij )Q InncH! I riHHOl'ltACTIC ML tt. K KVOU-MIN niiimi-Ktrroii f.I Thlnl ttrnue. Office visits lt0 ItutiM celts 1 2 AO Vor appointment Phone Offlce Blue U Residence Black 253 ItOAItl) BOARD. THE INLANDER, Second Avenue. Phone 137. HKSTAUHANTS noon kith CUT. Mrs Unger. Proprletrvw Third Avenue. Next O. W. V. A. (IimkI Home ('ooanl Meal. Phone Black 700 By .George McMannj ANOTIIKK IMO HKI)U(TION IN CIIKVKOI.irr COMMKKCIAI. cak nuns I-ttt Ton Utility Express Chassis 33jM K Ten Light Delivery Chaseis I 63000 Touring and Roadster I SUM Sport RoadiUr SS0 00 Coerh and Coupe t low 00 Sedan IIISSOO tandau IIIBSjDO I'MII CAKH OS II WII 1 Ford Light Delivery, open body v I 75D0 t Ford Light Delivery, panel body 1 1 MOO 1 Ford Light Delivery, starter equipment I2S0O0 1 Ford Tudor Sedan, starter equipment 300.04 1 Oldamoblls g-paaoenger Tour ing. IB22 1900 00 Term Cl" b arranged on both new and ied cars to suit the purchaser. KAIKN GARAGE Dealers In failllar. MrLaurhlln, Oakland, yPnntUe Oldniblle and Chevrolet Cars. Phone At TAXI Phone 7 TVul (Call Georifc, Taul or Gunt) Six ami Seven I'anvciiKcr Stiide bakers at your (lispoaitl any time, ItOSS HKOS. POOL ItOOM Meeker Ulock. (Acro.M from Emnrens IIoteH TIMHEIt SALE X8G07 Sealed Tenders will be received by the ujirict rorester not later than noon on the loth day of January, 1927, for the purchase ol Licence XM07. Iiurke Chan nel, Restoration uar. vn. a. to cut 1.000.000 (ret board measure of Spruce, cedar ana lltmiock sawiog. Two 2 years will be allowed tor re moval oi umwr Further particulars of the Chief For rater. Victoria, or the District Forester, prince Rupert, P.p. TIMHKIt SALE X8.17I Scaled Tendera will be received by the District Forrstrr not Ister than noon on the 31st day of December, 182a, for the iiurcnwe oi i.icen ak.171. Yskoun Day, Massett iniet, q.c.i., to cut 400,iio feet ion, R.O.N.V.R.. at 7J0 p.m. aharp i,,r? "jeMure of Bj.rure. Cedar and nre., be No. 1 Rig. Jersey mustl ne ,i, ,? wl t0WM, for ; be wom. moval of timber. Annua, training No. 8 pertoatMI I rttata5JSV ratings who have -not yet attended the Prince Rupert. B.C. forester, R.C.N. barracks at Ehqulmalt during I 1920 ahould go this period. Names are I truiiim N.MIihlt SAI.h u ri793. to be given Into the O.P.O. Inst. by Tendersw"m be received by the 17th Intt. Draft will sail on the the District Forenter not later than noon morning of the 21st. Final Instructions ' SnPiUl.2r?,d,JL of JftJi'Jri' "".for the will ,in t,. be given nn on ,h the of ,. J purchase of Licence X57B1. covering two evening Jan uary 20, Appointment. H. II. Ryail. Esq.. late Royal Canadian Naval College to be paymaster. W. HUME, 1st Lieut Advertise in the Dnily News. The Baby's Cold Cntlnul "iotlnt" wtih lnterl nlcln outfit stlUtielmls 1 lornichi, Titsl eMt tltrnsllf wllh Vltk. Yu Juil 1 11b It eo, mens W VapoRuq areas in Ooat Harbor. Oil 4 in rut 7H2.000 feet board measure of Spruce. Hemlock. Cedar and Ualsam aawioes. One (1) year win be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of th Chief Forester. Victoria, or th District Forester. Prince Rupert, no, VUl.V TIMIIUU SALE X8f 10. oB.7Jt.d T.fntlr, marked, "Tender on X8440" will be received by the Honourable, the Minister of Undi, at Victoria, nc.. up to twelve o'clock noon on the 4th day of January. 1927, for the purchase of Pulp Licence X8440. to cut timber situated on Oraham Islsnd, Queen Chsrlotte bland District Thirty years will be allowed for the removal of the timber. All tenders must comply wllh Section IB of th "Forest Act." The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Further particular may be hail from ths Chlst Forester, Victoria, 110. "That job cwj lasted ran AFTSRNOOtM TEfU'OrtAR i SMPLOYf-ICLK I W W XI ! I ..1 . 1 DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WANTED WANTED. YOUNO OWL TO TAKE ere el child and assist with tight houeevork. Phooe Black 603. S SITUATIONS WANTKI) I . . r nurwi a: MAIL SCHEDULE Ol T-4IDIMI l ur I he Ea.t Medsyk. nTrdnesdsys flute Tu VaiMftirr Turettaye Friday Saturday . . OPR.. Jan. II. 2d First etas mall la sis Ml , Vsaeeuver on Umday W Saturday by C N R tru C: i: i , To ,lli)iii, A I Ire Arm, Mrasrt I ttilrr Sunday Wednesday v.. I ki-.., v . a. - Sundsrt to AUk Point To trtn Mi Jf M.-. jlan IS. 2 IN-COtllMt from I he lla Tuesdays, Thurwfay " at IrMn VneHtW Sunday . . . . WedaeNtey FrWy CfR . Ut 10 21 liom An)u. All Afta K.3rt Premier Tuesday Friday TueedftjM limn Alaa Point ja i. M t ram juren Clurlutlr- - Jen. tt. 17 IMIX ( OI I M tlH All Orham A Atlln Avr 1st Are. Ac 8th 8 th Ave. ft Fulton 8 rtUs An. to Thonipaoit Ittb Ac Sherbronke Ave 11th Ave. Al Conr-J S 6th Are. t Hays Cnv Bth A Hay Cove Circle ' 8th Ave. M Ccrtton Si . ( lh Ave. ft MeOride St Pro. Oort Itldgs Pro. Oev. Wharf O.T.P. Warf ... O TJ. SUtlon 2nd Ave. ft 2nd Bt trd Av. ft Fulton Bt 3rd Ave. ft Oth Bt Sunday coilevt::n same as PU day only. STEAMSHIP MOVEMEK l'r Vsnrotner Tuedy- . Card-tie Friday es. Pr(nc Rupert Saturday Calais Mturday m Prince Ileatrtce Jan. 14 -a Princess Mi ' Jan. -.' Princnei Mary Itnni Vrirniter-SundsyM. Csrdena Wednesday M Pr Itnprrt Friday a. Catala Saturday m prince Heat : Jan. 10 -j. Plrncess Msrv Jan 24 m Princes Mait 1 wr i iifi .iniimmi anil ."im imi"- Stindny - s. Cardrna ' I roni I'ott Mmixuii ami Na ltl" Tuesday-. Cardeiia t .. iti. ....... . . . . . ...... . 1 1 1, Sundav an Cardrna . Wednesday- as. Prince Rupert 1 iroin Mruri, Anjnx ami Alire Tuesday s, Cardrna Friday as. Prince Rupert I'nr (uren l'i..irllle Jan. IS Prince Charles Jan. 20- - , Prince Charle I 'mm ijmvn riisrliille Jan. 13 . Prince CharlM Jan. 27--s Prince Charle 1'iir Alakn Jan. 10 s. Princess Mary Jsn. 24 j. princes Mary I'rmn Al.nkn Jan. 14--. Princess Mary ' Jan. 58--. Prlnrru Mary C.N.R. TRAINS For East -Mondays, Wednc:ili' BaturUny 11' From Tursdays. Thundar Bund ays 1 M. WAV t T LX I I III, H - M. I II- m mm w -. minnor irriM Iaah lld 8ANTAL Wiw Bswsr of ImlUl; lnl fA- Ihl word Jl' Hold by Bll tr It ruii 1