- - j-i. THE DAILT WEFB "" - M M GET cry pair is genu i"'npns. A and House SlipiM-r m the Mut, 1 hor Joh (Second Avenue Victrola ontrea! iMisitivHy going out of fh lion on t'irv Hunt Mm Buy His Gift at a Mail's Store! SEVEKAL HEUTirilL JHtEHfilMi GOWNS ;iit your inspection. Complete stock of Men' Drew Accessories JION'ERT VAIIliS. COUIITROIjS SBUVirE (YUay thnl impulse! Get tt at nson s The Gift That Keeps on Giving DELIVERY CHRISTMAS EVE i: vM to yiir dirifltman tree. Surprise the family. Where i .tl. club Higi'tber. Every home houM bve muok and l (irthophonu you gst every musical inatrumtmt by the ' .Img artist f the world. Ruy monthly aytnenU arranged -uit customer. J'rices .;i.oo stoo.oo si no.oo S'jvoo s:s.".oo cRae Bros., Ltd. STERILIZATION PAYING MONEY WILL BE LAW! TO SEE HOCKEY Hill to W Re-introduced at Ed- Reason for Professionalism Ex- monlon and Passage Thought Probable . , UMUHTUN. DSC 31 -Thai win be the rim province Id Cartad to enact a law laaallalliii junln; ataatll. gallon now mill certain. When in iToronto recentky the Hon. George Head- qutalt tliereto. DATED at Vancouver. B.C.. this 15tb day of November. 1937. JAMES It. LAWSON. 1S18 Standard Bnnk Bldg.. 810 Hastings St W.. Vsncotiver. B.C Solicitor for the said Company. Importers This great Sale still offers you wonderful opportunities of making very considerable savings on your Christmas purchases. The whole stock and the stock is a big one is being offered regardless of cost. Sale Now in EVERY ARTICLE OF LADIES' AND UNHEARD OF Full Swing MEN'S WEAR PRICES OFFERED AT Come in early and get your pick while the choice is good MEN'S SUITS LADIES' HOSE MEN'S OVERCOATS LADIES' LINGERIE MEN'S UNDERWEAR LADIES' SWEATERS MEN'S OVERALLS LADIES' SCARVES MEN'S SHIRTS LADIES' GLOVES MEN'S HATS LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS Many other articles for Ladies' Wear and everything that a man needs- and for boys, everything for his whole outfit from shoes to a cap, and household furnishings such Blankets, Sheets pwels etc. ALL BEING OFFERED AT SACRIFICE PRICES. Remember, that even our regular Montreal prices are forgotten at this sale. This is a real opportunity to save. Montreal : Importers Third Avenue. cent, the players, observing that the promoter grows fat with profits while they remain In rigid training on a diet of kind words and pleasant smiles, begin to speak cfie with another in the market places. They remark, pointedly. "Say. who's playing this darn game, anyway? Who's taking the bumps, and the slashes, and the butt ends In the ribs? Not that fat slob. It's ua. Well then, where d-es he get off to get all that Jack, while we dont get a nickel?" This la a blunt, crude point of view, or course, but.it very human one. brethren, a very human one. Finally, then, the vttuatlon amounts.' to this: The spectators wont come unless the play Is worth watching; and the boys who make the play worth watching wont perform unless they get a cut is the bouse. SPORT CHAT For the purpose of demonstrating a dtep interest In sports other than boxing, the Madison Square Garden club in New York, commonly known as the "alx hundred millionaires." announced that u banquet will be tendered champions in all major sports. January 1. Acceptances have been received, the announcement said, from "Big Bill" Til-den, outstanding tennis player; Johnny Weiamulter. swimming champion: De-vereaux Milburne. polo star; Oene Tun-ney, heavyweight boxing champion and Babe Ruth, home run king. No reply his been received from Bobby Jones, golf king. Clone to 800 sportsmen are sxpected to attend. face nra Stioe Cont Sale mues lef . minister of health and agriculture lur Alberta, staked that be Intends, at the fortheomlssT a Ion of the Legislature, to re-lisfci luce the sterilisation bill which was dleeuMrd last session "Blnoe my Mil wu Introduced last session.'- aald Mr. Hoedley. 1 have a green many resolutions on the aubject. only one of which was opposed to uterllUastlon "Of course, the proposed Alberta law la designed in such a way as amply to protect the rights and liberties of the Individual. It does not mean compul- aory sterilisation No person will be atcrUlMd exeept with hla own consent. If he la Incapable of giving consent, then hla next-of-kin muat aaree. "The bill pajvidea for the appoint ment ul a board to be cssnpaced of thT members, one appointed by the Alberta College of Physicians and Stir gcon. one by the Senate of the Onieer-'lty of Alberta and the other by the Lieutenant - Ocvemor-ln-Ooancil. Thk board will decide whether a given in dividual shall be aterillaed or not. Per- miu. to whom the proposed act la meant to apply are thoae inmate of provincial institutions who. but for the dancer transmitting mental taint to possible luture offspring, might with safety be allowed their liberty. I 'Posr.lbly the provlaions of the act may at tome future date be extended. ;'iit at present I shall be well satisfied I if we sneered In eetaMtahlog the principle of sterilisation" Salesman (discussing deuils with purchaser i And what kind of a hooter, would youiffke. sir?" The New Owner One with a note of ttlpiain London Opinion. NAVIGABLE WATERS TION ACT. Retlrd statute of Canada. Chapter 115 BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING & PACKING COMPANY LIMITED. HEREBY OITBB NOTICE that tt has under Section 7 of the etiltl Act deposited with the Minuter of Public Works at Ottawa and in the oft toe of the Registrar of L.i nd Titles at Vancouver. British Columbia, a description of the site and p'.ana of a cannery, cannery wharf and perquisites thereto, proposed to be buUt on the lands covered with witter fronting on Lot UU and Lot 185. Range 3. Coast District. In the Province of British Columbia, which said Lota are situate at Johnson Channel m the aald Province. AMD TAKE NOTICE that after the ex- of one month from the date of filratloo hr first publication of this notice. Brit-lab Columbia Fishing & Packing Com- Limited will, under Section 7 of Kny aald Act. aonlv to the Minister of Piibtte Works at hla office in the City plained by Snappy "riler The ten clubs In the National H League perform their extravaaja: atenaa, gardens, coumuitu and fel which feprenent in round figures an ln-veatntent of ilBXXXXOOO m real estate and euiidlngs. The patacea which house the smaller etuba are. of course, leas costly, but even though we allow tor the remaining tweaty-eight only an equal tnvestmeot with the major league ten, oartalnly a very moderate estimate, that makes 130.000,000 of hard eash. tied up In equally hard bricks, mortar and Ice. A bet of 0X0J0O0 that professional ; hockey is popular spectacle! "If aox)OOX)00 isn't Big Business, then ! Henry Ford's a piker". In this breeay fashion. Frederick B. Edwards, in an article "High Hat Hockey." which anpear, in MaeLeans. makes It very plain that the grand old game of hockey has passed from the schoolboy etees to the domain wherein the mammoths of muscle and thoae who lead them gently along the path of financial rtjMeeaMnes -see to tt that spectacular carorMrtaa bring in Impressive ahekela. IIKASUV l OK I'ltdlKXSIONd.MM Mr. Edward thus shrewdly eaalyee the ressom whle lead to tmfesstonal-Ism In apart: Let's get retrospective and find out how this avenge thing came about. Recognlced professional hockey bad: Its origin in the beginnings of the pre- sent century. During the game's early Zrcwth It was honestly amateur, a homebrew proposition tilled with the fine, feverish fremiea of local pride running wild. There were seven men on a team, rinks were barns.' lee was natural and any true fan was .ready to lick the- everlasting daylights out of any other true fan who claimed that the team from the village of tan number one was interior to the seven from the village of fan number two. Shrewd men, especially lu centres of population, discovered that people could get so c-rnsy about hockey: that they would actually give jup two bIM at the door to get Into' a rink and see a game. Prrteaartonahsm. in any sport, starts with the establishment of a box office. Spectators, who will accept with easy tolerance an Inferior performance for which they do not have to pay money, become critical and anirulat of their criticisms when taah u extracted from them at a ticket window. KICKIMl IIVKK If performances continue Inferior, the stung sucker will .supplement his squawk with direct action. He wiM re fuse to come back, and if he has been very badly stung, he is quite likely to kick over the hox office on the way out, just for emphasis, 'oincldentallr. when the Derformanee baa quality, so that the suokers con-' of Ottawa lor approval of the said site i ,. , . ., tmu UBer ,B v" aud phUM and for leave to construct the 'toereastag num aald cannery, cannery wharf and per- at a rural New York school recently he - ! began apeaklng of himself, che subject It has been said In -dispraise of Oene tbe bys were keenest on hearing about rTunney that be Is not the Ideal cham-.'He tald ,hat w hardest bout had not iplon he thinks too much, he yearns "oeen WUu oempinj but with himself. after highbrow stuff, and he Isn't ihe and tl,at "success comes only with the Jolly, good, rough-and-ready fellow that development Cf the power of the wtU." la pro. boxer ought to be. Yet he seems " "lBel "training" to develop wUl to have come off very well before one ' Pwer " the same way that he trains of the most difficult audiences lmagln-,for Dl b0"'- He gave nls ideas about. lable a crowd of schoolboys. In a talk 'sportsmanship, and sticking to the MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy . 11th St rules oi the game. In school or business or the ring. The boys found Tunney well up to their expectations, gave him ,a hand.'rnd followed hla -tar to tbe gate. As for the headmaster, he said that the champion's speech was one of tbe best addresses to boys that be had ever heard. a I'ltAlltIK MVIi?m;K!S INCREASE During the five years between 1921 and, 1826 the number of swine on farms !r the Pratrle Provinces of Canada Increased b V.-.J44 according to the Do minion Bureau of Statistics The fig-for the two census years follow 1921, ,055.245. 1926, 1.602,489. The thought of those precious hours her shining New Hoover will save her through the months and years to come, will brighten her Christmas day as no other gift you could give her. And as she goes about her never-ending battle with dirt, each day she will have more time for rest for things 'far more worth-while than housecleaning. Give her HOOVER the one electric cleaner that meets all cleaning demands completely! Allow us, won't you, to show you the difference between a New Hoover and a vacuum cleaner? Five minutes at our Demonstration Booth is all the time it wil take- This difference is due to Hoover's exclusivc.principle of "Positive Agitation. ' Because of it, The New Hoover actually gets out more than twice as much dirt from a rug, in the ordinary cleaning time,, as even former Hoovers! Complete with Dusting Tools only S6.2S down Balance spread in Easy Payments Kaien Hardware Co. Third Ave. Phone 3 FRASER & PAYNE UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Christmas Gift Merchandise on Display at Popular Prices FOR RiN AND BOYS Sweaters for Mtn and Boys A new shipment of Universal Sweaters has just arrived in all the newest ntylen and finish, in 100 ler cent pure wool and siik and wool. Boys' heavy knit pure wool sweaters, C tC with hsawl collar, pullover style veswO Men's Silk and Wool Sweaters, assorted colors, four pockets in contrast fiJQ JE trim. Cardijian style JOef J .Men's Heavy Knit Svreaters in pullover and Cardigan styles, shawl QH collars 3.UU A new line of Men's Novelty Silk Broadcloth Shirts, in fancy brocades and plain shades, each packed in fancy gift box. .5J:.!).i, S3.50, $4.75 to S7..10 -SPECIAL! SMALL HOYS' TWEED RANTS Open knee, assorted patterns, lined throughout. Three pockets. Belt loops. From 2 to 8 years. Special value Q-f CA per pair ?J.erJU j(jg FOR LADIES Ladies' Dressing Gowns, in eiderdown and fancy figured cord velvets. $7.."o, ss.no, $io,.o Special in Two-Piece Lingerie Sets Vests and Bloomers in fine quality Rayon Silk, as sorted shades. All lzes Per set Kayser Special A new number in shadow pointed heel stocking; silk to the welt, .Full iasnionea in semi-service weight, lnis is wonderful value at per pair New Novelty Suspended Girdles in Swamie Silk and Silk Brocades. v . Sl.OO, Slirio, .SI ., Sjtt.no each .Jpielty'lIandkerchief and Garter Sets fn fancy gift boxes. Assorted designs, per set FRASER & PAYNE Third Avenue and Sixth Street GENERAL DRY GOODS $3e25 $1.75 $1.00 Fine Silk Knit Nightgowns, assorted shades, silk lace trimmed, assorted QO tZt sizes. Splendid values at each .. vetJU Phone 376 Canadian National Iht Largcft "Railway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE SaUlnga from I'ltlNCE Kfl'EnT.tor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. SEATTLE. and Intermediate points. eacirTTtin AY. -9.00 saf For KTEWAKT and ANYOX, each UXIIVEKIMY. 10.00 pjn. Por NORTH and SOtTII QlEEj; . t" J 1 A RLOTTJ! ' IJL A N l2jFtrtnlgbtl y. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PKINCp KtPERT Each MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and KATt'RIlAY at 1130 ajn for PRINCE GEORGE. EDMONTON. 'WINNIPEG, all point Eastern Canada. United States. AGENCY AU. OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. use Canadian National Express for etc, also for your next shipment, Money Orders. Foreign Chrqaea. CITY TICKET OFFICE. MS TI1IHD AVE. PRINCE RUPERT. Pbuse SM Advertise in "The Daily News"