fAOI FOUit watches in gold fillt-d casus $15.00 to $:K.O(). T 4V 1 cJEWELLEKp THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK THE PIONEER LAUNDRYKIDS SlMIIl,,t Weil- u mwd&keo clothes AR6FULU OF CHEtfc. ONC REASON VOL) PIIOI'ERLY laundered clothes are cheerful clothes. Send your glad garments here and they wijl come back to you in sweet, rmiling condition. The prices we charge won't disturb your serenity. (Pioneer Laundry Phone 118 Spring Coats in Shades of Navy, Gray and Sand "Demers" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. M I L K From Uulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phones 65G and Cr7 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone C3 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service, Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnltum Moving. Dr.J.RrGosse DENTIST Helgernon Block X-Ray Service. Open Phone OR!., ENTERTAINMENT AT TE8EACE UNIQUE! i Oriental Pageant Staged I'nilrr Aupl-e ; r llev. and Mrs Robinson for ()iurli Heneflt i TERRACE. AprU 22. The Oriental pageant staged in Progress Hall on Wednesday evening under the direction of Rev. and Mr. A. W. Robinson was unique and unusual- entertalnn.ent In which .scene of street and home life a veil as mlsson school and hos- jrttal activities were cleverly portrayed. About twenty dlffereut national cos-tunies oX India, same of them very rich and elaborate, were displayed and much admired. These were all brought from India by Mr. and Mr. Robinson, who worked for a number of years In the mission field there. Natlre music and aiuging also added to Uie lmpressiveness tt the scenes."" The enter Lai anient was divided Into four parts: Scene 1. Inside of enana, or wo mn's house In India. Scene 2. Mission house and school lb Calcutta. Scene 3. A busy day In the mission hospital. Scene 4. A noisy street scene. The cast Included: Tourist (to whom the customs and so&tumes were explained .by Mr. and Mrs. Robinson In their rolf of doctor and missionaries Mfs. Ardagh. Missionary Mrs. Robinson. Doctor and missionary Re. A. W. Rcblnson. Sadhu or holy man A. W. Fowler. Punjabi R. Cory. Pa than Jack Sparkes. Native Servant Donald- Burnett. Arab horse dealer Dudley Little. Hindu student Billy Attwood. Young Rajah Theodore RobWon. Burrnan man W. T. Attwood. Bombay lady Helen Oreig Woman of Indore Mrs. Wm. Att- rood. Woman of Central India Annie Allan Toda girl--Jean Dover. Tamil girl Marjorie Kenney. Moslem woman Dorothy little. Arab lady Bitot Head. Bengali woman. Irene Clayton. Child widow Joyce Cole. Parse lady Doris Robinson. Burmese lady Marjorie Attwood. The funds resulting from the affair are to be used for Installing electric light In the church building. FRANK W. HICKS OF PORT OEMENTS DIES Paused Away Ueeently In Michigan tt here lie Waa I lolling With Relative The death occurred recently In of Trank W. Hicks, a well known business man and resident of long standing of Port Clement, Queen Char lottei Island. He bad been visiting with a niece Mrs. Ad. Bowerman, at Oreenville. when be was stricken with an attack of paralysis tp which he succumbed. A dreenvllle. Michigan, paper report rds, demise as follows: Frank W. Hicks was born in Spring- vUle, New York, January 3, 1851, the son of William and Catherine Hicks. He was the youngest of a family of five boys. His parents moved to Wayland, Mich ljiox. when he was but a little lad. At tbe age of twenty-one, his parent By George McManJ BRINGING UP FATHER ! VOO bAM" THESE VES'SlR.- THIS WA THE WATCH ! RUMt" ARE A. 1 TEARS rnuworMU OV.O? I. as a Graduation Gift Your boy or girl will long remember the graduation " year if given a good "watch. "Our watches arefrom the ; best factories in the world and are timed and tested be fore we let them go out. We guarantee our watches to give perfect satisfaction and our prices are fair and reasonable Serviceable 15 jewelled fiave You A Skin Trouble? T3AY heed to early symptoms of skin disease I At the first sign of any unpleasant rash, irritation or eruption, anoint it with Zam-Bulc. This quickly soothes and heads off disease. Where skin is slresdy aflame with . eczema or Is poisoned, sore or ulee-rittd, ZanvBuki the one gentle fatal ing balm that gets right st tbe root of the trouble. Zam-Buk expels disease, and grew new clear skin. Zam-Buk' ever-ready character and exceptional healing, soothing and antiseptic value have won for it s verms nent place in over a million borne. Get a box oi (his great hertal balm to-day. and keep It always handy I Mrs. W. Ctmibfil, of Bonny River Stauon, SB. ayi " Watery "erep-lloot m mjr disaster fc id arnit ai4 luror I iui ot U Utr4 alaiul V'lrtbinf w koctr bfrt wt cant ftCrs.I 2 Buk, Tkit kalm lue4 : mr lrl t tkia ia taryruia ft. Mil On nm f unif. oa. iOm. KH. t I ftr mr 1-U. Mai Mtdi mill Saae. U- Wr927 Nt-l r.tnm. St.ci. Ic S " jt fy it. c. urown oi uerot. ne vwuuk i - Mrs. Ad. Bowerman when he was stricken with paralysis. March S. Mr. Hlcka pawed away -Monday. March 7. lie leave to mourn one alater-ln-law, Wn. Alice Hicks, of Oreenville. six nleoea'and six nephews, several great niece and nephews and eight greai grand niece and nephews. His kind and generous nature made him friend where ever he lived and dear memories of him will live In our hearts. 1 lie' was laid to rest in Riverside reme-jtery. Langston. i REV. PEAT LEAVING SKIDEGATE MISSION illl-llraltli It faiie of fuputar Minlf lerV lx-uriiirr fur the MulU rt Hrrk SKIDEOATE. April 22. Rev. R. Peat of the United Church at EkldegaU Mission Is leaving with his family at i the first of the week on the Prtiu 'Charles for the south. His departure, i which Is on account of ill health. U generally regretted around $kldegatr Inlet as lie has been a. great friend OJ otb native and whites during hi ministry here Mr. Peat requested Rev. J. Olllrtt udlan Agent at MaatieM, to take the Mflslt 'on Sunday evening. It was the first time in the history of SkluegaU that Anglican and Methodist clenry held a Joint meeting. SKIDEGATE Miss Jessie Stock of Victoria, school teacher at Maswtt. is spending the Easter holiday here with Mrs. E. C. Stevens. She walked from Port Cle menu to TleU and from there to 8Udt Kate. I Mr. McClUckfr. sthacii teacher -at Port Clement, walked down to Skide-, -ne and h) visiting here with Frank Walte. teacher of DuOerln PaHulH I icbool. , The United Church mis km boat Tt:omas Crosby came back from the I mainland last week with Rev. R. C Scott and Capt Oliver on board. They i were at Bella Quota and other points having died, Mr Hlcka atarted out In the across the strait. world alone to make his way. He - rorked in Detroit and Saginaw. He also worked In the lumber woods at Maple .'alley a short tlme. lie enlisted In the United States stand-ag army from Michigan, serving five years with ah honorable discharge. He next wandered to Nome. Alaska, and wm among the first prospector In ihe Yukon Valley He came out In 1807 and lived' In Seattle, Washington, a few Tn lyil ut, hicks went to umian cot- fib umbla and istorttd a smoke shop and biUiard hall at 'Port' tlemenU, where he remauvea , unui epiemoer, wncn Ut ,old his- place, of 'buslrjess and" re-rutned to Michigan. U 'filr. Hicks was a ihember of the Elks vyprlnce Rupert. lirturnnl tujSllrlilca'n JThree years ago, h came' back to MtchJcan after tortiH years of abwnce llV four brothers hAd passed on and jmly a sister-in-law tvjrvlved, Mr. Hlcka never mffried. He endear erf hdmself to all his-,1 relatives in the sb'ort time he was with them, He spent the winter with his nieces. Mrs. L. C. Hansen of Jackson and Mrs, Capt. Bob Dunlop. wbewe trolling boat "Old Nick' twas wrecked last summer. has invested In a new launch which win be named "Nil Desperandum." Spring salmon have started to run in Skidct Inlet. Ii. Miller caught eleven huge ones in front of South Bay cannery wharf. The second run of herring has commenced and the fish are abundant. rTipACE: Mrs. W. Vti Noonan ' and daughter arrived liwarTHkwa ,on' Tuesday to spend the Easter vacation week with Mrs. Noonan'a mother. Mrs. F. W. Bohler Don McLeod left on Tuesday for Sand Point, Idaho, where he will Join Mrs. McLeod and children who left he it some months ago. An attractive baptismal font has brm presented to St. Matthew's Anglican church by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parr. Th c n was deiigned and made by Mr 111 Vft anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertiemenl,ken for lest than 50c SITUATIONS WANTED ECONOMIC UNIVERSITY STUDENT wltahes offlee experience1 Will be tree May I Box Si Djlly New Omce. FOR RENT TOR RENT FURNISHED SIX ROOMED house with bath. Eighth Avenue West. Apply Theo Coltart Limited. Second Avenue. FOR RENT. . . FOUR ROOMED FIAT with range. tlS.OO. Apply Mr. K. E Blrnlr. ltarelton. B.C. OK RENT.- THREE ROOMED HOUSE. T34 Seventh Avenue Wet. Phone Red 113. ti 'URNISI1EU SUITES FOR RENT. Apply Mtuaallem Orocery. Phone IB. IANO FOR RENT. 3.00 A MONTH. Walker's Music Store. ROOMS TO RENT PHONE 78. BOARD tf BOARD. THE INLANDER, S3b Second Avenue. Phone 137. "Vr. The FA. baa recently douaUd an rgan curtatu which adds greatly to the ppearance of the chancel. UIh Peggy Taylor of Port Eaalngton 1 holidaying at Hill Farm. Mrs. E. T. Brook returned oa Wed neadsy from alvort VUK to Prince Rupert. Mrs. Aroajh returned on Wednesday Klrwanga after spending the post week at the home of her parents, Mr. nd Mrs. James RieSunond. During tbe past three days the mem ber of the local boys' and gtrls' dun have been taken on very Interesting and enjoyable bike to points of interest tm district. They were accompanied j Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Allan and Mr. and Mrs. Seamen. On Mondsjr the O olden Key Oirls group climbed the htU north east of town from which a splendid view of the valley and river as obtained. Tuesday the Boys' group of explorers made the trip to Thornhlll rails, and the C.OJ.T. group made the same trip oa Wednesday. Picnic lunches were enjoyed each day. Q. H. Tycho. Stnlther. was a business vtsKor here on Wednesday. MlM Spragg, of Port Simpson arrived 9a Wednesday to; njwnd the' remainder of the holiday with her brother L. F. 3pragg. High school rr-ope'ped hcr on Tburw. nay morning 'in order, to make up for be time loat while la Prlrvce RUprrt at the basketball game. Miss C. E. Pctm left on Thursday o spend a few days in Prince Ruert ORMER LOCAL MAN WEDSJN SMITHERS 4(.lin llowuril Itlride lulled In Mar- rlr.r lirtenily In Mm I.llllan ,u llruwn Many local iriend will be Interested to Inurn cf a marriage which took I plsce lavt Saturday night in Bmllhsrs! at the home of Mr. and Mrs. X, Marshall 8ae when MUs Lillian Net Brown and Jotin Howard Dlrnle were tiniuti in marriage by Rev. Cleorge Tur- pin, putpr of 8mther UnlUd Church, the ocrrmony beUvg wltnewd "by a num. ber of friends of the contracting couple iic unoe wa given n niarriuE bv Mr. Sales. Ml May Pike was maid of honor, while Vic William uppurted Hie groom, following the ceremony rf. cptlon wa held at the future lkonie of the newly marrK'd couple on Fifth' Avenu. BmlUra, where a large number of people from town gaUwrrd to aioww coiigrfttuiauuu and good wuiw for succem and happiness. Mr. and Mra.'uirule are on a short honeymosn trip to the const. Among th pproprlate gifu young mnu gruUuaUis i overall. for Tbe height of fashion rufers U, alt). Hide not pulchritude WANTED CAPITAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY of Canada desires part time representative for Prince Rupert district Aitrtetlv contract to ism ante to ge4 results- Write F D. MeCowiett. Prince Rupert Hotel. ACENTS WANTED MAN OR WOMAN TO TIIAVEL AND appoint local representatives HI -60 weekly average and expense, and commission bratdea. Expertensw unnecessary. Write for particulars Winston Co. Toronto. I FOR SALE COME ON. BOYBI IF YOU ARE MEC1I-anlcstly inciJned and want a cheap boat engine, we wttl sell you a ur4 Inrxprnalve. Overhaul It yourself ajd you will have 14 hp motor at a very low cost. Partrr'e Oar. FOR SALE. AMERICAN STEAM HOIST. 7 by 10. double drum: bolter asaxle for and tested 139: barn steed threw weeks. I1.&50 00 fob. Prttwe Uorf Addra T. Rush. Preare Ocorg. BC FOR SALE. NORTHERN PRODUCTION Chinchilla from rrsjuieeed pOsel stock. Doe 110. Bre thwa II KM Unrslaud pair HIXxX lowxtey Fur Farm. Trrrat. S C. M FOR SALE.-ICO acre Or bam I stead 11X100 or wttl eachaosj lor sjuod catf property. Box 37. Dally News FOR SALE. FIVE ROOMED HOUSE and two lot Apply 1048 Tat Avenue and Bacon Street. tf FOR SALE. SIX ROOMED HOWE AND lot in pui orct Muck uxuiw. Apply VO. Box 378 Ua FOR SALE. CREAM WICKWI HART Bugn In tood eostdttiosi. IHM Phone Red 371. , M oppoRTUNrrri i$do a month now buy your future horoeaite. Walkers Music Store. AUCTIONEER I NEED MONEY I MIOIfT JUST AS well be hung for a aheei as lamb. ' No one 1 going to be held up tor the next ten daya Everything goes at your own prior Make one dritH look Uke two. Phono TM, fj. F. Brine, Auctlooeer. IIEMSTITCIIINO IIEMS7 ITCHINQ. PICOTINO. SCAUOP-Ing Dollar Store Phone Red 334. iir.ti'TV rtKioit Marcelling Manleurtng Scalp Treatment MKH. , Mtltlt BS7 Third Avenue By Apiwlntment. Phone 037. noii.M n UMTI m: i:xru t: (ewiirrly A (lafnon, prnirlelir 144 Third Avenue PtMiiie Klark 411 Fumliure of all soru bought, sold or Exrhsnged, UIMIOI.STERINC FURNITURE Itr.PAlRINO: UPHOI stertng of all kind. Chesterfield recovered and mid to order. All work guaranteed, phone Oreen 003. O. M. HUNT. RESTAURANTS. tiOOh I-.ATN IK Mrs. Unger. Proprietress Third Avenue, Net O. W. V. (limit lliiine (VHiked Meal. Phone Blark 700 TAXI A. Phone r7 Jnx (Call George, Paiil ir Hunt) Six and Seven IVmSeiiKfr Sttnle-Imkeri at your dlteAiil nny llm. KOSS ItltOH. IW. ROOM Meeker MMi. (Arronn from ErrrpTss Hotel) MAIL I it lite fjil Monday Wrneurt u4 tj it vanrvvier- cMimIbt TUewlsys , futurday April xi M, a First rlsa mi u altg Vanouuvrr on Mi sflir. t SaHtrday by (. N R. trsiaa 1m Aniat sn4 Mm- irm SwtHlar wraneway 1v Mewart sad FrraiW. Sttnday Saturday i tm It. MmmiM Xm t Tburdi Ford engine tor IMOQ Parts are very To .tU-ks ivlnl FOR BALE SCOW. WITH THREE room cabin, wen built, in good coc-dnton. Lhtbt and rosy Hvlng quarter even for a family. Price ely IJiOOO including furniture. Apply to SJ. mark. CoV Bay. M April tt SCHEDULE CT-44)iM) tm l(un t'nsilotlM April 33 M.v - 31 i.rtvio I torn lle ! TMesdsya Tbureday sal I at Irvw tanrwtiire- Bunday Wfdncadsvt April Tt H " : rti tMo ar.d tlbe lr-I TWwdsy Tnursdsy' I riH hleaart and rml- TuMdar Hundays I J mm It. aimiM) mmi ftatttntor- It mm Alaska ratal April Ti M. : I rfHH ( hltWI April 71 M ll CWIflW' Oraham Atva A" 1st Ave ft n E: 6th Ave M Fur m (HI) Ave A: Ti ifl.pa 3 liyi a B'lrfbf rjke llltl Ave i C -a- W Ha Ar- H.n " Ui tt Hay t -o aan Ave c'i u ! Mn Ave A Ml ui 3 prov Oort Bld Prov. Oov Wharf O TJ Wbsrf OTJ Btstlon 3sd Ave 3nd Bt 3rd Ave tt F .i Bt .a a t, ath St Sunday eoilwjn aao " 1 days only STEAMSHIP MOH I ut siiriif undav t Pi 1 Toe day ' ' 1 TtiurMtay P R Haturdav as ( M April 71 ' F May ! i P i I'rom ni-uer Sunda a C';it.la Wednesday i' P j a: Ttwradiy Crnn Raturdsy f r aaturdiv P' I'rmil Aii) i Tueaday f''"',!' Ttiurkduv 411 V' l'ir Menart V1a 7. aa Priw ,.f , Of Apr" u n"1"3 !" Btar r . . lur Prl Klni ' rrdfin ...i I rin Prt r' "pn . ixt'.urday Caidf' ivr Aii)nt Hundav caw tVMllUMdBV S' P' i RHP1 JSiiwlay ss Cs'uU P.mr'0" Baltird.y as ' ..I... jrl . .u.u. - Am Vr Will P"1 ' t,,r ijnren n.rMt'-Am April 21 33 a PrUf fMn Cha"- It..... uU'"Z " April 31 - J M,y 8 - WW" tn" 'r .tM-ka Alie May 0- PiiiK" " 3 1 ritiu Aia- Ak . Anr.1 33 W""-"" My 3 w rrmreat May 13 Prm" , A" M..v 34 ss I'lrnrf!" ii i A ml'