PAGfi FOUR Make the Old Car r Look Like New! Give it a finish that vt'iW start bright and stay bright you can" s do it yourself. For this purpose we surest Val-ipar Enamels a combination of the finest pigments carefully . ground in the famous Valspar ; Varnish itself. , VALENTINE'S VALSPAR ENAMEL Sun, rain, mud, dust, .gasoline,, oils even lotting watrr from the t- dlator will not dim its fine lustre. - Easy to apply, there are twelve beautiful colors to choose from. For Sale by KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Phone 3 Spring Coats in Shades of Navy, Gray and Sand "Demers" Phone 27. P.O. Rox 327. PrinceRupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Hox 1565 LAUNCHES. SCOWS, ROW-ROATS AND CANOES SAND AND fJ RAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Eafcthope'Englnes and Slump Pullers' NORWEGIAN IIALIRUT GEAR IN- STOCK Compass Adjusting MILK From Rulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phones G56 and 657 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal .Sand, and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnltuns Moving. ANGER, the TAILOR SuitH made to order, In bur shop as low as , $50 223 Sixth Street ?"Hl2 DaILi NEW; , . Frhl.-o;. M.iy 6. ID:" BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus I sAT Of TO I'll "I TH6. ... SPEECHES NAA l llS. HEAH ABOUT THE BANQUET INTEREWIN' A, AW THE , 1 TH&V AK& BACK HOMC' ST?' ' 1 V TERRACE 3f wfer- i ' O 1927 ' Uix Ftknmt Scv.cs. Uc I . Mrs. A. C. Fowler was guest of honor this week at two delightful afternoon (unctions given prior to her departure for Smithers In the near future. Oil Monday the members of" the WA to the Anglican church entertained In her honor at the home of Mrs. T. J. Marsh and on Tuesday she was the guest of the Ladies' Guild of the United Church at the home of Mrs. Wm. Allan. On both occasions sincere regret at the departure of both Mr. and Mrs. Jowler was expressed and appreciation of their Interest In church and Sunday school wort -was voiced. Mrs. Fowler was the recipient of dainty HtUe ifu from both societies as a slight token of p preclatlon of her interest and assistance In the- work of the societies. Refresh ments were served on both . occasions andonthe latter. It being Mrs. Fowler's wedding anniversary, the tea table was centered with an artistically decorated bride's cake. Vocal and In- Etrumental music formed an Interesting part of the second afternoon's enter' talnment. Both affairs were largely at tended. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mist and two children returned to their home lri Terrace on Sunday alter having spent the past winter visaing with friends In England. Owing to confirmation services being held on the regular meeting night, the May meeting of the Parent Teachers' Association wUl be held at the school house, on Wednesday, May 11, Instead of Thursday, May 12. Mrs. J. Downing went to Shames on Sunday to visit her husband ; who 4s' it present stationed there. The finance committee of the Dia mond Jubilee celebration met on Tuesday night at the home of O. T. Sundal and drafted a number of resolutions dealing with the financing the local celebrations. these to .be submitted to the next general meeting for approval. The ladles' guild of UnlUd "Church have arranged to hold their mooting. every second Tuesday during the sum. mer monthea. alternating with the W-A. "Let the CUrk Kitchen help You" Clark's Pork I 1.1 W. CLARK LimittJ V M I 1 Montreal. 4-17 Beans Enjoyed'V alike by A voting . and oia. Perfectly cooked. easy to digest, nutritious, economical nd serve. Tomato, Chill or Plain 'Sauce. to the hospital. A. S. TordUTe arrived from Cedarvale at the beginning of the week to resume his duties In the forestry service. The B. Bridge Club met on Tues day evening at the home of Miss At a 'vestry meeting held In the An glican Church on Tuesday evening W. T. Attwood was appointed vicar's war den, to take the place of A. C. Fowler who left recently for Smithers. Walter Warner and Henry Smith of Kalum Lake were In town on Tuesday. Two accidents occurred on the .base ball field on Tuesday night. Donald Burnett received two rather severe cuts on the' head and Jas Smith a bad cut on the neck. II. McEwen, divisional freight aeent. CJJJt was In town on Wednesday. Dr. Agnew, dentist, of Vancouver. Is in Terrace on his annual trip. D. L. McOlbbon of Hazelton was d Visitor here on Wednesday. C. ,W. Harrison, Vancouver, flsll hatchery Inspector, arrived from the ooasV, oh Wednesday for a visit Of In pectlon to the local hatchery. R. F. Sluman. Vancouver. reDresen lallve of the Day-Eldcr Trunk Co. a business visitor here On Wednesday. Mr Writ. 'Little arid daughter. Amy, left c.t Thursday for Prince Rupert. (WITHERS W. J. Jackson. vlce-Dresldent of the Alberta Co-operative Wheat Producers. Ltd f will 'Lsrrtve In. the district this month nrtu-m artrlrru a rrwetinu ni i Wheat. PooVJjnembers at Telkwn on May , The Smithers town council at Its meeting last week had another b.TI Lfrom the Children's Aid Society seeking payment for'tjhe maintenance of Mhe Celknap children during March. The society Is being Infynwxl that the council accepts no rcsjxuislblllty for he account. . An Important strike of ore again brings the Harvey group of claims lit the Bablnes into the limelight. Mr. Harvey came, down from the mine last week with three fine sample of the new ore. snowing uniform values ol copper and kn average of $75 per tori In silver with small gold values. The "Smithers town council has gone on record a.-favoring some encouragement In tlx? work of beautifying the town by wj(tof Improving the boulevard strips Ct out In a .recent bylaw. Where such work Is undertaken by resident the town will co-operate by making the ''road section presentable. ; The Smltiftrs' District Board of Trade tll probably start- drive with a view to having an adequate federal office building butt here. The pheasants secured from the Oam ConHervatlonJ Board, about a month ago were releawd last 8undsy. A speclsl appeal Is' being made by those responsible for bringing the birds here that everything to be done to protect them. A. Netll, supervisor of the Bulkley Valley Cow Testing Association, ha 'uind O. Ekinan's "Alfaretto" to be the We VV g lVC" jtSSgSis iv ifces and n lol)e Ne . AnJ V anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. , 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c FOR SALE .V cut at vot n otvx vnuK We have on view at our office. Third Ave. East, one 1033 Fortl Sedan, upon which we invite you, to make a sealed bid. Members and employees of our firm will not be allowed to bid. On May 24 w win sell the car to the person who has submitted Jhe highest offer up to 0 pjn. on May 23. This is a bona fide offer, and we make no reservation. Bid what yoi are willing to pay for the ear. If you cannot drive we will teaeh you. Alt bids wilt be placed In sealed envelopes, deposited in a sealed uni. and opened and exmlnetl by dl. Interested parties, on the evening of May 23. Make an Offer . K. I'tllKUt, I.Tf. iokii ir.u.nt. tin FOR SALE OR CHARTER. TWO 48 x 12 seine boats. 30 hp. 3J h.p. marine oil engine, snap at I U JO .00. 5 seine winches, heavy type, low price. New and used hutchluery. boat and engine business for sale or trade for Prince Rupert real estate. Apply 215 Second Ave. J. Field. COME ON. BOV8I IF YOU ARE MECll- anlcally Inclined and want Arcbtap boat engine, we will sell you a urd Ford engine for 125 00. Parts are very inexpensive. Overhaul It yourself and you will have a 14 hp. motor at very low cost. Parker'a Oarage. FOR SALE.--HOUSE ON SUMMIT AVE. 4 rooms and bath. 12.000. 50.00 cash and 450 per month. Small house and two lots In gsr. deu. Fenced. Fruit trees. Ckisc In 4850 00. McCaffery and Gibbons. Ltd. 101 FOR SALE. TWO LOTS ON ATLIN Avenue. Harbor View. Price reason able. Phone Black 404, tf FOR SALE -SIX ROOMED HOUSE AND lot In post office block. 42.200.00. Apply P.O. Box 378, US FOR SALE. ROOMING HOUSE. CEN. trally located; cheap. Apply Theo Collart. Ltd. too OPPORTUNITY! 43 00 A MONTH NOW hyys your future homesite. Walker's (Mimic Store, FOR SALE. CHESTERFIELD SUITE OP couch and two easy chairs. .Phone ureen ,sua. FQt HALE-PMYER PIANO IN EX ceiient condition. 'Phone 225, ' JM FOh flALETIfEAThE IAlRS .ANT) Ilxtures. Bro. Moody. jrj leading cow in the district. It gave 1485 pounds of milk during April and 50 pounds of butter fat. The Smithers town council ha a.. Cliled to' undrrtske coivslderable rock work on the streets and sidewalk ex. tensions thlt year. V The Smithers Olee Club under ih,n. rectloit of Mrs. T. W. Brewer atv. in rnjoysble concert In the Town Hall oit Monday night. Those contrlbutiim to ire program included Miss Muriel Stephens. Miss Delia Carpenter. Miss Dolly Carpenter, Miss Mary Raabe. Miss Margaret Dunlop, Miss Jerry Warner, Mls Emia Tfome, Miss Wanna Hann! Miss Patty Hetherington, Miss Edltli Coniiery, Miss Vera Doodnon, Miss Esther CJunderson, Miss Ethel Miller, Miss Vera Oreen, Miss Hawo v..i.' Miss Avis Wall, Miss Alice Utlnier. Miss Msrjone Warner, Miss Beatrice WIN kliison.!isls'Xtle Oiuiele' ! .w...-' pf lxjys and girls. A bylaw has- been bussed .v h. Smithers town council accepting the ciussiiication oistM-CMhere. The by-law particularly sets out that the road from the government building duwri Main oireet ana tiut along luUwuy Avenue as a secondsry highway. Mrs. O. II. Pethlck and sou have af. rived here t mm virtnri. t juin Mr. Pethlck, recently sniilniH ! district engineer for the provincial d. Kuim.riiv .11 puiiiie works with head quarters here, WANTED L2U iws air ascv-i i iv i WANTED. FOR END OF MAY, YOUNO Isdy to relieve far few weeks In bust-Mess office down town. Apply Um ts, Dally News office. WANTED. - HOUSEWOAK. WAMIINO. cleaning, by the hour Phone Orren 283. 110 FOR RENT I PRIVATE ROOMINO HOUSE. XH good elesn moms at modertt price, spply at Pel letter O merry and Rooming llotue. 82J Ainljnw Avenue. of-Mlle Dry Dock. IM TOR RENT. --SIX ROOMED HOUSE with bath snd pnolry. on SevenUi Avenue West. Pliotxr UUek 4T0. 100 ftoR RENT. - -TWO ROOMED HOUSE, furnished. 415 monthly fhone Blue 31 100 FURNISHED SUITES FOn RENT. Apply Musssllem Orocery Phone IS. SMALL FLAT FOR RENT IN WALLACE Block. Apply 11. 8. Wallace. Ltd. ROOMS ITR RENT BOAItt) IP desired Phone Black 130. PIANO FOR RENT. 4JOO A MONTH. Wslker's Music Store RO0M8 TO UENT.-PIIONK 873. LOST HOARD HKtllTY rtHMHt iMarfrjHn kUnlexirlng !.- Scalp- Trrstweftt f MRt. I. MARH 857 Third Aveaue T Appointment Phone 077. tf LOST-DIAMOND STICK PIN. FINDER please return to O D llarUln. Royal Bank u BOARD. THE INLANDER. tit Second Avenue. Phone J1. E.xciiANtn: NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE nought, sold snd xchsnted Papa, dopulos and Mama. KM Third Ave PW 646 ,f AUCTK)NEER RESULTS PACE VALUE AND OOOO j-usnH-ni Keskiential sola sulletled. Orsms phone records McskStkf.ed. I by. sell or trm Phot. 774. a Pt Brine. Auctioneer. liKIXMtKIMI EXPERIENCED DfUmMAKKfL POIN rnerly of New York and Hdmonton Mrs. c Smith. Drexel tUnM. m Second Avenue Phone ua pomimon 1 ritMTi in; r.xriitNttK I'esiMirdy A llatnoii, proprlelor 1 Third Avenue Phone Itlark III Furniture of all sorts bought, sold or Exchsnged. JlPimUSTERINf; FURNITURE REPAIR1NO: UPHOL. or an kinds chesterfield! recovered snd msde to order. All ork guaranteed.' Phone Oreen 003, O U HUNT. RESTAURANTS notlli RATH C.K Mrs. Unger. Proprietress Third Avenue. Nest O. W. V. A. , 'I'mwI lloine rimked Mrsl. Plmns Blsek 700 TAXI (Call, Oeorjre, Paul or Oust) f !? ncl ..sven PasH-riKer Stude-.,Moc;t.your dlto8nl any time. .KOSS I1II0S. I'OOL ROOM Meeker Rlock. (Across from Kmprw9 Ifotcl) 1 imirii PAIN from Bladder Irritation loon ssssd Br SANTA L MIDY Iswart ef Imltsllsns Lost for the word "MlOV" Hold by sll ilrufrmi NklllMit fir Article Lott and :ountl,&c WATER NOTICE lIVI.Itl AMI Vl TAKE NariCE that Ousm Pstklnx Oampsnr. Limited, who addreas s Vsn-eauver. li.O.. will apply for a rtrence to Uk snd use 350.000 gsitons of Water out or unnamed stream which flows northerly sud drains Into Oreen Inlet about 30 sins mat of northwest corner of Lot 08. lUitg 3. Oossl District Trm water will be diverted from the strmuii as s point sJxMit 300 feet from mouin sad will b used for dotneaUr sixl roni-nwreul iuruu upon tl Isnd drwribrd as sppliestton to lease by spfjilcstnis. This notloe wis posted on tltr itouimI on the 2nd day of April. 1927 A roiy or Uim nolle and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Art " will be filed In the office Of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert Objsrtiun to in appliesllon may be filed with in sa.a Water lieconter or with the Cunu. troller or water Rights. Parliament unuoinn. victoria, no, within thirty days after the first spfesroi,.- U1 . .. no lee m a local newsbsner Tim- ,i f the first pubUfslian (W lh noti i April 21. IVZ7. OUSSfi PACKINfl COMPANY. LIMITED. Applicant Of V. Morehouse. Aim' LAND ACT. Mitm: or ivtethm i apply hi 1 i;i: i.mi. In Prince Rupert Land Heeordisat D-trlet of Prtnc Rupert, snd sHustv 1" ehsui esst of northssst corner of i 08. I ore s. coast Distnet. TAKE NOTICE thst Oosse Paetti.v Company. Limited, of Vsncouver. jrc... pstion nh Csnnert. intends Ui apy lor permission to lesst the follow 1 11 oVsrribed lands- OommeMinc st ,s post piloted yt chain esst of not Ihwrtt Lot 08. Rsne a. Coast District; thence north ft ettsiio to m wster msrt: thence tM 10 chains; Wiener south S ehslns. Urriire est 10 ehsiru. to txMnt ol eoBUien.-- rneot, snd contsinlci t acres, mors or OOfWK PACKINn COUPANT LIMITED. Appltosnt Per II. Moorehuse Dttfd nd April, l77. LAND ACT. .sotHi: iir intemhi to .trn.T t 1 iai: In Print e nunert Land Reeordmt Dts Irict 01 I'rluc Rupert, and sltust 50 eliaUit esst of Mrihwest corner ef Lot M. iune 3. Onsst District TAKE NOTICE thlt Oosse PstlM Cumpany lamlfed. or vsneouver. J st ion Fish Csnners. intend to spply or permission to less the tallowing desertbrd Isnds- Cwnmenelnc at a post Dlsnted 30 ruins east of northwest lot M. iums ft. Coast DUtrtet; thence south ft ehslns, I hence esst 10 ehslns: thence north 5 chains; thence west 10 ehslns to point f commencement, and containing ft actest. more or less. OOSMK PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant Per II. MoorerMMse. Dstrd April 3. 167? NOTICE IN THE MATTER of sn" snpllesllon for the Issue ol a Provisions) CerUllMl of Title for Block five (51. subdivision 01 me south nan (w or MH tnrse hundred snd seventy-four (174). lumre five iSl. Coast District. Msp ll$7. Sstlsfsrtory proof of the loss sr the Certifieste of lltle eoverui the shove Isnd having been, produced to me. It la my intention to issue, after the notation of one month from the first pub llcitlon hereof, a Provisional Certlfrrate of Title to the above land In the name of Sidney Wlllmore, the prlflrul Certifieste of Title Is dated 30th June. 1915, snd ts numbered 7S.13 1. Lsnd Registry Office). Prince Rupert tIC. th April. 1927 H. F Msrl-EOI) Itegtstrsr of Titles. ClUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIVISION TAKE' NO"' ' CE .iiist 1 II. P. Ionsrd. of Portlsnd. O .. hhrslelsn. Intends to apply to t' Minister of Lsnds for a licence to iiroapcct for cosi. petroleum and nstursl gss over snd under the following described landv sltuste on Sklde gste Inlet, Uratism Islsnd: Cominrilclngtat post Wanted at the northeast corner of Section 35, Township 3; thence 00 ehslns west, tlienrs fm chains south; thence BO ehslns enst: thence BO chains north, to point of com-menrenent Loested Msrcll 14, 1437 II. F. LEONARD. A. J, OOIIDON. Arent. (MIEEN CIIARLO'ITE LAND DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that II. F. Leonard, of Portlsnd, Ore., physician, Intend to spply to the Minister of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal, petroleum and natural gas ovrr and under the following described lsnds, situate on sid-gute Inlet (Jraliam islsnd: Commencing at a post planted st the southwest corner of Section 31. Township I; thenre 60 chain esst: thrive R0 chains north! thenrs B0 chains west: thence 80 chains south, to point of commencement Iiicated March 14, 1027. II, F LEONARD, A, J, QOBDON, Agent,