FAGttrnro SHE? DAILY' )l ictrf (kind kjzjgy FORMER LOCAL GIRL j -hjui-t imu oMuaxLj WEDDED IN VICTORIA ! (d-LLc RjCJHtri Va.cuusvt hi&xfojui fjrtf Mlw Tlirlnia Dingwall llwfmet llrlilrj f II. W. Mnriu f Vanrvwvr Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. i Published Every Afternoon except Sunday, by Prince Hupm Daily Jewsr Limited, Third Avenue. '? H. F. PULLEN - - Manajrip Editor. " ;' SUBSCRIPTION KATES' City Delivery by mail or carrier, per inonth ...... By mail tc all partu of the British Empire and States, I'.; advance, per year To all other countries, in advance, per year ..... 'Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - 98 - 86 $1.0' the United ........... $6.01 $7.5 Transient Display Advertising, per inch per insertion $1.4f Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.8 Local Readers, per insertion per line 25t. Classified Advertising, per insertion per word . . , Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line . . , Contract Rates on Application. Ebrliigli Spring-time spirits SHREDDED WHEAT Crisp whole-wheat goodness Served as a cereal treat With milk or cream or fruits 2C 15e FORESTRYDAY ,, AT GYRO CLUB CIIKOV MEI.T1M1 TOD.tV Implying the need for protection the country's forejt resources from the rreat fire enemy, R. II. Lelghton. for- t supervisor for this district, gave an iterestlng address thU afternoon before ae- Prince Rupert Oyro Club, at it meheon meeting In the Commodore Jttf. The hearing of Mr. Lelghton was in connection with the observance of "Canadian Forest Week," which week thU U. Relieving: bis hearers of statistical disburse- which la common In connection with such addresses. Mr. Lelghton as no less effective In describing the , ... , ... , . . . .IjrM Industrial possibilities of the dls- AI1 advertising should be in The Daily evs Office before 2 p.m.tnct tributary to prince Rupert. De-on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject veiopment of these possibilities, the to approval. speaker asserted, was to a large degree t dependent on the preservation of the Membsr of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. -Wednesday, April 27, 1927 SPRIXtt SEASON TIME OF HOPE. Considering all things, Prince Rupert has come through an other winter-very well. Business may not have been quite as good; as som of them might have liked but we are still here and nonei of us have starved to death, on it or suffered from the cold' either. Spring is now opening with its usual promise of industrial and business activity in city and district. It is the season when everything looks bright and hopeful. May. the hearts and minds of Prince Rupert people be in harmony with the conditions surrounding them, QUALIFICATION OF PARENTS. . VH ": As a result of much discussion on the responsibilities ol, parents toward their children, particularly as they concern health, habit formation and the creation of a proper attitude toward moral problems, the national executive of the Canadian Social Hygiene Council has been dealing with a stream, of inquiries about parent education. In connection with a series of Canadian lecture course on the matter, A. DHardie, head of the education division of the Council has suggested thet-following as essential qualifications for fathers and mothers: Qualifications of a Father: 1 Good health. Good stock and a desire to keep himself and his children fit and ready for a long life by proper exercise and regular physical examination. 2 Companionship with his children. An ability to see things from their point of view. Ability to retain their confidence in all matters. 3 Good general knowledge so that his conversation at home is worth listening to. 4 A good example to his children, especially in his attitude to his wife and to all women. Qualifications of a Mother: 1 Good health. Good stock and a desire to keep herself well for the good of her home. 2 Sympathy, such as only a mother can have, in all that concerns both her husband and children. 3 A good knowledge, the result of study and not of instinct, of child etjucatron. 4 A good knowledge of the physiology and physical and spiritual needs of her sons as well as her daughters, and an ability to prepare bo'th for the adventure of life. 1)ECLINE OF DIGNITY. When the Romans de.-eired to compliment a man they spoke of his dignity. By that word they implied excellence and a goodly supply of the virtues. From the Romans the barbarians who conquered them acquired an esteem for dignity. And even today some consider flignity one of the higher virtues. But of late something has happened toidignfty. It has come under suspicion as being a cloak for rascality on the one hand and stupidity on tfie other. It is regarded not as inherent in man's nature, but as something assumed. Hence an affectation. The contempt in which it is commonly held is evidenced by the application of the slang expression "stuffed shirt" to those who make a show of dignity, ToMny those devoid of dignity guard against acquiring it and those in whom it is inherent make every effort to conceal it. About the only place it Is tolerated Is in the courts, but too great show of it even on the bench conveys an impression the opposite of that desired Jay the pompous. Dignity, being part and parcel of aristocracy, is necessarily inimical to democracy. So those who try so hard to be democratic could not tolerate dignity and be consistent. However, in defense of dignity it must be conceded the dignity Madame d'Arblay hated "because it's the dullest thing in the world" is a different dignity from that which "begins where boasting ends." forests and the great wealth which they contained. In this connection he spoke of agriculture, fishing and mining, etc., a weO as timbering and lumbering. His address was illustrated with reference to s large scale map ct the district. During the meeting, there were also much appreciated vocal selections by John E. Davey. who was accompanied by Charles P. Balagno. E. A. Mann, president of the Oyro Club, was in the chair PLAYERS' CLUB HAS MEETING AND PARTY Knlhiisluktlr Ktent Timk M;ht in i.o.n.i:. I'Uie Hull .The regular monthly meeting of the Prince -Rupert Players' Club was held last nfght in ."the Imperial Order, Daughters; of the Empire, Hall on Fifth Avenue East, The gathering was Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert Ui-t very enthusiastic one and over one.) hundred persons were present. In the course of the business session. President J. S. Wilson welcomed several new and prospective memher. explaining to them the alma and objects of the club. It was reported that rehearsals were well under way and all irrangementa in good shape for the iUalne of "Nothing but the Truth" at R. Anderson, a Vancouver engineer, has been In the city for the put few day consulting with Superintendent Kennedy over hydro-electric matter. Percy Tinker, who went overseas from here, has been promoted from company sergeant-major to regimental sergeant major. About two hundred women In Prince Rupert, thus far, have made the necessary declaration in order to have their nsrne enrolled on the provincial voters' list. While steaming acrews Margaret Bay. In Smith Sound, at 930 ajn. April 24. the ss. Prince Albert struck an uncharted rock. An excellent photctgraph of Major Travers Lucas ' appears In the London Illustrated News,-of March 31. The C.P.Il. steamer Princess May will take the Vancouver-Prince Rupert-Oranby Bay service about the middle of May. .r ' The survey ofLthe.f stoBmerJ Prl Rupei JiIulmalh'drTld,ock mtejfi Ithfoct" that fifty plirerwlll have to be Ukcn out and faired and renewed, nd between ISO and ICO frame re. newed or aired. , i. P. McConnel), one of the best known newspaper writer In British Columbia, left for New York a few day ago where he ba accepted a position with a big trade paper. A pretty Earner wedding, artistic In! alt IU detail, was solemnlred at the, Oik Bay United Church. Victoria, re-: ceatly by Rev. W. A. Ouy. who united Jnraarriage. Mis Thelma Ovendolln, J3inritl. daughter of Mr. and Mr (Alex Dingwall of Prince Rupert, toj Herbert William Steven of Vancouver. 9it oi Mr. and Mr..WUHm H. Steven, jancl nephew of Hera. H. H. Steven, The bridal party entered the church! 1 to the strains of Mendelssohn's wed-1 ' ding march, and proceeded to an arch-1 It. It. I.KHillTOV. 1'OKEST MTKK-.way of Easter lillecforo the lectern.! visoit. was M'K KKIt .T l.l'X- : where the ceremony took place. Th' ! I bride, who was given in marriage H I r i her uncle, W. L. Ford, was a picture of ' of I ;irllh fceauty In her white satin vtdding dress, fashioned with long - Jdlce and long, tight sleeve. Thej shirred eklrl was in hoop effect with! silver lace and orange b'.csaoms. Hei rilmy lace veil embroidered In silk flowers, had been worn also by hei lunt. ills. Ford, on her wedding day and she carried a shower bouquet oi lilies of the vai:ey and bridal rose. The bride wa attended by her cousin j Mis Kathleen Albu'.t, who as maid oj : honor, wore an effective frock of rta.Ti 1 dil taffeta, sleeveless, with bodice in ! pointed outline. Flat roses and tllvr .cares formed a semlglrdle over a ' patul of silver lace. A dainty bandeau; of the same Toses and sliver leave com-' pleted her crstume. and he carried a j theaf of mauve tulip . The two ' bridesmaids were: Mis, Scssie Wallace and Ml Hannah Smith; I their .frock were alike In design with shawl cellar and a large bow at the waist line, over a bouffant skirt with rtlver laet panel Mis Wallace was in coral taffeta, and Miss Smith In pale blue tideta. and both wore pretty head and of corresponding colors, adorned with brilliants and sliver leaves, and they carried coral and yellow tulip. Little Patsy Hutchison made a charming tlcwer girl, her quaint frock ot orchid taffeta was fashioned In three frills and she carried n old-fashioned bouquet of rose and yellow primrose shading Into orchid. The grotm wa supported by hi Srother. George Stevens of Vancouver, and the ushers were Fred Dingwall and Clarence Mackay and Cecil Denny. Vancouver. The church was beautifully decorated by friends of the bride Mr. HdllmgSi presided at the organ, and j the wedding .march from "Lohengrin i was played. The choir sang very ef fectively. The Voice that Breathed O'er Eden." and during the signing oi the register, Mr. Ruffell sang, "O Promise Me." , Ki:;r:i'TioN iiu.n , A. reception' was held at the borne of the bride's aunt. Mr. W. L. Ford. Ettevan Avenue. The bride and groom received the congratulations of their frtntU beneuth an archwa the Westholme Theatre nt Wedn.-1 day. At the conclusion of business, there aas a brief program to which the Ladles' Orchestra, under the direction of Mrs. G. A. Bryant, contributed with .to selections. R M. C. Warlock, O. C. Mitchell and Morris Biott sang colos ' and there was a vocal duet by Mrs. T. W. Allen and Mr. Donald Rost. Mrs. Blatt and Miss Blanche Curtln acted m accompanists and all numbers were eneored. A. A. Connon was In charge of the arrangement of the pro gram. Dancing followed until 1 o'clock to the strains of music furnished by the club's six-piece orchestra organized by A. L. Sharpe. J. S. Wilson was master of ceremonies and Mrs. C. E. Cullln was In charge of the serving of delicious refreshment oi ceaar sna wnite lattice, rrom wnxsn a large wedding toll was suspended; a true lover knot In -the background was a mas of Ivy with daffodil. Mr. Dingwall, mother of the bride, acd Mr. Steven, mother of th groom, assisted Mrs. Ford In receiving the many guests. Assisting with the serving were the Misses Mabie Unwln. Margaret Oraham. Saldle Underwood, Nellie Menlawt, Fern Donald, and the Messes Ulllan and Eilten Stevens and Olady Har ford of Vancouver. During the evening delightful nolo were sung by Mr. Fo'ults and Mr. Fred Francis, accompanied by Mr. Moir. Mr. and Mr. Steven received many beautiful present among them a trarl J m Mm XOVER THE EARTH f.rifl SfffSP. MM Paints 145 FOR of silver from the general office tuff' " '"j, WATT of Messrs. David Spencer Limited, of 1 1 14 Registrar of Voters which .the; bride was a, member. The groom gift 'to .the bride; was a fur girl, a brooch: tt. the best man. pearl studs and cum links; ''to the ushers. ruff llnki A Pebble was the -Wf Cave Man's Candy! Il kept his mouth moist and fresh on hit hot( rocky road. Calling on hit (weetie, ha took hr a smooth, white stontl Today, to mak a lasting, liirjing imprsssien, tsk her Wrigtey's, i i it in., r.... u..i AtUt Smoking To) HasBHsSBSBSBSSSSBSSBBBBBBsWV 'TKOVINCIAI. ELECTIONS ACT hum k itrir.itT ixKCTniLtr, KIKTItlCT MM KKvii: rixtfoKti. lusTitirr NOTICE Is hereby given that I aft!! fu mvuuiif , UK vu u. J v. -nay, Aval ji -t h hmir of 10 rtVlnrfc in th fit- I noon, at the Courthsuse, prince Rupert hold a sitting of ttw Court of atovtsion or the purposv of revising the lists of voters for the said Xlsrtoral Districts. .-nd of hearing acd determining any ! nd all objection to th retention or any name on the said lists, or to ; registration as a voter of ant aODliOant for registration; and for th other pur-1 pose set forth in UM "ProTUtcla! tier-cons Act." Dated at Prince nspsTt. DC, this 0th Map 033 . ' Satisfactory Satisfactory pr: B.C., Oth NOTICE collar, 'to lha bridesmaid ,'irid maid ofi IN THE' MATTE 1 of an Mgtllcatlon honor, bracelet; to the tittle flower " fTro!S,0',tstf,"t of Titl for lta twesHr-ost ai and twrnt-two Section one (1) The bride and groom left by . the Certificate of Title cover! midnight boat for Vancouver, whence they will motor south, returning to make their home In Vancouver. The bride's golng-away drew was of bo Is de rose crepe de Chine with tan collar and cuffs, and a narrow tan and gold belt, the skirt was prettily shirred and accordion pleated; with this she wore a navy serge coat banded in black satin Oloek seventeen (VI i. City of Prince Rupert, prnot of the Ian of the ring the above land having been produced to me. It it my intention to issue, aftvr the expiration of one month Iron the first publication here-jf. a Provisional OertlficH'e of Title to the atove land In the name tt Murland De Orasse Rvans. the original Certificate of Title is d.tt-d the 19th October. 1014. and Is numbered 67301. Iaad Iteelstrv Office, Prince Rupert. April, ipril. 1OT7. H. P. MacLROD. Regletrtr of Titles. NOTICE Under and by virtue of the provision ol Section 2 of the "Mineral Act." no- j tlce is hereby given Messrs. Malcolm Smyth. Edmund Langl. Harold Hansen i end Albert Moore, that there is owing o the undersigned for Assessment Work performed on the Oord'-Ue. Oroun ol i Mineral Claim. Princes Rovni iin,i ! Skeena Mining Division, the sum of 1 t:iQ3.88. and that unless Mid perion pkt 1 their proportionate share of thi rml ol such Asesment. together with til coats! of advertising, etc., to the underMicned ' Butedale. B.C.. on or before May la 1027. application will be made i .: . ,OolU Commissioner. Prince Rupert bo o have their respective Interests in , I ereln mentioned Mining Oroup of i 'sunerai uiaims venrd in the under-1 L DAVID COnDILLA. j IACOB KOSKI. WATEIl NOTICE NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN Jthnt m, ! Honour th Lieutentnt-Oovernor of British Columbia, by and with th advice oMIl Executive Council, ha been pleased to order: THAT the reservation of th unreoord- i ed wsters ol Brown River and Mc-Knight Creek, tributaries of Eestsll1 River, established pursuant to OrdeY irii Council Number, 80 approved the nth : day of June. 1921, ba cancelled .Tna.f.,5c'II,.tlon of tnB " reserva-tion will be effective on April 19th. 1027 DATED thl Uth day 0 UiMh. IW7 ! T. D. PATT0IJ.(i Mintst.r uf Una. r; I A MAN wouMn't use a spade to do the Wl! of a hoe. A warr. wouldn't buy a pr - 0t fine silk to make a ;oi apron. Why would you exp., one varnish, for r;enrrj purposes, satisfactor Varnishes are compou..,! ed from a mixture cf gums and linseed oil, But just what gum. hew much oil, how r:.u: " cooking " and wha r gree of heat, depen r on the purpose for the varnish is intcncii It's not a difficult rr'-r for you to decide varnish you necc' b -tell the dealer at pt Headquarters what t -joh is, or write Shrr Williams, 897 Centre Sr t Montreal, for a copy c "Household Guide Mart., There are good Sherwin-Williarr.i vl nishes for every purpose and' the v, knows none better. I'Tiae is no Substitute for Qualit ," fS-WlLLIAMS Varnishes Lacquers For nil m SALE AT PAINT HEADQUARTERS BY HOWE & McNULTY and having a collar of grey squirrel Her hat su of tuts Ae roue maltne and ' crepe de Chine, ooe large flame-rose o:i the drosping torun. Advertise In the Daily News Second Avenue, Prince Rupert ENTIST ainiing : "A Trip to Coffee )r. Jos. Maguire Over Ormes CROWN, BRIDGE and PLATES EXTRACTION OF TEETH Hy nn Kxprr'- PhwM. 52.1. Sunday Appointment. Op; n r :mW Children with n piiund tin nf Bool Land" MALKIN'S BEST COFFEE Hijr t'nsh Prit's ns wt-ll SEE YOUlt (iKOCKK. The W. II. Mnlkln Co. I.lmllerl, Vnnrnuvcr. IW Sovereign Life Assurance Compani What nbout that hoy of yours? Will thcr monpy on hnnrt to frlvn him n renl tnrt In Me Wi out in the world on his own? Lifo insurance on mid a policy maturing nt ft certain aire on the- b this problem. Enquire- for full pnrllcufnra about Children' - Iv ' G. P. TINKER