TAG2 F0U2 THE WISE OLD OWtVy fills his coal est vTa? I NOW-TO GET ECCNOMyK(-Vgj Ihe suae, knows Fuel economy means buying the right coal at the right time. We have a yard full of quality coal waiting for your order. Now is the time to get your supply before winter comes. This is the right place. NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL and ALBERTA SOOTLESS COAL Albert & HcCaffery Phones 116 and 117 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Box 1565 LAUNCHES, SCOW'S, RO"W-BOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIBUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting VELVET Ice Cream THE VERY R FIST I Take a brick home tonight! We cater for Parties, Picnics, Dances, etc. Prompt Delivery Velvet Ice Cream Co Corner Third Avenue and Second Street Phone 758 ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop in Prince Rupert -as low 2CC (( as I. ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 SixlJi Street A RACE TRACK IS PROPOSED Better Stabling AUo Mentioned For Future Exhibitions in This City DIRECTORS CIVE DINNER i President Extends Thanks to Visitors and all Who Hare Helped A race track for Prince Rupert w one ot the sufgesMoau msde at an Informal dinner given bj Um director of tbe Fair Board tart night The suggestion cant from Kamloop from which place i : string of ponies will come If the groundi ! can be prepared tor them, tt vu an- nouncea. , The purpose of the meeting -was u diarucs nutters pertinent to the futun ?xpanaton and success o! the Exhlbttioc. i Amoeg those present were President F tMbh. O. Hanson. W. C. Vance. J. Brown B. Self. J. O. Wilton of Prince Ceorgt B. Morgan. J. Oreer. Din Jabour. J. C Brady. J. McNeill of Tetkwa. R. W. Robinson of Victoria. O. E. W. Clark o. Vancouver. A. E. Davey of Victoria, Jael Curtis of WUltaraa Lake. J. Wheeler o ! Teikwa. S. E. Parker. D. D. Munro of tU , Land Settlement Board. Mrs. K. Ortev of NanaUno. Mrs. Olbb. Mrs. S. Parker ; and Mrs. B. Self. j Many suggestions were made by tbe ! judges which will be considered by tbt t new board. Mr Robinson, poultr. I judge, suggested that poultry saoult 1 not be judged on exhibition Standard i alone sir and feather but that then 'should be utility birds. He advocate. ! tiro classes at tbe next fair. vl.. exhi-I bitkm and utility. Quite a Urge amount j of poultry Is being Imported Into Rupert i yearly, which could be raised In Rupert M'GfitsTIONS Mrs. K. Grieve expressed ber appreciation of tbe splendid treatment am. courtesy recetTed from tbe directors ant praised the ladles' inhibits which wen of a very high order. Mr. Clark suggested that although the ralr was far beyond his expectations still tt could be Improved, and he sug gested that balance should be.earefuU) considered In order to make a real success. Mr. WbeeJer expressed his pleasure a", visiting Rupert for tbe tint time. Prince Rupert was the last great west for a stampede. Though the stampede was not perhaps tbe success it could be. they roust remember It was a beginning, and !- made a point of contact between tbe interior and Prince Rupert, which wUl have good effects next year. There was a lot of detailed work In getting a stampede together, and he complimented Jack McNeUl on tbe time, energy, and money be spent to bring to Rupert It first stampede. RACES Si r.CESTEfl Mr. Curtis said that. If the stampede was not a success from the public stand point, in that it lacked excitement and thrill, be" begged "the public" to- remeai ber that the stock had poor stabling and was not rested up enough. These eculd be remedied next year by getting stock In early, providing better stabling and a longer rett. Kamloops asked him to find out If a quarter mile track was Available In Rupert, for they would be pleased to send their horses here next year but be begged the Pair Board to remember that stabling was essential. D. D. Munro. who with O. Hanson naa enarge ol the Bulkley. Smlthers. I Ootsa. Francois and Skeena exhibit, ex- p tested his appreciation for aaslftance given him with tbe exhibit and hoped that next yesr the exhibit from the local districts would riot' take second place In B.C. . ) EVERYBODY THANKED Mr. Olbb "thanked the judges and all who helped toOnake the Pair a success. It was only byihard work and co-operation of all tbej-cltlzens tht the exhlbl- lion could become the great event ot tbe year. They set out this year wltt a deficit og-1,000, and although the! guuuua enjoin projea ana permanent toprovetwnteiraadejand'a stampede Inaugurated, nevertheless be hoped that the Fair had now been placed on a secure basis. He thanked tbe directors who worked so loyally with him, and Mr. McNeill, as well as others from outside points who gave time and labor to make the affair a success. Other directors -poke along similar lines and all were satisfied that a success was PltlXCE CH I RLE LATE Delayed through having a heavy1 freight .cargo to unload at Ocean Fails, j ft, - - j i m taken crverooa To-days : N R steamer Prli.ce Charles. Capt tel McLean, will not arrive from the outb until S o'clock this afternoon pe rating now on the faU schedule be Charles wUl proceed at 10 o'clock might to Stewart, returning here to aU tor the south at 11 tomorrow Tenlng. Tbe train for the East tods; t being held pending the arrival of he boat and wUl leave at 5:30. UNION JACK IN SOUTH AFRICA Vo Talk Now of Secession Says Hon. F. W. Beyers, Minister in Hertzog Cabinet VOTE ON NEW FLAG SOON .light of Dominions to Enter or Leave Ilritish Community of Nations Discussed CAPETOWN, South Africa. Sept. 10. (By Canadian Press). In connection with the controversy in South Africa jver the new national flag that has been proposed by the Hertzog govern- .nent and which question is to be sub-Jltted to a referendum next January. Jon. F. W. Beyers, minister of mines did Industries, in an Interview asserts .hat Gen. Jan Christian Smuts, former premier and present leader of tbe South African party In tbe House of Assembly, advocated a Union flag In which the Union Jack did not appear hen be was premier. Mr. Beyers, how- ?ver, qualifies Mi assertion by saying: j .uggesUons, and so they were con- 14S uAlUt Miha trued." The Nationality and Flag BUI providing :ar a new flag tax should be dMtnc-:iTly South Atf-tcaa. whseh fht Introduced in the Horn of Arwashiy e-eee a year age by the svetvMnetst of Dec J A. 8. Hertaog. Premise, then wlth-l-awa and re-totraewed tn the Assean-:y a lew mtvitbs ago. waa naeaed by at Assembly bvi rejected by the Senast z.a mm. as stated. wtU be voted apon r a referendm in JanMary. l8 The ctual date ot the taking of tbe referen-!um has not ye; been decided upon he flag bul auUaiUed to the Sont frlcan parttament that the Senate reeled provided for the Inertia ton in tbe o.,;gn. a Union Jack occupying only ;.e -sixtieth part of the whole ftag ad thi was a conceastoa to the irttish sentiment in South Africa. As r-gtnaliy drafted tbe but did not can-.:n the Union Jack at all. sMl'T"' ATIITI UE Hon Mr. Beyers' statement as to leeerai SramU' aetwude oa the flag luesttoa a few ytan ago when the irnut envennneat was to power Is r mew hat aurprlsing. Dnrteg the can-rorersy that has raged In tbe country lnce the first lntrodueUan of the flag HU last year, former Premier Smarts us strongly opposed tbe bill because 1 nade no prowlslon for tbe incluakm of Jke Union Jack at fknt. and finally, a welted, provided for a Union Jaek that bould occupy only one-stxttetb part ot be flag. Hon. Mr. Beyers claims that the ques-ion of a flag for South Africa is essentially a domestic matter for the Union of South Africa Itself to solve and tn this be Is understood to be oiclng tbe views of aU the members it tbe Hertzog government and tbe government's supporters tn the Assembly. Mr. Beyers points out that tbH fact was recognised as far back as 1921. It was he ufs. an open secret, and admitted by General Smuts, who was then Prime Minister, and who later reduced to writ ing Important proposals or suggenttona or. the statin of the British Dominion-and tbe question of a distinctive flag for the Union ot South Africa in connection with the Imperial Conference o; 1921. although General Smuts did not actually make those proposals formally DOMESTIC qi EMTIOV It being a purely domestic question Hon. Mr. Beyers says. It cannot be ex. peeted that South Africa should take the flags of other Dominions as precedents. The drcumitancea of South Africa, with 1U two prominent, virile European races sharply la conflict wltt one another in the past, were entire!) different from those of Australia and New Zealand, with their homogeneous communities, and whatever might be the opinion In Canada regarding the Canadian flag the Union, of South Africa must settle the flag question Itself. The Dutch people of South Africa, Such at any rate was the spirit of j especially those born under the Free ais irrenuer smuts ) utterances and ! State and Transvaal flazs. Mr. Beyers lays, have never really recognized the Them White This is the ideal which all housewives cherish in connection with their linen. It can be made a practical reality by the use of Reckitt's Bag Blue I Vr In lhe handy bag I with the Blue and N Neglected Eyes NEGLECT it dmbUc Uie caue of most of the ilk that afflict humanity. Thh It to elf evident that it ww hardly BeeedMiy to teH ran If your eye are giving trouble, htve them attends) to and at osee. OP A I J. absurdities in the klnp-dern of foolitbrie s. aureJjr the losu of ejrc.-vijfht tnroHffb neglect la the nost Inexcusable. DO.VT lose health ami efficiency through neglect. Came and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Blork Phone 763 1 BRINGING UP FATHER . By GeorgeJVtcMar,,,. 1 f I t.. "Il uvten- NAtuCs rrn PROCEED. j -YSy OUT - WHAT yTn V TiTTn tJT aot tAiltRllV OTHER OHlCMT yTTW) fClZS-5Soik lOtA HAVE OO! fSW T I POMPttt AND MOOMT ' r ! . I v what n , V l".00 VE-uviO- - 1 I ' V TTIA IT .TMWESAIOT 0 -J QT r l ' V anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word, inf advance. No Advertisement taken' for let than 50c WANTED ANTED UrTDKftORADUATK OR practical nurse, will lag to Mo sasna ike cook getMrni tor i try hospital Apstly The Matron. Francis lake Hospital. South Bank P.O. 211 TAvnan high school oibl de- slrrs board and 110 aaoatbty in re- tun tav MfVtaM. Oood rafcwBAM. Box 68 Patty New Oatre. A'AKTBD. OUTBOARD MOTOR. MEW or in good condlllnn, and fat! boat Apply Harry Scott. Hoyss Hotel. Ill ANTED. bouse-war k. OIRL FOR Pbone 414. OTCKSN HELP WANTED. Phone 1ST. OBMBHAL ns INLANDER FEMALE HELP WANTED 3TENOORAPHERS- EXAMINATION FOR British Columbia Civil cVrvtce will be held on Saturday afternoon and evening. October 29. I92T. Fur ap-pUeatlon forms and further information apply to the nearest Government agent or to A. H. Cos. Civil Service Commissioner Victoria. BC. AGENTS WANTED UIX OR SPARE TBfE AGENTS. FIN-eet line of Personal Oreetlng Oardt ever shovrn tn Canada. Regal Art Co.. fanufarturtra, alO Spadlnd " Ave.. FOR S.4I.K PR SALE. LAUNCH "NANCY." Length 28 ft., bra hi 7 ft. Eartbope enfftne 18 h.p. 4 cycle In first etaas shape for bunting season. This boat was Regatta Cup winner 1927. Can be seen at Yacht Club. Cash price I07J. a. Rorte. phone 387 or Red 51S. 318 "OR SALE. OXE SECOND HAND B.HP. Gardiner Marine Engine used by B C. Police. Sealed tenders wl be recetewd by the Officer Commanding B.C. Police. Court House, up ua-tu the 15th Mutant, 213 OR SALE. CHEVROLET BABT Grand Touring Car. Snap. Suitable for Bug; or motor suitable for boat. Apply Parker's Oarage. rOR SALE. ONE WHITE IRON BED complete, also dresser. Apply 332 Fourth Avenue W. next WaMron Apartments. 213 FOR SALE. TWO CADILLAC TRUX- Apply P-O.Box v789. Prince RTfpeTr; B.C. 11 nation. DOMIMOX HTATl'H 212 'OR SALE. DOUBLE BED. PnACTIO- any new; price reasonable. Thocs MS9,. . . . 214 1 1 1 1 1 t "OR SALE. TWO McCLARY HEATERS in good condition. Pbone Blue 721. 212 Jnlon Jack, and although the Union ack has flown tn the old colonies of he Cape and Natal there has never been my formal decree or statutory provision o this effect. The Nationality and Flag Sill, if passed into law. wUl be the first tatutory recognition in South Africa of he Union Jack. Mr. Beyers says, and be wbo!e law. moreover, will be the re-ult of the January referendum tf tt is avorable to the governmenfa bill. He considers that the bill don justice to -he sentiments and feelings of the Brush people of South Africa. The Union Jack in the new flag, be says, will arm- oouze ine relationship of the Union of iouth Africa to the British community ueaung wnn the question of Dominion status. Mr. Beyers says that the .tltude of the National party (of which Oeneral Hertzog. the prime, minuter. 1 leader) always has been that each ot the British Dominions had the right of re- maming in or atepping out of the Brit ish Commonwealth. Tbe right of seces sion, however, must not be confused with tbe exercise of that right they were two entirely different things, be adds. It might be highly undesirable for any Dominion to "step out" but the right to do so exlstv without a ih. of a doubt. Mr. Beyers aayi he is con- i vinced that if a referendum were taken on the question of South Africa seceding the people of the Union would vole FOB RENT solidly in favor of remaining a member 1 'loW at iu siiiuu community ot nations. FOR RENT FOR RRKT-NtCS LAHOC PURHtStl-ed lean on Fifth Avenue West with private family Heated Fine atari a view Phone Blue t or Black ill. FOR RENT rURNIMlID seal by te day, week m Phone Red am. FOR RRHT -Flnnoa. sewing APART-atontb. It Walker-a! - MOfMtJlN JKWnt, HAR-Apply 4tk Ave. K. M FTJRHWfHO SUITE Fainter House. for Rarr SITUATIONS WANTED 7 pn. ritniEKhOR 11. At I1RI.Y riivrE. Phone l. High 1:43 m. 14 :08 pjn. tw 7;J7 am' 20:10 p.m. TIT.sn.tV, SEPTEMUEIC 'h 2:27 ajn. 14:44 pm. 8:35 am. 20:59 rj-rn. IS AT tf OLD COUNTRY MATCRM1TY NURSE open tor rngaceweavte dally or sse nth ly (certificated) Red Oat. U1MI0I.STER1N(. FURNITURE REPAIRtNO; UPHOL- terlng of all kinds. Chesterfields recovered and made to order. At) work guaranteed. Phone Oreen 903 O. M. HUNT. EXCHANGE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged. Papa- dopulos and Maraa. 839 Third Ave Phone 846 tf PRINCE III PERT M'MOOL Of Mi!!C r.tlJ. RE-OPENING On Tuesday. September 8 Pupils now enrolling. Orchestra practice every 1'ildiy at At'CTIONEtH AMI KEroNIIII AND I BUY. SELL OR EXCHANGE ANY-thing of value. Phone Brine for busineea. Te4ajhore 771. k'tir.N G ARAI1K I I KTIII It Itl lll CTIONS in niEvnourr prices CODunerelal Chassis, -uin delivery 6H0 TMitln. sail M Roadater 181 Roadster Delivery 1160 Sport Roadater "tSOOW Coach (949XJ0 Coupe 198400 Sedan I14MD0 CUbriolH UfiSGJOO Undiu Sedan; 11.11900 Imperial Undau Sedan ....IMSSjOO - UtIMty Express, 1 ton track.. 1792.60 Dlae wheels I25M extra tn all models. A complete line of 1934. model oh " " hsriS' at' present. Phone or call for demouuatlon and learn' about our easy payment plan. Guaranteed Used Cars on Hand. Ford Coupe. 1924, ioo cash, balance 124 per month. Ford Sedan. 1928. 1100 oaeh, balance 123 per month. k.ukn (ilium; Have lto Dealtera In all General Motor Produreta Goodyear and Firestone Tires. Wrecking Service Day and Night. I'linne S? - TAXI Phone C7 Taxi (Call George, I'aul or Gust) Six and Seven Passenger Stude-bakers at your disposal any time. ROSS UROS. POOL ROOM Meeker lllo k. (Across from Empress Hotel) High Low PRINCE RUPERT TIDES ft'XUAY, SEPTE.Mlir.lt It 0:56 ajn. 21.7 ft, 1331 pjn. 20.8 " 7:19 ajn. 2.0 " 1934 pm. 4J " MONlltY, SEPTEMBER 1S 22.1 tt. 21.7 1.8 33 22.1 ft. twr Yanroater Sunday v t-- Tunday u v Thursday v pi - Pr Sept 11- pr :, . Sept U tt 1 Sept t -M Pr.i. . I'raoi ts newsier-Sunday SS ('a', s Wednesoay espr : ML Carile a Satunlsy as I- : 8-uunHy I' Sopt 1.7- as I" I pr t Article, Lott tad FouccUt STEAMSHIP MOYEffl k 1 a C for Port SlinpMa and iu ttm- MatUnonlals. Pbone! rYtnay-ea Cardrr j Saturday-m '..'. 1 ler Aayat Sunday- as Cat' Wednesday as I" : I ram Anyoa Tuesday- sa r , , . Tburaoay- a i t s l ur Mew art tunday as C. 1 Saturday--as Pr.:. I root Mewart Sunday- -. pr:n. . Tuesday- Ciw.a I'or (Jneen rhsrWte Sept. 14V as Pr e .' Sept. 24 . e J Itwm ((ueen Charluttev Seot. B as Pri : J Sept. -as Pr J lur Als.ks Weaear a Pr : -e BefH. 7-Prln-e- A : Sept. IfJ- Pr.:icev. : from Ataka TburaUaT as Pr:n Seast. II- as Pr: : ea A ! Sent. Sl--s Fr ixr-i A' Sept. So aa Pr : t- A ? MAIL SCHEDULE hi: item be a, w It H :t u u : 11 r. u M u u M 315 I roin pMt Simp ana Nasi kiw ill in 11 Id u I or ir rjin j MesUMya. WednesdsTa 8 irom tlie Eat liOtMTS. Wedneadsys. dfie To Vancouver Sundays Tuendays Thursdays Batardays CTJL Sept. 11 21 Emm Vanroiitfr Sundays . Wednesdays Friday Saturdays C.P.R- Sept. 17, 28 From Naas River rolnta baiuraayi To Alaska Point Sept. 6, 17. 28 rrnm Alaka Point Sept. 11. 21. 30 raw- : 1 M KM l!!M 10 M I (, Kill 1 TO .injox ann ,' Ml BuiutlH a Wedheadaya f rom .tnjot and .tiler ,nH" Tuesdays m Thursdays To Stewart and rren"" tfJi Sundays . . w 0 1 Saturdays I rttni Htevrart and rrm"" , 1 Sundays a I Tuesdays To Naas River uln,- fWeJ f Thursday! m I ro"'' To queen Charlotte W fit Sept. 10. 24 rrom Queen Charlotte Sept. 8, 22 For Ihe East . ,,.4 C.N.R. TRAINS 22.1 " Dally Except Sunaaya 2.1 " From the Eail- ,2.9," i Daily uutpi TutUi'