:C1DENTS TAKE pREE PERSONS n i mteii or iu:.tii at vamoi veu1 ir.it week-end hazel lake, EtT, IHNEV TIUST AND (AIT. A. M. MACKEND VICTIM I fcNCOUVER, March at. Three per . died at the weekend u a result j cldents. el Lake aged 18. was knocked by a bicyclist on mday and sue-I to injuries on Sunday. ' ney Trust died as a result of a ' rtille repairing a roof at his home. A, M Mackend. DB O.. 45, super- lent of a sieved or Ins firm, died , louday aa a result of a fall down I pen hatch of the steamer Simon- , on Sunday evening. GAME TONIGHT "OUT W ILLIAM AM) TRAIL WILL IIN- lll SEMI-IINAI.h AT VANCOl VEU VANCOUVER, March 31. Tonight. !nr William mil Tr.ll will mt In S and game to decide which team will j fend of the week In the Allan Cup hockey mat. Not only is the Allan cup em-Hematic of the amateur championship Khthe world, at stake, but also the gnncrt will probably be the team to present uanaaa ai nc uiympic games tt38. In tonight's match. Trail will wt to overtake a two goal lead which William piled up In the game on lay night Insul'sson UNDER ARREST It: mam, a(h.i so, ii it(ii;i in MM Ol'VEIl POLICE COt'ltT WITH I DISTIlllll TIMi NARCOTICS WCOUVER, March 31. James Masl, I 30. son of the Italian consul here. Nod by customs and mounted police stives and charged with. distributing phlnc cocaine and opium, appeared otlce court this morning and was uulcd, jHtoine otrtccrs believe that they (" uncovered an underground chan- lof smuggled narcotics from vessels Ivlng here from Mediterranean ports. I0M1NENT CIVIL ! SERVANT IS DEAD Mt.-Cnl. Alfred Jan Is Phmh Awny In InUuii IIcriiii MllUnry Currcr In 1 fit hi II III) lilt fTTAWAi March 31. Lleut.-Col. Bed Jftrvls, aged 76, prominent civil Bant died on Sunday. Ills military er began In 1870 when he became rusler In the Fenian Raid. IX HOUND TRAVELS i 400 MILES HOME V - DNDON, Ont,. March 31. (Canadian Iw Despatch) From lonely Murray kc, far above North Bar anU 400 rs from his home here, "Jlggi," liar-Bclbeck'a foxhound, nosed his way, fclly reaching home weary, hungry f with sorely-hurt feet. He lost him-from his nwniir'i rmfru u, ,v.a imrih .. ..... - ' . . . . J ... ,11. lul v.. Sttry last October. rr TAXI Boston Grill B Bail W Ambulance and t Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service with newly laid dancing Anywhere Bt Anytime floor, for hire. Bland: Exchange Iluilding NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the ) MATT VIDECK, Prop. ' least. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper " IVOL. XVII., No. 21. " ltry PRINCE KUPEUT, B.C., MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1927 Circulation 1500 BalM 423 Price Five OnU U TIONALISTS ENTERING SHANGHAI RAIN SHIPPING BEING RESUMED HERE AGM miS Wm 'late of Emergency Declared in Chinese Seaport Today as Cantonese Tr NOVA SCOTIA STEEL CONCERNS WIND UP HALIFAX, March 81. The National Trust Co. was today granted leave to apply for the winding up of tho British Empire Steel Corporation and the Dominion Steel Corporation by Mr. Justice Chlsholm of the Nova Scotia Supreme Court. t IIOCKKV. Saturday Neori'S. Ottawa 2, Toronto 3. Canadlens 6s Maroons 0. Bostou 3, Detroit 1. Chicago 3, Pittsburg 3. Sunday Score , New York Rangers' 3, New York Americans 1. oops M Naval forces landed from all warships off ciiy pJjj PRICES commander ot Northern forces takes shelter in French concession 1 SAVAGE FIGHTING TAKES PLACE IN CITY STREETS SHANGHAI, March 21 Troops of the Chine: Nationalists, reaching the gales of the city In. their triumphant inarch from the south last night, entered the native (jityof, Shanghai early this morning. Co-incident with the arrival pf'ihe Canlonc-e,.navnUorcr were landed in the cTfv from all arhijs,in the harbor and the municipality was declared to he in a state, of emergency. The foreign troops are taking up their stands in protection of the concessions but may la- also called upon for duty, if the contingency arises, In the native parts of the city. French outposts on the furthermost ... border of the French concession had a brush with a small detachment of ' Chinese troops this afternoon. Shot! were exchanged and the Chinese were; driven off. I ' Oeneral Shu Chen, commander of the remnant of the northern twees which j have been spilt with defection, was re- j ported this morning to have taken re-1 fuge In the French conceeslon. The Cantonese have cut the Shanghai-1 Nanking Hallway Naval forces from the British cruisers Hawkins and Carlisle were landed at Portun, across the V.'hangpoo River from Shanghai, to protect Britishers. The First Battalion. Devonshire Regiment, is leaving Hang Kong for Shanghai Immediately. KA A(iE I Kill I IMl BHANOHAI, 11 pjn. At this hour the forces defending the foreign settlements from rioting Chinese had suffered twelve casualties. Two Punjab soldiers were killed, five were Injured, one Russian policeman and four British soldiers were wounded. Approximately ten thousand of the northern troops have gone over to the Cantonese. Savage street fighting continued tonight In the native district of Oiapcl between the Shantungcse, Including white Russians, and plain clothes men of the Cantonese army. Several of the latter are reported to have been killed. HORSEBACK TO RUPERT PLAN lance-coupokal or machine ui x coups ani comimdes CONTEMPLATE TRIP TORONTO,, Marrh 21. Luner- ('urjxir.il Enurt Warrrn of the Cuim-(I In n Mm hlnr (lull Corps Is planning to take a Inirrturk trip to Prime Kiiprrt, tiillunln; n new roule north of the prrsrut our. The other mrni-Urrn ot the unit will iweuinpuiiv W'urren If plan materialize. SHOT TO DEATH IN SASKATOON ritOMINCN'T I'KAIIilK SOI.IIIKH WAS HH NIl IIKAII JI NT IIKMMti: 1IH VAS TO IIAVi: AI'I'KA ItKO IN (UlItT SASKATOON, March 21. - Lleut.-Col. John McAughey, barrliter and former The flghtluc was accompanied by the pronldent of the Qreat War, Vctcrana1 outbreak of serious fires at three points ; Association and of the Saskatoon In the native city. ' branch of the Moderation League, was French troops had a fight with a j found shot to death this morning a amall detachment of Chinese this after-j few minutes before he wai to have ap- noon. ' pcared In pollco court to answor to a Fifteen thousand foreign sailors and ! charge of misappropriation of clients' soldiers have been landed at Shanghai. funds. Including a detachment of United States marine. In efforts, to stop looting. PRINCE RUPERT IS HERE TO OVERHAUL Under command of Capt. D. Donald. C.N.R. steamer Prince Rupert arrived from Vancouver at 6.30 this morning and will be here for a few weeks undergoing annual overhaul at the local dry dock. She brought no passengers but had some lumber for the company which she Is discharging at the lumber wharf before moving up to the dry dock. vniei engineer w. c. naiuie came up with the vessel and will supervise the work on her at the dry dock." Thomas Louden, superintendent engineer for the C.a.MJJ. and superintendent of the dry dock, also arrived on the Prince Rupert as well as a party of seven shipyard men who will work on the vessel and who are regis, tered at the Central Hotel. Mr. Louden will remain til the city for a few days dke Entry LOWER TODAY II AL1IH T LANDINGS IIEKK THIS MOIt.MMI TOTALLED ISTi.lHMl j POINDS or WHICH 3I.IMMI POINDS UAH CANADIAN i Halibut arrivals at this pert LOGGING CONTRACTOR today At 11 p.m. today casualties among defendingrSTS j I J 1 . . i . n 'i I : adlan 71,000 pounds. Prices it the Fish UUUp IIUIJIlCICU lWK.lUHmmmlWV UllllOll Punjab soldiers killed and others injured '. ExLhaiijo to?k a deeded drop; the high ! price for American halibut being 14.9c ; and Oc with the low. 13 Jc and 8c The j .highest aod lowest Canadian prices werei (.respecilvcly 13Jc and 7c andp3.7c and i7e. J TUo day's arrivals are as follows: A.UUKICAX I ! i Thor. 82.000 pounds, to Canidlan Pish ; fit uin bcorage i3.se anajoc. i - Eetra; S2J0 poundv-tarRoyai FUh Co.. Hie and 8c. j Ira nhoe. 37,000 pounds; to Booth Fisheries. 13.4c and Sc. Glacier, lc.ooo pounds, to Booth Fish, eries, 14 Ac and 0c. Sherman, 13,000 pounds, at 14.8c and Be. to Canadian Fish ie Cold Storage; Sertcus, 8,000 pounds, to Pacific Fisheries. 14Kc and 9c. CANAIIIAN Unome. 3J00 pounds, to Atlln Fisheries. 13.1c and 7c. Belsac. 7,000 pounds, to, Canadian Fish 4: Cold Storage Co.. 12.7c and 7c! Swing. 3.500 pounds, to Booth Fisheries, 12.3c and 7c. Ringleader. 5.0CO pounds, and Cape Spear. 8.500 pounds, to Canadian Fish A- Cold Storage Co., 13.7c and 7c. Morris It., 10,000 pounds, and Sea Maid. 11.500 pounds, to Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.. 12.0c and 7c. Violet J.. 15.000 pounds, to Atlln Fisheries. 13c and 8.5c. M.A.B.. 3.000 pounds, to Atlln Fish-les. 12.Bc and 7c. Margallce. 0,500 pounds, to Booth Fisheries, 13.8c and 7c. IS DROWNED IN LAKE hrlc IWsruiun It lll Life In lmnap laikr Near salmon Arm ut Wrrk-Kud 8ALMON ARM, March 31.- Eric Wise man, logging contractor, was drowned when a handsled, laden with provisions, which he was pulling to camp, crashed through the Ice on Shuswap Lake near here. Several persons, looking, were powerless to render assistance. WITNESSES IN SANKEY MURDER CASE TO LEAVE FOR SOUTH ON TUESDAY Inspector William SpUler ot the pro vlnclal police will sail tomorrow after noon on the Calala for Vancouver In charge of a party of witnesses who .will appear In the Appeal Court In connec tion wun me application for a new trial In the Sankry murder case. Con stable Robert Qlbson will be one pf tne party. WHATIIKK ItKI'OKT. Prlnc Rupert. Raining, atrong S.E, wind: temperature. 38. Terrace. Cloudy, calm. temp. 35. Alyansh. Rain, windy, temp. 34. Alice Arm. Cloudy, windy, temp, 37. Aiiyox. Rain, calm, temp. 39. oiewart. -r Heavy rain, south wind, temp. 35. Haiwlton. Cloudy, calm, temp. 0, Smlthers. Cloudy, calm, temp, 46. Burns LaKe.T-CIoudy, calm. temp. 33 Telegraph Creek. iart cloudy, calm, temp. 33. j I jjpf Hl JBHI " BBlBsBliiwuHPOBRsBsaBfiSKi :H .HHrSMiM. B R sa&2aak2BBaHalVarji 'jKKK9KKBaXfi8$2flto' KKKJ gg&7ggSk9gfKEHgKKRVggttS kBBSBJRBiKxcBScSteSP- BBS sBBBBBmBBBB1BBhBBB BflBBBiiB"" sHBBn BjafcPBBSflaiBBBBBBa.'i bB VBjaBfliBBBBBBBBBBBBiBBBBs SgfljgSgHgBgggl iAgi 'BBBsBbRbBhBBBs BBB-&tBIBmBh BbBss hvH BBBBsaoBB hBBKr !'33BsiBl HS MteT't sH BflBaSHBH A SPANISH SOLDIER wearing the new Hilii'form. kissing the flag of Spain, part of the certmotiy'littached to taking the oath of allegiance in Madrid. All sordiers enrolled in the Spanish army during the" past year take the oath In this way. Japanese Freighter Yaye Maru Arrives to Take on Wheat Cargo for Europe After a nineteen day voyage across the Pacific Ocean which was featured by no other events than extremelv rouirh vathpr which delayed her at least three days, the "K" Line freighter Yaye Maru arrived in port at about 5.45 Saturday night from Muroran, Japan, which port she left on March 1, and will go on berth at the elevator about Wednesday to load the first cargo of grain that will nave ueen snipped irom nere for over a month. The master of the laye .Maru is Captain u. Kitsuka. Having passed pratiaue on Sat Good progress Is being made and the rcssel will shortly move down to the elevator to start loadtnj'a full cargo of some 200,000 bushels of wheat for the United Kingdom .or continent. The tonnage of the Yaye Maru is 054 register and she carries a crew of thirty-nine men. ROBBERS IN VANCOUVER onni: ami vau.t in whole-kali: itu' it hoi se wiu: kld 31500 is taken VAM'Ol'VEIt, Marrh i I Khler entered Hie prrnile of r. It. sienurt t'o, wluleule fruit drulers, on Wuler street Saturday nljrtit ut Mindiiv and, with u heavy i-harce of nltni-gljtrrlne, urnkril u ult and Mx-nred fSuo In th und rM-upedl llmiilq the luiilt. the Interior of the off lie wun wrrckril. IHx-oiorj of the rubbery was muile sunduy iilclit. VANCOUVEH EXCHANGE Bid. Asked Wheat i.4Hi B.C. 811ver ...H...,:;' "' 1.60 1.73 Consolidated ....... 248.00' Dunwell 1,37 1.29 Olacler .08 .0814 Oladstone ....... i . .29 JO Howe Sound 40.00 42.00 Independence .0934 ,10 Indian a .031, .00 Premier 2.12 3.13- Porter Idaho 15!i TmUW Silver Crest 07V4 .08 nichmond .14 1; .16 Oivset Coppnr 8 00 a Si imyxe wi:.:? a.mateik tllAMl'IONsniP' CANA1IA TORONTO. March 31. -C. A. L. Payne of Vancouver, won the first official Canadian amateur Ecgllth blUUtrd tournament here, defeating J. F. Rooney of Montreal by 3.000 to 1807 points, Payne Is the western champion and Rooney, the Eastern W IRELESS KEI'OUT. 8 tt.lil. DIODY ISLAND. Rain, strong S.E. wind: barometer 30.07; temperature. 38; sea smooth: 8.30 pm. steamer Catala out northbound. BULL HARBOR. Showers, fresh S.W. wind: barometer, 30.23: temperature. 38; heavy, swell; 8 pjn. spoke tug Cape Bcott. towing barge Peruta. abeam Storm Island, northbound: 8:10 D.m, steamer Cardena left Englewood. southbound; 8 pm. speke steamer Princess Beatrice, abeam. Pine Island, aouth- bound; 8 pjn. spoke steamer Amur. Anyox fcr James Island, 170 miles from James Island: 8 ajn. spoke tug Pacific Monarch, abeam Hanson island, bound for Englewood; 8 ajn. spoke tug St. Faith leaving Port Alexander, southbound; 7:45 ai. 'spoke steamer Camo-aun, left Walker Lake, southbound. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer, 29.-70; temperature, 36. XOOX DIOBY ISLAND. Hall, showers, light southwest wind; barometer 30.20; temperature 38; light swell. BULL HARBOR. Rain, squally, light southwest wind; barometer 30.24; temperature 38: heavy swell. - DEAD TREE POINT Barometer 29.-73: tmiratiire. 40. CRUISER WILL , CM.CTTTA WILL AKItlVK XI) ML' , ! TIME IN iisr. AMI RLMAIS jl OK ! MONTH IN ISltlTISH COIX.M- i max w.m:i:s ' Following the practice of rcak'ng cruise of Canadian p.rts inch slunmcr. I KMJS. Calcutta will visit Pacific coast ' waters in June. The Calcutta Is at-;ahcd to the 'orth Atlantis Light Cruiser Squadron, and Is stationed, at Bermuda. ; - - The Calcutta Is s slater ship of II.M.3. Curlew, which visited this port' last July. The vessel is expected to .stay In British Columbia waters about a month. Ivlsitlng net only Prince Rupert but Vancouver. New Westminster and Vic-tor'.a Tills will b 'the first visit of the Calcutta to Prince Rupert. The sister ship Capetown, was here some years ago. Last year the Calcutta, after visiting' eastern Canad'an ports, proceeded to England for general .overhaul. COMPLEMENT OF 370 The cruiser has a complement of 370 officers and men. Her armament comprises five six-Inch guns, two three-uich antl-atrcralt guns andTour three-pounders. She has a maximum speed of thirty knots. Her speed proved of considerable value during naval encounters during the Oreat War. Arrangements are being made to entertain the officers and men during trrclr ' vlilKjri the eoast. Entertainment and dances will be held, while - .sport en-. , " i , gagKiicuu aiso wui ue jn'je,- . . . The Calcutta Is the flagship of the Eighth Cruiser Squadron of .the' .British North American station at Bermuda. Admiral Sir Walter Cowan, commander-in-chief, will be on the vessel. AITUEIIENHLTl- IN TEXAS, HAN Itl'SII ADMITS 1IIENTITY ANI TAKINU OF MINU'IIML tlXDS FORT WORTH, Texas. March 31. Acting on Information by the Alberta provincial police. Fort Worth officers arrested Dan Bush, fugitive municipal sejretary of Ponoka, Alberta, on a war- urday evening, the Yaye Maru took up a berth at the ocean dockir"nt char'm thttt ot municipal funds. and was fumigated, during the night. z commencing lining yesterday morning, i. ....... PONOKA TOWN CLERKTAKEN Officers said that Bush admitted this identity, also the taking ot funds, the amount of which he did net reveal,' and i declared himself willing to return to Canada to face the charge. j i ::JAILBIRDWAS ARRESTED AGAIN MAN WHO WAS (ilVEN TWO YEAR- AT VANt'Ol'VElt SEXTENCEO KOU VAIiltANCY AT (iOLDEX VANCOUVER, March 21. Scott Shirley, who was sentenced to two years' imprisonment In connection -with the recent burglarizing of a Cunningham drug store here and who escaped from the Vancouver General Hospital while undergoing treatment there, was arrested at Oolden, In the interior, on a charge of vagrancy and' sentenced 'to a term at Okalla before It was learned that he was a fugitive from Justice ac- cording to word received here. NEW H4LIBUT SCHOONER ELECTRA ARRIVES HERE , HuiulMiine American Yrnsrl, Hunt ut Seattle During Winter, Was Folly HeM-rlbed on Saturday The handsome new American halibut schooner Electra, Capt. Andrew Olson, is here today with a catch of 38.000 pounds after her maiden trip to the halibut .hanks. This vessel, which Is 73 feet long and which was built In Seattle fiurlng the winter, was fully described in the Waterfront Whiffs on 8aturday. She sold her catch to the. Royal Fish Co and. moored at the wharf of the plant, Is attracting a good deal of attention with her yacht-lik though substantial Hum. is I 41