.lr 17. 1927 THE DAJLT NEWS 5 . PAGE FIVR " i "i ' ' 1. -Mg 71. dm&rnmmif BEBE DANIELS guarantees of Lanaaa AS CABALLERO itsAge MaquradinK I'ichtK an Like Hoy a Pamnua Devil but Ac-tre Plain Mr York of York, Yorks-, is telling of the taste that Fallx in Luve 10 YEARS OLD Tiled: in Canada 95 years i.2.-i:ri.cine:.t is not pub J r di-played by the i t,r t ii ji.rd or by 'j xvnmr'it of British Columbia I Ve LAUNDER SHIRTS English Made - to - Measure Suit and Pure VooI Cloths Hy Mall. AGENTS WANTED to r-irry cloth pattern and take me;it,ures for English hlgh-grad l iil.irins; House. Liberal conunls-' Oiwh trade. Splendid open-11 " ri.r torekeeoer, agent carrjrlng 'Her lines or man -with Urge clr-l of fr - :id Write, enclosing os'ik r rferetice, to Dept. C . Com-al AdwUsmg Service. North Parade Maudveater, England. 9 THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS AND 5 H IRJ rVAl 5TA TOO" H : OUlTE FfcfcSH AND NEW-B , . lit and his shirt .i i to this laun- i rn They will de-n you our expert : lite manner of eer-.u- moderate price. "U to do thia. Honeer Laundry Phone 118 YOU ARE INVITED to see Ladies' Coats Hats and isses at The Louvre 316 Third Avenue Next Iioyal Bank W oo WHY MUCH, CEDAR AND JACK PINE Single Load $:j.no Double Load $.." Large Sack T.OC DUNDLKS DUV KINDLING, $1.00 Phone .N0 HydeTranster AND COAL. CO. Second Avenue -i-x .: I AMrtbi to 11 the Tnttettt Hfrnanai aoowld have beea bora boy. At the hour of her birth. thMf d UK uaarrung Mied the air. At the a of twenty she I able t do anytaiag that man cm do la the nid of (pan. at can rWe. aaastJ ad as bandy wiea a tword. At the aaeaatral Kara mtn raaeh la Sotsth Alrtca. Do Urn. tuae ar ebbing tatowaa tae deare-daUotu o( hu anattat nrpda tae Qtrvero. All these Jft be an believed that Uw (raadalUM bgrn at Ban Taaetoeo la a boy and la Ma haw of need h Moda lor the -tmm vlMn h baa neeer are. Betoe re poada brUetlac that her grandfather will be reeoneiled to arr sex wttea he eea her But aba la aaartard of the Mtuauoo wheat aha reaches Boutfe America, and reeJlatac her grandfather' need, ahc lanpulslvety doaa the garb of a swashbuckling cabanero and ppen before htsa aa the boy be be-1 if wee her to be. With her bacfcffround of sporta, sad with bar akill to ndlag, hooting and rncing: ltt bar hagn eourtae and her Impulsive dartm. Ben enter ea it 5 ! i miik at inr.tTKi: Monday "See yam la Jail." "Bmlnefa aad laMeta," Interna tlaaal Neva, Tuextar Torn Tyler In "The Sonar Kid." Comedy: "Movleland " Hodge Pedft "Mother Oooae'a Movie." Mrdnewtar and Thurxlaj Beoe OaaMa In "SraorMa " Juvenile CoaMtty: "Kid Trteka." Aeaapl PUaa PaMaa. Friday and Saturday "Statu Dalla " Patba Review. tbualaatlcallr Into the jeMrK af the altuatlon. Ralljrtoc aioand her the sabaUaroa ot the Hefaaadec hmi'fhold and the raquetoa of the rajirha the brtaaa eoafution uexm the OMvaroa tn a wrles of wnaatlonal eplaodea that re oowp the tortiiDaa of the taenUjr, and reator to the Hernaodes name the repute K had teeentnglr lett. In the meanttaie. Refer Oilreroa, on of her (ndfather ancient enemy, 1 rrturaa from Europe hotly unaware of the eitent to which bla eouain Hamori baa outraged the precepu of family honor and baa deatnded to virtual banditry and cattle ruatUag. Beba'a courageoua repjerlnlnr of the ' HernaiMlec property la presented to him aa aheer outlawry, and he vowa eternal . vengeance on all of the Heraandet HUM. Into thli aKuatloa aUpa Fate. Bebe in lb praaerratlon of her maaeuHne maaquerade la wont to bathe in a 'nearby pool. Here Roger cornea upon her unexpectedly. She haa time to wrao beraelf in a aerape. He doe not realle that ahe la the redoubtable Mn tor abom he la Marching. And 'he falla In lore with him not know. Ing that he to an OUrero. At the rteata of Rosea. Bebe meeta Roaer aaatn and they declare their lore Roger deelarea nil intention 01 engaging hi enemy Franelaoo Hernandez in a duel with iwordi. Bebe ttlU believing that Ramon 1 the bead of the Ollreroa family force the lue and a due) ensues In which Ramon la hooeleaaly routed. later she la brought faee to face with Roger and the nece- eity of fighting th man ahe love. For the Ollvrroa under the leadership yf Ramon ajitak the H'rnandez honi and are put to rout dj wm- "SEE YOU IN JAIL" WESTHOLME TONIGHT Whafa In a name? The movie now come forwtrd with a olnematlc anawer to the question. John Jone, a plato cltlaen. undertake a given tblng and It may be fore-doomed to failure. John Jonea. multl-millionaUet attempt the aame thing and It Is an assured success even before it 1 started. TWs fact is emphasized by "See You In Jail." the new First National picture ahowing at the Weetholme tonight, with Jack Mulhall featured and Alice Day playing opposite him. Aa the Jobless hero, he aceepta a WATER NOTICE. ..MMvii ov.a. r RMlJLaatSU. VDOM J M ieVmour etreet V.ncou-, !??"5n will apply for . Icnce t 552 water will be diverted from tb Sean?M point ' ' " tot 2750. 7-3 j notlce,wa pa . , w,tb Parliament' of WaterBbihU. SJf,n VtotoruiV W. within thirty; Building. ?jt .ppearance of thU d,,3rf 'n . Ical new.pVper. The data . o.k latlrt. AUfufaw -rr,rTE ROUSSEAU. set all England eating ancl acclaiming Plain Yorkj: i. Vm Plain Mr. York of York, York, fni' X-A Famous for giiing bright talhr. x'tO J- X nv I I fl But I really must sing fjr ) fi?(T) lL. U Vl Of the rush that I've seen J "f "x ?-y To get in on Plain York, of York, Yorks. J No wonder! England's finest cho- 1 fvv SC V V ImffC I i slm colate. made by Rowntrec's, the IfjNw Iv3 I I 'P triumph of 200 years of fine choco- iCu. X)ySZ- lmir V: I S plain chocolate that melts in your y mouth with a really true chocolate yrZftZZZVZ-' tV TJrK 7IW -LJ-Z ' wis taste not too bitter, not too sweet, zL SJto find it better than you ever dreamt -LW At your favorite store. chance to make ten dollara a day by going to jail in place of a famous financier who haa been sentenced; for apeedlng. Other millionaires have not been so fortunate and are serving their own sentences. They think he la the great flnencal giant and when he undertake to float an Invention, all are anxious to Join the company. ' Naturally, It la a success. If he had not been mistaken for the financier, he wouldn't have even received a bearing! Ray Rocket produced this comedy-drama for Flrit National Plcturea and Itw as directed by Joseph Henabery. A fine cast suppporta the leading players. Including Mack Swain. Oeorge Fawcett. Crauford Kent and others. "SONORA KID" SEEN TOMORROW IN MOVIES The story ot a girl who read and dream of romance In the old day of chivalry and who meets the knight of her dreams right on her father's ranch, ti told In "The Sonora Kid," an F. B. O. production starring Tom Tyler which la to be here tomorrow. Tyler, of course, la the handsome hero who not only measure up to her Ideal man, but to complete the enchantment, when she la In distress he ridea to her rescue, not In sombrero and chaps, but in medieval inw T"l"r e?urnr the :i : ma I .- o;:e of 'he lugi. 4 puts ot comedy in ih picture, but hi adventures after the disguise it donned are replete with thrills. There are many novel aituatlons which are unravelled at a top-notch rate of speed and keep the picture hummng with action. Tyler again displays his supre macy aa a horseman and 'as an expert lc the art of fisticuffs. "STELLA DALLAS", GRIPPING PICTURE WELL PHOTOGRAPHED A heart-gripping picture with un deniable audience appeal, "Stella Dallas" easily registers a one of the seaeon'a most poignant screen studies in human emotions. It 1 well directed, beautifully photographed, cleverly act-d and strikes the 1 key-note of sin cerity with unfaltering touch. The hapleea Stella la so clearly tba victim .1 temperament and environment that the geta sympathy even In the early itagea of her career when she pursue the giddy course that ultimately wrecks ber home. And none will refuse her th tender grace of pity that at last, when, her celf-aacrlflce complete, (he stand without a window In the beat' lng rain and watche her beloved daughter' marriage ceremony, until a gruff cop bldo her to "move-on." Noth- ilng conventional about this ending, atbo vie with Joy, but , iti artistry will appease even uie Ua Kho demands the regulation happy rinith. Belle Bennett shines gloriously n the Stella role, and every member of the cast contributes to the success of 'he film which Is shown here at the week end. Following 1 a brief resume of the vtory: The marriage of Stephen Dallas and Itrtla. Martin- result unhappily. A separation occurs, Stella retaining her baby daughter. Laurel. Years pass. Stephen revisits his wife and find Munn. a former lover, there, drunk. She agrees to a divorce. He weds his -2ld sweetheart, Helen Morrison. Laurel visits her father, and 'alls In love with Richard Qrovesncr, a college lad. Stella deliberately marries Munn, knowing that Laurel will thus be driven to stsy with her father. Later, through a window In a rainstorm, she sees Laurel united to Richard, Ten Years Ago En Prince Rupert The Orand Trunk Paciflo Railway ha purcltaaed the big tug Lome and two barges. The equipment will be employed In operating between Prince Rupert and nearby point. E J Baker, who come from near Tacoma, will lecture in the city thia week on the aubjectt "From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained" Wines In. Old Bottles." and "New Mr. and Mrs. F. R.C. Brown will leave shortly for Texas. Mr. Brown Is an old timer of Prince Rupert. Man in the Moon A HICK town la a place where central will give you the number a soon a ahe has finished her conversation. COURTSHIP la said to be a lively chase but the man doea not run fast enough to get away. WHICH Is better, love in a flivver or romance in a Rolls Roycef JAKE say that Instead of a platform the Conservative convention built a raft to keep themselvea from being mired. I shall have to fire Jake. THE only reason-that prevented me talking about the weather last week was lack of skill In profane language. ITS quite exhlllratlng to hear the hygiene people' talk about morons. Now I know why co many people differ from me. Advtrtls In Tba Dally Nw LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE' LAND Queen Charlotte Island Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate north of Lota 1C58 and 1857. TAKE NOTICE that The Langara Fishing and Packing Co. Ltd. of Mawett, occupation Canner. Intends to apply tor a lea&e of the following described landa: Commencing at a post planted twenty chains north of Yan Indian Reserve and on the shore of Mclntyr Bay; thence north 5 chains to the low water mark: thence westerly following aald low water 160 chains; thence southerly S chain; thence easterly 160 chain to the point of commencement, and containing eighty crei. more or lew. LnANQAltA F1SHINO Jc PACKINO CO, LTD, Applicant. Fred Nah. Agent. Dated June 27. 19J7- , LAND XCT NOTICE OF INTENTION-TO-APPLY TO . LEASE-.UM). In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and altuate on Prlnceu Royal Island at Eaat Side Cove from Butedale Cannery. TAKE NOTICE that I. Jacob Koakl, of Butedale, B.C., occupation a fisherman, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about COO yard northeast of Butedale Cannery Wharf; thence eaat 5 chains; thence south 7 chain; thence west S chain: thence norttj a chain to point of commencement and containing one acre, more or lesa. JACOB KOSKI, Applicant. DaUd August 37. 1027.