25 in &ii a i. ti TAXI Boston Grill and Ambulance Servlco Anywhere at Anytime Stand: Exchange Ilulldlng MATT VIDECK, Prop. VOL XVII., No. 5. AMERICANS TO . LEAVE HANKOW t. equating the city according to Reu- HW 8hangal despatch, CANADIAN GOLD IN NEW YORK NEW YOflK. Jan. 7. Gold bara valued at 3.800,0O0 were received at the nnk of Montreal today front Canada. This foreign exchangs transportation the Canadian dollar, being at a discount uf five thirty seconds ot one per cent permits the ohlpment of gold at a A fog cost Londoners 2J0,000 1 'undry bills. i battle with game warden .call the authorities, the shot rang out. her and I know lu a haagtcg Job. Bo keep away." nitvr lira i i j wiirr imn vi muiuf i Barden was sounded wfces RabertaoA A meeting of Canadian National officials of this division U being held In the city tcday. Beside the local officers, the following from the outside art jher to attend: Arehlt Watt, divisional IHI III I'lioiiiitN aumi lll l.ll.M I) TO 'master mechanic with headquarters at Hi; ri.KIMt IX (IIIMi: Irrlne Oeorge: D. Deneen and It. A. (Iiv I Harlow. road maatera from Prince Oeorge: It O. Davidson, roadmaster from HAKKOW Jan. 7. Anxiety for the 'UcBrlde: H. Ounderson and J. Mortarlty. of Americana In Hankow arose Smlthere" roadmastera: and P. M. Bay-"i1 "ight when a British ateamer waar.er. roadmastera clerk at Smiytere. P!t fd opposite the United Stales con- j 'c lYank Lockhart. the eonaul. TI VVVU UflDl7Ml7M ik. ,. itLLlui iiunnmui :ng that women and children go "d and take three daya' provisions. women already are aboard an. are P ared to aatl for Shanghai. r '.sui Lockharl'a circular concluded: men and children unwilling K themaelvea of thes facilities can-c expect to receive any gusranlre of ' importation at later date." 1 Oen Chen, the Cantonese foreign B .lster. declared his government hsd t: Jfil a proclamation ststlng that American women would be, protected A proclamation has also been Issued Naming Oreat Britain for the Incident " January 3 which, he aatd, resulted from the wtindlng of a number .of Cuneae" LONDON, Jan. 7. The British con-:c-.-,iou at Hankow Is still in the poa-clon of the Chinese military. Amer ican KILLED IN RUSSIA Mm in I'lp" Mur! In Male Mrlallurglinl ttorks al Traemotlk MOSCOW. Jan 7. - Eleven workmen were burned to death and many seriously Injured by the bursting of a steam pipe In the atale metallurgical worka In Traemovlk In the Djn Basin. It waa learned today. The force of the ex-filoalon almost demolished the building. TWENTY-FIVE ARE DROWNED IN BLACK SEA-STORM RAGING bebastapol. Jsn. 7 Twenty-five women and children are uway i peope wf re drod when an unnamed TtirkUh ateamer sank last nigm in me Slack Sea near to Cspe Tulsa according to a wlrelesa received here. Further south the atorm la lashing the whole Crimean coaat spreading havoc to ahip- pins. CRUISER LEAVES IN PURSUIT MEXICAN GUN RUNNERS, CORINTO MANAGUA. Jan, 7. The United States cruiser Oalveaton left Corlnto today for the Oulf of Aonseca where gun runners, allegedly Mexican, are reported attempt Jng to land arms for the Llberala. Advertlae In the Dally Newa. Natltr hx Among Thoe lll-falrd Lltllr Bout. VICTOniA. Jen. 7 The Vancouver seining boat Jessie IUnd No. 4, which left Chemalnus two weeks ago lor the fWrct Osest u picked up this mora- PKNTU TON, January 7. - Armed with two riflci. Ceorge i ? a eheV ?Bfc a Canadian Oovermnent steamer n -tw.i kii.i ui- ...ir v. ..-.I... 17 being pleaded with by William Steel, owner of the houeL.ht wh0 wwe on -n,. nc mc iruKi-uy occurrcu, ana oincr, ior more man two nours jrrender to the police, was fatally wounded in an exchange of with Game Warden Itobertaon. Hearing a woman scream an he passed the Steel residence on ws to court shortly aften ten o'clock. Magistrate T. A. Hope ran .ic house where he found llarton beating and kicking hia wife. Oet right out of here or m ptvg jrou." ILL KNOWN NORTHERNER IS NO MORE shouted Harden m he asw Hope enter. 'As the magistrate left the house to boat Ml Ohemalnus with herring net (or Barclay i l im.tu muni in i hi ii run Mrmnitrl wi tike htm ftr forts anil hr tr'frfis) Fit' fr MILIUM It AT A1I.IN. HILh IN ttMuittn tniK iiuii.i IU.NIh died a ehsrt time after. lueawtHMt Mitnaei Steel, who left the home where he Interior are In the Illy la Altrnd (lathering all Indiana tiiom; of Clayoquot named "Hat" OX HO till cargo of Sound on December 39. 1 The beat piled up on the rocks In' r adverts Bay on the West Coast dur-j log the recent storms. The Bsmfleld I lit boat found the wrecked craft htfb and dry In Klootua .us Buy Buy moat npped to pieces but without sign 'or trace of the crew of three and five I When the polke arrived on the stcne , !" ! The Pw lb04rt " ""'I tew minute, later. Barden called: -Dome . sWp nearer and III shoot you. froW Cbemsinus for: !Tou wm never take me I hare klUed fuas uded two whites and lived alone ewrller la the day. eouM erf- Jamee of Nanalmo. Leo Peter and wife .fer no suffcatkMl as to why the couple. "" I whs house waa neat door, were In hat ER Jan 1.J A. rTaaer. plM yuruen armed from ObeUa lart mmiasiener at AUia t j fl!1 bJt hu !, rim, ny Ut nvanth. s .r died at Ms rtwtdrMt .py kn0B w hart had msny The new of the death I qUtrreu. f is' v. had been III for only) . f ,,'ed, oTrrSrS 4S; CANADIAN NATIONAL 'v Hr waa bom in uien-1 ' Ontario, and went to Win- j 9 early data, later coming' OFFICIALS MEETING imoia. ii.j tia.i.r and tlihrr Ulllrrr I rom LOCAL GIRLS PASS EXAMS mii: lUNTKit. r.t!Ti:i.i. ami PAUMIIOM M't'f-KSSKIL IV m: i:st ix. tksts (nlal lo Dally .) , VAXt ortl.lt, in. 7-Keull f Hie KcgMcrrd Xur' exainlnatluns held al lurlou training x-hnolt In Hie prmlnrr during the iiionlli ii r Notrinhrr hate hren aiinminml by Ml" llrlrn IUikUI. ILN, rrtt-rar of Die (Iradiute Nurr' A-MM-Utlnii of ltrlllh ruliiiithU. The reull show thrre mreful raiiillilatrs from Prlnre Ituprrt (imrml lloM'tUl .Mla lirorilna lliinlrr, il Ann ( utrll iirnl Mix 'Aula lMlnitHim. The Hirer jming laillm nirnllnneil MlHite are now rntllled lo Ihe lirltllegrH amnio to I lie ur f Die lellrrs "Kfi." rer llielr niinirs. All Ihrre are mrmlirri of this print's graduating clas from I lie I.huI liopllul. Mlvi lliinlrr will lime roinplrtril Iter training next Moml.i) ami Mlm Ciilrll and Mls I'iiIiiiIhiiii Mill he tliromh mmiii Ihrreiitlrr. welshIity 'starts loading and ryoka will follow soon A quick Job of lining having been done at the ocean dock by a dry dock crew, the Smith Line freighter, Welsh City, went on berth at the elevator yesterday afternoon to start loading grain for the United Kingdom or continent. As soon as the Welsh City gets away, the Ocean Transport Co.'s freighter, Ry-oka Maru, will move down from the dry dock to atart loading for Shanghai, Lining of this veuel will bo completed the Premier. Mr. Kendsll msde a minute Inspection of some of the properties Immediately north of the Premier Including the National Sliver and the Premier Exten-alon. In the Extenuate property, now operated by Orant Mahood, he saw what he described aa wonderful mineralization. The B.C. SUver and Big Missouri, he said, are already established and proven mines tbst will some day outrival the Premier. In the Bear and Marmot River I valleys were also mlnea which he con sidered had marvellous prospects. Mr. Kendsll also conversed with msny ot the residents ot Stewart and Hyder. Their spirit of optimism he aald was surprising for the people on the ground are often the most skeptical. M KATIIKIt KKIMIIIT PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Railway Minister Frankly Admits Responsibility for Cancelling Vancouver Hotel i . OTTAWA.j January 7. -Hon. Charles A. Dunning, minister of railway, states that he would welcome a parliamentary investigation info the reasons for cancelling the contract for .the erection of i $5,000,000 Canadian National hotel in couvcr. The contract was authorized by the late government and was later cancelled by the present administration. In making his statement regarding a parliamentary investigation, Mr. Dunning said he would be glad to take the responsibility as minister of railways for recommending the cancellation to the government. "Regarding the future,' the minister stated, "the pre.i-dent and board of directors of the railway company have not yet recommended provision for the construction of the hotel at Vancouver In 1927." at-' Enthusiastic Toronto Fmancitr from alaasett. rears for tb aafetr of the craft wer Predicts Several Stewart Mines to Rival Premier in Few Years John P. Kendall, prominent young Toronto financial roan, has Vhoe on board i be ill-fated boat visited and had practical experience with most of the great mining were Capt oeorg Brown of ciayoquot fields on the continent but the Portland Canal is the most wonderful -Brownie" James nt- ho- has yet'neen -Suib wit the opinion which he enthusiastically ex-Ambroae of Eateaat; nrcsscd to a retrre?entative of the Daily News this morning on his Joseph Harry of Nootka Bound; Henry orrjvoi flvm Stewart where he has been for the past week inspecting Sound, and believed to an Indian hare been i interests he already holds and acquiring' others. "From the standpoint of activity, mineralization and the spirit of its residents and investors I have never seen anything like it," asserted Mr. Kendall. "And from what I hare -learned during , m ii,. ,.Uiffl brief Tlslt. I venture to aay that. failxt so rraeh htr deaUnatlon, . Her I within fire yeara Oster ship. Jessie Island No. 3. left!""" or five mines there eighteen hours lster and arrived at the usual time, reporting . no aAght of the Jeaale ItUnd No. 4. Inquiry at the office ot the Indian Agent here this morning failed to lend any light on the Identity of the Indian nicknamed "Pat" time, there :i: INCENDIARY "I came West wtth great expectation! but those expectations were even aur- pawed with what I aaw," declared Mr. Kendall. Financial people of the East are realising the west-h and possibilities of the Portland Canal region and money for development there la becoming Increasing available, he aald. "British Columbia." Mr. Kendall aald. "will be the scene ot the next great mining boom and the Portland Canal will take a large rharc ot attention and Investment. There have been a few regrettable stock promotions on certain mlnea but that will no longer have a serious" effect for the public Is becoming educated and confidence has been restored," Mr. Kendall, who Is a guest at the Hotel Prince Rupert, will leave for Toronto tomorrow morning. Prince Rupert. Clear, calm, temper' ature, 39, ' , Terrace. Cloudy, calm, temp. Jfl. Alyansh. Clear, calm, temp. 18. Alice Arm. Clear, calm, .emp. S4. Anyox Clear, calm, temp. 33, Stewart. Cloudy, calm, temp. 30. Harelton. Cloudy, calm, temp. 8. Telegraph Creek. Cloudy, calau I temp. 10. ; Smlthers. Cloudy, calm. rero. Burns Lake. Cloudy, calm, temp. 13, White Horse. Clear, calm. 17 below, Dawaon. Clear, light south wind. 10 belov?. Selkirk. 34 below. TIMBKEKPKK FOUND DEAD FERN IE, Jan. 7. Michael McNeil, timekeeper at Corbln, waa found dead on V right-of-way of the railway at that place.. An Inquest haa.bcen or- tier!, AND THIEF PEKf'V KKXWAKU OF lltTKOIT COMMITTED I'OK TKIAL AT KKVELSTOKK Itr.Vtl-STOKE. Jan. 7, IVrrj Krnward of Hrlrolt a jrttcnUy rominlttrd for trial on a charge of Mealing an overcoat and sevrral muII sum of money during a hotel fire here on December St, He -ontfvil. according to the poller. t.Yit hr hlmvlf klndlrd the flrr at nrll a that which drMroyed the Hotel North llrnd on Drrrniber I, Krnaaril .. In ntfh ruv. thr motive for placing flrr bug n In orrurr money. Hit mrthod was lo iiiliitlr wild thr Ilrrlng rrl-driitit from thr burning irc-IUrnrrn umlr thr prelencr of hrlplng them. THIS YEAR HAS FIVE ECUPSES Tills t'Ol NTIlV WILL ONLY EE MOON SHADOW ON JI'NK IS MIMK OTIIKlt PHENOMENA HOOKED MONTREAL, Jan. 7. Three eclipses of the sun. two eclipses ot the moan and the transit of the planet Mercury over the aun'a disc are all Included ln the program for the year 1937, It la stated by Prof. A. J. Kelly, of McOUl observatory. Virtually at the beginning of the new year the first eclipse of the sun was observed on Monday In the Southern Pacific Ocean. On June 39 there will be a total aun eclipse, visible In Oreat Britain and .Norway, while on December 34 a partial eclipse ot the sun will be visible In the southern 'seas. In addition there will be two total eclipses of the moon. One ot these tsk-Ing place on June 13, will appear first In the Atlantic Ocean, with Ita pathway extruding through North America. The second total eclipse of the mson, on December 8, will be seen generally In Australia, the Indian Ocean, Asia and the northern part ot North America, Another phenomenon occurring this year la the transit ot the planet Mercury over the sun's' disc on ' November 10. This will r.ot be visible In North Circulation 1900 Sales 428 Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least Phone 457. Price Five Onts OFFICER KILLS PENTICTON MURDERER NINETY THOUSAND RAILWAY EMPLOYEES ASK MORE PAY Okanagan Man Slays Wife and Falls Victim to Policeman in Duel Household quarrels end in tragedy armed man resisted arrest and lost life in SEINE BOAT BUT ! NOT MEN FOUND IK.tKI.ll THAT r.KHIT PERSON OV JEssIB IsLAND NO. I LOsT THEIR LIVE WHITES AND INDIANS Montreal Faces Sequel to Increases Recently Given Others of Staff M0NTPEAL, January 7. More than ninety thousand railway employees are Involved in negotiations on wage increase demands ranging from ten to twelve cents per hour. Thirty-five thousand maintenance men on all lines and a similar number of railway shopmen demand a ten cent increase; eighteen thousand Canadian National office staff and freight shed employees are seeking a ten per cent hourly rating Increase and twenty dollars a month for rated men; six thousand Canadian Pacific clerks demand wage increases and improved working conditions, and eight hundred Canadian National sleeping, dining and parlor- car . employees request a twelve per cent ln- rtTMlTfin lAKIMl urease. These demands result from ln- UlA U I Y1 cresses recently granted conductor and f illll VlJ JllllllVj MATE OF MOELLEK AND ANOTHER MAN AKIIESTEII VICTORIA. Jsn. 7. Chief Officer Warrington of the liquor boat Chrla Voeller. the cargo of which la betnj held here at the Instance ot the customs commission, and Angelo Sepoatto. have been arrested. Warrington Is charged with having liquor from the MoeUer ln his posses-Ion and Seposlto for tutrlng received liquor which he la alleged to have known was stolen. PUBLICWAITING FOR NEWS SANKEY APPEAL Humor That Application For New Trial Will Not be Heard I'ntll .March Dlxrrdltrd by Loral OtfUlaN The local public la awaiting with ka Interest news of whst may transpire in connection with the application for a new trial before the Court of Appeal In Victoria of Joseph Sankey who l sentenced to hang for the murder of Mls Loretta ChlshoUn. There was a rumor that the carrying out of the sentence might be deferred and the application heard In March but the police and local crown officers are disposed to the belief that the application wUl be talcen at once. STOLE FOOD TO TIDE HIM OVER lr liolf lirlo Srtrn Days In Jail and Flur of ftS Leo Roir, charged with ateallng goods from the C.NJL. waa found guUty In the city police court this morning and was sentenced to seven days ln Jail with a tine ot 133. and costs. In lieu of nonpayment of tine, a further 14 days ln Jail. The accused admitted the charge, but pleaded that he aimply took sufficient food to Isst until his cheque from the ON.R. would arrive In six days' time. LOSES LIFE WHEN BURIED WITH CLAY Vancouver City Workman Mrt Appalling lr.ith Yesterday Afternoon by Suf- locution VANCOUVER. Jan. 7. Suffocated when he was burled beneath tour feet of clay. Oeorge Olbson. a city laborer. died before fellow workmen could remove the debris from a cave-In which occurred yesterday In a sewer under construction here. VANCOUVER .EXCHANGE, Bid. Asked. Wheat 1.33K B.C. Sliver 1.S0 1.89 Dunwell 1.30 123 Olacler .08j; .08H Oladstone ......... .38 JO Independence 09 Vi -09 ti Marmot 10 y, .13 Premier n:. 189 1.91 Porter Idaho I3t; .13 Vi Silver Crest ...... .OSU .06 8urf Inlet ......... .O0i IS ANNOUNCED Ills It OVAL HIUIINESS WILL ATTEND Jl'BILEE OF CONFEDERATION AT OTTAWA AND VISIT HIS CANADIAN RANCH NEW YORK. Jan. 7. The first news despatch received from London over the newly Inaugurated radiophone ransAtlantlc commercial service, opened to the public this morning, was an .aclal announcement that the Prince 4 f Wales wouldlsltCaHdk-flext um- mer. Only urgent demands for his presence In England on official business will prevent the Prince making an o racial American visit next year. '' After attending the Jubilee of Confederation In Ottawa ln July. His Royal Highness plans to apend a vacation at his rancn In Alberta. He wUl then visit middle western United States later going to New York for the Anglo-American polo matches before returning home. MNSHIPPED AT VANCOUVER Dl'KIMi Tills WEEK TOTALLED ADOl'T HALF MILLION IllSIIELS MOSTLY IX PAIJT CAKUOE.S VANCOUVER. Jan. 7. The following vessels loaded grain here during the present week, mostly all being part cargoes: Saunshel Maru. for Nagoya. 118.323 bushels. Hayo Maru, for Yokohama, 33,33.1 bushels; for Kobe, 33.333 bushels. Age NanUor Mojl. 60.686 bushels; for Yokohama, 199.641 bushela. Baltimore Maru, tor Osaka, 18.607 bushels; tor Kobe. 30.833 bushels. Yonst Maru, for Shanghai, 163.500 bushels. Yokohama Maru. tor Kobe, 16.666 bushels. Lochmonaf. tor Rotterdam. 37,333 bushels: for Liverpool, 37,333 bushels. Moerdyk, tor Hamburg. 37.333 BOXES MADE TO CONTAIN DOPE EXTENT Of Dltl'O TRAFFIC SHOWN IIY OHU I K IX CONNECTION' WITH TRIAL IN .MONTREAL MONTREAL. Jan. 7 Judge Minet lu police court here set ball at 110.000 for every one cf the five men who were arrested here last week In connection with what the police claim Is the biggest drug ramcklng ring on th North 'imrrlcin ' continent. The men 'will appear 'this week end. Francis W. Cowan, chief of the narcotic division of the federal department of health, today told newspapermen h had learned that In the last three year orders had beeu given to and executed by a single concern for the manufacture of 31.J00 boxes to contain 30,000 ounces of Illicit drugs valued at 41.000,-000 wholemle. Thla was not taking into account order given for boxes destined to contain raw opium and so forth.