6 Prince Rupert Daily News ] Li | L M h G d ; p k Fl di Sag atu . ttle to Lose, Much to Gain by Tweedsmuir Park Flooding Black Edge Letter Means Tro SCIENTIFIC WHALING ! NEW STAMPS Ui e€ OSLO, Norway (CPX—A supe RETORIA, South Africa (CP) By ERIC S. MARTIN terlous effect, because of the! fev finitely greater num- area, and in the sanve breath we VANCOUVER (A letter edged in black almoe ‘Sonic device designed to dri A postage stamp | -commem British Columbia ts gaining a /| vastness of the water area | ioe a bigger satisfaction | are informed that as far as the) trouble to store owner Julian Chaykowski a }whales to the surface has beet te the ¢ ms ion sae" ” large manufacturing centre, a) The fact of trees sticking up/out of the benefits we are to de-| government can gather, there are He sent Mrs. Ronald E. Smith a receipt i installed aboard 25 of the N ith Africa for three |city which is expected to be the/ out of the water is of no concern! rive from the ead reason. of this|/ approximately 30 million FBM envelope which had half-inch black b PY for a bil in 4 wegian catcher vess¢ uilix f ne 2 *t year.’ third in population in the pro-| whatever, it will surely be long | flood in the area to be flooded ends ends linked ACTORS bol for the Antarctic whaling Will | vince, and in exchange B.C. is to| hence before they become a navi- t n idea abroad t © ‘ "08 t nee, § exchg st at a abroad that| It seems that it costs quite a Mrs. Smith ch , son. The instrument is ba t September ‘°) give up about one-thousandth | gational hazard, meantime you Twe nuir Park is to be flood-/lot of money to go logging thes whe es “ ths ae she suffered from shock and hyster the underwater det« . de t r} . pos part of its total area, will find that the trout of ali ed This is not so. Look at ajdays. Even if the §25 million Wane — rought the letter. She sued for $5 vices used in the last wat in South Africa Kitimat is being carved out of| sizes will visit them as feeding |... k at contour lines: the/ figure were correct, It is still Ora } | hitherto virtually unused and/ places. k itself is only to lose a few! merely 4% per cent of the $550 re case collapsed in county court. Tt = 1 Se wt [ek ecdkeakan erto V | : : ; part f is only ose a fe merely ® per o 1e $5! 1e envel : | SURES Ruekneeeeeses eR sansteEee 2 unknown bush-land, and the} At this time there are several |... y places in spots that only | million that Alcan is putting into, be produced and her claim was dismissed “Pe couldn land that goes under water wil!| outfits busily logging off the | ou ' rs, a few guides, and cer- | Kitimat ; be regretted by ® few, but its | north. afore oo lake, The tain forest rangers, trappers and| There will be created a reset 7 ; i” a passing will surely bring big re-| B.C Ragps Service would wel- prospectors have visited. Parts|voir for the famous trout, the TODAY RITA HAYWORTH - GLENN FORD HWE Ww ye turns in recreational value ee : - "b ee of B het lake and river, Chel-| ducks and geese will have more 7:-%: p.m. “AFFAIR IN TRINID " é ge wid eed i low xa es 2 ‘in. hist a theta er, and Chief Louis lake | water for their own needs, and AD “he wild-life here is not going |lowest stumpage ft: story, Ini y nge their shores; but gen-|i¢ the land area in which our S$ i ; 0 tn 5 * ig, . ~ , oe as . : s : "1 ¢ j ; : un . FROM YOUR FAVORITE fart ah yah STORE , tc lose a thin economic ally et get as — of thisjeraily speaking, all these places} much sought after game animals ; day Midnight Only irene AALS everything and everybody should | timber cut as possible a t, ack that only the}roam is slightly reduced, then OAN DAVIS GENE AUTRY gain! Let us have no talk of! Millions of feet of merchant- te ; ble timber ate not to be Mae ill notice it, and they/| should they not become easter sunken trees polluting the waters | able timb are not to be lost; |. t oni to find? (Or will they? in i? * are rite \\ ” and harming the trout; for each|because of fires through the ort} ore of Votsa lake Neighbor w the south proudly Harem Girl H ll y an spring brings its snow-waters| years, the nature of the terrain, ; z 5 ovetige : | $0 a i ti bot! t he growth here i tty | ¥ vel illy merge with the! points to the record fish being wn “h vegets etc. t zrowth here is s " : ‘ ish be 2 ¢ ow? and mu¢ h vegeta - ae a i : . : na a Francols. and| taken from Lake Mead. The Ter ones. living and dead, comes with it; | there is much second growth, anc ai : . “ y oa ; . ssivilits vo | nessee Valley Authority was A d M | the lake levels rise and myriad practically all the logs being) * t} iene Ar) much maligned aia t was f . SHEHERAZADE! ALADDIN! : 15 t ' : ~ areitaken out measure only 12 p it! fu ) yma hen it was fi n € ; bugs. worm larvae, ete., are ake n out m sur on 12 to 14 at in the QOotsa,| mooted; today there is no plact SINBAD! ALI BABA! greecily eaten by winter-hungry | inches at the bu his goes for ie n tl 8. that con ths fist ; Spruce and Jackpiné, whieh is W i Eutsub Ty tachuk | n he US. tha consistently See al be . kiees which sre nek felled. |snomt of tha out anywas 8 \ Obviated, and/| provides more and larger Wall Dad Na t t sat) vall ‘ i Things have beet uid. abo tit : from the western | eyes, yet both these marvellou , ut r VE > ig ave en s .¥ : me . j \ + Toe ore ee oe echt oo -0P a poo : ti . oY a tapp N shorten their car! fishing holes are man-made dum! bees @ wil eTve aS sHeiver , Whe omense iO Ones ACSLNELK , pape serie ss a ‘ : si : Mom's f rit ; I » tiny aquatic creat-| sense when having to view this i : ' ee ' pt aaen In my OWn lite I claim a re OF f ; : 7 ; : } 3 road Houst« * sai ecumn ‘ . ures common to our northern/“sunken forest How many a Ay Houston | sponsibility for ane flooding in and r Is lakes, and any exudation from| people have ever seen Tweeds- *° N [ have seen the standing timber them can have no o possible » dele- muir Park anyway? Surprisingly Ri t wil] be « on my own land become ib Wal : niente ne ‘ it will take them/| merged, but where there onc e A a ind the park. (There is| Were only mud turtles : ap rea V * . . i ther power o see| poles, today one may take three 2 ioneering Duties Performed 2»: 0's: 1% 20 ras Hoes or tou hao Rn or _ presents f f lroa vhich is 30 “griefy” in wet|crappies and perch, and eve John Sutton - salt Donnell Mother weat mudeats Of these fis tw lon Chaney - Hlewe Verdugo se ell-Anown Coast Steamer.) 2s 2 seme pune inoeden —— fle wut of their hom it e crapples were introducec Pw Pew ¥ 1 foolish mouse that! since the flooding For the . « cas AY} ND st nd . a wis record, this is on Salmon Lake and ; By BILL RAYMONI around it's feet ‘wet | Tee ee a Extra~ MONDAY & TUESDA An announcement that the well-known Canadian | this is to be. They have practice) Have an end erie Nursie Behave” TOT E , ° . “ . PP . Tr rin th fres s so} brother sportamen ake the long Holl » 9 yr” National steamship “Prince Rupert” will be replaced /® e — view and veuliae tibt ic-scenebue ollywood Pie Thrower it ms they can take care of Wallace's Dept. Store SERRKCBEKTORRAERIST RSH ARERRRESSRES et ~ ‘ ° € » * 4 : , eae, ; by a new ly-built vessel sometime in 1955 comes as a) the elv quite obviously the | losses a little the world gains a EVENINGS 7: - 9: PM \ Varwous Players Theatre Christmas-Time is Porty-Time ' gang be 25 Petter ne ge Bla surprise to many citizens of this city \ who have known | equipped to survive the ship for 40 years ; n said t TODAY BURT LANCASTER ‘n PROTEC ih fo 3 aus wes er bee 42 years since a craft of all sizes mber to be los STARTING MONDAY FOR THRER DAYS “MY WIFE'S BEST FRIEND’ STARRING ANNE BAXTER - MacDONALD CAREY Shows 7 - 9:00 Ph ‘Jasper National Park” ( AP iTO “Birthday Party’ News A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEAT } ® { of smart looking passen- : : { r liners were first seen in Brit-, Someone on Columbia, and Alaskan camera. Later that fal phe | fore ve ee ; " war mast 5 Ya waters. In smart appearance, Toronto Globe printed a large : is about 5000 FBM to and modern. design, there had/Picture of Laurier been nothing to approach them | standing on far noria. They would sup- | Prince George , a i 1 the lo of ri t and i Hows e ' T ; Geore ; f area to be negligible wher his far noria y sup- n : h caption : ‘ , : . ; con red to the huge size of B.C plement on the sea, the second) “The Old Captal: the Heln . asthe. os ; F rea. It is known that the } Your Radio, Tables, Etc. with a glass top MIRRORS MADE OB RESILVERED A e, work a simple im i \may macs vooamany rans - continental railway Gr Trunk Pacific—-within a Once th few years of completion ref je y ; back to the beginning of organ- ; The figure of $25 mil The ships were named. the’ ization routine, had a sizeable has bi aucted an the cost of wt SEALS Prine rt ¢ 1 he r e + ait > é Prince Rupert and t Prince | feet, including the Prince Ru- signo\ the merchantable tim George and both gave admirable * performance. The latter Was pert, Prince George, Prince John wer from the Tweedsmuir Park For quick results try a Daily News Classified Soi cr Setenikan ‘one sum. |Prnce Albert, Prince William urnea a *LCUUIKa me sum- morning, not se long ago WINDOW GLASS PLATE GLASS AUTO GLASS Glass cut and polished fer table tops, radios, et« } NORTHE RN GLASS Co. First Avenue at Mansen Way 26 or Red 884 ) Near Industrial Weldins P.O. Box 562 Prince Rupert, B.C i, and of course the Prince Henry + Dr ‘ avid and ti > rines And now comes word that. her Rot Pr “aq aes and th Prin sister pioneer ship is to be re- DEES. acy Were here GUrnE ster Ploneet jsiip is to be re’ |the regime of Sir Henry Thorn OLD MAN WINTER IS COMING ‘ene 5 ton One Seryed as a t whip « Thos the sory of these swit| BUbE fx ‘Bagland, they “were 0 “BUY COAL'NOW and graceful vessels—with their aay se larg > thre> fuanels giving a touch’ of Sf ever a We Have a Carload of the Best } nat pride in beating the ‘national; te west olors—works its way ta the end.| FARLY SKIPPERS ALBERTA - FOOTHILL COAL oa Pye ss malt eo oe St! Captain MacKe Cap Eneland, in the yards of owen, | Nedden. ‘apt in Dor jonald, | Cap LUMP - EGG - NUT - STOKER - "ad Wigham and Richard- house ‘and Capt. Davies are bu At Lowest Possible Price $ few of the many capandi ’ COMMENCING be Prince Rear te. hoe igi | experienced olficers jut all wer PHONE 383 or 858 | Monday, December 1 Rupert 10. her. naires | ae eee ean { { { { | en oy i. ooo Se gee . Png Prince Rupert Fishermen’s Co-operative As SPECIAL NOTIC Casta ~ ~ > - 3 ~ , t ; i ; | i : 2 rn incidents yarns recollections Being ineyv night be told of these 42 years| accidents fre ime 1 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY — FAST SERVICE FOR LUNCH HOUR FROM concerning the fleeis and the}|Once the Prince Rupert Seek ser amet DELUXE - TRANSFER In one way or another, there| restored at Prince Rupert. A Wh was no lack of drama, adventure | other time she sank at her do Nee be paid in advance if desire ither a €n you give ind devotion. It would make alin F quimalt, and cr anothe: DELUNE TRANSFER, Second hive West, across from A book of superlative interest | occasion srounded at Anyox Liquor Store or at IDEAL CLEANERS & LAUNDRY on er d A German Warship called the} Last year she eollided with t McBride St Dresden Was re j th ; reported in N€iPprincess Kathieen. which tl / Pacific but she did not remal | vent ot fF career on th All Orders under 1 ton C.0.D. FEATHERWEIGHT PORTABLE! sisi tive tori nena ito) 28t, eae Net care % sa! e a later® and lik enough true | rocks of tl South 4 i q — ey tory the Dresden had little or| no knowledge of B.C. coast de 12:30 to 1:30 Members are specially requested whore ot oii possible to have their orders placed the do sake port. Thousarids of tales, aad ge TODAY DON’T DELAY THE COW BAY STORE WILL CLOSE ) ) prior to delivery. And here's what the £X724 meons fences. However, she sighted a three-funnelled ship with crul in ETRA GR TIRES er tern, and lost no time iby DUNLOP peeding for the south It's belleved the Dresden took the SE Prince Rupert for a my terious warship | ( The Prince Georg betwee 1914 and 1918, was converted into a hospital craft, and fo nany months was available, so long as there was any likelihood of hostilities off western shore It was the Prince George that | brought Sir Wilfred Laurier on his first and only, visit to Prince ; Rupert. This was before incor- poration of the city, on a beau- MO 'E Ww ith tiful September day. The Prince You 1 | George was escorted Into the Sn Dw A iO Dp winlvdehy af. | A-1 Quality ere, SOK | || dctocags EXTRA GRIP e basic 5¢ . sewing sieeaih o course of oy [P91 rontiae stax SNOW AND MUD TIRES = sine - | Beautiful blue ; oo. ; ; : Traction that takes snow and mud in its stride —+that Dunlop Extra Grip Snow and Mud Tires are literally TWO TIRES IN ON E. ‘They provide: Three Years’ Winter Traction: successive winters the Dunlop E ; ‘Tread gets you through snow and mu with sure-footed, non-spinning traction. For three xtra Grip | a : 207% ms , > After you Yours for $2075 keeps you ving ~ through every winter road hazard Two Years’ Summer Sert a eel ’ ith Dunlop Ext have enjoyed three winters of su - al , ... that’s the traction you enjoy with Dunlop Extra brand-new, full- Your wife — or your mather popular sewing machine: 1950 FORD SEDAN Lots of Grips. ee a ~ - se s Tread —G 700D : : : cessories “e two- » 0 — whoever you hold dear Remember, you can buy ven moby , san . es So Bay goodbye to spinning wheels — throw away that fm roars | TWO MORE Y EARS’ will appreciate most the gift a SINGPR On budget terms. " shovel—enj oy the smooth- riding, quiet- running service wR ar SUMMER SE RVIC E. that gives a lifetime of care- For further information and Rel ean 4 : | of Dunlop Extra Grips! EFFICI free sewing a demonstration of SINGER'S TRUCK DEPARTMENT | This Christmas give her a unchallenged superior- 186 DODGE PANEL — Sound . a i new Singer” Featherweight ity, visit the SINGER SEWING | as they come $835 oe OW . Portable, the worid’s most CENTER today! : 7 od THE DUN LOP DEALER | bo) READY TO SERVE YO ° ber. Rung nice “SINGER SEWING CENTER | = ADDRESS PHONE Bob Parker Ltd. 639 Third Avenue West Phone 864 “The home of friendly service” 1 | 1942 FORD PICKUP—AI1 rub- BOB PARKER LIMITED A Trade Mark of THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY FORD < MONARCH DEALERS Phone 83 Phone 93 LTE, } i |