ffl av January 7, 1027 1 llfAVM serine co J MOT only do the people of Br,t i s h Columbia get purity in Beers made by the Amalgamated Brewers, but British Columbia btfen arc rich, full bodied, zestftil beers, delicious and healthful! McDonald W McDonald. Analytical Chemists of Vancouver and Victoria, after testing the Beers recently, declared same of excellent quality. Convince yourself of the above and - order a case today from Governnunt Liquor Store. DELIVERY FREE TO ANY PART OF CITY Amjlgimjled RrtwuMf of British Columbia, in which ire ttMKUifd Vancouver Brew-fin LicL, lUiam Brewta-C.i of Canada Ltd . Wntmraurr Brtwrr Ud Stiver Spiiaj Brtwcry Lid.. Victoria PhosnU Bffwlnf Co. Ltd. i ., . . l u i - i i i u. . . i f ttrol DwJfd or by the Uovtrnmcnt British Columbia. The BWOMj Store New Year Special! A rrgutar $1.25 Thermo Hot tie nnd a $ 1 .0(1 Lunch Mux The Two for $2.00 Ltd. The Pioneer DruggM Three registered Pharmaclata 3rd Ah. and 6th SI. Phone 2 nnil 200 Subscription taken fur nil magazines. iCANADIAMj rWflLl Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert T KHrhlUn, rnnrll, Juneau. M.st lT. t. Jan. Id. JI. T la tic outer, thtarki, cestlk Jsnusrj t. II. tK ruiMi. iii;.Titin:. Ir CtnUIr. t4 KrIU 1Mb. Orran Fa!K 'sw. A' (ampbrll Itltrr, ami Vaiieotiirr err Hulurd. II .ni. ll'iiey lor all traiiiilt IJttr. U Information from C OUCH till". Ornrral Afeitl. f ('wrier of 4lh Mrerl and 3rd Aenur. Prlne liirt. IIC. 6 Cylinder Sterling Marine Engine for Sale Cheap Medium Heavy Duty 00-125 1I.P. complete with nclf utar-1"' and iii!v battery, only used cloven month. Excellent con-u ion, bargain price. Write A. E. A1TKEN, 10121 10M Stmt, Edmonton, Alia. "TRY A Nil TONIGHT" vGCX BEST PROCURABLE JrcJc,' 7lj7 'wim m ii hi i ' rnoouci or $coiia"0 The OrlglnsI Lsbel toolc for it at the V.ndor'j nd imiit on GRANT'S "BEST I'KUCUKAUUi" 'i'lils ndvci tiH'tuoiil Is not lmlilislied or displayed by Uio Liquor honlrul Hoard or ly Uio Oovornmctit i, of lkiliish Culumbia. . Local and Personal Arthur1 Taxi. Phone 878. DC. Undertakers, rbone 41, Duy Ttlkwa coal btcaub Ha hlghrr In B.T.U,' n4 U better furnace coal. :" U QUI Ux-kof fir, tlmbera, dlmenilon, ahlplap and finUh now at Albert it UcCaffery'a. tt Anger, the Tailor. Suit made to order In our hop in Prince Rupert. 223 Sixth Street. If Mr. and Mr. T. II. Johnaon were rMcrs for J he south en the Prince Itupert tbt 'morning. Archie Watt. CNJt. master mechanic arrived in the city on, yesterday afternoon train from Prince Oeorge. Jack MeKell of Telkwa arrived In the elty from the Interior last night and I registered at the Prince Rupert Hotel. What does the Bible wy about tbe Mr. and Mrs W. It. Tooth of Stewart j Trappers! Call and sbow your fur la tbe Old ItetUble llouae. It will pay you aa we ean guarantee to give yoti higher puce titan anyone else. We have big orders for all kind of furs epeclally mink. Wm. Ooldbloom. Second Avenue. .Phone 513. tl j Mis Jessie MaAfee. who ha been spending the holiday season rlsrtlng at Oeorsetoan with her parent. Mr. and Mr. Oeorg MaAfee. tailed thia morn ,lBf oa the PtllM-e Rupert for Vancou ver whore she will raeum ber studlee at Use University of BrttM Columbia Oranl Mahood. paoneer mining of the Portland Canal district, ar- ' rived In the city from the north Ibis j morning and will proceed East by to-I morrow morning's train on a business trip to Toronto. He expects to return !to Stewart in six or eight weeks' time. J Mason Adams, well known South' era druggist, arrived In the city from. the interior oa yesterday afternoon's train and sailed this morning by the steamer Prince Rupert for Vancouver en route to El Paso. Texas, where he will spend two months with his family. He haa left Charles B Millar of Edmonton In charge of his business. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Vaudeville West holme Theatre. Wed nrsday. January 19. SalvaU'- Army ment. February 3. Musical Entertain COVEUNMENT 1.HIU01. Arr MITIli: OK APPLICATION Mill IlLLIt l.ll'LMK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 1st dsv of February next the under signed Intends to apply to the Liquor Control uosra tor a licence in respect to premises being part of the building known as Central Hotel, situated at the corner of rlrst and Seventh Streets, in the City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots Eleven (111 j'id Twelve lltfj. imriren tiai ana ruunreik im. In Block Ten (101. Section One (II. City of Prl-e Rupert. Province of British Columbia, according to a registered map or plan deposited In the Land Registry Office at the City of Prinsc Rupert arotcaald and numbered 933, for the sale of beer by the glau or by the open bottle for conaumptton on the premtca DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C.. this 3rd day of January. 1937. CORA E. BLACK. Appl leant Office Hours . . 0 a.m. tu 0 p.m. Saturday 0 a.m. to 1 p.m. Any evening by appointment DENTIST Exilian.' lilutk. l'liune lU'J THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Buy Rupert manufactured ihlnjle from Seal Cove Lumber Co, Ltd. ti Union OH Co.' tanker OUnda. 1 due In port from the south during the night. -v' Mrs. r.-cd Roger wil a passenger for the south on the Prince Rupert this morning. Union steamer Oalsla, Capt. Is due to arrive at 11 o'clock tonight from Vancouver abd wavpoints. Should we turn down the Provincial Police! Hear this topic dlseuwed at the United Church on Sunday night. . 0 Duncan D. Munro of the Lund Settlement Board Is In town from Smith- ers and I registered at the Hotel Prince Rupert. Mr. and Mr. J. Oawtborn sailed for Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning and may decide to locate in the southern part of the province. II. A. Harlow, formerly CJUl. road-master here and stationed a'. Prince Oeorge Jn a similar capacity, arrived in tbe city from the interior on " tr,ln lna u registered a DOtteemanr Com to the United Ohurch on Sunday night for the ana-wrr. 6 Capt. Alfred Swson was a passen tf on tfre PrUfiNtef ROpert thU morning j for th otilh. He la going as far a Portland on a buairte trip. the Prince Rupert Hotel. GIRL MOTHER TAKEN IN POLICE CHARGE: DEAD INFANT FOUND arrived In the etty on the Prince Ru-l Edmonton. Jan. 7 -Found in a house 104th Avenue and pert this morrUBg and U1 procd by rooming near BUftl- unwln "ttn't"' al" train tomorrow mommas on a vae-iMa j-aar-ow unmamea mower is Demi; tMn trip Ran. . iheld at the bospttal under police sur- Dr. H. C. Wrlneh. M.L.A. arrived invrtltance foUowtng the finding of the the city yenurdsy afternoon from j body of a newly born girl baby in a Haaelton and sailed tbis morning on lne Tbe girl I bellevad to be the the Prtnce Rupert for Victoria where he niOu of Uia lafaut. tout her condl-will attend Uie sessiws of the lrglala- . Won I ao cnUcal that the police bav. ture as member for Bkrena. ! been unable o obtain a statement . . from her. and tbe rooming house pro- Mlas Jean Burns, after having spent prletor have been unaU to give them ( the holidays at her home In New Hazel-' ar.y Information, ton. arrived In the elty on yesterday Police believe tbe child died from afternoon's train and smiled this morn- J eipoaure after t4n abandoned t log on tbe Prince Rupert for Vancou-; birth, but a post-mortem will be held ver where ah win continue her college ' lo discover the exact cause of death. stud la. The baby was abandoned near the spot where the mother was found In to rooming bouse. 'DRY" CITY'S NAME MEANS "GOOD WATER' r f MimelhliiK About City i'l Canberra, New .tutrallan Capital CANBERRA. AlMtralta. Jan. 7. Canberra, tbe Distrtat of Columbia of Australia, which I "ftry.k Is pronounced b tbe native a "ceb-ra." and in the aboriginal buafttage mean "good water" of which there I an abundance in wells built before tbe coming of the white man. Canberra,, where parliament will soon be opened in its new home by the Duke of York, who left England yes terday, la known as the "bush" capital. because of its location, and Yarralumla House, an old fashioned "bush homestead lias been converted Into the viceregal residence, for the Duke and Duchess of Tork during their visit here. ST. PETER'S W.A. ELECTS OFFICERS Mn. C. Illllo Ke-r.lrrletl to Head cal Coe Ainlll.irj YrMerclJ) .Mternoun The annual meeting or the Women i Auxiliary of St. Peter's church, (Seal Cove I, was held in the church yesterday afternoon when tbe following officers were elected for the ensuing year President. Mrs. C. Hllla. Vice-president, Mra. Brewerton. Secretary-Treasurer, Mra. Oeorge Miti:ir.s iti: rout. 8 a.m. DIOBY ISLAND. Clear, I ' ECZEMA ENDED SEVERE CUT HEALED Madame A. Li riviere of Fall Itiver, Msjs., suffered with eczema for three years, and had treatment from several doctors, all of whom gave op the ease. "Finally," she aaji, "I went to a specialist, which cost me another ISO, but I was no better. x"A friend advised me to try Zam-Buk, which I did, and for which I have ever since been thank fuL I very soon felt some relief, and perseverance with Zam-Rak completely rid roe of the disease. ' ' Railway passenger fare In Belgium will be raised ten per cent on January i$ TMs i the Mid raise withm three months. Waterloo Brtdge. built across the Thames '.00 years a$c. bss txen utcU from destruction. Tbe bridge will be modernized. ! TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ! r4 FOR RENT FURNISHED APART-1 mnt; four rooms and bath: water paid. Phone 547 ti i 1 t FOR RENT. MODERN HOUSE. FIVC rooms and bath. Munro Bros. tf CITY OF I'HINCE RUPERT. AH occupants or owners of buildings-are terror required to have their chlm-; oevs cleaned forthwith and keot clean as required by tbe Bylaw of the City of 1 mac xupert otnerwise procecaings wui 'je taken to compsi tbe observance of tbe Bylaw. By Order of the Council. E. F. JONES. City Clerk NAVICAIII.E WATERS PROTECTION ACT K.S.C t'UAPTEK 113 Edward Upsett. Limited, of the City ot Vancouver, hereby gives notice that he ha under Section 7 of tbe said An deposited with the Minister of Public Work at Ottawa and in the office of tbe District Registrar of the Land Registry District of Prince Rupert, a description of the site and the plans of wharf propowd to be built In the Harbor of Prince Rupert In front of Lot 2. Block G. Sectlan 1. Map 923. And Take Notice that after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice. Edward Llpsett Limited will, under Section 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister of Public Works at his office in the City of Ottawa for approval of the said site and plan and for leave to construct the aald wharf. Ditcd at Vancouver this 11th day of Doember. 1928. LAND ACT. NOTICE OK INTENTION' TO APPLY TO I.KK LAXII. In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dis-! trlct of Prince Rupert, and situate at Nsato Inlet. Queen Charlotte Wands. TAKE NOTICE that John Dybhavn. of Prince Rupert. U.C. occupation manager. imenos 10 appiy ror a lease oi tne ioi-1 lowlrur described landa: I commencing at a post planted on the south side of Nrsto Inlet, about one mile from Its head: thence south 6 chains, thence west 18 chains; thence north 8 chains to shore: thence east 10 calm; bare- Ichslns. more or less, following the shore meter. 30.00; temperature. 29; sea j containing 7 acres, more or less. smooth: 8 ojn. sooke steamer Cordova.,' JOHN DYBHAVN. Waterfall for Ketchikan. 50 miles from! Apptlcant. Ketchikan; 8 n,m. spoke steamer Anyox, ' Auyox fcr James Island, 537 miles froint aus. Vancouver for Yokohama Vancouver at 31(1 n.m 10 a m. innka &ted November 23, 1838. IND ACT. James Island: I.S0 ain .poke Protest!-1 1VT1.r-rrv 1T.,. T(k T I'M " ' i.KASK l.lMl In Oona River LandRecordlng DUtrict Mam. atramer En. hounrt fr rtrav. ; . 'Oi mnce utipert, bc, and situate on Harbor. 400 miles from Gray's Harbor, an island In Oona River approximately 1:50 ain. spoke Admiral Watson. Cor- "PPf1"' B, n.e na Two or Lot aipa. r 17 K rVaK ntBtrlrt I mraf ls tllaa flat i dova for Sitka. 23 miles from Cordova; surrolm(,ln small uund). 1:35 ain. spoke steamer Niagara," Sid-1 TAKE NOTICE that John Bergman, of I for mlleasouth Oona mver. ao.. up.tn mherma. ney Victoria, 350 of j j Victoria. lowlne described lands: ' BULL HARBOR. Clear, fresh south i Commencing at a post planted 800 1 t f aaatf MnefK r nrtvlrtM'otl aAsnaa nnsv f , wind; barometer. 39.83: .lemperaturc t' " jV .ou'STeU I 38; sea moderate: 8 p.m. spoke tug thence 200 feet westerly: thence 1.000 1 Cape Scott. 64 mile, west south vrt 'TS," l,? 1 i of Egg Island seeking ship Oregon or lraa. i Fir; 8 pjn. spoke tanker OUnda, Uclte- j JOHN BERGMAN. let for Prince nunert. in KltrJiunh : ... Applicant Bound; a pin. spoke tug caciric Monarch In Fltxhugh Sound. DEAD TREK POINT. Barometer aa.- 56; temperature, 28. .noon i;'- DIQUY ISLAND. Clear? Tcilm; bato meter. 30.15; temperature. 34; sea smooth. BULL HARBOR. Overcast, fresh 8.F. wind: barometer, 39.02; temperature, 40; moderate swell: 8:30 -a.m. spoke steamer Catala left Butedale northbound.' DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer, 2984; temperature. 32. Advert! lu tbe U-Uly l.'ss uatra ucioner au. mm fvmf. Apr Coughs k j colds';,: .. ' Oar- V ' Mr. C. Oakley of Sakat-xai, who sustained a terrible cut on his leg, says: ''Had I known of Zan lluk when the'aeeid?nt occurred, I could have saved myself a 1 10 doctor's bill I A doctor sewed up the cnt and attended me for five weeks, bat the wound did not heal, and he advised me to go into a hospital. "I objected, however, and used Zara-Bok instead, and in two weeks' time was bsek at work." SAVEC OPERATION ' rather developed a painful lore on his face," writes Hiss N. tewis of 8ilrer Lake, Oregon. ''Numerous remedies and treat-uent from several doctors failed to beal it, and the doctor advised rn operation. Someone advised hfai to first try Zam-Buk. A few triplications brought relief, and t-twtiiined nse of Zam-Buk entirely t"lrd the sore, saving father tx&n an operation. " Zam-Bak It tar eetntia, rlmwoTm. r-ai. boila. rum pit t. Blrm.s (. 3d-rlin. pil, eofi, braiica, borne (.kd . .Idfc AlMalT( tOc bot. STIITP hls s4tr. B,m. af pa. (frb"! r ('' rtorn J 11 lata Palis') la Zara-Biik C Tnrimto, for fru trial box. Health That Reduces Goitre (,'oilre is a swelling of (he thyroid gland. It is usually accompanied by stomach weakness. Tnere are several varieties of goitre. The watery type I easily and quickly subdued, but the other varieties are more Mubborri in yielding to chiropractic spinal adjustments. (HEALTH F0LL0W5!1 CHIROPRACTIC CC3RECTS PRESS USE CM S FINAL KEXVtS IN r IS EASES Of THE FCLL0VYIN3 ORGANS: 1 1VMKT V ARMS K.-HEAT Oliver crnuaru , vr mi.) i y IWUKLAi SPlttH X MONEYS APPENDIX BUOCErt Spinal f.lumHOWi J UM3S The lower nekve und2rthe magnify inq class is pimcme0 ByAr.UAUGNEO JOINT, PINCHED NERVES MNNOT TRANSMIT HEACHr-VL IMPULSES. CHIROPRmC TICADJUSTINO RE MOVES 1 HE PRESSURE. THE UPPER NERVE IS rREEASNAWREINTENDS. Th? caue is removed by adjustments of spinal bones affecting the nerve impulses to the thyroid gland and the stomach. When iuch adjustments are followed through tc the point where the ypinal nerves are freed of the pressure caused by the disturbed alignment of the spinal joints tr.e normal flow of nerve impulses restores a normal condition: HEALTHFUL A (IAIN. "For two years my wife had or.c of the worst kind of goitres. It affected her breathing, and made her nervous. She took adjustments for eleven months and now does ail of her own work snd fecis good all the time." A. I-Raker, Chiropractic Research Bureau. Statement No. 126011. D. A. McMillan Rooms 6 and a'nlmer Graduate CHIROPRACTOR Exchadss Itlock Phone 601 Ran ad ian National Q7jc Largeft Kailway Sylem in America Steamship and Train Service Ji. PRINCE KITLKT will ?ne PUINCC III 'PHUT !r VANCOUVER. VI IV TOHIA. SEATTLE, ana Intermediate point earh KUIIiAY.at a.iu. sji. PRINCE RI'PERT for StKWART anil ANYOV. W tll.M:sl A V, IV p.m. PRINCE CHHI.ES for VANCOI VEK ltt UL'KEV CHARLOTTE ISLAND, fori nightly. PASSK.NORK VUAINH LK.XW: PRINCE Kl I'l.KT I'rh MONO AY, tltllNtsHAV and S VTl Kit A V at 1 1.30 a.m. fur PKINCE fltOH'lK, KIlMONTON, WINNH'lid, all oiiil Intern Canada, lulled ' states. S.V4 4C.E.NCY ALL OCEAN STIUMSIIIP LINES. , t 'm Canadian National Kprca for Money Orders, I'orrlgn ClieiUes, rliuN fur jour nevt shipment. ClTY TICKET OlITCE. SU TIIIIIO UK.. PRINCE Ul'PERT. Piione S(iO r, UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hel'Jngs from Prlnre Kuert. lor VANCOUVER, VICYOiUA. Mwanson luy and Alert lUy, ttc, Turaday, 3 p.ni. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Pay and swanwu lUy, etc Saturday, For PORT SIMPSON'. AN OX. AUC3 AK.M, HTEWAKT and Naas River rannrljta Munitav. n.m. .. . . ' X . . . . . . . . . . . , a. r. 133 tnd Avenue. i