ndes and oods Modes may he merely the mooI,vpf thiijioiignt., Ilcforq,, liuynpJrutj jewellery novelties, InveMlKate lhe current styles. Wc can itlvo you authentic Information of this year' styles, having Just rcturncil from the Hast. , .(OHHgUUJERr A rlpWFI I PPS (nl v ISeLtmc stohe with the clock HE PIONEER AUNDRY KIDS Jt LAUNDER. SHIRTS, lWO iHlRTWAIiTi Too.. I 0 THAT THEY i IITE FflCSHAND NEW..g )UIt shirt waist and his shirt puld take a trip to this laun-Y and return. They will de- bnstrate to you our expert Ility our polite manner of ling and our moderate cos, H c invite vou to do this. ioneer Laundry I'hone 118 Spring Coats Suits and Dresses It Suits that are In the forefront of fashion for present vear- beautifully made gar ments revealing the popular ox style Coat and wrap-Hind Skirt- it See the three-tnece TOM IIOV SUITS from .SIO..KI BENT'S. MIME? HKADVtTO-WEAR Third Avenue )NEsrvwini; IVERY MANj When you want fair and o tin? rlirlit thlnir liv vour- ir i. .1 i.d lie nun ltv nr nur coal anil I Hive jtiiii u Illt't-'IIIU lll-.ll- uii homo tliis winter. AiNAIMO WKI.UNIiTUN and n I.IIIMIt i'trn W f jia-A n m .1 TV'aat Ihprf & Mrf afTprv Phone 110 and 117 mm fhp TAiiftR tr. til ulirtra $50 22.1 Slxlh Street JUDGMENT IN APPEAL CASE WAS IKVUIMV IMHTMKNT COM- mkxts (ir mil Ji sriri: okmioky Cuing hU drcUlon largely on the evidence :of a. II, Arnold, local broker, nJ Diw'. Reeve. Vancouver valuator, Mr. Jurtltn Oratory reduced the municipal -essment of the- Canadian National Railway Co.. from 2,924 JCO.OO to tl, 289.1C4.00 In a lengthy Judgment handrd aown In the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon. On the parceli of land between Moresby and Park Avenue and aIo on the land near the mouth of Hays Creek. HU Lordship placed a'dlf-ierent valuation than either Mr. Arnold or Mr. Reeve. With these exception, liowever. he accepted the figure of Mr. Arnold of ll.223.878.0O and the valuation of Mr. Reeve at 1,077.534 00 and added the two together. Dividing this total by two. he then added on 12', per cent to reach the total which later had to be camputed. ThU aikeasment of HU Lordship Include the leasehold property, rrom which for the past few yean the city ha received tome additions! taxation in addition to the agreement calling for a flat rate of t43.OO0 per year. Taking U tht Into consideration It U estimated that the city will receive In the neighborhood of 11400 more in taxes from the company thU year than tinder the old agreement which expired In JVb-ruary. At the conclusion of HU Lord ship's decision, counsel argued the mat ter of cost of the action, which were fixed at tl.500 and were awarded to the company to be paid by the city. When court convened at 2.30, His Lordship commenced to read hU finding and was occupied fully thirty minutes before reaching the point of announcing hi decision. He reviewed the evidence of the various witness, pointing out the fact which had lm- Iprcssrd him and. except In minor In stances, attached little Importance to the evidence of many of the city's witnesses. To him, he said, It had been a very trying cate and he was Indebted to counsel for the manner In which they had conducted themselves. He had Immediately retired to hU chamber after the session of the court Monday night and continued there until UO going Kver the note and exhlbiu. It had been impossible to have the stenographer transcribe the evidence, and he had been compelled to go on hU own note. It was a regrettable thing, however. In hU opinion, that the city and the company could not settle their difference amic ably and net resort to the court. Uls Lordship then proceeded to refer to the PACIFIC fJKEAT EASTEHN RAILWAY COMPANY TK.Mtl.lt Sealed Tenders endorsed "Tender for J I Steamers" will be received by the under- kibiimI lm ia nnnn Tli i. r , YfMh 41 jl27. at the offices of the Company, 67 uunsmuir street. Vancouver. b.i;, ior the purchase of the hulls, machinery and equipment of the two steamer "Operator" and "Conveyor." lying on the south side of the Nechsko Klver at Prince Oeorge. Offers should be for the vessels as they stand, complete. To arrange for Inspection, communicate with Mr. A. A. Delbeck. Prince Oefr, R O, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ROUT. WIL80N, Asst. Oeneral Manager. Vancouver. DC. February 23. 1927. LAND ACT MITH'K III INTKNTION TO APPI.V TO I.F.AXK lOltF.SIIOItK In Oraham Island, Sueen .Charlotte Island Land Recording District of Prince ituperi, and situate at rerguson aj, Msssett Inlet, Oraham Island. TAKE NOTICE that Powell River Company Limited of Vancouver. DC, occupation Manufacturer, Intend to ap ply ror a lease oi tne rouowing ae scribed lands: 7VimmnHn, St rwikfc nlantMt at tfoa 'northeast corner of DU 1571;' thence westerly, following northern boundary .of said Lot to the northwext norner of said Lot: thence westerly, northerly and easterly, following the high tide mark off Ferguson tiay to tne extreme easterly Dolnt of Kchlmi Point: thence south- I easterly to the point of commencement,1 aim containing imj acres, more or teas. POWELL niVER COMPANY, LTD. Agent, J. Douglas Wilson. nted 4th Novemler, lay DEPARTMENT OF LANDS NOTICE Application for (Inirltig Permits for (he Season f I9i7. Application for permit, to grsre livestock on the Crown rinses within any gracing district of the Province of British Columbia, must be filed with the i District Forester at Fort Oeorge, Kain-! loops. Nelson, Prince Rupert, Vancouver, i or William Lake on or before March 31st, 1927. Blank forms upon which to submit applications may he obtained from the 1 District Forester at the above named places, or from the Department of Lands at Victoria, II C. a. R. NADEN. Deputy Minister of Land. Department of !ands, Victoria, B.C., January 4. 1927. NOTICE Under and by virtue of th provision nf ft.xHntf '! nr th "Mineral ArL" no. 'tie i la hereby given Messr. Malcolm ,'Biiiylh. Edmund Langls, Harold Hansen Snil Alrerv Moore, inai mrre is owing o' th undersigned for AMfssrnent Work Iperformed on the Cordllla Oroup of Mineral Claims, Princess Rojal Island. Bkeena ' Mining Division, the turn of trioi 8ft. and that tiniwvi sain persona pay 'their proportionate share of the cost of such Assessment, together with all cost 'of advertising, etc to the undersigned Uutrdale, DO., on or before May 12, 1037, application will be made to the Oold Commissioner, Prince Rupert, B.C., to have their respective Interest In the herein mentioned JJInlng Qroup ot Mineral Claims vested In the undersigned. DAVID CORDUXA. I JACOB EOtftU. RANSAYS PAINTS VARNISHES I'fli .y vn i. YX m m For Sale hy SILYEItSIDES MHOS. evidence In connection with the assess- crowding one another on the water front. "One cannot but admire the faith of many in the city- future' he said. Possibly the wheel of fortune ' might change at any time. j From the evidence. It appeared to! pUnU." 9Si BHEf H3W8 PAOBPIVB f - J ; which were considered would be suitable for trackage or railroad facilities -were! not needed for the present or the immediate future, according to the evidence of Mr, Tobey; who had said that there would be no need of anything further in this line until the city had grown to have a population of 60,000. There was also, it seemed, plenty of subdivided property available at the sent time for residence. Further, the j number of lot which had reverted tor! the city for taxes hod greatly Increased from 1922 to 1927. I In referrltiK to the manner of as- I swing the waterfront the Judge said' j It appeared that the assessor hod placed t a value ou the land and which adjoined j ; the wau-r and also on the land under the witter which adjoined the foreshore. In other -words It appeared to him; that there, hod been , .duplication of the assessment of the? waterfront. iu:V!Kvrii v: I d;n : -. In foitit over the evidence oralis several witnesses, HU Lordship seemed to value only the evidence of T. Mc-Clymont for the city, who had sworn as la uctual saJes made. It shmiM i : remembered that these lots were sub-1 divided and ready lor use in most cases and were on streets. The land which was compared with these In value was not divided and very often was far removed from street. The evidence of the iuM)t had been very frank and was based chiefly on a comparison of values as between city property and the I railway company. He .could not agree. however, with hi Judgment. ment In 1622 and in 1927 in which there and gave very direct was a great change from the value of the city" property a compared with the lioldlngs of the company. ;oii oi.ii hays Several times in hU findings, HU Lordship referred to the good old days of the real estate boom and suggested that many probably thought those day The evidence of H. C, Wright, of North Vancouver, HU Lordship .said, was chiefly of value a it showed the manner of assessment; 'there. He did not think that It was a. fair comparison however, .to take values lu that cltyJ situated on Burrard Inlet, with the values lu Prince Rupert. The evidence of a C Walker and Thro. Collart wa very brlelly referred to, and HU Lord ship placed no value on It. Alderman Stephens, In hU opinion, was prejudiced and was hot a frank witness. His answer were evasive and .not direct. On ttie other hand. 0. II. .Arnold and D. W. Kve were complimented very highly by His Lordship, who placed great reliance in their computations. They both showed that they had examined the property in question very carefully answers to all (itiestlon. Mr. Reeve had also been given a very high rating by II. C. Wright, witness for the city. Rt ri:nrs hmtinv After dealing In detail with the evidence. His Lordship gave his judgment and then said. "I believe that Prince Rupert U destined to become a great were nearer at hand again than the ! city. However, Jt Is necessary to et evidence would indicate. The city had hot grown as rapidly as expected and the situation must be considered In arriving at values. Later on, he expreid the hope that Prince Rupert woul& grow together and pull together and some of you may stttl see the day when the waterfront U crowded with Industrial so that industrial pl.nU would be KlTWANCOOl. VAI.I.KY. PLACE OF DESOLATION, IS SCItlHEl) HY WRITER WESTERN MACAZINE. (continued from pace two) I)B- IN HU Lordship that the land spoken of ,h, Mbt, customs and ritual which as rcldeiUUI property by the clt,'. lulv, htnM down for centurlM ... .... " " u t,,uve legend, members of U Eagle represented very poor residential pro-- tutaxt wm perty. On the other hand, the we. L tUwif . (mfMtUit branch of NAVIflAHI.K U'ATKIK I'lfnTPP. ITstapsean fsiuily. They are hard wwk TlflV PT in' Industriously storing up, during K.s.r. ciiAnr.it iu jthe summer, supplies for the winter. ;The young men go to the fUhlng j grounds, while the younger females work William J. Crawford hereby elves no. In the Canneries alone the river. At tlce he has. under Section 7 of the tald llume only the older people are left, and &$Jt&JTt' th "PProacHe. to of the District Registrar of the Land tb villa. e summonlnr all Inhabitants site and the plans of wharf proposed .itiger. to be built In the Portland Canal on 1 Proud uf l.lneuge It 4007. District of Casslar. I froua cf their 'llutuie TVlmri.Li.s "a OI Hueie sa as Tsimpbeans, And take notice that after the explra- tlon of one month from the date of pub- theI hav dherd to many 'of, the aru iication df this notice William J. Craw-.and crafu of the tflbe. who in former apply to Uie Minister of Public Workai '? handicraft lu at his office In ;he city of otUwa foritn prluijtlve work peculiar to Pacific approval of the site and plans, and for Ooat iHUlkh.,TJirfernnitlMilibmewha " leave to construct the said wharf. ), ,rwa j.-.' .'.'. it .iivi :' .i. ot Dated at Stewart. D.C.. thl 3rd day of mW t,1,- JWiiger March, 1927. iRltwaucoola have been Uught the an- 77 w. j. cRAwrortn, IN PROllATE. plent nd. a(rleut work: of basket weavliig ai ;uti W1 -0M 6( many oF'nie houkeliold VrVlcles from IN Till: M I'KKMi: roritT or imlTIMI yrast.es and roots of trees. Borne few (II I MIIIA lekample of the work which have been In the Mstter of. the Administration I 'f01' out ,rom .th. ,UmP ah: and In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph F, Bowman. Dereaaed. Intntats TAKE NOTICE that by order of HI themselves as genuinely valuable and collectors are anxious to obtain them, Tliere luu been a tendency among the Honor, F. McB. Young, the 24th day of!0"""' generation to be weaned oway 5?IVir?,..?' .,8.2.7' 1 ,wf PP?lnted from the old fashioned art with which Administrator of the . . . estate of Joseph .. , . . . . F. Bowman, deceased, and all parties nelr bear have been aasoclated. having claims against the said estate are ,The brave and squaw prefer more PebVrXtolme,Uonrfo;, tUU '"-making ,ndrU ! 24th day of March. A D. 1927. and ail i method, with Hie result that only the parties inoeoteo to the estate are re. .older members of fumlly still patiently tiulred to pay the amount of their In- nrnieaneu to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C, Dated the 24th day of February, ' A.D IM7. PACIFIC STEVEDORING & CONTRACTING CO. ltd; (IV VOI.I NTAltV I.KjrilltTION') NOTICR TO ritt:iITIU.S TAKE NOTICETha"r a Meetlna of Creditor will be held at 509 Union Building, Victoria, B.C, on Mondsy, the 21st day ot March, 1927, at 10 a.m., and that all claims against this Company mutt be filed with me before that date, after which I slull distribute. the aweta of the Company having rtgirj only to such claims as have been dulvlled. VINCENT C. MARTIN, Liquidator, 87 500 Union Rid.. Victoria. B.O. 1 Safe Speedy Relief ttse Vsur Rhumtlm Send 10c forjrenereus trial H Trmplf torn .Toronto. SOcStt) Ilbirs at your tfrvnUl's. weave' and work into designs and r-j tides the native grussea and roots. It Is said, however, that the Kltwan-cuol elder Insist Uiat younger ntember of the tribe be schooled in tiie finer work of basket weaving. Examples of thl work show basket so skilfully twined with cedar roots and bark and bound with grasses that water can be held In them, and they are used as kitchen utensil lu many household. These better-worked example , of this art are fast disappearing Into collectors' hands, m well a those of other tribe who barter or sell their product: but provided the KltwanwuU continue to he Instructed In thl work, there Is liope that the present supply ot the art and crafu, representing the handicraft of a disappearing people, may survive. TKIIlAt. TKVIilriONS Thl tradition of the tribe have been perpetuated In th usual manner by carved toteiu pole. The pole in Kit. waucool number 3s and, while not so massive at some to be seen at K1U wangu or at oUier point along the line of the Oanadlan National Railways, are, to students of the subject, excellent exhibits, with wotknuhshlp as neat and IHH roDniAi 1 i Deliriously appetising and wonderfully IliWJfw" WSj5B nourishing too, is this famous beverage. 4, VMMHyClfm3x Made in a minute a teaspoonful to a cup f C M m. ana aaa Doiimg water. An ideal Deverage M l If for children SSmlu' H m I MM 3U flaa III In 16 oz- and 20 bottles and 6 oz. MM B CfEP W Send for the free" OXO" Cook-book. jtB M ! mmwMWMMMmmmm. mtgfm i mm 1 . ; : i rgiiiiBiiiHfllfllllilHlHIlllflHfll I I The Well-Managed Home THE manager of a household is the purchasing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She . must study goods and the concerns which make " goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purchr sing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is new and good I in merchandise. They reveal improvementsxind inventions to make your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They give you information about a thousand and one things that are usejul. Every manager of a household every member of the household who shares the responsibility for the family's welfare should mafe a habit o reading the ads. t Read the advertisements in order to. buy wisely ? . skilful aa any In existence. The color ings, too, are of true Indian origin. being ot flat tones, owing to the use of vegetable and mineral dyes, which naturally contain no high light, nnd thereby diner lug from many retouched poles In which Varnish and shellac nave been used. Replica of some ot these tamlly trees have been brought out from' time to 'time, but the majority ot the art and crafts of the tribe are not for sale and few miniature poles, of gen ulne Kltwancool workmanship, arc available. Thus, In this delightful spot In British Columbia, within a few miles ot civilization Is a proud people separate and. apart, desiring, nq dealings with their outside .fellew men.' askfng - no favors, granting none, living 'almost isolated, law unto themselves. IIOTII. ARRIVALS. Prlnre Rupert C, E. Thompson, Toronto; Mr. C. It, Clay, Anyux: V. U Hunter and C. A. Oarrlck, Vancouver; M. A. Taylor, Port Esslngion; Mr, and Mrs! E, Castell, Evelyn; W. J. Gardner. Pacific; I. M. Miller, Georgetown; B. N. Christian, Port Edward; J. R, Morgan, city: Mrs. Marrs. North Pacific. sjtvuy J. Landers, Stewart; R. O, Cunningham, Port Essingtoni P. Belway. Ross-wood: J. Thistle, naysport; S. Morrison aitd J. L. Jollymore, C.N.It. mail once in 7 vi:i:ks AIYANSH, March 16. It has been a quiet winter In this little community with It thirteen white settlers. The place ha been getting mall only once In seven week. It is said that too many young men are looking for $10,000 job and It serins that most of them look, only. ' ' It Isn't the harmfulnees of rouge and other beauty aids that Impresses us, but their futility. PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Eased by 8ANTAL MIDY Leek tee t wore "MIDY sold by in druirtsi Dr.J.R.Gosse DENTIST Helgerson Mock X-Ray Service. Open Evert-Thone 686. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 CnrtnKe, Warehousing, and Distributing. Tenm or Motor Service. Coat Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnltunt Moving. 5 1 i ''if 1