PAGE FOUR Hum . : . i - u nt is not l).'l-.. .! .- 1 -i '.p(J ;,y f.he Liquor f. in( ' .i Hoard or by Mm tii.-pjii'i..- i of lin'ish Columbia i BLANKET Special During the month of May we will give a special rate on all Blankets. Single Blanket, each . . :J.r Double Blanket, each . . titi? Blankets washed without shrinking and returned nice and fluffy. GIVE US A TRIAL Pioneer Laundry (1921) Ltd. Phone - - 118 Coats in Shades of Navy, Gray and ; Sand Uemers Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone G3 Cartajre, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnitum Moving. Dr. Alexander Smith Block I'hohe 575 DENTIST ANGER, the TAILOR We carry a fino stock of imported Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds arid Serge. Every garment tried on before finishing. jJ23 Sixth Street THE NEWS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM Ann. I DlNTV- 'WE'VE COT BUT REr-IEMBEfil TCS SHAKE THAT I ! EuEPMAhjT- Jump j 1 1 i rvi rviv rAr. SI 1 ' II TERRACE. May id. The spring sale of the W. A. to the Anglican Church Terrace, was held Saturday afternoon in Progress Hall. Weather conditions were not all what cbuld be desired, fain falling steadily early all afternoon. A splendid crowd was in attendance, however, and the sale was a decided success. Promptly at 3 o'clock the sale was de clared open toy the president, Mrs. T. J, Marsh, who, assisted by Mrs. A. W. Robinson, welcomed the visitors. The different booths, very attractively arranged and decorated with potted plants, fernery and crepe paper festoons, were laden with plain sewing and fancy work, delicious home-made candy and appetizing home cooking, The white elephant booth, attention to which was drawn by a miniature white elephant, disposed of a goodly numbe of articles of a very varied nature. The committees In charge were follows: Reception Mrs. T. J. Marsh and Mrs A, W. Robinson. Work tables -Mrs. tlllbert and Mrs.' II L. Smith. Candy Mrs. Nash, Misses Easthope and Peters. , I Home cooking 'Mexdames Carr. II King and Slme. White elephant Mrs, 0 Von, Hee and Mrs. R, Haney. Tea room Mrs. F. C. Bishop and Mrs. W. R. Thomson. Tea tables Mrs. rowers, Mrs. Chap. man and Mrs. Varvderllp. Cashiers- Mfs? Burnett. Mrs. W. Sparkes and trs. Geo. Dover. As usual unsold articles will be sent to Pacific where Mrs. T. 11. McCubbln will have thorn, on display and for sale EyPECTb TO CO OUT IN THAT M T X - n I v .r rr I 1 r I04O THI& 0 jarie Attwood, Helen Greig. Mary V. , meeting outlining the year's activities ' Smith. BUly Attwood, Dudley Little and and thanking the women's auxiliary for Jack Sparkes. ! the Immense assistance rendered In The seating capacity of the church j equipping of the hospital and the public was taxed to hold the large crowd who . generally for the many various dona-availed themselves of the opportunity of tions made. He also expressed regret at l bearing the Impressive service and force-, the impending departure of Dr. Turptl lul termon delivered by the Archbishop, who has accepted a position in the Special music was rendered during the service. Immediately following the service a reception to the Archbishop took place in Progress Hall and was attended by i many interested friends from both eharches. The hall had been very artistically arranged and decorated with house plants and apple and cherry blossoms. An interesting musical program had been arranged and was carried through. Those taking part In the evenings entertainment were Rev. and Mrs., A. W. ! Robinson, Miss Janet Young, Mrs. S. Kirkaldy, Mrs. W. T. Attwood, Mrs. O. Von Hoes, and B. L. Pearson. After refreshments were served Rev. T. J. Marsh gave a short talk expressing pleasure In welcoming the Archbishop and also offered some good to the young 'people who had Just been confirmed and to their parents as well. This talk was followed by a most interesting address by trie Archbishop principally reminiscent of the years he spent In France j with the troops, but he also spoke I briefly of his church work throughout the different B.C. dioceses. He also expressed his delight at the splendid re ception aworded htm.- Other arrangements for the Arch bishop's entertainment while here Included a luncheon at- the rectory when Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Robinson enter tained in his honor, their other guests be leg Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Marsh and Mrs. C. R. GUbert. In the afternoon he was taken for a drive around- the district by Mrs. P. U. Monckton and made a visit to the logging camps on the ferry Island. Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Robinson were again bests at the dinner hour, their other guests being the two two church wardens and their wives. The Archbishop left on Friday morn ing for Prince Rupert. TERRACE LADIES HOLD SPRING SALE l-arj;r Allrr.:l.iiur al Annual i:rnt of An; limit Cliiirrh Saturday Harelton Hospital. A gratifying report was read by the president cf the women's auxiliary showing their sympathy and interest In the hospital work. A motion of appreciation for the work of the officers and board for the assist ance of the auxiliary and for aid from the genera! public was passed. Owing to the small crowd present. the unwillingness of the present board to carry on for another year, and the difficulty in electing a new board it Was decided to postpone the election to a urther meeting to be held at the call tf the president. . 'x TERRACE Mrs. D. D. Munro returned to heme here - oa Thursday after having spent the winter In Smlthers. W. E. Smith, who was called to Rib- stone, Alta., some time ago, owing to the serious Illness of his father, re amed home on Thursday. He left his father much Improved In health. II. L. Frank, government road fore man has started a road camp at Copper City and work on the Terrace to Usk portion of the highway will be carried, on, from that centre. Rev. William Allan and Thos. E. Brooks, left on Sunday for Vancouver. here they will attend the Presbyterian meeting and Conference of the United Church. R. L. Mcintosh came up from 'Prince Rupert on Saturday to look after his Interests on his ranch here. Miss Haddock, deaconess of the Unit- 1 Church, Prince Rupert, and AWAY FROM AX ELEPHANT 3-. THAT ELEPHArl-rr -&PENDVTHE. AN' a.kT BE. FVkCK BACK J J I RT REVTOFH OFHra.ra 3 - AN THINK A UTTLfc ly V W . , 1 BEFORE MIWHEI' -DHE l.-b Urv . UFELOOKlN UOlH-pi f05 iKETOOV KEAUX: fiS-xAva rw- Bis (TMflr "::7 f ANPIRIW AHflN ' TERRACE HOSPITAL ira""' "mh fT" w"' " -! ANNUAL MEETING HELLl IMKAlt . Klrtlhin of New Offk-rrs Postponed Oiting o Mnall Attendance Friday Nlelil Mrs. C. Ste art came In from U Douglas Cretk mining district on Saturday tftid left on Sunday for Mrs. C. A Smith and daughter are .srrnimnnp neia urffpiwi ana iottiiir tftn Rhm M. i AmI Miomii DMrirt and l.ntertalned TERRACE. Mat 16. A very am ill re- lwri Mr mUi u -.mMnmi m. TERRACE, May 18. Confirmation services were conducted In St. Mat tbew'a Anglican church here on Thursday evening at 7.30 pjn- by Archbishop ce Pencler. Seven candidates presenting themselves far c;nfirmation were Elliot Head. Mar- presentation turned out to the annual j winter at the Amesbury mill. meeting of the Terrace nzwpttal Associa tlon called for Friday evening In a. W. V A. hall. President J. K. Dardsn was in the chair and o-irtng to the absence of A. E. Fowler. S. T. Kenney was appointed secretary for the meeting. President Gsrdon addressed the targe shipments of young chiefctns are arriving here regularly for a number sf val ranchers. They come from the iouthem part of the province. Shipments of bees have also been received from CaEfornls by boi W. 8. Ander-m and J. M ConneU. Mrs. Ardagb was a bridge hostess on Saturday evening. Three tables were engaged. High scons being made by Mrs. E. T. kenney and Miss' Etderkln. oad STEWART The Premier Gold Mining Co. has let a contract to Jack Rennie for the mov ing of supplies to the Prosperity group ;n the north fork of Marmot River on shich it took an option last fall. Included In the equipment to be moved in are 1500 feet of lumber, compressor. Upes, fittings, etc. Owing to overloading, the Stewart wharf has been found to have sunk sit 'nches or tnore. Orders have been given Utat Dunwell concentrates will bate to be moved nearer shore., Fred J. Hughes. enghKer for the United States Bureau of Public Roads, her has arrived at Hyder to supervise local improvements. no. a tunnel fa me Woodbine l now ra about 100 Wt and No. 1 about fifry feet. -SOlh have a full face of fire loosing ore. , The steamer CaUla last week took 61 tons of Dunwell concentrates to Van- sister, a missionary recently returned assaying plant will soon be installed at from China, arrived In Terrace on Sat- the property. tirday and are guests at the parsonage. They occupied the pulpit of Knox Miss Rosma Wells, matron of the V anted For Sale For Rent Wanted. Cleaning Stewart General Jtaspltal until the end it last month, was married recently in Vancouver to H. P. Kr. a former resident of the district. They have leXt 'or UBoet where they will make tnetr tyQmt on the groont's big ranch. Five tons of Big Missouri ore went ut last week for smeiwr test st There are persistent rumors here of extensive developments being plan net! at an early date on the Indian Mine. tons r Swansea. Wales. Another ship-: . ,. , . ment of 200, tons wnt be sent out on'rT-. "T . 'T" V"TOUW; one of the ore boats in a few days. Word has been received In Stewart that the luteraatfenal Metals Explara Hon Co. of Seattle has made a first payment to Dr. R. E. McKechale of Vancouver to bind sn option taken last fall on the Patricia group of - seven cialms In the Marmot River section. William Younkln. superintendent of the Extenuate reports tbfct the tunnel, which is now in 22S feet, has entered 'wiwtn ijctv wiiii nrr aunt, Mrs. M. K. Januesson. H ORDINATION SERVICE WAS VERY IMPRESSIVE lurie 'ongrr;a(ln frrM-nl at special ITm-MiNnsi In fit. Andrew's Cathedral Yeoterday Rev. C. O. Darby and Rev. Roy Man-warini. 'irraduatea of Emmsnual Thani. the recond ore zone of the property and llrlcgj oolleee. v.., her good rock is being broken Into. An!lnlo the Aiwllctn enure minify h as i4ou a last fartwdl Your friends on shore will return to drab, familiar tasks. For you on shipboard, bound .for Europe, will unfold, an enchanted world-days to follow stored with hew delights, ROMANCE. s: and Thf Cunard SfeainMiip Co. I.M.. Ii ll:itlncs St. MeM, Van 'nil! rr, or any steamship agent. AithbUbop A. U. De Pencler st Impressive morning cervices in St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral yesterday. The can- j dictates were presented by Archdeacon d. A. Rlx. who assisted In the service, snd jan appropriate ordination sermon was j delivered by Rev. Prof. W. F. Barfoot , Rev J. K. Ban was. also in the chancel. At the evening servlee Archbishop DePenclcr preached an eloquent sermoB beiorp a large congregation and the two newly ordained men each read a I1 son. Archdeacon Rlx and Rev. Prof. Earfoct took the service. There were i anthems by a full choir, the work of the orWmt. Miss Marjorle Lancaster, and quartette by Mrs. Ernest Anderson, Miss Annie Daiby. Marru Blew snd J. M. Col Mao n being deserving of special mention. nev. c. O. Darby left this morning on the forestry boat "Lillian D" for Maeaett to take up his wjrk on the mission fcout "Westirn Hoce." Rev rt m.. j,wanng win leave for Atlin In about two tu' lime. ine steamer .mnce Albert, former! ... ..... v.. . . wain ik aervtce, is now loading a cargo of lumber in the south for Antwerp. It Is understood that, on ncr return to the coast, the vemel bring a consignment of llouor ' PIMNf'R IMIIM'IJT Tint-t! . . . l? , ..... ..r.o v ?,? t ' liiati';;... M ilV. MAY 1.1 j 0$6 ajn. 13:02 pm. Low O.M am I8:4D pjn. MONIItV, MtV 1(1 "lh 0:65 am.' 13:37 pm. W, 7 30 m. 19:20 p.m ' Tl i:tAV. MAY 17 "'Si 1:25 am. 113 p.m. kw a 02 ajn. 19 52 p ro, will SH2 ft. 18J1 4 .0 " o a aoo ft. 18.7 4 0 7.1 20.0 ft, 18.7 " 3.8 " 7.4 " " 5 3 . ' - DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. F 2c per word in No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WANTED WANTED. PARTNER WITH SOME capital and acquainted with navigation and halibut fishing. Box 44. Daily News office. US - HOUSEWORK, WABHiriO. by the hour. Phone Green ltd SITUATIONS WANTED WOMAN COOK WANTS WORK IN email camp. Apply Box 41, Daily News Offlcc. us FOB KENT furnished suites for rent. Apply Mussallem Grocery. Phone ROOMS FOR RENT. BOAftD desfc-ed. Phone Black 120. 18. IF PIANO FOR RENT.- $5.00 A MONTH. Walker's Music Store. ROOMS TO RENT. PHONE 678. BOABI) BOARD. THE INLANDER. Second Avenue. Phona 137 tf FOB SALE -i A ('Alt AT VOMt OWN' VniCK We have on flew at our oOce, Third Ave. Bast, one in Ford Sedan, Upon which we Invite you to ntake a (Med bfct. Members and employees of our turn wUl not be allowed to bid. On May 34 we will sell the car to the person who baa submitted the highest oiler up io 6 pin. on Msy 33. This Is a bom fide offer, and we make no reservation. Bid whal you are willing to pay for the car. If jroo cannot drive we will teweti you. AU bids will be ptered in sealed envelope, deposited in a sealed box. and opened and examined by dls. Interested parties, on the emring of May 23. Make an Offer S. U. IMKKrit, I.TII. I'OKIt l)KA l i lts. ) FIVE TUBE NEUTRODVNE 6ET, LOUD talker, bead sets, complete, for sale, or exchange for small pleasure boat Phone Red 409. Post office box 1554. Prince Rupert. no FOR SALE. BEDDING OUT PLANTS, all Varieties, raised In our own greenhouse. Prince Rupert Floral Shop. Brighten up your hoane with flowers. iOR SALE. 8 EVEN ROOM HOUSE, close la: cheap for cash. Also two lots. Phone Red 713. 113 FOR SALE. SIX ROOMED HOUSE AND lot In post office block. I23O0 00. Apply P.O. Box 378. U5 TOS SALE-160 ACRES LAND ON UP-per Skeetn. 11300 00. Apply Box 42. Dally News Office. H8 FTJR RENT. SEVEN ROOM MODERN house and four roomed furnished flat Phone Oreen 735. lis FOR SALE. typewriter. Phone 774. CORONA PORTABIJ5 practically new. M00 114 OPPORTUNITY! 15.00 A MONTH NOW buys your future homeslte. Walker Music Store. EXCHANGE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold snd exchanged. Papa-dopulos and Marrla. 839 Third Ave. Phone 640. tf AUCTIONEER NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC! ON AC- count of the Ute spring In Alberta, .toe laad not being yet fit to wed. the sale as advertised of .the res!. Once and residential s:to on 'Atlin Avenue will be postponed until Thursday. May 28 at 2J0. This Is a peculation worth looking Into. O. P. Brine. Phone 774. Jl HIIKSSMAKINCI EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER. TOR- merly of New York and Edmonton. Mrs. C. Smith. Drcxel Rooms, 1S9 Second Avenue. Phone 580. iiomimon int.MTiiti: Kxniwm: leonrdy (lurnoii. priiprleliirs 144 Third Avenue Phone lllark 121 Furniture of all sorts bought, sold or ' Jiscnanjea. UPHOLSTEitlNR FURNITURF HF.PAIHINO: UPIIOL- tering of all kinds. Chesterfields recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Green 003. G. M. HUNT. RESTAURANTS noon i:th cait " 'Mrs. Unger, Proprietress Third Avenue, Next O, W. V. Uooij Hume Conked Meals. Phone Black 700 TAXI Phone G7 Tnxf (Call George, Paul or Gust) Six and Seven Passenger Stule-Inkers at your disposal any time BOSS BBOS. POOL BOOM Meeker Block. (Across from Enipras Hotel) ArticU. Lett tid ound,4t MAIL SCHEDULE OtT(iOM l or tne f'ji.t "runesaayi ana ginr. closes , I,. 'in. u Sundays Tuesday Thursday . . filttirrfava I u May 13. 24 ,B First class mall is alas ilrvwi Vancouver on Mondavi. Wedoe4i Saturday by CNR train? To Anjns and Aliie Arm-Sundays Wednesdsys mM To Men art ami ITrmln - Sundays j Saturdays , ifl Tu Ct. !4lmpwn and Naw Klinri-Ihuradays to Ala-.ka Point fo (nren Cliarlollev May 7. 21 I.S-('OMIVl rrom the Eat Tuesdays, Thursda; tna S n. t I Torn taneoater i Sundays f Wednesdays WSU Thursdays . May , vi. yJ t trom Aniot ami A lire . Ins- Tuesdays SB Thursdays I ?m l'rou Slewart and Prrmlfr Tuesdays t Sundays M Irwin It. filmpwn snd a- la. M- Saturdays From AU.ka Points May 13. 24 . t'rnm lueen t'liarlotle May . )3 u no nni.iitM' Ait n Graham ft Atlin Afs. " J 1st Ave. dt 8th St 6th Ave. A Fulton St " " 8th Ave. A Thomps' " u M lltl Sherbro r Av -'4 ' 1 1 lb Ate. at conrao 6th Ave. St Hays ',,. 8th Ac Hiys Cov- Cir. lt 8th Ave. ft Cotton St Sth Av. ft McBrlda Si Prov. Oovt. Bldgs. Prov. Gov. Wharf O TP. Wharf Q.tIp. Station 2nd Ave. ft 2nd St 3rd Ave. ft Fulton St 3rd Ave. ft 6th St STEAMSHIP MOVEMENT! fur Vancnuter Sunday -as. Prince Ce Tuesday as. Ca'aln Thursday Pr:iiT R Saturday- as C'nr.n n.i at. Pnm:r- U'-':: Msy 34 ss. Print.-.' A . from Van-uer 8unday as. Cnt:ia Wednesday s Pr m ' Thursday Carm -i ,t Satunlsy s Prrn"-" Saturday- -as. Prinre May 20 PriiKi v- . 11 a IM it i; May 30-ss. Prinriw an" I or Port .Xlniwnn '' JiM' B , Thursday-ss. Cardnu From Port Hlmp-m and , , Saturday - Cnrdi " I'or An)o Sundsy ss latala Wednesday P"1 Frnlil Ali)- -Tuesday ss. Cstab Thursday- Prn" "l"M I'or Mewarl Sunday- as. CaUU Saturday-. Prln: 0"r f From Nlewnrt Sunday-ss. Trtnce Oert Tuesday a. Catalu For ijneen Charlotte May 21-as. Prince J' (inin Oiieen (harlolle May 10. .. rrlnre For Alnk Mav 20 as. Princess John Al"' May 30-a. Prlnce-ss At'" From Alaska May 24-. NrncM AH C.N.R. TRAINS For I lie i:nt Monilsyn. Wednesday n; 11.30 m, I'riini Ilie I'nst Sundays. Tuesday 3.30 p m. if r If 10 P? If it