r- -r-hrr 5, 1027 MONTREAL IMPORTERS Closing Out Sale ,m an mention only a few of the many bargain cift-red at thia sale. Juat note "the prices. You jdge! A: Untie" heavy iiiierwear, Shirt ,ufi-s, regular $1.36 nt. Sale QCJp r garnwnt . ns. regular $2.95 Sale price $ 1.50 - Red Label Un-Shirts and Draw- jr. Sl-75 Sale price .SIh'O ". Wool Sock.', 3Vi ... price, per pair IS . Shirts with de-. illarn, fine uual- .81.25 Nrckwear, knit . i styles. Sal price irc i , smart patterns. 75c ...er Sweater., re-J 25 valuer. Sale 11.23 ,!c Handkerchiefs. . . 0 fr .... '-"f .11 Finish Hand-regular $2.25 ". Sale ACn Jozen . dozen ONE On Sale at to' each A-r Brand Slickers, i-st made." Sale $ium -:uke-, very good :i ijuality. Regular .-onahle offer ac-(ur Men's Suit ' 'lilt.S. selection of holi-la invites roar atari- below maira- . o.ts. Come in and ..ver. Montreal ! J H. MiHer. Proprietor. IcnaUn'a Heavy All Wool Underwear for Men. Shirts and" Drawers. Sale price Qt 1 ft per garment .. Combinations. Sale price $81.25 Penman's "71" Underwear for Men. Shirts and Drawers. Sale price 7)P per garment t'ombinationa. Bale price : $1.50 Penman' "71" Underwear for Boys. Shirts and Drawers. Sale price OUL' Z(n per garment Combinations. 8ale price, per suit SI. 25 Ilea's and Boys' Bow Ties. Special sale price ... lot-Men's All Wool Work Socks. Sale price, 2 pairs for 15f Boys' Caps. Sale price 15c Boys' Suits, 70 to clear at $.5 Men's Overalls, heavy quality, with bib. Sale price 5r toys' Overalls. Sale price 50 Men's Cotton Work Gloves, extra heavy. Sale price, per pair , J 5 Men's good heavy Work Shirts, regular $1.M. Sale price -75 Only two to each customer. Men's Fleece Lined Underwear, 2 piece. Shirt and Drawers, all sizes. Sale price per garment Pillow Slips. English make, fine quality. Sale price, 2 for 15? Flannelette Blankets, heavy, brushed quality. Sale price, per pair ... $1.75 A fine Asiortme'a of Men's and Women's KailsroaU which must positively be e'eared. All at less than iit. 35c mporters Third Avenue. Writing Paper Specia There arc cio.e letters writlen durini; I)ntmli'r than at ,r,v other time of the year. You also will be writing letters d yu will want to take advantage of our special offer. While they lat: ONE PAD OF WHITING PAI'EK Regular 36c PACKAGE ENVELOPES' Regular 15c for the two. yfic Pioneer Dritorisls THIRD AVE. O SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES ft?200 Dr. MAGUIRE I'hone 525. Dentist Over Orme's Drug Store Hours 1 to 9 Office Lady Assistant UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED iw meotvr.il, VICTOwl "..n.en Ba, tlt tuj. etc. Tuesday. Z ilCJ" V, R- VICTOKIt, IKltedale. tier. T-'fVJ isK ALICE ARM. AMO.V S'MPSON. NAAS ltlVEK POIMH. MTE1V4IIT i - . a r, in 'nd Arenii. t, smith Aent Prlnre Ruiert. B. . Throufh iiri.i. ...i.. , . ...rf tu-aitie at a reduced rale M. m.u I I 1 1 .... M and chocolate laet night returning north. Sews rived in the city from Seattle v.. Co .! Local and Personal j BO. Undertakers. Phone l DeaOet. Or. i. H, Gwt PMaeSM. M a Tui phone When thin lift u Buy Mn Coal and Mp develop central BC. It s better eoai. U Oeatl Ye Telttaeoal la the beat mined U B.C. Try it ana eonvtacod. tt Dor quick tad aatfcfartory -work krtng hantltnhlM to Dollar Mom tf BaatetbaB eealgat. Himitloh build uC " S Tars liaii Admiaeion ate and 10c For a selection smoking sundries. Third and Fulton. tf Another successful dance under Sean dlnavian auapleea was held Saturday night in the MetMpott BaU. Mr. and atn. W. J. Crawford of Stew art, following a brief trip to Vanoouver. re paasengtB aboard the Camosun C. B. newln and O. I. Brown of Port Simpson, who have been on a three week' vacation trip to Vancouver and other polnta In the south, arrive In the city on the Camosun laat nlsht. J. Brydon. eteamboat Inspector, ar rived in the city on trie Camosun night to make an inspection ol tie ataaaer Prlnoe Charlee which was tal c:. HI dry dock today tallowing annual veraaul. H. Stepheiu and young tel. - Caaaoeun laat night and will be . uetta for the next two week' M: tepnena' parenta. Aid and Mrt M M etephena. 413 Xmmeraon Place With two carloads of frozen fish i : traaathlpment Eaa: ever the CmaJiaa National Ballwaya. motonhlp Betllng-ham. Oapt. J. E. Anderaon. arrived in Bflbertsan far Maseett: Mm. Thorn peon THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Kcr Three Boys Had Terrible Colds That Hung On Mrs. Q. Ames, 15 St Georje Street, Chatham, OnU, writes: ''Last winter mj three boys bad terrible eoldr and a esogn that hung- oa so Ion list It tafia to worry me. I went to jbj droccUt aad fca asked sat if I had tried Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup "I toM Mra I bad not, but that I wbM, and I mmt My that after they lad aniahed the third bottle they were eattaiy rid of the cough. "I wtll neter be without a bottle of 'Dr. Wood's' on hand." Priee Ue. a bottle, Urge family lire 60&; pot ep only by The T. Unburn Co. limited. Toronto. Oat. MISSING Arthur Anderaon. mlaalni; from Stew art. BC. ilnoe June 6. ;e 43. Danlah. height 5 lt 8. rcund lace, blue eyee, HgM brown hair mingled with gray Big scar on Jck of rlgh; '.iund Dreae- port at 4:0 Sunday morning .'rm "ht ra B""" to Ketchikan. uing on her return north Ak6t ihlat mfHiory and to wander around. Any- ma. .H Ml 1U.9V fkXXX. June. A. Brown, well known Eatall mun.cat immediately for hu very aged mother1 aake. with Mr. E. B. austalaed liver aawmlll operator, who atenaive mjuna a lew week ago at Port Baatsgton in a gaaboat ezploaion. waa dlacharged from the Prliio Rnpert Oeneral Hoapltal today and will com-1 -iletc hia recovery In the Beanar Apart- j menu where be and Mra. Brown have ken a au:te. It will be some time yet before Mr. Brown will be aronnd , :ne following: Rev Roee, Catmar. Alterta. or with L. A M. Pattertan. B.CPJ".. Stewart, BjC. 28S kaung dally, a to 4 and 8 to 10. tf Knight ol Pythlaa pleaae attend lodge tonight. Section of ofntera. Lln-Mooee CnrUtma. Tree WhUt Sailing at 11 midnight Saturday fori U-!rlve " Danc December 9. Twenty Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte , .. D.ln r-.r,, IdoUara In caah price. 288 I. Mabba. bad among her paaaengen fl n rtarbv uul A au. ana turn. AiDen mouiw ana mau after a brief Malt In the city, sailed and I Archer for Skldegatr. H Street turday night on the Prince John lor and C. O. Stlmpson for Port Clements: .Buckley Bay. . D Snow, D. Archie. Mr. and Adair Care December 9. . Play y December IS. r Mrs l Albert Moor and Mra P. M. Docker and family for Buckley Bay. In crder that passentcra may ranch Vancouver In good time before Christ Halted Church Ladles. Moose Christmas Tree. December 18. juts-Burns 8 Vicks' healing, anti septic ingredients bring soothing "relief. Appty gently Vapo Rub id you M ar of Eva being In love I with three foen See "Adam and Eva" at the Weataohne Theatre tomorrow nlgbt. Reserve your seat at Orme'a NOW. mas, Canadian National Coast Steam-' .hips have arranged that the ataameH Tde Tran.fer now agenU tor Al-Prir.ce Rupert .hall aail troaft: Prince Albcet Sootless aad Pembina Peerless Supert for the south at l..ajn. on These coals are under cover, don't buj Thursday. December SB. 4pMM Of 9 ""J a m. Friday, December 38. aaachtag Van- ; bet JtT $12 a ton can you tt couver at B a.m. Saturday. Deosnibsr' 24 The vessel will arrive aa usual Otctge Bryant and W. E. Wllllscroft fmm rh Kjuth at 10:S Wedneadav adt a hunting trip at. the week-end noniina December 21. aaillng at 4 the Harla to Duncan Bay. They trt afternoon for Anyox aad Stawart brought beck a good bag of "feather" and returning here at 7 pjn on Thurs-, laet night, day. December 22 to aail for the aoutfc ) ., hou uier. A mit n been, received from Hon. -T. D. Pattullo saying that hia address T 4- 4- !to Btary Club at their luncheon . DON'T KEMliE. Don't decide about Christmas cake. Scotch Currant Bun. Shortbread and Plum Puddings until seeing ours. Our annual show win commence Tuesday. December 8. Beciric Bakery. Third Avenue. Phone 67. r Thursday he will speak on The Pael- flc Oreat Eastern Railway.- Hallway offices this morning reported -BS carloads of grain on the division jjweat of Jasper bound fir the Alberta Wheat Pool Prince Rupert elevator. Slnci noon 'Saturday, 68 carloads. In two trains, arrived. "J The weekly Saturday night Cinderella . v. ? ' dance by toe Bits' Lodge are gaming Un popularity. There wrt a good-steed t 4. 4.t4. 4. 4 4 I crowd on hand Saturday night when AVMniTNTIlMENTS 1 melodloua nnislc was dlape-taed by an "Adam Eta," December 8 and 7. Westhotoe Theatre. orchestra under the leadership of AU Joe Marchlldon. a JRlpU of Borden Street school, was among totse presented with bronze medals at the gathering 'at the week-end In connection with the confederation History awards, his name having been omitted from the list published . Saturday. W. H. O Conner who is lit. charge of the operations near Cedarvale of the Canadian Legion Xmaa Tree on PH- a w M.ne Ltd followlfig the denar- day. Dejember SB. at S.SS pa. for the tur, of Governor D. W. Davis for children (up to 13 year of age) or an WMhlngU)n DC to spend the winter, es -service men. PJeaae send name and , bulnru v.tor m the etty. having see to P.O. bea 628 or phone Hi. Ice ..v-d c ni,hV, tfn' fm the ream aad soft drinks for the young.- mteHor. 1 ' stera and tea ad cake wUl be, pro- , .,; .. - j au. . ,. vided Sot the,)adl j. . ;-rv j .t,uiou gem-r Camosifn,'C&t.i'J .'Al ,fr,Pttdlay. arrived in ' porttt ''UitS'' 'last night from Vancouver and waypolnts, Isalllcg at midnight for Anyox. Stewart ; and -other northern port of call. Pas- oengers on the Camosun Included W. D. McLaren. J. R. Morgan. J. Brydon, A. Watson. Mrs. Robinson, P. Rlete. A. W. Mcrrtft. Fred Stephens' and son. O. Z. Brown. C B. Flewln. H. A. Wallace. Sam Woods and Fred Woods for Prince l;up'"': Mr and Mrs W. J. Crawford l.t 8i.-A.trt. aud Sam McKay for Kin- COUNTY COURT SESSION TODAY Three Appeals and Five Civil Cases are lie fore Judge Young in December List Three 'appeal against tonvtetton and five civil aetlona were on the llat at the revular montnlT aeaalon of the County Court this morning, Judge r. McB. Young preaMUng. The appeal of the Canadian Flan Oo. against a conviction and line imsoMA by Stipendiary Uagtatrate HU1 of Ocean Palla for nahlng during a apeclal cioae aeaaon declared during the paat aummer wa ad)ourced to date to be fixed. The appeal of Bea Self agalnet a own vtetkm and fine by Stipendiary H. T MeLeod for unlawfully fUhlng with a aalmen net wa also adjourned to date to be fixed. Milton OoBaale. appearing for the appellant, atated that be wa ready to proceed and aked that a date be fixed ao the oaee ahould be dla-poaed of while hia wltneaaea were atlll in the city. L. W. Patmore. for the government, aaked for an adjournment, eoeie of hu wltneece not being imme diately available. The cae wa atood oer until Wednecdiy at 230 pin. The third appeal wa that of Theda Oale agalnat a conviction and fine by Magtatrate MoClrmoet for selling liquor a a reiult of the actlvltle of Liquor Board operative. Mr. Patmore, tor the appellant, atated that be wa ready and deslrou qf proceeding. E. F. Jone. for he crown, atated that acme of the wtt- :ie-:e were In Vancouer. The case waa ;d;' urned to date to be fixed. In one. cf the elvU casM J. W. Col-: cr .c avi.ng the corporation of the v of Frinoe Rupert for M28JW damage' as a result of Injuria autalned , wtve.. he wa atruck on the aUeet by a truck. Mr. Patmore, for the I pia.i.'. tf. stated he wa ready to pro- ; ceert but Mr. Jones announced that he i v.-a awaiting lnatrjctlon from -the In- Kur.mce company. The ease wa ad- joum.d. date fj be fixed. The Stewart cae of W. J. Crawford v Northlaad Mining Co., In which plaintiff U aulng defendant for 1367. was set over to the January court. Some of the de fence wltmase had n been served. it was stated. R. W. Kennedy has the caie for the plaintiff while defendant Is appearing In person. Other case were set as tallows: BrjmttdscB & Sons Ltd. vs. Ous Eg an et all, $81946. Patmore & Fulton for plaintiff and William. Manaon ii Oon- salea for defendants, date to be fixed. R. H. Carter of Edmonton vs. H. A McLean. J10e0. William. Manson ii Ocnaales for plaintiff. Patmore & Fulton for defendant, set over to January. O. H. Hamilton Ritchie va. Arthur Oswald. S500: 8aUiertsntl tt SutherWd for plaintiff: Patmore tc Fulton for defendant, date to be fixed. FAILED TO BREAK ENDURANCE RECORD SAN FRANCISCO. Dee. 5 After re maining in the air two hours and thirty- three minutes yesterday In an attempt to break the endurance record. Captain Klngsford Smith and Lieut. Pond were again forced to abandon the attempt because of tall flutter. An attempt made Saturday was abandoned for the sime reason. GILES WILL ABANDON NEW ZE4LAND FLIGHT SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 5. Declaring he was run down , and all in. Captain Frederick Giles announced that he would abandon the attempt to fly to New Zealand. FELLINAFJUNT FRACTURED HER NECK VANCOUVER. Dec. 5 When she fell lr. a faint in a bathroom at her brother home In North Vancouver, Mrs. Margaret Bolam struck her head on a water tap and died almost Immediately' frcm a fractured neck. T1.M11EK SALE X9390 Sealed Tenders will be received by the District Forester not later than noon on the 15th day of December, 1927, for the purchase of Licence X9590. south shore Draney Inlet, C.R. 2, to cut 875.000 feet board measure of spruce, cedar, hemlock and Balsam saalogs. Two (2) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria, or the District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C. LAND ACT. NOTICE Of INTENTION' TO APPLV TO LEASE LA Nit In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dls- I net and situate on the southwest cor-! tier of an unnamed bay on the south bank of Port Chanal. Graham Island. ! Queen Charlotte Islands, in the Province i of British Columbia. TA1CK NOTICE that Arthur Robertson. Of Massett, B.C. occupation a lumber-. man. Intends to apply for a lease ofi the ullowlng described lands: ! Commencing at a post planted about one chain westerly from the mouth of: an unnamed creek flowing Into an unnamed bay on the south bank of Port Chanal. Oraham Island. Queen Charlotte Islands, Province of British Columbia; thence 4 chains southerly: thence 10, chains easterly: thence 4 chain nor-therly to the shoreline; thence following the shoreline to point of commencement, and containing 3 acres, more or less. (Signed) A. ROBERTSON. , Applicant. Dated October 6, 1927. of FORD Accessories In anticipation of the advent of the new Ford Car, in the near future, we have decided to clear out our stock of Ford Accessories. We. list below a few of the principal items, and you will find in our stock room, many smaller items, on which we are giving similar reduced prices. Old New Price. Price. SNUIIHEKS, per set installed $14.00 $10.00 EUMPEKS and BUMPEUETTES, installed $25.00 $IH.OO SPEEDOMETERS, installed $22.00 $15.00 GASOLINE GAUGES, installed .. $ 5.00 $ :!-"() UADIATOIt and HOOD COVERS . $ 8.50 $ .1.00 S.EoP arker Limitei FOItl) SALES AND SERVICE. 3rd Avenue Eat l'hunc 83 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" 7 ippers - THE DAINTIEST UUEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. Prince Rupert. B.C. Sanitation in The Laundry Hygeia, March, 1927 A kitchen is properly a food shop and should be used for little else. It is distasteful to think of the possibilities at' lending laundry work in the kitchen in the winter when doors and windows are closed to keep out the cold and when steam from the boilers, and later from the drying clothes, mingles unchecked with the foods that are being prepared. THE LOGICAL CONCLUSION Send it to the Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners 515 Sixth Avenue W. Phone 8 P. an ad ian National yThc Largefl Railway Syflem in America I STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE - Sailings from PRINCE Rll'KRT for VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and Intermediate polnta. each lltllitV. 9 00 ajn. For STEWART and ANYOX', each WEI1N EMMY. 10.00 pjn. For NORTH and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Fortnightly. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE I'KINCE RUl'ERT Each MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 1130. ajn. for PRINCE GEOHUE. EDMONTON, WINNII'EO. all polnta Eastern Canada. United States. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. ' I'ae Canadian National Express' for Money Orders, Foretro Cheaaea: ete alno for yur neit shipment. , CITY TICKET OmCI, Sit TIUHD AVE, I'RI.NCE RUl'ERT. Fbone, g0