PAGfc TWO The Daily News PRINCE RUPKKT BRITISH COLUMBIA PublMird Kwry Aftrnorn, xcpt Suixluy, by Prime llupert Daily Nw. Limited, Thirrt Avvnn. F PL'LI.KN Editor. II. - - iiai.'st:i;x w SlBSCRllTiON KATES: ' City Delivery, by nia.i or cairier, pvr moi.tli . .75 By raail to all pari of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $5.00 To all other rosBtries, ia advance, per year $7JiO Transient Display Advertising, per inch per insertion.,. ....... $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Pare, per lnj:h ... $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion per iine .' ..;.f...v t .2A Clarified AdrertMne, per insertion per word ( Jf A Legal Notices, each insertion ir agate line 15 Contract Hats on Application ' Advertising and Circulation Telephone 93 Editor and Reporters Telephone - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION ! MUSICAL POSSIMI.ITIEK Monday, Sept. 2C, 1927 H1SHOP IS SUI5E NOW The general Synod of the Anglican Church meeting at Toronto hat reroBimended the appointment of a bishop for the diocese of CaUdenJa. which means that the appointment will be made. This is good news as since the death of the late Archbishop da Vernet there has been no official head of the diocese holding the proper title. It has all been a matter of finance. Money was needed to endow the biihoftrick. However, the missionary society has comedo the rescue and the small deficit will be made up by them. It Is to be hoped that in making the appointment the local administrator, Archdeacon Rix, will be considered. He knows the dioeese well and is in touch with the broad policy so well initiated by the Archbishop, He is known and recognized as the leader in church work in this north country. Naturally, newspaper views arc net considered in a matter of this kind, but the views of members of the congregations in the diocese will have a great effect upon the appointment and judging from the expressions of opinion heard, the Archdeacon will be the man chosen. His sincerity and capability are both unquestioned. OUTLAWING WAHS OF AGRESSION Wars of aggression are to be outlawed. That is the decision of the League of Nations. It is to be assumed that the resolution will be endorsed by all the nations who are members of the league, but the difficulty will be to decide whether or not a war is a war of aggression. It is always easy to agree with a principle and then find a way to evade it. DeYore the war Germany declared herself again and again in favor of peace. The general principle was all right but it was its application that failed. Another thing to decide is whether every nation will take part in the polking of the world. Presumably the party nations will have to-do policing and the United States will lend them money with which to do It, charging a high rate of interest. SEASON lV,A I BLY LONG HERE We who lire in. Prince Rupert or neighborhood do rio always ..l)t.a.lil.MM . . . " ' f ,1 ... . . jcan4c nun lung nuf Bummer reason is wneij compared wim mat ai ower places, in spring when It was warm and pleasant here we read of there beinir snow cvn the nrairfoa anil .urn in at the, u.-l.--.rw1 there was snow covering the northern part of the neighboring pro vinces, it ts probably gone by now but when snow falls it means very cooi weamer io say the least. This morning was almost as warm as June. THE RAKOVSKY INCIDENT Franco-Russian relations have received a shock, says the Manchester Guardian. While in Moscow recently M. Rakoviky, the Soviet Ambassador to France, signed a declaration which was presented to the Central Committee of the Russian Communist party by M. Trotsky and other lenders of the Opposition. This declaration called on all proletarian citizens in' any country at war with the Soviet Union to work for the defeat of their own Government, and on all soldiers in such a country to desert. The French Government naturally protested. M. Rakovsky's plea that he signed as a member of the Central Committee and not as an ambassador hardly excused his impropriety: and M. Chicherin M. Rakovsky's resignation was expected, and manv advocated a run- . ....... 1 j.. lit i i iure wun ine soviet union. . M. unand has not yet been persuaded to so drastic a step. A semi-official statement declared him satisfied with M. Chieherfn's disavowal: later hp - sssfS illuuc any declaration, possibly under pressure from M. Poincare and his If jfast night's turnout was at all representative, the choir at First Presbyterian Church is far and away the premier choral organization the city. There were over twenty voices and almost any one of a dozen were capable of taking solo parts. Under the Capable training of JohnDavpv this ...... s,o &i Cl L pUSOl bilitfes and should it go farther than singing only in church. It might take up concert work and thus extend its -usefulness and add new interest to the members. The Presbyterian Church building is excellent for musical production and if only there were a pipe organ its possibilities would i7 MiuiiiesH. Hogs are good companions. They never pour out a tale of woe or berate their neighbors. Vm The softness, K CM Built for !eep. W j 3 Jcf ,Prin?ine f KrJ& 1 c". sani- WA JA O.termoor lasting. W -QMS J fc y material, ai is kvl I 21 ."f n.&ht u HMS feajJa-Jfi every mattrcw made lU low indeed. , by Simmon,. K k SIMMONS i g MATTRESS I (a BUILT FOR. SLEEP B Barries Furniture Store Geo. D. Tile "WINNERS OF WILDERNESS" 'Love and War of Early Settlement Days Told in Picture' at Midi week The Peter Kjrne (lory. "Wlnuers of the Wilderness." here for the mid -wee U tntereattof and picturesque. Fow-toK Is the tale: The French Oorrrnor had Just signed PMltte. leader of tbe Six Nations, to ytn form with him against the Eng-110. te a masked figure tpprarrd beat tem.p ml escaped with ta OOcvnxat. The mto Is forced to take refuge In U room of Renee Centre- ceaur. a beautiful diughtrr of the efcamsadsni. H starts to thresten ber te safe btan but her beauty astounds hlai sad t U completely bewitched. He so over helms her with hi hymn to IttteUnets Uut ahe hesitates to turn h!m over. Just before the eurd breaks in. he ptefcs up her kerchief and leaps out of trw window, and files to bu camp ta the woods. He is Sir Ootonel O'Hara. of Braddaek's atatf. He sends the document on. but himself returns to attend the rteneh Governor's baU. Just to meet Rente again. There, be- runs sfoel of the sauve Duma Oentrecoeurs' aide, sad Renee's most persistent wooer. Benee reoagnlses O'Hara as her masked visitor when he produces her kerchief. .When Duma divines his Identity, she gain defends him snd wm him from eaptare. whUe he escapes. IIKUHMMK'H IOOI.IMIt With Braddsck on the war to attack Fart Duqursne la Uajor Whlngton and his Vtrrlnls Blues. Washington adrlsos Uraddock to go in loose Indian style to be ready for any ambush. But Brsddock haughtily refuaes to be "ummmarT." ASd they are suddenly smbutbed by sttsges led by Dumst. When Braddock 4s killed. Washington order retreat But O'Hara is cut off. He disguises himself ta French uniform snd marches to the ftrt with the French. There .he meets Renee st night, and she Is so disturbed wer bis danger that abe admits her love. Dumas dlaecvert them, and turns O' Hara over to the Indians to torture. Rente pleads with her father to spare pilars the torture even though he mucT die. Ccntrscoeur persusdes PontUe to re lease O'Hara to him. then PontUe curi ously insists on leading the fire squad. Renee and O'Hara have a tender fare wU. and when she bears the volley, the collapses. Pontlae. however, remem bered once when O'Hara spared his life. and he fakes an execution to repay O'Hara, whom he helps escape that night; but Dumas believes O'Hsrs dead. I.MllAXS ItKATKN' O'Hara Joins the retreating Washing Son a day or so later. A scout comes to Washington and says that Commandant Contreooeur and daughter, with Duma. have set out for Lake George with only a small company. O'Hara Is snxtous to see Renee, and Washington inxtous to capture Contreeoeur. so they et cut In pursuit. Meantime. Dumas, knowing Renee loves, or loved O'Hara. has plotted with a chief to have his xavages attack the party and kill all but himself and Renee. whom he wants. The Indian ambush the party, but Wash' Ington and O'Hara arrive on the scene ind vanquUU them. O'Hara engages and kills Dumas. O'Hara then tells Tontresceur he and his party sre under irrest, but be allows Contreeoeur to "ep his sword. With their prisoners of war, and love Washington and O'Hara ttart for Virginia. Probably the most willing prisoner was Renee, who rode happily by OUara'a side. RINTY IS HERO OF THRILLING ADVENTURE rainou Molle Ihg heen Tonl(lit TRKknl by 1 lie Police" rbuildlng. It. In "Tracked by the Police." Rln-Tln-Tln's latest starring vehicle for Warner Bnx thers, directed bf Rav Enrlzht. record the courageous fight of a dog hero to save not only one. of the p-eatest reclamation projects In the United States but also his friends engaged In The story deals with tbe construction of a gTeat dam and desert Irrigation project. For the beautiful exterior the company journeyed to Yuma, Arizona, using the Laguna Dam and reclamation project across the Colorado River as a fretting. Rlnty la seen as the dog of a y9ungJ foreman In love with the daughter of the superintendent. She la also the sub lect of dishonorable Interest of another foreman wfco tun been bribed by a.rit val construction company to place all the obstacles possible In the way of the iwonc. so that the company would be forced to abandon It. Because Rlnty has foiled many of these attempts, the plot- : ters determine to get him. The super ! mvenaent 1 disabled In a mysterious i accident, and when the young foreman ; taxes nis place, a heinous scheme to j put him and Rlnty out of the way leav. j tbe girl and the dam unprotected, Is j hatched. The way by which the schemes jof the bad men are coped with by the wonder -dog make thrilling melodrama (and gives Rlnty an opportunity to dls- . ' ", tr,:iy Br!l!iar.'-e as never , before. FAMOUS NOYEL IS WEEKEND PICTURE DAILY NcVT3 M'':.a n the 1 "Get the best i f everything for His Royal Highness' cntcttainniem" were the criers of the committee in charge of arrangements for the Dominion Tour of II. R. II. The I'rinre of Wales,. I'rince CeorRC. Premu-r Baldwin and party. So naturally, the authorities in charge of the Prince's special train ordered new Orthophonic Met tolas for the luttirioua rotting suite of the royal party. Besides two Cmlenza Mfxlek, one for lib Royal Highness) and one for Mr. & Mrs. MEKK .T TIIEATKi: Rln Tin Tin In Tricked by the police," VTSehy a man's a Fan." InterAstlonal News. ; ' : ' i ; .. ToeMlajr. BUlie Dove in iSTbe I .Tendef Hdur." . W. Tuxedo Comedy ' "Open poiue." Wednesday and Thurxlsy "Winners of the Wilderness." Ctomedy "A One Majut man." Aesop'r Film Fsbles. Friday and "The Winning Maturi!a of ' Barbara Worth." Csmeo comedy: "A Perfect Day. Pathe Review. known it l bsrdly worth saying more than that the picture 1 said to be a splendid reprpductton of the atory with spectacular effects, tt has been highly commended wherever It has been shown nd doubtless will be enjoyed here. "THE TENDER HOUR" DUE HERETOMORROW "The Tender flour," Oeorge Fltz-maurlce's Initial production for First National, showing tomorrow at the Westholme Theatre, is proving everywhere most popular. With Billle Dave and Ben Lyon heading a cast of prominent plsyers, "The Tender Hour Is one of the director's most spectacular etr6rts. The story li laid in Paris and Russia before tbe war. and the picture Is rich In colorful scenes. John McCormlck. general manager of WMt rnmt nrMtiiAn. Ma. The Winning of Barbara Worth." thai tlotial. haa nlven PitrmanrLr. vnrthlnir ( famous novel by Harold Bell Wright, 1 possible In rich settings and costumes, set for the week end here, 1 so well : and the director long noted for his Orthoph "Trus In Sound" 4 passed all his previous efforts in "The .Tender Hour." In addition to Mia Dove and Mr. Lyon '.he larfe cast Includes Alee B. Francis In featured ixe, Montague Love, Aka Winter and other players. Tbe lieture is based on an original atory by Carey Wilson. WAT&K NOTICE. rIVER!ON AMI tE TAKE NOTICE that . Rouueau. whose address ta 410 Seymour street, Vancouver. B.C.. will apply for a licence to take and use 1 cubic foot of water out of unnanmed stream which flow southerly and drains Into Port Stephens Bay, about cne mile east of Blurt Point. The water will be diverted from tht it ream at a point axut BOO feet from the mouth snd will lie ued for commercial purpose upon the land- described as Lot 2750, Range 4. Ooaat District. This notice was posted on the ground on the 26th day of July. 1317. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act will be filed in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B.C. Objection to tbe application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with tbe Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings. Victoria. B.C.. wrthin thirty days after tbe first appearance of this notice In a local newspaper. The data of the first publication of this notice la August 30. 1927. ETJOENE ROUSSEAU. . Applicant. LAND ACT. NOTICE OP INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LEASE LANII In Queen Charlotte Islands Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Jedway HarBor, Moreaby ' Island. Q.C.I. TAKE NOTICE that Mlllerd Packing Company. Limited, of Vancouver. BjC . occupation Packers, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northeast corner of Lot 88, Q.C.I.; thence northwesterly and along high water mark 18 chalna, more or less, to a point N. 58 37 E. from the HB. corner Lot 140; thence north 58 37' E. 1-5 chains, more or leas, to low water mark; thence southeasterly along low water mark to a point N. 68 37 E. from the location post: thence 22 chalna, more or less, to the point ol commencement, and containing 5 CTM. more or leu. MILLERD PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED, APP'1Cnt I Dated September 7, 1927. oyal I ram there were two Credenza Models of the new Orthophonic Victrola with a fine collection of V.E. Orthophonic Victor Records iUMwin and their daughter, there went aboard two womlerful HbreriM of Victor records, ai.ially and carefully chosen. It vrat on thb train. superb t all its appointments, that His Royal Highneat, The Prince and Premier Baldwin found each their choice of favorite Victor record playing again ami aim the )iiu "At Sundown". "Hallelujah", "Me And My Shadow" aad other tuneful Victor mimtxera. Any home can have thto princely entertain, ment. There is a choice of ecn Unutiful molds at seven price ranging from $775.00' . down to as low at $115.00 obtaina We at His Master's Voice dealers on convenient payments. onic Trade Mark ReJ'J Victrola Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited , Montreal 1'TttTtTT'fTTttvtv'fl plcturejue ind colorful work, has sur- Made only by Victor Look for this Trademark ASK ME ANOTHER? Here are the National Prizes: lt prliW .. .. 110.000 4th prise .. .. .. 1350 8;li r JV Snd prtne 8.000 th prise .. ,. . . 1.000 9U p" " 3rd pruw 2.000 6th prtsw 700 lPth pr., 7th prtt) ...... 500 CANADIAN J.AUNDUY PHIZES 1st Prize 12 months Soft tfinfh ".Laundry Servirc. mate value $73.00. '. 2nd Prize 12 months Thrift-T-Servic. Approximate $60.00.. V ' 3rd Prize 12 months Wet Wash Service. ApproxinW $10.00. For full details of above prises, as well as 1.200 awards, consult the booklet, "Ask Me Another A'-Jt Laundry," obtainable at the Canadian Laundry & Dry Cleaners V. PhoneS 515 6th Avenue Dr. MAGUIRE Phone 523. Dentist Over Ormc's Drug Store Office Hours 9 to 9 Special Sale & Demoiistration Simmons Mattresses "Built for Sleep" Barrie's Home Furnishings Itox 808. phone i