f AGE SIX Fishermen E :ore baj irg rour next engine, n'tnu avci see as about The Gardner Semi-Diesel Engine the most satisfactory on the market Governor has control at all speeds, mating it most suitable for halibut boats. Sises 12 h.p. to 300 h.p. The Acadia Gas Engine the most modern designed , and best built 4 cycle engine in Canada. Sizes from C-8 h.p. to 40 h.p. medium and heavy duty. ; Ward Electric AND MARINE SUPPLY CO. Phone 6S0 Cow Bay IVince Rupert, B.C. Xmas : Specials Brazil Nuts, lb Xi( Almonds, lb IKif Filberts, lb 2T? Chestnuts, lb SMf I . R. Peanuts, lb 20 Walnuts, man., lb 25f Walnuts, California, lb. -10 Shelled Almonds, 2 lbs. for $1.25 Mixed Nuts, 4 lbs. for $1.00 Chrystalized Cherries, Cellophane, lb "." Glace Cherries, Cellophane, lb 50? Raisins, lb. 1.", or 7 lbs. for $1.00 Raisins, 25 lb. box . . $.1.00 Prases, 60-70, 2 lbs. for 25f Prone, 25 lb. box . . $2.15 Prtuies, dry pac, 5 lb. tin ." or 2 for $1.05 Dates, 2 lbs. for 25f, or 9 lbs. for $1.00 Mussallem Grocery COMPANY. LTD. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Phone 84 Thor Johnson r r. IVi for .ens Clothing and Furnishings The home of "SOCIETY H. S. WALLACE C0 LTD. for Coats Dresses and Millinery LARGE FRONT ROOM TO RENT Suitable for Office H.S.WalIaceCo.Ltd. 3rd Ave. and Fulton. Phone 9 BAZAAR PROVED TO BE QUITE A SUCCESS IN SPITE OF BAD WEATHER CoxkaMerinc the bad weather Saturday i he L.O-B A buui proved very auroeas-ful financially There m Ml Interesting musical program, tasane taUtts Pn be- i in, aliases Ltwrtaoe. Doris trek. Hot odfTTiMtt" SitftUT ora Arcbte and' Etbet-Moorebewe. ' 'Rattle eee wan as tnlloss: Luncheon cel. Un. R. Laos. wiUj ticket 2S- Bax of apples. Mrs Baaalttnn. ticket 41 Fruit cake Ma B. L an, Ucket Xt 30 lb. sack of sugakr. MM Jean Scott, tfctoet M Among those hetpiag wttb tbt easMty stall was Un Damn and tbe fetwn tub Un. UcBaffey. Un. T. Barter tv in general chart. COMMERCIAL GRADS BBTTISH COLUMBIA FISHINO As PACKTNO COMPANY LIMITED HESS- BT O IVES NOTICE that It baa under Section 7 of tbe said Act deposited wltb roe umntt oi JT1DIIC won at Ottawa and In tbe office of tbe Registrar of I .a nd Tttlea at Vancouver. British Columbia, a description of tbe alte and plana of a cannery, cannery wharf and perquMtes thereto, proposed to be built on tbe lands covered with water fronting on Let 12SS and Lot 1435. Ranae S. Coast District. In tbe Province of Brttlah Columbia, which said Lots arc sf Johnson Channel In tbe said Province AND TAKE NOTICE that after tbe ex piration of one month from the date of ties tne rirst publication of this notice. Brit- are lab Columbia Fishing ic Packing Company Limited will, under Section 7 of the said Act. apply to the Ulnlster of Public Works at hut office In tbe City of Ottawa for approval of the said site and plani and for leave to construct the aid cannery, cannery wharf and perquisite thereto DATED at Vancouver. B.C.. this 16th day of November. 1937. JAMES B. LAWSON. 13 IB Standard Bank Bldg.. 510 Hsst'nga St. W Vancouver. B.C. Solicitor for the said Company. Circle S. Picnic Hams THIS WEEK ONLY 28c Per lb. This is Swift's premium Cure and is not salty. We have only a limited supply to sell so get yours early. They average from ! three to five pounds each. I'frnu Tt. 11.. n.n. . A doz. for S1.0 Fresh Ground Coffet' None better for the money, S lb. for $1.45 B.CButchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 574 MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St. Telephone 657. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnitum Moving. (ox f onstibation CREWS WERE RESCUED OF STR4NDED VESSELS NOsVOLK Val . Dec 4 Twenty-four nxm wen rescued, from tbe Norwegian iWH Clbao off Cape Hatterai Sun-da and rri rescued from tbe Creek stessTter Paraguay botb of Mcb . h' wu . rvw umuwi. v mjv . . . I HATf trf V1VV D f r AflUIMtK Ulli LUKfc crew perfcned EDMONTON. Dec 6 Tbe Commer cial Orada defeated tbe National Bankers of lllnneapoli-t 57 to 7 in tbe second game played Saturday night In tbe international baaketball aeries. NAVIGABLE WATERS' PROTEC TION ACT. MOTORSHIP PUT IN WITH ENGINE TROUBLE SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. S The BrtUafc motonhlp loasUoglue. enroute I ram Brtt-lab Columbia to Australia wltto lumber, put into part Sunday with coatee ReUrd Statute of Canada, Chapter US' raubte. . IN PROBATE i the M'I'kkmi: conn or hkitimi COM MIIIA In IT tbe Matter of the Administration Act: and tbe laattsr of tbe Estate of George Cunord Adolpbua Wilson. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hla Honor. F VicB'Youns. tbe 1st day of De- situs te c ember. A-D 1037. 1 was appointed Adtmn- -traior of tbe esute of Oeoree Clifford Adolpbua Wilson, deceased, and all par- having claims against the said estate hereby featured to furnish aame. properly verified, to me on or before the art day of January. A-D 1928. and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay tbe amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated tbe Brd day of December, AJ3. 1827. IN PROBATE IX THE SITKEME f'OI'HT OI" IHUT1MI COLt.MlllA the Matter of the Administration Act: and In tbe Matter of tbe Estate of Robert I Rudd. Deceased. Intestate. I TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ills Honor. F. UcB. Young, the 1st day of ! December. A J). 137. 1 was appointed Ad- . mlnistrst-r of the estate of Robert Rudd. deceased, and all parties bavins claims against the said estate are nereoy required to lurnista same, property verified, to me on or before the aid day of January. AD. 1928, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay tbe amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated ihe 3rd day of December. AX). 1927. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT iCash and Carry Grocery Cor. Fulion St. and Sixth Ave. BUY YOUR GROCERIES HERE AND SAVE YOUR CENTS FOR XMAS We Can Give Y'ou Still Lower Prices by Using the Coppers Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. for Pacific and St. Charles, tails, per an 11? B. &. K. Rolled Oats, 7's Tilt PaBtry Flour, 10's ."7e Robin Hood Flour, 49's . . $2.50 Market Day Raisins, 4 lb. for ."lc? Cluster Raising, 25c pkg. for IOC- Currants, recleancd, per lb. IT? Bulk Dates, per lb 11c Glace Cherries, lb. pkg. . . 2:1? Shelled Walnuts, per lb. .. -le Sago and Tapioca, per lb. . . Old Dutch Cleanser, per tin 10o Corn Flakes, per pkg 10? (jraham Wafers, 1 lb. pkg., each 21c Weston's Oval Arrowroot, 1 lb. Pkg 4Ht Comb Honey, each 20? Fresh Ground Coffee, per lb. -I Of Selected Ceylon Tea, per lb. ."Of Orange and Lemon Peel, per lb. 2f Citron Peel, per lb :50f Cowan's Cocoa, 21? Fresh Prunes, 4 lb. for ;i? Campbells Assorted Soups, per tin 14? liemz Uatsup, per bottle 20? Sterling Catsup, per bottle . . 10? Shamrock Hams, whole or half, per lb. Cooked -Ham, per, lb. '..40? Capitol Butter, Bricks 14 lb. "box for''. ,,5.1.80 E.C.D. Butter Bricks 47? 14 lb. box for $050 Brunswick Sardines, 3 tins for 10? More prices in a day or so Come in and look us over ORDERS UP TO $3.00 DELIV ERED FREE Phone 301 THE- DAILY. NEWS MnndaV. SPORT CHAT Events scheduled for the week are aa follows . Monday (tonight) cribbage League: Orotto vt. Native Son of Canada; Canadian Lrgtoa vs KUiigbta f Columbus: Lagal Ornav C N. Ueebsnieat New IlStef vs." MbW: N OpMNM vkvt St Andre";' Frtace Rupert Hoeal t. CoM Storage. - Elks" Whist tounuMneot Basketball : Senior League Orsxid Termlnala vs. Native Sons of Canada: Intennrdiau League. Bevator v Big Four: Junior League vs Tuxls Boy. Tuesday Ladles Whist Uoosc Ladlsa vi. Canadian National IHH Orange Laertes vs. Enguab Lsdlw. Billiard: Orotto vs Maple Less. Tbunday Wntet League Seal Cove va. Knkfbu of Pytnlas: Native Sons Canada vs. et. Oeorges: St. Andrew's vs. . Orotto; Moose vs. OdV, fellowa. . FrWajr Billiards: Oyro Club vs. Orand Terminals. Basketball: Senior League Elks a Native Sons f Canada: Intenneda-ate League, Hsjh School va. Big Four. Ladies' Leerue: Drill Teasm va Hign School. So as not to hsterfere with tbe staving of the ptay "Adam and Eva" by tne Prince Rupert Ptayers' Club. batatbaH games scheduled for tomorrow night wlil be played, instead, this rvenbag. Interest wttl centre In tbe Sensor League where another escitlng session wOL do doubt, be forthcoming. The leading Native Sons of Canada will meet the Qks and a lively tilt for tbe league leadership Is promised. Shoaud tbe Canucks win. they wiu be well away wttb a margin of four points. SbesjM. however, tbe Antlered Herd emerge victorious, tbe thing will be tied up wltb both teams even. There are many who believe that it la time for tbe Lodge Men to gtt tbe breaks of the luck to put them over. A game Just as close as the last two Senior League aZalrs which were won by margins of on point is anticipated. Completing tne program win be an Intermediate League ;ame between Big Four and tbe Elevator and the Stars and Tuxls Boys In the Junior League. There will be out four more sessions before tbe first balf of the season Is completed. Every game wttl. no doubt, be fought bard and closely followed. Tbe Prince George Curling Club baa already started' its winter activities which win be continued from now ua-Ul spring with a two weeks' suspension over the Christmas and New Tear holi days. Ladles as well as men will actively engage in the sport. Tbe annual bonsple! will be held on January 26, 27 and 28. While Ideal conditions have been prevailing far ice making, all e "Torts to coax water on to tbe new rinks at Smlthera during the past week have failed. Oasoilne engine, pumps, Ford cars: all have proven In vain. Latest talk is to sink wells Ip order to .provide water for both the skating and curling rinks. A badminton club nas been organised at Hazel ton. play to take place Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Visitors will be permitted to play at a nominal fee per nlgbt. Tbe officers of tbe club are: president. Rev. .T. D. Praetor: vice-president. Miss Maffatt: secretary treasurer, A. M. MacKay; executive Mrs. W. W. Anderson, S. J. Winsby. Mrs. C. W. Dawson and Mr. Klncald. William Ooldbloom returned city on last night's train from business trip to Hazelton. LAND ACT to the a brief NOTICE Of INTKXTIOV TO AITLV TO LEASE LAM) In the Queen Charlotte Islsnds. Ora- ham Island Land Recording DHtrlct of Prince Rupert, and situate on the west side of Rennell Harbor at the Head of Rennell Bound. Queen Charlotte Islands. rrovmce of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that Brlt'sh Columbia Pishing & Packing Company Limited of Vancouver, B.C . occupation Salmon Can- ners. intends to apply for a lease ol the following described lands: i-ommencine at a nost Planted on the east shore of a creek called Twin River: tnence 4 chalni west; thence twenty-one mania norm: tnence 4 cnalns east; thence following contour of rhore line to place of commennement. and mn. talnlng 8ty acres, more or less B.C. FISHING ti PACKINO CO. LTD. Applicant. M. M. English, Agent Dated October 22, 1927. "BUILD B.C." Pure Milk Always Pure H JtVAPOMTl, That is the function of can ning. Milk from dairy farms adjacent to the plants comerf fresh' every morning' and re-ideiVes efefy carer. The Very life of Fraser Valley? Its siitf and its showers, is condensed in Pacific Milk. This gives its richness. It is our mission to keep it fresh and pure. PACIFIC MILK Head Office, Vancouver factories at Ladner and Abbotsford. "BUILD B.C Plain Tnilorrd Vest and Bloomer Sets Fine glove silk finish. Special QQ OC value at, er set SCRAPED HAND ON ROCK AND FOUND HIGH GRADE ORE STEWART,. Dec. 3. The recent important silver discovery on Silverado property, near here, was made when one ot rfhe men on the property grasped hold of tbe rock to hold himself when traveling over a spot where the footing was not good. He left that peculiar lesping tnat comes when one touches' rock carrying heavy values in silver. The Stewarts of Victoria, the principal In Dunwell, are backers of Silverado. Where the discovery wm made was near tidewater. In the early days of the camp, rich silver float was found at tne loot or the hm. but prospecting, failed to reveal Its source. At that; time. 20 yeas or so ago. the place! where the find was recently made was I covered wltb glacial Ice. Since then.i however, the Ice has gone. Rainier! claim of the Silverado group, was one of the first claims staked In the Portland Canal district. A SKATING INVITATION TO THE AUDITORIUM You are Invited to visit the Auditorium, where roller skating, the most exhilarating of sports, is demonstrated every day from 2 to 4 and from 8 to 10. Skating comes nearest to flying and anyone who can walk can learn this graceful exercise In a sessions and after that couple of manipulate mese nine venieies alone. Join with the happy parties who throng tbe floor of the Auditorium every evening spinning around on the rollers which run as smooth as If on velvet. Most people require some exercise and this is one that affords a .complete chatlM fmm Ihdt nl ..... i r 7. A . . uj uux aaiiy labors. Exercise Is as necessary to health as sunshine Is to the flowers Thousands have learned to skate at the Auditorium since it was opened. Many are still skating there and are all the better for It. And those who have yet to learn need have no fear, for the Instructors would not let you fall even !r ?oa "nted to. After a few sessions you will be able to mingle alone with the happy crowds, swooping and gliding like birds in the air over the large Hoor which is always in perfect condl-Cuau Advt VVasl IF SPECIAL VALUE C only. Shot Taffeta Dresses Assorted styles and colors. Beautifully Q11 Cfl finish! trarmpnta VllU LADIES' HOSIERY. ET Kayser and Harvey Hoe Kayt-er ruli-r aahanej l ure Tiii lit', shadow pointed heel, in all the newest shades, per pan ii Fraser & Payne UNDERWEAR, ETC Rayon Silk Knit Nightgowns. laced trimmed, assorted shade Kaon Silk Lingerie St-Is, lace trimmed, assorted shades Sets assorted shades Rayon Silk Pyjamas, assorted shades, contrast trimmed . . Occupy the Premise of the UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Special Opening of Novelty Christmas Gift Merchandise on Display at Popular Price S3.50 S3.95 Rayon Silk Hrassier and Mourner Qf Cfk S4.50 Extra Special Value Rayon Silk Illoomers, assorted shades, very fine qual- Q"C TA ity. All sizes OX.tJU Turnbull's Fine Glove Silk Finished Bloomers, assorted shades, all sites Q4 QET including extra Urges vX7tJ Vests to match $1.25 Novelty Hand Embroidered Swiss and Irish Handkerchiefs boxed 3 in a box, 5r. 50r, 75f, $1.00, $1.50 Hoxed (iarler and Handkerchief Sets an- $1.00 Deep Shadow Proof Princess Slips, assorted shaded CO Q? and sises Ladies' Dressing downs, bossed design all over, assorted colors t?4t7tl Velvet cord, em- S8.95 81.75 Knyher Double Thread Pure Silk heavy service weight, full fah ioned, all new shades, per paii Harvey Pure Thread Silk He. i square Intel, stocked in 10 shades, per pair 81.95 81.59 C & G. Cornets Corslettes GirJIc MrasMcs Our special corslet te fl is marvellous value t Ol.0D Novelty Swiss Georgette and Crepe dt: t -Handkerchiefs newest design ing. each 25f, X, ,,of Dressed Dolls in a variety of style. ,. Tbe genuineLloyd Ma Ma !!! .. si. oo, $i..-o, S2-"o, j,tr. sstr MENS AND HOYS' FURNISHl'- S Men's Sweaters Universal aaak)- silk and wool mixture, 4 pockets 88.95 Shirts urts Men's Fine English Broadcloth cream, ecru and white 82.95 Men's Fine Silk Broadcloth I)re-s s made up in neat gift boxes, a- OA Q-sorted colors and fhrared UsiK' We are showing a apJeodid r. ITALIAN SILK NECKWE R all new dealgna and colon te well Q1 rfl made ties. Special Ol.UU 15 Pure Wool Men's Gabardine Colored in Bngland. These are .. coats and we are selling then , 2 recent less than regular prices Fraser & Payne Third Avenue and Sixth Street GENERAL DRY GOODS Vhme WESTHOLME THEATRE MONDAY ONLY. 7 and 9 p.m. "For the Love of Mike" A tale of College Life BEN LYON, CLAUDETTE COLBERT, GEORGE SIDNEY FORD STERLING, HUGH CAMERON, MABEL SWOU and others COMEDY BILLY DOOLEY in "SAILOR, BEWMIE ' INTERNATIONAL NEWS llcANADlANJ asiuvavX Admission ... 35c and 10c Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketrhlkan, IVrangell, Johran and NkugMay Novrmlier IS, 30, 1 Tu aiiriiiitpr. Victoria and Seattle November t, IB. 30, liffrmlier and January 4. I'MNCEHS IIEATKICE. For Butrdale. Cast Hvlla llella. O-ean rall. Namu. Aln ij Campbell River, and Vancouver eer rlatiird.iv. II trnm. Aency lor all Steamship Line. Full Informal Corner nf JtH u... onrt trri Ar.ni. Prlnr Itunrrt. I1.C. 1 "tt " MOFFAT'S Electric RANGES The result of forty years' experience are continual ing imitated but never equalled. Fitted with or witnuu burning attachment. We buy direct from the manuia. u. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 235 Third Avenue. I'rince Rupert