PAGE TWO THE DAILY KBWfi The Daily News ATTITUDE OF PRINCE RUPERT - DMITlfiH COLUMMA PulilMd Every Aflermxn, except Sunday, tar Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. II. F. PULLBN - - Manari&C Editor t is .--J, SU5CKIlTiON ItATsMr City Delivery, by maH or carrier, fr montfc By mail to all parts of the Iiritish Lmpire and the United States, in advance, per jfmt To all other countries, in adretere, ;er year Advertising and Circulation Telephone :98 Editor and Reporter Telephone - - -.'86 Member of Audit ltureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION PRINCE RUPERT NOT ttUILTLESS 73 11.50 Thursday, Dec. 8. 1927 (JOVEKNOK AT WASHINGTON Canadians moat feel omewhat flattered at the reception their representatives who have recently visitKl Ottawa. One Today .we republish from the Vancouver Province an editorial article in 'answer to strictures upon Vancouver emanating from Prince Rupert. While there is undoubtedly much truth in what President Fulton of the local board of trade states, we must also remember that smaller places in this district look upon Prince Rupert with equal distrust and make the claim that citizens here think and speak of nothing but their own city. They refuse to re cognize that the progress of neighboring towns and villages is sure to benefit herself. The fact of the matter is, we all have to cultivate the broader outlook. In this district Prince Rupert is the centre and citizens here should not only get to know the surrounding towns and villages but should interest themselves in the doings of those places. That is why the Daily News tries to publish as much district news as possible. We cannot live to ourselves. We must co-operate and as the larger centre for the north we should try to take the lead in pro moting the welfare of the whole district. WORK OF PLAYERS' CLUR The splendid work of the Players' Club in putting on the play "Adam and Eva" this week marks anoather forward step in the development ef amateur theatricals in this city. The play was the most ambitious ever-attempted here and the result must have been gratifying to those responsible for it. Most of the plays in the past have been simpry screaming farces designed to amuse. The play just put on has a motive and calls for a real display of his trionic art.- The players are to be congratulated on the success of their efforts and Prince Rupert is tn be congratulated on having such a band of clever exponents of thcart here. ' - , EUROPE HAS "NERVES" ; really afraid tbat war la actually Im minent. The world la not prepared lor ANn WAR RPflKEN HP acother great 60011161 nd tbt p1 iUU UnU Ul UlVLai VI l0! countries engaged In hostilities from 1 1914 to 1918 have too many unhappy re- (Toronta Olobei (collection of aU that took place during Europe Just new l aufferlng from i those eventful years to be willing so an attack of "lerve." Her statesmen i aeon to face again the horror which are "jumpy." and while openly tboy were then undergone, are nuking protestation of (rood -will Nevertheless there is a feeling of unto all nation It la obvious that In- easiness In tbe air. It prevail in aome wardJy they ai? supiclou ol the acta decree on this aide of the Atlantic. "The of neighboring government. No one mx: war" i being referred to freely. 'WorellreadmidMerMmfl" 1 Any Anu grocer arocer can can sliddIu supply you uou 1 Are Ifishtins AcainMtAbioJfitiAm: Within the Own mum rarxiea I Mesoew. oc a -now than mhi! ad SlaaSwteff h at lat beeai esj bUs tram we cnn''w fS PWtT ttsM I1J form to MY!. after another of Canada's leading men have paid Washington a ; Qtst party, tut to visit and the climax came when Lord Willfnfrdon arrived and was given a royal welcome. Canada is every year becoming of greater importance economically and politically. We can now feel that we are citizens of no mean country. We have taken our place in the councils of the nations, we have a minister at the capital of the world's greatest and richest country, and we are prosperous at home. This is indeed Canada's centary. VKRSBS PRO.M ANVOX Frank XI. Kelly of Any ox is something of a poet and he has just published a Utile booklet of a few of his verses which he is sending out to his friends wfth the season's greetings. Most of the verses breathe the life of the great outdoors, which is natural because Mr. Kelly is an outdoor man. Here is a verse or two as a sample from "The Surveyors": We have jumped the gentle blacktail From its covert in the brake, Caused the black bear in the windfall From its slumber to awake. Seen the stealthy cougar questing In the fading after light, Ilaara the yelping of the wolf paek In the watches of the night. We have glimpsed the beaver cutting, Know the structure of its house, Sensed the. whisky jack's haranguing And the drumming of the grouse; Seen the silvered salmon leaping Up the plunging waterfall, Heard the wild fowl from the sedges At the feeding hour call. ' " ' We have rafted lakes of wonder With our paddles going strong. Woke the echoes in the timber With many a lusty song; Played the game of man's advancement, All the strength of Nature' fought, 'Tilrwe fouhd a place of raiting And the guerdon we had sought. u. ti Is to asjtlstten wMeh aaay of the fsjkt bt-i ortbodos wtaa; at . tbatr refwuon of even a that via nauian to; Mgnlly r UHsjany It is Mot tbetr new part, nor i B tbc loctsttw tt and! ueraey by wbfcsh' Tbwv So awl. of count. I to political tieedflan or to for anyone bat wtssun taw nbM ! ef Bios Una stand for iiasMN tbat la 0 sSf . of to tbe ii maWssbiwuit of goad Uon with tbe auSKi world, sad it f C-bbsi Ma aasi. Mat ts? iM rrsjan an mill by tbgS put it as aswsr. stukn nr.iuin party, an betas; a efface. h da Wilful arbetber tbay wll be to wbllaHi to tbe area or meauna. It la even wUl be abac to Against tbe Opposition factorial lerbeee It strong) rathhas SMbSM wbssbtr tat tbc Itswataa gun. and will no dons a mora ngvuy enforced from now onward. ConeMsrtng the ataaae which tbe Bol- hertk dictatorship baa at Ha Ornpomh It will probably aueessd. pwbaps not tn exterminating the Oppoamon. but to ellnunatlng it from tbe surface of Rw- ilan polities, m foreign affain the Op- Dosttloa baa aU abaag bean a htnrtrarwa be tbat. having put Trotsky and atbso- rietf aside, tbe Husataa goarnent wUl begin to moderate Its foreign polssy. But at borne tbc war again tbe Op pa alUon onlT meant a aonaoUdattOB of tbe dictatorship and a further atap to wards tbe cusfraaehtoesnem of tbe Itu- aaati worktng ebvn. l .MIKK SI ICVEI1.MXC K According to lnfomsaUon rsaetved bere. Trotaky has bean placed under bouse arrest, tbat Is to say he is con fined to rite own residence, wbieb at watched and surrounded by sgenta of tbe O.P.U. It la expected tbat be will fight to a riniah, but his mntieilee and prastige are eutb tbat be cannot wlttt impunity be thrown into peiaon. House arrest may he looked upon as a kind of Unprlsomnant and aa a teat of TiuteKfw real power. Tbe effect on Russian public opinion wUl give' tbc Oomrauatet party seme indication a to bow far. or ratbar bow faet. tbay can go in reducing him to complete sUenee. If he retnains tmptaoable. aa be surety will, there ia no telling to what length they will not go perhaps even to aasassbaa-tlon or execution. Tbe ease of Zlnorlef f at rather different. No one doubts Ttotaksl abnoet superhuman courage. Fawnbsg servllltf 1 prevalent in Russia today, as tn all dlatatorsMps. and to an extent Incon-cerraMe Is a demoeracy. But what-Tver faults tbe veterans of tbe Revolution may have there is no doubt about their heroism asM about She epte character of their struggle against TaarUm. Tbe one cottsplcuoui exception is Zln--vlelf. who even amongst his own collaborator la notorious for iaek ol oawage. It is therefore believed that he wfll net keep Bp tbe figtit v?ry mu4h lengef iherHvrrl eooner 'of ' Uief' be reduced to silence by being exiled to some provincial town, where he may even ob tain some sort of employment. The Op-posltfon has very little coherence Trot-iky. Zlnovteff. and Kasvencff bare so little in common that effective co-operation between them is almost inconceivable. LONCHANEYIS HERE TOMORROW "He Who Gets Slapped" is Story of Clown in Circus who is Never Taken Seriously The etory revolves about a highly I educated student wbo has spent bis life in research and study, and aa int life work writes the result of hi effort. which he Is to read before a notetl 'gatfi erlng of selentUU of 'He Who 'OetM Slapped." The day he is to present his discoveries, be find Baron Qegnard. hi patron, has atoten his essay. Tbe Baron reads It before tbe scientist, is decor. ated for the work, and a tbe crowning blow, steal's He's wife He. heart-broken. Join Briquet h circus and becomes "He Who Get Slapped!," a famous clown. He talis in love with Consuelo. beautiful young daugh ter of the poverty-stricken dissolute Coun Itancini. who is living on his daughter's earnings as a bareback rider He a clown w - i a gr-itesque face keeps r.a love tin C .r ue:: uae- ikeo ft:: she ; io love wj:;j oe :.1dl.:3 partner tbe l9heGift that keeps on I oivmg 66 ' ii iv hear r 1 . c 1 r ing Trade Mark Reg'd Victrola Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited, Montreal Barona Model 440 S225 or with Electric Drive. S265 , -k says Gigli the great operatic tenor of his performances as he hears them on the new Orthofefconic Victrola. Above "Tour short, simple words! What a wealth of meaninc they hold! For a great artist dm hear nimseU sing on the new Orthofrhonk Vict n ! a. He hears hjuiseJf aa you may hear him. bis highest note pure and dear; his lowest intonations fell and deep in their rich resonance. he voice is perfect as in life, thtlnstrurrten fill music vhfth accuinpaanies, is like the back ground in a beautiful relief, exactly in its proper reJatton. So it is in hearing all music on the new Orthephonic Victrola with its Victor-controlled prinicpte of "Matched Impedance" or "smooth flow of sound". Classic yet beautifully modern in design and convenient are these instruments. Bfeo nattily operated (oo .winding) at slight adl ditional cost. Instrument stops when Ihe record stops! Models from $1400 to as low as SI 15 on convenient terms from all His Master's Voice Dealers. Ovthomiottic True in j oounO -. .' " A ,44 'J " Oft)opioriic only if it Iwars the dog Trademark A Li .U .J 0RTH0.KIi.EC0RDS complete oiock or McRae Bros., Limited a 1 bandaome young Betano. TIIK TlUdlC CLOWN He is never taken seriously. During hla act in tbe hippodrome be sees the Baron, who baa ruined hi life, and attempts to denounce him from the ring, but bl denunciation la drowned In a roar of laughter from the crowd, who take this as an addition to his act. Ooavuelo and Bezano plan to marrv. but must watt until she becomes of age. aa ber father, wbo wishes her to marry aomeone ol wealth, wffl not sanction her marriage to a penniless circus per-lormer. The Baron, having deserted He's wife, want Consuelo. but finds he cannot satisfy bl lust without marrying her. The marriage 1 planned, unknown tc Conruelo. by Manctnl and tbe Baron. The Baron although he often visits the Jt-27 Wives "Let tin C&rk Kitchens help you." CLARK'S - enable you to serve delicious soups at small expense nt a moment's notice. Sold everywhere. All null ud tit "Ctntdt approretf" W. CLAKK Limited Montreal ..rcu. never recognize He In hla riown nakeup. tub trKiiiia day i Ooniueloiearns -of tbe enarrlag plant .be day Manclal la to stage a wedding oast in the circus office. Both Con-aiefo and Beeaoo are horrified, and lie, who ha tbat same day voiced hi love or the girl, only to find she thinks he atlll downing, restrains her lover i-om killing Manclnl. with tbe words. The Queen'a tool ean often aocomfMsh none than the King' army." While Ooneueto and Beaano are per-ormlng then- aet In tbe cfreu He discovers Manctnl and the Baron in the jlrcu office. He Is almost tntane with ?wge. and in a cruarrel with them, he to .hrown Into tbe property room adjoln-ng the office, where Zlntda, the Hon amer. keeps bar vloioiu animals. He, ii' a mad glee, pushes the cage up to door leading Into the office, pulls up tbe slide, and then leeks all the other door leading Into the room where Manclnl and the Baron are waiting. THE CMHV.VH DEATH He goes again to tbe effice. quarrels with them again, and to stabbed In the heart by Manclnl. Tbe two men, fleeing from the room, open the door to the property room. A Ha is dying on I in uoor. me iion Kills ooth men, and I discovered by Zlnlda a it is about to attack the clown. He. by a euperhuman effort, dying from a wound in the heart, drags himself into the circuit rtni? as the signal tt given for hi entrant He ataseers and fall many time a the crowdi roar wfth laughter buffoonery. takine tt tot more With the crowd still lauzUlng. He die, aurrounoeti by the other downs. ;::o ar ias u. :uc armt ,, Cmsuelo. Advertise tn The Dally News H. S. WALLACE CO., LIMITED Phone 9. Hosiery Of Outstanding Value Penman's Full Fashioned Silk to Garter Welt, In six Mercury Full Fashioned, Silk to the Top, pair Lady Hetty, Circular Knit, pure silk, pair 1.T." In newrrft anuc-. .SI-"" H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. 3rd Avenue and Fulton btr CHINESE TABLE LAMPS complete: with silk shade only $7.65 Barri 3rd Avenue. t es Home Furnishings Phone !