I December 8, 1027 Fraser e?shs ...ehb The Christmas Mail Has Already Started !t short months we have sold Hurdy's Famous in Prince llupert, the home-made loudness 0f these ar made many friends. Natur.ill a- Christmas .. .lines the Lllouirht "Why no' I'urdy's tor ("torist-I vvliy not? Their delu iousntss will certainly earry .,)'. in a delightful sort of way. For friends abroad mi safety metal containers guarantee ' delivery, i.ii i tor some irts of world has left l'rince ilupert 111.:;' send your iritis too late. Ser us tomorrow. yic Pioneer Drttgrisls HIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. - TELEPHONES "v200 PRIZE WINNERS IN Ot'lf I)UAV1N(; l'OU FAMILY LAUNDRY SEltVICK 1 t Prie 12 months Soft Finish Service, won by ticket No. j I'.i, Mrs. Alfred Johnson, 287 Seventh Ave. V. Jntl i'rio 12 months Thi if-T-Serviec. won by tickat No. 678. Mr-;. Harold AIcKwen. Fourth Avenue W. ;" ..' . j Prize 12 months Wet Wash Service, won by ticket jfr22g, Mi--. K. D. UaUer. loll Third Avenue W. ' J t . ..i.ratulutt the lucky winners of these prizes and tarn to take full advantage of these services by tendon uashiiiK. end enjoying all the luxury of an abundance a clothing, without washday worries. Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners Thone 8. C llox 302 GENERAL DliY GOODS Third Avenue and Sixth Street The "Flu" LEFT HER WITH A VERY WEAK HEART Mrs. Bettka DecaoaavPieasaat River, '.&, writes:' Having suffered with the 'flu' a. few yeara ago, I u left wita a rttj weak learn. "I wat unable to go a boat, sad oo old t do pij housework. 'LwmiUigH-jBuy sfaaHTaad woaid havedo Tsjjf.lis down. 'vf aoakllyi deep at night as the least JSrtU'TiSMa would wake me op. "I tried different kinds of Medicine, but they iwaiid to do ae no good. "A frienit rrcoouatftded I hare used See boxes and am moth better; do not get those diiiy spells, and can do lay own work as wU as ever." Wtl mated - that children' Ward Fund Will be swrllet by SUIurty ttttowtiig (Nctitul Night. 'Another gpM Jaac greeted, the soc-oad night's 'pieaentalton try the Prince Rupert PUrers'TJlulrjif Use play "Adam jjtnd Xva." Wie . perfornteri agalr. nsquit- inng wrnmifss jmoav creuiisnsy. n (was estlmatad this jawping that at .least S3A0 would be realised lor Hill 00 Chapter. Imperial Order Daughtats of I the Empire, ttt Its .AhlhlhW'S hosplul ward work as a result ot the putting an of the play. i Following Aba show last night, mem-'bers of the Prwo Kupert Players' Club weft entertained in tat I.O.DJE. Rait by HUt OO Chapter. Dancing w'ss en-Joyed to tfte strains ol music played vy ; Mlas Jan Currle And Tony Borte and were aervSfl. ' Appreciation Eihments reciprocated between the Players' and Mill 60 Chapter, speakers wwre Mrs. Jo bo aisnson. Ales Connon and O-rgc MltcnaU. the last mentioned a.-t.nB aa master of ceremonies. f ...,, . . II HI Fraser Occupy the Premise of the UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Special Opening of NbvaUy Christmas Gift Merchandise " on Display at Popular Prices IINDKUWEAK, ETC. Kayon Silk Knit Ni;:hlKons, CO lacud triitimed, assorted shades, Itayon Silk Lingerie Sets, ftC lace trimmed, assorted shades P Hayon Silk llraswier and Itloomer J Sets, assorted shades tf-0V Hayon Silk Pyjamait, assorted (PJ CIA shades, contrast trimmed t?atiV Kxtra Special Value Itayon Silk liloomem, assorted shades, very fine tjual- ffi-fl CA i v. AH sizes tpiaiau TurnbuHrt Fine Clove Silk Finished Hloom- . tM, assorted shades, all sizes R C including extra larges t?JLas7J Vests to match $!.-." Novelty Hand Embroidered Svtf and Irish Handkerchief, boxed !5 in it box, :.-?, 7."tf, St. oo, 91.no llo:;ed fiarter and Handkerchief Seta, as-orted shades, 1.00 Per set Deep Shadow Proof Princess Slips, as-,i..d shade S2.05 i ml sizes ladies" Drowsing Clowns. Velvet cord, em-:iosed design all over, 895 sorted colors Plain Tailored Vest and Bloomer Seta. Vhie glove silk finish. Special g3,25 v.ilue at, ier set -i - SPECIAL VALUE only. Shot Tnffeta Dresses A -sorted ' ir, and colors. Beautifully gft :rm.hed- garrmrntr-p--n Trr.""vA,Kr'- LAD13S' HOSlEltY, ETC. Kaytjer and Harvey Hoe liuiwr Kiill.rasluuio.i Jure Tnread Silk Hosic, shadow poiti.ed heel, in &'i 9K all the newsat shades, per " Kayser Double Tnread t ure Silk Hose, heaVj- serviee weighL, full lasit- g ftg v ioned. all new hi!de., per pair Harvey' Pure Thread Silk Hose, pointed and squartf -hWl. stocked in 10 $.,0 & (lt CorrKts, Cftrtleltes. fiirdles and Brassies. Our siecial cflrslette is marVel)ous walue at , 'oteltJ''SwLs! Ceprgette and?repe de Chene Hanclkerchiefs,neest designs and coloring, each . sre, noc Dreswed Dolls, in a variety of styles atfd sizes. The genuine Lloyd Ma Ma D6H, .. si.oo, si. no, S2.no, sJW, to jyt.n JIBVS AND BOYS' FURNISHINGS aicif Sweater JJniversal make, rib stitch, silk and wool' mixture, 88.9 5 4 .potkets , ilen i'inolL'ngHffr Broadcloth Shirts. Blue, cream, ecru And S29S white 'Men's Tine Silk' Broadcloth Dress Shirts made up In Beat gift boxes, as- QE sorted colomand figured desigas? We"iafe showing a, splendid r tnge of . ITALIAN SILK NECKWEAR all new desjgnstnd colors in well Q CA made ties. Special y . . ...... Kt 15 Pure Wool .Men's firibijrdine Coats, t;iil-ored in England. These are. all x.imoi... Kiutla and we are. satHae then at 25 per 1!reSP!Jlan-'rgu!ar priccw' & fame Phone 3To THE DAILY NEWS PAGE. jnREE Local and Personal S BO. Unoeriakers. Phone tl. com to Use Ska Dance tonht' Dentist. Dr. J. BOtsm. Phone 686 The Elks' HlUt De tonight Admission 50c. " Coal . Yes. Tslkwa coal Is the best mined in B.C. Trv It and be convinced tf For quick and satisfactory work bnusj hemstitching to Dollar Store tf ThU afternoon's train, due from tD East at 330, la reported to be on . ::m For a smoking aundf toe. Third and Fulton. ol chocolate- o : . 1 Federal News Co tl Fn. f utic a box at all dnajrits aad LI ten -Moo Obrlttma. Tree Whist dealer, or mailed direct on reee.pt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Drive and Dane December . Twenty Toronto, Oat HILL 60 CHAPTER BENEFITS WELL AS RESULT OF FARCE dollars in cash prfeea. 383 ' Select your dainty CbrUtmas OitCh at Adsir cans Novelty Baaaar on Friday. December 9 In I.O.DX. Hall from 3 to The Vtjsan's Auxiliary to St. Paula Lutheran Chltrcc) ( meeting this after nocn at the hesttt of Mrs A Akerberg, 1143 Ambroaa AfiatM. H 8 Wallao. t la on a visit here Ui connection JwH local busluess Interests, will retatn to Vancouver on tb Prlucc Rupert tomoftew morning. 8t Andrew's Society monthly meetlne wUl be held on Friday evening Deeesn ber 9 at 8 o'clock. Business lmportaat. All members are requested to attend. Opening evening and Ortbopbonlc concert Friday. December 9. Big bargains in Xmas Oil Is throughout. No aalet. Inspection only. McRae Bros.. Ltd. 287 J. 8 Rogers of toe Rupert Martee Products Co. plana . leaving toy tits. Prlnee Rupert tomorrcw morning to spend the noUday season vtalUng with hid fatnUy In Victoria, All oirtwni ) and oapulns of halibut Hahlng vessels and halibut ftebcttnen are asked to attend a meeting ill the Cl:y Kali on Friday, night at 8 o'clock to discuss the bait situation and other matters " ,i( 288 afctorship BeUlngham. Capt. J. -E. Andcmoc. arrived at 1 o'clock tMs - omir.g from Ketchikan having a cargo of nine carloads of froaan . fish for transshipment East over the Oans- ,0ian National Rallwaysv Railway omcsa'ltis horning reported 226 earioaela of grain on the division Iweat of Jaayxr Park bound for the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert elevator. During tfce pajtt twenty-four hours. .(1 aarloads arrived. ' i '7 Miss BerrSce Aj sy. graduate ; of the Prtaoe liuawri General Hosplttl ! training school for nurses and for the ' past' SJeaSjav months on thegrsduate nurs-1 log staff, will leave next week for SmltJsWa -where she will Join the staff of the Bulkley Valley Hospital. The next trip of the Canadian Pacific I Steamer Princess Mary has been ar ranged as a Special Christmas SaUlnj and will leave Prince Rupert on the afternoon of December 21.. arriving hi Vancouver on December 23 In time for aaawengen to make connections with steamers for Vancouver. Island porta. Seattle and other destinations In the vicinity. Passengers desiring to travel via. Canadian Pacific should make early reservations for there will be a heavy Hat of boMday seekers 'from Alaska and the Yukon. Phone 31 or call at City Ticket ffloe on Third Avenue. 298 1IOVT lirXIlir. Don't decide about your Chrtatmss cake. Scotch Currant -Bun, Shortbread and Plum Puddings ' until seeing ours. Our annual show will commence Tuesday. December 6. Electric Bakery. Third Avenw Phone 667. 289 ANNOUNCEMENTS .Adair Oarss I.OJJ.E. Novelty Bazaar December 9. Play by United Church Ladles. December 15. Moose Christmas Tree. December 18. Canadian Legion Xiuaa Tree Dec. 23. -isms iOt,28:J rttmm) mzk Skating ditty, 2 to 4 and 8 to 10. t: Elks Daate Admission 50c. tooigbt. Snappy music. Get tne.Big 4 babul When tblnttn it a Taxi, phone 4. tl The ladles' aulllary of St. Andrew's Society wilt bald a Scottish dance in the.I.ODj. Hall on Monday, January 2. Qrntlemeh 75c, ladles 50c. Hyde Transfer now agents for Al-Alberta Bootless and Pembina Peerless. These coals fare under cover, don't buy water, buy coal. $12 a .ton can you beat 'It? tt A S3.00 -gold piece will be given to the holder .of the lucky ticket at the L.O.L. Wblst Drive and Dance tonight. Tickets 'hiay be obtained at the door. Oood music; Mrs. Foederis orchestra. Metropeie Hall At 8.30.. Oentlemen 79c, ladles 50c We have just received another lorely lot cf fur coats, constating of muakrat. calfskin, French seal. Hudson seal. Persian Lamb and Orey Krtmmer .Lamb These are all In the latest styles, and from now until Christmas we are mak' tog a special offer of one third off the selling price. Do not mlas this opportunity of getting a lovely coat at a reasonable price. W. Ooldbloom, Second Avenue. tf ROAD TO BEBWiF TO PORT RENFREW FROM JORDAN RIVER VICTORIA, Dec 8 Putting the probable cost of the work at some half million dollars, Hon. W. H. Sutherland, minister of public wprka. announced last night to the Chamber of Commerce that shortly after the opening of spring he expected to have work started on, 27 miles of road from Jordan River to Port Renfrew. The building of this road has been agitated for many years. LINCOLN'S LETTER FETCHES HIGH PRICE tfEW .YORK. Dec. 8 A letter written by President .Lincoln to Oeneral Robert Anderspo, defender ot Fr Sumter, at the opening of the Civil War. has been sold to Oscar Wogelln for S2JO0. The letter yas apparently- written in reply to an appeal from -the wye of General Anderson to tlx- president for Oac-. pay for her hu-tj.iucl who bad been out of the army for two years be-. :a 'ise OT 111-bealtii i.:n.-ol.i In tna. c tei pledge , hu ineudstttp to the 3ea!!rai T letter win .old by the Anderson j Oi tele- f- m the Lincoln colloetion OLD CHUM appeals to all lovers of sport; for its full, rich flavour completely satisfies the active, vigorous man. It is a tobacco which steadily grows in the smoker's favour because of its inherent goodness. Old Chum has only one standard of quality which has never varied in all the years that it has delighted the smoking public. For real enjoyment, smoke Valuable " Poker Hands' in every package and tin. Two "Poker Hands" in the large. 25c. package i P. an ad ian National cilic Large ft Railway Syftem in America STEAMSHIP AND SaUlnga from PRINCE KUPEKT for and intermediate points, each For STEWART and AN'YOX. each For NUKTII and SOUTH Ql'EEN C PASSENGER TRAINS I. Each MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and GEORGE. EDMONTON. WINNI1' States. TRAIN SERVICE VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, SEATTLE, FRIDAY. 9.00 ajn. WEDNESDAY. 10.00 pjn. HA1U.OTTE islands. Fortnightly. EAYE PRINCE 111' PERT SATURDAY at 11.30 ajn. for PRINCE EO, all points Eastern Canada, United AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Use Canadian National Expresa for Money Orders, foreign Cheque, etc, also for your next shipment. CITV TICKET OFFICE. St8 TII1HO AVE.. PRINCE Rl'PERT rh.me lu $mk Canadian Pacific Railway U CANADIAN, V B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway November 1!, 2C; December 17, 31. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle November 2, 16, 3D; December 21, and January 4. PRINCESS ItEATHICE. I'nr HlltMtsal Rati Mlld llUu riMfln Kimn tlrf Hi Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD. General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, U.C. Phone 31 BURGESS Flashlights and Batteries Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 i Phone 525. V Dr. mAGUI'RE Dentist Over Orme's Druz Store Office Hours 9 to 9 Lady Assistant