0 git)'? 9.1927 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE ... a I CROWN PROSECUTOR Local and Personal AND BOYS OF CITY! Cmm-tHfph.1 aJUlw, ft U rmj tm mmfw imlwtlmm mm IJW m MS 1 !-! SBBBBBBBBBa I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai mura iWANTED - A few more i:ases of rheumatism, neuritis, paralysis, chronic constipation, high blood pressure, goitre or any other fallmenr caused by toxemia -which includes over ninety per (cent of all ailments. If all other treatments have failed, do not give up hop! MAGNETISM Jhe most mysterious and moat irresistible force In the sjtil ;er ;e when applied to the human body in a .-clentiflc manlier a ,. ist. nature in eliminating the ioisonoua waste that is isfDn-1 ?Ie for so many ailments. THE ION A-OTONE - TV,,. i-U mfrnntlc annlitinrP that U i.tf llini IllT ftlich w i lie vivtmv n - v- I- - almost miraculous results, assixts nature in making cures of T7,Umr,l a whi.-h hithartn hiiva nnt rpHttntlded to medicines. I M 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ' .7 1 1 1 v t, ti i "iv i ....... . . - .-.-a RiiHnipulatiou.s, surgical operations, hot springs or electrical AT ONCE! every jnoii in Prince Kupert of free treatments. You have to lose. BARGAINS treatment. Thousands of ieople since the introduction of the ION'A-OTONE into Canada three months ago are now enjoying good health and these people had been called lucurable! In the light -,t modern developments, hardly any dbeaae can now be called incurable. FREE TREATMENTS e.,-n n vo i. 4Ka Vrtll will h ttPllpf t Pfi Hv tYlV IONA m njLf u t t- hic v wis, .? vs ' OTONi: that wc cordially invite Bnd vtwmifv to arcent our offer everything to gain and nothing I0NA-0T0NE HEALTH CO. Rooms 10 and 11, Smith lllock, Prince Kupcrl. H.C. Clinics at Vancouver, Victoria, Canary and Edmonton BARGAINS at the FORCED Sk A S IP H of THOR JOHNSONS large stock of GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS GET YOUR SHARE OF THE BARGAINS ES3 I !! I i ! T I II I I I I II B ! ""I I ll Tlfc I BARGAINS B t Undrtutrrs PUvf. Ot )., Bit fcsMtl Wfer tfcthilag ' Tat: phone 4 U Mines rrlmlli Itlr aew at Mc-U AilherV Sinr tyurf. . "SfwcU! Mns on 'Art CryeUliar and Fttlpehrame work Phoue Blue 714. Mr. J. C. AiherUjr. u a puwnfrr ! Wi-.p ii today's ess t bound trail: B Mirr to have your boat decorated 'r .he Yurht dub Regatta end win is oo ui now or WOO on Jvljr 10. 6trwberrv Taa under Dm auapioes of a St Andrew's Society latdMs' Aualll-m. ka the rooms on Jul IS at I o'- Tba eoune it ast lor the Yacht Club All mavjtoH uat run the course and hand in their tune on or before July . 158 Fred Oarton. Janitor of the King reward High Ichoal. and Mr. Oarta left on thla morning's aaat bound train for St. Thomaa, Ontario. liMtruetami In law imr Art Craft. "aW aiHl IHaaltra lite, rk. ..hm rMa aatathai. .Art Mdtw. .MM Ihwdra. ItMaw Ittofk IW. 10 Mnoaa Ptrtilc on Stand t Bntta laatw Cow Ray mar to 1. Oentlcman Stjaa. ladlea and children frae. Tea ad ooff provided. Bora' Band in attendance, lie Mr. Rodfan. wbo haa bean TlalUnf hla aon. Joe Rodaora of the Buahby plant, returned to hla hotne in the aaat !thia morning and plans atopptag cdt !at Jaaoer for a oouDle of dn I 1 I T-h. rL.h. Sutherland, after a trip up the weat coaat of Vancouver Island, and unloading cans at Oceanic cannery . la in port thla morning swatting further orders. There haa been a good deal of petty' thieving in the city of late The police . thou- efforts will soon be rewarded with suooia) in appivnaodlng the culpriu. Mats Oscrglna I. Hunter. R.K. of meiotn for Vancouver In which city andjsait mackerel, lb 25c . . . rnnc Huparx ueoerai Hospital numtag staff aallad thla morning on the oar- dena to apand a month holidaying in Vaneouwtr and Seattle and on Van eouver Island. DoueJaa Btork k. havliw a bnnwlo. .. ,u. . , .. . , (which h. win foiwlM num.-. W in October to Mlm Or.ce Curtln. !a wall known and popular local girl The contract for the house la In the hands of AM. Bert Oraer. I One of the personally conducted tour arranged by the C N R and which Includes many tsachera from the aaat will arrive this afternoon on a special train at S.00 o'clock. They will continue south on the Prince Rupert, ac commodation on which la all taken up. Transferred from the post of Ketchikan where he haa been for the past few months to take charge of the Mount Pleasant Corps in Vancouver. Ensign D. Use, of the Salvation Army, formerly or Prince Rupert, will be paaalng through the city aboard the steamer Princess Charlotte thla afternoon bound for the south. He will be accompanied by Mra. Re. and family. The Shenandoah special tour party have had a splendid time during their ntay in Prince Rupert. Following a trip round the harbor they paid a visit to the Cold. Storage plant, over which they were shown. Commenting on the trip they remarked on the different scenery that Rupert has to offer, an attraction in itself. They sailed north and will return today' leaving for the south tonight. ( Allll 111- THWKS Mr. O C. Wilson and family deaire to ennvry their sincere thanks to their many friends for the kind expressions of sympathy received In their recent sad bereavement. ANNOUNCEMENTS Prince Rupert Yacht Club 'Regatta, July, 10. CNJt. Employes Picnic. July 17. liaptlet Hcnle to Digby. July 21. St. Andrews Picnic. July 24. K.O. Picnic. July 31. Canadian Legion Picnic August 21. Hie Racer When I'm burning up the miles every cyllnderwork ing overtime at tremendous temperatures there's at least one thingl know won't go wrong and that's spark pIugs.IinsittonChampions! Ox-Mi It tkt Ui hit -nUtd tMmmm- mucrn-kf M-wr rMract anj it it-cmI a(7f rfcrWa. CImmm X for Ford, 80 CaroHr Chses Foril 90 Champion SparlCPlugs WINDSOR, ONT. A CANADIAN-MADE PRODUCT Arthur's Tail. Pbon 67a. Death. Dr. J. R. Ooue. Pbon 688. Dry Birch & Cedar. Cameron Transfer. 162 Hyde Transfer now agents for Lady amlth-WelllBfitOD Coat. Phone 680. U Whist drive and dance In Mooee Halli an Friday. July 15. Cards at 8.30 prompt. Prat tor all Swtepstake Races win- Y,cht C,ub U. July 10. 159 Mr. and Mra. O. A. Hunfer and' n Billy, sailed this morning on the Car- am V, uflli fmf T.lanil .lhV will KttlH ! - -- the next month on vacation. At the meeUng of the Board of Trade lust night a communication In regard to revised ratea oa automobiles between na ,al?rlor the railway waa read. The new rate Is from Prtnc Rupert to Terrace 27 and I tnm prlnf Rupert to Hazelton W. Church Notices ST. IMIIItirs I'ATHEDKAL (Church of England) Rector, Archdeacon O. A. Rlz. Assistant. Rev. W. F. BaVfoot. B-A. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7.30. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered on the first Sunday of the month at 11 ajn.; third Sunday of month at 8 ajn. Sunday School will resume In September. (llltlVTIAN' SCIENCE MK'lETV Service every Sunday morning In the Hays' Block, 245 6econd Avenue. Subject on Sunday; "Sacrament." Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. PKIXIVTEKIAN fill KCII Minister. Rev. J. R. Frlzzell, B.A.. LL.B. Residence, the Manse. Telephone 4S8. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Subject: "Ten of the greatest words In literature." Sundsy school will not meet. Evening service a. 120. Subject: "The fingers of a man's hand." i'mteii mucin Morning worship at 11 o'clock. The Baptist Congregation and the Thomas Crosby Mission will Join in the United Church morning worship at 11 o'clock, In a patriotic service. Sermon theme. "This young nation and Ita primary needs." Mr. Archie Scott. fni-moriv tenor soloist of Dominion Church. Ot- tawa. will sing 'The Recessional." The Scott brothers. Archie Scott and the Rev. R. C. Scott, of the Thomas Crosby, will sing the duet. "A Clean Heart." Dev. Hugh Dobson, B.A.. DD. associate secretary of Social Service for the United Church in Canada, will preach at both services. In the evening at 70, the sermon theme will be "The Oospel of Jesus In a modern world." Tenor solo, "If with all your hearts" from Handel'a "Elijah" by Archie Scott OrTlflAL It KT IKES SMITHERS. July 8. Captain J. P. Wheeler for six years field supervisor for the Soldier Settlement Board wtth headquarters at Telkwa. has retired from the department He Is succeeded by 11 E. Wallace, a farmer living be-'.wwn Sm It hers and Telkwa. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED - EXPERIENCED SALESMAN or saleslady for general store: experienced, with knowledge of window dressing. ufflcc. Apply Box 68, Dally News Apprrrlatlon tiprril at Alan lUnri of tilmaatan Hhixf liood Murk U Krt-tttuUrd EDMONTON. Jul 0. Oomrratula' :ona on the efficiency of ha work and re (reti beeauM.of nt reatnatlon err voiced in police court Tieaday aftemoc: when Alan Harvey. erwn protiecur'st lnce February. 1934. terminated nil dutiea. Mr. llarvey leavea Wednekdar for a three-montha' holiday in England, after which he will reaume private prat - tie m Edmonton. Maclatrate Oeorge B. MeLeod eipres-ed hla appreciation ot Mr. Itarveya work, while J. W. Heffernan alao apoke briefly. "Mr. Harvey baa done valued work among the boyi of the city. Adjutant Sutherland Stewart of the Salvation Army told the gathering. "During hi'j dutlei hrre he haa turned over 04 boya to me from police court, and only four have turned back and done criminal work again. I think the reosrd la wonderful." Major a Knox Paten. F OB. M J Ji. i London l. of the Terminal Agency. Vancouver, la paaatng tnroufh town having completed hla Inspection of the CNJl- between Jaaper and the coaat. He la leaving for the Portland Canal dtatrlct on company bualneaa. Freighter Anyoz. Capt John O'Hegan. en route to Anyoz, unloaded M0 barrel! of tarvla at the Ocean dock thla morn ing for the city. Market Prices Retsll prices on the local market today are aa follows- LAKH Pure 35c Compound -. . , 30c EO()3 B.C. fresh pullets U5c B.C. fresh, firsts 40c B.C. fresh, extraa 45c Local new laid 60c IISII Halibut, lb 25c Salmon, red spring 36c Sainton, white soring, lb 16c 8moked kippers, lb ltc Kippered salmon, lb. 36c Smoked black cod, lb 20o Finnan baddies, lb 20c Eastern salt herring, 3 for 25c Salt codfish fillets, lb 26o. Boneless salt cod bricks, lb. . 20c MEATS Fowl, No. 1, lb 35c Roasting chicken, lb 45c Ham. tllred. first grade 35c Ham, whole, first grade 42c Ham, picnic, lb 20c Cottage rolls, lb 30c Bacon, back, sliced 60c Bacon, side 40c to 55c Pork, dry salt 36oj Ayrshire bacon, lb 35c Veal, shoulder 36c Veal, loin , 40c Veal, leg 40c Pork, shoulder 28c Pork, loin 40c Pork, leg 40c Beef, pot roast 12'4c to 18c Beef, boiling 12c to 15c Beef, steak 30c to 45c Beef .roast, prime rib 30c Lamb, chops 60c Lamb, shoulder 35c Mutton, leg 400 Imb. leg 48c Mutton, chops 40c Mutton shoulder 80a UUTTEK Brookfleld, Shamrock and Woodland. lb 60c E.C.D.. lb 50o Capital, 2nd grade, lb 45c Eraser Valley, lb 55c New Zealand, lb 65c CHEESE Ontario solids 35c Stilton, lb 850 Kraft 45c Norwegian Ooat ., 65c Napoleon Lunberger 70c LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LEASE LANK In Queen Charlotte Island Land Re cording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at the head of the south arm of De La Beche Inlet, Moresby Island. TAKE NOTICE that British Columbia Fishing k Packing Co. Ltd.. of Van- eouver, B.C., occupation Packers. Intends 0t th foIlc,ln dMeaM Commencing at a post planted at the head of the south arm of De La Beche Inlet. Moresby Islsnd: thence south 5 chains; thence east 20 chains; thence north 5 chains, more or less, to high water mark; thence .west along high water m at rip a nrtl n t rt nrm manrmant at n rt containing 10 acres, more or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING & PACKINO CO. LTD.. Applicant. Dated June 10. 1927. HOUGH LUMBER FOR SALE TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to 20th July for the lumber piled In yards at Usk. B.C.. belonging to the 8keena Lumber Company. Ltd. There are about 315,000 feet, consisting chiefly of No. 2 Clear Spruce 160.0001, No. 2 Clear Hemlock (35.000), No. 1 Common Hemlock (145.000). No. 2 Common Hemlock (55.000). Excepting 30.000 feet the lumber is all rough. Terms Cash. Offers to be f.o.b. yards. Detailed Inventory on application to GEORGE RORIE, CJi.. 150 Prince Rupert. B.C. ajataaKVal. a f . K VHRHHbT i ' : 'i Mart AMM I GUM-DIPPING Builds Extra Miles The Firestone process of Gum-Dipping is one of the mott Important of the many Firestone contributions to more economical highway transportation. It thoroughly saturates and insulatea every fiber of every cord with rubber, minimizing friction and heat, ao destructive to tire life. On the cars of hundrede of thouaanda of motorists. In the service of the largest truck, bus and taxicab fleeta. In the battle of tlrea on raca tracks. Firestone Cum-Dippe.l Tires, because) of their greater stamina, are delivering longer mileage vritti added safety and comfort. The Firestone Dealer In your locality wi'.l gladly explain to you the extra value of Gum-Dipping. He i prepared to demonatrate how the cords of the carcssa are eaturatei It a rubber solution, insulating every fiber of every cord with rubber, which mlnimlxea friction. FIRZaTONE TIRE fc RUDDER COMPANY OF CANADA. Limited HAMILTON, ONTARIO PER DOLLAR ffrestotte MOST MIL23 FIRESTONE BUILDS THE Very few to Only a drujf store with a very larjje prescription business could afford to maintain our staff of graduate pharmacists. Our prescription service is simply the result of public appreciation of our endeavor to give unusual attention to this work. Naturally, those who use this service remember us when making their purchases of perfumes and toilet accesories, Qrmes Ltd. Zrfie Pioneer Drttpyisls THIRD AVE. f SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 82200 ONLY GUM-DIPPED TIRES could afford do it Brand" BREAKFAST FOOD." Daily by Cold Storage Co., Lid. Kupert, D.C. DEMAND "Rupert "THE DAINTIEST Smoked Canadian Fish & Prince DENTIST Dr. J. R. Gosse Helgerson Block X-RAY SERVICE Phone 686 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evening Appointments t