0 PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, Jnne 14 1327 Our Glasses FIT and look well OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT is equipped for accuracy and service A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. Opposite G.W.V.A. SALE Everything for the Holidays Roys' Khaki Shirts .. $1.25 Boys' Khaki rants 51.35 Childs' Tlaysuits 95c Childs' Cotton Hose . , . . 25c Men's Cotton Shirts . . $1.00 Men's Fiannel Shirts . . $1.00 Ladies' Bloomers, Dimity 55c Ladies' Combinations. . $1.00 Pure Thread Silk Hose . . 95c Ladies' Bed Jackets .. $1.75 Baby's Coats $2.00 Girls' Comhbinations .. 75c Men's Cotton Sox 20c Mussallem Grocery COMPANY LTD. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East, Phone 18. Phone 84 REMEMBER ! For Montreal prices on Clothing for Men & Boys Don't forget the Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. U. Miller Proprietor H. S. WALLACE . - CO, LTD. Bathing Suits Made from finest all wool yarns PENMAN and UNIVERSAL MAKES Prices $2.r, to .$.(.7." LADIES' and CHILDREN'S SIZES In all the wanted colors HS.WaiTaceCo.Ltd. Phone 9 3rd Ave. and Fulton St. For Ladysmith-Wellington 'COAL Phone 580 HydeTransfer And Coal Co. 139 Second Avenue BOY BAPTIZED IN A NEW TUB CUtlOlS CEREMONY AT (lltKKK OKTMOnoX SERVICE IN MONTREAL-OTTAWA, June 14. With aU kind! of ceremonies, strange to Canadians but part of the usual ritual of the Creek Orthodox Evangelislmos Church of Montreal, little John Traglskos of this city was baptized by Montreal priest In a large galvanized wash-tub never before used, and afterwards destroyed. The water from the tub must always be either emptied Into a stream or Into a hole In the ground. After It was part ly filled with water holy oil was poured In. From the tub the child was placed in a sheet held in the godfather's arms. Then the priest clipped the child's hair and threw the locks Into the tub, after which the child was removed to anothe. room to be dressed, then given the holy sacrament by the priest. During the actual ceremony the child was In charge of his godmother untU the final word of the ritual had been pronounced. Until the baptism Is finished the child Is not considered free from sin and must not be handled by the parents during the rites. The godfather was Jimmy Atsallnos of WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND IbE TAKE NOTICE that the Oosse Packlni Company Limited, whese address Is Vancouver, B.C.. will apply for a licence to take and use 250.000 gallons of water out of un-named stream which flows northerly and drains into Labou;he:e Channel, about southeast corner of Timber License 10390. The water will be diverted from the stream at a rxilnt about 200 feet from the mouth and will be used for domestic and commercial purposes upon the land described a application to lease by applicants. This notice was posted on the ground on the 33th day of May. 1927. A copy of this toiice ana an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act will be lied In trie office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B.C. Ob lections to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights. Parliament Bulldlngf, Victoria. BjC., within thirty days af:er the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of this notice is June 14, 1927. GOSSE PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant. By Charles Roberts, Agent. Neglected Eyes i NEGLECT is doubtless the cause of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This is so self evident that it seems hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are giving trouble, have them attended to and at once. OF ALL absurdities in the kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of eyesight through neglect is the most inexcusable. DONT lose health and efficiency I through neglect. Come and seel ; I Fred Joudry i ! i Registered Optometrist and vjpuiiaii Room 3 Smith Block Phone 763 i QUALITY ia the Essence of cheapness PIERRE PARIS' LOGGERS' HOOTS DIAMOND SWEATERS PRIDE OF THE WEST SWEATERS Riff Horn Rrand Shirts Western King Shirts McRrine and Evcrleigh Wardrobe Trunks and Raggage HOOD RUHRERS CARSS .MACKINAW'S All Guaranteed Goods PatPhillipson Kl a f I k'Xfaaaaa K'HUlaaai This aJvntiSCTnenT is not published or displayed by 8 Lqucr (bntrai Baud or by the Government cf British Columbia. this city and the godmother Miss Flor ence Filon, sister of Mrs. Fraglskos. Ths ceremony of giving the baby his Orrek name Ioannls (John) took place In the parlor in the presence only of those directly connected with the christening. It is an ancient custom for a gift to be made to the first person to notify the parents of the name under which he baby has been 'Christened. It is also a custom for the godfather to present a gift to all those present and In this case Mr. Atsallnos presented the mother with a handsome sum of money and a gift of the same nature to all hose present, including children. A inner and musical program foUowed. LAND ACT NOTICE Of INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. In Range 3. Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, ted situate on the south shore of La-Bouchers Channel, B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Co. Ltd.. of 325 Howe St.. Vancouver. 3.C.. occupation Fish Packers. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the scutheasCcorner TJL. 10390. Range 3, Coast Land District: thence south 6 cnalns: thence west 10 chains: thence north 5 chains to shore: thence easterly along shore to point of commencement, and containing S acres, more or less. OOSSE PACKINO CO. LTD. Applicant. Per Chas. L. Robeits, Agent. Dated April 7. 1927, LAND ACT NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAM). In Range 4. Coast Land District. Land Recording D'-strlet of Prince Rupert, and situate In vicinity of Caotaln's Cove. Pitt Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Co. Ltd.. of 325 Howe St.. Vancouver. occupation run racxers, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lsnds: Commencing at a post pfanted about Vi mile distant In a northerly direction from Lot 1253. Range 4; thence north 5 chains; thence east 20 chains: thence south to shore: thence west along shore to point of commencement, and containing 10 acres, more or less. GOSSE PACKINO CO. LTD, Applicant. Per Chas. L. Roberts, Agent. Dated April 7. 1927 LAND ACT. NOTICE IH' INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LEASE LM. In Caast Range 3. Land Rec-rdlng District cf Prince Rupert, and situate on the south shore of Labouchere Channel. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Packers.. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner of TX. 10390: thence north 3 chains: thence west 10 chains: thence south 5 chains, to shore: thence easterly along high water mark to point of commencement, and containing 5 acres, more or less. OOSSE PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant. DaU-d June 13, 1027. LAND ACT. NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAN II. In Coast Range 3. Land Recording District of Prince, and situate three chains eastiwly from the northeast corner of Lot 740. Ranee 3. Coast DUtrtct.. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Company Limited, of Vancouver, BCao,den orcunatlon Parkers . IntonrM tn innl, tirl""'1" a lease of the following described lands; Commencing at a post planted 3 chains easterly from the northeast corner of Lot 740. Range 3. CD.; thence west 3 chains; thence south 45deg. west 14 chains; thence south to shore: thence northeasterly along shore to point of commencement, and containing 10 acres, more or leiw. OOSSE PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant. Dated June 13. 1927. VELVET Ice Cream THE VERY REST! I Take a brick home tonight! We cater for Parties, Picnics, Dances, etc. Prompt Delivery . Velvet Ice Cream Co Corner Third Avenue and Second Street Phone 758 SURPRISEPARTY Mrs. (lenrge Ruddrrliani llmiorrd by friends Mamma; Night Mr. and Mrs. Qeorre Rudderham. 201 Eighth Avenue West, were given a sur prise party Saturday night at their re sidence by a' group of some twenty-five weir wishing' friends, the occasion being- m the-'nature of a farewell to Mrs. Rudderham -who Is leaving June 25 on an extended Visit to her former home In Sydney, Nova Scotia. Cards, dancing and singing were enjoyed and a pleasant feature of the evening's proceedings was the presentation to Mrs. Rudderham of a set or sliver knives. The presentation was 'made by Mrs. Rex Publicover and the recipient suitably responded. Prlres at whist were won by Mrs. O. Oeddes. Miss Jones. Mrs. Warne. O. Oedde, and A. Ouyon. Delicious refreshments were served. The Japanese freighter Yomel Maru. having completed lining, at 1 o'clock this afternoon moved down, from the dry dock to the elevator to start loading grain for Japan. The vessel should be done here about Thursday and will then proceed to Vancouver to complet cargo with wheat and logs. Mr. and Mrs. U W. Waugh and little daughter returned to the city on yesterday's train after having spent the week-end at Terrace. Market Prices RetaU prices on the local market to- icy are as follows' LAUD Pure , 25c Compound 20c EUOS B.C. fresh pullets 35o B.C. fresh, lints 40c B.C. fresh, extras 45c Local new laid - 50c FISH Halibut, lb .- 25c Salmon, red spring 35r Salmon, white spring, lb 15c Smoked kippers, lb 15c Kippered salmon, lb 25c Smoked black cod, lb 20c Finnan haddles. lb 20c Salt mackerel, lb. 25c Eastern salt herring. 3 for 25c Salt codfish fUlets. lb 25o Boneless salt cod bricks, lb. . 20r MEATS Fowl. No. 1, lb. 35c Roasting chicken, lb 45c Ham, sliced, first grade 55c Ham. whole, first grade 47: Ham. picnic, lb. 20c Cottage rolls, lb 30c Bacon, back, sliced , 50c Bacon, side 40c to 55c Pork, dry salt .. 35c Ayrshire bacon. lb 35c Veal, shoulder 25c Veal, loin ... 40c VeaL leg 0c Pork, shoulder 28c Porks loin 40c Pork, leg v 40c Beef, pot roast I2c to 18c Beef, boiling 12c to 15c Beef; steak 30c to 45c Beef .roast, prime rib SOc Lamb, chops 50c Lamb, shoulder 35c Mutton, leg 40u Iamb, leg 43c Mutton, chops 40; Mutton shoulder 30r IIL'TTER Brookfleld. 8hamrock and Woodland, lb 50c E.CJ), lb 50c Capital, 2nd grade, lb 45c Fraser Valley, lb 65c New Zealand, lb. , 65c CHEESE Ontario solids '. 35c Stilton, lb 85c Kraft 45c Norwegian Ooat 65c Napoleon Llmberger 70c Roquefort ......;. 80c Swifts' Buttercup, lb. 45c GorgonzoTa. Ib.' " 78c McLaren's Cream. Jars .... 45c and 85o Omyere 60o lb 45o Jck. lb 60c SUOAR wnite. per 10 $75 leiww, per 100 $7JS I LOCK Flour, 49's. No. 1 hard wheat $2.85 Pastry flour; 10' 65c Pastry flour, 49's 13.00 V td ETAIILEH Asparagus, 2 lbs 35c Beets. 3 bunches ." 25c Cucumbers, each 35c B.C. Carrots, lb 8e 100 lbc $4.00 new California bunch carrots, 2 ouncnes a. jst New Potatoes, lb..,';... loe I'oiaiow, 100 lbs. ..,.,!. 1225 Potatoes, 8 lbs 25c Oreen Peppers, lb. 60c Parsley, bunch ioc Rhubarb. 4 lbs 25c Cauliflower. ffic. head.. 25c. 35c and 40c B.C. head lettuce. 3 for 25c Oarllc, Imported, per lb. 40c Bermuda Onion. 2 lbs 35c Cooking onions. Australian, lb. .... 10c qaeen onions doi. bunches 2Sc Radish, 3 bunches i. 10c Leeki. 3 bunches 25c Celery, head 40c Sweet potatoes, 2 lbs 25c Hothouse tomatoes, B.C 40c Spinach, lb ioc New California cabbage, lb 15c New Parsnips, 3 lbs 35c Watercress, bunch, i 18c FBI) IT Oranges. Naveta. dozen 20c to 7Jfl Lemon. SunkUt doe. 35e v Imperial. VaUey grapefruit, 8c. and 10c Florida grape fruit Uc Iff LOW FARES ST SUMMER EXCUPSIOM VAXES IN EFFP.CT MAY M TO SKIT 30 RETURN UM1T OCTOBER .1 1 , 1J7 ROUND TRIP TO DENVER JII.I OMAHA IIS.S KANSAS CITY . Mt.U TH-S MOINES Iti.M ST. I.OUIV 1 21.(0 CHICAGO. IS. in ni.TRoir tn.n CINCINNATI IM.4 CLEVELAND.. .ISO.M TORONTO I (4. 01 ATLANTA ... ItS.U PITTSBURGH 171.0 WASHINGTON !. PHILADELPHIA 17.22 NEW YORK IM.T9 BOSTON 201.74 Low fares also to other points in Middle West, South and East. Lib rat $topoven permit fruiting Zlan National Park Grand Canyon rlattoaal Park Yellowstone National Park Rocky Mountain Nan Park For Illustrated Booklets, Reservations and Information, address Agent named below. UNIDN JUS VVLKLAND ROUTS I'lllnil Mai lull, Seattle, llo., lourlli .lie. LAND ACT. NOTICE Ol' INTENTION TO APPLY TO LE.ttK LAND IOII INIIISTKIAL rCKPONES In Prince Runert Land Recordlnz District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet. Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Ulands. TAKE NOTICE that Keller Lorclnz Company Uralrt, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Timber Merchant. Intends to apply lor a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a Dost Dlanted aoDroz- lmately 8 chains south 20 decrees east of the northeast comer of Lot 472. Bewell in-'et. Moresby islsnd: thenoe follow ing the h-re line in sn ea.erly. southerly and soutlrtesteily direction to Its Intersection with the eastern bouudsry of Lot 472: thence north 10 chains. more cr less. o the p int of commencement, and containing 20 acres, more or less. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, ' Agent for Kelley Loggln3 Co. Ltd. Dated 29th April. 1927. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO A PPL V TO LEASE FOKESIIOKE. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet. Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte islands. TAKE NOTICE that Keller Lotrlna Cempsny Limited, of Vancouver. fi.C occupation Timber Merchants. Intendi to appiy lor a lease or the following described forohore:- Commencing at a post planted approximately 8 chains south, 20 degrees east from the northeast corner of Lot 472, Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island: thence following the high water mark In an easterly, southerly and southwesterly direction to Its intersection with the easterly boundary of Lot 472; then southerly and easterly to the northwest corner of 8.TX. 6215 P.; thence in a northwesterly directum to the point of commencement, and containing 45 acres, more or less. JOSEPH DOUOLAS WIISON. A rent for Keller logging Co. Ltd. Dated 29th April. 1927 Cash and Carry Grocery Sixlli Ave. and Fulton Street Phone 301 fjl.00 Orders Delivered The economical wife who pays cash buys where her dollars have the most purchasing power. Quality considered. Any brand Milk, per case . . $3.50 Any brand Flour, 19 lb. sack $2.75 Terrace Potatoes, per sack . . $1.95 11 Ib. K.C.D. flutter $6.25 1 I Ib. box. Capital Creamery I5ut- ter , $3.90 Regular $1.00 boxes Soda Riscults -Vf ..!... 70c 10 lb. Suifar 75c 2 Ib. Icing Sugar, pkge. ...... 20c 2 lb. Package Lump Sugar . 23c 'AVj lb. Drown Sugar 23c Silver Icaf Pure Lard, lb. 20c High fcrade Rulk.Tea, per lb. COc Fresh Ground Coffee, V'r b. 50c Mulkin's Rest Pure Jams, Plum . t 43c Malkin's Rest Pure Jams, Strawberry, 4 Ib. tin ,. 70c Toilet Rolls 5c, or 22 for ... $1.00 China Rolled Oats, each 10c Old Dutch Cleanser, per tin 10c INVESTIGATE '.MY PRICES Rcforc you buy elsewhere. S. R. ADAMS, .Manager WANTED-AT ONCE! A fev more cases of rheumatism, neuritis, paral- chronic cbnstfpatlon, high blood pressure, goitre or any 0th ailment caused by toxemia which includes over nine'y t cent of all ailments. ' If all other treatments have failed, do not give up hope MAGNETISM the most mysterious and most irresistible fon:e in th universe when applied to the human body in a sciential n a ner, assists nature In eliminating the poisonous wa; c t.iat i resKnslb!e for so many ailments. THE I0NA-0T0NE The electric magnetic appliance that is obtaiiii,K almost miraculous results, assists nature in making !-. ailments which hitherto have not responded to mid manipulations, surgical operations, hot springs or e!c , treatment. Thousands of people since the introduction of the I0NV OTONE into Canada three months ago are now enjoyi?-health and these people had been called incurable? I: .. light of modern developments, hardly any disease can t; -,. called incurable. FREE TREATMENTS So sure are we that you will be benefited by thr ION OTONE that we cordially invite every person in Pin.-e U and vicinity to accept our offer of free treatments. Y j everything to gain and nothing to lose. I9NA-0T0NE HEALTH CO. Rooms 10 and 11, Smith Block. Prince Rupert, R.( Clinics at Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary and Edmnnt'in WESTHOLME THEATRE .MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Commence 8.13 p.m. Doors open 7.15 p.m. RETURN CALIFORNIA COLLEGIANS GLEE CLUB Under the personal direction of Urick M n ' The WorldV Greatest College Entertainers 19 Talented Artiste 19 Glees, Solos, Trios, Quartettes, Dances, Instrumental V first-class jazz rand America's Premier Whistling SoloNt Many new and entertaining novelties COMPLETE CHANGE OF SPECIALTY NUMRERS TOXU.IIT New Choruses with some of the best of the ;.. Reserved Seats at Ormes Drug Store Reserved Seats, $1.25. Rush Seats 5 1 .00 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST UREA K FAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by' Canadian Fish & Prince BETTER Always Open Dr. MAGUIRE Over VISIT of the Cold Storage C L- Rupert. R.C. DENTIST! PLATES that gives you a natural appearance and lend Inauty ne contour of the face. Phone 525 Ormes