8 - Rheumatism T-1VC W Mtilcml far Htnkkn Khtumatitm and similar forma ot Pain almcxt alway s yield tothe T-R-C'ii (Templeton's Rhesmatic Capsules) treatment. Your druggist can very likely tell you how greatly T-R-C's hcve helped tome of . hi own cumoners- To kc even a few of ; the hundreds cf ' testimonial letters jn our files, would convince you that T-R-C'a are e. rraordi-narily successful in the treat ANXIETY OF ' DR. TOLMIE. A'euntis Lumbago sciatica ment of Rheumatic and NeuriticPain. If you read our booklet carefully you will understand why the T-R-C'a treatment is so successful. But . wouldn't it be better to know hfiw successful T R-Ci tan be by jusin them for -your own Pain? Get a 50c or $1 box from your druggist, or send , 10c for' booklet and generous trial toTempletons"K", Toronto 2. t6 . The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ! Published Every Afternoon; exctpt Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. TULLEN - Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. 99 86 Monday, March 21, 1927 BETTER TREATMENT FOR MARIT1MES. The enunciation from Premier King of the intentions of the government in dealing with jthe Duncan report should, it would seem at this distance, prove entirely satisfactory to the Maritime ProvincesNew Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. The problem is an involved one and there are many circumstances which, at this remote point from the scene, are difficult to judge. It would seem, however, tkat the government stands ready to do all in its power to assist. British Columbia will be most interested in the proposed reduction in freight rates. Premier Oliver stated some weeks ago that, if concessions were given the Maritimes, he would not rest content until similar dispensation was accorded British Columbia. Even more concessions are proposed for the three Atlantic provinces than might have been originally anticipated so the British Columbia premier will have something concrete on which to base his demands., Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island it seems are going to get better treatment effectively and promptly. If British Columbia's claims were investigated in a similar manner it might be more to the point and more economical than the means being adopted at the present time. British Columbia should have a Duncan commission, too. Dr. Tolmie, the itinerant leader of the Conservative party inl urmsn Columbia, is very agitated about the possibility of the Japanese supplanting white men in the halibut fisheries. Here in Prince Rupert, the headquarters of the Canadian halibut fisheries, the fears of Dr. Tolmie may well be judged. If there are any Japanese fishermen at all engaged in halibut fishing their number is verv WV.Y. K AT MEMIMH.MK .Moml.iv and Tuesday Hoot aibnon In "The Denver Dude." Comedy: "Flaming Flappers." International Neva. Wriliirfdayi lnly. Jackie Ooogaa.ia.-Old Clothe. Comedy: "Snookums Disappears.' Topics of the DajL TharMla.r Only 411 star cast In "The Wilderness Woman." Comedy: "Thanks for the Boat Ride." Aesop's Film Fables. Friday anil Sat unlay Richard Dlx In "The Quarterback." Comedy: "What a life." Pathe Review. 000 from two bandit, the cldcum- "DENVER DUDE" IS ADVENTURE STORY I !t i;lhu Coming to We! holme Theatre Tonight and Tomomiw In swlft-Motlng tt'eMern Him When "Rodeo" Randall, broncho bust ing champion. et out on a little vaca tion trip all by himself, he ran Into more adventure than the ordinary mor tal encounters In a lifetime. He first rescued a shipment of 30.- stances of which prompted him to change his ralnment and his name to match. The next was when he represented himself as the messenger guarding the money In order to be near Patricia La Mar. the daughter of his father's dearest enemy. ' After that things really began to' happen. The safe In the ranch store where "Rodeo" was employed was looted, the blame laid to Rodeo'a" door with a resultant arresf. Escaping, clad In kilt filched from his guard, who had fallen Into ' mi Inebriated slumber. "Rodeo" set out In pursuit of the men he suspected a the ate robbers, employing an untamed horse for the chase Just to make things more Interesting. The climax is fast moving and most exciting thing.. Hoot Olbson In "The Denver Dude" comes here tonight and tomorrow. Some of the players are Blanche MehaOey. Robert McKlm. "Slim" Summerville. Howard Truesdell. Olenn Tryon, oa' " Mathllde Bntndage. Rolfe few and no alarm is being expressed locally where, ruw joatmally. itu Sedan and other would be expected. The Daily News would by no means Orientals into the halibut fisheries but it sees no necessity of raising sing a false alarm. - 'fn" l If Dr.-To!miVis really sincere about this cause: which he ofi late has been so valiantly espousing, it would see"m that he could get more action by coming home and taking the position of respon- v""r Vt' J . " itt,iici mail .lUJluuullJg I'i sit in his comfortable seat at Ottawa because the Dominion section of his party is afraid they might lose Victoria seat I support the entry of. nrvir rAAPllt CUTTING DOWN , SPEECH MAKING. The House of Commons is taking a step In the rieht direction in its effort to devise new house rule desiirnprl in mi-rail nvra,,;1 JniniL Viuurtn IN "OLD CLOTHES" "Old Clothes- is the title Cf Jackie's first screen offering ot the-season which comes to the Westholme Theatre Wed nesday night. The story relates the further adventures of Kelly and Oln. berg, that unique pair who left a favor able Impression In their preceedlng pic- speech-making in parliament. Vain vaporings addressed too often ,u7 Vaf-" ,rrom b!g!! to the trnllprv for tk nnm. f inlL Jjim-.i Za. . 1 - ,n1 PP"r Pc of wealth i. ,..v.w-. .u,al.uc and position, they have been towd been --J and are 4u the curse of legislature. in the every country, Canada ruthlessly back into their old lives of hoi uvuig aione in mat regard, ine tendency to such is even seen;jverty and hard work. at times in municipal council ana other lesser bodies. I The old life is made harder by the Happily, there has been a great improvement in this regard ' constant recollection of the dys that at Ottawa this session. The effort to even further limit members tlTm ot Kelly and Ginsberg, who like to express their own views at the public expense is to bei"",e ln de ,ux Junk u "-eth commended. SPRING ARRIVES HERE TODAY. Spring arrived today with its one thousand and one suggestions. For .all, it suggests surcease from the rigors of a heartless winter. And for some its suggestions, or a few of them, are house-cleaning in the offing, vacation-time aDnroachlriir. new automohlles. ed and with heavy hearts and troubled conscience they resume the unsteady business of making a living. Into their common place lives there comes a girl. Seeking a haven for the night, she appears at the humble abode of Kelly and Olnsberg and subsequent ly wins her way into their hearts. The romance which comes lnto the girl's old automobiles to be overhauled, Easter clothes to be shopped for !,1,nd JteUt' bmmiture attempt to by some and paid for by others; last year's straw hats and summer u,.m,.nMe lh- romtnce the suits to te ro-discovered. irarrlprt 'ppH ntiH ftt .1 ,,.. f 1.ubborn opposition of the old Hebrew. harvests, automobi.ing, ''parking sparking." opening of the ZX! u-.. ra, rtln...K ami oeacn censors. tunitv i0T tu.tlon. which are ,fJJ,u:K " o:,e WI ine lW0 neutral seasons oi the year. The other! given weight and depth by episodes ap-is fall. Winter has its Irreconcilables and summer its rank partis- j pealing to the heart of the most stolid, ans, but spring strikes a happy medium. You can dread winter and appears again in the uttered adore jummer or you may have a preference for winter over sum-10 of yore. mer and retain a warm regard for the intermediate seasons. The uPPrUn in capable Those who are reminded by spring of the hot weather to pomp! hnd' UkX DTlon. piy should .find solace -in the thought that Ihe coal man must live on lbe Juk, his interest for six months and those who are concerned over the foTj.k eT.me. mIS LSTiCn vear and tear the new ball6on tires must soon undergo have the J 5S consolhtion that the strain on the rugs and furniture at home will .adroit touches of whimsy, aim Forrest relieved. jM the handsome lover Is at his best, . and Joan Crawford, the girl, a compara- From breakfast to bed SHREDDED WHEAT for any meal all the year7round -the whole wheat in a digestible form - all the bran you need. i live newcomer to the acreen, will be heard of after producers see her In I Jackle-a picture. Lillian Elliott, the i popular cnaracter women Invests her l.smaU part with all the expertness of an jold time trouper. BEWILDERED BY BIG CITY WAYS "The Wilderness Woman," coming on Thursday to the Westholme Theatre here, tells the story of an Alaskan miner and hi daughter who, having suddenly struck It tremendously rtoii ln the far north, set out for New York. The adventures that befell them when, for the first time, they came In contact with the conventions and restrictions of modern civilisation, are productive of the comedy. Arthur Stringer wrote the story for the Saturday Evening Post, where It appeared as a serial. In the role of the rich miner and Mond 1 1 fffJli llll MmM "The Love thai ' W .Never Dies" Coltoniute contest when a newspsper accuse Dick of professionalism. Kslher Is the only person who eaji prove his Innocence. At the last minute, he Is shoved Into the lineup and the gsme ataru In a veritable sea of mud. Laugh. War. Vancouver; W. II. Uanuet, Winnipeg; John llosklns, Vanderhoof; R. Olbaon, Port Eaalngton; Capt. T. Itanl. Seattle; J. Marrs, North Pacific Can. ncry: Mrs. J. Anthony. Remo. Central Arthur T. Oothard, Outedale: J. Me Bride. Edmonton; C. L. Oraluun, Win nlpeg; II. Deal, C. Lindsay. W. J. Con roy. C Oaywood, J. McCole. T. Csmp bell and A, Drucs, Vancouver. Haioy k. m. Benson, swsnson ttsy; A. P. Oothard, Ooat Harbor: P. Kady, Kwln ttsa, M. Kelday. lUysport. AdvertUe in the Dally News. WATER NOTICE v . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thst 1IU Honour the Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia, by and with th advice of Ilia Esecutlvr Couuell, has been pleaaed to order: THAT the reservation of th unreeord ed water of Brown's River and Me-Knight Crr.k, trlbuUrlea of Ecstall JUver, frtsUllshed pursuant to Order In Council Number Boa spproved the ISth dsy of June, 1921. be cancelled. Th cancellstlon of the said reservation will be eflectrve on April leth. TT DATKD this 11th dsy of March, 1927 T D. PATTULLO. UliUster of Lauds. Too Late TN the bright heyday of youth, who could tell him of the storms th.it lay ahead ? Later, when he had the full strength of manhood, who could hint to him of weakness or ill-health? The need for Life Insurance protection always seemed dim and remote and because of this the day of decision was deferred. And then came the da when he tried to get Life Insurance, but the attempt merely brought a more grim realization of his need. His health was not what it had been. Too late! Avert this tragedy from your life ! Obtain the security of Life Insurance while you may. Now, while you arc strong and well, the protection of LLfe Insurance is obtainable, and the yearly outlay will be less than in the future. Decide today, and sec a Life Insurance representative before you, also, arc too Lite his daughter Cheater Conklln andAUeen plils slid thrills vie with each otter "(JOVKKN.MENT MQUOK ACT." ...... myytmt u uTaiiigc. i wis ' m uavia ouuer. lurry uerrsiord, tohrrt Miss ftlngle's first comedy part, and W Craig and Uona Palma have;up-she Is a different actress from what sbs porting part. naa been m the Elinor Olyn and vam- . J ptre roles, thst have been hers hereto-. IIOTKI. .tllUIV.Mj, ? fore. Lowell Sherman, usually the vU-,. I"rlnre ltiirrt lain, appears this time as liero. Others. O. L. Jackson, Calgary;. J, C. Alger, are Henry Vlbart and Robert Cain snd'N- A. Elliot. V. Wlllan andWUllsm a cute and amusing little bear cub. "THE QUARTERBACK" A FAST FOOTBALL FILM Kirluril HU will he tar In Heeknd I'rsturr at WeMswIme Tliealre "Th Quarterback," a college comedy brings Richard Dick back to the screen of the Westbolm Theatre at the week end. Dlx Is the son of a man who has bee'n attending university since 1899 because h promised his wife that he'd stay at Oolton till their eleven beat the crack State squsd. Twenty-seven years have oated by. His wife 1 dead, his son la nnfc the Oolton quarterback d he 1 still studying! Needless to say, nichard loves the prettiest girt at Bute ther Ralston. Everything, la all set for the annual mitm i: f ,pii.ir.Tiv nut ion-mat 1(1 1KNM U (IK III l it i.ici:.N(i: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on the leth day of April nest, the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer Licence Number 673 and Ivwed In respect of preml'-e being psrt of a building known aa "Central Hotel." situate at the corner of- pint Avenue and Seventh 8treet, City of Prince Rupert, in th Province of British Columbia, upon th lands described at Lota Eleven (111. Twelv (12). Thirteen US), and fourteen lis I, in Block Ten (10). section one (it. sisp no. 923. nine nuorrt Land Registration District, in the Province of British Columbia, from Peter Black to Central Hotel, Umttedi of the City of rnnre itupert, rrovtnee of Britisn coi- umoia. ine transferee. DATED at Prlnre Rupert. B.C.. this 18th day of March, 1021. CENTRAL HOTEL. LIMITED. Applicant and Transferee NOTICE Under and b virtu nf th. nravlalon i orcnou oi in "Mineral aci, notice It hereby riven Menara. Malcolm Smrthj Edmund Langls, Harold Hansen and Albert Moore, that there H owing o th undersigned for Assessment Work lerformed on the Cordllla Group ot flnera! Oslms. Prlneeaa Roval Iilsnd. Skeena Mining Division, the aufu of 39J.88. and that unless aald persona pay their proporttonst shsre of th cost of such Assessment, together with all eosta of advertising, ate, to the undersigned a. Butedal. B.C.. on or before Msy 12. 1027, sppllcatlon will be msds to the Oold Commissioner, Prlnre Rupert. Bfl. o have their respective interests In th herein mentioned Mining Oroup of Mineral Claims vested ln the under- sly led, DAVID CORDIU.A. JACOB K03KI. . iin w . m it f NS L i bout Your Eyes DO not hexfUte lot- t. about your ,..,lf,iiK to you. .Not ",tif that wc do not hear r r.tnrta from V'J" have fitted with gUJ ,Hh rnnfldence cur ' belief that no obtain beuer ir. v-con?lentlou treaty , IP you require thorough mdenu '7- U lion will reveliw '- ,i th you do not require will candidly tell ru Fred Joudry a"1 rUt JtrRkferrd OpWW1 p,IcI,c" .th M Room 3 ?" I'lione