PACE TWO Every Cold is Serious Any nM is aeriotu ttiocfri wfeen cough. Ferer, dry ildn, tfcint, Iti dreaiful poaeibUitiea aro com- coated tocfue and comtipatkm are aJJered, bat lien there U sorwiaas other symptom, or tighinea in the ekest aad a dry hard couffa you caa look for Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed bronchitis, which U often confused and Turpentine seems almost like It ti ujm HyTtB ova " by sentrf? TtHsoucceinloJning up limbs and body pains, chilly fjt- the rough, fading expectoration legs, weariness a&d weakness, pain and preventing the inflammation' in the cheat and a tight, tearing from reaching the lungs. DR. CHASE'S Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afieruooe, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month 75 By mall to all parts of the British Empire and the United State. In advance, per year $5.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per inch per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Reader, per Insertion per Hue -25 Classified" Advertising, per insertion per word Legal Notice, each insertion per agate line 15 Contract Rat; on Application Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION c Monday. Dec. 5. 1927 ! - BOARD OF TRADE Complaints are often made about the board of trade. Just now the chief complaint is that it is not any too active. When it is active the complaint is made that aome clique is running ir or that it is a political organization. Plenty of other kicks are registered against it In fact it is very much like other organizations of its kind in other place where similar complaints are made from time to time." Some year ago the Victoria Board of Trade was eating iUelf away with dry rot and the people of the city were taking little interest in it Then the younger men of the Rotary Club and Kiwa-nians undertook to put some life into it They abolished the old organization altogether and started the Chamber of Commerce with new officers and since that it has been functioning with vigor and has been one of the factor that has made for the recent improvement in Victoria conditions. It has been suggested that the board of trade here is not suffi ciently representative of the business interests of the city. It, has done good work but might do much better if everyone took interest' in it STEWART RAILWAY SALE BASKETBALL GAMES Throat Irritated? Here's Quick Relief Yon don't have to have a cold to know the remarkable benefits of Buckley's Mixture. It acts like a flash in easing ajid clearing a sore or tender throat. A taste night and morning works wonders. Singers, public speakers, professional men, smokera all testify to the iwift, sure relief that comes from the very first dose of "Buckley's". And there are 40 dotes in a 75-cent bottle! Druggists everywhere sell Buckley's Mixture tinder a positive guarantee. Get a bottle today. 4? . A Typical Case "l httt iti such wonderful rwulu from 'BacklrjrV Mixture thtt I want tonx mor at once I think cverr Inzer should hir mom of jour remedy, W- K. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutual Street, Toronto 2 504 1 Nobody seems to know exactly what the sale of the Stewart railway mean. It may have purely a local application or it may be the precursor of a move to build through from Stewart to the Peace River country. At any rate the operation of the railway will benefit the mining town and will be a decided advantage to the owners oft mines along its route. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION LECTURES Terrace is anxious to have university extension lectures but cannot get them unless Prince Rupert is willing to take them. The lecture must be free to the public. Any local organization putting them On roast provide a hall and pay the coat of advertising and any other incidental expense in connection with the series. It is a matter for some organization interested in education to undertake. The board of trade has passed it over to the Parent-TeacherVas being without the scope of activity of a trade organization. It "Would seem rather a pity if the lectures cannot . be heard here. As they are purely edncational in character, possibly the school board might co-operate in helping to carry the cost At any- rate it seems odd if Terrace is anxious to have them and Prince Rupert turns them down. Report indicate that some wonderfully good basketball games are being played in the city this season. The exhibition hall is being used for the purpose and usually there are three game each basketball evening. A good many attend these games and it is remarked that those who do. not re the. " Josers " thereby, . if Ibey enjoy - 4i priori snort rt GOOD WORK OF BIOLOGISTS The fisheries experimental station under the Biological Board, which is just getting down to work, has already made itself quite useful and further developments may be expected in connection with it. The work goes on quietly and without ostentation and bids fair to become very important especially in a place like tnis where the development of the fisheries along modern lines is the hope of the port. Tjbe fact mentioned in the waterfront news Saturday that the experiments with dog fish liver oil for vitamins had been fully con firmed at the University of B.C. shows that the work done here is supported elsewhere. LONCHANEYIN CIRCUS STORY Although a Clown the Man 1 Capable of the Great Passion ; ... Om of toe most appaajlnc aod atoHM ever filmed, vu all of Ifce rector's delicate artistry at Ra Ttet I Um vrdct on "H wfce Gets, 6tappt" Victor SMstroaa MMjH Assarts mature, which ia aawUs W tae weHcaoa. -Me Who Oets Slapped- jfrtetmU a tragic, ustense story oi aa vasnppy ttoem. The picture as set In tte cr. ful locale of a Xuropeaa drew. ls Ghana gives aaaar tags at toe heart-strings in his portrayal al "He, tha uafortuaote clown, and easily sstr-passat his otkar groat rales. The story, ta abort, la of aa afeacare acinus, wbo alavm away tar few his theories, proves tbesa. then, as alt WriK .IT TIICATliE Tnedar and Wednesday Playan' Ctub in "Aslam sad Era." cUrsststl by AJata. Connon. wttk Thursday -soft Oamarir '"Close 8aea." Aeep"s FUrri Fabes. KrUlay and Saturday Lea Gba&ey in "He Who Gets Biafped." a tale of circus life." Oometfy "Hebee Jebees." Patfce Review. Monday For the Love of Mike- Comedy "Sailor Beware." a life work I stosm by hla patron, aad hi wife desert him. beawmes "He Whe Oets Slapped." a etrcvu down. His Hit in Uhe circus, his uoagwkc tare for tfee bcautifni circus rider, and the final sac mice of his life to save her from box riage' to the Tory man who bad-' rataed. htm yaara before, forma the basis of the story. The story la tragic, but not an un happy one. and Chancy makes of the unfortunate clown a most appealing character. Nona Shearer adds another triumph to her list as the girl of the etnas, and John Gilbert, as the romantic lead, does creditable work. "ADAM AND EVA" SEEN IN DRESS REHEARSAL Local rrulurtlon JIiI I'alr to Enhance KrpuUtlon of Ila)rr' Club and Ileae Audience The Prince Rupert Players' Club ttsged a fall drees rehearsal at the Westbalme Theatre vmtetdar of "Adam and Eva" and it Is no exaggerattaa to say that tbe reputation gained by tbla club in iU previous srodiictiOM wUl be greatly enhanced after Tuesday aad Wednesday of tbla week. To story of the jrtay itself Is about rich American businessman wbo has a gentaw lot managing hla family. Tbe young bustness manager, bevever. tales coarse ot tae Home far a wcle, the fatally harms got UXhtt to tac a long trip. Tbe yourjg saan find blmsetf eon- fronted with a hurricane of flippancy and lingeries WUs. How be extricates blsneelf from trouble and does good for tb family and hlmcetf must be seen to be appreciated. As A4am" Louis Smith displays some Of tbe finest aetlng teen on tbe laoaJ stage and la splendidly supported by Jtnml Fasqubar as "James King" tbe litbts. Much humor la aScrdrd by "fjsisl Horace" and "Lotd Andrew Cor, ' -t . " . . -'Pi JO. mav-. .pixea .respectively . - by ' d Dogberty and D'Arcy Marsh Smaller parts are ably portrayed by George Waddell and Dave Palfour. Of tbe four ladles' pans, by far the biggest is that of "Eva" which Is played by MUs Irene Morrison whose acting of tbe part 1 a pleasure asd delight and a splendid performance for a newcomer to tbe stage. Her sister Julie" la played by Mrs. Howard White Cortnthia" the maid 1 ably taken by Mlm Caroline Mitchell and "Aunt Abby" played with dignity by Miss Rushforth. Altogether a pleasing and delightful -bow. absolutely clean. In spots labor! otisly funny and In others with touches of nice pathos In other words a play tbat all should see and those wbo see will enjoy. "FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE" I AT THE WESTHOLME IS ! UNUSUAL AND LAUGHABLE Here a picture to laugh and totrj over picture that wul go: straight to your heart. It'a "For the 1xj v'e' of MJke." the sew First National attraction which la to be seen here tonight. ; The e.ory is about a foundling who ! j discovered by three men living In the notorious Hefl's Kitchen district of ' New york. Tbe men are an Irishman German and a Jew. All claim tbe little youngster but compromise at last by agreeing to bring him up co-operatively mn r- tr air As the boy grows up and becomes Ic-.ptam of tbe Tale crew. Ue Interest if ne story increases The crew race THE DAILY NEWS boaaa baa i mm I f'booW .iO 9he Gift-that keeps on Giving E 3 lectrically With the new Victor induction disc motor smooth, silent, constant in speed; playing the Orthophonic Victrola is made more enjoyable than ever before. An electric motor never "runs down". You simply plug in at the nearest electric outlet. The instrument is always ready to play and stops playing at the end of each record. Electricity does the work for you. Electrical equipment at slight additional cost, is an optional feature of every one of fi Orthoph "True In K Sound' Alvara $190 or with electric motof $230. riven i The new OrthoDkonic Victrola may now be obtained with an electric motor which elimitates winding. You simply relax and enjoy. the beautiful Orthophonic Victrola models, even thoho of lowest price. It is not an attachment. The electric motor is built 'in just as spring motors are. It is difficult to imagine anything more cn tcrtaining in the home than a new Orthophonic Victrola. The principle of "Matched Impedance" or "smooth flow of sound" brings you real music, by real artists, a" treasure house of exquisite treats, at your leisure. An unequalled repertoire. On convenient payments at all His Master's . Voice dealers. Models from $790 down to as low as $115. Inspect them to-day. onic Trade Mark Keg'd Victrola Orlhpjrfioriicony if it bears this Trademark Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited, Montreal Ml Harvard and Is unusually exciting. Ben Lyon plays tbe boy and Sidney, Sterling and Hugh Cameron are seen In excellent characterizations aa tbe "fathers." Both Claudette Colbert, who Is seen aa Ben'a childhood sweetheart, and Mabel Swor. who portrays tbe Fifth Avenue blonde wbo strives to make Ben forget hla old pals of Hell's Kitchen and join her ritzy set, give a splendid performance. Frank Capra. who Is re sponsible for a couple of the Internationally famous Harry Lang don comedies, directed. FUNNY AND FAST IS "SOFT CUSHIONS" LIKE ARABIAN NIGHTS STORY In his unique new comedy. "Bott Cushions" which comes here Thursday, Dauglas MacLean has undergone a com plete screen transformation. From tbe character of the bashful. timorous young American who couldnt fjy an airplane, scale a mountain or capture , a Hon, MacLean has become a swashbuckling, self-confident Oriental rogue who willingly dares anything to win fortune and a lovely lady. "Soft Cushions" Is frsm tbe pen of the lte George Randolph Chester, crea tor of "Oet Rich Quick Walllngford." Like this popular fiction character. Mac-Lean in "Soft cushions" depends on his quick wits to carry blm through many dangers. As the leader of a band of three pair of languorous eyes In a harem win dow. By sheer bluff and bravado, be invades the harem, escapes from prison. dodges the executioner's axe and wins tbe girl and a fortune. "Fast and funny" was the motto adapted by Director Eddie Clme, In fuming the comedy. While taking fuh advantage of the beauties of the Oriental settings and costuming. Chne baa main tained tbe speed which be learned while directing Mack Sennet comedies. FIRST JAP ORANGES OF SEASON ARE HERE Mramer Camooun llrlngs Initial Shipment pf Luscious Oriental fry It from Vancouver 1 First Japanese wanges of the season for Prince Rupert reached the city from Vancouver on the Camosun last night and went on aale In local stores this morning. The first shipment of tangerines from Jspan arrived In Vancouver aboard the Blue Funnel liner Prp-tesllaus on Friday, further heavy ahtp-menu having reached the southern port on other vessels arriving on Saturday and Sunday. In The Letter Box THE MAYORALTY. Editor, Daily News 1 was aeiurntea wben I hnni h. vuieves, uougia avccessiuuy execjivc cot McMordle had consented to n.n I tverxj "get rt-h quick" coups wor.ny f0r mayor authentically that between -Vale and of Walllngford only to fall victim to a ; The electors may depend on CHINESE TABLE LAMPS COMPLETE WITH SILK SHADE only $7.65 Bi iarrie s 3rd Avenue. Home Furnishings phone 1 in choosing Col. McMordle aa their Mayor they will elect one who will do 1 ms amy. and do K well, and lor trie 1 benefit of the City at large, and with out reference to pemona, creeds pr poll-eal biae. I feel thoroughly convinced that he will carry out the office of mayor of tbla eltr, not only to tbe satisfaction of the council, but to that of the city generally. Col. McMordle wUl I am sure, carry out the office with honor and dignity, for be la possessed of all the qualifications and characteristics necessary for that highly important office. Of that I venture to say there san be no dispute. Col. jMcMordle has been associates' and identified with the progress ant advancement of the city since the early days. So I ask you one and all to choose blm aa your mayor on elfctjon day. CITIZEN. Capt Dan Archie of the forestry er-ice Bailed Baturdav nlaht on the it that I Prince John for Buckley Bay. DryCleaning at Vancouver Prices Most Modern Dryckn Pitnt In uiy Pbone J 18 Pioneer Laundry Third Ave. and McDrlde Str