25 TAXI ind Ambulance Service) Anywhere at Anytime' Stand; Exchange Huildlnf MATT VIDECK. Prop. XVII . No 212 FAIR IE AGUE iAS ENGINES ARE DANGEROUS jlarbor Muster at Vancouver Drawn Attention to Them and I rges Education VANCOCVBR. Sept. 10. -Education I ii'.y mean of Impreesang laueh ( : if tbe extreme danger of gaeo-iiic'.cd ciuitne and stove to pre-& recurrence of Monday's explosion d "he launch Sutll In which Jean ', tclaw perlst.ed was streared by Com- lc Reed, harbor master, at tlx in-x ' Friday. 1 j verdict of the coroner" jury found ii' i blame attached to any person. . 1 dc-lared that an explosion could . occur cm many launches In Van-c; Harbur as many of them had ii a:;k- cnted under the deck which ei an extremely danr'rous practice. WOMAN HAS TO PAYALIONY Fifty Dollars a Month for Four Months Assessed Against Mrs. iAirentzen '.03 ANGELES, Sept. 10. Per the :me in the history of the ttate ' ntlforola a woman wa en to y a'lfaTemafnffr&inee arts . band pending the outcome of r or:e motion. The ruling wai a:'' under the new law. t Mrs Lorentzen and Harold :n: icn sught to compel the other ;:: .umony but the hueband satis- i t ie court that he la without fundi : .s - ie wife is found to have 4.000 .5 bank and a monthly Income of l53 Tne alimony awarded la ISO .1 for four montha. INFLUENZA IN FAR NORTH Hrought Under Control by Hureau of Education Teachers and Nurses AKISK Alaska, Sept. 10 More than iw hundred are dead among the Es k ii. ot the Kuskoksln River region I' j influenza thla lummer but the epl & has been finally controlled by the ted 8! a tea bureau of eduoatlon teach-c and nurse by heroic effort. The t'L icx ti pp reached the aerlousneas of ' 'J :! 1919. The dlvea.se atruck a flab-1 amp and was then carried to the '-'..Ins villages. UNITED STATES WON DOUBLES j Beat Franco in Davis Cup Tennis (ianie Yesterday at Philadelphia I PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 10. The' "ailed States took the . doubles from Fan in the Davis Cup tennis scries !icn Tilden and Frances Hunter de-fcated Jacques Brugnon and Rene Borotra 3-6. 6-3. 6-3, 4-0, 6-4. HOSPITAL DELEGATES ATTEND OFFICIAL TEA VICTORIA, Sept. JO. Addresses by g-'afluate nurses and discussion of the auonal standard required of nursing candidates and a tea at Government nouie, featured the afternoon activities 01 the annual convention of the B. Hospitals Association. ' KOSSLAND WON THIRD GAME OF BASEBALL VANCOUVER, Sept. 10. Rossland de- iied Fraser Mills 5 to 4 in the third Kame of the B.C. baseball playoff. The "nal re taking place here this after- " ms PRIM E RUPERT. H.C. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 10. 1027 OF MTIONS ASSURED GERMANY IS FOR LOT WON BY MRS. DUPU1S Haysport Udy Takes Exhibition Prize With Ticket 2837 Dance Iirings Fair to Close Mr. M. A. Dupvls, keeper of a gen eral a lore and hotel and postmistress at Hayoport. was Uie winner of the lot offered by the rwlr Board In connection with Hie sale of menaberahlp ticket. As Mr. Dupul la not In the city today. It Is not known whether she Intend to keep the lot. which i n Second Avenue near MeBride Street, or aoeept the offer of 11,000 made by Olof Hanson for the property. The lucky number was 2837. The drawing took place at the dance last night In the Exhibition Hall. Blindfolded. MiM Ollie Curtis. Williams Lake cow girl, picked the number ou. f an electric washing machine, which had atlrrcd the ticket around, In tb presence of police officers. The dance, originally Intended as a Sow Bay ball, brought the Exhibition estlvltles to a clone. Although some thing over 800 persons were present, there were only a few In costume and the prize 'tor the beet get-up was awarded to Ben Betf. Bob dreenfltWs orchestra' supplied the mutic and danalng was kept up until 130 am. Ben Self was master if eeiemettie. 'Daring the efeeng, - drawings wcie made for raffles conducted by the Women's Auxiliary. Mrs. B. J. Bacon with tleket 99, won a salad bowl and Mrs. Carlisle, with No. 79, won a eonsol set. The tickets were drawn by little Archie Thompson In the presence of Mrs. F. a. Fyle. president of the Auxll lary. Other Items on the evening's pro gram Included exhibitions by tne Prince Rupert dills' Drill Team under the direction of Alex. Mitchell and Douglas Friaeell and an exhibition of fire eatlne by M1m Edith Ross, a visitor to town. ONLY CANADIAN FISH SOLD THIS MORNING Total of ll-ViO rounds of Halibut Of fered at Exchange This Morning Only Canadian halibut wai offered at the Fish Exchange this morning, six vieaels selling a total of 42.500 pounds at from 15.4e and 7e to 16c and 7c. Ar rivals and sales were aa follows: Rase Spit. 14.000 pounds, Atlln Fish erie. Edward Llpsctt, 6.000 pound, Atlln Fisheries. Alkl, 9,000 pounds, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., 15.7c and 7c. Joe Baktr. 6,505 pounds. Royal Fish Co.. 15.5c and 7c. Ringleader. 5,000 pounds, and N. and S.. 2,000 pounds. Canadian Fish St Cold Storage Co., 15.5c and 6c. MEMBERS OF CANADIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE VISIT CITY NEXT WEEK Next Sunday morning C.P.R. teamer Princess Louise, northbound to Skagway, will hsve on board about 100 members of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, who will be making the Alaska trip following their convention In Vancouver. On the Thursday following, the party will be here agalrj southbound and at that time will be entertained by the local Board of Trade,, f VANCOUVER EXCHANGE B.C. Silver coast Copper .cork Province Dunwell Olacler Gladstone Indian ... L. snd L. Leadsmlth .... Lucky Jim .... I .,nv.At Vfptnl JVlttii.IVO " " premier porter Idaho . . . Richmond silversmith Surf Inlet Bid. Asked 1.47 1.55 14.75 15.00 l " .06 ii .07 Vi .63 .65 .0614 .14M .19 .07 H .0714 .07 .04 .05 30 .27 .10 .13 2.35 i3S 237 32 1 33 .18 .21 .01 ',4 -O1 Northern and WITH A f (l.OMNO day iiati: ItLUUTS AT I till exceed last veau t Oate receipts to Exhibition activities yesterday totallel M7l made up of IK3 which 390 peo- pie paid to see the Stampede in the afternoon and MM adnJs- alotia paid by Kci person en- j tertng the dance In the hall Ut , night. Last year on the closing day. gate receipt totalled M63 Ineludlng U13 0 paid ou the grounda for the KetehUan- Prince Rupert baseball game and 4433.50 to the dance In ttw ' evening. FAIR SURPLUS NOWASSURED I Not Ascertained, However, if It Will Offset Eajst Year's Indebtedness Hough estimate of the I'alr Hoard's flnanrUI uliiatlon, folloMlnc the l!!7 Exlilblli'in, Indicate that the eent I Ills year will ohow a uh-utantlal aurplus but, whetliur or not Hut Mirplu will lie sdfllrlent to roier lal jrar's deficit, ktlll reinalua to be keen. Frank llibb, president Of the Hoard, cave awiiram' today that the Italanre of Jat ear's liabilities "Would be lm medl.il ely clcareif off. Oier f'i.WM) an realized by lha Hoard In I he kale of membership llrkrts on uliirh the Seeond .tirnue lot was. drawn. One (imiorr, .Mr (I. E. (lulUk, Mild oier l,0U worth of ticket. WINNIPEG REACHES SIX MILLION MARK BUILDING PERMITS WINNIPEG;, Sept 10 Building permits In Winnipeg this season are well away to reach the 17,000.000 mark, and It Is expected that by the end of the month that figure will be reached. Permit now total $0,175,000, being materially aided by the 1100.000 permit taken out by the National Trust Co. Xor extensive alterations to the Garry building. Several contracts of considerable proportions will be awarded shortly for city buildings and those will swell the total. The number of bulldlnss erected this season, or which are In course of construction, numbers 2.030. and the total permits, 3,330. LITTLE BOY DIES HERE DURING FAIR VISIT OF PARENTS Their vUlt to the city for the Fair proved a sad one for Alex Williams, section hand at Tyee station, and Mrs. Williams whose three-year-old son, Edgar, was sel7ed with convulsions yesterday afternoon and died about 11 o'clock last night at the Prince Rupert General Hospital where he had been admitted alx hours previous. The little lad had not been ailing untl yesterday. The body will be taken on this evening's train to Port Esslngton where Interment will be held. WINNIPEG ASKED TO OPEN HOMES TO VISITING POLITICIANS WINNIPEG, Sept. 10. -Two thousand householders In this city are being invited to open their homes to delegates to the Dominion. wide Conservative convention which .will start a three-day session here October 10. This wa decided upon at a meeting of Conservative organizations held here recently in view of the fact that hotel room will be Insufficient. DONCASTER CUP WON BY DERBY'S FILLY DONCASTER. Sept. 10,-iord Derby's PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper GIANTS NEAR LEAGUE HEAD t Cubs Drop Into Fourth Place as Ikll's Homer Takes Two in ' With Him . The National League race buzzed ith trns.ou today. a the clubs were otv;bcd into the thttkest combat of ymn with the Pirates holding a half )Md , vrr thc ofants. Bewildered, the Clcago Cubs yester- AtJ Ml ore ttie o.tnu and dropped luto fourth place with St. LouU In third by winning a ten toning battle from Bro.klya aided by Bill's homer with two on. 4 The American race. Is a runaway for the Yankees who now require but three victories in the reatalnlng nineteen gxeo tj clinch the"; pennant. Yeeter- day score follow:- VATIOSAt- LK.(ll E New York 7. Chicago a. Brooklyn-St. Louis postponed. Philadelphia a. Pittsburg 3. Boston 1. Cincinnati 8. A.IEKICAS IXAIilE S. Louis 3. New York 9. Detroit 6. Philadelphia a. Cleveland 1, Boston 6. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL KMII.ISII I.K tm K. Olv. I. Aston Villa a, AnH-nal 2. uury i, uircon u. Cardltf 1. Middle boro 3. Derby County 3, Leicester I. Ever .on S, Birmingham 3. Manchester United 1. Newcastle .7. Sheffield United 5. Burnley . Sunderland 3, Liverpool 1. Tottenham 3, Huddersfleld 3. West Ham 4, Portsmouth 2. DliMon II. 15a rn ley 3. Swansea 3. Blackpool 0, Clapton 1. . Fulham 1, Chelsea 1. Orunsby 1. Bristol City 4. Notts County 0. Southampton 0. Oldham 3, Stoke City 1. Port Vale 1. Hull City 2. Reading 1. WestSromwlch 4. South Shields 0. Manchester City 1 Wolverhampton 2. Preston 3. Leeds United 4. Notts Forest 0. SCOTTISH I.KAOl K. Dlv I. Aberdeen 4, Hibernians 2. Airdrleonlans 2. Hamilton 0. Boness 2. Dundee 0. Celtic 3, Queen's Park 0. Cowdenbeath 1, Kilmarnock 1, Hearts 5, Dunfermline 0. Motherwell 2. Falklrk3. PartlckO, Rangers 6. St. Johnstone 0, Clyde 0. St. Mlrren 4, Ralth Rovers 2. HHITISIIEUS WIS NEW WESTMINSTER, Sept. 10. The British and Ontario lawn bowlers defeated New Westminster and district 195 to 83 today. "..... . JAP PRINCESS HORN. TOKIO, Sept. 10 Empress Nagako of Japan gave birth to a daughter Terrace Orchards and Homes Charm the Visitor Who Sees (By II. F. Pullen) Those of us who sit at home in Prince Rupert do not , realize how the country is developing and what the people of the outside are doing. The other day I made a brief week end trip to Terrace and the apples on the trees there was a sight for sore eyes. I was told that the season had been a drv one and that thin its wpcp nnt up to their-usual form, but those apples were splendid and they were in evidence, evervhere:,. .Every garden had its trees and most of them were ladenwith. fruit. e were the guests of James McRae, formerly of this city, who has lately taxen to himself a ranch at Kltsumkalumt a couple of miles from Terrace, Just across from the famous Frank Ranch and a hundred yards or so from the R. L. Mackintosh country house. It Is the old place formerly occupied by Dad Wicks. I did not see the place In the old laays out according to all accounts It three-year-old filly by Throne won the .had become badly run down, thebulld-Daucaiter Cup today. lugs, had gone into decay and the GOOD r::::;;:;::;: IOII AERIAL STIDY OF INTERIOR ROAD KOl'TE Everything la now ready as far as the nrovlnclal denartment of public works I concerned for the making of the aerui recon- , alaaa4.ee of the route between ua'ioy Kapids and Terrace for the Skeena River highway. H. C. WhlUker. locating engineer for the department, has cen selected tn make the ob- serrations and will arrive In the eity on this afternoon's train ttom Oedarvale where he la en- f8a " locating that part of rod between Ccdarvale and Uk. The reconalskance will be made as soon as Major D. R. Mwlaren. DSO. of the PacUle Airways sees fit . 4 GERMANYIS FOR PEACE Will Accept Compulsory Arbitration Clause of League of Nations (1 F.N EVA, Sept. 1 Peace a a future gulldlng policy for mankind reeelved a big Impetus at the hi-Hembly ot the Iaguej of Nations (iiiMui Mrroeniunii, roreten mini-ter, that they would accept llie compulsory arbitration, clause of the world court of jiiktlce and In solemn lone a-urrrt the assembly Hut (iermany would not only travel along ihe road of peace but would seek to be the pioneer In eterythlng that pertained to peace. EDMONTON BUILDING REACHESTWO MILLION (Edmonton Journal) At the end of August the Edmonton building permits had passed the two million dollar mark. This Is far from being a record. During the years lm mediately before the war much larger flgurea were reached. But as compared with those of recent times. It Is a remarkably good one. With the confidence that the successful outcome of the season's agricultural operations has Inspired, an unusually active period H likely during the autumn months and the year's total should reach much larger proportions than that now recorded. PRIDE OFlETROlf IS MAKING PROGRESS SHANGHAI, Eept. 10. The seaplane Pride of Detroit arrived here this even ing from Hong Kong and Is leaving for Koklo Sunday. PRICE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER, Sept. 10. The price of No. 1 Northern wheat here Is 1.42V. . . , , Great Progress Being Made i fences were down. But it is a different picture that Is seen there today. The fences are up, the land cultivated, the house has been rebuilt and' other buildings repaired. More than that, the apple trees are laden with fruit of the very finest quality uch as yellow transparent, Mackintosh Reds and Duchess of Oldenburgh. Also there were abundance of crabs and Jim told continued on page two) better riding ON SECOND DAYI Eddie 'Hambriss and Miss Ollie Curtis Winner of Champion ship lUding Events There waa a great Improvement In the form of both horse aud 'men at yes- terday afternoon's Stampede a pared with the events the day pre vious. The stock had apparently re covered from 1U tram trip and there were some spirited iuus both by steers and broncho. There were only fejr nunureo apersawr. as .comparw, w:ui uie inouaana on me urn aay oui tfeoee who attended the second performance git the most- thrills. The test ride of the afternoon wa that ' Eddie Barbrlgg whee wild broncho crashed into the fence sad broke the boards. Both rider and horse went down but the former was still on op when they came up. Bambrtgg won the championship belt for broncho ousting with a total of 395 point out f 300. O. Adler was second wtth 285: Marvin Curtis, third. 275; ' and Leslie MUlcck, fourth, 270. For steer riding. Miss Ollie Curtis won the ohamplonship with 285 points: Percy Church wa second with 270 points: O. Adler. third. 265, and Roy Munger. fourth, 260. Each rider tock part In three rides to decide the championships. Other Boston Grill Jed for pulling leather In JiieL- Wwtf W7m&&S-T&fa'le JiepWtOeorge.ndnna venlle rider: Jack McAbee. Vic McDon ald. Roy Wilkinson and Pat Hutch Percy Church won the wild horse race, concluding event on the program, with Eddie Bambrtgg, second. During the afternoon, little Gordon Munro of this city was announced the winner of first prise for the best entry in the parade which was held on Thursday. Successful local steer riders were Bronson Hunt, Dido Qurvleh, and aalph Smith. The visiting horses for the Stampede will be loaded Into cars today and, with the riders returned to the Interior by train. The steers were bought jy P. Burns Co. SCHOONER NOBLE ARRIVES VICTORIA llnat seized In South Was Formerly at Prime Rupert lor Time VICTORIA. Sept. 10. Seized by the Canadian custom tor being In Canadian waters with liquor aboard taken from another vessel at sea the auxiliary sshomer Noble arrived today escorted by the Milasplna. The Noble, a fifty year eld sealer, was formerly the Lady Mine The Lady Mine wa here a few, years ago with a view to entering the coasting business out of this port HEALTH INSURANCE SCHEME IS URGED VICTORIA Sept. 10 Advocating state Insurance scheme or some system by which a health tax could be Instituted to provide free hospital care for the public, was made before the B.C. Hospl. tals Association by provincial health officer. Dr. H. E. Young, who stated that while the time was not opportune tor such a plan, urged that a strong pub- lie opinion be created along these lines. JUDGES APPOINTED MANITOBA PROVINCE OTTAWA, Sept. 10-Mr. Justice D. A. Macdonald of the supreme court of Manltcba waf pointed chief Justice of u fSE? ?. ?S gour. barrister of Brandon, has been ap- pointed judge of the King' Bench. OLD TIME RESIDENT OF VANCOUVER DIES VANCOUVER. Sept. 10. H. Mutrle, an old time resident of Vancouver, once a member of the brokerage firm of Mutrle and Brown, died suddenly yes. ' terday in a taxi. Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and beat for the leant Phone 457. Price Five Centa URPLUS PEACE land leases FOR CANNERIES Number of Firms Applying to Provincial Gov't. Through Department of Lands VICTORIA. Sept. 10. Application fcr land lease received by the depart- of UndJ Vat continued de velopment of canning and packing In the province. The Mlllerd packing Company of Vancouver have applied tor a lease of land near the Govern ment wharf at Solntula on Malcolm mand. The Nootka Packing Co. ask for the use of five acres on the Nootka townslte. the Columbia Fishing Ac Packing Co. of Vancouver for 20 acres rn the south shore of Harbledown Island, the Lscgara Fishing & Packing Company at Massett for eight acre tn Mclntyre Bay in the Queen Charlotte Island district. THREE INDIANS ARE ARRESTED Taken to Alberni in Connection With Death of Fisheries Officer Island near Clayoquot have been arrested and removed to Alberni as the result of the. finding of the body of Edward Leach, fisheries patrol officer, mere than a week ago on board his stranded launch. It was stated at the post mortem that Leach's bady had been In the water and that he was probably drowned rather than killed by blows PULP LICENSES ADVERTISED Large Tract at Queen Charlotte Islands Reing Offered for Lease VICTORIA, Sept. 10. Tenders for pulp licences to cut spruce, hemlock and cedar at Copper Bay and Grey Bay on Moresby Island In the Queen Charlotte Islands district, have been Invited by the department of lands with the applicants directed to apply to the chief forester at Victoria or Prince Rupert. Msre than 80,000,000 feet board measure Ui embraced In the two licenses, applications to clcse October 13 and 30 years being allowed tor removal of the timber. MAJOR TUDHOPE WRECKS PLANE Goes to Meet Empress Liner But Strikes Wharf at Ramouski QUEBEC. Sept. 10. A seaplane with which Major Tudhope of the Royal Canadian alrforce attempted to speed the transatlantic service by taking malls frcm the Empress of France was wrecltea yesterday when It taUed to clear Ramouski wharf, the pontoon crashing. Major Tudhope, the mechan ician, and the malls, fell Into the St. Lawrence River and were rescued MINING DELEGATES VISIT EAST KOOTENAY FERNIE, Sept. 10 Delegates to the Empire Mining and Metallurgical Con gress spent yesterday In East Kootenay. They were welcomed by Mayor Irvine and devoted their time to Instructive and educational trips covering all branches of the Industry in this section within a radius of 100 miles. STRIKE CALLED OFF. BRISBANE, Sept. 10. The Strike of Queensland rallwaymen was called oS today following dissension In their ranks.