,'iemoer 10, 1927 THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS Vie LAUNDER. SHIRTS I AN0irHK.lWftl5T4 TOO" B So TH OT Trl EY -SEEM 1 D OUITE FftfcSH AMD NEW.. Oi'R shirt waist and his shirt Mi .iild take a trip to this laundry und return. Th-y will de-rnorntrate to you our expert aMIity, our polite manner of mrvinj? and our moderate pl iers. We invite you to do this. Pioneer Laundry I'hone 118 YOU ARE IVVITED to see Ladies' Coats Hats and Dresses at The Lovure ?1C Third Atenue Ne xt Itoyal Hank Wood DltY lUUCH, CEDAR AND JACK riNE HrU'lo Load 8.J.r0 Houbln Load $.r0 Liiri't- Suck ."Op" 0 lll'NDLES DRY KINDLING, $1.00 I'hone ."80 HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue REDUCTION in Prices 1.7 per cent off for two wt6k only, . , Come In apd.. 1rtspdci iuf stock M. T. LEE LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Third Avenue P.O. Ilox 977 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnllun Moving. Waterfront Whiffs Heller Price l'aid for Halibut New McUan Shop Near Completion Jeie (JulU : "iluch improved price featured the hi! i tat mrW tat-in th paft week? American bid went an high at 17.2c and 8c. which the AIM and Eastern Point reeeived for respective eatchet of 5.00 and 14.000 pounds on Wednesday while the Canadian hljrh was reiied I the same day by Signal lfj.ilc and 7.5c tor 22,KXJ uih1. The Signal, owned and skippered bjr Capt. Paddy It-gram and built only during the ast "Winter, baa been landing aaWUBtial catcher alt seAaon on favorable roarkt and is wtjU -a th wy U being ttte jhijth Canadian boat far 101' Uwt icw4he week were ml last Saturday 10.2 and St far'Ameriean rWIrid 10.2c and Ce for i Canadian. During the put week a tote) of in Kioai uenange, m,AN pounds brine American srxl 343.300 pounds, Oan-sdlan. ThU brings le total for tb cMin to date up to 19.168,950 pounds of vhkh 13.798300 pound has been contributed by American vessels and 6373.000 pound ty Oaaadlan. Last year's totals at a similar date were as follow! : American, 14.331. 100; Canadian 0407.600: total. 19938 800. The past week has been a hard one on the WhltT. Man. Thursday afternoon hla regular calling day on hla waterfront wblffs friend was Stampede Day and a elelc holiday so he spent the time working like a d tool for the Oow Boyi and Exhibition Board. Bo it went every afternoon all week and as, we hare Waterfront Whiffs S3 times a year and a Stampede only once, or we hope only once, the Water front had to suffer. Next week we hope to make full amends it we can sumetently recover from the festivities or don't get in Jail ss s resalt of them. Quite a commotion was cawed around the elevator tMs week over Jack Melntyre's challenge to Jack Wat. son In the matter of steer riding. Th TIMBER SALE X9153 Sealed Tenders will be received by the District Forester, not later than noon on the 13th day of September, 1927. for the Durehaae of Licence X9155 on south end Preacott bland. C.H. S, to out 163KK) feet board measure ot Spruce, Cedar, Hemlock and Balaam Sawfoga. Two (3) years will be allowed for removal ot timber. Further particulars of the Chief For ester. Victoria, or the District ForeMer, Prince Rupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X1303 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands, at Victoria. B.C.. not later than noon on the 13tb day of October. 1977. for the purchase of Pulp Licence X4303. to cut 49.40S,000 f.bm. Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on Copper Bay, Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands District. Thirty (30 years will be allowed tor removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief For-este. Victoria. BC or District Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X1298 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands, at Victoria, B.C.. not later than noon on the 13th day of October. 1927. for the purchase of Pulp Licence X4298. to cut 13.093.000 t.bTn. Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on Grey Bay. Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Island District. Thirty (30 years will be allowed tor removsl of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forest. Vlctoris, B.C., or District Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X4297 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands, at Victoria. B.C.. not later than noon on the 13th day of October, 1927. for the purchase of Pulp Licence X4297, to cut 38.375.000 f.bJn. Spruce, Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on Copper Bay, Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands District, i Thirty ISO! years wilj b allowed, tor ' Further particulars of the Chief For este. victoria. :bm.. or uaiuiti Prince RnDert B.C. i ... j . - 11 WATER NOTICE, DIVKKSIOV AMI I'SE TAKE NOTICE that E. Rousseau, whose address Is 410 Seymour Street, Vancouver. B.C., will apply for a licence to take and use 1 cubic foot of water out of unnanmed stream which flows southerly snd drains Into Port Stephens Bay. about one mile east of Bluff Point. Th water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 600 feet from the mouth and will be used for commercial purposes upon the lands described as Lot 2750. Range 4, Coast District. This notice was posted on the ground on the 2th day of July. 1927. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" will be filed in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B.C. Objections to the application may be 'filed with the said Water Recorder or with th Comptroller of Water Rlghtt. Parliament Buildings, Victoria. B.C.. within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice In a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of this notice Is August 20. 19uaENE rojjsse. LAND ACT. Applicant. NOTICE Or INTENTION TO APPLY TO , I.KAME LANIi nti.rwt. Tlnnria Land District. 'Land Recording District of Prince Ru pert, and situate norm ui '"tAKE NOTICE that The Langara Fishing snd Packing Co. Ltd. of Mswtt. occupation Canners. Intends to apply for a ' lease of the following described lands : commencing at a post P'ed twenty chslns north of Ysn Indian Reserve and on the shore of Mclntyre Bay: thence north 5 chslns to the low water mark; tnheneahtyj? following said tow water 160 chains: thence southerly 5 chains: thence easterly 160 chains to the point of commencement, and containing eighty 'tnArTaAmHINO & PACKING CO. LTD. Applicant Fred Nash, Agent, Dsted Jub 37. 1937. latter never came off. however, for the "n ttw outil"l ha" 7 tranaportusf eouid Mt be Ineaacied "m" " movement snown the wherewithal to mak theas buck Is as swar as th enaUenfed on his new shlpsbed at Seal Cos. 134 by lis lout atrucUue Is mm reared hito the air and wltMa a month It I lor operation. Um slrsady have a few tmli In view for 1 meat. la understood to nice winter cos) is new asUolMi Mike the halibut fisheries this season, left und while they sre still Incomplete. I THE UAIEY NST73 " PAGE rrvs No More Rheumatism t siert wM, t hit rmM-fttf ik,iltk, a tktiau" t, Tji, Nsaslma, B.C "Fruit --Livn" st such aa effective remedy brcsase it composed of fresh lruH Juices, esmbiaed wita ton in. In urutunl way, it ridi tlx tynria ff'pow-iu and puripct the blow! ' Try7 it - Mr at 0r i bos. msneM to oom recovery ao fsr ot aeo'rt 3 prr rr-: MIMHATIOV. IIMITKII Ths rrMrmt from taking U Ufatf totlstsw as the movements of soeh fish as are left on the iianlui south f ley Strait, the migntinn shows i inf nw vi w itt monini was ins than 20 ovtles; st the end ot a year cares about associating .wrth the deer, """" " WT "w old cowmoat. He cseo doubts the nod 7 naw 1 p"cloie increase in faith of the ebaUSMger and woohl have " " moT1 th spproxlmat. liked to Use "" "veteo oemg stui unaer to novo go through with it if it um BAt fe s nj annea. toe BTerage. nowwver, mciuoea amn.ua to hlatself some which traveled more w.dety; about SB par cent moved less than 3i v . . . . . miles. 98 per cent leas than 180 mlleo. Th up to 39 or 490 miles, without much nfroenee on the great mass of fish AmiiH. In ah amtttiAm .fmit r hoped to have i, l eaopWad and Iready nadnt thtt there U no ostonslv migration between different hxks. The astute ot the movement whkth does eaeur, however is Interesting: fish tagged on opposite sides ot the Clowe Island bank about th same The btg schooner Jessie, whlsh Capt. time showed net mlrrstion In on Meagher Meagner has nas been been opersUng operating In in aosKe direction, somewhat similar to what would occur it two lota of gold torfoy tor Vancouver, osteosfe? far en- fish were placed gist repaira. me jctste naa not ma s very lueesMfuI ssoaon ot It and It in opposite sides of a pend interaragllng and dtsperstnc Is ever the whale aiwa of the hank In underitos4 that she will be tied up st cXtltr tDe ,pparn,t ntgrstion is least lor the rest ot the year. Inot a real migration at all. but merely a diffusion on the particular bank. As IIU.IIU T IHOUKiV I for the few ftsh that left the bank All authorities agree that artificial 1 their movement appeared to be hap- propagation ot deep-sea fish, such as haesrd and without definite direction the halibut. Is Impractical, and that It On the Yakotat and Portlock banks la slm evidently impossible to control In general, mature fish viere tsgged In any way their food supply or tt.err while those on the southerly banks enemies, by which their growth might ere nearly all Immature. So far only be promoted or natural losses reduced, about 35 togs hsve been recovered says the Pacific Fisherman in reporting from the Yakuut-Portloek tagging on the work of the International Flah- done last winter: but these fish show cries Commission Conservation, then, sn astonishing amount of movement can only be accomplished by so hand- compared with the others. The average Hag the existing supply that com- Is about 373 rnnes. with s maximum ot meretal reduction will be fullv bal- soit 8M mttes for one fish that a need by natural propagation and traveled from Yakutat to Cape Beale growth, with ample allowance for toe and 670 miles for one that went from spawning reserve. Benefits resulting' isxuist m tsimeoneoi isisna. ui me trom regulations must not be st once 35. only three were retaken south' ot destroyed, but preserved until there Is Icy Strait.' In'other words, the last an actual Increase available for use. .tagging seems, from the present limited it ... .ii.t .t t. .t.rt th.t returns, to hsve run Into a different nH f m.lnf.Jr.ln. r..tr. IjTC Off IVKK DUX It SOOUia De COnSKX It be known ,rM ""l rmna r re ing the fishery. must where the fish so snd what thev da s' ' " the the mature fish. .n that the vmav he Birm neeerv "sblU Of Many more fish must be tagged on these protection until the Increase may pro- nerlv be drawn urxwi. If the halibut wostera banks W provide the Informa- were highly migratory and not locallred , Mon ne'ded returns are from all sessons It would be tiosalble to Drotect them These inese in only by genersl radical restriction of n "mlted to any certain times of fishing: while. It they sre not mlgrs- ysr-and must therefore, reflect watery, the stock may be built up " 'e11 " n"al "IsTstlon. The throueh control In certain areas, as In experiments seem to Indicate that, up to n1 yonl the twelfth year, it Is dealing with timber resources or live- stock in fenced fields. One of the first perfectly feasible to protect any desired oI hallbut ln nT lTtn dl9trlct- effort, therefor, was directed toward learning th extent and nature of their mT 1tbI not rMT necessary tor consenratoln to give protection be- migrations. At the same time It was Tona lnal Be . h m J" on.m.y necessary to obtain reliable data aa to whether mature fish are res-lstence rates of growth, age st maturity, ex-,""3 ,rtct,d cerUln &r?a or Mne5: or absence of racial dlstlnc- tlons. and composition of the stock in would m tnat- regardless of hat maT 1"r discovered u to the the various sreas aa to size. age. races. mature fish localized offers valu-clpal are a Such Information has been the prln- i"e snd positive basis of sctlon. object of the biological studies, The Investigators approached these w sire oi RACIAL DISTINCTION the conclusions so fsr reaehed are en- Fishermen snd dealers have long couraging and sufficient to form a known that halibut rrom different basis ot action. ' ' Ibtnks show different characteristics as head, thickness, Inroblems from -different anisic at once, 4h Investigators were surprised luit De .iur&ei .uieix ETOiizm -.ana . CEeciv. jww uumB lw uuinci 'iafenlirl'ea'nv messred' iind- ;T '-Mtt"; : J T6 H ' " ner. This rh1hWlhs-bech of parttcu- rJol -6nly doe the relative etc.. but to find are when determined. ength of ,Usf. .yslur.. as, the sjtudles along each.Jiead vary greatly between fish from line have done more than corroborate ' the different southerly banks, but dlf- each other's results, each having had ferences are found In every point Its own Important bearings on the studied, such as fin-ray counts, etc general problem of regulation. Discus- Just as in the tagging, however, as slon of these, .however, may await a soon aa the Investigators left the later date. ' southerly banks and commenced to The most striking method of research , study the larger, mature fish of the was that of tagging. Experiment soon Yakutat. Portlock and Shumagln areas, showed that the strap type ot tag, at- they found themselves dealing with tached to the cheek waa the most effl-, different conditions: the tlsh on these clent. As the hslibut Is a laree. valu- various banks showed a much Market Prices Tulsrs retail prices are as follows: LARD Pur 33c Oom pound ; '. 30c WJOS DC. fresh pulleU Soo BC. fresh, firsts 65c BC treah. extras 60a Ltal new laid 06a DC. Storage, firsts We IISH lisltout. 10 iU salmon, red spring ... t&t Salmon. Vnlte sprint. lt lie ffcmcked' kippers, lb lie Kippered salmon, lb. ..,... IV Smoked blsck cod, )b. Pinnsn haddlea. lb N MEATS Fowl. Ho. 1. lb Roasting chicken, lb. ... Ham. sliced, first grsde . Hsra, whole, first grade Ham. picnic. lb. eble fish, sought widely ln the open ; sfcnllsrlty to one another. Cluster raisins, lb. sea, the numbers tagged were probably1 From studies so far made, it appears lmon and orang peel not so great as If they had been small that mature halibut from various local- Citron peel and easily obtained: yet a great num- ltles, after about the sixteenth year. Blcck cooking figs, 1 ber have been tagged, about 2,300 are apt to be more or less alike. The straps being attached In the summer fish ln such sreas as Cook Inlet, how- of 1925. Up to June of this yesr over ever, sre largely Immature, and these 28 per cent of these had been returned differed both from the offshore mature and tags attached two yesrs ago are fish and those mostly Immature still being recovered ln considerable from the southern .banks. Thus there numbers. Incidentally, as the halibut seems to be an 'offshore race or variety have a life of some 25 to 30 years, 'ot mature fish, while the younger fish drain of nearly 30 per cent ln two 'on the shaUower banks show definite years, as indicated by the percentage distinctions. 1 seems possible that the of tags recovered, seems very consider- j offshore fish; rosyhej merely a, mixture able. From one region (off .Cape of. thef vajcotu ifices 4oflnd.lnshore. Chacon), nearly 65 per cent havefxen returned ln thla period, giving Very successful results as far as th experiment Is concerned. In the summer of 1926 ,sbcu 3,600 halibut were tagged around Goose Island, Cape Addlngton, etc.. of which over 10 per cent have been recovered to date. As most of them have been out lesstban a year and they are being returned In considerable numbers, It seems likely that the returns will equal those of the 192S tagging. In the winter of 1926 about 1,800 tags were attached on the Portlock and Yakutat banks. These me only recently com- which have became diffused on. Reaching maturity. 1 pennltcoTOlus'.Ons on this point however, cannot be reached without considerable further Investigation. This evidence of the Independence of the vsrtous banks provides an explanation why It Is possible for the banks to be depleted unevenly. Furthermore, sufficient knowledge has been gained ot the characteristics of the population of each separate bank, to make it possible to determine the effects In each locality of any regulator measure. Advertise la The DaUy Nws White figs. 2 lb. Currsnts. 2 lbs. Prunes, 3 lbs. . . . Apples . . . 20c 30t 30e and 3Se 45a 55c 420 25c foottags rolls, lb 30a Bacon, back, sliced (00 Bacon, side ...50c to 60c Pork, dry salt 35c Ayrshire bacon, lb 35c Veal, shoulder 350 Veal, loin 40c Veal, leg 40c Pork, shoulder r.. 28e Pork, loin 4oe Pork, leg 35c Beeft pot roast 13fte to 18c Beef, boiling 10c to 15c Betf. steak ...35c to 40c Beef .roast, prim rib , tmb. chops .v.. Lamb, shoulder Mutton, leg ,, lamb, leg Mutton, chops 30c 50c 35c 40c 480 OC Mutton shoulder 30c BUTTER Brooktlsld, Shamrock and Woodland, SL'OAR 50c E.C.D.. lb 50c Capital. 2nd grade, lb 47 H Fraser Valley, lb COc CHEESE Csmembert cheese. 8 oz. pkg 85c Kraft Llmberger, H's 35 Ontario solids 35c Stilton, lb 40 Krsft 45c Norwegian Goat 85c Napoleon Llmberger .............. 70c Roquefort 75a Swifts' Brooktleld, lb 45c Oorgonzola, lb 75c McLaren's Cream, Jars .... 4&e and 85c Brooktield Swiss cheese. Si lb. pkg. 30c Brooktleld Csnadlan cheese, i lb. pkg, 25c Oruyere 45c Ooldsn Lost. lb. , 45c Jack, lb. 50c Romsno Sardo, lb 75c aammelost, 'A lb 30c White, per 100 S7.50 Yellow, per 100 17.00 FLOCK Flour. 49's, No. 1 hard wheat 13.85 Pastry flour, 10's 65c Pastry flour, 49's 33.00 VEGETABLES Beets. 6 lb. for .' 25c Beet, sack $2.75 Cucumbers, each 5c. 10c. and 15c Carrots, new, 6 lbs. for 25c Carrots, sack 32.25 New B.C. bunch carrots, 5 bunches 25c New Potatoes, 8 lbs 25c Sack 12.13 reen peppers, lb. 2 lb 35c Parsley, bunch 10c Rhubarb. 5 lbs 25c Cauliflower. B.C. head.. 25c, 35c and 40c B.C. head lettuce, 3 tor 25c Oarllc, Imported, per lb 50c Cooking onions, Japanese, 8 lbs... 25c Green onions, dozen bunches .... 25c Radlihes, 3 bunches 10c Leeks, 2 bunches 25c Celery, head 15c and 20c Outdoor Tomatoes, 2 lbs. ........ 25c 5 lb. .basket x.r,y;. A' 0c 6p'lnich.,tocsl.'2 lb. j; v. '25c New B.C. Csbbage, 5 lbs. NeW parsnips, 3 bunches Green beans,-3 lbs.- ..x 25c 25c 25 Oranges, Valencia, dozen . .35c to 1.00 Lemons, Sunklst, doz. ............ 50c Imperial Valley" Grapefruit".".!" ' ST" lor '25c Bananas, 2 lb 35c Extracted honey, lb 25c and 35c Comb honey, section 30c California Red Orapes, lb 25c Bartlett Pears, doz. 50c and 60c DRIED FRUITS Dates, bulk. 1 lb 15c Dates. Dromedary 25c Raislni. bulk lb 15 Raisins, package 20c 35c 30c 50c 15c 25c 35c 25c 23c Pesches, peeled .' 20c Apricots, lb 35c MJTH Almonds, shelled Valencia ........ 75c Brazils 35c Walnuts, broken shelled 60c Walnuts, shelled halves ...i 65c Almonds j; 35c H Peanut 20c Manchurian walnut 25c California walnuts 40c No, t mixed nuts 35c FEED 100 lbs. Whest, No. 5 i.:.... 13.23 Oats ,2.85 Bran $2.00 Shorts (2.10 Middlings $2.50 Barley u.75 Poultry mssh , 13 jo Special eggmash $3.60 Oyster shell t2M Scratch food 33.20 3 IcanadianT PACinc frr EcwwntesJ Trsjportai 1 -w v y. -TsaVS. . ' -M At. SH sAo-4 NEW LOW PRICES IToriav S3 1 XZOU would require three years of . Y arduous day-to-day driving to know asVnuch about Chevrolet performance and endurance as the General Motors Proving Grounds brings out In a few months. There's strength stability ruggedness built into every inch of the Chevrolet Chassis; into Its beautiful body by Fisher; into every detail of itt powerful engine. After yeirs of trouble-free driving, you will know that Chevrolet hat added to its economy, itt smoothness, itt power and its Beauty, the , greatest measure of Strength and Endurance ever possessed by any low-priced car. Ask your Chevrolet dealer for a demon stration. OA I mazing Quality in uiwwviM mmurif Touring "645 Sedan 850 Lamiiu Sedan 915 64) Roadster - - - - - Sport Roadster 720 Itnperial Landsu Sedan 955 Coupe 765 1-Ton Truck Chassis 635 Cabriolet 875 Roadster Delivery 645 iCoach 750 Commercial Qussis 485 tritu sf ttttory, Oikawt. Ontario Cinatmnl Tui Eilrt Third Avenue KAIEN flAKAGE Dave Ross Ivipp Prince Hupert, R.C. PRODUCT OF CENTRAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED DEMAND "Rupert Brand" ers THE DAINTIEST BHEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. I'rlnce Huperl. B.C. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To 'Ketchikan. Wrsngel). Junrntr anil Sfesjrwny September G. lti 26. To Vanoomer, Victoria snd'Seattte September It, ti, 30. 1 PRINCESS IlKATItK'K. Tor nutrdale. East UelU Itelbt, Ocean falls, Namu, Alert Hay. Campbell Klver. and Vancuuier every Haturday, II a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full Information front W. C, ORCIIARU. General Agent, Corner of 4th Street snd 3rd Atenot. I'rlnre Rupert, B.C. isu srv.s.ihi "TMf a mr TO.SICHV GRANT'S A TPfe 11 Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Crnl k Sou Liniud OkIkUkIi ! fUvfM-CItilM DtuJUnM. Dull. 99 i rTocuraDie (THE 0RIC1NAL) This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Advertise in "The Daily News"