m TAXI Boston Grill VOL XVII.. No. 01. and'. Ambulance Service) Anywhere nt Anytime Stand: Exchange llulldlng MATT VIDECK, Prop. of 195 late yesterday on Uio Kxchaivge. several blocks cJiang-nda, Predictions of record break-at quarter earnings coupled with v u VI pl CAV vmi Mil aval in bly Influenced the buying. font, which has large holdings of ral Motors Mock, also touched a peak of 353 while more ithan a representative rail and Indunlrlal reached hlgheit price ht over months, the advances ranging one fc five point . At ;i :i; - 1 r w Afir AKIAW Middle age may be defined as that Dcrlou when you reallne that a pain doesn't indicate anything In particular. Another good way to save money Is i .ie more than you have time to pend. Advertise In the Dilly News PWNCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1027 OFFERED PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Slit AKTUi.R STELLOIAITLAND, t e m nl ei! of Labor, went to Euston Station to bid farewell to ii largt- number of emigrant who were sailing for Canada on the White Star liner Doric. Tin- rush tor Canada from England is the greatest for many years, it is said. Greatest Flood Disaster in One Hundred Years Visiting PIONEER RESIDENT OF . SOOKE DIES OF BURNS John sleplieii Mulr Sui't'iimlii In Vli-lorlu llukpltal t'ollimliic Hurnlng of UN Home on Sunday VICTORIA. April 22. -.John Stephen Mulr. aged 60. pioneer resident of the Sooke district, who wai brought .sixteen miles to hospital here suffering with curious burns after fire had destroyed his home on Sunday, died Lower Mississippi R. Valley FINE PITCHING Almost sports show wide spread death, desolaiionand desti uciionlwenty-eight HMO'TiICDT AVCn VI no Dlvl Lhlui) dead and properly loss into millions HIllLElis IN NATIONAL I.L.WU K VKS- , TEKIIAV Miontll MllltlMMEU IOIIH ONI.V TKN HITS IKOM Tlllt Ki: TUIItLEU NEW YOHK. April 33 National Lea gue bus ball game on Thursday were featured by pitchers' performances! which v i up to the mark usually i reached about mM -summer. But ten hrU were registered from three sue-; esnaful hurleta. Dotj Smith, former InflaMer. enabled nnmtlyn o shut out Boston by holding his opponents to tw scratch hits. Ray Kremer. pTtchlnf for Pitiburg, held Cincinnati to four bits aud clout rd out a hooter hlmaalf with one man on bates. Alex rocguson. Yankee easUoff. held the OisnU to four scattered blows en abling Philadelphia to win i to 3. " i In the American League, the Yankees dixpprd on three Philadelphia rwtrlcrs for fifteen hits and thirteen runs. The days scores were as follows: National lemur Clitctnnetl a. PittaburK 3. Uaeton 3. DrooUyn 0 ahlcao-St. Loula rain. Philadelphia . New York 2. Ainerltail Umur Cleeland-Chio8o. rain. WaahlngUJii 7. Coion 4. New York 13 Pluladelphm 6. POLICE SHOOT HIGHJACKER IIAIIIIV THOMAS WAI.KKIl' INTO PO-LICK A.MHISI'AHE AT LOS ,N-UtLK UVST NKIHT LOS ANOELB3. April 33. Harry Thuitas. notorious ht-acker. was ahot and killed last night when he walked into police trap. Officers, who had been tipped, off to a liquor raid, were hiding in a garage and opened fire when Thoma, cuii upon the scene. MEMPHIS. April 22. The greatest disaster to the Lower MiASisfippi valley in more than one hundred years is growing more serious today with almost hourly reports of furtner widespread death, desolation and destruction caused by the furious flood waters of the Mississippi River and its tributaries. The number of known dead is 28 and the belief is that the toll will grow. to much greater proportions. The property damage is estimated high into millions of dollars and more than 100,000 "are homeless and suffering. The state of Arkansas is most seriously affected. Business and Commerce in Japan is Stagnant as 21-Day Moratorium Declared TOKIO, April 22. A twenty-one day moratorium was declared today by the privy council of Japan because of the financial crisis. The cabinet has announced a five day session and the Diet will be called together on May 3 to discuss the situation. Since the beginning of the depression about the middle of March it is estimated that thirty banks have suspended, payment, the total de.iosits affected being approximately $ 130,000,000. Ilusincss and commercial stagnation is expected during the lcriod of the moratorium and department stores and other places of buslnem are preparing for heavy - looses In trade All banks in O.ik.i. Kobe and Kyoto are closed today f (lowing persistent runs yesterday Bu-tncai is generally paralysed. TEACHERS FEDERATION FINISHES CONVENTION; W. II. Morrow Elrrtrd President and . ClKM.vIn- or Other Of firm Left Till Ulrr Date VICTORIA. April 33.-T1vk British Columbia Teachers' Federation,. 'Concluded the bulnesi cf its convention yesterday. The presidency for the coming year fell to W. II. Morrow of Point Orey. Other officers, who were mt named. w1ll.be selected at a later date. MANSLAUGHTER CHARGE AGAINST DRIVER WHO ' j KNOCKED GIRL DOWN VANCOUVER, April 33 Solomon Du-fceau will be tried on a charge o manslaughter at the spring asalees here aa a result of the death of Laura Helrej, agrd ten, allegedly as a result of Injuries sustained when she was struck by a taxi Dubeau was driving on the Powell River wharf. Accused was granted ball at $4,000 b.' Mr. Justice Murphy In the Supreme Court yesterday. BOWSER WILL CONSIDER IT THINKS TtMK I'KEMATl'lir. TO MAKE IIKITNITi; ANNOI M'K-.MK.NT As TO Ills CANIH- UATI iti: VICIOIIIA. April . sutlug Hint lip t-uiioldrrrd II premature to give hl iiusvt rr to Hie rtit Ion unking III-, ronviit lo allow Ii is name to be mentioned a tunilldate for Vl-turl.i riding ill the next prolnelal rlertlon, Hon. W. J. Ilonser, K.C., loriner prriulrr. pruml'cd tluit lie would glie the matter onlilerutloii. He made lilt pronile In uddrrwliin n uirrtlng here last night. PRINTING BUREAU JSTO BE BUILT (lovrrniiirnt lU Contraet for Sllv.huu strut lure at Victoria to Hyan Construction Co. VICTORIA. April 33. The Hyan Con-Istructlon Co. has been awarded the contract for a new government printing bureau building which will coat '$110,000. T-- i Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing; floor, for hire. NKW SODA FOUNTAIN, "l At latest and best for the lc;mt. Phone 457. Price Five Otu ONEY BY TWIGG WEKAL SHIP IS STILL BEING HELD A T SAN FRANC SCO rial amoaien tuna rrobe ff J in Victoria as New and Interesting Turn VCI.MIV ATIl'l. I Ml.'f IIMf l.'U tCCI.'inv fin.-v iii.'i.imiiv. .i.ll.iu mi. k.. imi iv..iiiii iiu.Ji.iHi) 1111,1 wrii.m.w III.M MONEY TO .MAKE DECLARATION AtiAINST (iOVER.NMENT VICTORIA. April 22. Admission that he had done wrong in r; liquor to the government applying hi commissions as agen. .. if.4i.. . - e t ft ... ... .ii j h: ui uiu&uiiuii iutciiiivn ui iuc i.iuciui pari) wan mauc uy n:: f ar 1W. former President of Ihp V.rlnrla I.flusrnl Aaarwlatlnn Libera) candidate in Esquimau in the last provincial election, nursaa;. session oi me royai commission, consisting of .Mr. Y 'r. .iiimv .11 iirriM 11 1. inipnnv.iiini7 aiiiMrannni pnni.iin.n in an (1 . worn in bv l.arinw. J. II ramilln. K on r lh,. rnnn. - l for mem ben of the government. CUES AGAINST WKK VI. K U I r A IIJjlUl.U ivniuu COlNsEL I HKAIIO IIV KAIL- PLICATION Ol" IU AWA A!S 27 The demand of fur the abolition of . dlffereovial waa the first '1 upon by E. r., nurtoff. ..u Cauadian Pactfle nail' t ?y. rate oaae before the v, C "mmiaaionera tatted ooAdlUeaa in with taoae on ttie .-.cc of the rea3oableea carrying traffic over He quMed the evtdenoe r ' tuuuni freight vs ; there were long mi', u the Pactfle Ter-t iriitaJly no freafhl , f :.:eo A RF.R TAKINh PLACE OF ICE IMon ii(i.nsii:i iMilMrlt OI' AI.AiKA re 'ant.- conducted an Inreatiga- .irre for Ovs Ottawa autnoriuet ccar if Alatka. aava Mr. rordf ar' coins back, he contend, ai u v. ivm a rear. iu wn. -:j tea: urn la hut wuniu ten. fran the uncovrrltig of the ter- b3 reccaalon of the ice. a crop ub.i nnnuM. a mi m ,, . im r - - " t" . tcll intcreat to Canada In this 1 sleamcn will eventually booemel be ..'rested At the breaent time traffic fnt VIia V.l W nn TUUM W VLV WWW HIGH PRICES Klltl, MOTOIIS AMI III TONT now m:h.iio.si. o.is on fNTOCK KXdlASUK IN M.W YOIIK vy YOIIK. April j33. Ui Common oi oeneral Motora louclfwl a nign interrsgated Carlow concerning the declaration et the affidavit which he had worn to last Fetoruiry 38 and which U the au cf the present Inquiry which opened J elerday. WUneaa stated Uut he himself had dictated the declaration In the offlccji of Mefattoy. ORellly and le. local bMTUtrn. He Mid that the'declaratlon drawn up on the suggestion of R C. liowe. member of that firm. and. In Um next roun at the tune, were Ur. Lowe. II. it. Pooler. IlrT Clem Davie, and II. D. Twigf. "They were Utere to have the dt-sUraUou nuule," Car low ukl in answer to I efttcrtfan. Carlow wai asked If he u paid ay oaoatey for mating the declaration and answered that he waa net. "Were you promised any jnooey. directly or Indirectly, for making the de-cttvatloar' counsel asked. -I waa promised 1100. Carlow replied. "By whom" "By Mr. Twajg. t aald I would Itoij tak U." Oarlw anaaered. Oartow aaM Utat notMi tlxe had btn peMnteed Mm. At Abe oprntng of the enquiry. Mr. Jueele MarrUen announced Uut every alleaauon made in live laglUtu.-o throufh Oar low ' affidavit would be Mfted to Ue boUom. mo itti.iiiiK.tnMi VIMIH KIIOM lani.i; or iioTii, 600KE. Vancouver Island. April 33. Craaalng through a bedroom window of hole) here In a high wind, a large bald-headed eagle aniaahed a mirror and other breakaole furniture before encaping according to the owners who estimated the damage at 40. tattt tf tf etttt TIMBER ON COAST IS SOLD TO DAVIS PULP & PAPER CO. IN EAST TOKONTO. April 33, Announcement new aeapori on Canadian soil cI lne Mie of tbe Port McNeill Umber limit on the British Columbia coast n the Davis Pulp tt Paper Co. tor 3S0.-Ooo was made yea'.erday by the liquidators of the Home Dank which held tho property ART CONTESTS ARE BEING PLANNED OLYMPIC GAMES AMSTZniJAM, April S3. The Exccu-live Oommlttcc of the Dutch Olympic Ocinmlttcc Is organlrlng an International Art compotutlon for the five Arts; Music. Literature. Painting1, Architecture and Sculpture, which will come off during tiw oivmDlc Oamea In 1038. Details of these competitions will be aiuwunced later. Ineffectual Attempt Made by Officers and Attorneys for Possession of Rum Steamer SAN FKANCISCO. April 22. Attorneys for the steamer Federal Ship made an ineffectual attempt to take possession of the vessel but were ordered from the deck by the United States coastguards who were in charge of the vessel. Oapt. S. S. Sone and his Urst mate joined the attorney in the attempt but left the ship when Coastguard O'NieholIs announced tbey would be ejected by force if they resisted. Federal officials explained that the court's decision releasing the crew dealt only with the charges against the captain and crew and refused to release the seized steamer except o !.rd?r from Washington. Boarding . the Jteaoser by the attorneys and fleers was to ten the extent to which L'oued States cfflciali would go in bacilli; up the decision. VASIUNQTON. April 23. Minister Alfaro of fsnama delivered a note, requesting a report concerning the telzure cf the Federal Ship and InorJiatlon re-qardlcg its status in view cf the de-calcn of San Francisco courts, to the State Department late today. When she wai seized, the Federal Ship was under Panama registry. , EDMONTON t'OM.MEKCIAI. IIL1S. KETAIN TITLE TORONTO. April 33 Having just a little the better of their opponents In a bard fought match, the Edmonton Commercial Orads last night retained tbe ' Dominion ladlas' basketban championship title when they defeated tbe Toronto Lakesldes by a score of 19 to II. The western champions won the round of two games from the eastern title holders by a tout score of 53 to 38, the first game having been 31-31 in their favor. FISH ARRIVALS lUliliut LandlnsH at I'urt Lllit Two Ve-el-J Hrlnj Today Are l Salmon I Halibut landings at this port today are light, totalling only 38.500 pounds. One American boat Is unloading hers while sncther sold for Ketchikan delivery. Six Canadian boats have 31,000 pound. The arrivals and sales this morning rvrn as follows: American Ziz'.i. 10.000 pounds, to Atlln Fisheries for Ketchikan delivery. 13c and 7c. Futward. 4.530 Founds, to Booth Fisheries, 13.6c and 7c. Canadian Spindrift. 3,500 pounds, to Canadian Fifth tc Cold Storage Co- 13.2c and 7c Nautilus. 6.000 pounds, to Atlln Fisheries. 13c and 7c. Olbson. 7.000 pounds, to Booth Fisheries, 13.1c and 7c. Cape Spear. 2.000 pounds, to Royal Fish Co.. 13.3c and 7c. Inez H.. 3.000 pounds, to Atlln Fisheries. 13.3c and 7c. Impcrcusc. 9.500 pounds, to Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.. 13o and 7c. .salmon Tsplow. ijOO pounds of red salmon. Booth Fisheries. 18.5c. Pup. 450 reds, Royal Fish Co.. 16.6c. FREIGHTER'S SECOND MATE FATALLY HURT Victor Oksii of steamer ITareinont, Injured at Vain-outer, sueeuinl)" In I Hospital VANCOUVER. April 33v Victor Okaa. second mate of the steamer Claremont. whose face was battered beyond recognition when he was struck by a sling-loal of lumber aboard the bessel on Monday, died In hospital here yesterday. VANCOUVEH EXCHANGE Bid. Wheat 1.48, Dunwell 1 1.35 Independence ...... .08V. Indian ,06 Marmot ,12 Premier 2.1t Silver Crest ....... .08 V. Richmond .141, Oonat. Copper lSSO'1 Asked U9 .09 .07 , .14 3.15 .08 K ' .15 13.50 GRAIN LOADING SOUTHERNPORT ELKVKX VESSEL TOOK (JltAIN AtVAV IKOM VANCOUVER THIS WEEK rout KILL C.IKGOE VANCOUVER. April 23. The following vessels have loaded wheat at this port during the week: Isls. for Bremen, with option of Antwerp or Hamburg. 79395 bushels. Theodore Rcoeertlt, for Oslo', 233.331 bushels. I noeraerayt. tor KSiieraam, n.wi bushels. Madras City, for London, 29S.C80 bushels. ' t Memphis Ctor,ttonathv,a733ji. bushels: for Liverpool, with option of Lsndon cr .Avonmouth. 21.433 bushels. Feltre. Gibraltar fcr orders, 311.818 bushels. ' ; Klnderdyk. fsr Clasgsw. 37J33 bush- els: fcf Antwerp. 71.607 busheli. Tofama Maru. for Kobe. 33J33 bush- els; fcr Yokohama, 33.333 bushels. ' Erik Frtzell. for Tsumurt. 85.533 bush- els. Yoko Maru, fcr Shanghai, 271X00 buthcis. , Kaga Maru. for Yokohama, 35.000; for Shanghai. 31.189 bushels. BODY OF JIMMY I WELLS IS FOUND i jjlVSTLItV OI' Ills IHNArTKAIlAMK I IKOM 1K AT XMAS ITNALLY I SOLVED TERRACE, April 23. The body of J. D. (Jtmmyl Wells, late prospector of Usk. was found on Tuesday about -four hundred yards west of Usk ferry, belu'. discovered on the river bank after the Ice had gone out. He disappeared on Chriatmas eve while cn his way heme after making a trip to Terrace, aud tt was thought at the time that he had been drowced while crossing the Skecna In a cowboat. Constable S. Service of Terrace was communicated with and supervised the burial of the remains at Usk on Wednesday morning. BANDITS VISIT TORONTO BANK TllltKK MEN. IIELIKVEIt TO HAW- KEEN rOKEHiNEKS, ESCAPED KITH $18.-3M Al l KIC HOLIt-l l TESTER-HAY TORONTO. April 23. Forcing the manager and four members of the staff of tbe King and Bathurst Street branch cf He Bank cf Toronto into a vault at the point cf revolvers, three bandits, believed to have been foreigners, yesterday afternoon escaped with $18,500. FRANK PARSONS IS . ALLOWED TO LEAYE Yumomrr lluslness Man, CliargeU 'tilth Conspiracy lo Violate I .S. Liquor Ian', Conies Home lor Awhile SAN FRANCISCO. April 33. Frank Parsons, Vancouver buslneas man, who la charged with conspiracy to violate the United States liquor laws, left for his home last night with the permission of the Federal Court before which he will be arraigned later In the month.