fondty September 26, 1927 THE -:- ACME WATCH This : Space for Our Specials Acme Importers Twenty Years of Faithful Service Ormes are Prince Rupert's oldest drugstore. For 20 years Ormes have given the people of Prince It u pert a faithful and efficient drugstore service. We look back with pride on this 20 years of service and growth not that it in itself means much but it shows the confidence of the people of Prince Rupert is plated with Ormes and THAT does mean a great deal. Orme DEMAND Jtc Pioneer Drttoeisls "Rupert Brand" ippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert. B.C. P. an ad ian National cfhe Largeft Kailway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE H.WI.INUS Iron. PKINCE ltl'PEKT for VANCOl: VKK. VirTOKIA. RATTLE. and Intermediate point, each Till ItSDAV ami M MA. 11.0(1 p.m. Tor ANYOX Mid KETC illKAN-Earh WEDNESDAY. 4.00 p.m. )JTVrl,KiuN n.A.TTK ISLANDS. for..g.,t.v. PASSENflFIl TKMNS I.EAVK PRINCE RUPERT DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY at 1U " ,NT.B1,HJi"f KI,MMV TON. WINNIPEG nil points Eastern Canada, I nlted states. "asI-EK P.UtK I OI.OE OPEN MAY 21 TO SEPTEMUKR JO. SEE CANADA IN CANADA'S JCHII F.E YEAR 1K67 -19. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Use Canadian National Express for Money Order., Foreign Chruue.. etc, tliio for your neit shipment. CITY TICKET OFFICE. 528 THIHD AVE- PIUNCE RUPEKT. Pbone 26U UNDEK NEW MANAGEMENT " CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home" 120 Rooms, American and European Plan. Hot and Cold Water. Bus meets al trains and boats. Sample Koom Phone 51. L. Martin, Manager. 11 THIRD AVE. 6-SIXTH ST. - - TELEPHONES 826 200 TIIE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Rupert Eaat United Church Bazaar. Local and Personal November 21. Uooae ladiee Whist Drive and Dane. Friday. September: 30. Arthur Tut Pnont B7 BO Undertaker, phece tl. Dentist. Or. J. R. a mm. Phone 680. Oet tbt Big 4 hablU .WhenthuUng ; of a Tail. pbene . ' '"tf B Exhibition Sett DOW lb. ft awing at Mm. FrhwwU'a. U Famiyet. Palmistry a Oaalng Mta, Jaa. Oatkl Avenue. Phofce Onea 193. aaava v Mr. aart Mas, Jaek the efty OJa,e Pttoat arday axWDoCtroa a 4 OryMaU 4. ThM 232 Sat- trip to David Tnoaaavan returned to the city on the Prtnee Charles Saturday after- rrora a knC huelnssa trip to Vancouver. Richmond, local furrlar and ladlea1 nsaler. returned on tba Catala yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vanaouw. Until repairs at the pTOvtaeaal Oov- ertwneat wharf have bam eoapleted c.p R. ataawiM U1 mate landtag at No. 3 shed oti a .TP. wharf. tt Thar waa another wall patronised dance In the jaVetropole Kail Saturday night under UN Scandinavian- auaploaa. c. K. Ytrebca waa matter of ear monlea. C.P R. steamer mnosaa Loulae. Oapt. Arthur Slater, arrlrad at 9 o'eloe( tola morning from VanoouTar and aaBed at 11 for Alaska porta. Tba teaati la du to return here aouthbouad on Friday Prank Morrla of the B.C. Undertakers who haa been on a trip to Smltnera and Terrace, returned to tha elty on thla aftamooa'a train, accompanied by Mrs. Morrla, who apent the watk-aod with him at Tarraea. Mn. Archibald arrlrad on the Prince Char ! Saturday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver and will aall tonight on the Prince John for Port Ctomenta where her hueband la foreman of the Baiter Pole Co i camp. Dr. O. S. MoOonald. Anyox dentist, waa a passenger on the Catala yeater- day afternoon returning to the smelter town after a brief trip to Vancouver. Dr. McDonald recent!; won first priae of in a Salmon aweepataka. Mrs. Thomas Andrew returned to the" city on yesterday afternoon's train from a holiday trip to Sdmonton. Ura. Andrew waa accompanied weat by ner nephew. Ian Gordon of Wetaaklwln, whose Intention It Is to locate here. Imperial Oil Co.'s tanker Imperial. Capt. Oedtfea. arrived In port at 4 o'clock Sunday morning from loco and. after loading a cargo of bulk and pack- i age goods for the company's local tauka, . Bee. S. Jehfsen returned to the eltr on tb prusta OVaries Saturday after- mhi from business trip to 8eattlt. WU Vegan. Hjde Transfer art now :iXtWM Caasldy Wellington tlaabertalSootleai and Pembina IWIm. J tt 4- Wtflcfing mdiM u Ura. T. C. left at the week id for BattaaeV w;here the cipecta to tain an wtatter. See waa aeeom pantad at far aa Edmonton by ner hua Uajor C. B. Nertfr of the B.C. Bdrrr me at Stewart ait a paaaencer on tha Prmee Chjariea Saturday afternoon from Vaaeawuer to the Portland Canal mining aamp. J. R. Uariaan, 'pottmuter. returned to the city on the Catala yeaterday afternoon fromra trip to Vancouver, Ura. MertaOB remaining In the aouth for a time lofigenjj Mia. (Dr.) Hat of Winnipeg arrived la the elty from, .the Eaat on Saturday afternoon'! train and la the guest at tha Manae. FMrttV Avenue Eaat. of her Ura. J. R, rrlMll. W. Klncald of the Government Tele-srapha service, farmerly located he-e arrived on the Prtace Charlea Saturday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver and continued by tratti to Hazel ton. Annual Tax Sale of lota to be held at AtirUcn for delinquent taxes will be held on Friday. September 30 next at 10 am. m City Hall. List of property can be obtained at the collector's office i i tf S. K. CampbefL Inspector for the Canadian Bank of Commerce, sailed by the Prince Charles thla morning on lila return to Vancouver following vlalt to the local branch on oQctal duties. O. C. Mackay. district engineer for the provincial department of public wcrks, returned to the city on the Prince Charlea Saturday afternoon from a trip to the Bella Coola district on official duties. D. T! Sandlaon, general manager of the Maritime Fisheries, arrived on the I Prince John Jast night after a visit of Inspection to the company 'a cannery at Alltard Bay and sailed thla morning on the Prince Charles for Vancouver. Mrs. Albert Moore, who has been on a' trip to Vancouver, arrived from the aouth on the Prince Charles Saturday afternoon and will continue tonight on the Prince Jonri to Buckley Bay where her husband laiengaged In the timber Industry. Edward Upeett, head of the ship chandlery concern bearing his name, and Mrs. Upsett have returned to Vancouver after a trip to Europe In the course of which they attended the Internationa convention In Os- wiled at 4 o'clock thla morning on her jRtarv auun south. u- S. Haaphy. general manager of the Lns Angelas Lumber products Co., Ltd. arrived on the Catala yesterday after-neon from Seattle and will aaU thla evening on the Prince John for Buckley Bay where the company's aawmU! la to be reopened In the near future. D. B. Finn, director of the local fisheries experimental station, sailed this morning on the Prince Charles for Vancouver enroute to Winnipeg where he will be engaged until January In research work at the medical college of the University of Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Wlllan. who wai - r- rorae- ojsincs engineer tor tne recently married in Vancouver, arrived ,edOTaI department of public works with in the city from the aouth on the ; headquarters In Vancouver, and A. Hal-Prince Charlea Saturday afternoon and i nther engineer of the depart-have taken up residence in the Beeoer ment- were passengers on the Princess Apartments. Mr. Wlllan la local repre-1 thl9 morning bound) for Skagway tentative of the Marshall-Wells hard- enrouie k me xuxon lerruory. ware concern. Delayed through heavy freights to load and a number of additional calls James Jack, superintendent for the Vancouver Plledrlvlng & Contracting Co. of construction of the Kalen Is- land Highway, sailed Saturday after. to make. steamer Prince John. noon oa thc Prln" Beatrlce for Van-last Capt. E. Mabbs. arrived at 12 o'clock oouvtr oa a brtef bu,lne8S 'P' H night from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands, more than . w three days late, and will sail at mid-; lune- night tonight on her return south via ... . . . . T,,K ' he same rout. t returned to the city on the Prince chrIe' Srday afternoon following a Mr. ard Mrs. Laurie Umbjy. who have been spending their honeymoon "u on a trip to Vancouver, victoria. Seattle and other points In the south, returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon and will take up residence at 652 Fourth Avenue Eaat. Mra. Lambly was formerly Mlaa Janet Lee, vjciuriti. aira. cr&&ute maoe ine irip down the coast on the public works power cruiser Walrondo, the ten days' cruise proving very enjoyable. C.P.R. steamer Princess Marjuerlte. wlth CP'' wllam Byc RN . of the Prince Rupert General Hoe- command, lcAvn Vancouver this wcek .for a pltat nursing staff. cruise to Ocean Falls with an Important (ttHHttt Ht tv4 Prty oi Eastern capitalists on board. ANNOUNCEMENTS 4.," will be the first time that the fine Moose Bazaar, Nov. 16 and 17. Established 1923. ft Office Hours: a.m. to G p.m. Saturday: a.m.- to 1 p.m. Any evening by appointment DENTIST Exchange Block. Phone 109 J a suvi-bw saniiiiwu waa i, a47 f hUVUUIvl " Victoria-Seattle run, will have come so far north. W. V. Brydone-Jack. 'general agent of the Canadian National Railways and Canadian Government Merchant Marine In Shanghai, China, arrived on the Prince Charles Saturday afternoon from Vancouver and took the evening train for Montreal where he, will confer with head offices before returning to his duties In the Orient. Mr. Brydone-Jack was accompanied by .his mother, LMr..,Anoot. ..." Having been delayed In leaving Vancouver Thursday night. CJ.R. steamer Prince Charles, Capt. Nell McLean, arrived In port from the south at 4:10 Saturday afternoon and, after unloading a large parcel of freight, sailed at 2 o'clock Sunday morning for Anyox and Stewart. The vessel got back to port at 0 this morning and sailed on her return south at 9. She had taken on 200 tods of Porter-Idaho ore at chains north of Yan Indian Reserve and on the shore of Mclntyre Bay; thence ncrth 5 chains to the low water mark; thence aesterly following said low water iso cnams; thence aoutneny s cnains; thence easterly 160 chains to the point of commencement, and containing eighty teres, more or ies. LnANOAHA FISHIKO & PACKING CO. LTD. Applicant. Freil Nash, Agent. Dated June 27. 1027 LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO API LEASE LAND "WJILD B.C." Its Purity Protected 1 COLD SEAL H' I GUARANTEE I I . &TI$FACT10N CUARAKIEED . JMMrigj. rn Vanryr genuine vjonsaLeums&Jug5 y h LY TO In Queen Charlotte Islands Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Ferguson Bay. Oraham Island, QC.I TAKE NOTICE that Snmervllle Cannery Company. Limited, Vancouver. B.C.. I or J - 1 1 JvpoRTfJ, E Mrs. Clara C. Richmond of Prince Rupert, in a letter Just received, says to get the utmost purity she chooses Pacific Milk for her children. "The process through which , , it is put protects Pacific Milk and since I have given it to my children they have had the best of health." 1 PACIFIC MILK Head Office. Vancouver Factories at l-ndner and Ablotford. "BUILD B.C." PACIFIC beat tlie Gold Seal guarantee All genuine CongMrum Gold Seal Uvf a urovtrctl by the ConSolcum Cold Seal guarantee of "iia.l faction or Your Money Hack" -a definite ptedeo( po-lthcas. uran c thatCu2oleum GolJ Seal Rufta are the bet floor covering value vour money can buy. The Gold Seal, shown above, It affixed to every fenuine ConfioleuiTi Gold Seal Ru . . . nrid only the genuine . . . at an emblem of Uili guarantee and so that you may readily distinguish the genuine from the Imitation. II ou Mill Intlit on the genuine Contol'.uin Gold Seal Rufta with the tw)ld Stal on the surface you will avoid any "Kmthmir" PaUtr . A'o. S62 ( hon At - ptaitg cfmtnjaiiu of Huihrrry Goif and Paycl Hint, Alaska tourist travel is now practically over. The steamer Princess Louise, which was In port this morning, took little more than thirty passengers to Skagway. Eonald Wilson returned to the city on the Princess Louise this morning after a brief trip to Vancouver. He is to rejoin the W. J. McCutcneon drug stores with which he was formerly TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LEA VINO TOWN. WILL SACRIFICE McClary range and kitchen chairs and table. Phone Red 511. FURNISHED MODERN HOUSE FOR Rent. Apply 215, Fourth Ave. Eaat. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Ru- and situate north of Lota 1658 and ?ert, 557. TAKE NOTICE that Tho Laneara Flshi tng and Packing Co. Ltd. of Matsett, occupation Canners, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: commencing at a post planted twenty possibility of disappointment through inferior Imitations which should not be called Congo'cum or sold as such. CcnulneConftoIfuni Gold Seal Rugs are now so low In pric that 'thv'y are well within tha reach of even the most modest Income. 0NG OLEUM igk? Rugs concoleum Canada Limited Montiieal 531J Canadian Pacific Railway 6. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Ruperl To Ketchikan, WranRrll, Juneau and Skagway -September 0, 17, Z6. To Yam-outer, Victoria and Seullle September 11, 21, 30. PKINCESS IIEATRICE. For Dutedale. East Delia Delia. O frail Fall. Nainii. Alrrl liar. Campbell River, and Vancouver etrrt Saturday. II a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full Inforiuatlnn from W. CHURCH AKD. (Irnrral Arrnt. Corner of 4th Stfirt and 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, R.C. "61." Floor Varnish Kaien Hardware Co. LAND ACT. Telephone 3 occupation Packers, intends to apply for a lease of the following described landsy I northwest corner of Lot . 1571. Q C.I.; thence east 30 chains; thence north 2 ' chains, more or less, to low water mark; I thence west following low water mark. 30 chains; thence south 2 chains, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing six (6) acres, more nr less. BOMERVIUJS CANNERY COMPANY. LIMITED. Applicant Dated August 31. 1927. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Coast District. Range 4. and situate on and being all of Bonllla Island except that portion occupied by Indian Reserve Number 18. TAKE NOTICE that I, Ole C. Austad, of Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation rancher. Intends to apply for a lease of . nie jouuwuig aefccriDca lanas: Commenclnp at a post planted at the . aoufheasterly point of Bonllla Island; ! thence northerly, westerly, southerly and easterly, following the sinuosities of the shore line, to point of commencement, excepting therefrom that portion of the laiaua occupied Dy inaian iteserve no. is, and containing one thousand acres, more or less. tf 15 Dated July; 16V 1927. OLE C. XiAND ACT AUSTAD. Applicant. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND Inrtnce Rupert Land Recording Dls-trlctifof Prince Rupert, -and- situate on Princess Royal Island at East Side Cove from Butedale Cannery. TAKE NOTICE that I. Jacob Koskl. of Butedale, B.C.. occupation a fisherman, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about 800 yards northeast of Butedale Cannery Wharf; thence east 5 chains: thence south 2 chains; thence west 5 chains; thence north 2 chains to point of commencement and containing one acre, more or less. JACOB KOSKI. Applicant. Dated Augiut 37, 1927. Prince Rupert Supply Co. 214 Fourth Street Stocks kept of -Belting, all sizes Electric Lamps Babbit Metals Solder Rubber Hose llubbcr Heels at wholesale prices Phone 68. P.O. Box 772 Wood DRY BIRCH, CEDAR AND JACK PINE Single Load .... $3,150 Double Load .$0.50 Large Sack 50 0 BUNDLES DRY KINDLING, $1.00 Phone 580 HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue 3