if fAGB SIX THE DAILY NEWS as Soma jgtnlfed PRINTING Stationery Office Supplies School Supplies Kodaksi Films Phonographs Records Novelties Dennison Goods Birthday and Every Day Cards Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) I'hone 23 1 "EASY" WASHING MAlHINE .St 10 and 1H0 ThorapsonHardware Co. Ltd. FRUIT SPECIALS An exceptionally low cut price on Mclntoch Red Apples, Fancy, per box S'J.93 Mcintosh Red, Jumble Pack, per box 2.3.3 reaches, ier crate .. $1.05 Prune, per crate .... 1.23 Preserving Pears, per box 2.83 Crab Apples, per box $2.75 Get your preserving fruit now at the above bargain prices. Mussallem Grocery COMPANY LTD. 417-123 Fifth Ave. East Phone IK and Phone 81 Prince Rupert, B.C. REDUCTION in Prices IS per cent off for two weeks only Come in and inspect our stock M. T.LEE LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S TAILGK Third Avenue P.O. Box 977 ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop in Prince Rupert as low OfTC An I. ANGER, Cutler and Designer 223 Sixth Street :former local lawyer HAS CHARGE OF CASE MJLLERD INTERESTS limit Salt Now Fradlag Is fpc $:, Ouo for Wroagfat sell are of IToal-Ing Cannery and Salmon W. E. WUltaaia of the firm of Wll-Item. Uinaoa & Oonaale m acting on behalf of the SocnemUe Cannery Oa. when It won tu ease against Um Do-m taken Flaherte DtputBtM be fare Magistrate Alexander a ad again trior Mr. Justice UaedonaM in Vancouver Mr. wiUIacns la alao on behalf of toe same cheat hriaglag action for wrong -ful sctsure of the floating cannery Laurel Waalea and for s Inure of canned aal-moti on tk dock at Prince Rupert and U rUimtac IMjOoa This cxm will likely be taken to the highest courts. Ur. Williams waa (or man- years a rentdeot of Prtnce Rupert and is weU known to most people here. CHIEF ZIBASSA IS ! TOWED INTO PORT, Canadian nh (old Morage Co. Went Adrift Near Lory Id. When Hearing Horned Out Wall towing two scows laden vita camp owtilta from Ounda Island, the Canadian Plata it OoW Sorffe OS's flab packer and towaost Chief Zlbaasa burned out her beaitngs on Saturday morning and vent adrift near Triple Ialand. Word of her plight . being brought to the city, the company boat Chief Legale and the Rupert Marine Products gasoline tug Tide Rip repaired to the scene about noon Saturday and returned about 4 o'clock Sunday morning with the broken down outfit aafely in tow. Provincial Constable George C. Ash- ton of Telegraph Creek returned ncrth in the Princess Louise Oua momine after oaring spent a couple of weeks in the city FIRST MONTH ORDERS WILL START FRIDAY. ORDER EARLY Local Green Cabbage, per lb. Or Pullet Eggs, fresh, 3 dozen for . 1.03 White Swan Soap, 25 bars for 1 .00 Pacific Milk, per case . . . 3-30 Pastry Flour, 10 lb. sack, only 03c? Malkin's Best Marmalade, 4's .39f Malkin's Best Strawberry Jam, 4's 09 e Little White Beans make bean soup, 4 lbs. for 23p Sliced Pineapple, 2s, extra spe cial, 3 tins for ."Of Malkin's Best Tea, this week only, 2 lb. for SI -'IS Hallowi Dates, 2 lb. for 23? Toilet Rolls, 25 for SI. 00 Canadian Shaker Salt 15c Red Mexican Beans and Chili Powder Tetter's Prince of Wales Assorted Sweet Biscuits, $3.50 values for $2.23 Mcintosh Apples have arrived. Get our price first Wait for Niagara Concord Grapes arriving about the 15th. Pure Red Plum Jam, 4's, 2 tins for 05r Canned Corn Special, 7 tins for SI. 00 Sunkist Oranges, 3 sizes, 48 for $1.00 36 for SI. 00 and per doz nop B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 574 JAEGER PURE WOOL Underwear For the Chilly Days Ladies' Vests.light yet warm Opera Style 1-30 Sleeveless Style 1.75 Union Suits and Bloomers in all styles JAEGER BLANKETS Two sizes, 7 or 9 lb. per pair The name "Jaeger on any article means Quality. H.S.WalIaceCo.Ltd. i 3rd Avenue and Fulton Phose 9 No more Dishpari hands Just a spoon- fill of Lux is plenty to do all the dishes and oh I how grateful your hands will be, how white and sett your skin Thm hmt thitdttu ft LUX Lent Brocacn Iimla4 Tocooco LTJO MOTORSHIP LILLEHORN REIMS TO ENGLAND sailing October I. Will be First YeMet of Season to Load lull Van comer (jraln Cargo US. LUIehorn. which came out to this coast from the Old Country two years ago aad last year, under charter to the Canadian National Coast Steamships, was engaged la coast freighting with Cast. Dan McKlnnon In command, will aall from Vancouver on October 4. returning to her English owners. Hobos. Bros. Ltd. Incidentally the LUIehorn will be the first vessel of the season to load full from Vancouver with wheat, taking a cargo of 1400 tons to the United Kingdom. PRINCE JOHN BRINGS MUCH BUND SALMON Hold of Prince John Itulglng With Cargo Loaded un (jarrn Charlottes Her holds bulging with a cargo of S40 tons of canned salmon loaded at Queen Charlotte Ialand cannery points. C-NH. stesmer Prince John. Capt. E. Mabbs. arrived in port at 12 midnight last night from Vancouver via the Ialanda. She la discharging the whole quantity here today for ahlpment south on other vessela of the line. Tonight at midnight, the Prince John wul aall making a call at Wales Island to load salmon before proceeding on her regular run to Van couver via the Islands. TENNIS SERIES It) all lieat Marentrtte In Seml-I'lual of .Men's Mngles Saturday Afternoon The city tennis championship series. Ryall beat Uarentette 6-3. 6-2 In the semi-final of the men's singles Saturday afternoon. Inclement weather prevented the finals being played yesterday but they win take place as soon as conditions become more favorable. LAND ACT. NOTICE Or INTENTION TO APPLV TO LEASE LANK ' In Atltn Land Recording Dlvtrlct of the Casslar District, and situate at the mouth of Wann River, about 500 feet easterly along the shore from the northwest corner of the Skylark Mineral Claim. TAKE NOTICE that I. Horace Mc Kaughton Fraaer. of Atlln. occupation B.C. Land Surveyor, acting as seent for the Engineer Gold Mtnw Ltd.. inc.. Intends to spply for a teste of the follow ing aescriDea Unas: Commencing at a pee, planted about 500 feet easterly along toe shore from the northwest corner of the Skylark Mineral Claim: thence northerly 225 feet: thence earterly 100 feet; thence ! southerly 150 feet, more or less, to high wsier mart: tnence westerly ioa xeet, mere or less, tc point of commencement, and containing 05 acres, more or less. ENGINEER GOLD MINES LTD.. INC. Applicant. H. McN Fraaer, Agent. Dated Auguit 9, 1927. Cash and Carry Grocery 6th Avenue and Fulton Street We sell for cash only, that's why we sell for less,',and by pur chasing your groceries from us you are able to save 25 per cent on your investment Quality is high, and prices low. Everything in store plainly marked with price tags. Come in and look things over. Seeing is believing, or phone 304. Five Dollar orders delivered free. S. II. ADAMS, Slanager. LOCAL NEWS NOTES , ! Hrv Joreph McDonald ten on the Catala last night for Anyox This afternoon's train, due from the East at SM. U reported to ke tano . J. H. Paubury salted tola morning on the Prince Charles-, for -Vancouver oa. !a business trip Cap and airs. Stobart of the Sal-vation Army left on this morals-gw Vain tor Hazelton where they w be J for a few days. . I 3. 3. Tan Valkenburg of Watan River j waa an arrival In the city fiom the I Queen Charlotte talaada on the Pi sun Jean last night. Norman Freeman, local repreaentattte of '.he International Fubertot Consents-axon sailed this morning for Ketchikan a official business. O. a Bancroft, who la tdanttfled with Stewart mining affairs, was a passeater going through on the Prince this morning bound for Vancouver. It was too wet yesterday to boat the final prize shoot of -the season of the North B.C. Regiment- Rifle Assorts tloo ao Uie event was postponed until next Sunday. j J. M. Boyd of Victoria, aidltor of i Government Assholes, U a visitor la the city on official datita. He arrived from Stewart oa the Prtnce Charles morning. Motorshlp BeUtngtoara. Cap. J. E. Anderson, arrived this morning at S o'clock from Ketchikan with a carload of bailout for transahlnmeat East over the Canadian National Railways. Clarence Martin, son of Ur. and Mrs. James Uarttn of Massett. arrived In the city from the Islands on the Prlaoe John last night and sailed on the Prince Charles this morning for Ur. Bonnie Osylor of Stewart was a passenger on the Prtnce Charles this morning bound for the south. She has not been In toe best of health lately and wttl seek medical treatment In Seattle. .Ed. Hlggins of the Guarantee Savtegs ti Loan Society, who has been a visitor In the city for the past couple of weeks on company business, returned to Vancouver on the Prince Charles this morning. C. O. Stlmpson, general manager of the Baxter Pole On, who baa been In the city for a few days following ata arrival from Vancouver, will aall tonight on the Prtnce". John for Port dements. ? Mrs. J. McLennan aad chad of Una Island. Queen Charlotte Island group. arrived In the city on the Prince John last night and sailed thts morning oa the Prince Charles for Vancouver on a holiday trip. Ur. and Mrs. Smith, who have been visiting at Premier with their son. B. F. Smith, assistant manager of the mine there, were passengers on the Prince Charles this morning returning to their home In Vancouver.- J. Uacdonald and famUv of Bueklev Bay, who have been on a trip to Vancouver, arrived from the south on the Catala yesterday afternoon and will aad tonight on the Prince John for the Queen Charlotte Islands. A. J. Mason, president of the Maaon- Rlscb Piano Co, and J. O. Whttaere, supervisor of the company's western stores, both of Toronto, sailed on the Prince Charles this morning after nav Isg spent several daya In the city. Mr. and . Mrs. W. E. Drake and son smved on the Princess Louise this morning from Vsncouver and will be here for a few days. Mr. Drake's tHK to the city being In connection with the affairs of the Edward Lipsett Oo, Ltd. Passengers tailing from here for the north on the Princess Louise this morn' Ing Included Norman Freeman. O. Strom and O. Anderson for Ketchikan; F. Belner and J. Blnet for White horse; H. Wolfram for Juneatl and O. C. Ashton fos- WrangeU. William Bowyer of San Francisco, i conductor of the Sante Fe Railroad, ar rived in the city from the south on the Prince Chsrles Saturday afternoon and after making the round trip to Stewart on the vessel, disembarked here this morning and proceeded East by train. Concluding the cases arising from recent raid made on Jhe Royal Hotel, Pete Florin. Andrew Stevenson and Os car Olsen were found guilty by Magistrate McClymont thla morning and each fined S50 for consuming liquor in other than a private guestroom, namely the basement of the boteL Mr and Mrs. W. J. Smith, who have disposed of -.a-store at Queen Charlotte City .which tbey conducted for several years, arrived In the city from the Islands on the Prince John last night and will spend a few days here before proceeding to Vancouver where tbey will probably take up future residence. Beguiled by beautiful conditions at 4 o'clock Sunday morning, a hunting party consisting of R. E. Benson. 8 tan Parker. Jimmy Parker and W. Wilkinson left aboard the Potnsettia for Tucks Inlet on bunting bent The deer proved Monday. Septer Plain Mr. York of York, Yorks., tells the boys and girls of the TASTE that set all England accLaiming and eating PLAIN YORK chocolate. jir The minute the bell rings and school SBSmSjSTT- Chill- n come, rushing uifA joyous fan trk "Ty ffvv They all uint some more mmi' PUin rorkr-it's the choc' Lite they W'fj TJj uvn't do uilhouL. umnlt'Qc 'fc-xc $ TSV l""- N Truf-t the hov arJ girts to spot anmo Ssfea s 'T&CT VvJjS&V L thing gwU And the minute they tried Ll rw f wl)vBrTl V Plain York, they sptwted the chocolate -r"A--S cVAMvW' '? LCja ' treat of a Ule-timc '3. ,-Sv VfwX. VA IttSj ? This delicious, vrlvcty-nvni-lh plain 'S'SLv A lliv" Rownrrre chocolate Is the triumph of -2S5JSgVajfc'jsOv . v ' 200 rein' experience In fine chocolate IvyV making. No wonder it is so truly " sSSfcSO T-JvX H chocolate not too bitter, not too sweet, XsjltSS' I xt Just right a perfect dream of a taste. I Try it its quality surpasses any chocxv NA good sosklng. In future tbey will study the barometer, not the sky. Saturday night about 1130 the fire department hod a call to the residence of H. Taylor. Fraaer Street, where an overheated stove had set a Ore the wallpaper in the kitchen. The room was scorched but d image was slight. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johns returned to the etty on yesterday afternoon's train after having spent a week at the D. W. Mines aa the guests of Ex-Gover nor Davis, head of the cooeern. To roach the mine, they had to travel sght miles by horseback from Cedar-vale over a mountain trail, reaching an elevation of 4400 feet . JESSIE AKKtSTED. On a writ Issued out of Admiralty court, the acheoonar Jessie, which was engaged in halibut fishing out of Prince Rupert for part of this season with Oapt. Ulke Meagher 10 command, has been arrested at Vancouver to saMafy a 207 wage otalm of the engineer. Charles Henry Doane. The Jesale only recently went south from here, aban doning, fishing because It did not pay for that type of boat. VIOLENT DEtTHS OTTAWA. Sept. 28. Violent deaths ac counted for a toll of fifteen lives' In Eastern Canada over the week-end. six In Toronto alone while Montreal and Ottawa recorded large quotas. (IRANI) CIIIEI' TEMPLAU VICTORIA, Sept. 24.-osepa Carlson of Vancouver was elected Grand Chief Templar for B.C. at the grand lodge of the I OCT. at Its cloving session Sat urday. INFANTILE P.1K.ILYMIS FER.VIE. Sept. My The first case of infantile paralysis, that of John Dre vensk. twelve years of age, was d!ag noted here Saturday. ''m VANCOCVER MAN UIE HALIFAX. Sept. 26. . Mortimer, of Vancouver, died suddenly fronS the effect of burns suffered In an explosion aboard the C.Gil il. steamer Canadian Carrier Saturday. NOVA hCOTIA JIDGE OTTAWA, Sept. 28. 8tewart Jenka, K.C. has been appointed a Judge of the supreme court of Nova Scotia. IlIKTII A daughter was bom at the Prince Rupert General Hospital. September 25. to Mr and Mrs. Walter Hume, 133 scarce and all the nimrpds got waa a 'Seventh Ave. East. WESTHOLME THEATRE MONDAY ONLY. 7 and 9 p.m. RIN-TIN-TIN In "TRACKED BY THE POLICE" JASON ROIIARDS, VIRGINIA BROWNE FA I RE, TOM SANTSCIII, DAVE MORRIS, WILFRED NORTH and others. "HILL GRIMM'S PROGRESS" SERIES No. 3 "WHEN A MAN'S A FAN" A feautrette with Al. Cooke, Kit Guard, Margaret Morris a; : all star cast. INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission ..... 35c and 10c Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinints, Boilermakers Blacksmiths. Pattern makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED fallings from Prince Kupert. lor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Swanson Itay, A I. -it lUy, etc, Tuesday, p.m. Tor VANCOCVFR, VICTORIA. Bu ted ale. Alert IU. etc, Ssturday a.m. lor PORT IPSON, ALICE ARM. ANYOX, HIEWART. Wsles Maud, fun-day, 8 pan. For Naas Itlter Points and Port Simpson. Frldsy p.m. 121 Ind Atenue. R. M. SMITH. Arent. Prtnce Rniwrt. H-t Through tlckeU sold lo Victoria and Seattle at a reduced rale and narrate checked through to desllnstlnn.