PAGE FOUB i ur - BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM Attention!! Prince Rupert Students! TL t J?r WOROOWDA'LOT ELEPHANT 0 I; It 7 1 ' Z N PH B W iiP!PlA- See our window! A Lead in ai watch will be Riven away absolutely free. A large clock dial ha: spaces for the names of boys and girls attending school in Prince Rupert and writing on the exams June. All you hare to do Is to come in and have your name put on. You need not buy anythingl The clock will be wound on June 20 and when the hand stops, it will point to the lucky name. Be sure to enter before June 20. II D in irn W 1 (5 4 Jewellers THE STORE WITH THE CLOCN fcf Xi BOW-DtK THAT f OU rAEET-" sans cwLWBtR cant be bcat Ask the master builders of this town where to go for lumber and they will turn your footsteps in this direction. They maintain that the kind of woods we sell is the sort that should be put into a building that is expected to live to a ripe old age. Albert & McCaffery Phone 11C nnd 117 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 3S1 P.O. Box 1563 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ROW-BOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIBUT GEAR IN" STOCK . Compass Adjusting MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for 81.00 7 quarts for Jj.1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street More now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy 11th St Telephone 637. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. VVT Specialize In Piano and - Furniture Moving. ANGER, the TAILOR We carry a fine stock of imported Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds and Serge. Every garment tried on before finishing. 223 Sixth Street WBSW , M f kS, 1 U.S. SUPREMACY IS THREATENED ItKITMI FKOFESMOVILS PLAYING IX OIIA" GOLF Tlll'ltXAMEXT HE-OIXXIVO TOIHY NEW TORK, June H. America's su premacy on the links. wMch reached lu crest lait year In i weeping British victories by Bobby Jones and Jess SweeLser. wUl be subjected to its most threatening challenge since 1920 In the Ameri- jcan open Championship at Oakmont, IPa.. which opened today. Ten places In the starting fields have ! been set aside (or a band or British pro-1 j lest locals whose tnrasion has the double l objective of successfully defending the j i Ryder team trophy against an American ; team and of lifting the most coveted of American links titles. One invader, the J powerful hitting veteran, Ted Ray. Is a former American open champion. ; Of the many scattering attempts which foreign stars have made to penetrate the :home defences, only two have been ! successful. Bay's triumph seven Tears igo was the last, terminating a twenty year stretch during which no European j player was able to break through. The I otner victory in 1900 was posted by the ; .jreat English stylist, Harry Vardon. TAYLOR- POSITION ! The succen of British forces in these two campaigns, however, was pronounced. for on both occasions compatriots finished In the run-up positions. J. 1L j Taylor of England was second to Var- don In 1900. two strokes behind the win-i net's score of 313, while Vardon tied jthree American jlayera for eeoad 'place 1X1 There was one other notable British ; Invasion In 1913 by Vardon and Ray, when the two famous overseas players finished In a tie with Francis Oulmet. then a young Boston amateur, for first place. To the surprise of critics and a large gallery. Oulmet then pro- I reeded to win the subsequent play-off. ihootlng 72 to 77 7for Vardon and 78 for Ray. Contrasting with the record of British professionals on this side cf the Atlantic has been the amarlng success of American players abroad In recent years: links stars from this country hi Ting won five of the last six British open tournaments. Jock Hutchinson, first to break through In 1921. set the pace for Walter Kagen, who scored In 1923 and 1924 Jim Barnes followed suit In 192S, while Bobby Jones annexed the crown last year. SPORT CHAT With only three games to qualify for toe finals, each of these football matches between now and July 1 when the final of; the Dominion Day cup will to9'.P'T?t If 'going to prove of partlcu ir wiriest ana soccer rant mar oe relied upon to turn out to numbers. Tonight the Regiment and Orand Ter miosis will meet in the first of the series and. If this competition went as the Stuart Shield did. it wUl be game to decide which of the tew teams goes in against the Moose In the finals Prospects for the soldiers have loomed most promising Just recently and they ate already counting on annexing thli piece of silverware. At the same time the Moose are just as confident that they can be successful again and til Grand Terminals somehow feel that iney nave aroppea wnat tney are pleased to call a Jinx and that they have at last got Into the stride no one will question the aggregation Is capabie of. Bobby Jones launches his eighth drive for the American National open golf champlnonshlp today at Oakmont. New York, fro ma background of record stroking which has mo parallel In links hlstta-y. The twenty-flve-year-old Oeor gia marvel, who last year accomplished the remarkable feat of winning both the British and American open titles, already has opened his 1927 campaign with a smashing card of 281 to win the Southern open crown. THeVe are still mora, records ahead of him to tempt the magis of his clubs, and In this early season performance he has broad cast a warning of new flight to great golf which may res ire his chief hope or the current season ercqulsltkm of the open and amateur crowns In the same year. Only one golfter In history has been able to bring off this feat, Chick Evfcns, the veteran Chicago ama Was So Nervous The Least Noise Made Her Jump Mrs. W. EL Tales, Ashern, Man, writes: "I was bothered rtry much with my heart and nerves, and the. least noise would make me jump and almost stop my heart totting. I told my mother about it one day, and she raid that she had been bothered the same war and told me to get a box of BBSMtT7TIBBSV lli'lJ llX When I had taken th one box I felt quite a lot better and by tie tims I had taken three boxes I got relief." Price 60c a box at all dealers, or mailed direct on, receipt of price by The T. Milbarn Co- Limited, Toronto. Obi, teur, accompjlisbed It In 1916, nosing out Jock Hutchison for the open title at Minneapolis and defeating Bob Gard ner in the final round of the amateur at Merlon. Bobby's amazing per formances last year are scarcely less4. Impressive than his cnsistently low (coring record in the open, where for seven straight years he has averaged a fraction of a stroke less than 74 a round for 28 rounds of championship play. The roll of. championship possibilities :n this year'a open golf tournament contains' the-names of three well known veterans whose shadows have frequently fallen across the title gatewsy during the last five or six campaigns. They are Bobby Crulekshank. the wee Scot; Leo D'.egeL the former Detroit caddie: and Bill Mehlbom. the husky Chicago a. Crulckshankr approached nearest to America's . premier crown when he finished In a tie with Jones1 four years ago, only to lose- the play-' off to the Atlantan. The .following 1 year be was fourth, six strokes back of Cyril Walker. Mehlhorn only once In the last five years has failed to. place among the first ten. Last year he was third after being fifteenth In 1925. He was fourth 1922, but his card was nly two strokes higher than that of the champion. San-en. He , was eighth in 1923 and third In 1924. Dlegel looked like a winner In 1920 losing out in the final round to Ted Ray of England by a single stroke. He twenty-fifth. Last year he finished fifth. GROTTO DEFEATS SONS OF CANADA INTKKMRIII TK LCWil E lUsr.llAIJ CSAME LAST XlfillT WA CWK IT TO MXTII IXXIXU The Intermediate League baseball game last night, was a real tight affair until, the sixth inning when the Grotto started to hit Slocomb freely and, fol lowing one or two glaring field errors, ran out over the Nstlve Sons of Canada with 812 score. The Grotto opened the scoring in the first frame with two runs, the Sons coming up to make one. Each team scored once In the - third and with one more for the Grotto In ve fifth, the score was 4-2 at the end of that frame. In the sixth, the tobacconists put three runs across with the ghth In the seventh and last aianza. Will Lambie and Joe Smith were umpires with teams as follows: Grotto 8. Gurvich. c; J. McNulty. p: R. Seherk, lb.: N. ChenoskL 2b; D. Ourrlch. 3b4 B. Lundquist, ss.; D. Stalker Jf.: B. Stalker, rf.: G. Howe. cf. Native Sons P. Morrison. 3bi U Astori. 2b B. Hunt. Ib4 A. Slocomb. p J. Nelson, c; p. McDonald, rf.; 8. Duncan. cL: B. Wakefield, a J. Mc Nulty. If. Score by Innings: . 12 3 4 5 8 7 Giotto 2 0 1 0 13 1.. Native Sons... 1 0 1 0 0 0 02 League standing .to date: W. L Pet. Grotto 3 0 1000 Elks 2 I ten Native Sons 0 4 week. He arrived from the Interior on yesterday afternoon's train and Is regis tered at the Hotel Prince Rupert. TERRACE N. W. Smith, of the Rosa, Smith tunrxr Co. Edmonton, was a business visitor here on Friday. Mrs. Ardagh Is spending a short holiday at the home of Mr, Ardagh 'a parent at Kltwsraga. While in Prince Rupert last week. P. H. Alket) purchased a new Essex coach. Mr and Mrs. Thos. P. Smith left on Something to be pleased about "All the wash, ing is done, ready for the linen closet. Clothes of spotless white thanks to Reckitt's Blue." Reckitts Bag Blue In the handy bag with the Blue and White stripes 1MB 000 P. H. Taylor, locator of the now famous Richfield mine at Topley and now managing director of the Topley Consolidated Mining Co. which is developing other properties In that region, la a business visitor in the city this Dr. Wrinch. M UA-. returned to Harelton on Fridar after a brief visit Mway has been in the hunt, except lnjto this part of his constituency. 1091 1924. when when fca he Hmnnsrf dropped to n . . . r Wanted ForJSale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word. in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c FOlt SALE OR SALE. BEDDINQ OUT PLANTS all varieties, raised In our own green-bouse. Prince Rupert rTorsl Shop. Brighten up your home with flowers. FOR SALE OR CHAHTTR 4 P(Vrr combined fish carrier and tow boat 27 HJ. Atla Engine. Handles 7.000 humps. M. U. Stephens. FOR SALE OR RENT. RECONDITION- ed six roomed house with bath and pantry. Apply 833 Borden Street. Phone Blue 258. 13s FOR SALE. TWENTY ROOM HOTEL with lease. Pull price 11.500. Write P.O. Box 53. Hyder. B.C. 139 FOR SALE. ONE GARPORD TRUCK motor; One Hudson motor. 175.00 each. Parker'a Oarage. tf eR SALE. SIX ROOMED HOUSE AND lot In post office block. 12.200 00. Apply P.O. Box 378. 115 FOR SALE. FIRST CLASS RESTAU- rant. Do not lose your occasion! Apply PJJ, Box 725. tf fOR SALEA-28 FOOT CRUISER. SNAP for cash. Phone Red 511. tf 30WBOATS FOR SALE- 335. -PHONE RED tf Saturday for their home in Telkwa after having spent a short honeymoon Here followtng their wedding hut Wed-aesday evening. D. D. Munro of the Land Settlement Board. Smlthera. arrived on Sunday 'or a short vUIt at his home here. W. H. O 'Conner, recently of Wallace. Idaho, and now manager of the Davis Mines Ltd.. Cedarvale. spent the week end with his family here . Mrs. O'Con- ner and children expect to spend the summer In Terrace. Mrs. T. H. McCubbin and two daugh-era were down from Pacific oa Satur day. Mrs. and Miss Gardner. Miss Lilian Oardner and Miss Kelly of Pacific were In town between trains on Saturday J. C Goudey of Oakland, California. Is spending few days in the district in the course of a holiday trip which win etxend as far as Yarmouth. Nova Scotia. Owing to very, high water the Ames- bury mill was cloned for several" days ( the end. of the week and most of the ew spent .the .enforced ' holiday in ' ' Terrace.1 ' ' Mr. and Mrs: l3( W. Wangh and daughter of Prince Rupert spent the week end in town. Fve. de Kergammeaux of Paris, France, arrived In Terrace on Friday, to visit at the home of his uncle. Felix de Kergammeaux. The woTk of decorating the interior of Knox United Church was commenced on Monday morning. The walls and celling are being entirely covered with Jyproc. a fireproof waliboard. A kalMmilne finish will then be applied and when finished win greatly add to the attractiveness of the Interior. Mr. and Mrs. McCouran of Prince Rupert were visitors here on Sunday. Mrs. P. Clapp came up from Prince Rupert on Saturday. R. Babb and Thos. J. Lang of Edmonton were business visitors here at the week end. MnM W. V. Burnt( and daughter Kathleen returned on , Friday from Prince . Rupert, where the latter was writing her musical exam Inst Ions. Miss Annie Allan, another music pupil re turned on Saturday and Miss Janet Young returned on Monday. R. L. Mcintosh spent several days In Prince Rupert at the er.d of the week. Theo. Colthurst went to Prince Ru. pert on Friday for medical attention?"- Mrs. Thos. Young returned on Saturday from Prince Rupert. i WANTED WANTED. BUSINESS MAN WITH j capital to take half interest In my j business. O. P. Brine, Austloneer. P.O. Box 303. Prince Rupert. B.C. SITUATIONS WANTED QUALIFIED SINGLE MAN. TWELVE years general store owner. Canada; trained accountant and typist; all round office roan; fair shorthand: Scotch; desires position anywhere. Free early June. P.O. Bor 100. Mer-ritt. BC. FOlt KENT FOR RENT. NEWLY DECORATED modern house; also small furnished house. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East. FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART-ment by the day. week or month. Phone Red 607. tf FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply Musaallem Grocery.' Phone 18. 3O0M3 FOR RENT. BOARD IP desired. Phone Black 129. PIANO FOR RENT. 4JO0 A MONTH. Walkers Music Store. ROOMS FOR RENT. EMPIRE BATHS. Phone Red 241. 1J3 ROOMS TO RENT. PHONE 878. BOARD tf dOARD. THE INLANDER. 813 Second Avenue. Phone 137. AUCTIONEER IP THERE IS ANTTHINO YOU WANT and cannot find, look me up. I boy, sell or exchange anything of value. Face value and results my aim. All auction sales guaranteed. Phone 774. O. P. Brine. Auctioneer. rLASTLKINO NEW WORK FROM Sic to 7$c a square yard. All material supplledJ Repair plaster work by day or Job. Phone W. a. Smith. Red 503. 160 EXCHANGE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged- Papa-dopuloa and Marrts. 839 Third Ave. Phone 646. tf UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRING; UPHOL-stering of all kinds. Chesterfields recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Greer 803. O.. M. HUNT. FfKXITI-KE AMI RlMlFS. CHESTERP1ELD SUITES, BEDROOM Suitea. dining room suites, beds, springs and mattresses, Axmlnster ,and Wilton carpets, Linoleum and linoleum ruga. Complete home fur-, nlahlnga at reasonable prlcea. A.Mac-Kenzle. Furniture. Phone T?5. RESTAURANTS noon rath c.i pp. Mrs. Unger. 'ProprletreM Third Avenue. Next O, W. V. A. loo Home f'nnked Meals. Phone Blark 700 TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call Georjre, Paul or Gust) Six and Seven Passenger Stude-bakern at your di?ponl any time. ROSS 1JR0S. POOL ROOM Meeker Itlock. (Acroaw from Empr Hotel) P lfrgK v.r Low High low High Low t444t RINCE RUPERT TIDES et4 TIESIIIY, 41'K . . 0:25 am. 206 ft. v . 13:20 pjn. 18.1 M 7:12 am. f3.7 - 18:68 pjn. 8.1 " Hi:itNi;siiiy. jim: is loo am. 200 ft. 13:69 p m. 18.3 14 7:48 a m. 3.1 w 19:35 pm. 8.2 " TIH'UMHY, JI NK 10 1:36 am. 21.2 ft. 1339 pm. 18 3 " 8:24 am. 2.7 " 20:13 pm. 8.3 " Articles Lost and Found,4c MAIL SCHEDULE Ol'T-tiOiSo tor Ue Eat Mondays. Wednesdays and fctunh, Tc,; To lanronter 8undays j 411, Thursdays Saturday ( ( June II. 18 22 2T First class mall Is also tieipsuin , Vancouver on Mundays, Wedae w Saturday by C-NJt. trains. To Anjot and .Hire Arm Sundays , j4 Wednesdsys ,j To Mewart and Premier v Sunday t, Saturdaya jx To Ft. Simpson aad Naw RJtrr t- Thursdaya E4 To AUka mini-' June 13. 24. 27 -To tlneen CharMte June 18 -IN-tOMINtt rroni the t:at Mondays, Wednesday P ' tj f rom lneaier Sunday pa Wednesdays ICIS sat Thursdays j.js. Bsiuraays : June 13. 24. 27 front An jot and .litre Ar Tuesdays Thursdays I pa. from str4rt anil, rrsier Tuesdays 1 Sundays I JJ I'rom If ttlmiMtn Vm Xir. FIU- Saturdsvs xi From Alaka Points-June 11. 18. 22 19 9 Irons tjueen fharlotle Jane 1. SO mix roi.i.i.rTHi AM. M Orahara & AUln Ave. IW 1 1st Ave. A 8th St ta VI 6th Ave. 81 Pulton St. . 8th Ave. Thompson -ti ' ' I!th ft Sherbrooie Av?. llth Ave. 81 Conrad St "5 ;J 6th Ave. A Hay Cove 6th Ac Hays Cote Cirri I3J 8th Ave. At Cotton 8t 140 W Jth Ave Ai Mclirld St l Prov. Oovt Bldg. IJO Prov. Oov. Wharf M U O T.P. Wharf B"" O.TJ". Station .... 2nd Ave. At 2nd 8t 3rd Ave. Ac Fulton 8t. H ,J 3rd Ave. Ac 6th 8t 0J0 ' STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS Foe Vanroever 8unday-. Prince Oeor-e " r- 1 ' Tuesdsy n. Catala Thursday . Prince Rupert 11 r Saturday ss. Cardena - ss. Princess tvatr!. " f itmm 1 1 41. Princess I j: ' " June 18 s. Princet; C " June 29 as. Prince- C : ' From Vaiirousrr Sunday-aa. Catala " ' Wednesday-. Pr Tiupvt 10) inursuay--v " r' Saturday . Prim -"! D Saturday-. Prince Oar?.' June IS sa. Princess C if' '-' Prince l--,- 15 June 20 T For Port Minpson and K"rf"fr .Thursday-, caraena Fron Port f" ' VM ' BAturday r caraena lor.lnjos Bunday-n. CaUIa II V Rupert Wednesday VrUu :e From Anjot-Tuesday si. Catala Thursday-as. Prince Itupe.t P For Stewart . f Sunday as. CaUIa ,a 8aturday-a. ITInc O, ni From Sleart , -j, Sunday-'. Prince G.-orr Tuesday . Catal For queen t'liarllte June 18-a. ,Prmce Jonn Fioin tjueen I'harlolles June-16 , prince jn June 30 . Prince John For AMU ,, June 13- Princes Char).' ' June 24-. Princes AI1' June 27-. Prlnce Charlott rrom Alaska pjs June ll-M. Princes. - June 18-ea. Princes C' arlotU r June 23-, Prince Iul Chsrlott r June -. Princes V