Save Money Boston Grill i if- ' -t-pe.-: way to buy th . (o subscribe by th jve it deiiverea oiii ina OI court, you x tor hortcr period, ja and bar It de- S, 281. ting iff R. Morgan, head of mpsny bearing his name. prii'.ripally for the Pacific and paper mill at Ooaan ough some have found their UTirt sawmills. WILSON DIARY NOT ACCURATE Sir Robert Horden Takes Exception to a Statement Regard to United States ;"iAVA. Dec 3. -Sir Robert Borden Matcmcnt in regard ta tbe diary Henry Wilson wherein he (Mr. I. is credited with having nd- .ii the Imperial War Cabinet ..i.u-iik oversto the United State E: ,ih aawxatlons resulting from : uch a Pale-tin. South wt jtlivaat Africa. Mesopotamia and i in. Mauds. Dtirden deoltned to discuss the tit any length as the entry re-' ' tliAcuanlon of a secret charac- ne Imperial War Cabinet. He 'wever, that In this as in other '- of which he had - i Sir Henry Wilson's diary In ' - was absolutely inaccurate and quite misleading. SEIZED OPIUM LARGE VALUE VT1,E Deo 3. Oustom inpec- MUTES OF J IL AT TACOMA ESCAPE for the the tragedy which had occurred LIVES ARE LOST IN V i W ! wasortunate man avaaumbedl after Ha engtnertatbed . he will mume opera- Tb late Mr Priestly had been em-on limit, tn the flia- ployed on thia division of the railway mi of wlm-ii haa not yet for i!ir past two yean, having come to tlrrlded un. In the Bnnii.rm. where be made hla home. amp, winch have em- I: "in Edmonton about two years ago. -eventy-livr men during Hr ; survived by a widow and aU year .. are closed down lor t .id s.m the latter leaving laat Friday V: Morgan, who rear he 1 lot Vancouver to Join hla mother. .-? Camosun laat night irfvi was about M yean of age coast, will spend the Ho had gone out with tbe regular pae- ' Hubert or. business in sense r train Saturday morning and was :th i ha wirrtkin of the mskinc the return trip when the Next Saturday he will leavve tragedy occurred. ' on the power tug Mary i ln(, death ear was brought on to Vancouver where he will PrlnM Rupert with the train which winter I arrived at 8 o'clock laat night, having .n. who has operated auc-further delayed by a anewalld several years, has produced nMr xwtnlta. Tbe ear waa virtually wrecked by tbe impact of the boulder. there being a gaping hole through the roof and aide about the centre of tbe ear. In the midst of the debrl lay tbe massive rock and before It a large Had the rock slid two minutes sooner or later, all would probably have been aafa. There mltbt. howew. have been or on the Dasaenaer coaches a few sec onds later. FIRE ST. LOUIS HOTEL at mms nee. s -Pour women are personal .own nave betn Mled and ,Cven dinferouslv Inlured in a fire today In the rear section-of the Buck- iiham Hotel annex. It is learea inai there are other bodies In the ruin. B.C., VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bltr tM)44ilSJL . Coast Copper b.nurday seirod opium valued ! Oladstone ' " 'nan 181.000 when the big Blue ' hner Proteallaua arrived from nt. Independence Indian L. and L Leadsmith Lucky J im Premier porter Idaho Richmond Sllvercreat OMA Ot- 5. -Three Inmates of i silversmith ' m.idd a successful break for Bun Inlf vneu they held up oi- jSimlot-h : in. ...ul . .-.tpc'.i '!.. Bid. Asked 1.48V4 1.45 148 30 M 159 16.00 15 -IS .05V4 M .05',, .07 .03 .04 2.34 2.36 .40 i 41 .12 .05 U M 3 -23 .01 V4 0214 .70 -80 3.50 '!"' m:HH a he noi.u it tit iikuen on Tilt: ii:; CHARLOTTE lLA.HS SKIOSOATB. Dec. S. Beara art mil out and are letting my bold. One chased R. WUkle ot Lawn Kill out into tbe aat chuck. Another 'oak up hie atend In the middle ot Um la- land highway and defied Mr. Cbutney who operates the government car here, to raat lata with the ear. Mr. C. dreaded that a Fofd wa not built (or battering beara no reirajaod and waited for bruin to leave. It la believed that the raaeon lor the boldness of tbe brutes U that they did not fat thtlr usual tall feed of alraon this year, owing to aaajrelty of the flan and lnteoalv aainlng. CRUDE OIL SKIDEGATE Ducks Reins Killed lv it Float- injj on Water There MilliKlAlK. bee. a. Lurt;e palrhe of crude oil listr Imta flouting In from Ill-rale Mralt. Till oil coirrlns all the hi duck and they are d)lng by Hie huuilrrdt along the huI. - XV-klmllar thing happened . -ee- ltefire on thr 'et . -iwt ' when oil broke loose from aMrr the ea at ('aiiKr I'aa. At (list time -Jai-W t hrllrueii and IrleiiiN at lreiie l(Uert located K motion of oil land at (anoe ra but Mere unable tn grt antone Interested In boring there. It It prophesied here that Mime ill) the sourer of the oil will he found. HOCKEY PLAYER TALKED BACK Penalty Caused Protest as An : other Player taia to nave Been Responsible TrmnNTO. Dec 6.--With only two pool of blood, giving mute testimony ki ub( ud witnout Stewart and Munro, Montreal Maroons beat TOftmto. all the being made in the first period. Mickey Ion. the veteran referee, gave HDDT Day a 2o fine lor talking oacx. even more tragic result had it fallen 1 pen(1(r (aUhel some proteat, it be on tbe ettglne a few aeoonds previous lng claimed that Keeling waa tbe man responsible. th. ut sertod rsuy netting iwo to tram waa l charge oi wow. Ottawa the victory in a J. W. Thorn. Robert Pound. xpra j . (0UKnt match against Boston. meaaaagtr. who waa in th car witn lionm Kored three goals for the deceased, waa the only witness of the m tbelr victory over the accident. I Tb lata Mr. Prteetly lived in Printel KUDert laat winter, lnis wmmri was on the run east of Prince Georaw. Besides hla widow and child, he I survived bv hla mother also In Van couvrr. He waa a Canadian by birth. Kew Kew York Americana and Jollatt the Chicago did a workmanuke joo on the New York Rangers. In the one game played yesterday Prank Boucher scored all three goals for th Rangers against Detroit, the latter team getting one. Following are the mores: MATl'ltllAY (I AMES Rangers 2. Chicago 4. Americans 0. Canadlena 4. Montretl 2. Toronto 1. Boston 2, Ottawa 3. SfMi.W (IAMB N.Y. Rangers 3. Detroit 1. STEAMER FINED VERY BIG SUM United States to Make I.evy Against Blue Funnel Liner .r-foif Bringing Narcotics v SEATTLE, Dec. 9 A line of 1122.850 Is to be levied by the united states against the British steamer ProtesUaus of the BJue Funnel line on which 65.- 000 worth of narcotics was seized Sat urday CO the arrival of the vessel from; VANCOUVER. Dec. 5. William Mc- Masters. 17 veara 01 age. was xuieo when be fell off a truck on ',;". Ml'. -AllCC; p..'!!' 'VC1- Camble iuin BIG FIRES CALIFORNIA Valuable Watersheds Being Destroyed and Property Damaged by Blaze Wis AM1EEES. !. 5 llrrs In fwir imtr srrtlon of Southern (Uillfornia t fel on llioiiKamls of arrro of lirusluatid tlinhrr and ron-Minipd 1 .1i homes and rablns ami 1 now rrtirlilng out to selr valu-ablr watrrslirds. Drhlnc vilnil arr iiKHklttg the rf forts of more than Hirer thousand workers. Tronrrty tlmnazr It estimated In ru-ess or half il million while forest officials refusrd to estimate the dimngr to the watershed, t'uolfl-ikil 'stlmalrs pluir the total loss In the terdugo llllla alone at more than a million dollars. MASSEYGIVES DELHI YI.C.A. rtS'ew Building OpenedibyrLordilr win "and MeswageiKead trom. Lord'Willingdon . DELHI. India. Dec. 8. Lord Irwin, viceroy of India, yesterday opened the nw building for tbe Yil.C.A. tbe gift of Hon Vincent Mas. the Orient. No arrests have been made ren mi.m i mnnertlnn with the seizure ! feUOW.-.i'.ip A me.-.iv Irnm Lord WiUlngdon waa t he K'.ti symborlkea tne it tretrhed across the sea bv a dj.stinviii.slied stm of the Empirr pit in: ip wheat VANCOUVER. 5. -The price . Hk'y wa,- 141' Mete PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. MUaDW. DECEMBER 5. 1927 REEF ALONG WMil THE ME PAL or the National Geographic Sotit iv. Cel. t liarlt A Lindbergh received while in Wa.-i iitgi'm Mi" digrct ul master of science in aeronautic- from t. Joseph' .- College. The youthful colonel talking with Re. A. (J. Brown, president , of the college Plans for Doubling Capacity for Handling Grain Vancouver Are Now Under Consideration VANCOUVER, December 5. Plans for doubling the grain storage capacity of Vancouver are now under consideration. Commissioner Pound of the Board of Harbor Commissioners announces, the cost to run into millions. The project must be sanctioned by the Dominion Government or Parliament before the work commences. It is felt that the present elevator capacity will soon be inadequate and Mr. Pound estimates that between seventy-five and a hundred million bushels will move this crop year. This week, with 25 vessels due to load five and a half million bushels, all facilities or the port wui be worked at . high pressure At the present time the volume of shipments eaceeds tbe banner season of 1933. More than 18.000.000 bushels are bosked for December shipment with 83 a'hips char- ; tered and 'it Is expected half a million j dollars will be expended tocaUy for! supplies and repairs. WARLABY DUE HERE TUESDAY San Francisco Maru Left Today With Cargo of Wheat Having completed the loading at the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert eierator ot a full cargo of wheat for the United Kingdom or Continent, the Japanese "K" line freighter San Fran-cisca Maru left the elevator at 11 o'clock this morning and. after taking on oil fuel at the Imperial OH Co.'a dock, sail ed early this afternoon direct for th Continent. The San Franeiseo Maru was tbe third vessel to be loaded this season at Prince Rupert. Tbe fourth grain ship of the season here will be the British freighter War- :by which la due to arrive tomorrow. Tbe v easel Is coming light from Eng land and la already lined enrout. She will be ready to atart loading soon after arrivals. The charter to the local -elevator of the British steamer Aindetby is also officially announced and the vescel sxpected to arrive within a tew daya. She wUl also be lined. Both tbe Warlaby and Alnderby wlill load full for tbe United Kingdom or Continent. Charter papers for the Japanese freighter. Ohio Maru. expected about December 16. had not arrived at the tie vatar up to this morning. AIDED WOMAN AND WAS SHOT NEW WESTMINSTER. Dec 5. Hear lng the cries of a woman being assault ed near Hoult street Sunday night BrUt Williams beat off her assailant, who shot biai in the shoulder. Williams ts re. : vennt-' "i 'he hospital The Identity of the man and woman is unknown. Adeems tn The DaUy New OENEVA. Dac. 5. It la not found possible to reach any basis for agreement aaya an official communique issued by the British delegation at the conclusion of an Interview today between Sir Austen Chamberlain and Maxim LltvtnoS. arranged to discuss British relation with Russia. 4,titttttf4ttTVtt ANADIAN DOLLAR LOWER IN PRICE NEW YORK MARKET NEW YORK. Dec. 5 The Canadian doUar was at a discount of one-sixteenth today for the first time sine August 18. The large shipments of gold mad. to Canada as well as tbe closing of navigation are held responsible for the change. AMATEUR ATHLETIC UNION OFFICERS ARE ELECTED ON SATURDAY EDMONTON. Dec 5 Dr. A. 8 Lamb ff Montreal, waa elected president of tbe amateur athlttlc union of Canada on Saturday. A. W Fraser of Amherst, Nova Scotia Is vice president and John Leslie of Edmonton, secretary. MAGEEllIlTsCiIOOL RUGBY CHAMPIONS VICTORIA. Dec. 5 Magee High School of Vancouver today won the Thompson cup. emblematic of the British Coium bia High School championship, defeat tag tbe Victoria High School three runs to nil. HOOK COLLECTOR HIES LOS ANGELES. Dec. 5. Dr. Joreph A. Munk. 80 yeara of age. the southwest' most distinguished book collector and '..Titer. Li dead. Large Upstair Uimug Hall. With newly laid dancing floor, lor hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least I'hone 437. LOCAL MAN KILLED WHEN BOULDER HITS PASSING TRAIN n if ' i be. ni ivirj n m mm ik a m m m m Baggage Car of Train Killing A W. Priestly fan or More of Hock Struck Prince Rupert Man and he Never SURF INLET licgainud Consciousness prank of fate yesterday a boat noon caused the death ; inumstances of A. W. Priestly, baggageman on Can-nal Railways No. train, as the train was speeding west-it diataiu-t- t !; other side of Terrace. A huge boulder, weigh a ion or more, rolled down a mountain aide and, i ugh th mot and side of the baggage car, caught the man in its path, inflicting terrible injuries from which .Hied consciousness, dying a few hours later after he the Hazelton Hospital. It waa lust two minute to tweiva CAMP CLOSED ; that tb tragedy occurred. The rock ; wh evidently )arrd iooaa lay Um pass- uig engine, precipitating dn the cliff onto tbe haggsg ear. Priestly waa anting reading btwM the atov when i the boulder crashed Into bia ear. The reverberation waa beard from one end i to tbe other of the train whloh - waa 1 R Morgan C ompany lo Operate' brought to a audden atop .Entry to the TTTnher l imit- in Mtlrtrt iMSM car disclosed id trey ' and Praistly waa taken on to Terrae f inlet mhf. nr tiiu wbeM another locomotive waa obtained I -.; 111 I iiHlaaj tor aevrral nMb Uin " tb Haedton HeaoiUl. Biera B.ght where he pro victor SB (ha raea.l recently, now Steamer Catala Off Reef Is Now in Pearl Harbor for Temporary Repairs i j That the Union steamer Catala, stranded since October 8 on Mi-t Inland, three miles from Port Simpson, had been successfully ! floated ;i 10 o clock thi morning was the announcement made in i a message received today by the local offices of the R.C. Towage & ! Lighterage Co. from the salvage vessel Salvage King which, with I thi an.-istanee of the Salvage Princess, pulled the vessel off. The . ..poiinn fnllnu-tmr th flnatinir of the xhin. wan to beach her i it: pe;n ! Harbor, close by, where the plan is to put temporary patches on preparatory to delivering the vessel to the local dry dock where !..., ti.iy'.M - will be made - ' vim a view to having Met made for -.tnnri rtmi 111 Hid permacc".t repair of the vaaanl. To hat -r.d. wok wUl nov.- be drlvn and r . o(.id that the Cbtula may arrive, here within the.courve of the next few! days. Tne floating of the Catala marts the good deal of oompetftlon among yards ot the coast. VANCOUVER. Dec. S. -Word received here says the Catala was floated in fairly good condition and waa towtd to "earl Harbor. After repairs, th vessel will be towed to Vancouver. The float ing waa done on an eighteen foot tide. . tOMEKEXfi: FAII KKAt ll .MiKEKMENT ItKlTAlX AMI ItlSL THE CATALA "uccesslul completion of an important j . -.ep in oi-e of the big&eat and most , Builder of Vessel and Shipyard difficult salvage operatloaa on the Paclllc Coast in several ywsra. Efforts to pull the vessel o!T a few day alter U stranding having tailed, the only other means waa then to blast away tbe rock pinnacle which held her no aa to relieve tn bold and place her on an even keel. AU this ha now ben done ard aAMtasful salfage 4s. .assured. High tides during the next week will igH pleatty of-ltm for tha work of iraklng the temporary patches on the beach. The Job of repairing and reconditioning the Catala will be i big one and for It there wUl. doubttes. be Representative Arrived. Last Evening To make another Inspection on behalf of the Union Stsimshlp Co. of the wrecked steamer Catala which la expected to arrlv within a day or so from Mist Island nar Port Simpson,, where so has been stranded'" alnce November 8, W. D. McLaren, who bad charge of th bulldl&gOfvthat-jressel - two yeara ago at Mantroae. Scotia fid. arrived from Vancouver on the Camo- sun last night, accompanied by hla sec retary. A. W. Morris. Mr. McLaren dis embarked here from the Camoaun and went out this morning to the wreck on th Salvage Princess. To make an Inspection ot the vessel with a view to submitting a tender for r rapair. Hubert A. Wallace of the Burrard Dry Dock Co.. North Vanxm- ver. also arrived on the Camosun. Mr. Wallace, it wUl be remembered, waa stationed at Prince Rupert a few years ago when the Wallace Interests were buUdlng ships at the local dry dock. LLOYD GEORGE CAMPAIGN FUND Leader of British Liberals Ex plains How it Was LONDON, Dee. 5. Lloyd George has broken the sUenre on the origin and management of the campaign fund which haa been known as the Lloyd George fund, which ha long been a matter of comment by a section of his political opponents. In a statement to the .press Lloyd Oeorge says the fund waa collected by whips ot the .National Liberal party In exactly tbe same way every other political fund has been obtained for over n century. The former premier said be did not know who subscribed to tbe funds but be had never touched a penny of It for hi private use and that the amount ot the fund was fantastically exaggerated. PLANS TRADE WITH MEXICO Arrangement Made for Pacific Service by President Callcs Personally MEXICO. Deo. 5. Trad between Canada and Mexico la receiving the personal consideration of President Oalles. a special Monterey despatch says. Callca announced that he had conducted r successful negotiations with the Canadian Deputy Minister of Trade and Commerce at Chara during th letters visit to Mexico City for the establishment or a steamship service between Canadian and Mexican Pacific pons. Negotiation are being continued for similar service on the Atlantic. IllKTIi. A daughter was born at the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital, December 4, to Mr and Mrs. David R. Barclay (nee Jen. MacKay.)