PACE FOUR 1 Motor Make and Model Ford "A Four Cyimders-Bore 3'; Stroke 4yj Unit Construction Pump add Thermo-Syphon Cooling Pump, Splash and Gravity Lubrication Single Coil Distributor Ignition Sliding Gear (3 speed) Transmission Multiple 9 Plate Dry Disc Clutch Crankshaft Statically and Dynamically Balanced. High and Low Speed Jet Carburetor inot-spot manuoiai - i,e Aluminum Pistons Oil Indicator Two Blade Aeroplane-Type Fan Bakclized FabriTiming Gear Carbon ChromeJNickel Alloy Valves N.A.CC Rating 24.03 H. P. Actual Developed IL P. 40 at 2200 R. P. &L Equipment? Automatic Windshield Wiper (Closed Cars) Rear View Mirror Speedometer Dash Light Gasoline Gauge Ammeter ' K - i Combination -Tail and Stop Vv. J- i Tzzsa&rrz ... TuJr St Jin &Jjr sptrt Cup Vj MsSLjL Performance , ( INTRODUCING A FINE CAR IN THE LIGHT THIS .entirely jicw car surpasses the accepted standards of light car accomplishment; sweeps asideall boundaries of price class; establishes a new standard of acceleration, speed, power and smoothness. Heretofore the following characteristics have been combined only in expensive cars. Speed better than a mile a minute. Acceleration 5 to 25 miles per hour in high gear in 8H seconds. Endurance this car will travel all day at 50 miles per hour without strain on motor or chassis. Riding Comfort flexible springs and four hydraulic shock absorbers permit comfortable travel at high speed over the roughest road. Readability tins car's low center of gravity holds it snugly to the road on an unbanked turn even at high speed. Power in deep, loose sand with the front wheels cramped and from a dead stop, the car will turn in a tight circle, forward or reverse, without effort. Effective braking the instant response of mechanical, four-wheel brakes with dual control ensures positive braking for any emergency. Positive Steering control A relaxed hand on the' steering wheel will hold the car steady in loose sand and over bumpy roads. Turning radius 17 ft. Economy 30 miles per gallon of gasoline, plus the well known economies of Ford car maintenance. Appearance- coach work of pleasingproportions, tastefully finished in an extensive range of color combinations of durable satin lacquer. i OtlietnCSS Vibration in the engine is practically negligible. New final drive is exceptionally quiet. .Double-ply anti-squeak tae, asphaltum treated fabric and hardwood blocks between body and frame minimize body noises. 60 Miles Per. Hour , Acceleration 5 to 25 M.'P. if. in sKX Equipment) Motor Driven Horn Starter Foot Accelerator One Piece Windshield Sun Visor Thief Prqof.Ignition Lock 4 Hydraulic Shock Absorbers Wide rfange of Color ''Options' icconds 40 Miles' Per .Hour in Second Gear 30 Miles Per Gallon Gasoline Consumption Your local Eord dealer will give you prices and complete details See him today. FIELD Engine At 2200 revolutions per minute the new f r cylinder engine develops 40 II. P. This revolution s J is low for such power and sets an entirely new standi.,, j for light car speed and acceleration, enduring quality 1 J operating economy. Engine lubrication -Combination of pump, splash and gravity feed thoroughly lubricates all frictional vjr-faces regardless of road grades. Cooling system Combination water pump and Ford thexmo-syphon system doubly insures ample r -.u! :j. tion. Engine warms up quickly but will not overheat. Electrical system The new Ford designed distriburor is placed on top of engine permuting direct connection to spark plugs by means of short bronze bands. The sineie coil is protected by a water proof case. Co-incidental lock on ignition circuit is theft proof. The powerful starting motor and dependable generator arc bodi of Ford design. Clutch and transmission Patterned after the famous Lincoln, these units give an operating ease never before found in moderate priced cars. The nine plate multir!c dry disc clutch and the selective transmission arc designed to make shifting of gears remarkably easy and si;: r.'v. Getaway, unexcelled by any car made today, is just i"e of the many advantages. Three speeds forward and one reverse. All gears arc made of heat-treated chronic . y steel. The only light car in which transmission shahs mounted on ball and roller bearings. Rear axle The axle shaft itself carries no weight u the Y floating principle places the. weight of the car on the axle housing. Flexible roller bearings minimic n-it .wheel friction. A Torque Tube drive and spiral bevd gear are additional features. Springs Transverse semi-elliptic design. Relieved of jail driving strain, they perform the sole function of cushioning road shocks. The transverse type of spring helps to prevent a Jarge amount of frame distortion, makes four-wheel brake operation more efficient, gives easier steering and reduces unsprung weight. Chassis lubrication McmitC'Zctk pressure system. Chassis 4 Wheel Brakes Mechanical Internal Expanding Type with Automatic Equalizer. Springs Transverse Semi-Elliptic Drive-TorAue Tube, Gears-Spiral Bevel Rear Axle Thrce-Quarter Floating Full Crown One Piece Fenders Gravity Feed Fuel Tank Ignition Wires Enclosed in Flexible Steel Tubing Steering Gear (irreversible) Worm and Sector Type . Acorn Design, Nickel Plated Headlights 5 One-Piece Steel Spoked Wheels 17Xr Steering Wheel Alemitc-Zerk Pressure Lubrication Bodv and Chassis Insulated to Prevenr Noise Wheel-Base 103H Inches Turning Radius 17 Feet Tire Sue 30 x 4.5 Road Clearance punches FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, FORD, ONTARIO