I I I 25 TAXI ndC Ambulance Service) Anywhere at Anytime Stand: Exchange llulldlng MATT VIDECK, I'n.p. . XVII No. 150. -"'n'nt BIG APARTMENT FIRE IEVEN LIVES LOST WHEN ROYAL ALEXANDRA kmber of Victims in Vancouver Fire When Apartment is Gutted ROYAL ALEXANDRA IN WEST LOSS AMOUNTS TO VANCOUVER, July 9. Fire Apartments in the west end here dead as a result. I he blare was a spectacular one and immense crowds gathered to watch the firemen at their work as they strove IfiTuuell the flames and nave those ensconced within. The financial tos is estimated at $300,000. David Henderson, a painter, R4w blaze originated, is charged with manslaughter. I r? i in rr nnn t irn ' I BM A l VI IfJ Ph A K X liinnuun ui Limiu f AT HAZELTON Mttiows Lantern Slides Illustrating I'rogrens Made in Past Ten leant i. A M, Manson. member (or Omln-av a iaatni talk here Wednesday at a gathering called under tlx :ei t 'lie Farmers' Institute. Th iey general showed a number of rn O dea Illustrating the history or pat of the country and Indicating progress that had been made during the past ten years under the adminis tration of the Liberal government. Dr. H C Wrlnch. member for Bkcena, It v.h the legislative work of lat ,:i iw ion irom ine point 01 view 01 tne it. fanner $k')llr. Munn. of Victoria, a aoll expert. iurgvd r.nn farmera against going too ftrong on timothy aeed production but suggested ') growing of pea aeed In-atead. He advocated the proper rota Urm of crops and a system of mixed far-ating under which the beat possible re sults suld be obtained, STARVED SELF F0R55 DAYS bung Tnronlo Woman Died After iJ-ong Fast In Effort to Effect Cure fOKONTO. Juyl 9. -Mrs. Hope Leon-Esli. a young woman of this city, died Hay after 69 days of fasting In an or to cure Indication. For two iys phyalelana had given her glucose ljocted Into her veins In a losing at-IWmpt to save her life. LGLOUDBURSTS EUROPE TODAY FiftyFlve P crsons Known to be Dead as Result of Floods in Saxony DRESDEN, Baxony, July 9. Fifty-five persons are known to have been drowned In torrential floods on the Muoglttz and Oottieba Rivers following a rerlei of Cloudbursts, Communication Is broken nd It Is Impossible to ascertain the number of m'sslng. f' NEW ZEALAND BEATS CANADA fAII-Star Football Team Meets De- feat In Third Test Match at Wellington WELLINGTON, New Zealand, July 9. LThe Canadian All-star football team went down to defeat here today In the third test match against a New Zealand representative eleven, the score being Bene goal to nothing In favor of the ls- I landers END RURNS AND FINANCIAL ABOUT $.100,000 gutted the Royal Alexandra yesterday afternoon and seven are working on the fourth floor where Th police believe the fir started "" pwn anting nwwo or clgrette Into lem paper which accused placed 111 the doorway to prevent the spread of an Inflammable compound he was using. The dead are: Henry Orlfriu. 40 years of age. of Winnipeg. Edward Kltaferald, 0, of Bdnionton. Mr. Emily Rkkaby, 41, Vancouver. Oraot Luck hart, 10, Vancouver. An unidentified child believed to be Jean Luekhart, 12, of Vancouver. An unidentified woman, believed to be Mrs. Henry Qrlfftn. Mra. John Barbsr, believed to be from Terntn. -Coroner's -Jury was empanelled' tor an Inquest on the fire rtcktms hH afternoon. Appearing on a charge of manslaughter the hearing of the charge against Henderson waa adjourned one week until after an official Investigation of the cause of the outbreak has been conducted. Of Ue ten injured two are In a critical state. Mra. Grace Luchart, who came here recently from Toronto, lost her young son and daughter. One body In so badly burned that positive. Identification has not been made yet. It Is anticipated that drastic change In the building regulations will result from the disaster. MIIITII CHINA lt .ttai.V HINMMl t'MlKIt IHCTATOK PEKINO. July 9. General Chang Tsuiig Chiang, civil governor of Shangtung province, has wired Chang Tso Lin. dictator of North China that the northerners have recaptured Hanehang on the Tlentaln-Pu-kow Hallway tn Shantung and alo quelled an Insurrection at Tslngtao, again controlling the city. STRAWBERRIES FEW TERRACE THIS YEAR According to word brought to town by Terrace resident, the strawberry crop this season Is going to be one of lightest on record. Frost coming before the snow last winter killed a great propor tion of the plants, with the result that the acreage under berries this year Is very low, There are only a few crates coming In on each day's train and supplies will be very limited. STEAMER HOMERIC WAS IN COLLISION NO LIYESWERE LOST CHERBOURG:, July 9.- Steamer Homeric from New York was reported In collision last night with the Italian schooner Clacomo. No one was hurt. The Homeric waa not damaged but the schooner lost her masts. IMMW KILLED "' SMITHERS, July 9 Recently dogs Invaded the farm yard of Tom Preece near Smlthers and by their combined attack succeeded In killing one of the best cows on the farm. Attracted by the commotion Tom was able to shoot lone of the dags. Northern and PRINCE CUBS CONTINUE THEIR WINNING Pitching of Charlie Root Keeps Them Their I-vad in National league RUTH HITS A IIOMEU Veteran Slugger is now one Homer Hchind Lou Gehrig, His Team Mate NEW YORK. July 9. A pitching battle remtnlirent of 'baseball's early day, marked the fight of the Chicago Cub to keep their lead In the National League race against the Pittsburg Pirates ' yesterday. Chart Root, ace of the Cub ' stall, held the Pirates to one bit and j b t them by a acre of one run to no-; ti,lng. This was the ninth straight victory for Chicago and Root's fifteenth victory cf the season. The Yankee opened their Western Invasion by breaking even tn a double Header at Detroit. Ruth bit hla 37th homer of the season with two men on baea. The veteran slugger Is now one homer behind bis team mat. Lou Cehrig. Yesterday's score:. NATIONAL LKAOIE Chicago 1, Pittsburg o. St. Louts 2, Boston 3. Cincinnati 8. PhHadefaeAa 8. Brooklyn 2. New York 6. AMKKICAN I.KXOt I! New York 8. Detroit 11. Washington 7-4, Cleveland 4-8. Boston 11. Chicago 6. Philadelphia 7. St. Louis 9. BRITAIN WON FROM STATES Oxford and Cambridge Defeated Harvard and Yale in Field Sports STAMtOltll llltllMiL, Jul) 0 The HrltMi college and field truck Mars Irom Oxford and Ounlirlilge defeated I lie iMtlng Yale nnd Harvard athlete, winning ern out of Incite of I lie rtrntft. The result of t lie meet mine at a ilMlnet Mirprlxc to Hie American Irum which on till ulcle were the In lo one tutor I Irs of the flay In the helling. FREIGHT RATE EVIDENCE NOW IS CONSIDERED Commission Foregoing Holidays and Will Decide Whether H.C. (Jets Change OTTAWA. July 9. Whether British Columbia H to get any further advantage In freight rates will be decided by the railway commission during the next month when Judgment will be given. The claim of B.C. for equality with other parts of Canada Is only a part of the general question. The eastern maritlmes are also making demands which are caus ing a great deal of worry to the commissioners and there are numerous other questions of lesser Importance to be dealt with. The railway commission Is foregoing the customary holiday season In order to study the record of evidence In the general question of freight rates equalization. The case Is the most voluminous ever heard by the commission but It has berti divided up as between questions of law and questions of fact. LIQUOR KILLED ' A B.C. INDIAN SEATTLE. July 9. Chief Modeste of the Quamlchan Indians Irom Vancouver Island was found dead at; his door here. According to the coroner, death was I camted of the use of bad liquor. PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper RUPERT. B.C. SATURDAY. JULY 9. 1927 MIPS NORA E MLLETTE. blind dictaphone oner; tor. who h:s been working fur the New York state (nformaMrtn bureau. She i a speedy and an urate typiat nnd illustrates tho Hhility and usefulness of the blind, comparing favorably with their fellow-workers who possess sight. 1 Schooner: Malahat Port in Ballast Her Liquor VANCOJJVUR, July 9. Schooner Malahat, -which cleared -from Tahiti in April with a cargo of which was seized several weeks ago off the coast of California, arrived here in ballast and is going into drydock for repairs. R. A. McLachlan, superintendent of customs examiners of Vancouver, commenting on the fact that the disposal of the 10,000 cases of liquor was unaccounted for, said the vessel was "entitled to discharge cargo wherever she wants." A San Francisco despatch said that following seizures in American waters the Malaht "manoeuvred days and nights to elude the cutters and land her cargo." FARMERS' INSTITUTE ELECTS ITS OFFICERS J, W. Turner of .snilthers N President for Coming Term and 1. l. Donaldson, Hrcrrtary The annual meeting of the Farmers'-' Institutes of District B. was held In Telkwa on Wedncbday afternoon when delegates were present from all Institutes In the section sayi the Omtnect Herald. It was one of the most representative meetings ever held by the dbtrlct. ' The offlceri elected for tfte ensuing year were as follows: President J. W. Turner, Smlthers. Vlcc-pres. A. McKay. 'Woodcock. Secretary J. O. Donaldson, Telkwa. Committee The Secretaries of all Institutes in district D. Delegate to the Agricultural Advisory board J. W. Turner with J. O. Donaldson as alternate. Resolutions were passed dealing with a number of matters of interest to the members, the chief one being In regard to coyotes. After the business was completed a number of speeches were given by Dr. H. C. Wrlnch. the local MX.A.. Hon. A. M. Manson, who waa visiting In his own constituency of Omlneca. Dr. Bam-ford from District C. and Mr. Munro, a soil expert from Victoria. ELEVEN NEGROES ARE DROWNED IN MISSISSIPPI NEW ORLEANS. July 9. After surviving the great flood, eleven Negroes were drowned whUe being returned to their homes at Woodslde and Melville when a flat boat tn which they were riding overturned. ' ' NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A new Telephone Directory is about to be issued. Appli- cation for Moves, Changes or New Listings for this issue must be made in writing to Telephone Department, City Hall, not later than July 18. 159. IN VANCOW Reaches After Landing Cargo Somewhere 20,000 case3 of liquor, about half of MOTOR LICENSE PROCEEDS BIG I'rlncc Rupert (Jets (Joodly Sum as Her Share in Distribution VICTORIA. July 9. Prince nupert will gel 17,260 In the Government distribution of the proceeds of the motor licenses which are being returned to the municipalities on the basis of 1.13 for every person as shown In the last Dominion census. BISHOP OF DURHAM ON NATIONAL CHURCH Sees llistlhie llriiptloii Ahruil for A ml lea in of Old Country LONDON, July 9. A sensational charge that the Church of England Is ceasing to he a national church and that it has in effect, already been disestablished as such. Is contained tn an article published over the name of the Bishop of Durham. Dr. llenslcy Hen-son, who points out that the recent legislation affecting both the English and Scottish churches renounced on the state's behalf all ecclesiastical responsibilities. "The Church of England Is in grave danger of total disintegration and disruption," writes his lordship. "National churches have already shrivelled Into denominations In other nations." Dr. Henson goes on to say that the class war preached by the extreme Socialists and that the state which grows from It must be an aatl-Chrls-tlan state. ..The state has now become completely democratized and citizenship completely secularized, he charges. HKATHKIt it i rou r Terrace. Cloudy, calm. temp. 66. Ross wood. Cloudy, calm, temp. 55. Alyansh. Cloudy, calm, temp. 55. Alice Arm. Rain, calm, temp. 54. Anyox. Rain, calm, temp. 55. Stewart. Rain, calm, temp. 54. Hazel ton. Cloudy , calm, temp. 60.. Telegraph Creek. Cloudy, calm, temp. 52. Burnt Lake -Cloudy, calm. temp. 40. Cyclonic Storm Swept Two Alberta Towns; Blew Down Buildings . VULCAN, A It a., July 9. The town was swept by a tornado last night, the buildings knocked heltcr skelter, the curling rink demolished, the grage blown down, automobiles upset in the streets, elephone and electric liht poles laid flat but no. one injured. A big crowd had gathered in town for a delayed confederation jubilee celebration. ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE, Alta.. July 9. Buildings were lorn from their foundations and unroofed, trees, fences and sidewalks were torn up and almost every building in town had its windows broken as a result of a storm of cyclonic proportions which cut a swath through the centre of the town and did great damage. oi'ir.M miI iti: at (K.TTI.K I VALl K.I) AT OVEK JHMI.IMm SEATTLE. July 9. Opium Valued at more than HW00 was setred aboard the transpacific liner Talthjrblus. the largest seizure of Its kind made here in eleven years, according to customs ofUcers. niniiTP rtrmiTrrn DIES AT HDSPITAL John .Mlewart IVIki Wa Hurt When l-ratliig I he ITI lice Charles w as Dumbarton Man The death occurred at the hospital this morning of John Stewart, a marine engineer of Dumbarton, Scotland, who was Injured last January when coming off the steamer Prince Charles and has teen In the hospital since. Paralysis set In and he was confined to his bed. Mr. Stewart, who was a member of the Masonic order, leaves a widow, and a son in the old home town and sister. Mrs. William Macdonald of Burn- bank Cottage. Dumbarton. The funeral takes place tomorrow from the B.C. Undertaking Parlors, Rev. Frlzzell officiating. WAGES CASE GOES AGAINST EMPLOYEES Dsrisicn In the "suit of H. W. Oallant et al vs. the Pendleton Oold Mining Co. Ltd., in which the plaintiffs sued for wages, was given in favor of the defendants. The defence argued that under the Allen Labor Act of Canada and the Masters and Servants Act of B.C. any contract that called for foreign labor was null and void. Judge Young In the County Court upheld them on this point and gave Judgment accordingly. In the case of two of the plantlffs, Cameron and Jones, the point did not apply and their case wUI come up In the fall. W. E. Fisher appeared for the plaintiffs and L. W. Patmore for the defendant company. MACMILLAN PARTY SAILED NORTH TODAY SYDNEY. July 9. Commander Donald Macmlllan's subarctic expedition sailed for Battle Harbor. Labrador, this morning. The object of the trip is to secure scientific Information. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Rid. Asked DC. Silver .. 1.68 1.75 Coast Copper 14.75 15.25 Dunwell 1.38 1.41 Oladstone . . . .21 Independence .0814 Imtian .06 L. and L. ... 08H 08!4 Premier 2.10 2.12 Lucky Jim . . 184 .19 Porter Idaho .17J4 .19 SUvercrrst -07V4 Sunloch .70 I1IKTII. At Quallcum Beach, B.C.. on July 4, to Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess (nee Marv Carter t a dnugbter Boston Grill Urge Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, (or hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least Phone 457. Price Fi e Cenu GUTTED FISH PRICES SLIGHTLY UP Total Sold Today at Exchange Was 113,000 Pounds of Which 39,500 Canadian There was a alight Improvement In halibut prices at the exchange this morning, the best sale being that of the American, boat Sentinel .which parted with 28,000 pounds to" the Atlln Fttherles at 13.20 ror-best quality and 6 cents for seconds. Sales were: v AM KK I CAN Marmot. 48,000 lbs.. 12.10 and 6c, j Canadian Fish and Cold Storage. Sentinel. 26.000 lbs., 13.20 and 6c, Atlln Fisheries. CANAIHAX Edward Llpsett. 8,000 lbs., 11.30 and 0c, Atlin Fisheries. Gibson. 15.000 lbs., 11.50 and 6c, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. White Lily, 3.000 lbs.. 11.50 and 6c, Booth Fisheries. Iris. 2.00 lbs.. 11..4.0 and 6c. Rayol Fish Co. Scrub. 11,000 lbs.. 1130 and 6c, Booth Fisheries. HUNTING TRIP IS SUCCESSFUL Representative of Field Museum Attacked by Drown Rear but Killed it JUNEAU. July 8. Returning from a successful hunting trip to the westward In Alaska, which took nearly two (months, R.W. Tansll. big game hunter and leader of the Alexander Revell Field Museum expedition of Chicago, arrived here on the motorshlp Ethel. The party has collected many specimens of brown bears, and filmed 8,000 feet of wild game life . Tansll was attacked by a brown bear with cubs but succeeded In killing It. RAIN TODAY BISLEY MEET Shooting Difficult at Ranges and Canadian Marksmen Find Light Had BISLEY. July 9 Today, the first of really Intensive range work at the National Rifle Association's historic empire shooting meet, was marked with rain . The light was murky, making shooting difficult for the Canadian marksmen and their opponents from all over the Empire who are In- competl- s tlon for the great newspaper trophies and stock exchange and Wimbledon cups. FAMOUS MOVIE ACTOR DIES SAN FRANCISCO. July 9 John Drew, the noted actor, died today as the result of an illness from which he has suffered for over a month. He was 73 years of age.