bnday, March 21, 1927 iVlct Process ,. r --- - . . ULirr. I Records RED SEAL TitO Schipa (Tenor) Rigoletto La Donnn E Mobile O Sole Mio! (My Sunshine) 10 inch , No. 1099 Trice JU5 Mary Garden (Soprano) At Dawning At Parting Ninth No. 1216 1'rireSUS liesr f VUCXZJ, rr a tut ro-.siCHt" r CARDHV Tschaikowsky's "Nutcracker" Suite Stokowski and Philadelphia Symphony Orch. Complete irllh album and dencrlpltie folder 7 1 im h R tur.k No. 6015 -MSI 0-66 1 7 l'rke 1.25 cotnplete '. John McCcrmack (Tenor) v '' Because I Love You The Far-Away Bells lU imh No 1215 l'ri.r $1 7$ Jascha Heifetz (Violinist) Waltz -La Plus Que Lente 1. Minuctto No. I and II 2. Les petits moulins a vent XI iiKh No. (.5M rrice $150 K the latent nongn and dance hitn At "His Master's Voice" Dealers . . , ivicior ff Talklnfl Vl of Canada, IMic' nc . . Limited ( 1 7rwm&i - Ran ad i an National ,07ie Large ft 'Kailway Sylem in America Steamship and Train Service tM.UI.INHH from PI1INI K 1(1 I'lKT fur radi Till HMIAY ami MMUV. l or A.N VON lor KTEWAKT Its. I'MNTt JOHN for VANt'Ol V LAMIS. lortnlditlv. PAHJ.ENHI K TKAINH LI: Curli MONHAY. i:NIi and H (ll.OIUil EII.MONTOV, YVINNir ME r.VNAHA IN CAVAIlfX AHKNCY ALL OCEAN I'v Canadian Nallnn.-il Krr lelr. sImi for jour next lilinrnt. It'lTV TICKtIT OIIICE. S2 Tlllllli VANCOIAEK. XK TOItIA, M:TTI.E. 1 1. (Ml i.m. Hl.DNESIlVY. 10.00 NATt'llllAY. I0.IH p.m. tK lis OtICV CIIAKLOTTE IS- WE PKINCK tll'I'EKT TI KIY at 11.30 am: for I'KINCE l:u, all olnl Ealrrn Canada, Culled Jl llll.EE YEAR !HM - 1STJ7. HIEAMHIIIP MNEH. lor Money Order. I'orrlcn Clieques, WE.. rillNCE Kl't'EKT. Phone tCO HE'S HERE llnMnjf arranged with the Hoover Co. to send us a demon strator, we are now in .a position to nhow you the difference between the Hoover and an ordinary vacuum clearer. :'; Demonstration will be made right in your own home for lj,he ankinc. Etartinjr Monday, March 21 . phone !l, and tv will do he iv t. The Homer is sold on very cany terms. Kaien Hardware Co. 1S1 iciiie (IllE ORIGINAL) Pure ScoicSi 'Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT C...I , Sent Limit. I Q.olidJwk i llniwCltnlirl DUIim. LuI j3 Fills advertisement U not nublisliecl or displayed bv the Pnl Unit nil r m llm flnnANn n An 1,$ 1 - snwi iiumu ui nc uutvuiniviii . of UrilUh Colutubia. Local and Personal Arthur' Taxi, rhon 078. tt .BO. Undertaker. Phone 41. Moose whltt drive and dance, Friday, March 23. 71 Shoe rebuilt Ilkeinew at'UcArthurs Shoe Store. Oet the Big 4 habitt ' When thinking of a Taxi, phone 4. V . tf Our shingle cost lei and last longer Seal Cove Lumber Co. tf The B.C. Oazette announces the appointment of Arthur Brooksbank of Prince Rupert as a notary public. ' Capt. T. Ita.nL superintendent' of the K" Line, arrived in the city from Seattle on thj Catala yesterday afternoon. I Jack McRae, who has spent the past few weeks visiting with his sister. Miss Mary McRae, at Burns Lake, returned home from the Interior on yesterday's train.' . I W. J. Klrkpatrlck returned home on the Catala yesterday after a short vacation trip to Vancouver and Vlctona. Mrs. KlrkpatricJc Is remaining In the south for a while longer. Queen Mary Chapter LOUD. Annual Daffodil Ball will be held In IjOX.E Hall on Easter Monday, April 18. Ad One of the features of this week'a I mission 11.00. Tickets may be obtained from members. No Invitations Issued. , nusnina, lorrocr resident 01 1 Prince Rupert and now In business at Union steamer Cats). Cant. A. E. Dickson, arrived from the south t 5:43 yesterday arternoon. Passengers on the vessel Included Mr. and Mr. C. A. Banks, J. Ornlson. Mrs. Smith. A. Mc Donald. M. McLeod. Miss Wright and J. 8. Nlcolson, for Stewart; Mr. and! Mrs, J. A. Anderson for Alice Arm. D. McLellan and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Seppalal for Anyox . too I. ATI-: to ri Avjcii'v 4. WANTED. SECOND HAND SINOEIl " . 'yrt .v. , 11500 1 rOUND.PAIR OP OIAsSSSES. OOIH rtmmyd, Apply Dally News om announci:mi:nts St Andrew's Society Ladles Auxiliary Easter Bale, April 6. Hospital Auxiliary Tea in St. Andrew' luxims, April w. DnlTodit Ball Easter Monday. Anglican Tea and Sale of Work. April 19. Kstabllsbed 1923. -SSsavvWT III I -ft Office llourw: D a.m. to C p.m. baturday: 9 a.m. lo'l ri.m. " " " 4 Any evening by appointment MP Kenny DENTIST 'Exchange Ulock. l'hone 109 "(7 DAILY NEWfi THE PAjE three washable but use LUX How often a sales clerk has cautioned you thus in showing something extra delicate in texture and color. .Experience with thousand of customers has taught them ' the safety of Lux '.' . . that there is no substitute. Lever Broibtn Limited Toroato laaue of the Vancouver Sunday Pro- yesterday afternoon. vlnre Is a write-up of the mlninz camo of Alice Arm near Prince Rupert accompanied by a bird's eye view of the town. Vanderhoof. arrived In the dtv fromlt,uln trip to Vancouver - - 1 the interior on yesterday afternoon's train and Is a guest at the Hotel Prince Rupert. , Mr. sod Mrs. Norman Chater. former .1 ly of Prince Rupert, have moved frcn Calgary to Vancouver and will make their future home in the latter elty. They are now the guests of Mrs. Chatty's parents, Mr. and Mra. Sollo- Motorshlp Belllngham, Capt. arrived at 7:30 this morning from KelcWksn with a carload of halibut for shipment 'East over the Canadian National Railways. The vessel Is loading alx carloads of tlri plate here for dellv- Ketchikan canneries. LNVtU'm'rn Warejmanager of the fur de-j parbrtf A- of the ' Hudson Bsy Co. who ha been on a periodical visit to the post of the company in the Interior, arrived In the city from Hazelton on yesterday afternoon's train and 1 registered at the Hotel Prince Rupert. J. A. Anderson, well -known resident of Alice Ann:', was a passenger on the steamer CaUla last evening proceeding north with his. bride, the marriage hsvlng taken place In Vancouver last week. The bride, who was formerly Miss Archena Mclvor. has been resident In Alice Arm about a year. INCREASE OF 1 I L7M A. Roe. of the Empire Shipping Co, arrived from Vancouver on. the Catala Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Banks were pas- acnfcra on Use Catala yesterday from Vancouver to Stewavt. S. Darton returned to he clty on the Catala yesterday aftcrrxxin following a brief business trip to Vancouver and Victoria. ; Si Mrs. J. W. Gibson arrived In the city on the Catala last evening to visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs- J. S. Mc Donald, 508 Fifth. Avenue east. Such, rapid Improvement . Is being shown In the condition oftyarvcy Fra-ser of this city, who has btfca suffering from SDlnal menlnzitls In? Vancouver. tbat It Is expected he wlinie able to leave hospital In a few day and re turn to Prince Rupert ahrtjy according to word received In tht.jjlty today. Among t&e party of workmen which arrived In the city this meriting to be jengaged at the dry dock In connection with the. -overhaul of the stesroer Prince Rupert at the local dry dock Is W. J. Ccnroy who Is Interested In a tourist resort that Is being bullta Brandy wine Falls on Une Pacific Great Eastern Railway. NEWSPAPERS IOK SECONO TIME MNCE THE POSTWAR DECREASE lW YOltK. March ai.-incrcase In the number of newspapers In the United States is taking place for the second time since the post-war decrease. An analysis of the publication field. contained In the 1927 edition of the American Newspaper Annual and Directory, show that 1921 and ' 7928 are the only year alnoc the war which were not marked by a drop in the number of publications. The directory at present' lists 22.000. In 1917 the number reached, a peak of HSUUi and then fell off. steadily. One year since the war showed a ' net decrease of 1.178. The country weekly has' "been the leader In the downward trend. Rural publication, and directory states, were confronted with increased commodity prices attendant upon the war but failed io profit by thr ndded Interest of ins dally news dunn;: period. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EUROPEAN TOURS Pcryonally Conducted Tours have been ariaucrd this Summer, under the Joint upervlsion of the (Canadian National Railways and the Cunard Steamshm Company to Great Britain and Europe aim return. All transportation, hotel and sight-seeing expenses Included In fares. Call at City Ticket Office, Third Avenue, or phone 260, for particulars and descriptive literature. UOItsE STILL- Rastu-i "Nigger, ah sho does believe id' tils ; evolution theory; you ho doe lottic like you 'volved from a monkey. Brown -Nigger, ah believe in evol. utlon, too. an' nigger you looks liked you ain't 'volved yet." Perhaps kids can't use all they learn In school: but If It wasn't for school, think of the other thing they'd learn! Among the things that lighten labor Is the knowledge that the boss will be out two tivitrs for lunch. SAVEMONEYBY SPENDING NOW I'KUENT NECESSITY Hilt MONEl C.U hi; .MONTKE.lL I.MI'OKTKKM TO OI1EH (lit EAT HAIKIAINS IN MEVH AMI HOYS' 'CLOTIIINH ' It will be worth your while to stop In at the Montreal Importers on Third Avenue. Tbey have a sale on for a few days In order to convert their stock quickly into ready cash. They've got bills that must be met right away and to get the money, prices have been slashed properly. They don't need such an awful lot of money but they do need it quick and this Is your oppor tunity. There's suits and overcoats, shirts and underwear for men and boys being offered at prices that make It worth while buyln; them now. And everything else that a man or boy needs. For the household, now is the chance to get some real Hudson's Bay blankets. You : know the Hudson's Bay quality and the ! usual price. Just 'you enquire what I these are selling for! Any thrifty house- wife will find It pays to look over the ' Montreal Importers' stock both for household goods and clothing for the I family. For the Montreal Importers Island behind the quality of every ar-I tlcle they sell. See their advertisement 1 In this Issue. I This Is your chance to help the Montreal Importers out of a hole by sav- Ing money for yourself. You want to save money. Of cour&s you do. And you can do It now by spending It at 'the Montreal Importers. advt. SPRING SCHEDULE OF C.N. COAST STEAMSHIPS The saillnz of the ss. Prince Georze E. C. Gibbons returned to the clty,from Rurt for v.ncouTcr on the Catala last .after short on evening a t j.,, KUrch 18, was the last sailing on the C.N. Coast Steamship winter schedule. The double weekly service will be effective from Vancouver. Mon day. March 21. when steamers will leave there each Monday and Thursday, ar riving here each Wednesday and Satur day at 10:30 ajn. Sailings for Anyox will be each Wednesday at 10.00 pjn and for Stewart each Saturday. 10:00 .pjn. Sailings for Vancouver wUl be leach Thursday and Sunday at 11:?3 Ipjn. Queen Charlotte Islands service remains as at present. 69 8. O. Webb, formerly of the Prince Rupert Dally News staff, who. was called home to England from Vancou ver a couple of months ago on account of his father's Illness, has become "Identified with an advertising concern lu London. He does. Sot k-aow-J f,"hef wUl return to Canada or. if so. when. DEPARTMENT OF IVVND3 NOTICE Application for Rrazlng Permits for the .Near Let a Cold Get a Start! Seaon of 192. Application for permits to graze livestock on the Crown rsnges within sny grazing district of the Province of British Columbia, must be filed with the District Forester at Fort George. Kam- loops. Keuon. ronce Rupert. Vancouver, or Williams Lake on or before March 31st. 1927. Blank forms upon which to submit applications may he obtained from the District Foresters at the above named places, or from the Department of Landf at victoria, u.u. O. R. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands. Department of Lands, Victoria, B.C. Jsnuarr 4. 1927 KANKRUI'TCY ACT. ESTATE OP WM. MOIKiAN. LOCKE- PORT. H.C.. .UTIMIItlM I) ASSIHNOIl Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and including April 1st on the stock of, William Morgan. Assigned, in store at Lockertort. DC consisting of Groceries. Hardware, Drugs and Drygoods. Inventory of Stock may be obtained from the undersigned or seen at the said Store or at the Office of the Canadian Credit Men's Trust Association, Vancouver. B.C. Highest or any tenoer not necessarily accepted. auuw. a. i.TjN?iUN, Trustee. Prince Runert. B.C Vapars Check a Cold Overnight There are many way to treat a cold but only ono DIRECT way with va-jwrs that can be Inhaled, Vapors penetrate Immediately Into every corner of the air passages and lungs, soothing and healing with every breath. Vlcks 1 so remarkably successful In treating cold troubles because It acts like a "vapor lamp In salve form." When rubbed over throat and chest the body - heat releases vapors - of Menthol, Camphor,. Eucalyptus, Thyme and Turpentine. At the same time Vlcks Is absorbed through and stimulates the skin like a poultice or plaster. This double, direct action often checks the worst cold overnight, VICKS VAr-o Rub On ?f M!wcvJas Usso Yeahy downout 65! 11 w. vs Aan fori 5 fvjO one expects to become a "down-and-outer" f LN but any one may. When the hard realities of ine nave oeen taced ana old age approaches, many find, with bitter disappointment, that the "future" which once looked so promising, has become a "present" for which they have no adequate provision, v There may be no willing relatives or friends to help, and you may yourself be incapacitated for earning. You need not face such a future you can provide defi ni ttly against such a fate by obtaining now a Government Annuity. The Government of Canada has wisely provided that anyone residing in Canada may have an. old age of comfort and , leisure. Canada, with all her vast resources, guarantees you an income whenyourworldngdaysareover an income for the rest of your life an income free from Dominion taxation an income that cannot be seized under any law or ccurt process, and that cannot be forfeited or stolen You can secure such an income (in amount from $.V) to $5000 a yparj through the Canadian Government Annuities Branth, by one complete purchase or in email convenient installments. y Can you afford to reject auch an opportunity. Fill out coupon below and mail it now for full particulars. Canadian Government ANNUITIES Annuities Branch, Department of Labour, Ottawa, THE HON. PETER H2ENAN, Minister. Send to-day for full Information Anniiiti-. TJrnrK. lp' II Department of Laivjur. Ouaws . ri n4 me COMPLETE INFORMATION about Canadian Govenucant Annuities. Kim .... AJdrvss . BACKED BY THE WHOLE DOMINION IHUHMlm DEMANt) "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST 11UEAKFAST FOOD. Smoked Dally by Canadian psh & Cold Storage Co., L-A Prince Hupcrt, ILC Canadian Pacific Railway lCANADIANl R r r.s Q w. V'"OSl l VII.C8 PACIFIC J -rKflM Sailings from Prince Rupert lw Ketrlilkan. Wruncrll. Juneau. Skuguiiv lebruarv SI, March 7, 18, ZX. To Vancouver. V IK or la. Seattle 1'cbruury M Mauli 11. 22. PKIM'KNH IlKATKH'K. lor Itulrdale, Eat llrlla llella, 0ai litlU, Namu, Alert lUy. Campbell River, and Vancouver every Saturday, It a.m. , Agency for all Hteamshlp Lines. Full Information tfroiu W. C OKCIlAKIi. Hrnrrat Aleut. Corner of 4th Mreet and 3rd Avenue, ITInre Rupert. ILC. Dr. Jos. Maguire ' ' ' r ' DENTIST Alder Illock, Over Ormei l'hone 525 For Appointment Phone 525 Advertise in "The Daily News" .