Tuesday, June 14, 1927 Quality tells. That is why "Black &. While" meets with approval everywhere. A degree of excellence in the blending ' makes an instant appeal to the most discriminating taste. DISTILLED, BOTTLED AND BLENDED IN SCOTLAND "Quality Tells" Jiwri BltfMfclMN ft Co LfO GlrW AMD 1 01 -V,'-" -'h-: BLACICWHITE This advertisement is no I pit tI Ik! iel ur liSlayvJ by llic Liquor Control Hoard or by Hit; Uowi tiiiieiil The Force of A Habit Through force of habit we often act instinctively do exactly the rik'ht thintf In an emergency. Habit is the result of repented action. When you form a habit of usinjt the superior service of Ormea for prescriptions and sick room necessities you will automatically think to phone 82 or 200 In an emergency. Prompt Deliveries by Cyclist Messenger Jfic Pioneer Drugezsls THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONES 82fc200 1 FOK KENT Johnson's Electric Floor Polisher 2.00 per duy Let us know the day you want It! Kaien Hardware Co. Phone 3 Sovereign Lite Assurance Company of Canada Head Office Winnipeg. Man. The SECURITY afforded by this Company t" its policy holder In not exceeded by any other company In Canada. The high rato of interest earned on our Investments, coupled with careful management, assures n favorable dividend rale to our policyholders. Thla is ju.it ONE of the advantages of insuring with "The Sovereign." (LP. TlNKKll Pi-drift Kcpresenlntive. Insist on B.C. PRODUCTS They Lead in Quality Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 235 Third Ave' . Prince Kupert. Il.C. BOTTLE CAPS, gross WOODEN FAUCETS, eueli WILLOW CLOTHES BASKETS, each IMdimipv iiH'u'n nrm'i.vi 8". each . ,"01 Mi A -' i,v,..' , - nun .iiiaiu ICE CREAM FKEEZEBS, from to 5j.IO.00 union SCREEN DOOBS and WINDOWS In all sizes. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE SECOND ANNUAL ALL Local and Personal EXPENSE TRIANGLE TOUR Arthur Taxi. Phone C78. St. Andrew's Picnic. Junly 2t. Authorities report that in a tingle season the dependents of a pair of flies are "approximately five trillion, five hundred million". Every one it a germ carrier. FLY-TOX kill flies. Entry Ittih fuarmnlnJ. A A'or fi ir-, t Protluct I tvu llial aa, dct(!prd lntiiihi o feMIIm an i.l Kiifiits it iUircll fllltwillip tf BO. Undertaken. Phone 41. Dentist. Dr. J. B. douse. Phone 688. . Oet the Big 4 habltl When thinking of a Taxi, phone 4. tf Shoes rebuilt like new at Mc-Artliur's Shoe Store. tf Father Godfrey came In from Terrace on yesterday afternoon's train. Hyde Transfer now agents for Lady-smlth-Welllngton Coal. Phone 580. tf Account up tq. June 10 totalling 11, 408.03 - were passed for payment at the meeting of the city council last night. C. A. Pyne left on this morning's train for Terrace and wjll proceed from there tomorrow to hli home In Prince Ocdrge. W. H. Manuel C.N.R. travelling auditor arrived In the city from Win nlpeg on yesterday aftcrnoon'a train. He proceeded to Terrace this morning. II. M. English, manager of the D.C. Packers cannery at South Bay, Sklde gate, Is a business visitor In the city, having arrived yesterday from the queen Charlotte Islands. Doth being transferred to Vancouver. Staff Sergeant Walshaw and Constable Scrogg, who have been on the Royal Canadian Mounted Police force here, will be leaving this week for the south, John Salvon was charged In the city police court yesterday afternoon with obtaining liquor unlawfully and was remanded fcr eight days so he might search for a permit he stated that he had Coastwise Steamship & Barge Co.'s freight steamer Anyox arrived In port at 7 o'clock this morning to discharge blacksmith coal from Seattle at the dry dock after which she proceeded to Anyox. Dr. W. Lyall of Winnipeg, ear and eye examiner for the Canadian National Railways, arrived In the city from the East on last night's train and will be here for the next few days on of ficial duties. Mrs. E. N. Valentine Is sailing Thursday afternoon on the Prince Charles for Victoria where she will attend, as official delegate from Bellst Shapter In Prln:e I Rupert, the British Columbia Orand Chapter convention of the Order of th " ' " ' r Eastefn' 'Star. local Improvement initiative bylaws to provide for the construction of cement sidewalks on both sides of Third Avenue between Flth and Sixth Streets were given Introductory readings at last night's council meeting. The walks will be twelve feet wide. Hall, It sounds incredible hut KILLS Rl8. MOTHS MUSOUITOW UBiics..tJ(T5 J MfA! is your home mortgaged TF it is a problem for you A to meet the interest and principal payments on your mortgage, how much more so would it be to your wife and children if they had to do it? For a comparatively moderate annual deposit, you can secure a Confederation Life Endowment that will - automatically pay off the mortgage on your home a few years hence, or that will Immediately pay off . the mortgage if you Should die before, so that your family will own the home free of debt. This plan is of interest to every man because it is an Ideal method of saving money for any purpose. An interfiling pamphltt, "No Af offer What Happtnt," will b gladly sent upon reuf. Confederation Life ASSOCIATION HOWAKD FAKKANT, District Manager, Kogers Kuilding, Vancouver, B.C. M. K. STEEVES, Cen. Agent. 1'rince Kupert - . B.C. Don't forget Valhalla Picnic June 19. 139 Moose meeting for tomorrow night Is postponed. Mrs. A. Morris Is sailing this evening on the Catala for Vancouver. I'mler new manasmifiit, Sravlew (iris-err. Win. Miller, proprietor, tf California Collegians, the world's greatest college entertainers, Westholme ' ' tonight. , . 138 Dance with the California Collegians Jazz Band, 14 pieces, Wednesday, June 15, from 10 p.m. to 2 In Moose Hall Modish modes for modish women to be displayed by pemers at the Fashion Parade at I.O.D.E. Carnival, June 16. 139 Aid. Tinker stated at last night's ... .omnI,t.d f00..lnjr council meeting that arrangements were don y an plosloll aboard over a ur.ug oe vo spre.a, ..gnung o month ggo th. na,lbut bQat Do,pnlaf uie Cu uou grouiuis ior we jut, peter Byme cIeam, tnU mom. 1 celebration and suggested that some-,,n)? the ,or fishing grounds. thing similar might be done at thel City JIulI for the occasion. At the sug- j xiie University of California Glee Club gestlou of the mayor, the matter was gave the first of a series of thrw en-left In the hands of the Bsard of tertalnments last night In the Westholme Works which will have the decoration Theatre to the great enjoyment of a of the building In hand. Mayor Newton has been advised by head offices of the Canadian Pacific large crowd. Later the troupe played for a dance In Moose Hall. C.P.R. steamer Prince Charles, Cant. Railway In Vancouver that It will be , Nell McLean, will arrive tomorrow mora-Iniposs.'ble to hold over the steamer Ing from Vancouver via the Queen Char-Princess Alice to the evening of July 1 lotte Islands and will sail Thursday to take home tho Ketchikan visiters afternoon at 4 o'clock for Vancouver who will be attending the celebration direct. The vessel will enter her summer that day. It was explained that the i schedule next week, vesNcI would be full to capacity out of Vancouver. The matter will be further gone Into by the celebration committee with a view to making suitable ar- rangements. ANNOUNCEMENTS Summer Carnival. Exhibition June 16. Moose Picnic, June 26. Charged with drlvlng.au autoinoolle while under the Influence of liquor, E. Sabourln .airtx-ared before Magistrate McClymont In city police court thl ' : morning and was remanded until this ' 4 afternoon. In the meantime, lie was reloHwd on tlOO ball. Mrs. Olof Hanson leaves on tomorrow morning's train for the Interior to open her summer home at Lake Kath-lyn. Toward the end of the month she will ie joined by her daughter Llnnea, who will be home from school at Victoria on June 24, and her Ron jOlaf, who will finish hia studies In the City. Mr. Hanson auto plans to spend considerable time there during the summer. ' HOTEL, AltltlVALS I Prince Kupert M. M. English and B.'Dcvrll, Skldo-gate Inlet; Henry C, Alexander, city; F. II. Taylor, Smlthers; Ted Irwin, Van- jcouver: C. R. Morse, nob Wolfenden. j Bill Merrill, Jack Kclscy, Charles I Schilling, Lewis Erbcs, Charles Nllei, Harry Kolt, Carl Splldgen. Ralph Vincent. Jack Painter, Les Clausen, Lelghton ; Stone, Jack Ellasscn, Merrltt Sanford. ;Stu Hlght, George Daugherty, Walll 'Steward and Bill Luckett., Berkeley, Oat.;' M. A. Burbahk, Prince Oebrge;, D. j T. Lutes, Lowe Inlet. 1 ' I . Savoy i W. MacKay and M. MacKay, Vancou-ver; J. B. Johnston, Port Edward. Central T. E. Swanton, city. i TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4 4 4 WANTED. -CAPABLE MAID FOR GEN-crnl housework. Phone Blue 411. 110 TEN DAY TRIP FARE 1110.00. Special train leaves Vancouver via Canadian National Railways, Monday, July 23. Fare Includes meals and berth on steamer, Prince Rupert to Vancouver, aho all meals and berth on train, Van couver to Prince Rupert via Jasper, and meals and entertainment at stop-over points; two full days at Jasper National Park; stay over-night at Kamloops, Prince George and Smlthers; automobile trips and entertainment at all these points, also automobile trips at Vander hoof and Hazelton. Full particulars from City Ticket Office, 528 Third Avenue. Phone 260. KAJEN GARAGE BRING IN A NEW PONTIAC CAB The first Pontlac Six cabriolet ever to reach the city has been brought In by the Kalcn Oarage and it was promptly purchased by Alex Prudhomme of the Savoy Hotel. The first Pontlac was only built in January, 1926. yet so great has been the demand that orders have always been far ahead of produc tlon and this one has arrived after months of waiting. Among all the slxei made, the Pontlac Li the lowest in price for the value re eelved; with Its large bore slow speed motor. Its efficiency Is demonstrated by Its low malntalnence costs. Made by the General Motors Corpora tlon at Oshawa. the Pontlac Is a car of which It manufacturers and Its own crs may be well proud, and Its excep tional two tone color scheme with light green fenders and sand colored body give It an outstanding appearance. Advt , . - - Aid. Perry, at , last .night's council mooting, suggested that the Shawat lans Late pumping station be placed under the Board of Works which has other waterworks In charge. The sta tlon Is now under the direction of the utilities committee but Aid. Perry felt It could be more efficiently handled by the board of works. The suggestion was referred to the utilities committee for consideration. Advertise In the fHl! News LAND ACT. NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAN II. In Coast Range 4. Land Recording Dls trlct of Prince Rupert, and situate at Captain's Cove. Pitt Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that GoRse Packing Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C, occupation Packers., Intends to apply for a legoe of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1253. Range 4; therce muth 5 chains: thence weit 5 chains; thence north to high water mark: thence easterly along high water mark 5 chains, more or less, to point of commence ment, and containing 3 acres, more or less. GOSSE PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant. Dated June 13. 1927. LAND ACT. NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LANII FOR INDl'STKIAL PIKPOSE.S In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at seweii iniet, Moresoy jsiana, wueen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Timber Merchants, intends to appiy tor a lease oi me touowing described lands: Commencing at a cost planted at the southeast corner of Lot 471. Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Island, north, 31.43 chains; thence east 51.17 Chains; thence in a southwesterly direction, folowlng the shore line to the point of commencement, and containing 30 acres, more or less. JU3tt'll UUUUU13 WlLU.-i, Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 29th April. 1927. LAND ACT. NOTICE .OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LANII I OH INIIl STKIAL PIUI'OSEH In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet. Moresby Inland, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Locgina Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Timber Merchants, Intends to apply tor a lease oi me touowing described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 470 Bewell Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands; thence north 80 chains; thence east 00 chains, more or less, to shore; thence following the shore line In a southwesterly 'direction tothe point of commencement, anr containing 190 aores. more or less. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON. Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Diteci 29th April. 1827. Headache Made Her So Sick She Could Not Work 10m Lola mite, Car BJ5, N.B., writes i "I ruffered sever el r, for s long time, with a lad headacha. It would ah and ack until it mad me so alck I could not work at all. friend recommended j md after using a faw bottie of thU niediein. I fel that I cannot recommend It too highly to ai those who suffer from headache of any kind." Vor the part 41 twits B.H.n. has Wn put up only ky Th. T. Utlbura po.f Limited, Toronto, Oat, A. l" " 'r ."V:," . Ail Rr ttr. "e"r I Tit aha tear, l '" '..'""iA" I-? i, " h v"" M-I ' ...: "' '1 7, ty Ontario, is an indi- v "y ' f I cation of tht favor " millions of women. i " Women praise LUX (- n.V J ii he"31150 it 0X1 alway Yy, jQM depended upon to . 4 f( K W work well and - w'tnoi't to jy I Anc "noovcr. women A J I UJ everywhere, who use a 1 I Iwj LUX for many purposes LA A wl say that it is tiie height wl u li la economy. A A.A J VAJ PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. New Stock of Garden and Field Seeds and Fertilisers Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Sulfites BULKLEY VALLEY HAY AND GRAIN Our Famous Edson Coal in any quantities also Telkwa Coal Store Phone, 58. Trotier Dink Phone, 558 Canadian National Qie Largefl Kailway Syflem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE SAH.INOS from PKINCE KI I'EKT for VANCOI VEIS. VICTOItlA. SEATTLE. nidi MONDAY uml Till KSIIAY, 1.00 p.m.. SATl IIHAY, (I.HO p.m. Iiir ANYOX mill STEWAI5T .MONKAY. KltlllAY, l.tlll p.m. Kr ALASKA MEIINESIIAY. l.tlll p.m. Ktir MASNETT INLET MONDAY. I.0 p.m. I or SKIDKOATir INLET anil MH Til tjl KEN ( IIAIll.OT I E IM.AMis, frl- nlfhllv. PASSEN'IEH TIIAINH LEAVE PKINCE KIH'I'.KT DAILY EXCEPT SIMIAY nt 11.311 M.m. for PKINCE (1EOKOE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points Eastern Canada. I'iiIIihI Slates. JAM'EK PARK I.OIKIE OPEN MAY 21 TO KEPTE.MIIEIl 30. SEE CANADA IN CANADA'S JlTlll.EB YEAK 1H07 1927. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES, line Canadian National Express for Money Orders, foreign Cheque, etc., also for your next shipment. CITY TICKET OFtlCK. 628 Tlllllll A,EW PKINCR KUI'EKT. Phone tUO IcanadianT' VACinc Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan. M'rungell, Juneau, and Skagnay June 1.1. 17. 21. tl. To Yanrouver, Victoria uml Seattle June II, 18, 22. 2!l. PKINCESS REATKICE. For Buledale. Eat Delia Delia, Ocean Kll, Naniu, Alert Day. Campbell RlTer, and Vancouier every Saturday, II, a.m. Agency for all Steamthlp Lines. Kull Infurmatlon from W. C. OKCIIIKD. (leneral Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Kupert. DC