FACE TWO NE OAILT EXniXOX. WVIDLN'C THE CHUECH SWILS. STLES MILK ifjwffl aaaa rii.s M( 3Uut2o0 $S1 Editor xad fLepvrUn Tt'lt-phuiier ... Menbtir f Audit Kcrrra f cirrrijiliouK. iiur AawrtntUi a aitMaa. ft wata-tTi Mwnih li ti -fw fm, a The Daily News PIONCE EUPELT - BEJT1SH COLUMBIA. 1S ArTEK ALU IT'S " -NOT SO BAD. . , Mlxr aH, Prmce tent rafi0t kici at at - Uler V mj- fcuve hud a fev AHJ Mr flttrrfee that aeaMfirhat zcarred the ; -njt-jaeBt if the Crfrior GhJ n Ms Tieft here and thernKe ' put iiout a gttJe bat nt -4e li is Princ IiujerL -rhere it i re-j 3uted to raio iod bWvt m arl faWteld be rtVtive ued la that. f JH2 EtilLT 2vE7E .PKUata; Ototye. X A, zu83 PROTECTIONOF C anarch, toujiiua. Zmxnf Toronto Sir, o G VnC&Bjrrt. A a fi-p tt, 2aSuir i FORESTS URGED )- Oomirry. Qoeansc Clrsatra ErElne stir memos- stf jjuliljr co-op- ctaAiBB n fae ttanmran r "Saaaw Start ,Tbe pnupeeiar 'barsiuc titan mm vu uic m wr n Vlif JTWJitTXf iSC Jell OJ-3a wtn. kuwmjc4 tottt uu? rretilfrimauD Mmuxx -B-inss jbkwrii mmm tecszae j-t-iit-nJI f fo ar tt Kur wotiai ear ecm- ai lirt year, it Gbifi 1 rnBtred aiud cirimis iutr ;0,t'lrfi,, toc,a JP- itar Truster Hur jum .ii-io efirsafcrrtion. There w t-r- miaiT fi-- jtt aaa- sarrurn oansae. nc lore u the case iut the smart sraulKat ce&enJ ctrrnmstauit nanduc -lrfla. Ui j riny Preriteriai) ansfrt-Fidaoss, d f nMd irtji thai in Print Siiipert. Ift'hJSc there wt, taWrtU-djr. innimeriMe it4aB 1 le Ulxxi ivU ixactKBBt, tkm 1 the ee broad jiriadfAe spec nbarJa the diridiny- etraamltU hud to -rk- Tiact i ij the United Chcrth ium lees jurarfled the xotrit tt the Ad Prerfijeriiai islJfaurjR. It uld he jertutj &eier to J4fe a tolhe fa3r ar CEltirxfcse f the nmzniiiisiBjt av-arSe ki seme other jAu-m- tiuoi Prfuce Ec;ert -M-here the Bue Cbmda Udtea refilled as it lute da&e here and. to ume xtet, imhtttSM. -py to Cb ttfflr K Ibr treuerta t4r3 iaux slM- Saerct -aveattk lIUJ ; 0iBkur3S w fltSionfekair aafl aaf xtzaitrr" fek3 -a a DC nrmi nnry Sor rrasV eau- ' - rniMmptkm t aa anry aaafl tboiSA 'bit Oetajr-j5 tof Sbr athtrt coubr ef towrarng i rZtar xnfirnali verr gn-ag ksm laea a Hit easttueaL . . , aaoul Sas& aao ttar anjeae " "v lumbelBf lor tfcla matlxaent ahUted lo 'tlir fmcWc Urtbwncrs brcaon arlUcs TOILERS; ON ' fcamprtaca tiae ISortiarm part ttf Cajaur- n ALA. Hi lit ATT, . : fnla. tbr Utr cb Orcean. -Wadt&rci. I "lUmn cries, rlulehine. srertlculatlrr hand, t.ririu! -mli.ld the. swaiaor of Brraab cahrnftia? lorn clothes and itkbereied hair, nantintr and persjurinr men -who Mmv .hriek and eran)ble " . ,tana. OntbailUrrrcariiaCJraVWl What U Jt? I, H the march of the sansculotte, on the Bas- atlhr ZLfZZ) tllle In J9? Not exactlr. Perhaps it is a description of some west' tJtl Lolocaust like the Chita z fire or the San Francisco eartbuu&ke.' jvo, u JKiit inai enner. is n trie uurnlnp of Kome or the fall of I ccaamcpuoa and datructkm u Troy or possibfjr it is the first battle of Bull Hun? Or Cold Harbor, tinod to estimate tbr prawbie date cf or the lxmbardment of Antwerp? Is it Verdun? It seem It is none'111"11-of theae. Sot Waterloo? Then k is an Oklahoma free land staro-j rtnsrn hokth oti. ttde? Or marbe Hla word nirture of Chilkoot Pass durinr lhi l V Klondilue ruth. Well, it it The aftcr-Tvintcr pixk-me-up SHREDDED 1 WHEAT i for any hour of the day Tempting you to appetite Treating you toliealth. PvctOc Jiartbwr aaaiaeUaa. iaacame Sar cestre ctT ttar eutT atf :? Tbn what is it? w CTOa . , . , . i , idK9 artalcti would trod to five mat a part of a sentence in a Sew lork newspaper dr L , ".... Mribinjr session the othef day in the New York stock exebanre. 'meae ar the paritlnjr and ersjiiriiiif ciUzen mentioned beinjr merely dignified i onrinaiiy 'a eeruin amount as and aagadous iferr.lemn of Wall Street in the act of making a dol- !detructkn -aa paruited and trj lar or two to keep a roof over tbeir heads and a crust on the table, oucfc tn now tbr.caxr. j (2 Cnt!) Uae romparvtiirelT recest I ' past no car or tbouajest waa giveo to the oaaaerraUoa of the forest reaourcea. ' We hope and believe that the public eulad la fact taeeomlzif eonacaras cf the situation, ' 3; To offset the lDereaal&a' hazard of forest fires we are perfeotfcD prefec t orjaalzaUotai. public and prtrate. '4 KC Jtarest Branch last year et- tlnruiabed more larest fires without curt than bq any year In past." INTIX -tKRITALa. lYliaee Kuprrt Z. A. Pyke. A. M. Whiteside. John Clark. J. L Mclntoah. S. J. Parklnaoo, Durutliy a. Belt H. W. Bsptro. J. U Lowell, perry Hentfg and 3. Elder. Vancouver. W. H. Bmardley. Montreal: i. B. Kolan. Topley: M. E. Kewroas. Queen Ctiarlotte: Mn. Z. Alger and aon and Mr. H. S. Cretunan. Oak: W T Blnns. Balmoral: Mr. 3. H. Mclntyre. Binithen: Mlaa 'W D. Anderaon, Os. Und; A. Watt CM.. M. A. Burbank. dMT...4.j BaatityA " Axrvcs: Ctoney: ' ; : mufr. Tmmxwtt "O S. asen.j ay 3. Ctortaaa sad 2L On. ues fe ftrtnlmm M. Ctiaas. CXS$ mum SnaMbenr ' THEtas rsibcki ' " ; taaaeoa. 1 I-WTr cannmien a-farco ru: she iniro- Cusoii- Sbaaaon Mir in fl Ubmi IMPi. mix) SS taJla. BtWKd-1 BaK a Tmu.Mmi yoreal I E Orq W O aaensa. oecarvaiei lunoer la- Chat aaantn a jaralusaaou.. lautaMHrnr C Xbr jpeaaer Mut dr yrmnc Super . mui; CSu jsssierfiaj ajMssanm Is ' ags-asar.. Mr. srs ouatrrarg Mar jmaaitnr lest Sir town ar ttar ate cvrnorw aad tStea wn jnssr pamcuiBO va I Hiiiii 1 i tor SSsrtai liueka a XJL prWHrnWf. tti Baffli Pnftmania TAtenfl ae year SOD she toe wKadD iwuB put as oprrmtao -ac -Etta coaUoeiA.' ;aae s aaaiue. iiw r' unci mm asaasa laud than pari tH QTifl kfltjaStti5 itieiB j o WRml -3Sb a STa Sams: -Ktate eunKBSwin via tar iihimmH krr c Mt eMail, tir SoaMRC iiiiwsae&Md hut qskil27. A moot o( uar iifl tmonjo- rlarv yrtnrr;i.Hy IsOec liar prtadi Scrmer t-iT 3s s cptiar tt Hour t no luina,itift Tir 3LJ J and AT KETCHIKAN ir n net kixtstw it rrrryrii a 3L X Inky." Ob. at ttcaaOt and Orwimja. CXifla. lm ; lacavefl tear S tkke Ui-r i Utar -rah orrapkel feei Snone. Tbr i 2? -t. jloS li KurefaoiMr JC Set J Jl 4vrv tf sues .ar BP .fl'ilm jiQe vtea tte tot TStiaj "-fi C0 tW - Saetiir -m a car javvenkU; 'uxCaUau of Sir Sr tuck cuomA,; -TSr lunSaer Siaenctrr at JmOeC -(ri3C lor uii Or BaSni Rt4 Cki B 3M tlr T - Cjf-. alidcli 3 J fm'lWr zw tares treo Car caannacS Vnrartr, Mirtiipn. sial Uar Ti"rtt Bra Jar Xbr Hhirt eas sad. 1 Tfet feDerW i wim 1 1 lor tit Bamr. J&aa taete f I Mil and OrvcbaaO. wi a cat C aMgmii i 1 1 M i lf puna- -Jcir Tir4r vttt 4 asau la NEWSPAPER PARTY FROM YANCOUYER WAS DOIRESTED IN QH . awsrvwrt aootiimnt At ttOtauBB a posJUliatnn -Jr fiwrT 5rtt at - -j e, tubmrt Bul j c3BJtf a Jiart fi tbr rut iT.hnaTif f-canan b- mv& ts a cuy s. AmeicaD su j-reKissb aftrraom. warn as taHer "'iftitioaBMi Cnm: itir rarriii-Teaebrrr a afitr mr flaar Tr ts ttejjaeaiufi raaw Jtiryrrt aafi tttf iiaCUaarjr Smuafl 1 3 aant i , .,,1 Then take the cae ml &s jAac irith o mauf rf ire" Atopat i" - iJiBed lh.fik xre abBdatrtlr thaD e are. IT ZJJL naa ik) wr "tcwinn ia w-eaa. Ba.e tuey had w vancoirrer. to, a-uk soti loujaauaa. v ich raade the wjie rtua tor the ls timber in the yark and-ijw Artj.iM. ii taust-d the jajr to nrHte Id? uritdftct- avbotit it. the hack jjs jre "'bich iMb(dji- ever eeB ajfynrar. Nor lure ire h-rr i Umc and Traaw hw. jjroKtratfed Kh heal Hbe Xe York and liwptea w txissd i jq xvw oa naolor apuJttaea coa insane and lHzzard like in Alberta. SwakaehwaB and ManrUrha and, in tasrra to ameu that eonnctien. e may rrajiatbit iriih tur deltrsites wbt r-iit to "rir"ulr rf EdmonKn, to Uje fWd rf flor In and herdB rf lowinr cat- TSZL tie but wistead. jrferte, mar hare had t kanr vvtr the heatJer rl. t or resrirte-rti to remind themrfe f their home ttm-n cenUe zrphyr rupLum wj oaiaaimuir and kind)- iklec ac a relief from uaowdrifts and everahcec W xbr tad iat pat imat a Jsjje Plurkus mar eme and crinkle ns once in a -while itb ti ammmit, atur to nau iii vaterinaT can and old Nptoee mar raie the odd w hite cap on ' tt mauairx lor aaow our -uraailr placid n ater hot ther. at least, don't come and scare j jumiirr men UK out of our Loot like thee hae Wn doint- in oth-r art rf -ft, " lcrCT-a marT 10 aneta'- a conUnest jnrt recently. So far oar clickers have held out the rain, i'Sar cttf arrf a&p ear CkU Basrafr 4 jAot and oaljrr y jtun -of tiivrinrt After jtettic arrua at tozMr ts tttr jOaoungdorr cce. fiie prtf arpraa Sir I f try an u tt Aoanr tf Mr. and Ura Z Parses 219 finraoad Awiror Ztum wm tbe 2&t tr9 ta Sba taor-ttaera ana orBinJ jmrt I ttar province awf ar tla ncna -tn Mma4 ta tar aajormc ttat oasattf and avrr saaA laatereated ta all ttmt UJ asw wadar a tbr eray raMeSar!T werr QT tav tenated Ot Vat sac Cald Starace jftaas aad tt fieb tuaaiso an Ue taknd atucs piyi-d arveral aalcrtaBaa donas Sae Htctier tjour SUCCESSFUL TEA AND SALE YESTERDAY 'IN j AID RIDLEY BAZAAR! Ttae taa kux. aale oS ban aanklsf Uae same Ut Mn Bin BoupA IBM Hunt Swaue East Teaterdaf after- wm me oroeas m uat Kaur aoroe bazaar wa k verj esaTjrable aiad nit-cearfal even: and a aubaiaaUa! tun waa teaaared. Dunos ttae tlteracaoo Mrs Jarvat Mis(at aant- SyCtaspa&tad trr Mm. H C F-raaer. ber aoka tarlnc tnueb appreciated Ttaoae aaaafftnt U xoatrw err Mn A HiOa and tin 2 Viereck Coughed Si Hard CouM Ikt Sleep Mn Daniel XKekrr, Lra, Oat, write; "Last January 1 Lad s verv ever cold aa! concW aw ktd 1 etiaM t Wplril. f triail verv tliiat, tiiHodiBj avctur'f mediaiue. but urtlUr fats , reLef utU 1 tries Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup wJiWi waf rmmuna'iKVd to me bv artiiior. I wul never 1 withont It is ft bona Sriiui. " Tos 4ua '. etperinriit wliea vraj har Ut. Wowl i as it U I w ' Uuaa bold remed fur ta past St yr-ait. Prise 35. btrtfje; lre famnv tire put op utily by Tb T. ililburs T et S 2e loB of 5Vfi-f " at ear banar rrri-int latte. -aaaOr to On 2LO. afca t fawSer. Kaa ' ar -ua a&tn Iurl( ttar afWrfWai. 'Xia. O teira aneC aa eaakaer L.CVD ACT. uriiKT or iirno 10 unt to ixti: Ltv. 3xi rxtan Kaptst taxaS Keearfitsc XDav .-if. Dl msnr tcajaov abS 1ian M bauiM at at acrtaarat oar&er at lam ; Bauer S. Opal SatNt I ini.r jiuiaa uaa waawr j-acauaac . Coast ZMstnet: bruor east M QUEEN QUEEN Caatirn adesd at aaoay ar ihcti warns u ajeaee iaafla OonabeacaBt K a peat )axr 30 oan. mrr cr lest rsaweat urn luapr xSarXMw atiieia S ctaaaaa Uasacc ma li 1 OOSSE ACCZVG OOKAjrr Dated Aarfl tB AspaaEtat furataomw X THE SUPREME COURT OF LETTISH COLUMK1A d ttar Macter at ttar Camjmntrt Aft. tiesnc Otaar at T ttir ItrrtW Obajr c BrruaB rmhrmtVia IU aaal i afar Matser U Vut Xtrtta Oefaprr Owb- paar lamated It'M i TAEZ JOT1CI aast as apsaaEataaa tecfietata aa r. was eiplattand M tlaea ' made briarr tt pnraMHac JnSt Aauattat ta ttar cBSerUrasaac of tr KB;jrn Bmaao (Mr"-" as pasta- tV is star eatf were Uaaar j tamCmf the art day of Kaseh AD JSewtot Mrs 3 Bottdie Mr a&d Mr i ltm- " er kTOT tolrtr (0 aj&. avacS to tbe tarraecai Sor as O H Amor. ka B X MUat. 1 t Ore! prrmaxmr ifar tivr zxxxH Cura- a'aaoii Mr and Mrs. & t Farter, aad pacr ia tie restored Vo ttar Itrnatrr ut t Pnrniwnw is tfar rrortute cs Bruit ta ttae ttfttc at tbe Beaaatrar if Onmpatuea Ttetana. EC DSTC3 at Mm Itvrpert tlila Urob u.y f Apm. a.a nn wrU J.MB. MAKBOlf at OOKZAUa boateatar tar tbr fjeSU OBfawr CpcnaaaaT taJX CHARLOTTE D1TS10N CHARLOTTE DIVISION CHARLOTTE DIVISION LAND TAET HOnCZ that H r Xsaanl. K f-artamd. Ore, skyaaetaa. tnaenqa u K?plT to ttar MJOaArr of Laada tar a iiaetaoe to ynmjtuet tar eoaL jmnawiai nud natural (aa aver aad sader Uae lot-iva-uac described lasdv attatave oa BcaOe--tr lalet. Oraaaa laaaod OomaDesaac St s pact ptaotrd a Star TitBlbwest coroer at Aeetlsa SO. Twws. noip 1: throes 80 efeaaBa east, ttaar BD chain aovtb. ttieoce 80 cbaata seal 'laenoc SO caaua aorta, to potat al ranuDeneeaaest treated Mares It. 1177 H r LEONARD A OORIXM Afn LAND , TAKE ncmCE that H. P tieonard al Portland. Ore., phyatclan intends it, 1 apply to the MlnlaVer of Lands lor a Hence to prospect -lor ooal petnateuai and natural caa over and under the joi-lowtnc described land, situate on Bktde- ! St inlet. Graham Ulan a uwuzarocuis bi a post planted at the northeast corner of Section 2i. Township 3: thenoe 80 cualna west, theofr SO chain south: thence SO chain east Uaence so chain! north, to point of com-ntescement. laocatrd March 14. Itn. H. r LEONARD. QUEEN 3. OQRDQN Ayenl. IJVND Takx NOTICE thai M. f Leonard ol Portland. Ore., physician, intend, to 1 apply to the Minuter of Una. for , 1 hornee to proapert for coal petroleum! and natural eaa over and under lbs foU ilowtoe deacrloed landt. situate on StiX 1 gate Inlet. Orahun Uhtod ; Grmnencln at post planted at the southwest corner of Section 81 Town! jlp 1: tbencs BO chain, eait. trleni !0 chains north: thence so chain west i located Mareb !. la 77 1 H r IXONARD. A i C30K&ON A$nt 1 1 1 jj- ,Vr -i Jnl u , IrrT At DEMAND "Rupert Brand' - Kippers THE UA1NTIEST BREAKFAST Itvoa StBoLed Dslly by Canadiajo Fish & Cold Storage Co., A Prince Ropcrt. ILC Prince Rupert Coal Co. Ltd Phone 15 Arr-Bts for Ladysmith - Wellingt and Peerless Coal Mam Office now at 211 Second Atenue Ilarteeti 2nd and ".rd Strre' Phone t-ur orders 'o Phone 15 FREE! to all children kalkinh Painting Book -A Trip lo Coffee Land" with ONE POUND TIN OF ,MALKINS I1I25T C0n:,:K JW; CASH PRIZES SEE YOUR GROCER The W. II. Mnlkln' Co. LImlled. Vnncouvf r, I1.C.