SIX VESSELS LOAD WHEAT CAIUiOEH TAKEN ON IN ll IIIMl U K I Hit ports VAM'Onni v.wtiois VANCOUVER, May 27. -The u i boats loaded grain' here lie p:us! week: Orootcndyk for Rotterdam, bit .kIs, follow- Wlllllll 143.333 OuchcKuv d'Oiuta, to Olbralter for Tden: Z02.7DD biiklwlu. Gladiator for London. 01.000 bushels. lot L;ve nool. sn 4nn huhli. K:Koan Maru for Naitoya. 60,067 burhcls. Me:wu Maru for Shanghai, 250.778 bu::!iel; Ptinr DonlU for Tuerto Columbia 12.000 bushels. KILLED WIFE AND HIMSELF MVS shot TMItUKIIl PORTHOLE AS mi IT WITH DEADLY ei ri:t?r or VICTORIA, May 27. Ernest Moore, sliooting from a porthole In a gas u- at Cape Mudge hear Campbell Klvcr shot hu wlfo In another boat killed her, and then turned, the 8"n on himself and died within an hour. RAILWAY LANDS CASE HEARING NEXT MONTH proving to provincial control. the pecple, I must assume the task of governing the Italian people ten or fifteen years more If necessary, not bemuse I am lustful for power, but because It Is my precise duty." Then :ie ad'4J dr)ly. "My successor is not born yet." COWMI'NIsTS UK ' tiHAVK IMMiEK TO FRANCE AXMII'Mlli PARIS, May , 27. Minister of the Interior Saraat told the Chamber of Deputies that both In Francs and abroad the activi ties of the communists constituted a grave danger to national Interests. IONEY ORDERED PAID INTO COURT FOR LIEN . HOLDERS OF SAWMILL An order has been made in County Court by Judge Young that the trustee 1 the defunct Sitka Spruce Mills Ltd.. which operated the sawmill at Queen Charlotte City, must pay Into court the full amount of some 123,000 for dis tribution among 131 llenholders for SEATTLE, May 27. Traces of tho miasms tug warren, which disappeared! Monday night when en route from Seattle to Victoria with a barge In imi have been found, dispelling all hone that the crew of five escaped of i movrments f h nn mouth. ClllNANDEGA, Nicaragua, May 27. The Liberal general Cabulla was shot and killed bv Cantaln Richards of the U.S. Marine Corps, allegedly In self defense. nit. (laitKi: man. HEWTON, Mass.. May 27. Dr. Francis Clark, founder and president the World Christian Endeavor atlve, society, is acaa at tne age oi io. Man Talking in London Was Seen Distinctly by Person Listening in Glasgow at Telephone Receiver LONDON, May 27. The Daily Mall describes a demonstration nf television last evening by J. L. Raird, television expert, between d Glasgow, a distance of 438 miles. He asserts that it Victoria, May 27. June 20 Is the ecjpse(j the test which was made between New York and Washing dt set for the opening of the Koyal ." g jj on ncc0unt of the distance. 'mission to Investigate the pro-r i..,,i nnA ahnnlrWa nf n twin n fhn l.nnrinn nnrl vire vince's federal claim for the return of tiw ... h (n the Glasgow receiver, which also reflected the WAR IS NOT IMPLIED BY THE BRITISH I'KHMIIIt IIU.IIWI.N KXPI.AINH WHAT H INTKMtKH IJV ItUK.tK WITH Kt'NSIA MM)ON, win iiiiiilr t litis, today diplomatic May 27. I'reiuler Ifcilcl-the emphatic ilrclara- tliat the breaking if relation! with Mim-ow -lint's not iiiimii or Imply war with ItuvJa." Addressing n mrrtlng of women union 1st . the I'mnler- referred to the rupture ami aililnl "It means what It appear to me that we do not Intend lo lime uny fiirlher polltil'ill llnililigH with Moscow hut ivr are wholly In la tor or the pnM Milt of legitimate trade lirtwreii I lie two I mind lei." SOVIET HEAD HERE IS ORDERED HOME! MONTREAL. May 27. Longln Oourus. head ot the Soviet staff In Canada today, has received Instructions from Moscow to dote the office and go home. MOTION PICTURE HEAD DIES OTTAWA OTTAWA, May 27. Raymond Peck, director ot the Canadian Government motion picture bureau ot the depart ment of trade and commerce, Is dead, aged l. FISH ARRIVALS Only Three llnutn Soldi Halibut Fares at Fish EM-hange This Morning Only three boats sold halibut at the Fish Exchange this morning. They were as follows: American June, 1300 pounds, Canadian Fish tt Cold Storage Co., 13c and. 6c, Canadian, . Marguerite. 6,000 pounds,, Atlln Fisheries, 12.5c and 6c. S. A.. 1,300 pounds, Royal Fish Co.. I I2.5c and 0c. TAXI Boston Grill 25 and Ambulance Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing Service floor, for hire. Anywhere nt Anytime NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. Stand: Exchange HuUdlnjc PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT VIOECK, Prop. least. l'hone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper v Vol. xvn ,l,ri.,.. I'KINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1927 Price Five Cent HOLD ON TO POWER GOVERNMENT HAS HUGE MAJORITY ON SOVIET INCIDENT Italy Will Get Rights Recognized When Army and Navy Strong Says Mussolini in Speech to Chamber His successor not born yet so he will rule Italy for ten or fifteen years if necessaty he declares ROME, May 27. "Italy will he able finally to tec her rights rm'trnized between 1J35 and 11)10 when we have a stronK navy, a huire air force and will be able to mobilize an army of five million mflii " Mussolini made this pronouncement in the Chamber, of Deputies yesterday in a speech in which he stated for the first time the definite goal he had been aiming at for the past five years, lie declared further: "I thought aftur five years I would have finished the major par of my work but now I see I have not. I am convinced that OIL EXPLOSION IN TEXAS WELL Hill II IIIRATI.D Km MILKS AMI 1 1. AM IS ROARED A I.I. MCillT BMU'OitD. Texas, May Four"! ..t w ex; n cub: f tin;;!;, aftem-c F .. w 'nra: . -i.U..i; Killed and seven rnjure. are missing as a result of tht iere yesterday of a mlUlou ' a gell. It U hoped to ex flame with explosives thli ... :k blast the little oil town j frantically to remove trami :.-'m the vicinity of thi ii rami all night fanned bj Teams and tractor drag- ; i :ne away on skids while tr 4':u water supply was played over the er ! ; prevent their catching fire. Lame raged to a height of two auudred feet for many hours. When tae explcalon occurred, the earth vibrated for1 a distance of several mile: --despite the gradual creation ot a di recting clans, despite the discipline of wages. The money will be paid Into court In Vancouver this week. Milton Gonzales appeared for the Ucnholders and W. O. Fulton for the trustee. STEEL SYPHON WAS DAMAGED AS RESULT DYNAMITE EXPLOSION LOS ANGELES, May 27. A section Of the steel syphon of the Los Angeles aqueduct, which supplies water to the metropolitan area, was damaged by an explosion believed to be caused by dynamite In the Noana canyon. TUG WARREN LOST IS CLEARLY PROVED CANADIANS IN SOVIET LIST mmiikk or Toronto people MENTIONED IN COUMl.MST CONFIDENTIAL UROIP NEWSPAPERS COMMENT Confiture nt li Wlirllit-r IIiom' Lru;ur with ItciN u ill le Deported In LONDON. May 27. Sixteen docu ments with a list of addresses of many persons In Canada and the United States, and Central and South .America which were found In the raid on Soviet House, have been Issued by the Government as a "vrhjtc paper." Included In the list of these . In Canada are the following: Maurice Spectre, 231 Palmefiton Ave, Toronto. ,MUs. Skene. 51 Victor Avenue, Toronto. Communist Party of Canada. 05 King Street Bast. Toronto. Additional . addresses allegedly found In possession of Anton Miller In Soviet House under tho heading "Canada. Confidential Matter" ware the following all of Toronto: Charles Gray. 168 Llsgar St. E. Plrttlnen. 58 West Itoxetcr Ave. Mrs. Mary Sutdlffe. 340 Yendall Ave. Miss Alice Ayrcs. 54 tWaney .Crescent. TORONTO, May 27. The addresses of Communists found In possession ol Anton Miller at Soviet House, London, are those of prominent members of the Communist Party In Canada. OTTAWA, May 27 The decision of the government to cancel the trade agreement with Russia was followed yesterday by a period of quiet. There was some conjecture as to whether any action would follow such as to secure the deportation of those Included In the list of names In the white paper published In London. LONDON. May 27. The Canadian Government's decision to cancel the Dominion's trade agreement with Rus sit was given special prominence in the evening cewspapers here yesterday. The Evenlrur News says: "Canada's decision to cancel the trade agreement with Moscow Is a gesture of loyalty to Great Britain that cannot forgotten for the Dominion, like the mother country was profiting by her trade with Russia. It wbs a oneway trade. all in Canada's favor. AMERICAN KILLS LIBERAL LEADER NICARAGUA CITY FIRST BERLIN POLICEWOMEN inaugurated recent'y to aiijjm?nt the polfce department In the protection of women and children, especially in the parks of the city. Their uniforms have been designed to be in keeping with those of the policemen, even to the cap, which is the same as those worn by the Safety Police Urges Prince Rupert People to Cultivate an Optimistic Spirit and Stop Knocking "If you want tu do aomethinff for this town, suggest to the people of Prince Ituprl that they -"top knocking each 6ther and try to make hc most of what they have," declared C. E. Forbes, logging manager of the Powell River paper mill with headquarters at Vancouver. "I have been In the city several days and I never came across as pessimistic a lot of people as I met here. Prince Rupert s a good city with enormous possibilities, but it can t succeeed if everybody is working at cross purposes. The only road to success s to stop knocking ana unite on mutual improvement ana mutual sbelp. I think the service clubs should unite on this. Let them deliberately ostracise any who knock their neighbors and try to get rid of that pessimistic spirit. It has . a particularly bad effect on visitors. Mr. Forbes was here in connection with the marketing of the hemlock and cedar logs for his company and he was very active while here. He spoke most enthusiastically of the Improvement he saw In the city since his last visit. Incidentally he said he read yesterday's leading editorial In the Dally News and wished to congratulate the writer. He agreed with every word of it. He looked to sec Prince Rupert grow very considerably wlthlng I the next few years but It could not I succeed unless the citizens, were will ling to help each other and to speak I well of each other and the city Instead lot tcoKing tor me naws. Mr. Forbes spoke most ally of the development of Powell River by his company. He mentioned that It meant little to say that the output was between four and five hundred tons a day. To show better how much paper they made, he said If It were cut In a strip four feet wide, the strip made lnme day would reach all the way from Vancouver to Montreal, This was done six days in the week and fifty two days In tho year, Mr. Forbes left last night for Vancouver on the steamer Prince Rupert. NEW BOARDOFTRADE ORGANIZATION FORMED VANCOUVER, May 27. -The decision was arrived at last night to form an organization known as the Associated Boards ot Trade of Greater Vancouver and New Westminster. A conference of representatives of the different organizations met and dectded to organize. ELECTED PRESIDENT TOWN PLANNING GROUP VANCOUVER", May 27. F. E, Buck ot the University of British Columbia, wai elected president of the town-planning Institute of Canada yesterday at the annual convention here. ' . CONTRACT CANCELLED VICTORIA. May 27. Canada's break with 8ov let Russia means the cancel latlon of the purchase of a thousand Brltbh Columbia horses. Advertise In the Daily News. Government Majority on Soviet Incident is Unusually Large One J,AIJOK KEdUEST FOR AN INQUIRY IS TURNED DOWN RY 15KIT1SH HOUSE OF COMMONS ON VOTE OF 367 TO 112 i LONDON, May 27. After an exciting debate yesterday the House of Commons passed the following resolution: "This House, i while appreciating the long forbearance of His Majesty's Govern i ment and their many efforts to maintain friendly diplomatic rela- tions with the Soviet Republic in the face of acute provocation, ap i plauds their decision to withdraw diplomatic privileges which have i been so gravely abused, while at the same time putting no obstacles in the way of legitimate trade relations with Russia. Prior to the passing of this motion a Labor motion moved by J. H. tbat the country ought r.ot to be committed to the Govern- u-snt's policy of severance of diplo matic relations with Russia until after i full Inquiry, was defeated on a vote. of 337 to 112. Speaking to the Clyncs motlou. Sirj Austin Chamberlain told the House that the Government was not prepared to accept the motion asking that an inquiry be held Into the Government's charges of Soviet propaganda In Britain which resulted In the. decision to sever diplomatic relations. Hs declared that the Laborite motion amounted to a vote of censure and If It were car SCOLLARD CASE IS NOW SETTLED COITLE THAT DISAGREED OVEK FINANCIAL MATTERS PLAN ANOTHER HONEYMOON TRIP SEATTLE, May 27. Oeorge Scollard gets $300,000 under a Judjment and decree-signed by the" superior, court here va&tcrdav. thus endinz a four months ried the Government would know what 1 between a now reconciled steps It would be Its duty to take. IIKANK HIMSELF TO DEATH AT MASSETT Local people who visited the Queen Charlotte Islands at the first cf the week tell of an Indian at Massett who drank himself to death. The native con ; sumed a whole bottle of rum, allegedly stolen. In cupfuls and went Into a stupor. He was placed In bed and. the next morning, when those nearby went to look at him, he was dead and cold. INVESTIGATING DEATH : ,., . ICE PREVENTS SEALING CREWS OPERATING AT PRIBYLOFF ISLANDS DUTCH HARBOR. May 27. For the first time In 21 years Ice conditions at this time of year are delaying all, sealing activities at the Pfibyloff Islands. The Islands are still Ice baund and the government seal employees are prevented from landing. FORMAL SEVERING OF DIPLOMATIC TREATY LONDON, May 27. - The note severing relations between the Soviet and British Governments was delivered to the delegation this morning. The British diplomatic mission to Moscow will be lecalled Immediately. VANCOUVER, May 27 The authorities are investigating the manner In which Engvald Knudson, 24 years of age. lost his life. His body was found partly burled In a sand bunker at the scene of construction of the grain elevator here where he was employed. , , VANCOUVEK EXCHANUIi i 'W'MM' Bid. Wheat s 1.6114 B.C. Silver 1.62 Coast Copper ..... 11.25 Cork Province .07 ft Dunwell 1.28 Olacler ... :'.. .08$, Gladstone .24 Indian L. ft L. ' .low Premier 2.03 Silver Crest .06 4 Bulloch .69 Asked 1.64 11.50 .08 1.28 .09 .20 .07 H .12 2.06 .07 Vi .75 Belllngham couple. Mrs. Scollard gets the lion's share of I th. fimlltr frtrtlin lnr!llHln th "nro- - , ' o , . 1 perty Involved In the suits she brought . against her husband at Vancouver. The Scollards. It Is understood, plan ' to take a second honeymoon trip to , Europe. : MOBILIZATION NEAR HARBIN ORDER OF MILITARY COMMISSAR LOOKED ON AS THREAT AND NOT SEKIOI S TOKIO. May 27. Despatches from Harbin to the vernacular newspapers say the Soviet military commissar has ordered .the mobilization ot troops along the far eastern frontiers which Is Inter- ! preted In some Soviet quarters as pre liminary to Anglo-Soviet hostilities. The British consul at Harbin Is quoted as saying that the operation means little more than a threat and Is not serious. SALMON PRICES REMAIN SAME NO tll.VMIE FROM LAST YEAR IN REMUNERATION FISHERMEN TO RECEIVE VANCOUVER, May 27. A conference of representatives of the Flshermcn'8' Union and the canned salmon section' cf the Canadian Manufacturers' Association met here yesterday and decided that last year's scale of prices paid for MAN WHO WAS BURIED ' t tn nortn of Vancouver Island to i the Alaskan boundary, would prevail again this year. FORMER EDITOR GLOBE IS DEAD i i, SIR 40IIN WII.1.ISON WAS CANADIAN" CORRESPONDENT OF LONDON TIMES AM) WELL KNOWN TORONTO, May 27. Sir John Willi-son, . the noted publicist and former editor of the Toronto Globe and Toronto Newa and Canadian correspondent of the London Times Is dead here after an Illness ot some weeks. EDMONTON, May 27. One of the city's prominent businessmen, . A. E. i Emery. Is dead here aged 63.