‘ 2 Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, December 1 an independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Ruper 1 and Central British ¢ la, an Press Audit Bureau Cireulations 8 an Daily Newspaper Association Published by ‘The Prince Rupert Daily News Limitea J. F. MAGOR, President H. G. PERRY, Vice-Presicent c oa by P hibpott él, more Where Angels Sang NOT LONG AGO I stood on a hill, maybe the very spot between Jeru- Women’s Club has taken a step which all will ap- |Salem and Bethlehem d ' |where shepherds watched their flocks by night when the heavenly proclaimed the birth of the Saviour, the liberatoi who } Ay } PUAIIC LU Md Member o By carrié nonth By r i authorized Prevent the Disease |\N UNDERTAKING to set up a committee which will examine the problem of juvenile delinquency, . ale ne local Ss $1.0; per year, 610.00 UREN” LABEL NON RS ILABE ; ar, $8.00 Sree lass mm the Post Office Department, Ottawa | branch of the Business and Professional Although for reasons which probably few can = " . ‘ > Veccen ve xplain Prince Rupert has been spared a serious ry ht Ds ittack of this disease, it is apparent that we are more on good fortune than easures to avoid it. It is also apparent that there inting preventive ig “peace are areas in the city sufficiently rank to provide |O” earth. , ; , . ; As I lookef across the valley fertile breeding ground a >} mic | s ( eeding ground fot an epidemic. Ito the church which marks the To judge from the number of court cases in | spot where Jesus Christ was ; t} * +] Beil ta +h) ea born, a strong wave of sadness ch a mother or father is charged with neglect, eeped int ny heart. For beside sentries, with guns pointed and ready were Israeli there are too many children in the city who receive |m™« too little parental care. Left to their own resources, | ana on the other side of the No e young ones are certain sooner or later to get 'M&ns’ Land, between us and the ‘ r 1 , —s :. ati s holiest place f three religions, | into trouble, for trouble offers ‘an infinite number Arab guns, pointing our f Wverein ‘ sally akee itealf ait ia All aroun us, lay the 0 dive rsions and usually makes itself quite ac- Of the recent “nee” »ssible, which the sons and ’ 1 ‘ ters of Israel held, with As Mayor Whalen observed, the correction does Ip, a part of the land not seem to lie in the appointment of a probation the pie ‘ale us, Gad pe . . bees és promised to them officer. Such an official would not take over until + + + after the damage had been done, and it has not been LOOKING back on it, I must 1 i a , + 3 wd ( ess, the burden of sadness demonstrated yet that fear of a probation officer so much due to the reaches back fer enough to nip the act in the bud. _—_ sence of peace on earth, which ” tl ‘ls had preclaimed aon but because I sudden- subconsciously It is probable that the solution sought by the — that and Women’s Club rests jeu, somewhere among those children who are not yet Maybe it was because the Is- delin > . are : ‘ neen’ on he nae ,. |Taeli guide who last year drove lk inquents but are in an environment where de 16 all over thé titty land of Zonal linqueney threatens, If such children can be shown a convincing sub- also a Scot—Dave Sinclair ish boy from Glasgow. Like stitute for parental care, if they can be persuaded Proiessional Business | Jock, my guide had a Scottish which clings to his tongue : ‘ ; : like a Canadian burdock clings hat someone is thinking of them even if Mum or a small boy’s stockings and of the B.C you'd discover which the world once not what it once was is no decay. There is no inferior- ity complex, er hint of it remembered |S0n thinks of MORE ZBAN THOUSAND and Yukon's capital was a body blow It would, however than that to extinguish a centre races to more than tweive hur 5 | See it ‘| Report From... Parliament Hill By EDWARD T. APPLEWHAITE, MP (Skeena) A new session, the seventh of this Parliament, opened on November 20, and again I propose to send these litle weekly columns to your newspaper, which has, in the past years, so generously donated the space for them. + As I have done in the past, 1‘ shall just pick out a few little incidents which perhaps may not | “¢ , , have made the Canadian” Press| ‘/ture estimates and so forth. — jespatches, but which I find of Ver large sums of money are nterest, and I shall also from|/"volved. 1 was greatly encour time to time express my own | %#°C & loroughiness wih ypinions—I suppose I should ada, | ¥)'ch the whole matter was gon ng equipment, foreseeable needed (immediate revenue and expen ansion future) which are not necessarily those but I do not expect any if this newspaper.” r definite action now, I One of the first things I did to say, until certain rate ufter arriving here last week, | 4 tions have been consid vas to look into the gituation of © the Board of Transport he proposed sale of the Domin. | Commissioners, possibly Janu on Government Telegraph and , Telephone Services In Centrai aONUAL Mmeeluls B.C. I find that a tremendous Which some Liberal Associations umount of work has been done have been holding are manifes juring the summer by represen- ‘ations of an esprit de corps and atives of the Government, of 4 Strength of conviction that | Canadian National Telegraphs 4" ire are not enjoyed by any Telephone Com- er political party in Canada pany, arriving at valuations of 1¢ important point is that we Liherals have never allowed our elves to think that merely by winning elections We are achiev eee ji yur goal Other parties at the continuing spirit Reflects amd tran: vigorous manner in wien *r in which pproach and solve new pro Reminisces And t comes to leaders ir ch as Rt. Hon. Louls : : _| St. Laurent, Mr. Dunean Mac- Should you say “ghost town” ‘payish, O.B.E,, Hon. Ralph Camp in Dawson chances i Hon. James Sinclair we justifiable pride the are them to be fight- ;,; The camp toward ing words Certain private members’ bills introduced hey are all practically those we had last Among the first of them was Stanley Knowles’ (CCF) bill toamend the Industrial Relations Disputes Investigation Act provide for the voluntary and revocable check-off of union As I stated last session I hall vote for this bill Fred Larson, Liberal from Kin- flocked is But there nave alr and so far eady beer the same as Daw- and tomor- session today row. The elevation of Whitehorse as dues take far more that a =o ee dersiey, Saskatchéwan, has mad up 5 awson— oid ung 4 ; s oF teach ines when popplation CH@O%.MPe Rest Privake members speecheés so far in the Debate on ad-— nin + j Any ine ‘ ee ut H his bu little > the Address. He paid a very Dad “01 both is not: if they can be made to believe sue Sear anal chen dred , dnaktG teltaes te Ue nee tie that happiness does not lie at some point between | trom heaven, in those early years aise are fay nee Se EE ets who had moved and second- them and the police. juvenile deli nev will of this century when he used to anywhere. The old Ones TOMA ed the Addtes. Dealing in a m and the police, Juyenue delinquency will not be | vai. through the deep, clean (USed. That venerable log ca¥l masterly fashidn with the Can- a problem in this city. Ontario snow. from this house to 02 4 hill was once the home @f agian picture as a whole he + +h Ais re : | ours Bob Service. Phe bard of the pointed put that geographically, At the Same time, application of the remedy +e \morth beckons to more than Of | ag he has saig before in. the cannot be limited to one day or one year. The treat- | LIKE every true artist, Jock had | generation. House, we are spl by miles. and , : a decent respect for his art. He FLORADORA! miles of area ‘separating the } ment must be continued as long as the cause of the | wou, sickness is there, “ ait for our entire trible | assemble, At first he also T] } a ae : : x temanded to know “Where are nus tne pro lem assumes more imposing di- | the nts?” Only after arrival mensions than appear at first glance. but members ! ™¥ sisters. whom to the lon- Ce Ol the ire tf Bonner world O Lord, how long?” ° ‘. : time glee of the boys he mistook Business and Professional Women’s Club |for “sarvints.” would Jock start should feel assured that they have the publie’s en- ODP, Se eee.” oy ae ‘ouragement and support in taking it on. burst into song you could believe If admiration and gratitude will help. we n : amit cake hey have these also. ’ centuries earlier. Jock : hair and blue eyes, like B, 5 a real § lay-School-card angel ee And his voice, when he sang his onner trong Man inevitable “Jerusalem” was some- eas 8 o ae thing straight from heayen HERE is something about B.C .8 new Attornev- You were with Jock when “last seneral, Robert Bonner, which suggests that one sagt t lay Meena, * SOR dese 2 hi ed : Wai: ac n 80 . s C lay he may be the strong man of the government, Jé lem, beside the temple if indeed he is not. already. got ae you se ala. : . j , un ike an ange - Aside from the importance of his position in | 9@l¢, he reached the. heayealy whie a i ay « . . . CESS da:** e new $2 - ve he will have a Major part in framing new ot Cath Re aa ttn me legisiation, Mr. appears tc . ale ro oe ground by vir ae are we solid LIKE MILLIONS of other boys, | und by virtue of his own common sense. This from Christian homes, Jock | has shown up well in contrast to the somewhat | !St,his life Pee Oe PE See) enhinens ntti . : wars hat was one, emotional attitude of some of his associates who. | that vast, lost host? seem to disdain the dreary problems of the present on we where (tke serine in favor of grandiose schemes for the future. shepherds heard the “glad tid~ an example wee provided after his election in and Jock’s lone fate should cut the Columbia riding when he earnestly said that | ‘through my heart like a knife. Vn tu Gata ALG see in But as I looked across the we In Social Credit will do our best to warrant the barbed wire to the church on| confidence of the people.” This is the kind of cobs ee pl ae Bo ° ; eace Was born, a utterance that is all too rare among the proclama- 1 2r0u é ‘ tions of the present government leaders who appear AEE to suffer from slightly enlarged ambitions : J 2d ambitions, M Of those afflicted with this malady, none is Luckless mayor more obvious than. Premier Bennett himself. In Topples From view of the fact that he has not yet proved Social Greeting Bench Credit can effici 1e ar ee _ efficiently govern B.C., it is extra- VANCOUVER (—Vancouver’s ordinary that he should now be making high-flown “hard luck” mayor had another pronouncements about the party's march into |"“Weleoming delegates to the Ottawa. For most of those who feel the province | Federation of Agriculture annual still lacks leadership, that sort of approach is ae et ubae wha ‘ ‘ | “AT y 1 altogether too fast. |mining, we can get along with- , ~ se out ar ¢ ; A further clue to the Attorney-General’s ability | Sithone trait mek we Ron lies in his easy election victory over two strong |#ong without food.” . E + “ . Some of the delegates laughed, opponents, One of these was George Keenleyside, a | but that wasn’t ail. popular man in the riding who was considered by ait aoe ar — Oe many to haye an easy chance against an outsider pushed his chair over the slightly like Mr. Bonner. It can be deduced from this that \ "Re Wehr tind told the aud the new cabinet minister must have some appeal as jience: “This is 10 am., not 10 ‘ i ¢ : ‘ Pm... . everyt is stri a bright young lawyer who’ speaks a language that | normal” Tee Rey everyone can understand, Pe i Be tapx eee hyo years ° * . ’ ayor Hume ad sey- It is our opinion that we are going to see and |eral accidents, including a prok- hear a lot of Mr. Bonner, wre before the 1951 ings of great joy,” Jock’s ne | surged through me, “How long, | sonle live. w : ,... #¥atlous..poriions of the country People live, work and play IM "pn. from the other. and it is very the same premises as the hard E 5 jeasy for us to drift into a posi diving miners of 50 years @£0./tio, where vc are sectional in The Floradcra saloon and dance 5), oytiook hail once the liveliest spot i tell 5 sae bead weil pone, now is the Alexandr dig at the Conservatives when Hotel and cafe he mentioned that in Saskatche- The plush seats, hardwoot wan they recently had a little floors and velyet curtains of the contest about who was going to Auditorium, once the camp’s/run that province, and the party pride, have been gathering which might form an alternative Yet, year-round mining, senior \government at some time in this citizens say, would send Dawson country Was so short of candi- speeding back on the map dates that Larson did hot see Anyone who blatantly declare how it could even feel that it “there’s nothing Jeft up there” |CUld form an alternative gov- may be irfvited to apologize. 1t)¢™ment to the one in power today Gordon Graydon, Conservative interjected that (he Liberals were short after it was over which Larson agreed, but pointed ow, that at least we tried ETTERBOX SUPPORTS PARKING LAWS Editor, The Dally News Congratulations are in order to you on your recent articles regarding car parking. Not only the newspaper deserves a pat on the back but also the Mayor and city council. i It is about time the car driver of Prince Rupert realized that We are no jonger driving in a Village but in a growing city. If they find this half-hour parking on ird Avenue so inconvenient, |}} I suggest they sell their cars and | is true there ig an aura of th past, but it is also a fact today that the further passage of time wil] give a glamor that cannot disappoint. Le a ol tt ‘fly TO ROUND TRIP too, lo PRINCE RUPERT || MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY Departs Prince Rupert 2:30 p.m. Arrives Ketchikan 3:15 p.m. ELLIS AIRLINES Phone 476 | OTTAWA DIARY By Norman M. MacLeod Senator A, Neil McLean of New Brunswick has two qualities as a legislator which make his per- formance always vital to close spectators although not always pleasing to the Liberal govern meént which in.general he sup- ports He is always nothing if not practical And he is ently minded partisan Those two traits are sufficient to guarantee wide Parliament Hill interest for project which he may bring forward always never independ slavishly any PRICE SUPPORT At the present time Senator McLean is raising the intriguing question as to whether the fed ral government should con tinue agricuitural and fishery support policies indefinite should adopt polsics which, while they might involve ome initial cost ultimately would make price supports un necessary price ly or He is raising the issue in con neetion with his one-man cru sade to secure an adequate fish packing plant for the west coast of Newfoundland. The Depart- ment of Fisheries has turned him down on his first request The refusal has just had th effect upon Senator McLean of arousing his fighting qualities The senator that the has pointed ant federal government currently spending upwards of $1,.250.000 annually in New foundiand to support fish price He says that the reason this; subsidy is necessary is because Newfoundland is selling its fish in Brazil, Cuba other Latin-American whieh import it In its lowest-cost form mostly salt packed and in brine As himself the world’s largest fish export packer, Senator Mc- Lean Says that he abandoned these low price markets many years ago in favor of outlet which wanted a superior tinned product He is confident that if Newfoundland would adopt a policy of piroceming their fish 5 and market as to meet''The standards of modern markets they would have no difficulty in selling it at prices which would make any support payments unnecessary NEWFOUNDLAND RIGHTS The Fisheries Department turmied down the McLean pro jeet. on the ground of the ex penditure it would entail. The New Brunswick senator who was a major factor in the cam- paign to bring the isiand into Confederation has an answer for that one. He points out that the per capita debt resting upon Newloundlanders before Confederation was $100. Aft Confederation is was $1000 The fact that the Newfie pie lave the tie poo hared tt iarger pe capita debt by joining Confed eration gives them a right, In Senator McLean's view to gov ernment facilities of a available elsewhere in Canada That includes. he says, a we coast fish processing plant. He determined to ee that th Newfie people get one standard Try Daily News Want Ads KETCHIKAN ---. $27.00 make room for those drivers who are foresighted enough to keep pace with the times. | The writer fully realizes that | |this half-hour parking could | | inconvenience certain businesses |on Third Avenue with regard to || | USED CARS | loading and unloading supplies |I feel sure if a driver could not | | handle his load in the half-hour | parking limit, a telephone call | |to the city hall explaining the | ejreumstances would grant him | 10 or 15 minutes required. | Lét’s quit knocking what our |) 13949 Internati city fathers are trying to do and | boA notional try co-pperation and constructive | criticism for a change; appoint | ourselves to the “Prince Rupert | Bogsters’ Club” and see if we) can’t become eligible for the pro- | posed Good Citizenship award. Sin teres $960 down and ‘Avenue W. 3rd but they compr‘se oyer 70 per cent of standing timber, | 2—1949 Sudeboker Champion Sedans $1395 _2—1949 Austin Panels . 1—1949 Flying Standard Coach special permission for the extra | 1—1949 Monorch Sedan " 1—1948 Austin Sedan ss NEW STUDEBAKERS ARE ON DISPLAY | FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ah Be IB re of Super ior Auto Service LIMITED Phone Green a7 and TRUCKS | $895 $549 $1595 $425 $750 %-ton panel 24 months to pay TheYouns 9 Association Datterniee YMCA, was formed Final Count Announced In By-Election GOLDEN, B.C @.—FPinal count in Monday's Columbla by-elec- tion, won by Robert Bonner, atlorney-general jn British C)- lumbia's Soclal Credit govern- ment, has been announced by Returning Officer W. Lumsden Figures are: Mr, Bonner, 1,146; George Keenleyside, Liberal, 445, and Chris Madson, CCF, 490 Social Credit also took the Monday by-election in Similika- meen, the seat going to Finance Minister Einar Guaderson Standing in the 48-seat house is: Soelal Credit 19, CGF 18. Lib- eral 6, Progressive Conservative 3, Labor 1, vacant 1 in ia Burglar and Fitepro SAFE FOR SALE This sale CADRE be stot, Approxjmate Bile is gy Six feet in height, Weig yer three tony, 7 his ie will save you lots of Wor and loss. Price reasonal FOR INSPEC TION see the B.C. CLOTHIERS | THIRD AVENUY ) aan WEEK ONLY TRADE-IN ALLOWANc For Your Old Woshe, Balance on easy term AB $50.00 on anew INGLIS” wo @ 3 beautiful models @ Lovell safety wringor @® All with automatic pump @ New Hercules mechani with five year euaran RUPERT RADIO & ELECTR) YOUR EXCLUSIVE “INGLIS” DEALER Phone 644 Box 12 —NOTICE- | was-elected an Aldenman at last Decen election for a one-year term. As my term ex; at the end of this year, | am seeking re-elect on December 11, 1952, for o two-yeor term | have lived in the City of Prince Rupert + past ||! years, employed as a machinist at + Prince Rupert Drydock and Shipyard during ti time For the last five years | have been Secret and Bargaining Agent for the Marine Work and Boilermakers Industrial Union in Pr Rupert lf re-elected I’ will continue my efforts best interests of the city ratepayers Seen J. W Prash 4-5 a Haas THERE ARE A NUMBER OF SPECIAL CAREER OPENINGS FOR MEN WITH ENGINEERING DEGREES TO QUALIFY AS PERMANENT OFFICE IN IMPORTANT TECHNICAL BRANCHES OF THE - R C A ' Accepted applicants will receive advanced, top-level courses and training in spec ialized fields, such as aeronautical, electronic, 4 mament, mechanical and cogstruction en gineering . . . ave access to Industrial as well as Service developments . . . be granted permanent commissioned sank . . have excellent opportunities for promovon in 40 expanding organization, If you think you can qualify, you are advised to make inquiries immediately +o wke advantage advaaced RCAF engineeriog courses, WITHOUT OBLIGATION WRITE DIRECT TO: DIRECTOR o- PERSONNEL MANNIN | RCAF HEADQUARTERS | OTTAWA