aan. »MORROW'S vic @e - PROVINCIAL LIBRA _-TIDES— iL 10, 1952 VICTORIA, B. C. rime 19.4 feet DAILY DELIVERY 22.5 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA’s NEWSPAPER 78 feet 5 ‘ : tas ‘pa: eee Published at Canada’s Most Strategic Pacific Port—"F since Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest” Phone 81 ppp VOL. XLI, No. 260 PRINCE RUPERT, BC » SATURDAY, NOV IE MBER 29, 1952 77: CENTS (including comic section) teeta oronto Argos Smash Eskies In Grey Cup Final Waterfront Disaster ‘Averted Firemen Halt Blaze on Fishboat Easterners Win 21-11 For 9th Championship TORONTO (CP) —Toronto’s powerful Argo- nauts roared from behind to whip Edmonton Eski- Jo i i * mos 21-11 and win their ninth Grey Cup before a uo 4 i Y So record crowd of. 27,395 here this afternoon. A fire with a potential) ® — | The Argonauts, who blew hot . . : 4 jand cold in their Big Four © of destroying the entire) J | League games this season, came up hot when the blue chips were Senator Hits waterfront was nipped in| ’ the bud last night by fast| working firemen as they doused flames in the in- terior of a fish boat. At RCMP Ways | Of Policing | OTTAWA (P)—A Nova seutia| down. : Except for brief periods, they outplayed the Eskimos, seeking their first victory in the classic. The Argos, classy and power- ful under the coaching of Frank Damage to the Miss Jean. a Liberal senator claims that the | Clair, formeriy of the University Vancouver packer, would ex- centre of ambition for the RCMP|°! Buffalo, trailed 5-0 at end ceed $1000, Fi y | of first quarter but came back ‘ re Chief Earl ‘ is to get a conviction ‘against an/ with two ec ted touchd Becker said today accused person “at any event.’ ro Soares EEO W SES Smoke was spilling from an i i lil lilt ics ltt Senator Donald MacLennan, and a field goal to lead 15-5 at the haif. open sky-light when the fire- 75-year-old lawyer, said in a men rushed to the scene at a, MISS ARGONAUT—Bonnie Czajka has been chosen Miss Toronto Senate committee Wednesday he THEY Cate Np Seetber WN few minutes befdre 10 p.m. The Argonaut and will represent the Big Four title-holders in the | hopes something will be done to — = a an = packer was docked at Govern-| Grey Cup competitions in Toronto. Representatives of 12 senior | see “that the poor devil of.a pris- wor ae cae ae reagan ment Wharf, alongside Bacdn) football teams across Canada will vie for honors on the eve of oner is given a chance.” ton’s third search’ for the cup ee ian Mie the Dominion football championships in Toronto Nov. 29 — a re and met their third heart- _ Hero of the firefighting crew see - ———— | matier during discussion’ Of tieaking failure. was W. H. (Buster) Hill. assist- amendments to the criminal code) “whe pekimos’ second touch- ant fire chief, who donned a which contain a provision plac-| yoo, brought them to within a gas mask and entered tt awa ex 0 ing the RCMP, a civilian force, four points of the Argos—15-11 8 ce-sDew ressel first h peg anes af mmoke-apewing vee frst with maintaining dicipine, | tat ie aek-steaking Toronto e ire hose oe I @ g . club, ta! vantage of = C possible inmgtes. No one was in- Commissioner L. H. Nicholson, play by Gusta Ce tole) {AMPIONS—Toror Argo auts on hed Edmonton Eskithos 22-11 today in the side head of the RCMP, declined to) arnoig midway through the mplonahitp Grey ~~ esageen This action photo shows how the Argos ran Fire was contained mainly comment on Senator MacLen-| sina quarter, exploded for their #4- 15 in the eastern final three days before today's classic to take the in the forecastle among crew ' nan's statement, He said onlY!third and final major of the Eskimos, who were making their third bid for their first Grey Cup members’ bunks, which were , that “the work we do speaks f0F | 9 tternoon. ipeg Blue Bombers for the western champlonship. Above, Argo's halfback | all but destroyed. Flames were ‘Bennett, Low Address Crowded j itself.” The play that broke the pay dirt from the Sarnia five-yard line CP PHOTO) caught just in time te prevent . neti backs of the Edmonton play- é Be Pinhead them reaching the boat's gas West Coast Socred Convention ers—and the hearts of their UTIVE OUTLINES KITIMAT PROGRESS Alcan Project to Give Vast Employment tank and oil storage. It could have been se! ious,’ said Chief Becker If’ the ; dock had caught fire it would be very r VANCOUVER the .—Premier Bennett Friday told| annual meeting of the B.C. Social Credit League} he WEATHERMAN gaily-clad 1500 supporters from the Alberta capital— came after Ed Soergel, Argo- naut defensive star, intercept- | hard to control that “Ottawa is our next objective.” ed a third-down Arnold pass Alarm was turned in by, aj in. this declaration he had) eK SS “ i ys at Edmonton 37. ; iwatchman at hedrby Atlin Pish- sal ance : en mt ‘ei } : von ; With. ee ees. ployment location for industry based on | doubt exceed those estimate # DY cies Biel , support from national leader’) [Low addressed delegates as} Forecast ers covering the end, Al Bruno. Alcan. de-. timber resources of the country- substantial amounts i Captain of the Mick. Seen Solon Low who, from the same} “fellow workers in the greatest} Cloudy today amd Sunday,/number one target for quarter h Colum- side, he explained that areas in Now it so happens that dur- Su! Johanson: owner te fine platforn said cause this world knows for peo- | showers today. Rain Sunday} Knobby Wirkowski’s passes, big thers from the community have been set ing 1950, 1951 and 1952, we have Fiddler : You pec have started the ple who live in that world.” afternoon and evening. Ilittle}Zeke O'Conner from Dallas ¢ } - i ‘ l fing g bY were seen’ aside for the location of light borrowed raised by other winds blowing and they are} Social Credit victories in Brit-| change in temperature. Winds/ Texas streaked into the clear to president Industries uch as sale of stocks and blowing our Way .. . I wouldn't ish Columbia had resulted in-an| westerly 25 in the southern! snare a forward at Edmonton 8, ie Plans for Kitimat contem- ” ome _$193,000,000 . rised to see Social Credit | “upsurge of interest across Can-|Charlottes decreasing to light/and prance over. with Eskimo f Canada, sists ‘reservation of large He potr out that a feature ew S tee réa re o control of the House} ada. Canadians are turning to/this afternoon. Light winds| players far behind him. terday areas for public parks, play- |! Special interest to B.C in the F | ° - we atin: secant aie oe as they never ee Winds southerly 20 Seas an ts eee nie { » plaka: aevi er was that all 4 ne on Vi aS efore | Sunda rea Rod Pantages, 4 eres aes ee oak cea asi te minet bel 6 Oe Sa mon owded with 600 Saeiel: Cred Low said there must be a| Low "tohight and high Sunday} former nantes Allouette ak. I : : ship de ince r nembers from every city and) « * % ; ; “Of the total land, he added. UDP ide since no B d hawdet ii BC ; a brought deep spiritual foundation” and) at Port Hardy 38 and 42; Sand-jset up the Eskimos for their 5 we ae tn dee thet ee he commer-| JQ e pene ee ous’. | a party must accept “guidance|spit 40 and 45; Prince Rupert/ first quarter touchdown He eveloped Decla tha osts of the a ore has ever th them hundréds of resolu-| from our Father in heaven.” 138 and 42. took’ a short from Arnold ; xceedin g i tior | pass gera- Unde ot lo Canada OTTAWA @-—Fisheries Minis- “0S | aay in | ~~ and scampered 63 yards down n nblans inal estimates, Mr. White said 1g that it was only Ms as : ne een 66 “Within a few months we | New liquor legislation will the ca ton ae ak ee ny stiad 144 ter Sinclair said Friday the Bri ‘ oe 5 * 0 oak be presented to the first ses- é ° , nities for The initial stage of the Kiti- ¢) ment of power which|. : : will face a test in B.C.” said | ™ ? teen as spilled out. of touch on the To- ‘Kitimat mat profect was originally esti- ,, operation to the|'sh Columbia coastal area be-' pennett, “and the result will | 0m of leg , of al nion ronto 10-yard line. sting sales mated to cost about $160,000,000, ,, coast. he said that even tween Satellite Channel and) shake the whole of Canada. | 0 Robert nner indi- : and the completed project about jn the first: stages the plant will Comox will be opened for salmon) We want 48 seats in the next | ©@ted. 3 i Nore Rejects Wage Old Country vees have $500,000,000. It's no secret that proc n amount of power fishing between Dec. 15 and Dec house. He told the conven ion that a to | Si ce et ear, Matt | ce ta Olt OTBALL hey have costs have been increasin{ pos n 1051 in Gopater Viet a so ° Commission will be in his hands Conci lation ving re- that final expenditures wil toria. Greater Vancouver and| PePivmae to & question ‘in Dec. 31. Legislation will be based of € anada : the wer Praser River Valley,| Commons by J. L. Gibson (Ind u p nion on that report and ready for the \sonpReaL @ — Seventeen ENGLISH LEAGUE : r th ibiect of flooding, Comox-Alberni), Sinclair said _ Session railway brotherhoods today offi- | Division I—Burnley 0, Wolver- Meat Prices Reg nas aaa | oding that because of summer stop L d Enters Bonner also forecast a better cially anrrounced their rejection | hampton W. 0; Cardiff C. vs. i: : , a ia €a er car insurance plan for B.C. MO- of the majority findings of a Bolton W., postponed; Liverpool nternational . In the construetion of this pages of fishing there had beer torists. Bonner said that with & fegora) conciliation board in the 2, Blackpool 2; Manchester C. need people To Rise—Due project, bs oe Sen sufficient escapement of chum combination of suggestions GOV- | bic railway wage dispute. '1, Derby C. 0; Newcastle U. 1. live and to sacrifice some i salmon and it was therefore de- vic ace jernment has recently received at the same time, the unions/Portsmouth 1: Preston NE. 2, the business Embar 0 Lift flood some land, and to divert | cided to open the area for fish |from insurance underwriters indicated they were willing to|Chariton A. 1; Sheffield W. 2 live and 7g seme water from its— former ing during the latter part of next} Ney ntry in the Dec, 11}and Social Credit’s own ideas, recyme negotiations with the | Aston Villa 2; Stoke City 1, Ar- mit our em- course, Everything which can | month aldermanic contest is Percy L.} the auto insurance picture will -siiroads in an effort to reach,senal 1: Tottenham H. 2, Sun- wrtunities for VANCOUVER Moat pack be commercially salvager will Downing, 31, second vice-presi-|be greatly improved within the an agreement. derland 2; W. Bromwich 3, Man- cographieally er here predic ed Fri Ay _ be salvaged and that which is lent of the pulp and sulphite | next year. A statentans by Frank H. Hall,} chester U. 1. y to see that creased prices will follow lifting | got ecommercialy salvageable St Laurent ‘union local at Watson Island chief union spokesman, said allj Division If — Birmingham 0, ith merit, not | of the U 8, embargo on Canadia fs of little value to anyone.” | ° A slingman at Columbia Cel-, r international and two national) Nottingham F. 5; Bury 1, Black- drag { hipments Mat I _ x He jared that he wanted lulose Co. Ltd. pulp mill, Mr.) Ja Nn Won t brotherhoods have advised Laborjburn R. 0; Fulham 0, Hudders- oad tual we tin op id mn nt bring thinking about the pro A Downine has been an active | pa Minister Gregg of their rejection! field T. 2; Leeds U. 3. Brentford wil! Satie reely, it may tend to pus! Ip "he | ect “down out of the clouds resses member of the Parent-Teacher of the majority report, Which 2; Leicester C. 2; Barnsley 2; poe ey, | Market,” one pat ker sac ae If possible, we want you to oe Associations, here. He came to Sen roops recommended a 16-cent-an-hour |/tuton T. 4, Byerton 2: Notts C. for th as Canadian mea oon GropPpee | toe that this development is not ints ers Terrace at an early age and Was ' wage increase for 144,000 non-}1, Lincoln ©. 1; Plymouth A. 0 y af pein, | when the ban was first it roperily described by the term t educated there Te K W. operating railway workers. Do : : th of Kiti- |, . ee t} t. | prepeny Oe at : g measter R. 0; Rotherham VU. theaigs beer last February wee Se | ‘alean's B.C project’ but rather He is a veteran of Rocky 0 oréa ar There was no immediate rail-|}> swansea T. 1; Southampton et Ba 4. Wi break of foot and mouth disease by the term ‘B.C.’s Alcan pro- LONDON © — Commonwealth) Mountain Rangers and served way reaction to the union sug- 5, Hull G.1; West Ham U. 1, naan i “lon the prairies ject.’ he said. “Alcan is invest-/ ministers in an atmosphere of in western Europe and England}; TOKYO-—Japan won't send its gestion that negotiations might) snertield U, 1. in oe. tg ng heavily in this province. It) “greatest cordiality” outlined| with No. 45 Army Transport for|troops to Korea even if the pe continued. SCOTTISH LEAGU aes sntion t 3% years United States requests it, Prime eer an te is On lesire and we o\their ideas Friday on how to | 3% years i eee ae sa oe Stvisisls Aceltics ve. Ment . become a good neighbor in your) strengthen sterling by expan In announcing he would con- Ss ? = OM w . “ ‘i we M Woodworkers |wonderful country, a good citi-| sionist rather than restrictionist | test an aldermanic seat, Mr. ba Japanese House of Council- HOCKEY. SCORES SeaMen ween 2. Coeds a : : , 3 ven, and we are anxious to be; means. Downing said: Ors. tas * : cepted as one of you.” rim Minister St. Laurent “T believe in the future of the! He said no such request had) WHL—Tacoma 1, Vancouver 0;|1; Hibernian 0, St. Mirren 2; _ , , a - if it is. Yos > Cal Motherwell vs. Rangers, post- D Ca 06; e jrepresenting the senior Domin- city, an adequate sewage system,|been made. Even if it is, Yosh- Seattle 1, Victoria 2; Calgary 4. = Gt . ” ‘ = . J own jions, was the first speaker a pure water supply, a fair deal | ida said, he did not believe Jap- Edmonton 3. ; geo ms Sf S. . : ies 3i e\in the power question, and I] anese public opinion would alow! WIHL—Kimberley 5, Trail 5. Lanark, postponed; Queen o among the countries outside th q t tin a - t ” be sent OSHL—Vernon 1, Penticton 6.| South 4, Aberdeen 0 football N) age a Ss | ex ee I g United Kingdom, It was under- support the sc hool bylaw. the troops t to sen “ on . . . . Aboard sOUuLn tur VANCOUVER © The ern interior Lumber Manufat ‘May Decide stood he spoke for about 20 minutes, largely reiterating Can ada's frequently expressed desire for conditions which would lead BUT ONLY HOUSEWIVES CAN HELP MARKETING—SINCLAIR Fishermen Catch Fish Like Women Catch Husbands t ers’ Association said Friday il IWA W. if /k . ‘ sal » earch WAS | has notified 30 TWA local unions} age a 5 oh Oe ne cs an Alberta | rminate Wage nego : - Uwe, Cries wnan~ -TAW a jeatch men im much the same} again. Ina roach to the off Gears ees 7 — aceamhay un | VANCOUVER~—-Decision will be|cellor of the Exchequer, opened OTTAWA (CP) Housewives: | ca : soothing See ~ Edmonton’) aboard piloted by Edmonton, ito at 5:15 | mittee less an agreement has been reached The union said its policy com has been called ‘for Sun day to “decide how to meet, this i}made at a meeting here Dec. 13 as to whether the woodworkers’ wages contract will be reopened, District President Stewart Als- bury of the International Wood- the second day of the nime-coun- try conference, officially describ ed as the most important since the Ottawa conference on tariffs in 1932, You have a lot in common with fishermen and you also happen ers .7 way that men catch fish. And/| “This is easy and inexpensive} housewife, Mr. Sinclair pictured they could solve the marketing for the sports fisherman—all hej} a typical day with the children |problems of the Canadian fish-| needs is a new fly or a new|coming home and the mother to be the answer to their pray-|erman by serving one more meal spoon. For the woman, a new wondering what she is going to jhat and dress and a new hairdo! feed them. of fish per week. lare more expensive but still | , * i? eal eo wwe ames Sinclair, the new min- | “Primarily,” said Mr. Sin- “Well, Tl tell you what to engers were |encest workers of America (CIO) said) Butler Was understood to have ao tithe aa : eae 7 on ial h x heer Peet cainiaisin said its mem-| the decision would be made at a/expressed the feeling, that the win > oe oe ity 7 oa = os peeyges idan —, te such ee ees ak jens Rewanhireee oe oa oe operate without | special quarterly council meet-jsterling area, having taken ; . ee pared oO i i 2 t aeneeiia Stead —% aha ek Pa : rally of the fines ote ti th rid.” Patan 5 bers ] a eae cay emergency measures at the fin- ‘ ee ime CBC political broad-| cate a nd—by lures (change ca very expensive. n the world. Mand, |@ signed wage cc ‘eking a 3%-| Under terms of the summerjance ministers’ conference last cast. | and snares and ambush . . . | When it came to marketing,| Fish offered far greater var- Bartle: ares la erie Ban Bonet while | strike settlement, the contract|January, now were ready to » % Souble-herrelied Sp in case of failure, both fisher- Canadian fishermen had to aw iety. than = oe oe Toronto rec loeotatuhe ore holding out for}may be opened for further ne-| participate in algeneral move- Preach to the question of wom-| men and women are always |two-thirds of their produce housewife didn’ cern 9 * low-flying | continuing the present wage |gotiations if asked for by work-)ment toward sloughing off the Ch and fish, the 44-year-old; willing te improve er change ‘abroad because Canadians don't; cook it, his depasrtaien agreement ers Or management, shackles on international trade father of four girls said women! their equipment and try eat much fish, “dandy” honkles telling how,