Capt George Vancouver, while the British Columbia coast in 1793, sailed up Observatory Inlet taking sounding! and drawing charts, cay write-up on Alio Arm In the Vancouver Sunday Province yesterday. Could he have vlsloned the development along Its shores which has brought about the establishment of the British Bnplre's blggettproduclng copper imejter, be would no doubht .have felt amply repaid for the unsold hardship of his pioneer explorations. Not until 100 years lated did the Argonauts of the Northwest Mineral District No. I of B.C. discover the possibilities of the vast mineral wealth contained In the mountains bordering the shores of the Inlet, and only during the last fifteen years has actual production been attained. Alice Arm U situated at the head of Observatory Inlet, long arm of the sea running parallel wit hPortland Canal. FKOItbC'KK OF COPPER The Hidden Creek mines and Anyox reduction plant of the Oranby Consolidated Mining, Smelting, ti Power Co. Limited are situated down the inlet fifteen miles from Alice Arm, and 650 miles northwest of Vancouver. This company ranks as the foremost producer of copper In the Empire and established a record In continuously operating Its mines and smelter during the Great War and all through the postwar period. Today the company is mining' and treating over 3.000 tons of ore per day. The payroll Is over 82.000,-000 a year, and cost of supplies amounts to that much more. Alice Arm mining camp has the distinction of being favorably compared with the famed Cobalt district of Ontario because of the spectacular occurrences of rich mineral veins carrying native silver. A diversity of ores exists In the district, and during the past year properties containing lead, zinc, silver and copper have been developed. . A narrow-gauge railway is now built and In operation from Alice Arm seventeen miles to the Dolly Varden mine. serving properties along the main Kit-1 sault River. The Cranby Consolidated has constructed a railway across the flats from tide water a distance of five miles to the foot of McGrath Mountain, which railway can be made to serve proper ties along the northeast fork of the Kltsault Elver. The resident mining engineer for the Northwest Mineral District, in the an nual report of the minister of mines says: "The many meritorious showings in the Alice Arm camp make this section one of the most attractive In the North west Mineral District." Properties In the Alice Arm camp which have shipped ore to smelters -art the Dolly Varden, North Star, Esper-enza, La Rose and Wolfe mines. DOLLY VAKDKS Within five months from the start of operations on the Dolly Varden, 6373 tons of ore were shipped, showing a recovered content of 400.338 ounces of sil-1 ter. An additional 20,037 tons of ore yielded 831.638 ounces of silver. The Toric mine, adjoining the Dolly Varden, has opened up' an ore body estimated to be worth $7,320,000. The company has completed the erection of a mill mulldlng and is Installing the necessary machinery to concentrate this valuable tonnage of ore. It la expected milling operations will begin during July, The Esperenza mine ha shipped over 1100,000' worth of ore, and there are approximately 10 00 tons of ore on the duinpv and broken Kdown Inside the mine. Negotiations are being carried oiv, toward the Installation of a mill on mis property. The Wolfe mine' Initial shipment of sltfen tons last year gave . returns of ioo a tort '"' ' 4 'V The La Rose mine's first shipment of forty tons returned 12C8.69. And an additional fifty tons la now In transit to the smelter which Is said to be of a much higher grade. The Keystone Mining Co. spent several months developing their property on Koundy Creek, completing oyer 400 feet of underground work. The Kltsault-Eagle Silver Mine Limited developed three properties during the year, namely the Eagle, Silver Cord and LeRoy, accomplishing a total of over 400 feet of underground work. tunnel in ore on the Silver Cord has advanced 130 feet so far. and work Is being-continued; all winter, Develop ment work has proved very satisfactory especially on the Silver Cord. .and Le Roy, where .Immense bodies of tune-lead ore carrying silver vsluei were proven. MIMMi I'ltOfintTIKS liosiir;i Early n October four mining proper ties, situated In the Upper KiUault val ley, were bonded by Col. Victor Spencer and associates of Vancouver. There are fifteen claim n the groups bonded and the price Is In the neighborhood of 1400,000. A tunne Is being driven on toe Rd Point property, one of the groups, and this work will be carried on with all speed during the winter, I lis the Intention of the new owner to develop all three properties on an ex tensive acal during tbe present year, In addition to the above properties, large amount of development work ha btu done by Individual owner wth excellent result. Alice Arm possess enormous ore showings, which have unproved wJUi depth, and It' la predicted that the district will continue to rank among the 0 1927 ar Imi Ftrus aic(. Tc.'?-j (-f &'4Uia ilt yiffl4 "Slss """"v-. continent's biggest mineral producers. During the past year many millions of feet of logs have been cut and ship ped from the flats surrounding tbe town by the AbboUford Lumber Co. and the Granby Company, who maintain extensive logging camps close to town. The timber was shipped to Ocean Falls and Powell River pupl mills by the barga Drum rock. BURNS LAKE Mr. and Mrs. O. R, Walker have re turned to this district and will resume ranching at Francois Lake, having rented the farm of Sam Lond. Although they had a beautiful farm at Chllllwack, the lure of this district was so strong that they returned. William Henson, son of O. F. Henson, has successfully passed the crisis of a serious attack of pneumonia. A man named Tankel of the Hanson tie camp at eDcker sustained a double fracture of the ankle when he fell off a sled and 1 a patient at the Burn Lake hospital. 3. Tool, manager of the local branch of the Royal Bank of Canada for many years, has been notified of hi transfer to Vancouver which will be effective In April. Mr. Tool and family, who .are now visiting in the south, will not be returning here. Arnold Flaten Is being mentioned as successor to McTool, although nothing definite has been an nounced. A. M. Ruddy. P. Mulvllle and Phil Brunell returned here on Thursday 'af ter having attended the Liberal con vention in Vancouver . I Mrs. O. S. Wood, formerly of Burns Lake and now 'resident in Prince George, Is visiting here for a week with Mr. P. V. Tallon. Mrs. Jeffrey, -Sr. I making satis factory recovery now following a recent serious Illness. HAZELTON After suffering for over two years following a stroke, Mr. Isabel McLeod, wife of James H. McLeod, died In the Hazel ton Hospital recently.' She was 63 years of age and had redded with her husband ' on a ranch on the 8almon River. Nine provincial police officer made raid here recently under the Game Act, On C. W. Dawson' premises, they found four beaver and a number of rat skins. No fur was found on other premises which were visited. A 8t. Patrick's Dance was held by th I ted, Toronto, Out After a favorable winter of opera tion, pole cutting in the district Ul 40W (uspended for a few weeks on ac- ount of seasonal conditions' Most of he winter's production has now beet kidded to the river banks or the Mads. All the machinery ha now reached the tunnel of the Sunrise mining pro perty on Nine Mile mountain. Drill ing will be under way this week and It Is planned to extend ILe tunnel several hundred feet. Al Harris' Is In charge of work on this property for J. O. Tre- tbeway. A tram has been shipped from Vancouver for the Sliver Cup mine on which it la -planned to carry out con- ilderable work this year. William Ware, manager of the fur department of the Hudson BayCo. and superintendent of trading postal In British Columbia, spent a couple of days here last week. Dr. H. C. Wrlnch, M.L-A. for Skeena returned borne on Thursday. He does not anticipate an election th! year. He says there Is no talk of It what ever. The Omtneca Herald, In It serle of articles on' successful farmer of Cen tral British Columbia, told last week of the success of George Oulton in dairying near Smlthers. An open mind 1 all right If you Community League In the Community know when to close your mouth. i Her Liflli liy Cmght'CfH -While Out Flaying Mrs. P. Cad, Elmvrood, Maa writes: "Mr littlj .boy raugbt cold wh.ll out playing in tbe snew. Ij j coughed inceartntyr all that night and j the next dar, aod nothing- I gave him i teemed to relieve hint, Vhea eiy has- ! band came home he brought a bottle of j Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup with him. After th seeond ion ray , boy was' greatly relieved and after the third dote ha wnt to skep and slept the whole night through without any toughing. 1 am nerer without it-in i Vat. U Ait sla tn.l ntrVi anava an ft t (Va ehildren get tht (lightest toll it' tat int thicg I git them." Price Me. a bottle, large tiit 60, I pat at up only by Tht T. Milium 0b, has been Servmbu ftithfully forManyYears 'BREAKFAST" in .Baker's Breakfast Cocoa Meant Something The Unite J Sutc Food Standard define IVratfiit" cocoa a cocoa containing riot let (ban 22 per cent of cocoa butter. Many dmo cocoa (whkb cannot he labelled " breakfast " Zotxa) contain not toot thin 14 per cent cr 15 per cent of bitter. DAer ' Brrakfart Cocoa contain not 1cm than Vt per cent of cocoa butler, almost one-fifth more than Government require' sarot. The phrase iiaker't breakfast Cocoa mean a pure, do liciou cocoa of high quality and putsctsing a considerable amount of iiouruLaent. WALTER BAKER 6CX). Limited Established 1780 PORCH ESTER, MASS. Csaadian Mill at Montrt! BotUt of Quiet Rsrifwi smt ttt TITS fiAlLT 112773 ALICE ARM BRINGING UP FATHER Rv v Nowise mciYianiJS Aff li BY COUi' WiTOLOVOU NOT I fvoUKE. RIGHT- ) IF MA GO If- EVF.K aTHANC K. WOO HOST RtPI ( HIP AHOV-i DUG AN lb TOLtTANVOME JICCb-1 CO&Vb I FlNO OUT HEARD "bWE. DESCRIBED DIMTVl T A SAILOH SE "YOU WITH-J h , HAD BETTER I DORE . ONE. HOLLER JL v ON "THlb OUT "TOUR , r h 5LEEPWITH l tRD-VOOU. ,HIP AKQV riKi-rV-l IT ( t SkW SHIRAN' LH'5LK ft-TVRVmiWJZl)) DEPOT TO- POSSIBLE THAT I iNTr.!tr.&rin muitr-ip or ihstriot HELLO- 1 HORRID PERSON MIMVn CAMP IX VAITOI Vr.K I ON BOARD i proviso -J v. . - .-r r 1 1 r- 5!2ijL fe". llall on Thursday night, about 130 be ing realized. MOOSE LADIES WHIST CHAMPS iu:n:.m;i moo: men at wi'.kk-kmi IN riN'AI, OAMK OK KAMIS WILL in: Aiv.itii:i nviuitvN rrr Defeating the Moose men by 8 to 3. the Moose ladle at the end of the week won th Dybhavn Cup. emblematic of city whist championship. Tbe runner up will receive the Newton Cup. both trtphles to be presented at a social The champion aggregation of Prince Rupert whist player consists of Mrs. lack Ratchford (captain). Mrs. P. U. ;rosby. Mrs. O. Stegavlg. Mrs. P. Wing- SPORT CHAT Vancouver fan are, predicting a re -erd attendance at the fistic encounter here on. March 34 when VJc foley -and The "food" cure la to be administered I . . 1 jo holdouts, at the Yankee training mmn at 6i Petersburg. Fla. "If vlayer can sign his name at the bot- jam of a dinner check he can aluo sign I at the bottom of a contract." Miller I Hugglivseplalned In announcing ihatl lunch would not be served to holdouts. Who the holdouts were Huggtn would not say. although Herb Pennock and I Bob Meutelj were known to be on the I in. beverai oiner xanaee are aisoi .upected of determined salary deajgn. Sylvlo Mantha of the Canadlentl hockey team I the only Italian play ing the Canadian national game. terior Department's Oesloglcal Survey Is I 01 TaiusDie minersu. HAPPY AM. S ON MONTREAL, Mrch 21. (Canadian Pres). Addressing the Women's Cana dlaii Club, Sir Herbert Amea (aid:, 1 regard Locarno a the betrothal and I Geneva a th marriage," referring to I ine tvenu leading up to uermany- membership in tht League of Nstlons, She had plsyed a successful part and contributed efficient representatives to I the League, he maintained. Sir Herbert told how Sir Oeorg Foster had broken the Intense strain of the moment follow ing Urland's reply to Oennany on that mtmorable day by standing up waving red and white handkerchler and starting a "hip hip hooray r Thl wa feebly V anted For Sale For Rent SALESMEN. MAKE MOO ON EVERT order taking contract for Pictorial New Service. Quick sales perman ent repeat business. Every store J prospect. Pre outfit. Elliott 6r- vlce Company. 340 West 55th. New York. function which will take place in th. WKX RSOH TAKING nHr ftitiir I compact from lower dressing room table in Theatre March IT. return same Immediately to Dally New Of fice and avoid further trouble. ham, Mrs. L. P. Parry and Mrs. A. I WANTED. YOUNO PERSON WITH Skattebol. I nracllea knowledea of lxkknln Te losing men's Mooe team oonaUt- u Uk charge of store. Apply Bo ed of B. U. sunpson. captain, Gllllsj 29. Djllv News Office. itoyer. Trior Johnson. Dan Larten. rhomas Dybhavn and Jack Judge. I WANTED. SMALL FURNISHED HOtfSE or furnished housekeeping room. Apply Box 28, Dally News Omc. 11 lOOV WANTED. OENERALLT USEFUL: on through school. Apply Brine. Auctioneer. FOK SALE rod Morgan Utile for the junior I HOTEL FOR SALE - THE PREMIER gfatwrlght title of tbe world. Hotel. Queen Charlotte- City. Seven teen rooms. large dining room, lobby. kitchen, large range, well equipped. Power laundry, meat house, new elee-trie tight plant: all veil furnished. Two stores downstair, one rented! also cottage rented. Two large IqU. Plenty of garden ipse, smsjt ,fruiu snd a nice pleasure boat. The only hotel in the district, neir' two'' large etnnerie. Hesdquarters for fisher men. logger and cruiser. Sawmill at present ahuf down bat may re open shortly. If you can aeeure a beer license, this Is the best buy In British Columbia. Price complete, 17.000.00 cash, invoice stock. Enpulre R. O. McKenxle. Queen Charlotte City. BC. 69 A petition lgned by over IjOOO golfer W FOR SALE-W FEET x 33 FEET. ws presented to tht city council ol Edmonton asking that tbe nine hole municipal golf coouae be made an eighteen hole course. Tbe net profit I oa the course for the past year amount-1 ed to (4201. It was contended by thl dclegstlon which printed the petition r gE TWENTY HORSEPOWER mai wir cuunw us grriciuwura auu Mil 7 I additions will mean an added revenue UNITED STATES IS SURVEYING LARGE TRACT NEW COUNTRY Scow has steel houe 39 ret by 19 feet which can be detached. Suitable in present condition for houseboat. camp, cook house or (or transporting perishable freight. Vulcan Ironwork limited. Vancouver, B.C. 70 Kenneth marine engine In first cits running order. Prlre reasonable Terms cash. Apply to Dr. large. Port Simpson. M FOR QUICK SALE. Lot 40 to 47, block 13. section 3; lot 13 Ac 14, block 44, section S: lot 3, block 4J ectlon S. Official Administrator. WASHINGTON, March 31. Lying FOR BALE. 4 I P. REGAL ENOINE north of the Arctl Circle and Yukon I with reverse, lr good ruhnlog order River, west of the Panada-Alaska bound-1 Apply . Prince Rupert Yacht Club. lary, and east ot the known mining, camps 1 cow Bay. . M I on Chaudalar .River l a large tract of unsurveyed tptintrylirtotit whlcMlttte U ORANDVIEW-, HOTF.L ?PV BAVK. -r known. In thu wlldernes' a party of the In Makt an offer) I!0 A HI) rrjBOARD. - T1.E INI'ANHER. ,s..,.u.v ... v-..... second Avenue. Phone 137. season, to collect an me avauaoie Irieia information possible regsrdlng tht I geology, geography, topography, and mln LOST 07 eral resource of as large a tract of LOST. Child's ralnhat, dropped from I country as the time at their disposal buggy. Finder please return to In before tht fall freezt-up win permit. lander. It Is Impossible to predict in advance of the of these completion survey. mpmM u, ,t first, the second time Just what the economic value of this ,t WM ,ttffiae, Dy but expedition will be. There U reason to the thlr(, hl u w,c" n"", w..-. m. from th aHHfmbly that ran vhrogh I Hm1 iviufhIIIHM nt nntalnlnir nnrltAl ... I ' 1 the building. l m . m mm ww at w w I wn. ItlllflllT ItflV " " uur uo ta iiiTiAtiP 1 r i pup . TT7 1 ununer s AiithAi1 v - -I- nu... ai. . 1 .iX'iirm.V IL.Ir,.ll,r,l aiil llnifll Mar. '- ir, lis in ,. ...... - for J)ilioisnes5 . Ti-'t HKMSTITrillNR AUCTIONEEK NOTICE OF 8 ALE ON MARCH 34 AT 3 pm.. Lot. with two residences, rented continuously bringing tiJ monthly. These house art tltuated at 543 Eighth Avenue West and 733 Tttlow street The furnishings of tbe Tat tow Street residence art ottered In one tot up till' March 34. Falling disposal In on kit. llemlrrd list of furniture will be published on Msrrh 33 and wilt be told according to th withe of the public. O. F. Brine. Auctioneer. Phone 774. DOI.I.AK STOKE W hart discontinued the tvoMKv r.NciMNfa: See our line of iioim: niii:ii:t roe Nothing over dollar. IMllLtlt t TOHF. IIOMIMOV llltVITIKi: lAriKMlK )eniirdy A ()((nAa, proprlHar 144 Third Avenue Phone lllsrk 4!l Furniture of all aort bought, told or FJ changed, III'HOI-STEKINfJ FURNtTUIlE REPAIRINO; UPHOL- terlng of all kinds. Chesterfields recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phont Orren 803. O. M. HUNT. WOOD A. i, trwi , tt fie, Mixed Wood-BJoek per' od WOO. ' Kindling, per load MM Furnace Wood, per load 14.00 Delivered. Salt Herring I'hnne lllaek 111 KESTAUKANTS noon RATH TAPE Mr, finger, PrnprletreM Third Avenue, Neit a. W. V. A. flood Home Conked Meals. Phone nisrk 700 TAXI Phone C7 Taxi (Cull (ponfe, Paul or Gust) Six and Seven I'a.ens;er Stude lakers nt your illnposnl any time K0SS UKOS. POOL K00M Mreker lllock. (AcroHn from Kmpre Hotel) PKINCE KUPEKT TIDES MTL'ltKAV, MtllCH in High 38 am. 201 ft. 14:18 pm. IDS to 8:19 am. " , , 20:29 pm. 4 8 " Ki:.MlV, MAHCH 3 High 3:34 .m, 20.3 It. 14:81 pm. 190 " tw BAH .m. " 30:88 pm, II " MOMl'tV, MMK'll 31 "iftJi 3.0J a'jn. 20 2 " 18:28 p m. 19 0 " '"w 9:8 sjii. 8.1 " 21:24 pm. 10 " DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken fot let than 50c WANTED FOK KENT rt)lt RENT STEAM HEATED APART-menta. Apply Smith Mtllett, Ltd. Trlephoot 174. FOR RENT BEDROOM. FURNISHED, In private liome. Apply 330, Fourth Avenue East. M FOR RENT PIANOS, PIIONOORAPII3 and Singer Sewing Mschlne. Walktr't Music Store. FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply MuiMllrm Qrocrry. Phone II. ROOMS TO RENT PHONE tM. FOUND If FOUND, TAKE NOTICE THAT UK. Dutton. intend to hold on mare and colt atraytd to the (arm. tor frrd coat. L K, Dutton Kllwanga. DC HEMSTITCHINO. PICOTING. SCALLOP- ing. M. Macdonald. Exchange Block .Article, Found, hail arani OIT-Oulvo I f the laM Close .. mm rrsyt tsl Saturday fl OPR. March II im a First etas mall I tin tai Vabeouver on MoMirt. vdc( Saturday by CJI R. train. Ta Asjst. Alb kin. Uv mUr Sundays j, Wednetdty 11 to IX Mwp-Mi t4 Sim tntm. Sundty Ti All FoialS' Usrctt 7. II ssl H T qrn ( hsrWle Usreh 13 and 34 it mm tbe bil- Frum Vtnrvttre iv-roiio Tuesdays. Thundif tU IjMis. at lu Sunda) . l Wednesday 11 Fridays C Pit . Usreh 7, U tU M ltm Atif, AIM km. n Premie Tuesday . Friday twtn Ft. HpHa ssitHlrt N- TueMlsyt . . ! AUaa Ml- Uarth to a From i(aeen I fcsrWt Msrtn 10 nd 11 Orsbsm AUia m 1st Ae. eth gt th A Fultoa It- th Av. it Thorny llth k Bherbroci Am llth Av. it Conr4 8t 8th Ave Hays Ct 6th to HM Cove Circle th Av. to Cotton st em Ave it McBrld Prov. Oovt. W8 lof O0. Wharf Q.TT Whsrf (I TP- Ststlon 2nd Ave, .ft 2nd S 3rd Ave. ft Fulton it ... kt SI h SL Sundty eollectwn - days only. 1 ta r 1113 III 13 if III II "I itit . I l STEAMSHIP JIlOVEHtSl rut Vsnrauter jr Tueidiy . Cmou- f Friday rnuf Ssturdar crt"u.. ,t PrlnreM S' March Jl . rflnrei.W f MsrMl n WW t'slhlllttt f flat Sunday Camoaun wedney i' Friday- Csrdfoa n Ssturdsy I M.rch. Msrch 31 ffttW- lr rofi r"nrv" Sunday-Cmu I'rpni i.rt lmi-n s f ... fimntun Tuesusj-- . .,AVr lor !.lfrt. Anyot tf 8und.y- Crr.o , wr.medT w. rnnf yr'ur Nlewsrl. AfiJOt Tuesd.y-t. C.mcu Princ 0V Friday -m. lor yueen '',M,MHA11I JM Msrch 12-M. Prlnc.J WoW March 28.--. March 4. fur Alk Uirj, Much 7-... Prln" Msrch 1 ;,ry March 28--M. P"nff" l-rom Alk- Mtfy TRAINS """IS"1 rr Esst-M'"' Saturday Prom Eaat Bundaya N