Me be Closure tine 4:30 p.m. day pre-| UNWANTED HAIR--Permanent- Classified, 3 cents per word per! The must remarkbale discov- — 4 eh. hp it CHRISTMAS PORTRAITS, ap Zlectrolux (Can ) Ltd. Green 960] CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. BUSINESS PERSONALS Classified Rates vious to publication. lv eradicated with Saca-Pelo Saca-Pel,, is kill roots | ery of the age insertion; minimum charge 50) guaranteed to the cents. as any hair and contains no Birth Notices, 50 cents; Cards} rugs or chemicals, LorBeer of Thanks, Death Notices, ab, 679 Granville, Venune A . ; ver, BC Funeral Notices, Marriage and} _Y°"_ P Engagemens Announcements, | PERSONAL wedi voaei ' ; sedan 13,000 miles—heater “ BI SINESS PERSONALS : seat covers. Real buy, cash or) A EXPERT Watch and Jewellery {erms. Apply Carl McEwen, Repairs, Dave McNab, Besner Prince Rupert Hotel (288p) Block, phone Black 367. (301) FOR SALE—'41 Buick 5 passen-| 7 until Christmas. Rupert Radio & Electric (284) - - * ; ; ‘ f29:156——Roundup Time first Korean merchant ship ever ead : de > »d-o¢ bers 4} FOR FUILER BRUSH service, — ee ee — 70.2 11140 Weather Report a | tn. deck in the nites States waa , “k 96 28° . 3 > at” | 113i-—-Message Period an ere 9 oo + prone LIGes Pee e) ress and girl's C.C M.-bicycle.| 11:99 Rec. Int , in port here Wednesday, dis- DIMITROV’S PHOTO STUDIO— Phone Green 241. (282) | 1148-Seandinavyian Melodies charging a cargo of scrap steel 415 5th East. Pictures taken - PM bees Tt the 10 tor P 5 we Ve: h 0,000-t: for Christmas, Baby's, Wed- FOOTHILLS (agotless) co al.| 12:00--asid-Day Melodies eitehtnd ilk ieee it a ‘ste Tue dings, ete. Reasonable. (lip) roo o Philpott, Evitt & . 15 — New Plans are well under way b; d : night Pee as nd = - - Co. Ltd. (e) 2:25 rograr Resume : - 7 i bins ay 1a ier rnceounterin MAGAZINES, novelties. Eddie’s;| ———- —-—— —--~—~ | 12:30—-B.C. Farm Broadcast now for Christmas at Chatham! motor trouble for a large part of News Stand (Cc): FOR SALE—Cheap—Four-piece oe — ge aang? Pirst on the calendar of events the trip across the Pacific , bedroom suite. 1126 Beach 94. See ee is the Pre-Christmas Party to! — ANT)Y AN Bi iiaeal ie . . 2 :00-—-B.¢ Seho Broadcast > HANDYMAN Service, Chimney| piace (281p)' 9:30 RFa oe be held in the Naval Canteen 0) | geeepeeee ee ee Sweep. Phone Blue 986 (281p) y Listening antes aE eS mS a Ca : eh eer ~ | 3:00-—Records at Random Dec. 6. All the wardroom officers NEARLY everybody uses 99. (c) FOR RENT | ; a0 oe poe. ida Matinee jhave been making extensive PRINCE RUPERT = aramnets ' aq Show ‘ . ( TAT : : ry C a ‘ aide . » | 4:20—Valley of the Seren Sisters preparations for some time NATIONAL Machinery Co. Lim-| ginger SEWING CENTRE rent! 44, a e Seven mete ” dnae ic the ee aeons | ited, Distributors for: Mining,|~ portable machines. Phone|————— ather Report . € ps mpany Sawmill. Logging and Con-| aq rm (ce) | “on ——— | dance to be held on Dec. 12. Thx tractors’ Equipment. jes invited. Pnguir- FOR RENT — Large housekeep- Granville Island. wa . ] ; ; wri hain seing applied to the children’s} " , : Vancouver 1, B.C (se) | 8 Toom for two gentlemen| here will be offered for sale at| cy ae as " Cheetah SHIPBUILDERS AND ancouver 1, B.C. ’| to share. Close in. Two single Public Auction, af 10:30 AM. on a; tree on = Christings ENGINEERS . ee age 9 aS 9 ates iday January > 5 i t s ay ‘ e ’ . . , EXCLUSIVE! $100.06 trade-in on| Peds, 2 tables, 2 nose an ‘ pote a et ell Wa a a 2 ae Stube RCA Combination ete. Box 563, Daily News office of the District Forester, Prince | turn-out is hoped for 3-tu i ym ation— (282p) Rupert, B.C., the Licence X57968, to| a ei aida » Navy | » iron and Brass Castings Special offer from manufact- : “

-,1301 and 1303, situated 6 ‘miles | -y..:. . . he younge +4 ’ itd, 24 2 Christmas day, sees’the youngest Blue 246; (281) Yap —— River), Cassiar Land District man of the ship’s company don-' SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL pointments day or eteging. ftom ar ewe aa ee hale foot will be allowed for| ning the Captain’s uniform, and and Chandlers Studio. Phone|— nae |" "Provided aftyone unable to attena | ‘aking command fora day. Rec- MINING MACHINERY __Green 389. (297) | PENT % sander Or have your |<” auction in person may submit|ruiting Officer Fred Huber ls | SESS SRS TS, es Parts — Sales — Service experts. Phone (c) Bridden Ltd 909. Greer & valued at $16.95 with purchase of every Hotpoint Floor Pol- isher at regular retail price of $54.50. Terms available—Phone 6 or drop into MgRae Bros sion, 5-room suite. References required. No children. Apply Box 562 Daily News. (280) FOR RENT—Sleeping room, for | gentleman. Black 910. (280p) (tf) | De- eens _ Rr REREEETRSSTEN — cee § RECAP your worn tires with| post Offices. Goodyear Winter Tread.—| — - cameras os Northern Tire & Rubber Co. | HELP WANTED—FEMALE removal of timber 712 Second Ave. ie) as ah ge , od jinsieheiniinisheinalesisillaaie enacts | COMPETENT reliable Foot Specialist >.48 ‘ ; as general office assistant and| Pedicure -,.Manicure | stenographer Corns, callouses:) jrigrown toe-| stock records an alee ais nails, massage. For appoint-| Pleasant: working conditions. | ments (also evepings) phone | Good commencing salary and permanency if satisfactory.) Blue 249 or Blue Only person needing employ- $2. Mrs, E.| Rasmussen, 654 Ave. East. | (280p) | TOY TIME is almost. here and| we have a real to¥ town at the | VARIETY STORE. (280) | ares mre . : —srnenicttne a —- | WANTED—Housekeeper. Apply| SEE our large variety: of Christ- | 990 Ambrose Ave. mas cards and decorations at| Green 480. the VARIETY STORE. (280) | ———_—__—_ CALL US to have floors sanded | WANtm expertly and lettef boxes in-| oo stalled. Bby & Sooahta Phone| WANTED — TOP MARKET Blue 156. (298) | FOR SALE — Xmas _ Trees— natural or Aluminized. Order | deadline Dec. 20th. Don’t be ply. Phone 866 for appoint- ment or write P.O. Box ‘ey ( steel, brass, eopper, lead, e Honest grading. Prompt pay- ment made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St., Van- disappointed. Phone TMc| couver, B.C. Phone PAcific) now. 640. (298p) | _ 8857. th ; WANTED — Set dance drums. PHONE 18 your Northlana Dairy, | 1224 8th East. (281p) for daily delivery except Sun- | ‘ day. By looking after your|CASH for scrap brass, copper, milk your milk will look after| batteries and radiators. Phone you. Keep it cool. All milk| 443, Call 630 6th Avenue West, guaranteed, (tf)! Clty, (tf) | mnetetetete tate CFPR LOP Beer | saeeetet ht A Re §:00—-CBC Sports Pigs 5 :30—Pianc hincsnaias eae etndimer nde 10:30—This Week's Artist FOR SALE—Piano and «bench. | 10:45—Musical Kitchen Also like new, grey and yellow | 11:00—Kindergarten of ‘the At north of Stewart (Westside of “Bear na ender to be opened at the hour of | sy looking over all his files tu! floors sanded and finished by/auction and treated yiwagl- . ns | (283) | tained from | Forests FREE — 32-piece'jset of dishes| FOR RENT—Immediate posses- | Fx ( 4 3 of Lots tails and application forms ation Bitter Creek and East side of Bear (1te) | River between 25 and 35 oe aN tender’ to. be ‘pleas tt the. Sa ,| auction and treated as one bid.” Knowledge of!tainea from advantage. | Forests, ment of this nature need ap-| Re: Certificate of Title No. 22364-I to Or Phone |joss of the above Certificate of Title|tenna is up Which means (285) | issued in the name of Horatio Ross| sorts of queer noises can be ex- ——|has been filed in this office, notice is| hereby given expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof, | issue a PRICES PAID for scrap iron,|nitie in tieu of said lost Certificate, | unless in the meantime valid objec- tion be made to me in writing. High Standard * Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, November 29, 1952 ye Adjudication For Festival Next year’s music and drama | festival in Prince Rupert will re- | ceive a high standard of adju- dication in the ‘music division, | according to a letter received by the Music and Drama Festi- | val Association. | Adjudicator Mrs. Mary Wood | wrote in her letter read at the! monthly meeting of the associa- | tion: | DAY PREVIOUS 1240 Kilocycles RADIO DIAL Subject to Change) Even Mr. Cham SATURDAY wn " : M “The Canadian Federation of ; | Based on the bidding, Music Festivals is endeavoring Playhorise Undoubtedly he bad Miss Brash bad spot. She was name of the scholarships awards Mi committee chairman Mrs. W. § ina 7 BC. Fishermen's Broadcast | Kergin, had been omitted, In both red suits. If she returned a how to bid?" he snapped # St aes er eather Report | Cl@85 57, the composer's mame | club he would ruff in his hand '<-Muateal Clock ' should read “Kuhlau,” And it and discard the five of spades) gy —eenmneeneanie preset are a : : [BC News as decided that the eloeution: from the beard. If she returned, . : CC 410 ger—$750. Take boat, house-, 8'00--CBC New Be was ¢ NOS Granae 6 o oo fake op sports equipment as| °'!° at mt Govt classes should be chosen, prefer- a spade away from her king, he or i Fi Ses, 10. ; ~ : . r 15—- Mor ie 1 ~ — ~ “go1)| part payment. Phone Green| §.30— Morning Derotie | ably. from Canadian authors, but | would let it ride to.the queen in ce ; 322 (283p) | 8:45—Little Concert not limited to Canadian authors WILFORD Electrical Works. Mo- | - ene === | 9:00--BBC News and Oommentary | The syllabus of the Sask n tors bought, sold te wound and SA 9:15—Recarded Tiyterburte Christma % Heian enbiewis gs are . repaired (tf) FOR SALE | 9:25-—“Dorothy Douglas, Show” . , LIVal, Mei pa . ee ee | 9 :30—Hagmony House in 1951, was discussed by the orean Ip LIONEL Electric Trains and some FOR SALE ‘Furniture. Owner | 9:59—Time Signal | Meeting, with the feeling that a . accessories. Now in stock. A leaving oe Call ea ian ne ee similar carol festival might per- Docks in US. smiall deposit holds any article 213 4th } ast. . , : ven haps be successfully institdted oe Into Bidding Booby Trap worse out of) people p BLACKWOOD on | * tinue tO own ridge " i) By EASLEY BLACKWOOD b e pion Falls Mr. Champion tried a yr his six diamond con- * “Fifth, licens. to seli mast or Splrituous dentia) made vo Liquor Brief (Continued trom page 2 laces where malt or spirituous ; quors are sold, } “Fourth, the government con- and contro] all utiets where spirituous liquors wy be sold the granting of any) quors continue to be handled y eliher a judicial body or a ommittee of all parties repre- | sented in the Legislature. “Sixth, the time of opening | _ and closing of beer parlors and liquor present, and places where liquor slores remain ae at s to be sold by the glass be eoniorm with .these' WSusiness er P, ofessiona hours “Seventh an Should have the ton loeal option Provision 4, whether or not it favors, beer Of Liquor outlets wir bounds, and that jocaj be extended to inebude t areas in cities and “Elghth, the Rover should institute and - an extensive educationa gram that wil) acquaiy public With th evil eff intoxicating liquors if +, excess and the disastrous live relation this has on wl kuch as broken hones divorce, fatalities GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. Biulders and Contractors New Construction, Kepairs Foundations and Re-Roofing 215-Ist Ave, W. Phene 909 P.O. Box Tt John F. L. Hughes CHIROPRACTOR Hrs. 10:30-12:30, 2:09 Eves.: by appointment 21 ~ 23 Besner Bloc Phone Blue 442 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED We Pour Cement Por Leas Phone Blue 939 FRED E. DOWD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 Stone Builaf Phone Blue 593 Open Friday Evenig PRECISION SAW FILING All Typs Of Sows Sharpened 15 Ist Ave. W. Phene 04 £2.00 s Pri j $.00-.0BC ttew to establish some sort Of uniform commendable line of play fo care YIN tl r “e Rupert group 3 06 News os lien = 1 % . . . eseee aoe , > Special Display double price. JOIN Wb. SEARS Feue! +" | 6:05—Hockey Broadcast marks—I am not a high marker,’ +.ot, Unfortunately for him, however, one of the — ; _ tien of Alcoholic s Anonyn ous to ao cae alan for my standard is high, and 1 . ° ‘ 2 : : ANNOUNCEMENTS | on a, WOR an en a believe in having to measure up. bids he depended upon for his analysis of the han¢ er | nce mupel S rairie Scnoone According to the advised scale , ; . : ‘ Snivating adel aaie ane. jon = 9:00--NBC Symphony Orch According to the advised scale,’ 4. Miss Brash’s two spade call, As you see, she had eatle Data 2:30 pm. | Christmas Gifts Free | 10:00—-cBe New % represents a good average | WAS * ' he ing! Wedne y, DecPa, 2:30 p.m i. " en ee , na | 10:10—OBC News performance, 80 to 85-—above av- little excuse for entering the auction at all. Basing soem ~~~, | Send for our catologue anc =} 10:15—Canadian Short Stories erage; 85 to 9--extremely good + Rae * *) 38 United Chureh W. A. Fall! structions on how to obtain | 10:30 Das ny — 90—excé¢llent (much above vour play on her bidding is like building a house on Bazaar, Dec. 4 | valuable Christmas gifts ab- Weather Report . eer (ena ee te ; Cust Club “1240 usual.) | onicksand LODE Rummage. Sale De-| a as ; J Gales O1 1138 Geena cor Portfon—Club 1240 “I frequently mark in the inte | QUiChnoas . init debi’ cember 6. ioe (1t) UNDAE 60's and early 70’s—where. for The king of clubs was opened — Bast-we A. weeaniiale - — —_—_—_——- ss AM ¢ orth ot Peters Wekuieeear, Le- Ave. W Montreal, 8, Quebec.| ** a euanian, one pote a ny and when he saw the dummy 1s seueiae’s : |= _ Soren 8 : a ut not much musicality. Most ww. cham laid out his part &—Q 5 cember 11 LOST AND FOUND 8:30 1 l , ’ Mr. Champion taid 0 p sie A AL ‘ D> ay ". ‘ are i¢ 8 75 i a . . 9:00 ommet experienced adjudicators are Saas has few choice phrases for H ro Lutheran Church Fish Dinner,'; 997 — Sehool bag with fret-| 9:15-Mainly About Book able to see behind what is actu- '" ‘" ® “— 8 hal 2 ; a? | December 6 saw, near 5th and McBride.| 930—H aaa jally heard, as regards technique! bidding four hearts, He hac) | "awe Canadian Legion Card Party Please phone Black 661. (1tp) 10:00 Gardener Pe I ete ee is always counted on some high card (Mr. Abel) —_ Hrash) | veracity oh epee Ae 10:15—Just Mary taken into account where cham- <:renet} the heart suit. Even| &-* 5 wTGsD | December 10 00 ANTS : Se ie trength in the heart : Eve . 3 i i ACCOUNTAN’ os + ph N ws _— pionship classes, trophy or bur- so he noted, there was a chance = -e : . ? +TT 7 . rhor my tne O NEWS ry classes are © eer? > 3 : . BIRTH NOTICE eveiae & — "4 got oy 03— Report sary classes are concerned. I feel for 12 tricks if Miss Brash held| cx Q3108 ©9532 i VOGEL—B M iM - Bien ea se Red 593 oom) oe _— eer ; ate ii a. wnat just two hearts, including an 64 ) j xEL—Born to Mr. and Mrs Stone Buliaing. lee ove & mark stands tor | Seuth Vogel, in the Prince Rupert BATTERY SEKVICE adjudicators differ considerably |” me a Hee does cote. Chamgnes) General Hospital, Wednesday,’ ** ’ Sani : 1s to marks, but where one is in- e won the first trick with SA 9682 | November 26, a son, Henry, 7 lbs. RUPERT Battery Shop, 234 East terested in raising standards “ummy'’s ace of clubs and ba K @ 110 2 7 oz. A brother for George. (1tp)+ grq Ave. Phouc Blue 126. Re- here is only one thing to do— Promptly led another club, ruft C—None | jth pairs, rechargit.z and rebuild- Weatherman kee tt ane . ,/ ing it with the ace of diamonds The bidding | Sonos in ae ieee ainsi : es eathermé 3p marks down, unless the & = ENGAGEMENT NOTICE ing. Work guaranted (c) 3:12 -Weather Forecast aie pealiy cames off.” ° He picked up the outstanding ith West Ne - Bast “Mr. and Mrs. M. Green wish | CARS FOR SALE e ; “4 Sinine ueopaens iii Mrs, Wood expressed keen in- diamonds in a ane wes he ; , c= 4 io mone | to announce the engagement of 4:30-—-CBC Chamber Music terest in the Prince Rupert Fes- (©¢ the ace and another hear 6D All Pass i their daughter. Delores Dorothy, FOR SALE — 1946 Chev sedan, 5:00—Sunday Chorale tival syllabus, and ccna ad Mr. Abel almost played the king,| — oe reine 2 to Mr. John A. D. Macintosh, $850 cash. Phone Blue 814 5:30 Little Symphonies om which would have enabled Mr son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mac (280) | 6:00—Stage 53 the syHabus committee on : 7 ntract | CUmeny : ] SHG OS. ¢: 4s. TAREe Zs - 7-:00-—-OBC News re see ale 1ampion to make his contrac It was difficult, of course, for Pen ot Prine Rupert Cer FOR SALE — Sell by Sunday); 7:10—Weekend Review 4 mus | ubtery wil be set up easily. Finally, however, he play ‘ ~ad jay from - SAA > Cen ye ay) 2-90 tbiet’ haat in the Association, available for ’ Miss Brash to lead away FUNERAL NOTICE night, going to Kitimat, 1951) 73) Disungulshed Artist reference to music teachers in- ©¢ 1ow and Miss Brash was in| tne xing of spades as she did "SING The funeral of the — a we _—— 8:00-—Musical Comedy Time tending entering pupils in the W'th the queen not hold that card. She led a eee ae "- King will Po . pi | $00—Ree ——— festival, Mr. Champion softened a little. jow spade, Mr. Champion duck- ate : Pe y , ake ‘ : - 1:3 Vesper our . . ‘ . place at Terrace, B.C., on Mon- FOR SALE — ‘48 Ford %%-ton | 10:00—cBC New Despite care in preparing the The heart distribution he had ed. and Mr. Abel took the set- r . dick-u ; ic lition. § ‘ 10 BC Ne . 10pe fas ually c y . » . day, Dec. 1, at the Anglican pick-up Good conditi n. 931 10:10 ‘ N : syllabus, and proof reading af- hoped for was actually a fact. ting trick with his lone king Church with Rey. E. Hodson of Ist Ave. West (ape ' - terwards, Mrs. E. W. Becker, pre- He went so far as to manage a) Again Mr. Champion's mood ficiating (10) POR SALE 52 Chev. Deluxe | 1 eather Ri n cft| Sident, reported some errors. The {tiendly glance at Mr. Muzzy. changed this time for the can I don't How who win against even know! Who wants you to win?” in-| ired Miss Brash sweetly i Shipping and General Moving, Packing, Crating Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Effi- client Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Alr Co. Lid for Oxygen, Acetylene and all weiding supplies LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. Ind and Park Avenues Est, 1910. Phones 60 and 68 H. G. HELGERSC LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSUA Phone 96, Evonings B LING THE TAI Tailoring - Alterat and Clothes Made-to-M 220 Sixth St Pha SCOTS McLAR CHARTERED ACCOU! James Block 608~~3rd 4 Prince Rupert, B Phune M7 P.O, ¥ here. This might well be a popu- | lar project for 1953, said mem-|_. PORTLAND, Ore AP The AND SHIPYARD ALCTION SALE Timber Sale X57968 | entire proceeds of this dance are A FAULTY FURNACE DRYDOCK 4 BES} OF FOOD | on MAKE YOUR FUEL BILLS SOAR... Let Us Overhaul Your Furnace Now . so you'll be ready when the southeasters roar. Thom Sheet Metal LIMITED 253 First Ave, Phone Black 887 may — ob- | See who is going to qualify this the Deputy Minister of | year Victoria, B.C., or the District! Cards are already starting to as one Further particulars OO Teen aa i gic) {Come in to the vase from the! _ ships in Korea, and this week | domme esc saw greetings from HMCS Nootka | Timber Sate X57567 and HMCS @aiaa, We wisn alli] 21949 Studebaker Cha There will be offered for sale at| Our shipmates on active service | © | " cbuiodl : Public Auction, at 10:30 AM. on 3 j srry | ‘ = 4 (264) | HELP WANTED—MALE Friday, January 2nd, 1953, in the ms Ride Fm ae ~~ i 2 1949 Austin Panels PLUMBING, automatic oil heat- | - : % : ; .. office of the District Forester, Prince wistmas an aPPy ew Year. ing, sheet metal work. Phone|CUSTOMS Excise Officers,’ Rupert, B.C. the Licence X57887, to| Last week-end’s fog and poor 1—1949 Flying Standard ae 7 7 : ri . aes + amu We 525,000 cu. ft. o emlock and | alle : ie 543, 630 6th West. Letourneau gating 8 oh ig lg Spruce on an area comprising part flying weather cancelled the de Lieutenant Com- mander T. A. Johnstone, com- manding officer of Chatham, for Ottawa and the annual com- manding officers’ conference. Last week a gunnery course got junder way at Chatham for the time in a good many he De _ | inge Victor, WO. op the bier | ants, AB Bil Heminger | rict Forester, Prince Rupert, Bc. | “aking fledgling gunners through (N1,8,15,22,29, D6,13,20) | their paces. . Communicators are busily en- 2364, 798 and 1070, situated |Parture of 1—1949 Monarch Sedan Cassiar Land District Six (6) years wiil be allowed for 1—1948 Austin Sedan NEW STUDEBAKERS ‘Provided anyone unable to attend Further particulars may be ob- | first LAND REGISTRY ACT Lots Eight (8), Nine (9) and Ten (10), Block Forty-Six (46), Sub.| radio equipment. Within a short division of Lot Seven Hundred | time Chatham should be regu- | 3rd Avenue W. USED CARS and TRUCKS 1—1949 International 34-ton panel FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY $960 down and 24 months to pay corcve. =! Superior Auto Service LIMITED Phone Green 217 For the MEAL that REFR FORK TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE Luxury Steamer PRINCE RUPERT DbAILS FOR Vancouver apd Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 pom. For KETCHIKAN 1} WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Comfort and Service For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE BC. PLE Y NATIONAL} mpion Sedans $4395 $895 GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black #46 and Red 127 Coach $549 $1595 | $425. 5750 ARE ON DISPLAY i ' I } ' 9 Dishes Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m, ~- 3:30 aam, ® HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 ind athe (lg) aie larly on the ale working the Pac a y \S ct, a ; i WHEREAS satisfactory proof of | cific Coast Radio Net. The an- — PRINCE RUPERT, | 1 ' DINING PLEASUR IN SPARKLING ! SURROUND! Commodore ; AL | STEANSH VANCOUVER via Waypoins SUNDAY ' ss. Camosun 8 FRIDAY 8S Coquillam 8 ALICE ARM and 5 Friday, Camosun FOR NORTH Q CHARLOTTE 1 Dec, 3, 17 and SS Coquitiam Mid FOR SOUTH @ CHARLOTTE Ish 88 Coquitlam, Mi Dec. 10, 24 and Try Daily News Want Ads. FRANK 5. SKI prince Rupert Third Avenue all BLONDIE that I shall, at the pected from the third floor of eros N FOR SUPPER TONIGHT the main building to the mystifi- cation of the uninitiated, NEW VEGETABLE STELLENBOSCH, South Af- rica €P)—The sweet lupin is be- ing cultivated as a vegetable at Provisional Certificate of DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B.C., this 10th day of November, 1952, A.D. ANDREW THOMPSON, Deputy Registrar of Titles. [the agricultural college here.) 7 (298P) |The flower is said to be rich in) a protein and the seeds, growing : ORY California's population in-|in pads like peas, have a sweet ' Oy] creased 86 per rent between 1930) flayor. The plant, which grows aE el and 1950 to a toal of about|in sandy sotl, was used as a food ae i 10,000,000, in Germany during the last war. 7 'M_ SORRY, DAGWOOD 6%, ( BUT WE MUST HAVE TTL BET IF I TOLD &" HER 1 WAS BUYING A NEW DRESS, SHE COULD HEAR ME