April 22, 1027 THE DAILY NEWS FX3E THREE HEN NO. 6 IS THE LABEL IS RED AND WHITE Local and Personal 8 Are Glad to Heli Arthur' Tail. Fhone 678. t! GOING STRONG :t, that will in any way help to bring about a speedy rovcr- or help to alleviate suffering is undoubtedly a ser- ,.. iiuMhis community needs. And thin service exist. Since m, Ot-mt' Mmiieu irpccjanieu.jn Prescriptions and-Sick ,;r.; supplies. . ; JP- ,. riad to know thaLwe.are able to help people get well ,. . glad to know that'the prescriptions over which we j,. much, care play their Hart In helping the doctor get . To be of the most assistance possible we use only c , heKJ and purest-of ingredients, and dispense them with u uratenesa born of long years of experience1. 20 Year Prescription Specialists. Ormes Ltd. 7fic Pioneer Drttnrisls lUDAVL IV SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONES 8?,200 he Store ror uaa ana tne SITKIt VA1.UK IN EM.LISII MAPI! Gabardine COATS nu n who demand quality and good fit and value. . ;ulini (luir Coat liuve a reputation and we stand ci". one of them with u guarantcr of quality. They hair lined with art silk and In n full range of siss. j wh; wuuu tin- best, there is one of 'these well m to tit you. rom $18.00 to $35.00 Acme Importers )Ut X U111V ' In any quantities also Telkwa Coal Phone 3VJ MP0RTANT NOTICE All Trades, lluxinitce.H and Profcsim muni U registered before April 301 h. Noi :rV hereby given that, pursuant to sub-section (?) '' hid 11 or the Taxation Act, every person who engages fun . (in. or lirnctii-es any Trade, lluainess or Profession iir m ini'iitiii 'iiiv ii i .uit 1 1 1 i'hii in nrKiati itbiuu luii'tc it ' ... ... ,1 !..-..! in. wit, application rijouiu uc iimuv ............... ,. .- i r .... I..'. ..1.1 ., 1 ,i.,t fjt . ' will lie issued without the imynient or any Tee tncruror. lk;.,ult ii. iimiiiKinir with Hie provisions of this section ..i i t t jtiii.tii! lull t i ii finis 110.00 for each day duriiiK winch Hit tieiauu continues. Application forms may be obtained from any Provincial 01. Covernnutit Agent. Provincial Police Officer, or .... , .. i ,, ir "in urn i.iimiiii.ssioiicr in im 'in- t , -m m-m .ws.mwm VT in f 1 II 111 kiimi h KMKhK i prtru I II New .Stock ot Garden and Field Seeds and Fertilisers 1'iiiU'n Ilaby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies (ilt A IN IIUIiiaErALKJANI) I ill v M mnnc H rtCfiri I flH i. ... fn-il- 1. HI....... K& iiib. i iHaH. - B.C. Undertaker. Phone 41, Oet the Big 4 hbltl of a Taxi, phone 4. When thinking tf Mimm rrlmllt like' new ut Arthur's Shoe More. .mu'lfWARM DAYS COMING c ;r B1E AND BVE-HUl r'1 ki-av DONT NECLtCT tl Farmer -and other Oyro lloedown, Auditorium, Friday, May 0. Mr M McDonald left for Vancouver on the steamer Prince Rupert lal night. Mr. Peter Black wo a passenger for Vancouver on the steamer Prince llu pert laat night. C. A. Pjme arrived in the city from Prince Ocorge yesterday afternoon and tolled last litght for Ocean Fall Bcrgeant Hamiah. chief of tlie er.f detachment of the provincial police u indlnpowd today with a evere cold. James Precce returned to the .v from Binltliera on ywitenlav train after having ient a few day in inr interior on business. Ml McKay. tendjer ut Port - in-on. returned from Vancouver on ic steamer CanJtna today and com icucn north to Irt Blmpaoa Adair Oar Chapter I OX) E Tug Ik ' Saturday. April 33. Proceed to lx- um fpr the upkeep of Returned Soldier Mot, fair view Cemetery XI laceltanrauii hower In aid of the HUHley librae Baaaar w)ll tx htld In the JltaptU'. Church Parlor on Friday. AprU 3B. Tea will be aarved from to S. C. A. Booking, general manager of the Oranby Co. was a passenger from Anyox for the south on tlie steamer Prince Rupert last night. Mr. White. accountant at Anyox. was also a pas-1 safer for Vancouver on the same boat. John Dare, district superintendent of Government Telearapha, wB be leaving the city next week for Ashoraft wbsre he will remain for a couple of months, rellevinc the superintendent. WUltam Dee. who is going on a leave of Mlsa Jean Johnstone, sister of A. Johnstone of the steamer Gar- dena and Mrs. W. Cruloksh&nk of this 'city, arrived in the city this morning ,an the steamer Garden and wUl vlatt 'for a few days in the city as gueat of Mr and Mrs W. Orutekafeank. Smith Apartment. A. M. Wnltaalde. prominent Vancouver txrrlsler. and little daughter arrived in the elty on yesterday afternoon's train from Telkwa where tney spent a few days visiting with Mr. Whiteside's sister, Mrs. F, "it. Dockrtll They are registered at the Pflnee R-pert Hotel and will proceed tomorrow night for a visit to Stewart. A. D. Matheson. pioneer Skrena Rlvar oanneryman. la back on the river alter an abnence of a couple of years while he was msnsger of the Wales Island cannery in Portland Inlet. He has now been transferred by the Canadian Fteh-ini: Co. to take charge of their Carlisle Cannery where he and Mrs. Mathaaon have now taken up residence ANNOUNCEMENTS Lutheran Tin and Sale of Work, April tl at OtHKl Eats Cafe. Elks' Balloon Dunce. AfU 23. Tenuis Club Hall. Friday, April 20. Prince Ruert Player'H Club will pre sent "Nothing but the Truth." ou May 4 at the WestlHilme Theatre. L.O.I, and L.O.B.A. whist drive and rtaiice. May 5. Another Clyro lloctlowu. Auditorium Friday. Muy 0. THftTCOftLSUmTi We'd all like to wait for the warm weather to heat our homes but when Spring chills the house there's only one thing to give it warmth that is coal. You cannot have balmy weather by wishing for it, but you can give your home a balmy "feel" if you use good fuel. , NANA1MO WELLINGTON and McLEOI) KIVEIt BOOTLESS Albert & McCaffery Phones 110 and 117 ,1 n MMM Mrs. Reid returned Imm trip to Vancouver on the Cardvuii ihis Mrs W. R McAfee came In today from Georgetown and Is a guest at the Prince Rupert hotel. George McAfee fcrrJMd In the city this morning from 6sorgetown mills 'and Is registered at the Prince Rupert hotel. Aimual meeting of Baseball Leagu will be held In the City Council Cham- Hmt at 820 pm. an Friday. All In teracted please attend. 94 D. T. Lutas. manager of the Lowe Inlet cannery, who 'niafbeen transferred from Watun River, arrived In the city today on the steamerfyitardena. WU! ,At .tatr! "rivjTaJ'-O.E- novilty dance in the Moose Hall tonight at B o'clock Snap music. Refreshments. Dollar bill to be given away. Two cases of drunkenness- were heard ln the city police court this morning. one of those aharaed being fined azs and the other forfeiting 30 bail. R. W. Sinclair of Inverness cannery. r)K haa been speeding a short holiday In the south, arrived in the city on the steamer Cardena this .morning. Union steamer Cardena. Captain A. Johnstone, arrived at 10.30 this morn Ing from the south and sailed shortly there after for the Naas and Skeena Rivers. The vessel sail Irom here to morrow morning at 9 o'clock on her return south m mr.n TODAY. Tne funeral of the late Jack Chlsm of Stewart was held this morning from the parlors of tne B.C. Undertaker. Interment taking place In Falniew cemetery. wiiti:i.i;ss liii'iiiti. It a.m. DtUBV ISLAND. ClJtldj. IrHh S. wind: barometer 38.B4 tttupw&ture 44; sen amcoth; 8 run Pok' tug Lorhe. abeam Klew Nugget t. bound far Squirrel Cove; 4 ajfi. rpokr Princess Alice at Ketchikan, southbound. ' BOLL .s HARBOR. Cloudy. f rch S.E. wind: naromffler. 29.68: tetnperature, 40; sen moderate DKAD TREE ' POINT Overcoat, calm, barometer 29.48; tfiuperatture. 44: dm smooth. MION DIOBY ISLAND- Ram. light B E. wind: barometer. 21) '10; temperature, 46: aea innierate; 10.20 tin. Cardena psased wnortabonnd; noon. Princess Alice, passed In. southbound. BULL HARBOR Cloudy,, fresh Si. wind: barometer 20.91: temperature 40; sea. moderate: 8 am. spoke steamer Yukon. In Mllbank Sound, southbound: 11,40 am. spoke steamer Prince George. abeam Oar net point. northbound.S pfilD TREE POl.-nrr-Oyerciwst.-light southeast wind: barometer 39.S0; temperature -47: sea smooth. WKAniKIt KKI'OICT, Prince Rupert. Cloudy, fresh south east wind: temperature, 44, . Terrace Cloudy, calm. temp. 43. Kenwood Cloudy. calmV temp. 42, Aiyash.--ClQUdj. calm.temp,. 45. Alfce Arm. Cloudy calm, temp. 41. Anyox, liiin, ' lealm temp. -'t?, Stewart. Rain, calm. temp.. 40. lUeelton - -Cloudy, calm, . temp. 44 Telegraph Creek Cloudy, calm. temp. SS. Bmlthers. Cloudy, calm. temp. 43. Burns Lake. Cloudy, cairn, temp. 41. Whltehorsej Clear, southwlnd. ,.temp. 38. ' " y' v - 32. Dawson. Snowing, north wind; temp. i.itti.i: WHITE Illicit AT VANCOt vt:it KAItMVd tJM l(K I.I1.C. VANCOUVER, B.C April 23-One of the blggect money-maker for her alze In the world It none other than a hum. ble little white hen at the University of British Columbia farm. Point Orcy Known only as Hen No. 0, she not oiUy preside over the world' record pen, but with her egg Is bringing into the treasury of the university 12.900. 'We have actually sold 11.625 worth of stock from Hen No. 6, and have preservation for 1.275 worth, which will brine the total UD to 2S0Q." Prof. E. 'a. Lloyd, head of the department of field husbandry, says. I 'Hen No. 6 Is a member of the world's record pen from which we are also wll Ing a considerable number of hatching eggs, particularly from the other four 300-eg members of this pen, at 5 00 to $10.00 per egg." Egg; and progeny from this pen have found a market In all parts of Canada, the United States and as far as LORD BARNBY THINKS BUSINESS MEN QUIT AND THUS DIE EARLY BRADFORD, England, April '22. Lord Barnby age EG, who works 12 hours every day In the week, believes that too : many bUKineu men retire too early. I and In consequence die sooner than they should. The peer controls vast Interests In the woollen Industry, ccmlng to his office here from Blyth Hall. Blyth. Nottinghamshire. 60 milM. Lord Barnbyy rises at 6 ajn. the year round and takes a peep at part of his estate before WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS FOR STENOGRAPHER'S BURIAL CARRIED OUT VANCOUVER, April 22. Written In-! trvcttocs of Sydney Boucher Dark.. Vancouver police court stenographer, who died here last January, for burial In two coffins, one of lead and the other of hardwood, and In a grave with brick or stone walls and a slate roof, have been carried out by his sister. Rhoda Kate Dark, of Barnstaple. North Devon shire. England, sole beneficiary under the will. No reason for this odd re quest was given. CP R steamer Princess Alice. Captain C. C. Salntey. arrived In port from Alaska today at noon and cleared at 1 o'clock for Alert Bay. Vancouver and Victoria. SPORT CHAT A good attendance Is expected at the meeting of the baseball association tonight when plans for the coming season wUl be discussed. There Is nothing definite yet as to the number of teams which wUl comprise the city league this year or wherhtr there will be any in-1 termedlate or Junior baseball In addl-j tlon to the regular senior series. Plans j for the season Include a proposed visit; from the Ketchikan team for a series of. games at purt of the sports program for the Jubilee celebration. Of the sixteen men who are piloting. major league baseball clubs this season. ouly five are player managers. They, are Ray Schalk. of the Chicago White' Sox. and Stanley Harris, ot the Wash- Ingtoc Senators. In the American lea gue, and Bob OT'arrell. or the St. lows Cardinals: Dave Bancroft, of the Boston Braves, and Stuffy Mclnnls, of the, PhUlles. In tlc National League. J i Fifty youngsters from Cranbrook pub-' lie schools want to play lacrosse during i the summer In one of the city' teams.; TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT - JiODERN FIVE ROOMED houpe with bath. Just over section 2 bridge. Phone Blue 601. after six o'clock. FOR RENT SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE: also furnished four roomed flat. Phone Green 733. 99 Established 11123. Ill 4 Office Hours: a.m. to G p.m. Saturday: a.m. to 1 p.m. Any evening by appointment DENTIST Exchange Ulock. Phone 109 The Workfs Favorite Milk CARIiATION Milk could not be the largest selling brand of evaporated milk in the world did it not appeal, to more people than any other brand. And it does. It appeals because of its wonderful smoothness and. richness, its purity and uniformity. Carnation quality is tested and protected right from the cow to your pantry shelf. Carnation is the most completely useful milk you. can buy. Use it undiluted in place of cream at one-third the cost of cream. Diluted, Carnation adds richness to all cooking and is superior for other milk uses. Carnation ij pure, fresh milk evaporated, to double richness and kept safe by sterilization. Order several tins or a case of 48 tins from your grocer. Send for a free copy o Mary Blake's Cook Book. Address Carnation Milk Products Company, Limited, Aylmer, Ont. CARXAT10S COCOA FUDGE Three cups grtnutatjd sugar, 2 tablespoons cocoa, 1 pinch salt, it cup Carnation Milk, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1 cup nut meats. Mix dry ingredients with Carnation Milk. Boil without stirring until candy makes a soft ball when tested in cold water. Add vanilla and butter. Set aside until cold. Then beat nuts in candy. Knead fudge like bread dough. Press down in buttered tins and mark in squares. The chilling and kneading ( the fudge make it dtliciously creamy. It never is grainy or too hard. It leeks creamy It tastes creamy It is creamy Carnation Milk "From Contented Cows" Produced in Canada TWO SIZES TALL AND SMALL THE SOVEREIGN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. That Comfortable Feeling In knowing that the future of one's dependents is provided for and that the carrying out of one's plans is in the hands of a Company whose yearly record shows steady advancement along sound lines IS YOUItS IF YOU AltE INSUIIED WITH US. G. P. TINKER UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED rollings from Prim-e Rupert, tor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, gwansou Hay. Alert Bay, etc., Tueday, 5 p.m. For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Hilled ale. Alert Hay. etc, Hatunlay 9 a.m. For PORT MMl'SON. ALICE ARM, ANYOX, STEWART, Hales felaud, bull-day, 8 p.m. Fur Naas River I'uluU und Purl nIiiiomiii. TliurMiuy p.m. 123 2nd Atrnue. " K. M. SMITH. Asenl. Prime Rupert. H.C "TRY A NIP TONIGHT BEST PROCURABLE BOTTLIO a'6URANTll0jar 7 n M0DUCI Or JC0TU"0 ti suHtioooi -o SAi.vtM.i.iHiivtt euiow Kons The Original Labal look for It at tbe Vendor's and insist on, GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE" This advertisement ii not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Dritisli Columbia. . J