PAGE SIX i DRYGOODS This Week Only Dors' Dress Shirts, sizes 12 to 13 $1-00 Doys Khaki Shirts, all sizes $1.33 Boys' Khaki Pants .... 51.63 Roys' Suspenders 25c Boys' Overalls, all sizes $1.10 Boys Heavy Wool Hose G3c to 80c Boys' Heavy Ribbed Hose 60c and 63c Boys' Pullover Sweaters, turn-back collar $1.90 Boys' Sweater Coats $2.30 and $2.83 Mussallem .Grocery I17-J23 Fifth Ave. East, Phone 18. Phone 81 Prince Rupert, B.C. Our Glasses FIT and look well OUK ItEPAIR DEPARTMENT is equipped for accuracy and service A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist SID Third Avenue. Opposite,G.V.V.A. Just Arrived a new shipment of J SILK KM One and two piece Dresses in all the latest shades, including Chenile Red, and Black trimmed with White. Sizes from 36 to 44. Prices S12.r0 and $lo.00 BENT'S LADIES' READY-TO-WEAK Third Avenue REMEMBER ! Tor Montreal prices . on Clothing for Men & Boys Don't forget the Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. R. Miller Proprietor WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, llirch and Spruce Per double load $6.50 Per single load $3.50 Per sack 50c Firelighters, -18 for $1.00 delivered All classes of Coal at dealers' prices. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY DOTTLES LOCAL WEDDING ONSATURDAY .MISS .ItiNES IVEKM1X lilfOMKS itiiioi: or iiAvs i;ij:iiil AT IMI'HESMVK CLRK.MONY At an Impressive ceremony atterided only by close friends of the bride and groom Saturday evening. Miss Agnes Ingvarda Iverson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' John Iverson. became the bride of Hans Underdahl, skipper of the fishing boat Kalen. The ceremony took place at the artistically decorated home of the bride's parents. Beach Place, Rev. T. D. Rlnde. pastor of the Lutheran Church, officiating. The bride who was given away by her father, looked charming In a gown of beaded georgette with a bridal veil of embroidered tulle and carrying bridal roses and Illy of the valley. The two younger sisters of the bride. Aleda and Lillian, were the bridesmaids, carrying bouquets of pink and white carnation, the groom being supported by Henry Wick, en uncle of the bride, and Osle Carlstrom. The wedding march was played by. Miss Marglt Hallberg. Kl.l MTII. After the ceremony a reception w WATER NOTICE lilVKKSlON AMI I SIX TAKE NOTICE that Gosse Packing Company. Limited, whose address It Van couver, il l;., win appiy ior a licence to take and use 250.000 gallons of .water out of unnamed stream which flows nor therly and drains Into Green Inlet about 30 chains east of northwest corner oi Lot 68. Range 3. Coast District. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 200 feet from mouth and will be used for domestic and com mercial purposes upon the land described as application to lease oy applicants. This notice wis posted on the ground cn tne 2nd cay or April, iZ7. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" will be filed in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Objection to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights. Parliament Buildings. Victoria. B.C. within thirty days after the first appearance of thl-notice In a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of this notice is April 21, IHZ7. PAI.-KJKU COMPANY. LIMITED. Applicant. By H. V. Morehouse. Agent. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS (WESTERN REGION) SEALED TENDERS will be received at the office of the Chief Engineer, Winni peg, until twelve o clock noon. Wednesday. May 25th. 1027. fcr replacing eight wooden culverts with reinforced concrete pipe culverts, at various points on the I Tele Jaune and Eraser Subdivision, 'and construction of two reinforced con crete box culverts at Miles 77.6 and 1745. Fraser Subdivision. I Plans, specifications and form of con- i tract may be seen and form of tender otnained at tne onices or enter Engineer, Winnipeg, District Engineer. Vancouver, and Edmonton, Acting District Engineer. Victoria, Division Engineer, Prince Ru pert and Calgary. Tenders will not be considered unless made on form supplied by the Railway Company and accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank equal to live per cent of the value oi the work, payable to the order of the Treasurer. Canadian National Railways. me lowest or any tender not nece'.- aarlly accepted. W. A. KJNUSliAND. General Manager. Winnipeg, Man.. May 11th. 1297. 115 LAND ACT. NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE tOllESIIOKK. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Timber Merchants, Intends to apply for a lease of the foUowlng nescriDca joresnore: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 471 Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands: thence In a northeasterly direction, following the high water mark to the southeast corner of Lot 469; thence In a southwesterly direction to the point of commencement, and containing 143 Keren, more or less. JOSEPH DOUOLAS WIISON, Azcnt for Kelley Legging Co. Ltd. 11111 Xllll April. lHXf Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Avenue and Fulton St. VOUU $1.00 IS WORTH $1.23 HV HUYINC FOR CASH HERE Malkin'a Dust Pure Plum Jam, 4 lb. tin 13c JIalkin'a Uent Pure Strawberry Jam, tin 70c Malkin's Rest Tea, 1 Ib. jikjr., ler lb. . , G3c The above prices are until the present stock is gold. Flour, any variety, 40 lb. . . $2.03 Milk by the case $3.50 Terrace Spuds, per sack . . ... $1.73 Malkln's Best Honey, 4 lb. tin 70c Peas, Corn and Tomatoes, C tins for 85c Our Rest Rulk Tea, per lb. .. GOc Our Rest Fresh Ground Coffee 30c Capitol P.utter, per lb. . . 43c ' a. n .n ra it. t Orders of $5.00 delivered C.O.D. Phone 301 S. R. ADAMS Manager 9 Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C. occupation iimDcr Mercnanu, imciiai to appiy ior a icoac oi me luiiuwuiu described foreshore Commencing at a post planted approx imately one-half nnlc south 30dez. east of the mouth of the Tassoo River, Mores by Island. Queen Charlotte Islands; thence lonowing me nign waier mar in a northwesterly, westerly and southwesterly direction for a distance of one and onetialf miles; thence In an easterly direction to the point of commencement, and containing 160 acres, more or lesn. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, Acting as Agent for Kcllrv 1-ogglnz Co. Ltd. Dated 30th April. 1927. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE I .AMI lOlt INIIl'HTRIAL I'l'lll'OSES In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte IManda. TAKE NOTICE tint Kelley Logging Company Limited, or Vancouver, B.C., occupation Timber Merchants, intends to apply ior a lease or tne lonowing described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 471, Sewell Iniet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Island, north, 31.43 chains', thence east 51.17 chains; thence ln a southwesterly direction, folowlng the shore line to the point of commencement, and containing 30 acre, more cr leas. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON. Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 29th April, 1027. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF In RR1TISII COLUMBIA . companies Act being Chapter 38 of the 'Revised and prntl In the Matter.'Of the Delta Copper Company Limited. (N.P.L.)" ' i '1 nviiua inai an application will be made before the presiding Judge ny variety uuuer, i. 10. ior aoc , in Chambers at the Court House at Toilet ioiiti Rolls. nous, 22 for ior $1.00 1 Prince Rupert. British Columbia, on "''V" Tuesday, tne 20th day of May. A.D. Mntrnp.4. 4.f value fnr . ..... :!. 1007 .v.. v,. .u.,.' imm Fresh Whipping Cream Vj pint 20c !!" "ci5.?..1" ,th,i?.iS?nS0B n ., 1 . . , 4. .(Order permitting the above named Com- hvcry Customer must be satisfied pany to be restored to the Register of companies in the Province of British Columbia, ln the office of the Registrar 'of Companies, Victoria, B.C, i DATED at Prince Rupert day of April. A.D. 1927, this 10th WILLIAMS. MANSON & CONZALES solicitors (or the Delta Copper Company (N.P.L ) THE DAILY NEWS Fine Quality ALADA 'ITIEaAb 3 to 4 cups to each cent's worth of tea. oeld to the banquet room of the Boston ber. Hall, at which there were the usual .MOTHER ami Mstek festivities lor such an occasion. As the Early In June Mrs. John Ivcrscn and bridal precession took places at the, Miss Aleda Iverscn, mother and sister banquet table the wedding march was of the bride respectively, will also leave played by Mrs. S. A. Swanson. When all , for a visit In Norway and they will had enjoyed the palatafblc banquet the (join the bridal couple in New York. entire gathering rose to' drink to the Miss Lillian Ivcrscn, sister of the bride. health and happiness of the bride and will accompany the bridal couple as groom. A few. remarks were made by far as beatue where she win spend the the Rev. T. D. Rlnde, after which a; summer with relatives and Mends. ladles trio, consisting of Mrs. John ' Those present for the wedding cere Murvcld. Mrs. Olat Skog and Mrs. Olc inony at the home, beside the lmmedl- Wlck. favored with two Norwegian wed- ate bridal party, were: Mr. and Mrs. ding songs which were much enjoyed 'Charles Whatman. Mrs. Thor Johnson by those prcsenlt. Mrs. S. A. Swanson j and son. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Wick. uext favored with a vocal solo. Mrs. T. Mr. and Mrs. Dagbart Lund and daugh-D. Rlnde accompanied on the piano forjters. Mrs. Ole Wick, Mrs. Olaf Skog. he musical numbers. The floor was j Mrs. Sutherland, Mr. O. Bergsetb. II. then cleared and dancing was enjoyed until a ute hour. Midnight co3ee was served, at which the bride cut the delicious wedding cake. Music for the .indent cf the Sunday school, while the groom Is especially well acquainted a fishing circles. Their host of friends remembered them with many beautiful gifts. Last evening Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lund and Miss Ingrcd Isaacson and Matilda. Ingvar and Agnes Wick. In addition to the above mentioned there were present at the reception In dance was furnished by Miss Jean the Boston Hall the following: A. Currle. S. Currle and S. V.'lkdal. Lsaacson, Mrs. J. Wick. A. Swanscn, T. Both bride and grocm are well known : Johnson. Mrs..C. Edwards, Mrs. A. Jar locally. The bride was President of the I vine. Mrs. A. Nelson, Mrs. K. Hallbcrg, Luther League cf St. Paul's Luthcrn Mrs. AlfretfvJacobsen, Mr. and Mrs. T. ;hurch. and was also acting superin-j Dybhavn. Mr. and Mrs. Perry and 1 daughter. Mr. and Mrs. It. Peterson, Misses TlKira and Korlna Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Hvedlng, S. Wlkdal. Mr. and Mrs. J. Murvcld, A. Martlnu- faon, Mr. Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Swanson, P. Petersen, Lars Vog, Tom Cnderdahl saUed on the Prince George. ! Hanson. P. Solhclra and Mrs. T. D. this being the beginning of an extended i Rlnde. trip to Norway, via the Panama Canal.) After stopping off at Vancouver and PROMINENT PPE A fHPP Seattle thev will sail from San Fran-1 1 "Viiuiinil l l uunviliai Cisco on the steamer Mongolia which! will take them as far as New York.) The voyage across the Atlantic will be ziade on the Olympic. They will spend he entire summer In Norway visiting with relatives and friends, and are expecting to return to Prince Rupert to make thir home some time in Septem- LAND ACT. NOTICE OI' INTENTION" TO APPLY" TO LEASE LAM) HUE INIIIST RIAL PlRPU.sfcS llr. AT UNITED CHURCH EiliiiKtmi Orriiiiril Pulpit IWiirr Ijrje Congrrsalliin Here Lat Evening A distinguished churchman In the person of Dr. Edmlston of Toronto, general secretary of Home Missions of the United Church of Canada and, prior to unlcn, for seventeen years general secretary of the (1 Presbyterian Church Mission Board, occupied the pulpit In In Prince Rupert Land Rcordlug PlrKt uni,f rhnih hr u. TVctrfstt r.f PrlnrA TlMmrt a rut cltliat r 0 at Sewell In'.et, Moresby Island. Queen , ' Sav Inspiring sermon on "Faith" Charlotte Islands. before a large congregation. Rev. Oeorge TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging n ,. , ,,,, Company Limited, cf Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Timber Merchants, Intends ang a solo: "Jesus, Lover of My Soul." to appiy tor a lease 01 tne lonowm, di Edmlston arrived from the East described lands: ,.,.., .... ,. .. ...... Commcnclne at a post planted at "" u..u .m the southeast corner of Lot 470 Sewell cd last night on the , Prince George to inlet. Queen Charlotte Island'; thence attend tne British .Columbia conference north 80 chains; thence east 80 chains. , .... more or less, to shore; thence following ll Vancouver this week. He U on a the shore line In a southwesterly dlrec- tour which he expects will take In all the of commencement, and tlon to point tn conference, western coniercnces ln in western t-anaaa. Canada containing 190 aores, more or less. jlne JOSEl'H IJUUULAS j T Kc.,er iX Ltd. ROTARY CLUB HAS Dated 23th April. 1927. , LAND ACT. .NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO ' LEASE tOltEMIOUE. NfaW tUAlMlllttS The following Rotary Club commit- tees for the year have been appointed In Prince Rupert Land. Recording by President Nlcholls: District of Prince Rupert, and situate , Boyg. Work: Ear, BarrI Donald Finn, at Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte' . . Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging 1 Education: John Dybhavn, Jim Tncmpson. Public Affairs: Tom McClymont. 11. C. McLean. Business Method: Stuart McMordlc, Dune McRae. Program: Jim Lee. Norman Watt, Geo. Woodland, Donald Patcron. Fellowship: Walter Fisher, Fred Daw-son. Archdeacon Rlx.' Publicity: Harry Pullen, Han; Roches ter. Tommy Trotlcr, iiii.i.i Ri.i'our. II a.m. DIODY ISI-AND.-Clcar, calm; baro meter, 30.10; temperature. 45; en cmcoth; 3 pjn. spoke steamer Richard Holyoke. Bcattle for Petersburg, 40 milts from 8caUle; 8 pun. steamer Catala out northbound. DEAD TREE POINT. Cloudy, calm; barometer, 29.01; temperature, 41; sen Mnooth. BULL HARBOR. Part cloudy, freali west wind; barometer. 29.78: tempera ture. 47; light swell; 8 pjn. spoke tug Cope Scott, abeam China Hat. southbound; 8 pjn. spoke steamer Prince John, nix-urn Alert Bay northbound; 8 p.m. spoke atcumer OUnda, Vancouver for Prince Rupert, 240 miles from Van-couvcr; 8 p.m. npukc steamer Oroy. Nadcn Harbor for Rone Harbor. 478 miles from Victoria; 8 pjn. tpote steamer Anyox, towing barge Lord Tern- plcton, Ladysmlth for Anyox, 238 miles from Anyox; 8 njn. spoke steamer N6rthwcstern, Seattle for Ketchikan, S7J nilles from Ketchikan: 8 ajnl spoke lug at. rajm, KObsons .uignt, soutn bound. -r. r' " NOON' DIOBY ISLAND. Part cloudy, calm. barometer, 20.03; temperature, 84; sea smooth. ' DEAD TREE POINTV-Cloudy. calm; oaromcter, temperature, 81; sea mocth. v BULL HARBOR, part cloudy, fresh wejt wind; barometer, 29.70; tempera ture 50; .light swell. Admtls la the Dally Niwt, Ifreeclinicfor BETTERHEALTH OnJ i FAMILIAR RADIO LECTlliElt HEALTH MATTERS INVITE VOIR; ATTENHAM K- TO CLINIC IN SMITH f JiLOCK 'TtVllAY AMI TOMORROW, "Harry Suggittt. of Vancouver, is tn the city in connection with the opening of the Clinic ln the Smith Block of the Iona-Otone Health "company. Mr. Sug-gltt Is the manager for British Columbia and his voice la very familiar to the radio fans of Rupert as he gives wsckly talks on health matters over the CFCA and CKCD stations. He la giving free lectures this Afternoon at 3-30 and tn the evening at 7.30, and on Tuesday afternoon, ln the Clinic, and cordially Invites all who arc Interested in procuring better health to attend. Cecil Walsh Is ln permanent charge of the clinic and Is giving free demon-stratlcns cf the curative powers of the magnetic treatment. The Iona-Otone la the electric-magnetic appliance that la producing such wonderful results ln tht cities where It has"' been Introduced The first Clinic was opened la Vancouver ln January and since that time all the principal cities as far east as Winnipeg now have clinics. A very unusual feature ln connection with the method of conducting the clinics Is that free treatment are given to Judge of the virtue of the treatment to Judge of the clrtue of the treatment The treatment Is based upon rcsearche of Professor Otto Warburg, the note-! scientist, who proved to the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research that It 1; the Iron ln the body that Is responsible for carrying the oxygen that burns up waste tissue. Iono-Otone powers are said to be spoken of very highly by many prominent people. Advt HAZELTON MINISTER AND BRIDE-ELECT .IN CITYJFOR MARRIAGE Miss Florence Ethel Evcrcd of West- bourne Park, London, arrived In the city from England on yesterday after noon's train and Is the guest of Mrs. F. H. Du Vernet, 674 Fourth Avenue East, until Tuesday when her marriage to Rev. T. D. Proctor of llarclton will take place ln St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral at 8 p.m. Mr. Proctor also reached the city yesterday and Is regis tered at the Hotel Prince Rupert. LATE SEASON WILL REDUCE WHEAT AREAS (Viiirv (inilnt Will ne f'irrnHnillnely Inrreiisril Sm ILink of Montreal ltrNrt Wheat seeding In Western Canada Is frcny ten days to two weeks behind the ten year average, owing to the backward season, and It la likely that there will be a decrease in wheat acreagt, with an Increase ln coarse grains says the Bank of Montreal weekly report. The weather, however. Is now good over the prairies and operations are gradually becoming general. In practically alt district the seed bed Is In excellent condition with abundant moisture stored In the ground. In Quebec favor&hl ftnrlnir wMthM1 has I enabled farmers to get an early start In cultivating their land, while In Ontario operation are also well advanced, the season being three weeks earllci than last year. In the maritime provinces the spring opened early, but the weather lately has been cold and development Is backward. In British Columbia the rlng la three weeks late, but proxiects are good. Tliomas Richardson, who went iwnilli about three months ago returned yes terday on the Catala to Join the staff of the CJV.R. accounting department LAND ACT. ml ike of im en i ion to aiti.y to i.eam; iokemioke. Iii Prince Rucrt I.anJ Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Inlands, TAKE NOTICE that Ksllcy Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Timber Merchants, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore: - Commencing at a xt planted approximately 8 chains south, 20 decrees eust from the northeast corner of Lot 472, Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island: thence following the high water mark In an easterly, southerly and noulhwcslcrly direc tion to its intersection wiin the easterly V... I .... K. f . Atrt. II . . .. ' R.T.L. 02151 Lot 472; then southerly , and caUerly to the northwest corner of 1 r.i inenrc in a northwesterly direction to the point of commencement and containing 45 acres, more or 1pm. JOSEPH DOUOLAS WllaON, Agent for Kelley Lojjlng Co, Ltd. Dted 2nth April, 1937. LAND ACT. .NOTK'i: OK INTEXTHIX TO AI'I'I.V TO LEA SB L.M FOR IMllSTRML rilllMDSKS In Prince Itupert Land Rccordlnc District of Prince Rupert, and a'tuate at 8cwell Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte bland. , TAKE' NOTICE 'that Kelley Logulne Company 1 Limited! .01 Vancouver, n c occupation Timber Merchants. Intend to apply for a lease of the foiiowtnt. described lands: 1 Commencing at a post planted approx-Imately 8 chains touth 20 dexrees east of the northeast corner of Lot 472 Sewell Inlet, Moresby Iiland: thence follow-! Ing the shore line In an easterly, south-erly and southwesterly direction to lu Intersection with the eastern boundary of Lot 472; thence north 10 chains more or leis. to the point of commence-1 ment, and containing 20 acres, more or less. ! JOSEPH DOUOLAS WILSON, ' Dated :0Ui April, 1 "gem ior Kelley Lngiinir Co. i.ti. 037, ,,,,7; , , I mien I use Ihe PaintlTKis all Paint A r "nTiMsrnTr TWi THi ssssssMaasaaaM-ff.i HOUSE PAINT 0 WM$iB 1 ssWf rn lucMMA uitiju ummw zXjj mittjrjiiin iiMmaiTCMm fAl.Ma-wuusli nl- LACUUl.aA-SNAMJi.Ll Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. WESTHOLME THEATRE MONDAY and TUESDAY. 7 and 'J p.m. HOOT GIBSON In "The Texas Streak" ULANCIIK ML'HAl'FDY and hlmnR eat . CO.MKDY "SIMi'S .M.Y COUSIN" 1 NTE I IN ATI ON A L N EWS Admisnlun arc 33c and 10c H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. SATURDAY TO TUESDAY 95c Days Tor exceptional values, nee our window Phone 1 Third Avenue and l'ution UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mailing;. Ironi CrhUT lluprrl. , .... Ir VAMODMK, VICIOKIA. Kwsmoii llay, Aleft Itoy, rtr. 7urJ. 1 1. m. I r V,S( l)l l lt, MClOKI t, llnleilnlr. tint lut, etc , MnluriUy tor POUT hIMI'HON, AI.IIK ARM, N IX, NllitVAUT, Wale M' liJ). H 11.111. Pnr Niiii Klirr I'nlnt mikI Tort flmtiMin. Thuml.ty i.m. ,. I?3 itml Arrniie. R, M. HMI1II Atrnl Tlirousli llikrli m.I.I Id M.lorU iiikI eiilllr ut 11 reduced " li:ie;n;p elmkeil llHoifgli l ilf.iiilln. - DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire , Over Ormes CROWN, BRIDGE and PLATES EXTRACTION OF TEETH Phone S25. Uy an Expert. Sunday Appointments. Opon Evening