PAGE SIX n Imported? NO! It's both older and belter TEN YEARS OLD This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by , Hie Government of llriiish J Columbia. EGGS We guarantee every egg. B.C. Fresh Extras, reg. 55c, 3 dozen $1.35 B.C. Fresh Firsts, reg. 50c, 3 dozen $1.25 B.C. Pullet Extras, reg. 45c, 3 dozen $1.15 Local Eggs, GOc per dozen, 2 dozen $1.15 Fresh Eggs, GOc pc Fresh Vegetables Arriving Every Boat at Lowest Prices Mussallera Grocery Co. Ltd. Phone 18 Phone 84 Have Your Eyes Examined Poor eyes and poor glasses are a pitiful combination. Good glasses will make good eyes of poor eyes. If your present glasses, do not suit your eyes, for any reason, you are criminally negligent of your future if you do not secure the proper glasses at once. Lowest prices. Expert service. A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. Opposite G.W.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and .Spruce Per load $6.50 Per half load $3.50 Per sack 50c Firelighters, 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST TIIE DAILY NEWS ADMIRAL STORY INSPECTS UNIT iiixnpi ust nksiit ix ikinok ok ska c.ii:i m rntvisoit ami Ills l.lV Members of the executive of the local tfavy League and their wives gave a din ner last evening the Commodore Cafe In honor of Admiral Story who reached the city yesterday. Thomas McClymant pre. sided and, after the company had honored the toast to the King, made a few appropriate remarks. He then called on Admiral Storey who gave a very Inter rstlng address on the relation of the navy to the various phases of national life, and the alms and objects of the Navy League of Canada. He Intimated that the Dominion council was concern' ed with the reorganization of the naval cadets throughout Canada and spoke of the value of these organizations. After the dinner. Admiral Story pro ceeded to naval reserve headquarters where about 23 cadets had mustered for the inspection. After the inspection the Admiral addressed the boys and gave an Interesting talk on the value of the training and discipline which they would receive and the general work of the naval cadets. This morning. Admiral and Mrs. Story are being shown about, the city by members of the executive and will leave on today's train for the east. Whatever It Is that makes a man tell his story forty times. It Isn't a sense of humor. Or any ktnd of sense. If Henry' planes become as numerous "as his flivvers, what are we eolnz to do for sunlight? NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC TION ACT. ICS.C. CIIAI'TKI Lot 4607. District of Casslar. 113 William J. Crawford herebv elves no tice he has, under Section 7 of the said Act. deposited with the Minister o, Public Works at Ottawa, and in the office or tne District Hejutrar of the Land Registry District of Prince RuDirt at Prince Rupert. B.C.. a description of the sue ana tne plans of wnarf proposed to be built In the Portland Canal on Anil tut nntlr. tht nff th nlr- tlon of one month from the date of publication of this notice William J. Crawford will under Section 7 of the said Act. apply to the Minister of Public Works at his office In the city of Ottawa for approval of the site and plans, and for leave to construct the said whirf. Dated at Stewart, B.C.. this 3rd day of Mafth, 19J7. 77 W. J. CRAWFORD. LAND ACT NOTICE OF IXTF.NTION TO APPLY TO LKASU JOKESllOUi; tn fclrahim Island. Suren Charlotte Perrin Sodas, 1 lb. nkg 23c Malkin's Best Canned Fruits. 3 tins for 93c Runkist Orantres, eecial value. 2 doz. fur 75c Heinz Catsup, 3 bottles for . . 93c Sterling Catsup, a few dozen left While they last, a bottles for 65c I ISH FOR TIIE SEASON Smoked Cod, i laddie. Kipiiers. Acadia Salt Cod. Our home-cured Bacon is in trreat demand. Four or five lb. in the slab, per lb 17c Large tin Aunt Dinah Molasse 23c Fresh Pullet Ejrjrs, 3 doz. for $1.23 Royal Crown Soap, 21 bars for 93c White Swan Soap, 22 bars for $1.00 If you could save 30c on a five pound pail of pure lard by buying It In bulk, you would do iL We are selling 5 lb. Pure Lard for . . 93c W. C. Little, of Woodcock, ships us fresh Milk every train. It us deliver you a quart daily 20c B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 574 S. Mm of ft r i ST 1 tea) tlEPDilve (O0!S(btD3 S'HousatJS. KscAcmrts v -Asthma o'su4ptk)!. W1HHIB.II Personally Conducted Tours have been arranged this Summer, under the Joint supervision of the Canadian National Railways and the Cunard Steamship Company to Great Britain and Europe and return. All transportation, hotel and sight-seeing expenses Included in fires. Call at City Ticket Office. Third j Avenue, or phone 2G0. for particulars aud. descriptive literature. I Those who fall to leap land in disgust. DATED the 2nd dav of March. 1M7. WILSON. VHEALLER ft STMES. Sallritrs for the Plaintiff. 640 Pender Street West Vancouver. B.C. SYRUP OF 71 ssassssssssBsssssssssssssssjBsssssssssssssssa sssassassBMBSviBi 1 TIRED EYES START the week right, have your eyes attended to. Nothing is such a handicap to efficiency as tired, aching eyes, j SUITABLE Glasses stop eye troubles as if by magic and their cost is insignificant. TIIE excellent results we obtain in our work are admitted by all. "WE devote our energies to one Ideal perfection In glasses, MAY we expect you Co con suit us today. Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3, Smith Block, Prince Rupert - - B.C. Cr.ri PERSONALLY CONDUCTED QflMF A1WF uUllILi 111 rnnnnr l it Tnnnc I nimurnmi luurvo ! Supreme Court of British Columbia be- "waispoun " " tween Tne Royal Trust company and pnvaia amy nurse um iur:ei atowmn Prince Rupert Hydro-ElecUle Company teit that night duty should b optional ?..M5?JL' JZZZ n,L?e!.. to the older member, ol the denture dated the 30th day of June, and that they should be granted the 1 ro3.4U 11911. tenders art larlieU by Oearxe E4- right of senlorttn accjrdliia to the itw' ward Winter the Receiver appointed by : . . ! an order of this Court dated the Uth 01 lnrJ pmw. aiuioufn toe) 1416 and the decree should do an eqttal amount at work day of September. Island Land Recording District of Prince !' aVtlon e c id RUDert. and situate at Permiunn list V? T? uJSXi inut rihim T.i.i.T "J lday of November. 1918 TAKE NOTICE thst Powell Company Limited of Vancouver. B.C. occupation Manufacturers. Intend to ap- Gardens Flower SEEDS Have arrived, per pkg 10c Yellow Newton and Ited Ben Davis Apples, good stock per box $2.23 look before they IN THE. SUPREME COURT BRITISH COLUMBIA. MMl;i.l NOT UK Ml Ml I II At'ATlll TO MUIIT lll'TV M tMlTAIV KINDS Of HOItK I'lll ll ll- i:ck ton u ones MONTREAL. March 9 (By Canadian Press). Speaking before the Quebec Association of Registered Nurses. Dr Lorne C. Montgomery. In presenting the point of view of the medleal practl- tlouer. declared that In times of. dla- q tress It was discouraging tor the doctor to hear that a nurse will take hospital work only, and spoke of the difficulty lie PRIM K MTKKT IIYIKMXi:m:t( met lth tne nurM no ' COMPANY LIMITED a case because it does not happen to be ;of a certain kind. With reference to the lY okiikh Till: lOl III KT ).LE popularity of night duty lu the pro- fe"ton- tne Uted TAKE NOTICE that pursu.nt to the 'P crtler of Mr. Justice D. A. MctXnMd younger graduates should be able to dated the 18th day of February. 1937, In bear the burden, a bondholders' action Intituled In the - , naied tne aut Mls E. France Opton. matron or the tr9 t ha minhata rt ail Vim rawalnlnit nwtnapflaa . ...... Laurentlan Sanatorium stated that ther p"r ! of the said Company. The aald prop er- .are more-casts of tuberculosis In the ues are aesenoed as rouows: nrorinr of Oiutaw th.n in n ntK- EiJ.viSf 01 tue. fong de- prfmlsej ntuate In "the Province of province of the Dominion. Commencing at a pt planted at thelfJl1 ?.o!; PartJe"ly "" and more particularly described as Lot 695. Range s. containing 32 90.100 acres more or ilCSE. 4. Maps dialing with surveys of j drainage areas rainfall and runoff dta, j Canada' l.(Tir1 and fever 5? 7': ."'mcrtarr-rrk)' mTSr Y P"'1 to bculo,ls said Lot to the nor?hwt rr rfl.l 2- Tha P) land and M dlarl that the time has c:;m easterly, following the high tide mark of JSSS ".Vfni 8 DT to tb ,nSe, of dealing witi, Ferguson Bay to the extreme easterly 9?ftiJ?: t.. point of Echinus Point; thence south- , "ic threi ririnJi- ' easterly to the point of commencement fJL "iPntln ,n J.f, mf"UITd ''f ? ' and containing 'ISO acres, more or less . ffi MAV IICC DI MIV TH POWELL RIVER COMPANY. "T lri rvl of U1 .nrfi"I JL, I 1U . , tv,,.-,.4! 'premises situate in tte Oomut Pietrivt " ' k. 1936 Province of Brlttoh Columbia Dated 4th November FIGHT MOSQUITOES wxtallon lur UT-higll M BUU, (JWTT pHllXia. , ; mission lines and receiving station for ' ALT ANTIC f'lTY iiis ana ivuiaaa tiivers aeveiopmeni. Qanada 1 is waging ,.,. war and plans of works. 1 The Receiver U Informed that the !"" up so (fee I above lands parcel I. 3 and 3 were se- 1 Arthur Olbsop. dominion ,iecvco oy tne engineers 01 tne mset th. N, ! Rupert Hydro-Electric Comnanv Limited 1 lno lrMrled al X. J. As-Prt txletmlnatlon NJ . March I. Arctic circle, entomologist. Jersey nsoaqulto as being suitable sites for the construe- minaoon aasocuuon eonrsntion ester- today tion of water power plant. uie told of the clksooewrr of Ow ems Tender may be made for all the ld ' lZZT, fhat who- vbo m root would parreU together or for one or more , P0-1700 apved-separately. lly kill larvae of mosquitoes breeding on k. Z:r, i.nV... .ui -..r,the ,urtre atatlable In sufflcimt Messrs. Rikh-ll. stead. Hcne & 1 o.untltie, large areas would be trwMn Winter. Bank of Nova Sootla Building. ; by aeroplane. Vancouver, or at me omce 01 tne un- 1 derslitoed. Possibility of emptoyUig plans in the releace of gas agkinst the mosquito in Florlds swamp It , being investigated. Dr. L. 9. Howard. United Stala bureau of entomology stated." Jersey experts said they pinned their I hopes on ditching and drainage and oiling and the possibility that the gambusla. a larvae-eating fish from the south, may live through the winter. Canada has been successful in keep. Ir.g the gambusta alive. Mr. Gibson sala but It was done In pool formed by drainage from the 'llot BprUvg of Banff. In the Rocky Mountain National Park tn Alberta. "The fish apparently ha been breeding freely." he said, "as a considerable number was noted in pools at the lower hot springs formed by the drainage from the hatha. No recovery $f tne fish has been made however, from, the Vermilion lake, a falxiy" extensive body of wster. CRIBBACE LEAGUE FIXTURES Mtiirn 14 Moose vs. Grotto. St. Andrew's vs. Cold Storage. CJI, Mechanics va. Dry bock. , Prlnc Rupert Hotel vs. Orange Lodge . ON.' Operating' rs, Canadian Legion . Son of Csnada vs..KnlghU of Columbus. 31 Cold Storage v. CM. Operating. Knights of Columbus vs. Dry Dock. Mooee vs. Sons of Canada. St. Andrew's vs. Orang Lodge. C3i. Mechanic va. Canadian Legion. Prince Rupert Hotel vi, Orotto. Chlcsgo it a largeAmerlcan city where machine gun battiest are held n the streets and candidates for local law enforcement lob ion On anti-World BASKETBALL TIMETABLE Itl M IU IH IX TO lidtl.ltS ukmainmik iii i'ulmi.vt m:asov The following revised schedule fot he remainder of Ute. seasMt has brrti rraurd by the PrtMe Rupert Basketball AsaoctaUon : M l(t II II Colts vs. Tuxta. EtevaMtr vs. Terminal. Adanacs vs. Maple LsaU. Elks Vs. Native Sowt. IS--Start vs. Colta. Elevator vs. Banker. Terminals va. Ortito. Native Sons vs. Term lusts. 18 Colts va. Tuxls. Adautca vs. Maple Leaf. Elevator vs. Baakara. Terminals vs. Blks. OoJU vs. Tuau game st!U lu be placed i Week-end Specials B.C. Fresh Pullet Eggs, dozen for $1.00 Libby's Asparagu Tip, square tin, regular 40c. Special . . 29c Nabob pure Plum Jam, 4 lb. tin 19c King Beach Prune Jam. 4 lb. tin 19c Nabob Loganberry Jan. 4 lb. tin! 59c: King Beach Raspberry Jam, 4 lb tin 59c Dill Piekles in bulk, per dozen 25c CANNED CHICKEN will arrive Saturday, This line has j been ofMhe market for some time. 1 Broken Shelled Walnuts, per lb. 10c ' aa - - ianajr mses, per in zrc Chocolate Eclairs, fresh stock. ict lb 39c Chocolate Cream Bar Biscuits, per lb. 35c, 8 lbs. for $1.00 Fig Bars and Ginger Snap, per lb 1 19c, Maple Ridge Standard Peas, spe-; eial, 2 tins for 23c' Combination Special ! 1 tube Alber's Buckwheat Flour. ' 1 jug Waffle Syrup The two for 89c ' Nabob Brand Corn on Cob, 3 lb.1 tin, special 29c Campbell's Tomato Soup. 2 for 23c This Is your last opportunity at this price. 1 Campbell's Pork and Beans, 2'.l special, 3 tins for 0c Cheese Snax, per pkge 25c i Picnic Hams, per lb 19lic ivew iiajiowi Dates, 3 lb. . . 35c Ftflpert Nut, to clear. 2 lbs. 35r lellow .ewton Annies, fumbli. pack, 4 lbs. for 23c' per box $2.25 , Fresh Rhubarb, tier lb 20c Sweet Potatoes, per lb 10c Cauliflower, each 35c Head Lettuce, 2 for 25c I Fresh Spinach, 2 lbs 33cj New Cabbage, per lb J0c Celery (California), each j 20c, 25c, 35c i Fresh Herring, 3 lbs ' 25c I Fresh Halibut. 2 lbs. ... ar,J Cohoe Salmon, per lb 20c! Fresh Shrimps, per lb f25c Fresh Crabs, each 20e! Rupert Table Supply Co Phones; 210. 211 (fcaSaijMLl) BABY, it r ftccgft WESTHOLME THEATRE TL'EHDAY ONLY, 7 nnd 'J p.m. Ken Maynard In "The Unknown Cavalier" The in VVt'UTii tar in kmmI KATHLEEN COLLINS, DAVID TORUKNTL. OT II "a 1. JOSKP SWIt'KARD, T. ROV BARNES. PAT II RMl x and others. Adr.iwion COMEDY -COINi; CRAZY. AKSOI-S FUJI TABLES '"ir ind ? TEA KETTLES Tin Tea hetrlet. each A Enamel Tea Kettle, eaih Si Z I Aluminum Tea Kettle.', e-h SI " : s Nickel Plated Copper Tea Kettles, each SZ.'Z-'t t5 Thompson Hardware Co.,UJ. 255 Third Atenue. rr. . Kick HtART -trviB 4 J STOMACH MWtlUS ' IMIfH r ti. KIDMtrS 'BOWtlS AfTtKOU BL ADDIS it MVfD. I he lowc ncn o undcrU:c nianify-in glass is pinched bya misaligned joint Pinched nerves cannot transmit healthful impulrcs, Chiropractic adjusting removes the pressure The upper nerve is free jis nature intends. Prince Ku? From The Kidneys If the comic papers be acceiU'l as a 1 something inherently humorous about tRc Km : Whether this be so, or not. it can be stated ui" of the death autistic that there i nothing fu'.: frvm the kidimys. mi .iua aa . jv am m m. mi n& 1 -s a r - w is r UUflCKWi Chlrppttdicl conccis the cause cf Disease In I he c PPO.I- namec i-Tia, CtRJ I THROAT -Ally The kidne s an' i duty of absorbing '' Iltfuid ' poi Kf'"1'' lody. It th m fail 1 disa and death i tli' Kldneya dciend u furniabed through H : for their motive 1 pressure upon a Kiln It impoaslMe for them t get a Mek from th.: k; Is the time to sec a have the nerve prextni: Bad Kidneys Made Good. 'Adjustment made u n.-w i-' of rne. My kidneys - my Lack wa In tcrribh. ';'"'';. I a-hf r.nirnrlor. J 4 rs r ft v j - - justment heiped-six workeu -Isabelle Iist, Chlro.rar i-. liureau. Statement No. W- s.t.'nnlVTMKNT for health ran be mude by -,rp D. A. McMillan Palmer firaduale CIIIHOPHACTOH Kooms G und 7 Exchange Illock. Patho-Ncuromeler Service Open KvcnlngH so- 691 sarBtgyBsasssssWryjJay