25 TAXI Boston Grill nnd", Ambulance Service Anywhere nt Anytime Stand: Exchange Huildlnj MATT VIDECK, Prop. :,""Hv, Ltb T &! Vol. XVII.,-No. 114. lUIIUUM. ( IIMM I IIWI. IWI.i AUK IIH l.r:i BELUNOHAM, Msy 10.-J. E. Costan, n'-"a;tcr )f Vancouver, on Saturday j lit Pt Hitbwav and brought to the til :cre early Friday morning ml - :a ndltlon, at hts daughter' t 91 watt., nf irm T: t -i is the victim of aphasia at :l:c t!. hvlnir th fnurth attack, he , The father said Canadian physicians i MM !. IIOI.UMt II I. to in: i'aiii this m;ak OM.V T' ;ht It is cxiK-ctctl the tax rale tsi.l VVIIIlTIlb i: WO klllUUkii will be probably 52 mills on tho GRANDSTAND COLLAPSED "M: IIUI) AND Mlllll.' THAN FIFTY INIl llED AT PHILADELPHIA HAIL (lAMi; PHILADELPHIA. Mv lfi. Frodcrlck Haas, so yeart, of age. died from shock "na more than fifty people were Injuria wncn a portion of the flooring of the grandstand of the Philadelphia National League baseball park collapsed ouring a game hero Saturday. KILLED SPEEDING AROUND A CORNER SEATTLE, Mav 16, Charles TurDln. 20 Jwrs of age, an electrician, was killed n'r here carlv fiunH.u Mh.n cored- to -"'iiVU mm A ..nlai ' Bin i COURT OF REVISION ON VOTERS' LIST IS IN SESSION IN CITY Court of revision on the 1927 provin- cisl voters' list is being held today by Oovernmcnt Agent Norman A. Watt. I More protects than usual are being n challenged. The protests ,n:r.:3a while the two were shopping " :i Vsn: uver while carrvlni six light s"""' ! XS which ih ntlll hart when Dlcked district, llf in uonservative ana uuxzni organizations hare entered protests. At the morning session of the court some fifteen or so pewons had presented thornselvea personally asking that their names be placed on the list. CUld llritallv Hiunn... a 1lrlrinlV ILK ADOUI nail :-mc During one of . inr.i.i iiui; these SET TAX RATE a douen had appeared to she defend themselves ngalnst their names being protested. The court closes at S o'clock this afternoon. ILM.CS. PATRICIAN COMING TOMORROW Ciiiriilliiil HiKlroycr Will l.e Oprii for Piilillc liipi lion '1'i'ri.dii.v uml iiliirsdiiv AIlrrniKHis JIMCB. Patrician will arrive In port nt 30 tonufrrow rtrnofii for a five-day stay according to n meMiific received this morning from Capt. Apicw, commander of the destroyer, by Lieut. - reu, maxing a reduction in u.q nlTlr.,. will i it -ri km voiuitvrvr - - tiic proixwal to tax Improvements i ' wi:.riii:it ucroitr Prince Rupert.- -Clear, onlm; tcmpcr- aHuc, w. Terrace.- air. windy, temp. 41. , , Ilosawood. Clear, calm,, temp. 44, , Alyansh. Clear, calm, temp. 43. Alice Arm. Clear, calm. temp. 4a. Anyox. Clear, calm, temp. 62. Stewart Clear, calm, temp. 42. Haaclton. Clear, calm. temp. 40. Bmlthers.-Part cloudy, calm, temp. 47. Burns Lake. Clear, calm, temp. i, Whltehorsc. Clear, calm, temp. SO. Dawson. Clear, calm, temp. 44. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheat B.C. Sliver Coast Copper Glacier Gladstone . . . Independence Indian L. & h Premier auto laiied to make the turn and rorier 77L4JV WRECK Bid. Asked 1.62 U 1.70 1.75, 11.00 ' 11.00 .00 U .08 K .25 .20 'i .00 .00 .06. .07 U .lot; .n ' 2.09 2.10 .13V4 .15i .oti .natv I Identified with the dpvflonment of the . "" -'"""""ifresh water fisheries In Manitoba pn .an the Army the British and Navy Derby. swceps.ak.es extensive scale. TERRACE TO CELEBRATE I'ltOdKA.W AIXII'TKH HI It JIT.II.IK i:VKNT AT INTKUIOIt TOWN ON' DOMINION' IIAV Ti:i!i:( K, M.-y IR. Trrruee l In lime M ll; Julillrr frlrlinilluii on Dominion li.il. At u iihi'IIiir of the irlrlirullun i-ominlttrr Irldny ernln u rrjMirt of A, II. llukrr fur Hip prn(rm ciiiniiilttrr oiilllnln-llirlr iriiMNiN wu adopt rd. The MiiRrani nllj Iir:: I II. a.m.. tvrrclvrs by I Iir clilltlrru In Hunk Siiiurr. 1 1 .ii.iii.. I'aruilr. AllrrniMMil IkiKi-liall uml fiHilliull K nil nc: I'H'l.iy iif llrrworks. I l.iK niMiis. I'll ll l- tlaiier. To IIiwiikt Hie rtrnt u d.llliT will Iir lirlil In in- 3, (iilln lion lioxri will Iir il.i(T(l In Murrx ami pub-lie plaers Uml ll.ui will he sold. Alwi ii I'iiiiipmIiiii fair rrfrrlimrnla will he sold lu S, Klrkiilily tor I lip ball grimmW ami ilanep li.tll. WHITNEY'S HORSE i O Canada! Our Home uml Native lamri! True patriot. love In all thy sons fumiuuml. iiiiu iiitinins iirari hi pit hoc ii-.-. The True North, strong nnd ,'free" ranging fr. t.i 1234 anil oe to 13.2c and 7c, while .Ivc CailsdAni. sold 30.700 pounds at frcm XS aad 7c to 12Xc and 7c. TTc day's arrival ajtl sale:, were as follows: :M A M i : 11 1 tit N ilval-j Sumner, 33,0'JO pounds. Canadian Fish' & C?!d S;.ri;c Co I2.Cc and Cc. Vanfccc, 4S00O pound. Paclf.c Fisheries, 13.1e ar.d 7c. Havana, 30.C00 ptunds. Booth Flshcr-ru. 1 12.0c and 6c. Crunvoll, 23,000 pounds, B'joth Ftsher-cs., ' i3c and 7c. Tatoosh. 21,000 foun M, Atltn FUhorics, 12 Oc and 6c. Senator, 24.030 pounds. Royal Fish! ' 1 Co.. 13 tW and 7c. Impcrlil, 11.000' pounds, Canadian ; ftih Si Cjld Storage Xik. 12.3e and Cc. j rrcav;rt. 4.C50 fuondX Atlin FtehtrJcs, i 13..C and 7e. . J NAII.N Oape Spencer, 3.0CO ( pounds. Booth FUhertes. 12.2c and 7c j Reveille. 10.OU) pounds. C.iaadim Fish " U Cold Storage Co 12 Cc and 7,0. j tll. 800 ,poundsfc,JiLdian.. rj., & Cold Storage Co.. 12.23 and 7c. Uncme, 8,000 pounds. Atlln Fisheries, 123c and 7c. N. & a., 2.200 pounds, Atlln Fisheries, 12 2c and 7c. LOST IN FOG OFF , CANTALINA ISLAND SAN PEDRO. May 16 -Thc full rigged I ship Bohemia with a party of movie j actors and others aboard was lost in the fog eff Santa Catallna Island and werej located by seaplanes 23 miles off Avalon. : Besides Rev. O. O. Hacker of Prince; Rupert; Rev. Victor H. Sansum of Kls plox; Rev. J. H. Young of Hazelton, and Rev. William Allen of Terrace, whoj sailed from here last night on the steamer Prince George, Rev. William Deans of Ocean Falls joined the steamer at the paper town this afternoon to prcctcd to the conference to be hsld In Vancouver this week. PRINCE RUPERT Northern nnd Central British Columbia's Newspaper riMNCE RUPERT, C.Cj MONDAY, MAY 1C, 1927 fumes. The Olar.ts drew a few notches ahead f the Hold by, frctuliig Cincinnati for l.c srcind time In a rjw while Uic V.inkca added . to their lead though :dle throuijh the defeat of tltc Wh'.tc- .nx hy Uic AlhleUcc, their nearest stri iihavh si'ouks N'atliiiial l-asnr PHtshur? C. riiiladclph'a 1. St. Louis 3. Phlbdelphla 12. Cincinnati 1. New York 2. Chicago 7, Boston 2. Anirrtran Ij-ajnr Washington 2, Cleveland 3. Philadelphia 2. St. Louis 12. Others rain. MMl.WS SCOKKS ' National I,;m;iii Clrcir.na.tl 3. New York 6. Pitt .urj 9, Brooklyn 6. America n l-eajiic Erslon 2. Chicago 1. Philadelphia 6, St. Louis 8. Others rain. HOP-INGYET FIND AIRMEN THOt (illT TniiV MAV IIAVK TAKEN llCH (ill IN roUTl.NK IIAV S01:TII Of NK W H) I'M LA M ST. JOHN'S, NrwfliU May HI. I oil ii up ll.iy Hiklng Into I Iir will III Miorr of Nrw foil nd land It I hrd may liavp provril u rpfujr for I lip Wlillplilnl anil the Frrnrli tran-Alliintlr flyers NuiiiresMT anil toll; Word lias been rrerhril from Ocean I'nml, ps than 100 miles put of flip bay, thst a plane, ap-iaipnlly pxiH'rlPiirlns motor trouble, pasrl ovpr that town lat Monday nml this led tlip uulliorltlrs tT nk Hip I'rpnrli lit St. Plrrrp and .MIiiiipIihi In go to the buy nnd make u lliorou;li search. A erulsr ainonc I hp small fishing Ull.iecs of I hp snutli ciNist will adorrdliijly bp ma dp. Raid on Soviet House Was to ' v Obtain a War Office Document Not Authorized for the Public LONHON, May 1G. Questioned regarding the ......!..! ii M'tli:... t ,.... 1 1 u. I .,r. (.,1,1 lli. W.Ull KcNlULIvI Uhlt)I i House of Commons during a crowded and animated session that the information sent him Hy the secretary of war last Wednesday satis LOUISVU.LE, May 10. The firty-thlrd renewal of the Kentucky Derby was won by 11. P. Whitney's Whiskery with K. E. Wldcner's Osmand tecond and E. U. McLean's Jock third. The tunc for tho mile and a quajter was two minutes six seconds and the race was worth to the winners, 31.000. fied him that a certain official document was or was said to have been in possession of someone on the premises of Arcos Limited. The police had taken possession 6f certain papers which might bear upon the matter. The document in question had not been found but he was satis-fltsi that It Is or was In Soviet House. sons were known to have been at- Tt.- .tun sin nil on guiirii, 11 minion, ( We stand on giuiril for I lice. O Canada, glorious nnd free! Wp stand on guard. r stiiuil on guunl for Hire! O Ciiiuidii. we stand mi guard for tlicc! 1 O CuiiiiiIiiI Where pines uml maples grow, flrrut prulrles spread una lordly rivers flow, How dear to us thy broad domain, Fro in Fust to Western Sea, Thou land of hope for nil lio loll! Thou True .North, si rone and free! O ( 'a nnila, glorious nnd frt-rl We stand on guard, we stand mi guard fur tlicc! O Can 11 (I a, we stand on guard for thee! a. . It was one of .which unauthorized per- i tempting to obtain copies. Official Version of Canada's National Anthem "() CANADA" Official sanction has been given lo tho Weir version of the Cana'dlan National Anthem "0 Canada," and It lias been endorsed by numerous organizations and public bodies, including the Vancouver City Council. An effort is being made to unite on these words so that there may not be the usual jumble of sounds whenever an attempt is made to sing this song. The following is the complete set of words, but the first verse only is generally used! O Cun.ul.i! Helical h thy shining skies May stahvart sons and emtio maidens rlsr, To krep Hipp Kteiiilfiist 'tliViiiijIr Ihr )puM Front Eust to Western Se'i'i, " "' (Mir own lieloird. iiutlve'linuil Our True North, slrone liiid frer! ' ' ' 1 ' ' (I Canada, glorious und free! ' W'p stand on guard, hp stand mi Riinrd fur Hire! " ( Canada, wp stand on guurd fur Hire! ... Ruler .supreme, Who heurpst Imnililp pniypr,' Hold our Diiinliilon In Thy loving eurr. -Kelp us to find. O (loiL In TIipp, A lasting, rich rrward, As uultlng for Hie llrtlrr Day W ever stand on guard. O Canada, glorious mid frrr! WV stand on guard, we stuml on guurd fur Inept ' O Cunmlii, wp slnnil on guard for Hire! . wit.' Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly . laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. I'honc 157. I'rfre Five Out LAKE SUPERIOR l V I B 'M 1" I ff I M R 1 M ff BS K l' JTW m fll flV 1 Aft' It 1111 n'ff'ff irafn Crashed Into a Slide and Engine Was Buried Sand and Mud EM'KESS MEETS ACCIDENT IN EAST NIP1G0N, May 1C When rounding a curve at a high rate r , i ik.. .mm. f ii ii .... i.ni r ir . ii I'liu mi; buovHwwiiw v.. .iv. ii..aoi;iii;i;i t.iiu iiuni ia Luutu i I . .. I.,.1 l.'.l.. . !!.. t t l. .. T.i : rnaiivu iiiiu u i.wiunnuu nimc miiua irum nuru .vuiiiuruiiy. mignti'iT li.hn llmrrrntl l ntlm:i 11 llllfvuv h u nml Al'i mnn IV I. klfUnnlrio Vlil -.... ..... ..'J J . '.. ....... . , , ... ...... 1H... aw. ...tt... I .....I or. .. t:..,.i i.,..t...i:.,.. n t .. r !... lancv. D.C.. who was returning to Finland on a visit, and tun neonle . .1 .. 1 . A n ;i i m ncse colonist car. First aid was rendered to the injured by Dr. Cauchon, a Van- mm uikl 1L 1 ..41 1 1 1 t LOST MEMORY in i. ii i f. it iir i.i.iutir. i ni.-v iincron wandered when MltMTIMJ: I IOIN1I ACROSS HORDKIl ONCE WENT TO CALCAKY The injured' were taken to Port Arthur by special train. The locomotive when It struck the 'obstruction left the rails and tumbled down an embankment, practically bury- .:ig Itself In mud and tAnd. The mall, i express, colonist and cafe cars also ; jumped the track. The other cars remained on the rails but plied Into the colonist car. Mod of the derailed 'coaches caught fire and the mailman J was severely burned when attempting to rescue the bogs of registered mall. (Considerable mail was destroyed Indud- WINTER FISHING Pl.tNS ItEI.Ml MADE Hilt DEVEI.OI'- .ment of imm'strv at fran-i iiis, haiiine ami eraser lakes Hi-vlng investigated lhe p-mslbtlitle' cf winter finning In such lakes Francois, Frascr and Bablnc with which they expressed themselves as quite satisfied, J. H. Johnson and Olof Johnson, well known San Diego fWi dcolers, arrived In the city on yesterday after-noon's train from the Interior, whero they have been for the past week, and sailed south on the Prince George last night. Natural conditions proved quite pleasing to Messrs. Johnson. Now. that these have been looked Into such questions as freight rates murt receive attention before anything definite can be decided upon. Ifcere Is a pssslbllly that something In the nature of a very substantial industry may result. They explained that there Is a very promising field for the development of the fresh water winter fisheries on account of the close season on halibut which curtails the supply of fresh fish In the winter months, particularly on the Pacific Coast. Messrs. Johnson htve already been FISH ARRIVALS HEAVIER TODAY TO I'AI. Or' 2W.0O I'OIMIS Of IIAI.I-Ill T AT liXI IlAMiK THIS M(ll!MMi llaClxit laiullnsi at.'thls port todov totalled 230300 pouni. cifht Amcrteau NEW YORK IS Labor Members Wa h Out of the WELL IN LEAD' Btitish House of Commons as a norii ti:ams makk oain as n rrottst Against Lb Day Limit hit.t or wr.v.K kmi iaies in j ' mil MiAiii ks A EONDON,' May 1G. All the Labor members of Parliament ' walked out of the House of Commons this afternoon in protest when new Yo.tK, May i6.--wider enps, ircmIer jaidwin moved a resolution limiting the debate of the -.f.rited the league leaders, the New ,. , . ... ,,. .. ,,, vessels wiling loaso) a' fcounu. at faiteL" rivals ,. as . a . result .,. of ... the , latent .... ' i The principal feature in the bill is a clause outlawing strikes of a coercive nature and operating as a curb against both the labor unions and the employers. After the group had left the House the resolution was carried. Already the bill has passed its second reading, which is the endorsement of the principle Involved and vhlch is always taken prior to goln Into committee in regard tp the de-1 tails. The labor group -look on the bill as' t fa'.c!stl movement and Is fighting it at every point of its progress through the House, but It has the unanimous backing of the large Conservative majority. IIIKNCII rilKSIDKNT IS UlEST OK KIM1 (iKOIUiK IN LONDON LONDON. May 16. President Doumergue of France and party arrived here this afternoon for a four day stay as the guests of King George. STEAMER CALLS HERE , ' ' BRINGING SERIOUSLY I INJURED POLE MAN The 1464-ton American freighter H, W. , Baxter, Capt. Mapsson, which has been loading poles at Massert Inlet, was In. port this morning bringing Leon Little-field, head of the Baxter camp there,! for hospital treatment. The vessel ar- rived In the harbor at 9.20 and clewed for Jervls Inlet at 1130. She was piloted from outside Holland Reck by i ' Capt. Larry Thomson of the Fedsrat pilots of British Columbia. It .-was the vessel's first call here thoujh she tuuj loaded on the Islands several times. WINNIPEG. May 16 - Except In Manitoba where farmers have had adverse weather conditions to contend with wheat seeding Is well under way at! over the oralrles and should be com- plctcd this, week, according to the fourth police raid Oil j wcckl, cro r(.port ot tn Canadian . Nnttnnnl rtnllwavs. Seed Ins hi Manitoba! generally Is likely to be from three to five days behind Saskatchewan and Albert! A vcrv considerable Improvement in conditions has occurred In Alberta dur ing the past week and wheat seeding In that province Is frcm sixty to ninety per cent finished. This combined with the fact that there Is an abundance ot moisture In the soli Is giving rise to much optimism among the farmers of the province. Saskatchewan is net as far behind as Manitoba, but a considerable amount of wheat seeding, remains to be done, not more than sixty F"" cnt having been completed In any part of the province It Is expected that all seeding will be ftalshcd this week and work Arthur Bredson was fined 25, with th option of thirty days' imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont in the city police court this morning for drunkenness. WAS DROWNED SWEPT OVER WATERFALL INTO Wllll.I.rOOI. IN STAMP UIVEIt. AlliKKM VANCOUVER. May 16. H. Alexaudir Marshall, manager of the AlbernI Paclfla Shingle Mills, was drowned when swimming In the Stamp River near Port Altera! yesterday, according to word received here. The parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Marshall are pioneer residents of Vancouver. Marshall was caught In the' swift current and swept' over the waterfall Into the whirlpool below. The victim served lh the Royal- Alr Force and In Northern Russia during the war and was well, known In Vancouver 'sporting and social circles. PRIZE CREW NOT DRUNK DIVISIONAL COMMANDER DECLARES MEN COIT.II NOT DKINK FORTY CASES OF Llt.lOlt SAN FRANCISCO. May 16. Lieut. Frank Austin, divisional commander of the UJS. Coastguard, denied that his prize crew was drunk while bringing Mr. Llttlefleld sustained a broken leg the seized liquor laden Federalshlp Into and other serious Injuries In an accident j gan Francisco, as reported In a Van-at the camp. couvcr despatch. WHEAT SEEDING NEAR COMPLETE The coastguards have no records." I said Austin, "but I dont think one i of our crews could drink forty cases of llqucr during the time we were bring- ing the Federalshlp into port.' STIKINE OPEN NAVIGATION THREE ISOATS STARTED I P STREAM SATI KDAV HITII III I'AsSEN'liERS AND FliEKillT WRANGELL. May 16, The Stlklne River opened for navigation late Saturday when three boats of the Barrlngtoti fleet sailed for Telegraph Creek. The Ha?.cl B. II. carried forty passengers while the other two were loaded with hcrses and mining equipment. GATES OF SING SING CLANG AND MURDERERS MAY NOT LEWE ALIVE OSSINGTON. N.Y., May 16. The gates ot Slrig Sing prison swung open today to admit Mrs. Ruth Snyder and Henry commenced on the sowing of the coarser i Judd Oray and clanged shut behind grains. Snow and rain Interfered with operations In Saskatchewan la.it week, tout not to the same extent as In Manitoba. The Vcgrevillc district of Alberta; DIs-ley area of Central Saskatchewan; Bate-man district .near Gravelbcurg; and one or two portions of the Weyburn area report that wheal which was sown a couple of weeks ago Is already showing above the ground The area between Carbcrry and Brandon Is the only one In Manitoba to make a similar report. them. Birring successful appeal, the Queen's village housewife and her corset salesman paramour, jointly convicted of the murder of her husband, will never .pass1 through the gates again alive. Both are under sentence ot doath. TE1MNJURED WHEN FELL INTO COAL MINE SCRANTON, Pa., May 16. Ten men were Injured, nine seriously .when a cage in which they were being lowered Into the Johnson mine ot the Scranton Coal Company dropped sixty Teet to the bottom, f'