T ff r - , S l rmber 5. 1927 YOT5 DAILT NEWS PAGE FIVB -trrr,. ' I , , 1 ... . r--:. r ... , TERRACE BOY GOES 1 ,BsWss!sBessBRgHfsECjBBfiii't HHtBLBIBBBtBBBBBBLBBBBliHE Special Value REPRESENT IN BOYS' PARLIAMENT DISTRICT THE ACME'S ANNUAL Miner Mrfonnel rw , ' rjfrc' Kapmirt of Prime Rupert to VWt Vklorlj mm m m Sandwich Plate $6.50 mow article is good .,; silver plate and the ill- screws off so it can uwd with a small dish in the centre for - or cracktrs and cheese. , plain cake r sandwich .i fur our ntw catalogue. nJEWELLtKS fT- Y - WWII I I Ho LintC WORE WITH THE CLOCK (INDIAN SUMMER l.i. ..a , nr 1WIIL DC 1 CONE'-V lsYi v GET IN YOUR. COAl FOQ THE COLD CRE.V IE) J i 1 liM ii u t t r. I- all months are fall-,; tund and you'll have Vi m before you know J '.in the "don't worry" "lay and get your bin i'ht away. 1 r -late-free coal will i a care-free Winter. NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL , and ALBERTA SOOTLESS COAL Alert & McCafFery I'h ies 11G and 117 Manufacturers Outlet w Sale of LADIES' HATS DRESSES LINGERIE at The Louvre 31 G Third Avenue Next Royal Dank oo d DRV DIRCH, CEDAR AND JACK FINE Single Load $3-10 iJnuble Load SO.HO I irpe Sack f0f 0 I1UNDLES DRY KINDLING, .$1.00 Fhone T80 HydeTranster AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue ANGER,the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shon In Prince Rupert as low CCC Af as I. ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Shth Street TBRRACE. Dec. 4 Word uM luit Training eve. since IU mcepttfia In Terra that Bimer Terrm ujidrr tli leadership of A. O. MoOasui ha been elected a rpreaea www mm uts PrinM nun.,, .. tSk-ena Riding to the Fifth Boys Pro-: vinciai parliament, which la to hold, lu imtan in the Pmrinni! i Buildups, victoria. Irom Dee. J u 1 The member thut elected wu the candidate selected by Ue "Oawego" TgaO Rt grcap of KaA Catted Cfcuaeb, ten-. a (fee affleer for the constituency, Earl Beme, well known Bat' Mmssot Prtae Rupert, announced that the member had been elected by aceUmaUon Such generous aupport tn the Dart of the Tuik and Trail Ranter a roups t mum Rupert and northern British Columbia haa occasioned much appreciative comment throughout the Terrace District. Elmer McOonnei. son of Mr. J as. McOonnei. la at present attenauu Terrace High School. He ta Chief Ranger of the Terraoe Trail Ganger Group, and Treasurer of 'he Trrrsc Union 8unday School. He haa been ronncctcd wKh the Canadian Bona In Classified : Ads. Phone 310. FOR SALE I ok mli: 40 HP. Btaadard heavy on tafia 11800.00 30 H P. Duflsk) J -cycle engine I XX) a by 8 trolling boat. 7 h p. WT 4MjOO II by 8 troller. 12 hp. Fair bank tSM.OO 4 by 11-8 Seine boat. 30 hp. with too fathom salmon seine used only abort season with line aod braller. a aaap HJKM. Apply j. Fssid. Box 84. Photic 33. FOR SALE 13 FT F1S! PACKER AND tow boat. Taplov. 1C-20 H P. hsary duty Vlrlan. with complete equip. man. U.aOO OO. M. M. Btepbeaa. FOR SALE. SIX ROOMED HOUSE with bath and pantry in Section 5. 11400. 8400 cash, balance arranged. Apply 814. 7th Are Wea 286 FOR SALE. TWO GOATS; BOTH milking. Apply Box 84, Daily fiews. HOUSES FOR SALE SIX ROOM MODERN HOUSE; 8PLEN-dld condition and location. Price 11.600.00 Cash 11.000. ' Balance arranged. Five Roamed House with path. Good condition and location. Price I2.2O0D0. Cash 1500.00; balance arranged. fl. P. TINKIK I CO. I.TD. tf FOR RENT FOR RENT. Pianos, phonographs and Singer sewing machine. Walker's Music Store FINISHED NEW TWO ROOMED .HOUSE for Rent. Apply 720. Seventh Ave. W. 28 FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE; EXCEL- lent view. Apply 2J5 Fourth Ave. E. FOR RENT. Aoartmenta by the day, week or month. Phone Red 807. tl HOUSE FOR RENT 8 ROOMS AND nATH. AddIv Munro Bros. tf FOUND BUNCH OF KEYS FOUND. APPLY Dally News Office. I'MXCE III I'F.KT 'HUtllOK KRRIOIIT prRVICE t. R, Arnold, Proprietor Go anywhere anytime. Day or ijlght. Always on bc)ard. U WB18" "Bl woj EXCHANGE P.O. Hot SI0 NEW AMI fifXOM) llM FI RN1TTRF. bought and sold and exchanged. Player Piano and Two Cash Registers In stock. r.P.IOPU.O MARA 8.W Third Ave. Phone G18 CHRISTMAS TOYS CHRISTMAS TOYS OF A SPLENDID As sortment are now on display. We are placing a great number away for our customers' who are taking advantage of early buying. Do not delay in selecting your toys apd Christmas gift. We will deliver for you Christmas Eve. A. McKKNZIF. Ft'KMTl'RR Phone 775 Every Day is DOLLAR DAY at THE DOLLAR STORE. See our large range of Christmas Gift. Nothing Over a Dollar. CHIMNEY SWEEP II. J. Zl'MKF.IIR Oeurral Handy Man Furnace and Stove CJeaned and Repaired. Chlmnle Swept. Cemetery Plot Cared For. Phone Red 243. Prince Rupert. B C. "iiOMixiox rrRxmwE exchange N. DESOl'UnF.S, Proprietor 144 Third Avenue We Buv P " Ex :e unytaing riione Black 421 Fowler. TO recently moved to Smlth-ers. At present Alan HolmwouJ. pub- He schcol principal iru u mentor 4 tiM (roup ANGLICAN BAZAAR TERRACE, SATURDAY One af Mot Kureful KtrnU llrlri shI financial Return Kll Urge TERRACE Dec. 8. The Women's Auxiliary of St. Matthew's Anglican Church. Terrace, bead Ita annual Christmas bazaar on Saturday after noon and In spite of very unfavorable weather conditions it proved to be one of the moat successful ever held. The lower O.W.V.A. hall, which was used for the purpose, bad been turned into a veritable winter garden and made a vary Inviting appearance with IU profusion of evergreens, red flowers and bells At 2:80 Rev. A. W. Robinson opened the sale with prayer and a very large crowd waa present all afternoon. Those U. charge of U different booths ware: Fancy Work. Meadamea C. R. Oil. bert. H. HaUtweU, E. M. Smith. Oooking Meadamea OajT. H. King and Sims. Candy Misses Haathopa and Malott. White Elephant.- Mrs. Von Ilees, Mrs. Haaey. Tea Tables. Mrs. Chapman. Mioses Kathleen Burnett and Mary Smith. Kitchen. Mrs. Blabop, Mrs. W. R. Thompson. Oathlers Mesdaoiea Burnett, Dover. Sparkes. As usual unsold goods VU be sent to Pacific where they will be en dis play and for sale at the home of Mrs T. H. McOubbln. It la expected when figures are avail able that the financial returns will ex eeed that of any previous sale. TERRACE Mr. and Mra. Fred Nasn left on Thursday far Prince Rupert where Mra. Nash will undergo an operation in the Prince Rupert Hospital. R. L. Mcintosh of Prince Rupert Is spending a lew daya at hi summer home here. Miss Kathleen Burnett was the prize winner for selling the moat tickets for the hospital balL A steady downpour of rain practically all day Saturday has taken away most of the recent fall of snow and left the road and sidewalks In a very Icy con dltlon. George Little returned on Thursday after a three weeks' business trip through the prairie provinces as far a Vlnnlc. He brought hack a car load of horses, some of which were shipped through to Prince Rupert for use there The logging camp on the ferry Is land baa been closed for the present and crew and equipment moved to a suitable site In the Kalum Valley from which extensive logging operations will fce carried on throughout the winter. O. L. M. Oiggey ha brought a num. ber of horses from the Canada Products Co.. Ltd., Usk. They arrived here on Friday and will be used In connection with Mr. Olggey-s milling BATTALION ORDERS f4rJllt-;0c,,0el 9-$tMfS$V Officer Commanding 1st Bat. North British Columbia Regiment. (102 CEP.) Training -Battalion parade In the Armoury. Monday evening. December 5. at 8 pjn. All ranks to attend this parade and sign payrolls. Band practice. In the Armoury. Tuesday, at 8 pJQ. Signal section practice, Wednesday, at 8 p m. Miniature rapge practice, Friday, at 8 pin. Annual Inspection The General Officer Commanding Military District No. II will Inspect the battalion In the Armoury. Thursday. December 8, at .8 Pjn. Service dreai, with puttees, belt, side-arms, and rifles. All rank must attend this Inspection parade as the amount of drill pay earned by the regiment depends on the numerical strength of this parade. School of Inspection Qualifying courses for officers and N.C.O.'s will be held, at a Royal School of Instruction ayEscjulroalt, January 30 to Marcrf fo; "Wf am'iai requested to syo-mitrvwterPappflcai t he Adjutant before Thursday. December 8. S. D. JOHNSTON, Major & Adjutant, 1st. Bn. NBC. Regt. A. Watson, assistant superintendent engineer for the Canadian Government Merchant Marine, arrived on theCamo- sun last ntght from Vancouver, being here In connection with the undocklng of the steamer Prince Charles which is j going off the pontoons at the dry dock today alter ni!, '-'n '-nere lor m :, v.. . .?eks und(.'rj;oing annual ov V'. No C.O.D. Orders. Man in the Moon I WISH I were Pete Llnzey And had to get the prize For writing that big slogan for I should feel wondrous wise. I think I'd have an outing And on the back I'd pat Myself for thinking up a bright New princely thought like that. rtlt resuy snouia a pome PI me rest of us to help him spend the prize STEWART will soon be on the way now It Is to have a railway. t THE politician usually say he Is willing to trust the people but that only proves he doe, not owp a grocery store. ' ' EVERY little' Copper. "S1 Makes a purchase -all her own Every afternoon she. ask That the goods' be shown Then she tries the garments on Feels they're good to look upon But returning there to buy she finds The best of them have gone. HOW would it be, now that the winter 1 over, to se about doing our Christmas shopping early. " w n tut opinion of Freda Enu tus &ew dress, a man tticxi said Third Avenue. Strictly Cash. the only thing that ' struck him was sir. over ft looked . , rt,.. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert Word ha (reached the city of the marriage in England of Lieut. Thomas Brewer, a well known Hazelton soldier, and Miss George of Surrey, England. The Jury in the Anyox manslaughter case at the Assize consist of Thomas! McMeekln, foreman. J. C. Knight, WIHlam Grant. Oiler Besner. T. Ballln-ger, W. H. Melllar. H. R. Robertson, D. Olennle, M. H. Large. Herbert Hampton, L. M. Puller and P. T. Dolron. Dr. J. P. Cade, medical health officer, reporting to the city council, announces ' that milk In Prince Rupert is under standard. An Investigation will be made. The election CAmnalffn between Fred tork and CoL C. W. Peck. V.C., U pro- ceegfhi wJUtjrim. Profiteering 1 one ojeSSri'lasues In the campaign. Prince Rupert, with 730 subscribers, bought victory bond in the recent campaign to the amount of 8202.100. The grand total for the district was 8295.950. The following officer have been elected for the Prisoners of War branch tf the local Red Cross Society: president. Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh: secretary treasurer. Mrs. O. A. 'Woodland; executive. Mrs. Oiler Besner. Mr. R. It Shockley, Mrs F W Dowllng. Mrs. Fred Peter and Mr. W T Kergln. SALE OF MEN'S AND HOYS' CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS STARTS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 Positively the Biggest Bargains i eB.C. Besides the regular stock of the Acme Importers, consisting of high-grade Men's and Boys' Clothing, we have made a very special purchase at a very special price for cash, through Gault Bros. Ltd. of part of the stock of Jas. Thomson & Sons, of Vancouver, who have gone out of business. This stock consists of Men's and Boys' high-grade Furnishings andwc are thus enabled to offer absolutely astounding values. As an example, read these: STANFIELD'S RED LABEL Men's Underwear. Regular $5.00 value. Temptation Sale Price 385 CEE-TEE Men's Pure Wool Combinations. Regular $9 value. Temptation Sale Price 6.85 WOLSEY Pure Wool Men's Combinations. Regular $8 per suit. Temptation Sale Price 4.95 VIKING Men's Underwear in natural pure Wool. Regular $7.50. Temptation Sale Price 4,95 BLUE CHINCHILLA OVERCOATS Regular $40.00 value. Now only $29.85 MEN'S SUITS Five hundred Men's fine Tweeds and Worsteds at drastic price reductlqns. $22.50 Tweed Suits $M.5 $25.00 Suits to clear at SI 0.05 $30.00 Suits for only $10.tt5 $35.00 Worsted Suits at $21.05 $45.00 Navy Blue Serge SiW.45 SWEATERS Men's Heavy Weight Wool Sweater Coats. Regular values to $3.50 Temptation Sale 95 The famous Hi Lo V Men's Sweaters, the double duty coat for fair and stormy weather. Regular $4.50 value. QQ QC Temptation Sale Price t?A.JtP OVERCOATS 7G Men's Tweed Overcoats. Browns, grays, farcy checks; double breasted or plain models. Sizes 34 to 44. 16.65 $35 Men's Overcoats in Novelty Tweeds. ' Gray, midnight blue, etc.; full check back, all taped anu smartly tailored. Temptation Sale 19 95 Plush Lined Overcoats in high grade Tweeds in fancy blue and checks. Regular $37.50 value. 91 ft? Temptation gale Price . . A'"" FOR BOYS High Grade Overcoats. Regular $16.50 and $14.50 values. Sizes 2G to 34. Temptation Sale 7,85 84 Boys' Pure Wool Tweed Suits. No suit in this lot sold in the regular way at less than $15.00. Qrj QC Temptation Sale Price ?1C5J Boya' Tweed Bloomers. Values $2.75 and $3.50. Pure Wool "Scratch" Tweeds, with belts and watch pocket. In sizes 27 to 34. ! rjS Temptation Sale Price St Margaret's Diamond and Double-Knee Stockings, in all sizes. Regular value up to $1.75. Temptation Sale Price, while they last QP per pair . . , St. Margaret's Cashmere Stockings, in all sizes. Regular up to $1.25 value. Temptation Sale Price, while they last, l7'?p per pair St. Margaret's Jerseys, all Wool Cashmere in fancy, brown and navy with polo collar. Regular $3.50 value. C-J QC Temptation Sale Price .... vX.tftJ Boys Fancy Sweaters, all Wool, in pullover and lumberjack styles. Monarch knit. Regular values up to $5.45. Temptation Sale CO QC Price vwitJ MEN'S SHIRTS IS dozen Men's high grade Dress Shirts. These include English BroadclotrJ, Bombay Cords, Novelty Broadcloths, Oxford Stripe, Delhi Flannel Syltex, Russian Cords, etc. Regular value up to $5.G5. GO OS Temptation Sale Price 9aOtf G. W. S. All Wool Fancy Shirts in Pure Wool Flannels. Regular value $4.50. Temptation gale g 95 UNDERWEAR Heavy Ribbed Underwear, made by Stan-fields, all Wool, Shirts and Drawers. Temptation gale Price R-fl' QC iixiw per garment SfanHeld's Medium Weight Mens tender-wear. Regular $4.00 value. PO QC Temptatiqn Sale Price .... U Turnbull's Natural Wool Men's Underwear, in Cpmbinations and Shirt and Drawers. Regular $4.50 value iQO Temptation Sale Price .... Vv7eJ Stanfield's Silk and Wool Men's Underwear. Regular $7.50 value. QC AC Temptation Sale Price .... Turnbull's Ribbed Men's Underwear, soft, fleecy and warm. Combinations' only. Regular $4.00 value. G& Temptation Sale Price .... The Acme Importers No charge accounts. Canadian ; National Steamships .Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths. Pattern makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. r PHONES 43 and 385 BURGESS Flashlights and Batteries Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3