PAl.E TWO . The Daily News PKIKCR RUPKtST - BRITISH COLUMWA TufeJlMhed Every Afternoca. except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEM - - - MansRiai; Kditor. , SUUSClUltflON RATES: ' City Delivery, by mail or jjprrier-Nper month 75 By mail to all 'parts of he ttritlhv Kmiire arid the United States, In advance, peY year . . .;. I&.00 To aM other countries, in advance, nr year S7.S0 Transient Display Advertising, par iach per insertion $1.40 jin b Trans eat Advt-rtitinir on Front I'm. ner iuch $ oi mr eava riialfl'H Arivariainfr ium- itturtion i-.r- iv,l O, AU HUBUMMllr f Hfutsvi4 "At f aw ui a vs fws WW U MB Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line 1& Contract UaW on Application Member of Audit ltureau of Circulations. REVIVAL OF MINING IN NORTHERN CANADA While just now winter ha. wrapped her white mantle over the mlninjr districts, there is no doubt whoever but that the early spring will see a great revival in the industry throughout the whole of nor- rf" that cornea , ,., WiLLBALAGNO TROUBLED OVER ! ATVICTORIAj WESTERN ROUTE Newspaper Tell of HU Work at,;jmon(on iapfr Suggest Gov- Kmpres uoiei .rniMcat V" ernment Inuuirv tu 1 ind Out ' .f&f Dfi egS'inr liialnsl C4ub hefii Hotel last veala Orlcnule. for the retw MuL&iSuF of lotiw local Balagno. who UWU)I1 to Vic- Local Readers, per ineertioo per line .26 i1""" RuPfl Vtetotte Tame DAILY EDITION Wednesday, Dec. 21, 1927 hH reiuftjed to here iMt Ml MMIHC i giiliia Ca swats and jcowiua.1 a ui-aMii-ii mill ui kii-sii muiicj w, Breadtil oI ,na beauty Ol Inter- be spent on mining in northern Quebec northern Ontario is ton tin- pretation marked flu piajtng of u uintr active. Northern Manitoba and Saskatchewan have received an ipiriied Spanish Dance jf qrandoa-immense stimulus from the recent sale of the Flin Flon mine and iKre-.sier. the rhythmic vaise iDeouaay- the commencement of operations on the building of a railwav to it l"'81 aud lh haunting plaint!. Northern Rritish Columbia has been climbing slowlv and steadily I sp'""1 D"rak-K.reiier hi into the limelight and promises well to emerge this coming spring 1" t""" 0W"T ..i t i i il. , Isleswca.iraied in his own two numbers. fliviiK mm .uuiuiuun iiunc Bitcwuuinr tu ine amount oi progieaa pjjaon viennou wnicn win be maue. While neither of these districts should properly be designated as Northern Canada, the expression is used in a comparative sense as being north from the more thickly inhabited parts of the country. FLIN FLON JUNE I A chronicle of trial and error, perseverance and failure anfl a! large amount of luck makes up the story of Canada's latest frontier mining development. Flin Flon has been an obscure pin-point high up on the map of North America. To be exact it is about 400 miles northwest of Winnipeg and JM) miles from the nearest railroad poiui which fa The Pas. It is a lake and timber country Known only to trappers and onlp partially mapped. But Its name will appear in bigger type in the maps of the immediate future for $80,000,000 will be spent in the Flin Flon area and it is destined to take its place with Cobalt. Timrnirw, Rouyn. Sudbury and the other great mining communities of the Dominion. The new community is said to contain 18,000,000 tons of copper-zinc-gold-silver ore which the prosiector of a generation ago would have passed by as being of too low a grade. But It is modern scientific methods that have made the Flin Flon possible. The Canadian National Railways management has shown its complete confidence in the future of the Flin Flon by, building a 90-mile spur line into the district The present owners the Harry Payne Whitney interests of New York City are starting at once to build a huge smelter for the reduction of the low grade ores of the district and to take advantage of the water power of the area. A great new frontier community, is being created but it is the story of the finding of the Fiin Flon that is the most romantic part of all. t x ASSAY t3 , Si ISIlfiA DING '' ft i rouci' peetori?in I0l3fwefe Wre They?vere known as the Four Musketeers for their loyalty. It Hook them most -of the winter to find agrub stake" which two Toronto men finally provided. The party pushed into the wilderness of Northeastern Saskatchewan and began j&vork some old claims. Vague rumors reached them from trappers anil stray prospectors of a find 'on the shores of Lake Flin Flon and one of the party went further east to the Manitoba boundary and brought back samples. Here enters the element of error for those samples from Flin Flon were wrongly assayed and the ore was said to produce $54.00 to the ton. Soon claims extending half nsl i, i M rasig Oliver for Christmas Many people would like to give something in silver, but would prefer to have it interli Solid Silver even if it costs a little more. We now have quite a good assortment of Solid Silver Pieces. Some are as follows: Flower Vaslets, 18 inches high $18.00 Apiece Tea Set. with ebony handle JjS.-.00 &k or Fruit Dish with handle, beautifully . Pierced sjiHO.oo Individual JJon Bon Dishes, 3 inches wide .. $2.00 Ben Bon Dishes, 4 inches wide c, on Other small Dishes, dstfs, etc. Jl-"0 to $10.00 John Bulger Jeweller both of which wwrc warmly seceiveo Other numbers which afforded him opportunity for the display of nla undoubted gifts aa a serious musician were Saraaate's "Hoatanaa Aadaluaa" and "Symphony Espsgnoie" (LaJot. Mis Merle North, popular young meztto-aoprano. waa the assisting solo-! ist . contributing the dUBcult aria. "My Heart ai They Sweet Voice." from "Bameon and Delilah." and Rogers's "Trie Star, for her first group and. for . her aecoud. Oluek's "O del mlo dole ardor" and "VaOey of Laughter"1 (San-1 dcrsoni. singing with much expresstoti j sad purity of tone. I , Mice Beatrice Hicks and John Moaa I Shared the role of accompanist. Miss Il'.cka playing brilliantly In support of Mr. Balagno. through a moat exacting program while Mr Moss lent artistic upport to Miss North. WORLD NICKEL FROM SUDBURY Ninety Percent of Production of This Metal Comex From Canadian .Mines TOriONTO, Dec. 21. Canada produces from the Sudbury area about 90 per rent of the world's nickel, according to T. W. Olbmn. deputy minuter of mines for the province of Ontario. In a re cent address here. The other 10 per ten:. Mr. Olbaon said, cornea from the Island of New Caledonia, a French penal colony In the Southern Pacific. In a review of the history of the - I 1. c u i j ....j ,l .. . .-u.ujB iii .luce wk nm a utuc u.itA iiuiii me jane nau wen nuiheu ana men a irue assay j dlacorcry in 1813. whn copper wai was maue wnien reveaiea a real value oi auout z per ton. Operations stopped after nearly $350,000 had been spent. An American firm about this time became interested and after taking an option in 1010 let the proposition drop. In 1920 the Mining Corporation of Canada appeared on the scene and commenced work. This was the beginning of the Flin Flon great undertaking which led to the purchase this year by the Whitney interests. The future now appears to be assured and an expenditure of $30,000,000 is to be made in the effort to secure new-found wealth of the hinterland. Unusual interest in the undertaking is being taken in Canada on account of the comparatively close proximity of the Hudson Bay Railway which is being built by Canada, Northeast from the Pas. The new Flin Flon spur will reaeli Northwest and the two make a great Y into the north countrv. found tn the province, Mr. Qlbson dealt with the discoveries in Nstthern Ontario. Cobalt, etc., and said that one of the greatest romance was the way in which the nickel .producers of Canada had recaptured a market tost to them when batUeehlps became unpopu-Isr. The scrapping of batUeehlps, with their nickel -steel armour, had cut the nickel market tn half, but through advertising and educating campaigns the induetry Is now marketing more nickel than It did during the war. Mr. Olbaon declared that Canadians cere lust mining on the fringe of the creat Pre-Cambrlsn Shield which formed the main part of Northern Ontario. Aa to gold. Mr. Olbson told of the wonderful "Golden Staircase," one of the fitoest showings of high-grade gold ore in the world, a nortlon of whteh hd been on vfew !n the Orftsrlo Parliament Buildings for many years. "I Icol: for new Cobalts, new KlrkUiif Lake and Porcupines, "perhaps not la my time, but in the near future aa far as the history of the world Is concern ed " Mr. Oibson said. IF MAN IS WISE HE D0DGES AUTOS Judte Comment" on Itapld duiirr In f'(HiIII lulls on Mrrrtu In Cities TORONTO, Dec. 21 In hi charge to the Oracts Jury at the opening of the General Session of the Peace here-this week Jadge Ooatswbrth commented particularly Upon the prevalence of motor aoSMemta in Toronto, and expressed the hope that no means would be left untried to reach a method by which the streeta of the city would be made safer tor cltteens. Referring to the four ease of alleged criminal negligence on the docket, His Honor said: "Thla Is s type of offence which the auto has brought up. The time was when. Abe pedestrian had practically greater right on the road than anyoie else. While he has Juat as much rights now. it wotUd be awkward to argue the matter with the auto, so if he is wise he dodges. The auto has come to stay, and we must have a readjustment of the rights Of pedestrian and driver, so that the number of accidents may be reduced." Rev Canon W. P. Rushbrook returned to the city on the Camosun yesterday afternoon from Alice Ann w.:er- tie ronducted Anglican Church ser- oc- iag' Sunday Why Wheat (ioe Kast Accenting to thr Vancouver Fravlnoe the wattcru route u uot function lug at! all a n would be expected to function! A year wbtn Alberta naa an sbner-! aatily large amount of wtteat more. J nar In th active way that people m i Alberta have auppowd It 1 3 be fuac-l was sandfd uaonr Wperean It was cxpecMa IMi to Mr Batefwo wfteai he aiiud kwwg uni at wnaat womo mre hit Hrt group, the AUaro VWacs. An-! PO" durtnc December. laa than i saate and Prists mmswlt fssa tkt 1 ISOOjOSO tatMi were taaSed Surtnc the Samu in a Minor I Sjogren), and aa j tint quarter of the month, aw procreated tbrougb an tuetlng suJ Therw wa. the Prwrtnee atated ojj , btut:.'u! prograsi (be audience i bowed ( Dsrember 9, not enough whaat toi the their appreciate of hu sjUrmg In j :awawra Hin to load the ahlpa Mtea la uiunJtuluUle Ufgas. Ataraia a proats-1 part T&tM wre hipa m port wnoae tng young music tau. the IntertenUig ; particular (twin carjjei had not arnvad. wrart atnee Ma last concert appurans i Theee weaatl tn nut tor wtriett lint liave brought hun the maturity i there were no carxoe In sight. For only with experience and a 1 tbeae condition the railways denied that they were to blame The operator of the public haNse denied that they were u Mama. While rarloua raaaons were asalgned for Out trouble, no person in-tetwted woM make a public declaration." That sonMsthlng was aertoualy "the trouble" m Apparent from the following roauMTlaon. "Is so fir ai thu port It- 'Scene j k a concanied. shipping men point out. the U station u that a great volume, of butlseaa which wu promleed (or tbl month sow gives no promise oi realisation. A few ysari ago. with but one elevator, and that of 1.500.000 bush-?ls capacity, and two available grain I bertha for ships, the port was ahipplng four to seven million bushels of wheat i monthly and handled approxImaMy , j I 5600.000 huabsis in the season. Today the elevator capacity u 7.7M.OOO buvh-cb: there are grain berths for at least nice iblps st one time; there la larger railway ranteaje accommodeUon. So far this season the monthly record of No. 1 elevator daring the l-tt seaaon hat not been equalled by the total output of all the elevators now lining the water front." There was.- the Province states, a prospect that seme of the grain vesnels would more to Portland, and there nil up with United states wheat. All which Menu to mean that the western spout is plugged, and nobody knows why. or will say why. Meanwhile, Alberts' wheat Is gotag aaat sad raying the estra coat of haulage over the long raUwsy route, to take porta which ate storm -bouad and will be lce-boimd asy day: er la lying tn Alberta granaries -and elevators wtth carrying charges pltlsv up againat the ovrsers. This appears to be a case oalltog plainly far mveaUfatlAn by the Dominion Department of Trade and Commerce. If tb Dominion Oovernment has Invested oillllorw of dollars In Vsnoourer terminals enly to have those elevators stand empty tn December, while ships cat to tht port to load wheat have to go to Portland and load United States wheat. It Is at least time that the Canadian tax-payers were told the facta and made aware of the cause of this ridiculous situation. Man in the Moon zn A WOMAN gets a permanent wave but a man geu a permanent rare. At anyrate that's what Melinda say, and she ought to . know because she's been married. THE chief occupation of women this week Is shopping, and the chief occupation of man Ha getting the cash for the wmen to shop. THINa$ are speeding upln' Prince Ru pert, fro eastern malls to' read yea tertlay; It's rumored hat there may oe another this week. "WILL you walk Into my parlor?" Said the spider lurking by. No, kind sir. I walk no longer, Reeeatiy I lesrned to f)y." TELSOHAPH tolls are sW to be coming down. Then we shall possibly be able to give the news about Santa Ctaua coming. OVER in Ireland the other day some peopte were on the rocks.- Irish treubiea are just like ours. BEATTY la being ssked to take a bite at the railway sltwattoo In Northern British Columbia and Alberta. The Alberta government haa thrown the bosk once more for the O.P.R. president, and It is hoped be will rise to the occasion but not carry off the bait. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert ifon. DM KMKKIt 21, 1917 T. D. Pattollo, minister of lands, has offered the city some waterfront lots, contingent, however, on the city deeding over its fights in Cow Bay to the O.T.P. railway. Ueal Unionist headquarters have . re ceived word that, "-fully 2.000 soldiers overseas voted for c!. - C. Peck tn the recent federal elti-Zi. Tan w3 counteract an adverse majority agalntt Col Peck in the local roting Ueut Jack Dcwllng. who went over- e e uggestions (.'IPr SlHJfiESTIONS FOR THE LADIES Boxed HaudkerthitUs in all styles. Colored or White, from per box :t(r to JjfcWU Garters in Beaded or Shirred Silk, from ."Or? to SI.2A Garter and Coat Hanger Sets, Novelty Necklace Sets, (iarter and Shoe -Tree Sets in irreat variety, front flOe to Sl.?fl Mercury Full Fashioned Pure Silk Hose Service wvittht. silk to the. top. boxed individually, per pair $'2.fl0 Penqians Pure Silk Pull Fashioned Hon, boxed, per !air Sl.Tfl Creite De Chine Scarves In all the latest coloring, from Sjll.flO to ijtl.Tfl S pattern Jaeger and Penman mikes, pure wool. Cold weather comf rt assured, from $2.7fl to l?:J."fl Gloves Pi aest Trefousse Kid; Fancy Cuff, per pair, boxed K:t.."0 Heavy Kid Fur-lined Gloves in Greys and Tans, per pair tffl.oo Ladies' Silk Nightgowns in pleasing designs, from :t.flO to ."jU.Tfl Ladies' Silk Pyjamas, from $:t..o to .Stt.Tfl Watstort's Leader Silk llloetners in all leading shades, per pair Sl.flO to 8-.7." Ladies' Kimonos in Blanket Cloths, from .... $ to sjti Fancy Jacquard Towel Sets In boxen, an appreciated gift, per set Sfle to S?-.7fl Hundreds of Other Practical Gifts SPECIAL XMAS HEWJCTIONS IN ALL LADIES' Phone 9 seas wtth Prince Rupert'e first contln the Infsntry and t now training at Oreenwich, Bnglaad, tor the Naval Air Service. He la the son of Sir. and Mrs. r. w. Dow use of this city. TLMHEIt SALE X9581 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of LaiuU at Victoria. BC, not later than noon on the 12th day of Jan uary. 1928. for the purchase of Licence X9581. to cut 27200 lineal - feet of Cedar Poles on ma area situated on Luis 903 and 13T9. Seweil. Uaseett Inlet, lid. District t . Two 3) years will be allowed for re- msvai or timber. .Further particulars of the Chief For-alter, Yictoru, B.C.. or District r"orester. Prince Rupert. B.C. TI.MItKH SALE X700I Sealed Tendera will be reeeived by the District Forester, not later than noon on the 29th day of December, 1937. for the purchase of Licence X7004, Barnard .Coy, Princess Royal island . CJB 4, to cut 1.183.000 feet board measure of Spruce. Cedar, Hemlock and Balsam Mwloga. w ui veara win oe auowea tor removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Por- eater. Victoria, or the District Fores ter, Prince Rupert. B.C. TLMHEIt SALE X9590 Sealed Tenders will bp received by the District Forester not lair' than noon on the 15th day of December. 1937, for the purchase of L'e?ce asbw. sown shore Dranev Inlet. C.H. 2, to cut 873.000 feet board measure t'. seruoe. cedar, nem- iock and liaisjr.i avawioga. Two (3i years will be allowed for re moval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. -Victoria, or the District Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C. NOTICI LAND ACT OF INTENTION- TO APPLY TO PI KCH.tSE LAM Tn Range a Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and altuate at the northerly eiiS of Telegraph Passage. Skeeaa River. TAKE NOTICE tlsnt J. H. Todd St Sons of Victoria. B.C.. ooeuDntion sslraan can- ncrs. intend to appiy tor permission hi purchase the following described lands: Commenctnz at s post planted at ti;e uorthwet corner of Lot 21. Range S, CD.: tberse 35 chain t; thence 20 chain: xxxv.:. more or leas, to high water mark; thence southerly along high water trnxY to the point oi coiomence- ment. containing 60 acres, more or " J. H. TODD ti SONS. LTD. Applicant Dated December I2tn, 1927, ) 1 gent, hss secured his discharge from ! ICAHADIANi Vacific sitst4r Practical M Gifts Are Alw ys Appreciated Your choice of tilfts which can lie so described are here for your Inspection, In treat virirtv Linen Ilrldge Ten Sets, wondertu. from $4.7A Finest Irian Linen Haniask . $.." t. Fancy Guest Towels in purest linen Cut Work, from each l.2o CIllLUHKVtl .OlFT HirAlrTv.l I loll and Cuddly Toys in great va i. Girls' Flannel Dresses. S various colore, each . . boxed from, per box . H. S. WALLACE CO Jrd Of) K.V Baby's Jaeger Bootees, Pare infanta' Embroidered IUk Burk Blue or Pink gS.7fl Padded Silk Kimono Cages m Bin. each to I t Little Tata' Crepe De CM Dre- otu colors $!.7fl . . H" Jlen's Pure Linen Initial Handk. in box Bridge Score Pads, each Pure Wool Fancy Cashmere Sox to Select rrom. AND CHILDIIE.VS C vi LTD. Vvenuc anu I ulf xi!i.t; s si, .r GIPTfi FOIUlkTN Ties, imUvMnally boxed, fm iiOo Men's Suspenders, ArmbuQas, Cat si in s I,;.! R! :i t wont be long, now TILL CHRISTMAS The wise shopper shop early! Our complete Hardware offers a range of (iiftg that are both beau' useful. We invite you to call and inspect our sp-'1 lected stock of Christmas Gifta! Aluminum Roaster WaterlesH Cookers Cocktail Shakers Tea Pots Coffee Pols Pyrex Ware Silverware Electric Cufling Irons "Hair Dryers Percolators Waffle Irons KKK Heaters Toasters Carving Rets, etc. I-et Your Christmas (Jlftn We the Useful Kind! STORK'S HARDWARE Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert T Kctihlksn. tVrangrll, -Juneau anil gangway Xoveinler It. To Vunrouirr, Victoria aud Seattle hiiu January i. -'oveinler Z, is- . riffvrpaa iteiTDirp-. 86; Dereni- 10, 30; December tJ. Huirunie, itella Itella. Orran 'Falli;i.Nainow.tieft ifrrt iaj Bav. Campbell Klver. md VinMimr iinrifiirin. 1 1 'am. geiicy for all Meainihlp Lines. , irol Information from- , .... w. v.. OKCIIAItli. f.enersl Agent. . Corner of th utreet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. HC. phone 31 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED , ., Halllngv from Prince lluiiert. . . tor VANCOllVKIt, VICTOKIA. Swansea Hay, Alert Bay. etc, Tuesday. For tor t'w.""yK'1, VICTORIA, llotedale. Alert luy. etc. Satordsy ". .fi?.T. 8,J'.SN. KIVLIt POINTS, ALICE ARM, AMVOX, STMVAIIT. M'alH l.l.,. unnrf.. a l3 nd Atroue k. at. MMItll, Agent. Througli ll(Let sold to Victoria ami Healtle through tn dcHinailon. Prince Rupert, af and baggage eliecked