Save Money Boston Grill Tie cheapest way to buy tbe Pt j New U to subscribe by the year and have It delivered dally rur address Of course, you subscribe for a hortcr period. .'U:1 pnont OS and bave It de-;cr?d today. XVII ... No 218 Jolint Has Scored Eleven Goals This Season so Far, Heading League TORONTO. Dee. 31. The Hanger retimed the leadership of the American arrtici: of the hockey league by one point when the; defeated Pltuburg 1 evening by a acore of two goala to T'Tnti'o tied tbe New York Americana f : third place in the Canadian section l . (Ii fcjtmg the Americana fin goals " i wo The game between Boston and Ottawa, played at Boston lait night was an c ; i iiTalr but the home team had .)i!. IK. V . i. ...Inrt AM. .l '.'.".e b orers with eleven goals and thre Morons, a team mate of Jollat, r :uc next, while Frank Boucher of New York Rangers is third, t.iji night's scores were: Ol awa 0. Boston 1. U; v York Americans 2. Toronto 5. P sburg 0. New York Rangers 2. ELEVEN ESCAPE COPRA VESSEL Steamer Niagara Picked up Men I'rom Durning Ship Round to San Francisco HONOLULU, Dec. 21 -Eleven of the members of the crew of the motor hooner Doris Crane were rescued fram the burning vessel by the liner Niagara "ue from Vancouver tomorrow. One nian. A. Gilbert, an Islander, perished. The vessel was bound from Fanning I' land for San Francisco with a cargo ot c opra wh(ch OPENS IN BUSINESS SELLING POTATOES BUT SOON CLOSES UP VANCOUVER, Dec. 21 W. H. H&m- t 4 ntlM'K or walk , ELIMINATED TODAY IN S(IAMI RACKET LONDON. Dec. 21 The Prince of Wale was eliminated In the semi-final round of the Royal Navey squash racket championships by Oommander R. A. I. Mackenrle 9 3, 8-7. 8-3. The Prince tailed to maintain the form shown prevloutly. LOGGER IS ARRESTED CHARGED WITH MURDER FOLLOWING SUICIDE MKRRITT. Dec. 21-Jack Ellison, a logger living In a lonely cabin five mile Auilel Jollat for the Canadlen lead , from tiers, was arrested yesterday In connection with tbe death of the prospector "Lucky" Todd, more properly Emmett Todd. The arrest followed the eulclde of Anfcelo Serblnoff, one of the proprietors of the rooming house In which Todd died. INDUSTRIAL PEACE TO BE DISCUSSED BY TRADES COUNCIL LONDON, Dec. 21. Sir Alfred Mond'S Invitation to the council of the Trades Union Congress to take part ln a conference for discussion of Industrial peace, has been accepted. VANCOUVER K.XCHAMJE Dig Missouri . Ooast Copper . Cctj' Province uunwsoi Olsdjfone Independence Indian ' Leadsmith Luoky Jim Marmot Metals Premier Porter Idaho . Rtfl'mond ""nd of Ashcroft, who started a retail s:!verr-ret Potato business yesterday on Powell guve ..-mj'.h Street, decided to close after qperavmn . surf Inlo:-Ics than a day until he had proper sunloch ' ' !:ri-'ions for a license. jTeri' Bid. Asked. 31 .29(4 21.00 21.50 .10 .ion .19 .23 1.78 2.50 .14 .10 .08 .08!, .05V4 ' 07 .044 .0514 .25Vi -27H .06 .10 2.30 2.32 .36 .38 13i .14 .05 ' .06 20 2 .75 77 400 5.25 from the ocean dock to Phllpott & Erin's wharf where she will take on some nlpety tons of coal for her bunkers. She Vlll then move to the elevator to start loading a lull cargo for the United Kingdom or Continent. The eighth boat of the season, the of 37 men. The captain has with him on the voyage his daughter, whose home Is ln Oothenberg, Sweden. The Sydlandls said to be the finest appointed grain ship that has yet visited Prince Rupert. The Sydiand was piloted to Prince Rupert by Capt. Percy Shadforth of the Federal Pilots of British Columbia whom she picked up off Victoria. The vessel came up via the outside passage around Vancouver Island, through Hecate Straits, Beaver Passage, and Ogden Channel. . TO SAIL TOMOItKOW It was announced at the elevator this afternoon that the Sheaf Mount will pe ready to sail tomorrow morning for the Urfltcd Kingdom or Continent with a fult cargo. Railway trouble now being cleared up. steady movement of grain from prairies to. the local elevator has been I resumed. There are sixty-five carloads ln the yards today waiting to be BOSTON HOCKEY CLUB SELLS STAR PLAYER TO THE TORONTO CLUB BOSTON. Dec 21-Boston Hockey SKNATOIl APPOINTED. OTTAWA, Dec. 21. N. K. Laflamme. K.C., M.P. for Drummond.. Athabaska since 1931, has been appointed to the Senate from Quebec. no siox op Lin; BOSTON, Dec. 21. No signs of Jlfe were found ln submarine S-4 when d'vlng operations were resumed today. BALDWIN C. D. Burney, M P., the managing dlrec-tv-tor of the Airship Guarantee Company, I Limited, who are building her to the order of the air ministry. N "This ship," said Commander Burney, I "is entirely for commercial purpoi useless in war time and she will te en floor will be 36 feet by 20 feet. Iti will seat SO people, or, bleared, provide dancing space for an equal number. The music will be provided by wireless, Cspt. A. N. Lareen and carries a crew j There will also be 36 bunks ln two and four-berth cabins and two promenades on this floor. The floor above Is a lounge, frcm the centre of which you look over a balcony into the dining room. Surrounding this lounge are 60 more berths. Below the dining room are I the kitchen quarters, connected by iter vice elevators. OFFICERS CHOSEN FOR BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA TORONTO, ec. 21. S. J. Moore Toronto, director of the Bank or Nova S Scotia, was today elected president suc ceeding the late G, S. Campbell. J. M, 1 McLeod, general manager, was elected ! I director and vice-president, while Hector ! I Mclnne of Halifax a director, was the 1 siso chosen vice-president. j Club today announced 1 the sale. ..of: ifacturers, to Toronto. The reported price Is 15.i 000. I EDDY BUSINESS TO BE ! UNDER BRITISH CONTROL OTTAWA, Dec. 21. The match business of the E. B. Eddy Company Ltd, at Hull, Quebec, Is to be" taken over by a new company under the presidency of George W. Pa ton of. London, England, chairman and managing director ot Bryant & May, the British match manut WHITE PASS MOVES" ' OFFICES TO COAST by the general manager and new president. Increased mining activity and tourwt business neceesltate the dinner. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT. T5.C . WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 21, 1927 TALKS COAST COPPER TAKES A JUMP Rises Today From $19 to 531 and None Offering Less Than $33 VICTORIA, Her. 2. Coast cupper rinsing at SI9 vcMrrrtaj Hlnibeil eleven dollars today, rinsing at t:io' bid at noon and nne offered below $35. Ilu line order, flooded in from Montreal, Toronto nml Vamouirr, Two weeks ago this stock was sell-lug at from $1.1 tn $15. LATEST IttrOKT After noon when offerings raine In from Yam-outer t'oiLst Copier eased off closing rinully for the day at 2.1 to $10, a gain of more than dollars above Jestrrdaj's rlose. MRS. CLAPPERTON PASSES TO REST Death Occurred in Prince Rupert (leneral Hospital of Well Known Local I.ady Death came as a happy release at the Prince Rupert General Hospital about 10:30 this morning to Mrs. Alex Clap- Jierton who has suffered with fortitude and patience for several months from a serious Illness, lapsing Into coma during the past few days which Indicated that the end was not far removed. .The late Mrs. . Clapperton. who has resided Un Prince Rupert for many years, came-originally from Edinburgh, Scotland. Besides her sorrowing widower, she leaves to mourn her loss two sons -John Clapperton of Prluce George and William Clapperton at home ln this city. TO the family will be ex- SEATTLE, Dec. 21. Removal of the tended general sympathy of the com-head office of the White Pass and munity for.. like the deceased, they are Ykon Railway from Chicago to Van. ill n tn.n couver, B.C. ana Seattle wljl become ef. fectlve on January 1, was announced Funeral service will take place on nSturday afternoon under the auspices of the St. Andrew's Society. Arrangements ' are in the hands of the B.C. Vudertakers. stent of Canada. Gentlemen We, tbe undersigned, cltttena of Prince Rupert, B.C., humbly peUtkn tbe Dim'.nlon Government and tbe. members-cf parliament of Canada, to take action at the ccmlng session of parliament, to ! provide the necessary and long premised rsllway outlet for tbe Peace River country to the Pacific coast. This outlet to onnet with the. Can adlan National Railway at Vsnderhaof, , thence westward to the IlCth degree of longitude; tbence south to the 54th parallel of latitude, and thence west of that line to tbe Pacific, including Islands' and portions of Island north of the 54th parallel and within Canadian watera. f. I.I.OVI) OEOItriE oil' 4. TO SOI TH AMEUK'A OX HOLIDAY J.U'ST TITBURT. England. Dec. 21. Lloyd George. Dame Margaret and Miss Megan sailed today on 4 the liner Avalona for Rio Janeiro t 011 1 holiday trip mainly on ac- count of Dame Margaret's health. She Is suffering from chest trouble. ! FRAUDULENT DISPOSAL CHARGE IS DISMISSED Magistrate Assert That Charge Against A. J. KUIimoiid should Never Have Come to Court Declaring that It there was any case at all' It should never have reached police court but Instead have been handel as a civil action. Magistrate Mc-Clymont ln city police court this morri-lng threw out a charge of fraudulent disposal of four ermine pelts laid"' by C. C. Smith against A. J. Richmond. Evidence for the defence Indicated that Mr. Richmond had received the pelts and had forwarded them, together with others, to a Vancouver firm for tanning. The pelts ne,yer returned from Vancouver but Mr. Richmond replaced them with others W. O. Pulton appeared on behalf of the defendant. Advertise tn Tbe DaUy News Large Upstair Diniptr Hall, with newly laid dtncinir floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. I industry. Price Five Cent PEACE WEA THER IN OLD COUNTRY IS COLDEST IN MANY YEARS Weakening Britain Would Not Advance Cause of Peaces Says Premier Baldwin to Pacifists Premier says weight of British Empire adds to strength of treaties and country would be prey to hostile forces LONDON; December 21 "The effectiveness of the Locarno Treaty depends very largely on the knowledge of all parties that in the event of an unprovoked attack thr mighty weight of Great Britain would be thrown into t ie scale against the aggressor," Premier Baldwin said, a replying to 125,000 people who, in a peace letter, declared they would refuse to support any government reporting to arms. The Premier added; "To deprive the country of that weight, treaties would be deprived of nearly all their value. Once more in Eastern Europe would spring up that fear and unrest, that uneasy dread which the treaties have done so much to allay. "You cannot strengthen the League of Nations by weakening the British Empire. England, totally disarmed and an easy prey to hostile forces can you think of anything more likely to excite cupidity; and hostile. in- peeked, tention. We should sink to the level' of a fifth class ,of j er' . vt r. Our colonics would be stripped from us and our IttZurv)! c ;mmerce would decline. I share vour loncing for peace iw'r afternoon and moved away 11 have yet to learn that the cause of peace would be ser.ed by rendering Britain impotent." RANGERS LEAD IN U.S. HOCKEY; GRAIN VESSELS ARE BUSY HERE Sydiand Here From Rotterdam and Newport News is First Swedish Vessel for Port AINDEKHY SAILED Ohio AJaru Coaled Here and Will Hvgin Loading at Elevator Today Tbe BrltUh freighter Alndtroy. Prince Rupert's fifth grain ahlp of tbe season,, tailed at 9 o'clock last night for the' United Kingdom or Continent with a i full cargo of grain loaded from the Al-1 terta What Foal's Prince Rupert ele-1 vator. Piloted by Capt. Qua -Pbellmer. ; tbe vewl is going via Union Bay where ahe will bunker coal. The sixth boat Jbf ,thi , ewri, the ErltUb freighter Bheaf Mount, ii atlll loading at the elevator and it It. ex- she illlT gef wy WwWam'X a Winter Holds Britain and Rest of Europe in Her Grip While Gales Lash the Shores LONDON, December 21. Winter still holds Great Uritfcin and continental Europe irr her grip. Snow and rough vrfads have heaped up casualties by land and cea. In one of the ftor- t test Kales to whip the llritish coast, the small schooner Pearl ; sank off the head of Kinsale in Cork County and the crew of live perished. In the north of England and Scotland the roads were blocked with snow. . . It is cold In Germany and the cold is growing more intense. lirealau experienced a temperature of 20 degrees below zero, the coldest on record since 1799. . In Belgium seven people are reported dead from cold, the weather being the bitterest in fifty years. In Jugo Slavia the cold weather caused the death of twenty railroad workers at one place and seventeen soldiers at another, i In Euglahdj the oldest inhabitant in Monmouthshire, 130. years of age, Kev: C. A. Wood, died from Injuries received whetr falling on a''frnen pathway. He served his scattered'eountry parish for 75 ears. Huge Airship is Being Built in England for Establishing a Service Across Atlantic Ocean Petition Circulated Asking Peace Railway or Northern Province .People IJelng Asked to Sign Request to Dominion Government for Immediate Construction of Line With Prince Rupert . Outlet A petition, asking that a railway be built from Peace "itiver to the Canadian National Hallway at once or else that authority be given to form a new province out of the northern part of British Columbia and the Peace River section of Alberta, is about to be. circulated. It has been drawn up by Theo. Collare and endorsed by the president of the board of trade and is accompanied by a A lengthy memorandum setting forth the urgent need of the railway, and the desirability of making the outlet at Prince Rupert. The petition' read3 as follows: To tbe Honourable William Lyon Mae- . SSrr - the - FISHERMEN AT ro the Honourable Member of Parlla- VANCOUVER ARE AGAINST PLAN Strong Opposition to Proposed Scheme for Conserving the Fisheries on Coast VANCOUVER, Dec. 2l.-JThe proposed wnpoint' 'further wet,- giving' flatting areas with. . XtzJciitietSanL nf outlet to the coast at the already es- canning to the areas "TH wnlctTrhi" Tlsh LONDON, December 21. The most wonderful skeleton in the 1 UWUn P3rt 01 Ww Rupert, where, are caught nd limitation oi gear :wa hours for a fare of 100, An all-in first-class liner fare is about Swedish freighter Sydiand, arrived in i 125. These are among the claims made for R 100 by Commander port at 2.30 yesterday afternoon from Newport News, Virginia, and moved Into the ocean deck early this afternoon to Start lining. It will be late In trie week before the vessel goes on berth at the elevator. The SytUand comes here from Rotter dam, Holland, which port she left on ! made as a commercial production job. October 14. Through stress of weather, Her total cost will be 450,000." (apprax-she called at Newport News, safltng rfom lmately g2.00O.O00). there on November 23 for Prince Ru-' The dining rcom, with its 5-ply wood- pert via the Panama Canal. Prince Rupert's largest grain ship to date and flrst vessel of Swedish registry, the Sydiand, is commanded by world the metal framework of the airship R 100 has been shown 7 '"MUS " Pnoea-ror tbe hand- strongly opposed by the salmon fishing at Howden, in Yorkshire, says the London Daily Mail. The Mai. j ZTJgl SayS-T.. . , . ... The attached memorandum will give tor of fisheries at Ottawa, ine K n 100 is to u be finished u i in April. It Will carry 100 pas.rtn- the honorable members all information, A vote taken ahowed 68 opposed to gers, 35 of a crew, and 10 tons- of mail or other freight. You will i and data tending to prove that a nor- tfce first propoeal, against 38 favoring U 4 . J..I ! I t T J- A. 1 . . . . . . .... . . .. . . uk uuie iu iiiivei in iier iroin l.oiiuoii 10 iew lorK or .Montreal in 43 'neru ouuei is ine moi economical and wnue tor tne last proposal T7- op- the most feasible as to gradient and posed and 24 favored. mileage and also that tbe farmers of: Mr. Found in addressing tbe gather- the Peace River ocuntry would get the Ing urged co-operation betwezn the cheapest rates as against any other pert j fishermen snd cannera to permit "eco- on the Pacific coast. incmic conduct of tfce Industry." He Falling the above, to grant us the toJd th conference that the 'department privilege of being organized into a sep-!w" determined thst et el! caU the aratc proviuce as cutlined by Mr. : lbery must be saved. If conditions Charles W. Frederick, fcrmer mayor of 'continue as at present they must be Peace River, as follows: iprepsred for much more stringent regu The northern boundary would be the ' Iatlon- 60th parallel of latitude extending east- I "EW WESTMINSTER, Dec. 21. Fish-ward along the present northern boun-erm'n on aU part ot the coast ln the dary of British Columbia and Alterta to mser RlTer alBiT unanimous ln the U4th degree of lonzftude Uie Sth!lCelr opposition to the three proposals meridian! thence 5outh to the southern 01 th dPartlnnt ot marine and fish- boundary of townshlD 6 (the lath linei erles l0T tn Protection of the salmon ALLEGED RUM RUNNER TAKEN Has to Appear Refore Immigration Roard on Charge of Illegal Entry VANCOUVER, Dec. 21. Joe Parcnte, wanted ln San Francisco under Indictment as a rum runner and much sought after., was arrested ln North Vancouver yesterday afternoon and released under a bond of t5,000 to come before the Immigration board Thursday to answer a charge of entering the country illegally. FOUR DROWNED ON WAY TO A FISHING CAMP PRINCE ALBERT. Dec. 21. A fishing party of four, two brothers named Tabor. Mrs. Tabor, a bride of three months and R. Dahl of Fentcn. Basic, were drowned ln the Montreal River while Journeying W a fishing .camp at Lac de Ronge. They left here six weeks ago and have not been heard from since. KILLED ON AIRCRAFT CARRIERAT SAN DIEGO SAN DIEOO. Dec. 31James R. Alls-worth, aviation chlet. carpenter's mate, was killed and four others seriously Injured 'tn an explcsion aboard the ab craft carrier Lacgley yesterday. PHICE OK WHEAT, VANCOUVER, Dec. 2l.-Tn price ot wheat toa.iy a.1.48',;..